A favourite Situation Chapter 7

Story by Kendo Kawabata on SoFurry

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#7 of Favourite Situaion

A Favourite Situation Chapter 7

By kendo Kawabata

The days were not just beginning to pass by in a blur around Matt, they already had. It had just taken him time to notice it. After the incident involving the soft drink and his cousin and the subsequent punishment that came later, Matt was finding little joy to help distinguish the days as they passed by.

The days just seemed to be the same, all following the same routine with little to make anything different. If he had a watch, he could almost set his life down to the second and set a routine that would be hard to break.

Wake up. Breakfast. Shower. Dress. Work. Lunch. Work. Rest. Dinner. Shower. Sleep. Occasionally someone yelled at him now and then, maybe it was a worker. Or his handler Luke, sometimes he wasn't sure.The voices, the faces, they were hard to tell apart sometimes.

The only thing that seemed to change in any way, was the amounts of deliveries that Matt had to deal with during the day. On some days there were so few that Matt had time to do everything correctly. On other days he was so busy that he ended up working late into the evening long after everyone had already left.

A couple of times his other handler, his ex brother Timothy would arrive and make him perform in some way. Matt did have to wonder if Timothy was getting into trouble visiting the warehouse when he was supposed to be in school, but it was hard to believe that Timothy would actually get into trouble for anything.

So far, all it had been was making him swallow his urine or sucking his cock. And lately, it had been happening in front of everyone else. Matt could actually feel his face begin to burn at the embarrassment of the thought.

Everyone had to stop work and watch as Matt was made to suck off the superier male publicly to remind him of how low he really was. While it seemed to make Timothy all the more worked up and hard to make Matt submit and perform his lowly position so publicly, Matt could only try and tune out the outside world and count the seconds till it was over.

Then everyone would go back to work as if nothing had happened, while Matt had to resume his duties with either cum or urine splashed across his face. Thankfully, if it really was somehting to be thankfull for, Timothy did not seem to be interested in doing much else in front of the others. Heck, even when it was just the two of them, little changed.

Matt ay back on his bed, staring up at the ceiling with one hand on hisstomach and the other at his side. The ceiling was tiled, and each tile had a set number of holes in them in a grid like pattern. in his small amount of spare time, Matt had counted every hole ceiling. He felt it was kind of sad that he knew how many were right above him.

The room was dim, the only light coming from outside in the warehouse. His overseer Spencer, was currently in his office working on some late-night papers. Only a few lights were still left on in the warehouse, and it was bright enough to filter into Matt's room and give it a semi state of twilight.

Well, that part was a lie. There was something else that was lighting up the room and it was currently coming from his crotch. The blue lighting was coming from his, what felt like constantly hard boner, and it was bright enough to literally be a night light.

The cold showers were no longer working as well as Matt had hoped. All it seemed to do lately, was make him shiver through the day. The cold water made his length soft enough that the light would dim, but by the time he had finished dressing, he was literally sporting a flashlight from his groin.

It was utterly humiliating to be walking around with his length constantly on display in a state of arousal in a warehouse full of workers. He was slowly starting to be able to cope with it, but it was a very VERY slow progress. The only good thing that ever came out of it, was that not one of the other workers made fun of him for it.

Although Matt had to admit that the fact that they of were rather obvious in averting their gaze from him, made him all the more self aware of what was going on. It didn't really make him feel better that they were avoiding his embaressing state, it just seemed to make him more aware of how humiliating he must have looked.

Matt had the urge to touch himself as he lay there, but all he knew it would do was just further frustrate him. The previous night he had woken up with a scream as he shocked himself in his sleep, having been on the verge of cumming through a wet dream. He had woken up covered in sweat the mattress having a big wet stain on it, and his crotch shining like a diamond. He hadn't actually orgasm, but he had to spend the rest of the night trying to get comfortable with his cock demanding release.

That was after he had crawled into a fetal position on the floor and had cried untill his eyes hurt.

That morning he had approached Luke and had as politely as he could, requested that Luke give him five minutes to take care of himself. Luke had just given him a sneer and told him to fuck off before going back to work. Luke had not been in a very good mood lately, so Matt had not approached again, somewhat fearfull for his own safety. But lately Luke had seemed to be in a bad mood a matter what was going on.

Timothy had not shown up in the last few days, the last time he had had been almost a week ago. Apparently he was very busy training with his football team for an upcoming local final. And Matt had no way of contacting his owner Thomas to ask him for that five minutes.

Approaching Spencer, Matt did not want to even entertain the idea. Ever seen Spencer had given him three strikes to his backside that ended up making Matt scream in agony, he had been very reluctant to approach Spencer for anything other than something work-related.

Lately, Spencer had been picