A favourite Situation Chapter 9

Story by Kendo Kawabata on SoFurry

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#9 of Favourite Situaion

A Favourite Situation Chapter 9

By Kendo Kawabata

"My friends, I would like you all too once again congratulate my son Timothy. Who has managed to complete his handlers licence, not just three months early and ahead of the rest of the class, but has received several accolades and top grades and scores from his teacher. My son has proven that he has what it takes to succeed, and he has done me proud along the way. So once again, myself and everyone else offers you their congratulations."

Thomas stood in front of his guests at his home, the party in full swing and well underway. The guests were all outside on the houses rather expansive back patio. The guests were all milling about, wearing their fancy clothing and looking like they were having a good time. Decorative lights flickered overhead, providing the light needed to illuminate the glamourous affair.

The flamedramon looked rather good in his suit, standing in a charcoal two piece with a red velvet tie. His white hair was style back in a wave that gave him an old but handsome look. A very proud smile was on his face, having stayed there since the party began well over an hour ago. He looked as proud as any father would be now that his son had completed his course, even if it was a rather different course.

Timothy stood beside him, wearing a suit that matched his father. With his own long white hair styled back in the same fashion as his father, the two of them did look as much as father and son as anyone else would. He held onto a glass of non-alcoholic drink, as his father had forbidden him to drink that night. But that didn't seem to mind him as he stood proud, gladly lapping up the attention of everybody there.

It was a mixture of his father's work acquaintances and friends, the middle class to upper society. A mixture of contacts and work dealings that anyone rich would have. Males and females of assorted species, all wearing their finest and looking for any kind of excuse to have fun.

And if having fun meant celebrating a 16-year-old getting the licence to handle a slave, they would gladly take it. As Thomas finished his speech on how proud he was of Timothy, all his guests gave a polite round of applause with smiles plastered on the face. Timothy stood proud as a Peacock would, gladly soaking in the praise from everyone there.

However, everyone there knew the situation about Matt. And not one person asked as to why Matt was not there. Just like his owner and his handler, Matt was not amongst their thoughts or their questions. Although some of them had known Matt his whole life, he was nothing more then another useless slave in their eyes.

Timothy's teacher Nelson, the big musclebound wolf that Timothy no longer had a crush on, was standing nearby looking proud of his student as well. The wolf was looking rather professional, wearing a dark navy suit, looking light he fit in easily with everyone else there.

Ever since that fateful night when Timothy had literally spilled his guts to his teacher about how he wanted to sleep with him, he had been dreading back going back to class. The thought of his teacher standing there in front of everyone and announcing what had happened to humiliate him was something that Timothy had dreaded.

But his horror thought were unfounded as it seemed that Nelson apparently could not remember a thing of what happened that night. When Timothy had shown up in class after the weekend to attend his studies, his teacher had greeted him as if nothing had changed. When he realised that Nelson was not going to spill the details on what hahd happened, Timothy felt his heart attack wear off.

However, Timothy could still rememeber the events of that night, and he had not shown any interest in trying to seduce the older hot, but straight wolf. And if Nelson had any queries as to why Timothy glared at him from his new position at the back of class, he didn't ask.

Once the general applause had died down, the guests began to drift towards the buffet that was available at the back of the deck. A large white table covered in assorted seafoods ranging from Moreton Bay Bugs, deep red tuna and very fat juicy prawns, it was a literal feast for the eyes on ice.

A table of drinks lay nearby, an assortment of liquor available for the thirsty guests. Chilled red and white wines were available, as well as champagne on ice. There was even some select vodkas and rums that you wouldn't be able to find anywhere else in the city. And it was this table that was given the most amount of attention that evening.

"Once again, I'm very proud of you Timothy" Thomas said to his son as he clapped his hand on the boys shoulder. "You didn't just finish your course early, but you finished head of the class. I am very, very proud of you" he said with a genuine smile of pride across his face.

"Dad," Timothy said with a blush on his face."Not in front of everybody else" he said with a sheepish grin. His father smiled at him. His boy always got embaressed when he gave his son the credit that he so dearly deserved.

"Hey, I'm proud of you" Thomas said with a proud smile. "And as a father, I can take pleasure in making you red in the face whenever I get the opportunity" he said with a grin as he gave his sons hair a playfull tussle.

"I'll make you pay for this later dad" Timothy promised him with a grin as he ducked his head away from his fathers hand.

"Well, you could. I'm sure you'd find a way. And I'd just take the keys for that expensive new car I recently bought you" Thomas said with a smirk on his face. Timothy smiled at his father and remained silent, although he wasn't too sure whether his father was actually joking or being serious.

But the thought was swept away as Nelson walked up to Timothy's father and shook his hand. The older flamedramon was somewhat surprised by the sudden fist pumping and he had to hold onto his wine glass to keep it steady.

"It's going to be a shame not to have Timothy in my class anymore" Nelson said with a grin as he pumped Thomas's hand rather firmly. "It's such a shame that no one else in my class has actually taken to handling like your son. Like a duck to water, he's a damn natural" Nelson said with a grin.

"Well, I'm glad that Timothy made such an impression on you" Thomas said as he managed to free his hand from the much bigger wolfs grip."I'm afraid that Timothy isn't exactly the honour roll student I would like to be, but it is nice to see that he has a class he can actually excel in."

"Well, he did more than excell. I have not seen many students with an enthusiasm for authority and discipline with the B.O.S.S." Nelson said to him."I can very easily see him joining the ranks of the B.O.S.S. once he turns 18."

"Well, I heard that it is a very lucrative career within that business. It takes a lot of people to manage such a large operation" Thomas said as he took a drink."I have to admit, I haven't really looked too much into such a career option" he admitted.

"Well, it's like any career really. You start at the bottom and you worked your way to the top" Nelson explained to him. "A lot of people don't understand it is a legitimate business, completely legal in every sense. And there are career opportunities for young people with not only an eagerness, but a genuine enthusiasm for the job."

"Take me for an example. I started out as a simple guard, and then I was promoted to being a handler and then a teacher" he said as he crossed his massive arms across his chest. Aand if I do it right, I can be promoted again to a manager. After that, who knows?" he said.

"Oh's, so there are in managerial positions available?" Thomas asked. From his tone of voice, he hadn't considered that.

"Only to those who prove themselves" Nelson said to him. "It's easy to get a handlers licence, but to be a manager at the B.O.S.S., requires lot of study and a lot of experience" he said to him. "But the B.O. S.S. is considering opening up branches in other States and expanding their territory. So there are opportunities to travel abroad and get jobs internationally" he said.

"Well, I can easily see that perhaps Timothy could get a career within the B.O.S.S. if this is true" Thomas said as he took a sip from his wineglass. "Tell me, do donations help?" He asked.

"Donations can get you anywhere everywhere else" Nelson said with a laugh."Trust me, donations, well money really, that talks within the B.O.S.S. It might not look it, but it is a very expensive business to operate" he said with a grin.

"well, I'm sure I've got some money lying around that would eventually come into use Timothy's career" Thomas said with a smile on his face. "I do have some money left over from the account I used to buy Timothy his new car" he pointed out.

Timothy was starting to feel bored with the conversation as the two adults discussed his future with the other. Now that the attention was off of him and he wasn't being the centre of everyones focus, he was finding himself tiring of the business talk. He didn't really want any part of it, as business was boring to him. He had absolutely no plans to start a job anytime soon, and did not want to talk business that night either. Not when there was a part in his honour going on.

The conversation between Thomas and Nelson continued on for several more minutes, several very long minutes in which Timothy was desperate for something stronger then his apple cider he was permitted. His wish was granted when the boring talk was thankfully broken by one of Thomas's business partners walking up.

"Thomas, good party you've got going on" the newcomer said. He was a cheetah, in a pin stripe suit and a pair of black framed glasses perched on his nose. There was some grey around his face fur and through his aging hard. He was one of Thomas' more senior partners, and had once had Thomas as a young intern. One of the business partners Timothy had grown up around.

"Thank you Charles" Thomas said with a smile to his companion. "I'm glad that you are enjoying yourself tonight. By the way, this is my sons B.O.S.S. teacher, Mr Nelson. Nelson, this is Charles, the very man who helped me get into the business world and showed me the ropes" Thomas said as he introduced the two to each other.

"Thomas, congratulations on your sons... I guess you could call it a promotion" Charles said as he raised his wineglass to Thomas. "You always did have faith that your son would achieve something. Then again, you always did that have determination about you to set a goal and achieve it" he said.

"Well, he is my only son after all" Thomas said as he placed his hand proudly back on Timothys shoulder. "I have big expectations for him, and I do promise I'm going to do whatever it takes to make sure that he achieves them" he said. "He is well on his way though" he added.

"Well, that is what any father would do" said Charles to him with a nod and a smile. "Tell me Timothy, how is the football season coming? I heard a rumour going around that your team is going to the finals soon?" he asked.

"That's right" Timothy said with a grin. "Coach has been drilling us hard, but he is making sure that we are going to get there, and that we are going to slaughter them" he said with a proud and rather smug grin on his face. "And once we beat them into submission, I'm guaranteed a sports scholarship to any college that I want to go to" he said, his smug proud grin still on his face

"Well, football really is one of the easiest ways to get into college" Charles said with a grin to him. "And I'm sure that you will get it, with your father making sure that you can and will" he pointed out as he looked back up at Thomas. "Then again, donations are the plan B to the back door of whatever we want. I did teach you that" Charles admitted.

"Funny, now that you mention it, Nelson and myself were just discussing such a subject" Thomas said with a smile. "Nelson was just explaining to me the kind of career options that Timothy can be presented with if he joined up with the bureau" Thomas explained to him. "He's certainly made an impression with his teacher, apparently he has a knack for this sort of thing" he added.

"Really? With this B.O.S.S. company?" Charles asked, looking slightly surprised that Thomas would think of such a career for his son. "Well, you are well and good to make decisions like this involving your family Thomas. But, I wouldn't be much of an old partner if I didn't give you my opinion on the matter" he said as he took a sip of his wine. "To be quite frank, I don't agree with half the things that they do, if given the rumours are true. But, to be contradictory, some of the things I cannot help but agree with too" he said.

"You mean, what we do with life sentenced prisoners?" Nelson said as he spoke up. He still had his arms crossed over his chest, but he didn't look offended that someone might disagree with his companys way of doing things.

"Well, that is one of the things I have heard rumoured about, I will admit" Charles said with a nod. "Of course, I could just be misinformed about the whole thing because it deals with the old debate on slavery" he said.

"Well, that's all how it really started in the beginning of the company" Nelson said to him as he uncrossed his arms and placed his hands in his pockets. "You see, a study was made not too long ago about prison sentences and jail life in general. Did you know, that a prisoner on a life sentence has no opportunities at rehabilitation, no helpfull courses to introduce them back into society, and they do nothing except lay in bed all day watching tv?" he asked.

"I'm afraid I must have missed that study" Charles said to him as he took a sip of his wine.

"It is true" Nelson said to him. "life prisoners can spend up to 16 hours a day, a day mind you, doing nothing more than watching TV. They have five choices for breakfast, for lunch and dinner. That is fifteen choices for meals every day" he said. "So, people who commit the worst crimes to get a life sentence really get to lie back and relax for the rest of their lives. Honestly, it is better than what any normal taxpaying free man gets nowadays" he explained.

"So, prisoners with life sentences really do have it easy?" Charles said to him. "I was under the impression they didn't" he admitted.

"Of course" Nelson said. "But really, that's what the government wants. To sentence them, but do so as human beings. Treat the worst monsters out there, as people. Well, the bureau was against that. Originally, people on life sentences, on death sentences, on people who had no chance of parole, were given exactly what they should have been given from the start. No rights and no chances" Nelson continued.

"These prisoners were forced into servitude. Made into slaves with no hope whatsoever to get out. And honestly, who was going to feel sorry for them except for a bunch of human rights activists and hippies with nothing better to do with their time?" Nelson said to him. "The things these people have done, the lives they have destroyed, who is going to feel sorry for them when they have every freedom right taken from them, and are reduced to nothing more than a thing with a name and a barcode?" Nelson said as he looked at the cheetah.

"Basically, they destroyed lives, so they have theirs taken away?" Thomas asked as he took a drink from his nearingly empty glass. Nelson nodded in agreement.

"I'm sure that there are people out there who disagree with you. These human rights activists and hippies that you speak of" Charles said to him.

"Of course there are. But they are just stupid people with nothing better to do with their time and make a big deal because the world doesn't suit their ideals" Nelson said. "But I ask you, what would you rather prefer? That the worst of the worst get to sit comfortably for the rest of their lives and have everything handed to them; or see these scumbags get every humane right removed from them and become lower then dirt, and get treated the way that the deserve to be and treated as the dirt under our boots that they are?" Nelson asked him.

"Well, I suppose if I want to be politically correct with my answer, I would have to disagree with you and spout for the fairness of the wellbeing of lawbreakers and all that" Charles says to him as he mulled his answer over as he swirled his drink in his glass. "But if I want to be an independant thinking and a person of free will, I'll have to agree with you" Charles said to him.

"That's what I thought too" Thomas said to him."The corporation might seem like it is an evil thing like most giant corporations, but in the end it is a necessary evil. Especially since our governments are becoming not only politically correct but soft on the troubles of society today" Thomas said to Charles.

"Well, I guess I can agree with that as well" Charles said as he drank the rest of his wine. "But then again there are the rumours about teenagers getting forced into servitude as well" Charles said as he turned towards Nelson. "I'm afraid I do have to bring up the subject since we are discussing this like gentlemen" he commented. Although he didn't specifically mention Matt, everybody knew what he was talking about.

"For those over the age of twenty one, it is up to the courts wether or not to assign them to us" Nelson said to Charles. "Think of it as a very hard working and punishing prison sentence. For those under the legal age, they experience a similar treatment."

"But we consider it a form of rehabilitation" Nelson said to him with a superior grin on his face as he looked down at the smaller cheetah. "Surely you know about teenagers these days, acting like they are the superior generation in the world today? Acting like the world owes them simply for waking up in the morning. Parents are far too afraid to discipline them now in case they get woken up in the middle of hte night by social services screaming child abuse. Police are powerless to do anything to treat anybody under the legal age for anything serious, even though some kids do deserve the punishement for their actions. Why, some could probably commit murder and get away with a slap on the wrist."

"So, the B.O.S.S. decided to do something about that issue? And that's where this so called 'rehabilitation' comes from?" Charles asked. Nelson nodded to him with that grin on his face.

"Kids that treat the world like its their playground and act like gangsters and gangbangers are given a very harsh dose of reality. They get shown that some people in this world will not let them get away with what they do, and they are shown that their actions do have consequences. Severe consequences. They take the world for granted and treat it like a shit hole, well they get proven that they are not the centre of the world and that they get a literal slap to the face" he said to Charles as he continued to explain with a smile.

"So, how is it exactly rehabilitation? I'm sorry if I still don't understand, but if you are putting teenagers in slavery, isn't that extreme methods?" Charles said to him.

"I'll admit, we get plenty of people who don't understand. Most likely sympathisers who think that we are going to far and would brand us monsters and the like who would enslave newborns. But we are not completely unfair" Nelson explained. "Every precaution is taken to ensure that no matter who was brought, they are looked after" he said.

"I'm afraid I do need a little more explanation" Charles admitted.

"The cut of age that we cannot go under is fourteen" Nelson said to him. " Like I said, we are not monsters. But between the ages of fourteen and twenty one, we not only need a parental authority or guardians permission to enslave them, but there has to be proof as to why. They need a record. An infringement that is serious. Shoplifting, isn't that serious. Repeat shoplifting, yes. I would have to say that the bare minimum on the level of severity would be say crashing a car while under the influence and endangering life of other people" he explained.

"Between the ages of 14 and 21, we need the parents permission, and the proof that these kids have a record or they are in danger of being repeat offenders. Once we have the proof and the permission, the parent has the right to send them to us" Nelson continued to explain.

"And they get sent there for life?" Charles asked. "Forgive me for saying, but that sounds a bit extreme for life in slavery over a few counts of shoplifting."

"No, not exactly. It's not life. Well, not exactly" Nelson explained. "Let's say I use Thomas' slave Matt as an example" Nelson said. "He was imprisoned a little over three months ago. When he has reached two years minimum in servitude, he comes up to what is called an 'evaluation' " Nelson explained. "We take a look at his performance, and the way he has been keeping himself, and whether or not Thomas is actually happy with his progress."

"See, being a slave shows these kids that there are consequences for their actions and they are literally forced to obey and behave and change themselves for the better. Once they are out, if they reach that part, you can honestly bet that they will do everything and anything to never set foot in the compound again. But it's up to their owner to decide if they go free. If Thomas feels that Matt needs more time to rehabilitate or has used his time unwisely, he will be assigned three more years."

"Another three years?" Charles said, looking surprised. "Do the minimum year increase in value, or it that up to the choice of the bureau or his owner?" He asked.

"It's the way things have been set" Nelson said to him. " We go from two years, to three, then five, then ten and then finally twenty. There are a total of five evaluation days, and it is completely up to the person who enslaved them to decide whether or not they are fully ready to become free men again" Nelson said. "And Matts evaluation day comes up in just under two years, so Thomas has the right to say whether or not Matt will be free" he said.

"Well, I have to say that I do understand the situation a little better now" Charles said as he thought it over for a moment. "But I'm afraid to say that I still don't agree with everything you just explained" he admitted.

"No offence taken" Nelson said to him. "It is every freeman's right to question the practices of any government or any bureau of whatever" Nelson said to him with a grin. "But trust me, we do not just go around and lock people up just because they might disagree with us. You can forget about that rumour" he said with a hearty laugh. Thomas and Charles ended up laughing along with him, as the three adults shared their concerns over the system that ran the slaves in their state.

"Although, tell me something Thomas" Charles said to his former business colleague." If Matt does happen to prove that he is an efficient worker in your business and in the workhouse, what are the chances of him becoming a home slave? I'm more then sure he would love to return here, even if he is no better then a maid" he asked. Thomas however shook his head.

"Oh God no" Thomas said to him. "To have Matt as a manual labourer in the workplace, that is expensive enough. To have him as a personal domicile worker here in my home, that is too much to ask. Far too expensive. I personally do not think that it is worth the money to have Matts status changed over so he can work for me as a home slave" Thomas said with a firm nod of his head.

"Well, aside from the location, what would change by you changing over his status?" Charles asked him as he wondered about it.

" I would have to do renovations around the house for starters. I would have to get the track system installed so he cannot go into areas of the house that I do not want him to go into. I would have to have the fence reinforced and adjusted in case he ever got it into his head to escape. There are security issues to consider, not to mention slave proofing the house to ensure that he is limited and controlled n everything that he does. Honestly Charles, it is simply too much of a headache for me to even consider."

"I see" Charles said with a nod to him. He said nothing for a moment or two, and then he shrugged. "Well, it's your situation and I have absolutely no reason to tell you what to do. Just as long as you are happy with how things are going, and my personal opinions don't really" he said.

"Nonsense. You're my business partner and my mentor Charles, your opinions always matter." Thomas said to him with a smile. "Just not when there are openly against me" he added with a grin on his face.

Timothy with deathly bored listening to the adults around him. With all of the guests by now digging into the free food and the free liquor, they were no longer paying attention to him. Now that the celebration part was over with, his father and his teacher and business partner all seem to want to just simply talk about business.

"Why can't I just grab a bottle from the cellar and just go back up to my room" Timothy said to himself as he started to wander off. His father didn't call after him as Timothy walked back into the house, where the guests had started to mingle and mix around with each other.

Timothy wasn't the only one becoming bored with the party and the so called celebrations. There was somebody else at that party who was tempted to simply walk out the moment that he had arrived. That person, was Luke.

During Thomas' speech about his son, Luke had been sitting in the living room by himself as he was trying to ignore what was going on. He was dressed in a nice pair of dress pants and a white shirt, but compared to everyone else at the party, he might as well have been dressed in casual garbage.

He was finding it hard to ignore the speech though, as he stared down at the little licence that had been sitting in his hand since he arrived. Both he and Timothy were licensed handlers. And his uncle damn well knew it.

The only one that Thomas seem to care about that night though, was his son. The entire party had been planned out and was designed to celebrate Timothys success and have everyone congratulate him. And not once during the entire evening or even since Luke had gotten his licence did his uncle actually congratulate him.

"I guess you need to buy your licence to actually get some recognition around here. I had to go and earn my licence like everyone else" Luke grumbled to himself as he glared at the little piece of plastic.

His teacher may have been a completely boring old bitch, but she had taken notice of his homework, not to mention the effort he had put into it. Apparently, none of the other students in her class had shown any kind of enthusiasm or indeed anything to say that they were happy to receive such a licence. According to her, they were all completely unmotivated.

Luke though, was the only one who could actually prove to her, that he actually wanted the licence even though he didn't openly display it. That was the reason she gave it to him three months early, since the rest of the class had no desire to get it really. He did find it odd that he got his licence on the same day that Timothy had.

But all his father and his uncle wanted to talk about, had nothing to do with him. It was all about Timothy. Luke glared at a couple who walked past him, almost acting he wasn't there in the first place. With a sigh and an angry shake of his head, Luke decided he needed a drink to calm himself down.

The kitchen was on the other side of the house, and as Luke scowled his way through the hall, he ended up passing by his father. Aaron was dressed in the same type of second style 'smart' clothing as his son, but no-one was regarding him as white trash.

Aaron was busy talking with one of his brothers business associates, obviously discussing some business deal or proposal. Luke stepped aside to let them pass, and they did so without looking at Luke or acknowledging that he was there. Luke shook his head with an angry scowl, if not angrier then he was five seconds ago.

Luke felt himself getting angrier and angrier by the minute. It didn't seem fair to him that his uncle was throwing a party for Timothys achievement, but Luke was getting left behind like a dirty sock. He should have been used to his uncle showing favouritism within the family, but every time it happened he just couldn't help but get angry. He fell completely like a third wheel who wasn't wanted in the slightest.

Of course, if he said anything about his uncle showing favourites, his father would most likely tan his hide and scream 'ungratefull little shit' in his face.

"I should just fucking go home" Luke said to himself as he wandered into the kitchen. Thankfully, it was empty and the only things in there were the rows of soft drinks and bottles of wines that had yet to be placed on ice, and the plates and bowls of desserts that were yet to be presented. The huge chocolate glazed cake and thick triple chocolate fudge brownies held little interest to Luke.

"Nobody gives a shit that I'm even here" he muttered angrily to himself. "No, no-one cares about me. All they care about is kissing Timothys slut ass" he growled to himself as he grabbed a bottle of soft drink and angrily twisted the top off. He was too busy being angry about the whole situation that he didn't hear Timothy walk into the kitchen until the brat spoke.

"Hey cousin" Timothy said with a happy note in his voice and a rather forced smile on his face. Luke said nothing as he realised who was behind him and continued to pour himself a drink into a glass. For a minute or two there was nothing but silence between the two of them as Luke screwed the top back on the bottle.

"Is this a party or what?" Timothy said with a big grin on his face as he reached rather forcibly around Luke and grabbed the bottle out of his hands. Luke closed his eyes as his cousin rudely ripped the bottle form his hand and he tried very hard not to swing around and slam his fist into his face.

"Yeah, a great party. For you" Luke muttered with venom in his voice as he grabbed his full glass and drank it as quick as he could. "Just another big fucking party for you to show off" he growled as he put the empty glass down.

"Seriously?" Timothy said as he stood there with the bottle in his hand, looking at his furious looking cousin. "You're bringing that bad attitude to my party? What are you, a born asshole?" he demanded as he put the bottle down rather forcibly onto the kitchen table.

"Oh fuck you" Luke said as he turned around to face his cousin. "Uncle Thomas only did this stupid party up because he's proud of you and aint proud of me" he said as he glared at his cousin. "And honestly, I can't give two shits about either this party, or about you."

"Why would he be proud of you, you loser?" Timothy said with a sneer at Luke."The only reason you pass the handlers course is because dad paid the teacher to do it. I overheard him talking to the teacher about how you were flunking and he had to bail you out, just like he did with your loser father" he said with a shit eating grin on his face.

"I earned my handlers licence" Luke snarled so loudly that a few of the guests in the nearby hall actually almost dropped their glasses in shock and surprise. Luke was fuming at the stabs against him that came from his spoilt cousins mouth. "I didn't try to sleep with the teacher to get my grades. I actually studied and I learned to become a handler" he said.

"If you actually learned ot be a handler, then why did you get it the same day I did?" Timothy said with a smirk as he placed his hands on his hips. "Oh, you actually think you earned it? You just don't want to accept that my dad had to bail you out again because you and your dad are just embarrassments to this family."

"Fuck you" Luke said in anger to Timothy. The look of fury in his eyes was getting fiercer and he could feel his blood boiling. "Just fuck you and get the fuck out of my face" he said as he almost took a swing at the spoilt brat, but managed to stop himself just in time. With a glare at Timothy Luke decided to leave the kitchen before he was unable to control himself.

"You're not going anywhere" Timothy said as he grabbed his cousin by the arm and shoved him back against the kitchen counter. On comparison, Timothy was the bigger digimon, all his training in football having bulked him up rather considerably and handling his scrawny thin cousin was an easy thing to do. "I don't give a fuck why you're in a bad mood, but I'm not going to have my shit cousin spoil my party" Timothy said angrily in his cousins face. "Now, you get on your fucking knees and apologise to me right now bitch" he demanded.

"I am not Matt" Luke said with a furious growl as he planted his hands on his cousins broad chest and shoved him backwards. Timothy looked back at him in surprise as he was shoved backwards, the look on his face suggesting that he wasn't used to being pushed away or manhandled.

"I'm not your fucking slave, I am not your fucking white trash cousin. I don't give a fuck what my dad owes your dad, but I earned my handlers licence fair and square. And when it all boils down to it, I'm a far better handler then you are" he shouted at his cousin.

As the two of them glared at each other in silence, Luke couldn't help but find it hard to believe that his cousin had changed so much over the last few months. Normally, because they were the same age and went to the same school, they had gotten along pretty decently. They weren't best of friends, but they were compatible together and towards each other.

But ever since that incident with Matt getting turned into a slave after that auto accident, it was like Timothy had gotten a superiority complex that he was all too eager to embrace. And it felt like Luke was getting pushed further and further into the background and only getting brought out when it was convenient to his uncle or to his father. Like he was the black sheep so to speak.

"You are not a better handler then me. I am Matts handler first and foremost. You're just nothing but a spare. You're like Spencer, only there because its convenient" Timothy spat at his cousin. "You don't even get hard when you're around Matt or how you treat him. You just don't have the mental power to handle it, like a noob."

"That means Jack shit" Luke growled to him angrily."I work in the warehouse five days a week for four hours each day he said. "You're there may be an hour or two twice a week. And all you do is make Matt suck your cock" he said as he pointed an accusing finger at his cousin. "I'm the one that has to help buy his food and make sure he's doing his job."

"Hey, that means I am a good handler. I can make Matt suck my cock and drink my piss like a little sissy fag anytime I want, and he'll damn well do it. You, you're just an angry little shit who can't stand that he's always going to be second place to a popular stud like me" Timothy said with a smirk on his face.

"Yeah, sure. I'd love to be you, going behind my fathers back and having sex with the football team every day after practice" Luke snapped at his cousin rather fiercely. The moment those words left Lukes mouth, the effect on his cousin was very obvious and rather instantaneous.

"What did you just say?" Timothy said, but he said it in such a quiet voice as if he couldn't believe what Luke had just spoken to him.

"I've seen you in the locker room at school during lunch, and after practice" Luke said to his cousin."I saw you and the two quarter backs of the team in the shower stall together. I saw what you three were doing, those two getting their assed fucked by you. You're dad would blow a gasket if he knew what you were doing" he said angrily.

The silence that came from Timothy actually surprised Luke. Timothy just stood there with his mouth hanging open like some great big secret had just been released out of the dead sea scrolls. Luke was a bit surprised that his cousin was being so quiet, until he started to piece it together.

"Your dad doesn't know does he?" Luke said as he felt a grin spread across his lips.

"You can't prove anything" Timothy said very quickly. Luke could actually see the desperation in Timothys eyes, and the amount of fear that was in his voice was all the proof that Luke needed to know that something was up.

"You haven't fucked Matt yet have you?" Luke said with a grin. "Your dad's paying a lot of money to have you fuck Matt instead of your teammates, but he's still a virgin, isn't he?" Luke said, the grin spreading on his face.

"You can't prove anything" Timothy snarled as he pointed at his cousin. "And you shut your fat fucking mouth" he ordered. But Luke wasn't backing down. He finally had something against his cousin that he could use to prove he wasn't the saint everyone thought he was.

"Your dad has to pay a shitload extra to have Matt listed as a sexual favour slave" Luke said. "And he's been overlooking a lot in your life because he thinks you're actually behaving. I wonder what he'd do when he realises that he's wasting money while you're fucking the nearest loose hole in the locker room" Luke said as his grin turned into a smirk.

"You wouldn't dare tell dad" Timothy said angrily, but his voice was low as the boy was visibly seething.

"Maybe I will, maybe I won't. But let me tell you buddy, I haven't forgotten that you left me in the middle of the street and made me walk home in the middle of the rain" Luke said to Timothy."I got grounded because of you, and you made everyone believe you weren't the one responsible. I guess now you'll have to start treating me a little better and not treat me like I'm Matt" he said.

"You are not going to get away with this" Timothy said in anger, but with his cousin knowing some dirt on him, he didn't dare take a swing.

"Just leave me the fuck alone and nothing happens" Luke said as he pushed his cousin out of the way and walked out of the kitchen. He didn't look back, but he was sure that Timothy was most likely standing there beaten for once.

Luke tried to avoid everybody else at the party as he made his way upstairs, wanting to just wait out the party until it was all over so he could go home and get some peace. He was still fuming though, even now knowing that he had leverage on his cousin. The fact that his family was still treating like second class was keeping him furious.

And then there was the niggling feeling that his teacher had lied to him and had actually been paid to pass him. A sense of doubt in his mind told him that it could be true, even if he hoped that Timothy had been lying just to get a rise out of him.

Somehow, he ended up sitting in Matts old bedroom, sitting on the bed and staring at the floor as he tried to calm himself down. As he took several deep breathes and managed to calm down a little, he tried to work out the information in his mind about what was going on.

If Timothy really was fucking everyone besides Matt, then his uncle did need to know. After all, he was wasting money as it was. But he didn't know what would happen if he actually told him that. Matt had been enslaved over a minor car accident. Who knew what his uncle would do to his cousin over this.

"I just want to go home" Luke said to himself as he cursed his family again. He could hear the sounds of the party down the hallway where the noise was coming up the stairs. He felt like he didn't belong, and after the display downstairs, he knew he wasn't the only one who didn't want him there.

"Luke, your uncle wants you in his office right now" Aaron said as he found his son in the room. Luke hadn't heard him coming down the hall and he actually jumped from the sudden noise in the room. Luke looked up as he saw his father standing in the doorway, an angry expression on his face and glaring down at his son.

"What is it?" Luke demanded, his anger starting to creep back into him. He didn't want to deal with his father right now, and he didn't care what he had to say.

"Just getting his office now" Aaron said angrily as he pointed down the hallway, and for a moment Luke felt actually fear replace the anger. He hated it when his father got angry, and he was always afraid of the man when he did get that angry. If there was one thing Luke couldn't stand up to, it was when his father got so angry he'd slap him.

Without saying a word, Luke walked past his angry father and made his way down the hallway. Aaron was following him, almost like he was daring Luke to turn around and run. But Luke didn't turn as he walked into his uncles office. The office was like it had always been, and like every other time Luke had been in it, his uncle was sitting behind his desk .

Thomas did not look to be in a jovial mood as he sat there with his hands pressed together under his chin in the pyramid of contemplation pose. Luke heard the door close behind him and he knew his father was standing there, right in front of it.

For a moment nothing was said as Thomas looked at his nephew in silence, his eyes gazing over the boy and looking him up and down. Luke said nothing too as he stood there, looking back at his uncle. It was then that he noticed his backpack was sitting on the desk beside his uncle. He wondered briefly why it was there. He was sure he had left it in the living room.

"Luke, Timothy has just brought something to my attention" Thomas said rather calmly as he broke the silence between the three of them. "Tell me, did you to have an argument in the kitchen?" Thomas calmly asked.

" Yeah we shared some works" Luke said, starting to feel a little confused as to why he was there, and why his backpack was there too. "Why, is Timothy saying something about me? This isn't the first time he's tried to get me into trouble over something" Luke said.

"Why do you think Timothy is getting you into trouble?" Thomas asked him as he calmly looked the boy over."I think it's odd that I ask you in here and the first thing that comes out of your mouth is that Timothy wants to get you in trouble" Thomas said to him.

"Well, it's not the first time Timothy has tried to get me into trouble for something I didn't do" Luke said to him. "He got me grounded and managed to convince my dad that it was my fault and nobody would listen to me when I said it wasn't my fault" Luke explained.

"Ah yes, that incident where you claim Timothy had abandoned you in the middle of the street after a class and made you go home in the pouring rain?" Thomas said calmly."I was under the impression that the two of you have an argument and you refused to get in the car" Thomas said, although he looked skeptical.

"That's just what Timothy wants you to think" Luke said as he felt his anger start to rise again. "I told Dad what happened and he refused to believe me. I would have told you about it, but dad hates it when I blame Timothy for anything. That's what happened last time"

"I don't care about last time Luke" Thomas said as he was still rather calm."I care about what's happened this time. Now, do you think that Timothy is trying to get you into trouble for no reason, or do you think that he is getting you into trouble because you have actually done something wrong?" Thomas asked his nephew.

"Wait, did Timothy come up here and rat me out because we had an argument in the kitchen?" Luke asked. "Hey, I'm pretty sure he must've told you some stupid shit, because I'm not the only one to blame here. I bet he didn't even tell you the things he said to me" Luke said.

"Actually, he told me everything. Every word that passed between the two of you. And I must say, I am not happy with you Luke" Thomas said. His expression turned to one of disappointment and anger, but he didn't sound any angrier than he looked.

"Wait, he told you everything and you're pissed at me?" Luke said to him, starting to feel confused as well as angry. "What did he tell you anyway?" Thomas then removed his hands from under his chin and reached across his desk and dragged the backpack in front of him.

"Timothy came up to me and showed me what you had your backpack" Thomas said as he unzipped the front of the pack."I have to say, after everything that I have done you and your father, the audacity that you have to steal from me is appaling. You have no idea how disappointed I am in you Luke" Thomas said.

"Timothy said I stole from you?" Luke said in surprise and a bit of shock as well. Whatever he had been expecting Timothy to actually say to his uncle, it's certainly wasn't this. And stealing? What kind of stupid lie was that?

"Timothy didn't just say you were stealing from your uncle" Aaron said to his son from behind. Luke turned around and looked at his father for a moment as the older male glared angrily back at him. "He didn't just say it. He proved it" Aaron said.

"He proved it? How can he prove something that's not true?" Luke said as he turned back to his uncle. He felt completely and utterly confused now as he had no idea what was really going on. But he was shocked to see his uncle pull something out of his backpack that really should not have been there at all.

"And I suppose that you don't know how this got in your backpack either?" Thomas asked as he put the large object on his desk. Luke recognised what it was right away, even though he had never seen it in his uncle's house. He had seen it last year at the Memphis International airport, in the duty free alcohol store.

It was a large golden Fabergé egg, made out of gold and precious glass. Inside that egg, it contained a very expensive bottle of brandy. Small but very very pricey. Luke didn't know how much the brandy actually cost, but he knew that the egg and the bottle both cost over $8000.

"I don't even know where the hell you keep that" Luke said as he looked from his uncle to the egg and back again."I don't even know where the heck you put it after you bought it, much less steal it from you" Luke said as he looked at his uncle.

"And I suppose Timothy put this in your backpack to frame you, just like he did when he apparently left you in the middle of the street?" Thomas asked. His voice lost the calm attitude as he glared at his nephew. There was no mistaking the anger in his voice now.

"He's setting me up again, can't you see that?" Luke said to him. "Why would I steal that from you? There's no way I can resell something that expensive without getting caught. Timothy must have stuffed it in my backpack, he knows this house better than me."

"And why would he do that?" Thomas asked, although the tone in his voice gave the impression he wasn't listening to anything Luke might happen to say. "Why would Timothy possibly set you up ?" he demanded.

"Well, he" Luke said as he started to explain, but he found that the words were caught in his throat and he found himself unable to explain. Thomas looked at his nephew as he watched the boy struggle to answer, and that was all the proof that he needed. Thomas looked over at Aaron for a moment and then looked back at his nephew.

"Luke, hand me your handlers licence" Thomas said to him as he extended his hand out to him.

"What? What for? Uncle Thomas, this is not fair" Luke said.

"I don't care if you think this is fair or not" Thomas said as he looked at his nephew."Timothy caught you stealing from my personal cellar, and now you are you trying to blame him over it. I don't care if this is fair or not, but the fact is the evidence is in your backpack, and I am inclined to believe my son over you."

"He's only doing this because I saw him fucking guys at school" Luke shouted at his uncle. It was a long shot but this was all he had to turn the situation around and aim it back at his cousin. "He's been fucking everybody else except Matt. I found out and told him I saw him and this is why he framing me. He doesn't want you to believe me so he's making me into the bad guy so you'll believe him and not me" Rick said.

"I don't believe you" Thomas said flatly to Luke. "I don't believe you because I have no reason to. I've seen your progress report at school and your behaviour there proves I don't have to believe you" Thomas said as he stood up behind his desk and glared daggers at his nephew. " I was hoping to discuss this with you in private, but since you want to continue causing trouble for me, now is as good a time as any" he said.

"Fights at school, arguments with your teachers, getting physical with other students. Not to mention your not co-operating with your teachers about your homework. I actually allowed myself to believe that you were handling your Handlers course with at least some measure of respect, but I guess I was right in getting you to pass the same time as Luke" Thomas said as he glared at his nephew. "To think you would continue to be an embarrassment with that company as well as school "he almost shouted in disgust.

"You, you really did pay my teacher to pass me" Luke said as he stared at his uncle in disbelief. So Timothy had been right. He had only passed because his uncle made him pass. As he stood there in a stunned silence trying , he wasn't sure what hurt the most at that moment. The fact that his uncle had actually paid off the teacher, or the fact that he actually believed he had earned something.

"I can't believe you paid my teacher to make me pass" Luke said as he felt himself shrink a little in every aspect as he looked at his uncle. "I actually thought....I actually thought I earned it. But...you just wanted me to pass so you wouldn't be embarrassed, just like you're embarrassed by dad" Luke said as he felt his anger rise again. He felt himself seething from rage as he wanted to jump over the desk and slam his fist into his uncles face.

"Luke, the simple fact is you have been caught stealing. The evidence is in your backpack. I believe Timothy because he is more trustworthy then you are. And you making up stories about my son sleeping with other people, just isn't going to cut it" Thomas said as he glared at his nephew.

"You're being completely unfair, you....you stinking bastard" Luke shouted at his uncle. Luke wanted to say more, he wanted to scream and vent and rage, but the furious glare from his uncle deflated whatever anger Luke was feeling as he quietened down in a hurry.

"Luke, either you hand me your handlers licence now and I'll let you keep your job, or I fire you from your job and you lose the privilege of being a handler with it. Matt is the only slave you are permitted to handle. So think about it, and think carefully. I fire you, and your handlers licence is practically useless, or I take your handlers licence and you can still keep your job" Thomas said angrily. "So either choose one, or I take it all from you" he said.

Luke looked back at his father, who was offering no assistance or help in any kind. The look on his face suggested that he had sided with his brother, and that he was not going to show any mercy towards his son. Luke turned away from his father, feeling trapped between a rock and a hard place. After waiting a few moments with neither adult willing to help him out, Luke made his decision.

"Give this back to my teacher then. I hope you get a fucking refund" Luke said as he threw his licence on his uncles desk. The little piece of plastic bounced once then fell on the carpeted floor. "I hope you get a fucking refund and the cheque bounces" he shouted angrily.

Thomas picked up the little piece of plastic from where it had fallen and slid it into a drawer in the desk. With a flick of his wrist the drawer was locked and Lukes licence was gone. Thomas looked over at Aaron and gave him a nod. Aaron nodded back and opened the door behind him.

"Luke, I've already taken the licence from you. I would like you to leave my office and my party before I take away your job. Call a taxi and go home. I don't want to see you for a while" Thomas said as he sat back in his chair Luke did look like he wanted to say something further, or even take a swing at either of them. However, not wanting to risk losing more then he already had, Luke instead turned and stormed out of the open door.

Luke said nothing as he stormed down the stairs of the house, rage written in his features as he literally pushed himself past whatever unfortunate guest happened to be in his way. More then one glass of drink was spilled as he pushed his way past whoever was in his way. And he received more then one indignant or outraged cry.

"I'm getting the fuck out of here" Luke smiled to himself as he stormed into the living room. He was so angry that he couldn't see or think straight. Wanting to vent a little, or a lot, he grabbed a couple of the couch cushions and heaved them against the wall as hard as he was able to. "Fuck fuck fuck fuck" he swore over and over again as the cushions thudded heavily against the wall.

He was still seething and fuming when he heard someone clear their throat behind him. Slowly, his fists clenched in anger, Luke turned around to see Timothy standing there in the doorway, his arms crossed and a very happy and triumphant smirk on his face.

"What, you really thought I was going to let you try and blackmail me like that?" Timothy said as he slowly walked up to his furious and angry cousin. "Go ahead. I know you want to hit me. But if you do, dad will fire you from the warehouse, and put you back in the gutter with your father where you belong" Timothy said to him.

"Just admit it Luke. You came from nothing, and you are nothing. And you'll go back to nothing and all it will take is me telling dad you looked at me funny" Timothy said with a superior smirk. "So, why don't you just leave and go back home and stay there where you belong" Timothy said as his smirk turned into a sneer as he turned and walked away from his cousin. A couple of the nearby guests saw Timothy approach and vocally expressed their congratulations towards him.

Luke wasn't sure wether or not he wanted to scream or cry. Part of him wanted to grab the coffee table and smash it over the back of his cousins head. The other part of him wanted to curl and cry for the next few hours. Struggling with his inner turmoil, Luke stormed out of the house through the front door. He slammed the wooden structure behind him hard enough to almost break the glass embedded in the door.

"I want to fucking kill him" Timothy snarled to himself as he found his hands shaking as he reached into his pocket and pulled out his cheap cellphone. He was shaking all over, wether from anger or rage or despair he wasn't sure. All he knew he was shaking and he had to take it out on something. Thankfully, his phone was charged this time around and he actually had some credit on it to call for a taxi.

"I'm going to make them all pay for this. Uncle Thomas, Timothy, Dad, all of them. I'll fucking make them pay for treating me like something they stepped in" he swore to himself as he entered the number for the cab company. "I want to fuck them all up so badly. Really, really fuck them" he promised as he brought his phone up to his ear.

As he listened to the dial tone, something began to piece together in his mind. Thomas didn't seem to want to hear that Timothy wasn't fucking Matt, but what if Matt wasn't a virgin? What if someone else got to him first? Then his uncle couldn't deny that Timothy was doing something wrong.

How much trouble would Timothy be in if, while he was off fucking the football team, someone else got Matts cherry?

"Try and explain yourself out of this one" Luke said as he heard the operator pick up on the other line.

Matt switched off his computer and sat back at his desk with a happy smile on his face. Raising his arms over his head he stretched himself out, feeling pleased and content for once. He had just had a very good chat session with the councillor Jeanne, and he felt that it had been very productive. After all, he had some good things to talk to him about.

That day was Friday. Just as his overseer Spencer had promised, his owner Thomas had permitted him to leave the warehouse and go into the city with Spencer. On business of course. It had to be a business trip otherwise he was to stay put. After making sure that all the work in the warehouse had been caught up with and everything was in its place, Matt was happy to leave on his first official outing.

Although it wasn't as glamorous as he had hoped it would be. Spencer just needed to pick up some office supplies from the local depot. Matt had to be restrained in the back of Spencers black car for the entire trip, but he knew it was required of him and Spencer didn't enjoy it anymore then Matt did. Thankfully though, Spencer didn't take Matt into the store on the leash, and he let Matt sit in the car listening to the radio.

A few people had seen him sitting the car. Most of them had ignored him and simply walked by. A few others, a couple of the younger ones, had looked into the car with the curiosity of having never seen a slave before. A couple of the older ones had banged on the window and laughed at him like he was an animal in the zoo.

They did stop very quickly when Spencer walked out of the store and threatened to run them over once he got behind the wheel. It was kind of funny to see Spencer get angry at someone else for a change. The drive back was meant to be short, but Spencer took the long way around so they had more time with each other.

The two of them had talked on the ride back, talking about anything and everything. There was no talk of B.O.S.S, no rules and regulations or discipline or anything remotely slave like. It was just the two of them talking as two normal people. And that meant more to Matt than anything else.

Although, he had did have to report to Jeanne that Spencer didn't actually talk all that much about himself. He was lightly disappointed that Spencer was rather close lipped about anything about himself. When Matt asked him about where he came from and what his previous job had been, Spencer didn't seem willing to explain. Matt decided to avoid the topic in the end as they discussed things like music on the radio and movies that Matt was probably never going to get to see.

Although, Matt was curious as to why the back of Spencers big car was full of camping equipement that looked as if it had been there for a while. He did bring up the subject as carefully as he could so Spencer didn't clam up about himself. He did end up getting an answer, but it wasn't much of one anyway.

"I had planned for a camping trip with....someone. It...just never happened" Spencer said before he changed the subject. Matt had the impression that there was more to the story then Spencer was letting on, and Spencer did seem more uncomfortable about that than anything else they had talked about. So Matt decided to leave the subject alone and just talk about something else.

Besides, he was having too good of a time actually being in the presence of someone who obviously cared for him to mess it up.

Jeanne had warned him though, not to get too friendly or too happy being around Spencer. After all, as he had put it, one you got hooked on the bliss that was the slave feeling, the deeper you sunk the harder it was to shake it off. And if Matt wasn't careful, he would start to believe he would do anything to keep that happy feeling, and that could lead to a lot of trouble.

Matt was careful to consider that, as he had been careful with everything else that was going on his life, but he honestly didn't feel like he was in any danger of it. He knew that Spencer had it in him to discipline him, and he felt that as long as he reminded himself of it, he wasn't going to fully sink into the slave feeling.

"It's nice that Jeanne is worried about me" Matt thought to himself as he watched his computer screen switch off as he finished stretching his arms above his head. "It's nice that someone does outside this place" he thought to himself as he stood up and stretched his legs a little.

He placed his hands on his chair and slid it back under the desk, taking a look around his meagre quarters to make sure that everything was in place. All three of his uniforms were clean, folded and stacked neatly beside the sink, including his public uniform. Matt had found that since everyone left and no-one usually came back, it was just easier to strip naked and wash all his clothes that way. He was getting less embarrassed about being naked in the warehouse. Although he still felt his cheeks burn sometimes.

"Guess it's bedtime for me" Matt said to himself as he walked over to his door to turn off the light in his room. His finger had just pressed against the button, and before he could turn off the light, he heard the front door of the warehouse slam open. The loud noise was enough to make Matt jump backwards in surprise.

"Who...who could that be?" Matt asked himself as he opened the door to his room and stepped out onto the staircase to get a better view of who was coming. "Maybe Spencer forgot something, or one of the guys left something behind" he thought to himself as he leaned forward a little to see who was coming.

Footsteps were quickly approaching, and it sounded like whoever it was was in a hurry. Matt was sure by now that it wasn't Spencer that was coming. Spencer wore boots, and they always gave off a heavy thumping when he walked. Whoever this was, it wasn't his overseer.

Matt was surprised to see Luke appear through the center aisles of the warehouse and walk into the loading area. Although it was surprising to see Luke in the warehouse this time of night, especially since he was dressed in what looked like smart clothing, what was more surprising was the look on his face.

"Good, you're up" Luke said as his eyes rounded on Matt and he faced him. Matt didn't say anything as he saw the look of rage and anger that was written on the boys face. Matt couldn't help but back up into the room as he saw Luke march towards him.

"Luke...Luke is something wrong...sir?" Matt asked carefully as Luke tore up the stairs and marched into the room. Luke might have been dressed in his better clothes, but there was no disguising the anger and fury that was lined on his. Matt actually started to feel a little scared. He had never seen Luke this angry before.

"Yes, something is very wrong" Luke said with an angry sneer on his face as he reached forward and grabbed Matts tracking leash. Matt froze very quickly. He had grown so used to the leash that he didn't worry about falling since there was a safety installed in it that prevented his face from being ripped out if he fell. But if someone else yanked on the leash hard enough...that was a different story.

"The problem is, is that your bitch ass is still virgin" Luke said as he saw that Matt had frozen solid and had given Luke his full attention. "Uncle Thomas is wasting a lot of money to have you listed as a sexual slave, and your cherry is still intact. Which means Timothy isn't doing his job properly" Luke said as he spat the words out.

Matt was perfectly aware that he was virgin, and that he was listed as a sexual slave. Why Timothy hadn't taken advantage of that he had no idea. But he couldn't find the voice to argue or try to reason with Luke, especially since once Luke got worked up, he didn't like to listen to said reason.

"And if Timothy was as good a handler as he thinks he is, he would have done something about it. But he's not as good as I am. So i'm going to fix it" Luke said to Matt as he pulled on the chain. Matt let out a small yelp as he was forced to look at Luke face to face. "And that means, I'm going to fuck your bitch ass since Timothy isn't going to bother" Luke snarled in Matts face.

"What?" Matt said in disbelief as he didn't quite register what Luke had just said to him. He was sure, no he was damn well praying that he had misheard his handler and that Luke hadn't said he was going to take his virginity.

Luke let go of Matts track leash just enough that he could pull away from him, but then his spare hand rose up and the back of his hand collided with the side of Matts face. The cracking of flesh on flesh was louder then expected, and the sting that it left left Matt reeling slightly.

"What, you got a problem with that? That's what you are Matt. You're a fucking bitch, and a bitch gets fucked" Luke practically spat at him as he grabbed the leash again and pulled Matt forward. Matt gasped as tears brimmed against his eyes, whimpering slightly as he felt his nose flash with pain as his skin was yanked.

"You get your bitch ass downstairs and on the punishment cross right now. And you either go down there willingly, or I drag you out there by your nose rings and I don't give a flying fuck if I pull them out" Luke snarled at him.

"Oh god, this can't be happening" Matt cried out in his mind as it sunk it. Luke didn't just look like he meant every word, he sounded like it too. How could it be that just a few hours ago he had been happy, and now he was facing the prospect of getting raped and hurt. He whimpered a little as he felt his heart race in fear, but he didn't dare argue as Luke gave an impatient yank with the leash again.

Matt gasped out in pain as his flesh burned from the sudden pull and he stumbled forward, picking himself up. He started to walk towards the door, if only to ensure that he didn't have his face ripped off by being dragged out there. He didn't know if Luke would actually do that, but he didn't dare argue and find out.

When Luke saw that Matt was heading to the door he let go of the leash and stood there watching Matt for a moment. Matt was completely naked and even with his tail curled around his leg in shame and embarrassment, and most likely fear, Luke could see that Matt had a nice high backside with just the right amount of plumpness in it. He reached down and gave his crotch a squeeze as he felt himself harden as he watched Matts butt jiggle slightly as he descended the stairs.

With his eyes firmly on Matts backside, Luke watched as Matt slowly descended the stairs and walk slowly over to the St Andrews cross that lay nearby in the loading area. Sitting next to the stairs beside a small tool cupboard, the black leather covered cross had hardly been used since it had been installed.

"Hurry it up bitch" Luke said as he saw that Matt was walking too slowly for him to stand. Although he liked the view of Matts naked backside, he wanted to get into it more then he wanted to watch it. Matt jumped slightly from the sudden bark of command from behind him and he found himself shaking all over.

Matt felt his legs start to wobble as he felt his heart race in fear. Each step he took towards the cross was getting harder and harder to take, like he was stepping on accumulating broken glass. Each step made his legs grow weaker and he was starting to pant out of panic. His throat was getting dry and he was finding it hard to move his tongue in his mouth as the texture of the organ turned to sandpaper.

"Wait, on second thought, turn around and kneel bitch" Luke said as he unzipped his pants and undid the belt. He worked his pants open and pushed them down under his backside as he started to unbutton his dress shirt. "Kneel the fuck down and open that slut mouth. Timothy uses it all the time, might as well see if practice makes perfect" he ordered as he worked his cock from his underpants.

"Oh god, oh Jesus, oh please...please don't let this happen. I'm trying so hard, please don't punish me like this anymore" Matt desperately cried out in his mind as he hoped that whatever god or great blue fairy in the sky was listening as he felt his heart race.

He swallowed a very dry lump in his throat as he looked over at Luke as he saw the boy pull his shirt off and fling it to the side. With his pants hanging open and exposing his slowly hardening cock, Matt sank to his knees feeling thoroughly intimidated. He whimpered as he felt his knees come into contact with the floor as he looked up, trying to see if there was any mercy in the teenager.

But there was no mercy in Luke's eyes as he glared down at Matt. Amongst the anger that was in Lukes mind, he believed everything that was wrong was that Matt was a virgin. If Matt wasn't a virgin, it would mean that Timothy was fucking him. And if Timothy was fucking him, Luke would not have seen him in the locker room with members of the football team.

And if Timothy wasn't fucking his teammates, Luke would have no blackmail dirt to use on his bastard cousin. And no blackmail dirt meant that Timothy didn't have to frame him .Which mean Luke would still have his licence, and he didn't have to be faced with the truth that his Uncle had zero confidence in him.

"Once I fuck you Matt, everything is going to go back to normal, only this time Uncle Thomas will see that Timothy is just a lying spoilt brat" he growled to himself as he held his length in his hand and walked over to Matt, keeping his pants on with his other hand as he stood before the quivering slave.

"Open your fucking mouth. If I feel any teeth, I'm going to knock them out" Luke threatened as he waved his hardening cock in Matts terrified face. "Remember good slaves give head, sloppy slaves bite. And sloppy slaves get the shit beaten out of them" Luke said as he glared down at the kneeling slave.

"Please..please let him cum in my mouth and get spent so he can't rape me" Matt whimpered as he obediently opened his mouth. The moment his mouth was open wide enough Luke grabbed the back of Matts head and shoved his hips forward, sinking his entire length into Matts mouth and throat. Matt struggled for a moment as he closed his eyes and focused on trying to please the angry handler.

"Yeah bitch, that's it. Work it. Get it nice and hard and wet" Luke snarled as he began to pump his cock in and out of Matt's mouth as he felt his shaft harden fully. Matt whimpered around the thick length as he kept his eyes shut, trying his best to focus on pleasuring Luke as he sucked as best he could while trying to breath through his nose.

"Please...please let him get off" Matt thought desperately as he sucked and slurped as best as he was able, feeling the head of Lukes cock jab at the back of his throat. He struggled to control his gag reflex, as he found himself starting to choke. His concentration was beginning to break as the panic of choking was making it hard to breath. He felt his throat spasm and he tried to pull away.

"Wow Matt, you're really getting into this" Luke said as he saw the way Matt was struggling. It was feeling really good on his cock, and he felt his length pulse and throb as he spurted pre into the back of Matts throat. "Yeah, you like this don't you? You really do like sucking cock like a fucking faggot" Luke growled as he closed his eyes for a moment to enjoy the pleasure.

He did open them again as he heard Matt choke and felt him struggle a bit more physically against him. He opened his eyes in surprise and looked down to see that Matt was trying to pull away and it looked like he was choking on Lukes cock.

"You're not going anywhere bitch. You get sick on me, and I swear it'll be the last thing you do" Luke snarled as he took both his hands and planted them on the sides of Matts head. Using the boys head as leverage Luke pumped his hips back and forth, his rear end flexing with each thrust. He glared down at Matt as he used his thumbs to force Matts eyes open.

What he saw in Matts eyes as Matt looked up at him, was fear. He saw nothing but fear and panic in Matts eyes, and it just made Luke all the more angrier. He was a fucking handler, and this slave bitch was supposed to be worshipping him. This little shit was supposed to be thankful that he was getting to taste his superiors cock and being able to pleasure him. But instead, he was acting like a crybaby and it was making Luke madder.

"You afraid or something bitch?" Luke demanded as he pulled Matt off his cock. Matt let out a gasp as he sucked in a deep lungful of air as he panted out loud. Saliva and pre was dripping out of his mouth and onto his chest as he reached up to wipe at his nose. He could feel it run as he had been choking, and he felt the tears in his eyes start to break free down his cheeks.

He let out a cry as his ear was twisted hard by Lukes hand and he was forced to look upwards into the face of his angry handler. Luke glared down at him, still furious and if not more angry then he had been when he walked in. With the way he was glaring he was obviously expecting an answer.

"Yes sir, I'm terrified" Matt whimpered as he couldn't bring himself to lie. "Please Luke, please don't do this to me. I don't want to be hurt" Matt found himself practically sobbing. The tears were freely flowing down his cheeks as he wiped his nose with the back of his hand. "Please look, I'm so scared right now" Matt whimpered as he looked back up at Luke. For a moment, Luke said nothing as he looked back down at the shaking digimon before him.

And then he answered him with another slap to the face. Matt cried out as he felt the sudden eruption of pain against his cheek as the force of the slap made him fall backwards, falling against the cross behind him. He didn't dare reach up to rub his cheek as he slowly lifted his head to look up at Luke.

"I'm the fucking better handler. I earned my handlers licence. You are supposed to be thankful for this" he practically shouted in Matts face. "You should be on your hands and knees kissing my feet and licking my fucking balls to show me how grateful you are that I'm even giving you the time of day. And you have the fucking nerve to say your scared of me?" Luke said as Matts pathetic whining and whimpering was doing nothing more then fuelling his anger to bigger fires.

"I'm sorry Sir" Matt whimpered as he looked down at the floor, unable to stop himself from shaking all over. His whole body was trembling and he couldn't stop himself. He found himself starting to hiccup as he looked up at Luke as he whimpered. "Please Luke, please don't hurt me."

"I'm not fucking hurting you. I'm giving you what you deserve" Luke said as he towered over Matt and glared down at him. Matt whimpered as he tried to back away, but his back pressed up against the cross. The feeling of the cold leather against his skin made Matt shiver in fear as he was literally cornered.

He did not want to be raped. He did not want his first time to end up like this. He didn't want to lose his virginity to someone in fury and rage. But he couldn't get out of this. The tracking system wouldn't allow him to go very fast, and unless he pulled the rings out of his face, he wouldn't be able to make it past the halfway mark of the warehouse. And he could only imagine what Luke would do to him if he caught up to him.

"Sir, please don't do this to me" Matt whimpered as he looked up at Luke, his body still shaking in fear. He could actually feel the sweat start to sheen on his body and run down his back as he was shaking in fear. Luke smirked down at Matt as he bent forward till he was at face level.

"What the fuck you afraid for bitch?" Luke said with a smirk on his bright face. Bright face? Matt looked at Lukes face for a moment, momentarily confused as to why Lukes face was brightly lit up the way that it was. Luke smirked back at him as he slowly pointed downwards between Matts legs. "You're fucking enjoying this" he said in a very angry whisper.

"No" Matt whispered as he realised what Luke was pointing to, but he didn't get another word out as Luke slapped him across the face again. Matt cried out as both his cheeks were burning now and the tears were making the hurt flesh start to sting.

"Don't fucking lie to me" Luke snarled as he grabbed Matt by the shoulders and hoisted him upwards. Matt felt himself get lifted into the air and pushed back against the cross, Luke so close to him that Matt felt the heat from Lukes breath wash over his face. Matt panted out of fear as he struggled to not break down and cry.

"You're just a fucking tease" Luke snarled at him. "You act like you don't want my dick, because you want your brothers cock, don't you? You don't want my cock in your slutty ass because your holding out for your brother to take your precious cherry, aren't you?" he demanded. "That's what your doing, you're fucking with me so I leave you alone so you can lie in your bed fingering yourself and moaning for Timothy to fuck you, aren't you?" he demanded as he was starting to shout in Matts face

"I'm not fucking with you Sir" Matt whimpered as he closed his eyes out of fear, only to be slapped again in the face. Matt found himself openly crying now, unable to hold himself together anymore as he found himself breaking down into a pathetic wreck.

"You are fucking with me. You're whole family is fucking with me. I earned my handlers licence, I fucking earned it. But do any of you care? No, you just want Timothy to be the best of everything and treat me like shit" Luke snarled in Matts face. "Even now your fucking with me, acting like you don't want my cock so you can have Timothy break you in" he said as he grabbed at Matts hard bright four incher.

"But your baby dick doesn't lie" Luke said with a sneer as he started to laugh a little, although it sounded like he was losing his grip as he fell deeper into his anger and his fury. "Yeah, you are enjoying this bitch. Your baby dick is hard. Nobody but a fucking slut gets turned on by getting beaten and raped" Luke said. "All you fucking slave bitches want to get really dominated and fucked, but all you ever do is act like where the fucking bad guys" he shouted in Matts face.

"Luke, I don't know what's going on, but I'm sorry if I offended you" Matt as he looked at Luke, tears streaming down his face. His voice was cracking and croaking through his rapidly drying throat. "Please, Luke. Don't do this to me...please" he said as his bottom lip trembled.

But Luke was too far gone in his anger and his fury to rationally think or realise what he was doing. All he could think of, was fucking Matt and making Timothy and the rest of his family pay for the way he had been treated. The only thing he wanted right now, was Matts cherry. And he was going to take it.

"Matt, I'm sick of looking at you cry like a pathetic baby. You can't work properly, you can't suck cock, and you can't act like a fucking slave. But I'm still going to fuck you. Now you turn around and submit to me, your handler, or I'm going to beat your ass and hang you from this cross" he threatened as he let go of Matts shoulders.

Matt felt his legs wobble and shake as he struggled to stand upright as he was let go. All he wanted to do right there and then was crawl under his bed and cry himself to sleep and hopefully wake up tomorrow and be out of his nightmare. But he had gone to bed so many times hoping to wake up and have his normal life back that he knew it wouldn't work no matter how hard he prayed.

Matt had no choice there and then. Well, he did. Either willingly turn around and surrender, or get forced into submission and get hurt. Unable to see a way out of this, Matt slowly turned around, hanging his head in shame and submission as he reached his arms up and rested them against the top of the cross. He couldn't hold back the sobs as he leant forward, resting his weight against the leather bound wood.

"That wasn't so hard now was it?" Luke said with a smirk as he saw Matt position himself in the right position. Luke smirked as he reached forward and grabbed the restraints that were resting at the top and bottom of the cross. They were really just leather bound cuffs that buckled in place to prevent said slave from moving or getting out. Matt sobbed visibly as his body shook while Luke tied the restraints around Matts wrists and ankles to secure him to his fate.

"Please Spencer, please forget something, anything, and come back" Matt whimpered to himself as he found himself staring at the shelf opposite him. His vision started to blur as the tears clogged his vision. His face was stinging as the tears coursed down his abused flesh and he felt like every breath was robbing him of energy. "Please, please rescue me. Please take me out of here Spencer" Matt whispered in-between sobs as he hung his head, unable to fight back.

"That's it bitch" Luke said with a smirk as he ignored Matts pathetic sobbing as he lifted Matt's tail out of the way. Matts unobstructed virgin rear end was presented to him, and he couldn't help but admire for the moment just how nice and tight those two round cheeks were. Like the rest of the slave, the round glutes were a brilliant blue, but the inside of the cheeks were a beautiful creamy white collar. Almost like a blue Oreo.

"That's it Matt. Just accept it. Just accept that you're about to get fucked by your better handler" Luke said as he held Matts tail out of the way. "But I don't like to be fucked with, and you teased and fucked with me from the start" he said as he slowly ran a hand over Matts rear. It was surprisingly soft and warm, the skin almost silky smooth. Luke let out a soft but admiring murr as he felt that up rear, hearing Matt whimper from the touch.

Matt let out a cry as he suddenly felt a sharp cracking slap across his backside as Lukes hand made contact with his flesh. He let out another cry as another slap connected with his other cheek, and then both of his butt cheeks began to feel the assault of Lukes hands.

"The teasing me and lying like a little bitch, I'm going to make sure you don't do it to me again" Luke snarled as he slapped and whacked Matts backside. He didn't give Matt a number to count, he didn't give him any time to get used to it. This wasn't discipline, this was punishment. And Luke was going to make sure that Matt felt every single slap and spank, and that he would feel it for a long time coming.

Crack. Whack. Kapow. Each hard slap and spank seemed to grow faster and more painfull as Lukes hands flew back and forth across Matts backside. Open hand and back hand and both at once and one of the other, it didn't matter as Matts cheeks started to turn a brilliant and painful cherry red colour.

"Payoff my fucking teacher to make me believe a lie? Get so into debt they your brother has to own my fucking life? Treat me like shit even though you're just the biggest fucking slut the world? Saving yourself for your slut brother because I'm not good enough to fuck you?" Luke screamed over and over again as he raged at Matt, his blows landing harder and harder against Matts backside.

Matt lost count of how many strikes connected with his backside, or even how long Luke managed to keep it up. But by the time the last blow struck his backside, his flesh was stinging so badly that it felt like he had been branded with a hot iron. Luke had put in so much raging anger into his strikes that Matts ass was feeling like it could very well be black and blue.

Matts throat was raw from screaming out in pain. His ears were ringing from the sound of the cracks and slaps and his own screams as he hung his head down, his vision blurred. He could see the sparkles of pain in his vision swimming in the tears that seemed to flow nonstop. With his ass burning and his body limp and defenceless, Matt just had no strength to fight back or even care.

Luke was huffing and sweating by the time he was done. Both his arms were burning as if he had done a workout on a row machine. He was feeling surprisingly calm after venting his anger out on Matts backside, and he found himself grinning from the pleasure of venting. Grinning to himself he reached forward and slid his hand up the inside of Matts thigh and grabbed at his brightly glowing hard cock.

"Your ass looks like a pair of cherries, and you're fucking hard" Luke said with a smirk as he slowly rubbed his hand back and forth on Matts sensitive length, feeling it leak over his fingers. "If it is one thing I learned in class, is that when a slave likes abuse enjoys both the pain and the pleasure that a handler or a master can give him, they get harder then a fucking rock. And you're just kidding yourself if you try and deny that you don't like this Matt. The proof is in my hand. I bet Timothy doesn't get you this hard, does he?" Luke said with a superior grin on his face.

Matt felt a deep deep well of shame rise up inside of him as he couldn't help but agree with what Luke was saying. He was heart, and he had gotten hard the moment Luke had started rough housing him. In fact, he had gotten hard anytime anybody dominated or humiliated him. Even from that the start in his fathers office, Matt had gotten hard.

"Maybe, maybe this really is my place" Matt whimpered to himself. He just didn't have the energy to fight back. Not now. And after tonight, probably not ever.

"Now, since you're in a much more serving mood right now and you're not trying to fuck with me anymore, I'm going to give you a little reward. I'm going to give you lube just to make this a little easier on you. But am still going to fuck you" Luke promised him.

Luke walked over to the tool cabinet that was beside the cross and opened it, pulling the doors apart. Inside was an array of tools to use on Matt for purposes such as this. Inside was a new pair of restraints for his arms, the movement stop butt plug and belt, several different tawses of varying thicknesses, and even a bright red ball gag and black leather mask.

Luke bent down and picked up a large bottle of lube that had been sitting on the bottom shelf ever since the cross had been installed. Hell, even the safety seal was still on it. Luke ripped open the cap and pulled the seal off.

"Just think Matt, I'm going to be the first cock you've ever had" Luke said with a grin as he started to pour the lubricant on his fingers. The lube was flavourless and odourless, just your average supermarket KY. "And even if Timothy goes and fucks you after this, you'll always remember your first. But what you're going to remember most, is how fucking good I'm going to fuck you and how much you'll love it."

Matt did not stop himself from crying in shame and humiliation as he felt Lukes slippery fingers spread his cheeks apart, exposing his tight entrance. He whimpered weakly as he felt a digit press against his entrance and slowly rub it. The cold lubricant actually felt somewhat soothing against his abused flesh and he couldn't help but give out a soft moan from the cool relief it was brining.

Then he cried out as Luke jammed his finger into Matts tight backside. Luke was not doing this for Matts pleasure, he was doing this to stretch Matt out so he didn't rip him open and tear him a new one. Luke jammed his finger in to the knuckle, making Matt cry out from the sudden and painfull intrusion as his body jerked forward.

"Come on boy. Moan for me" Luke said with a grin as he slowly pulled his finger out of Matts hole, then pressed two fingers against the puckered ring. Matt moaned almost obediently as he felt those cool slippery fingers against his abused backside, before both of them were forced into him.

Matt let out a dry and coarse scream of pain as his back hole was opened up roughly, even with the lube it still damn well hurt. Luke's fingers felt bigger than anything he had ever taken inside of him, and that was saying something considering nothing had gone inside of him. He cried out from the discomfort and from the pain as his ring was stretched open by Luke's rough fingers. Those two thick digits wiggled around inside of him like they were two wriggling worms, making Matt feel oddly uncomfortable.

"Don't get too used to this" Luke said as he shoved his fingers in knuckle deep. He slowly curled his fingers inside Matts tunnel and heard the boy gasp and let out a torment yelp of pleasure as Luke found that special spot inside of him. Matts hard bright cock throbbed and pulsed dangerously as that single act seemed almost ready to make the chastitiy device shock him.

"Please Luke, please" Matt whimpered as he felt his body squirm around the thrusting of Lukes fingers. Luke gave him no time to adjust, and gave him no small amount of mercy as he roughly finger fucked the boy without pause. Every thrusting movement made Matt's hole open up slowly, forcing him open against his will. Somehow, he didn't know where, he got the strength to speak.

"Please what?" Luke said in a sneering voice as he heard Matt whimper."Please Luke can you fuck me now? Please Luke can you fuck me like the dominant handler that you are? Please Luke make me remember you every time Timothy fucks my slave ass from now on?" Luke said in a mock baby tone of voice. "Come on Matt, beg for it. You know you want it, I know you want it, just admit you want to be fucked wide open like the little whore that you are" Luke said with a sneer as he curled his fingers in Matts backside again, causing him to buck forward as his prostate was touched.

Matt slowly lifted up his head, as his voice cracked in pain. He had to take a few deep breaths and a few sniffs to try and calm himself down enough to find the energy to speak. If this was the last time he got to beg, then he'd do it. He couldn't fight any longer and he wanted so badly to give up and give in and just get it over with. When he spoke, his voice was so quiet he was almost not heard.

"Please Luke, please don't do this to me" Matt whispered. He felt his throat burn as he spoke and he swallowed a sandpaper dry lump in his throat. "I don't want to be raped... please... you're better than this... please don't do this to me" Matt whimpered. "Please Luke....you're better then this..."

Luke stopped what he was doing as he heard just how pathetic and weak Matts voice sounded. Although Matts voice was weak and pathetic sounding, he heard every word that he said, and something in his tone of voice made him pause.

"Please Luke" Matt whimpered as he looked down at the floor, feeling the tears from trickle down his burning face. "Please don't hurt me Luke... not like this" Matt whimpered as h e hung his head in shame and defeat. "I'm sorry Luke....please....don't...."

Luke looked at Matt for a moment, hanging there on the cross with a face that was starting to swell from the slaps he had given him; hanging there from the restraints by his wrists, no energy to stand. His backside was bright cherry red, almost glowing a radiant red as a few spots on the abused flesh was starting to darken into bruising. Somehow, Matt didn't look so much of a slave now, he looked... different.

Slowly, Luke looked down as he pulled his fingers from Matt's backside, the haze of anger and calm fury starting to clear his mind. His fingers slid out with a soft slurping noise, and he let go of Matt's tail. Matts long heavy tail slumped to the ground, and it didn't move from where it landed.

Luke took a step back as he started to realise come down from his anger and fury. He looked down at his hands for a moment, and then saw something else as he looked down a little more. He wasn't hard any more. He was completely and utterly flaccid. He wasn't aroused by this at all, and when he looked back up at Matt hanging there, he didn't see a beaten slave.

He saw his beaten cousin. Who had been beaten by his own two hands.

There was silence for several minutes, two of them not daring to say anything to the other. Matt was silent, except for the soft sobbing and whimpering that was escaping his dry lips. He was aware that Luke had stepped away from him and that he had gone silent. His heart was still racing, and he was still very afraid, because now, he had no idea if Luke would explode on him or not.

Whatever anger and rage that Luke had been feeling, it was now gone. And it was slowly being replaced by something else. Something that was terrifying him, and causing him to see Matt in a whole new light that he hadn't seen before.

It was realisation.

"I... I can't do this" Luke said as he suddenly realised that there were tears streaming down his face. He brought his hand up to his face and felt the tears there. They coated his fingers and mixed in with the lube as he felt more tears drip onto his naked chest. A deep hollow feeling began to blossom in his chest, and he suddenly felt sick to his stomach as he realised just what he had been about to do.

Matt didn't say anything as he heard Luke talk behind him, and he didn't dare breathe. All he could do was simply hang there and wonder if he had actually heard what he had thought he had heard. Slowly, he managed to lift his head up a little as he sniffed a bit.

"I... I can't... I can't do this to you" Luke said as he found himself starting to cry properly. The tears just simply blossomed as they ran down his face like a small waterfall. He felt his lip tremble and his knees shake as he fully realised that he hadn't been about to rape his slave. He had been about to rape his cousin. All because of something that never truly was Matts fault.

"Matt, I'm... oh God I'm so sorry" Luke said as he as he took another step back."I can't do this to you... God, I was about to... I....I was ....oh God...I was......I almost..." Luke found himself stammering as he found himself on the verge of panicking. He found his breathing starting to quicken and shorten, his breath coming out in short gasps as his heart raced with a newfound fear.

"Luke?" Matt dared to speak in a cracked voice as he heard Luke start to hyperventilate behind him. For some reason, perhaps because the immediate threat of getting was now over with, Matt found that his heart was returning to a normal beating and he was feeling calmer by the minute. The flow of tears stopped as he was surprisingly calming down faster than he could anticipate.

"oh God, all God" Luke said as he began to full on panic as he looked around desperately, suddenly afraid that someone had seen what he had just been about to do. "I can't believe...Oh God... I was actually going to... I can't believe it" he said as he started to panted even louder, panic sweat forming on his skin. He took a step back and almost jumped out of his skin as something touched his foot, jumping from the contact he had made from his discarded shirt.

"Luke?" Matt said a little louder. Slowly he lifted his head enough that he could look over his shoulder at the panicking teenager. Behind him, he was able to see that Luke was shaking all over and he was having a hard time rebuttoning his pants up. He was looking around like a panicking animal and he looked like he was about to freak out at any given moment. And then for a moment, their eyes connected.

Matt saw the look in Lukes eyes, and although he did not know why, when Luke said that he was sorry, Matt believed him.

"Mat.. I'm sorry.. I'm really...really sorry cousin,... but I gotta.... I gotta get out of here" Luke said as he backed away from Matt, his fumbling fingers managing to zip his pants back up. The fightened panicking look on his face was so foreign and alien that Matt was actually startled to see it.

"Luke?" Matt said a little louder to him as he saw Luke back away another few steps.

"I'm sorry Matt.... but I got to get out of here" Luke said as he backed away from Matt. His eyes darted from the entrance of the warehouse back to Matt several times, and Matt knew that Luke was going to run. "I'm sorry Matt, I'm so sorry" Luke said as he turned and ran.

"Luke" Matt shouted as loud as he could, his voice cracking as he saw his cousin run away like a frightened child. "Luke" he shouted out as he heard Luke's footsteps run into the warehouse, the sounds echoing around him as he struggled against the restraints. A few moments later the exit door opened and then it slammed shut.

"Luke" Matt screamed as loud as he could as he felt his vocal cords flare up in a dry pain. But the silence that followed his cry confirmed that he was all alone in the warehouse. Tied up on the cross, naked and hurting, he had nowhere to go, and no way to call for help.

Matt was alone.

A Favourite Situation Chapter 10

A Favourite Situation Chapter 10 By Kendo Kawabata "Good morning to everyone on this beautifully sunny Saturday morning. The weather outside calls for clear skies and sun sun sun, so slip slop slap. Hey, we got some great music coming up for you,...

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A Favourite Situation Chapter 8

A Favourite Situation Chapter 8 By Kendo Kawabata "Matt seems to have a change in attitude." Thomas said to Spencer as he looked out the window of Spencer's office. The tall flamedramon had surprised Spencer that morning by way of showing up...

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A favourite Situation Chapter 7

A Favourite Situation Chapter 7 By kendo Kawabata The days were not just beginning to pass by in a blur around Matt, they already had. It had just taken him time to notice it. After the incident involving the soft drink and his cousin and the...

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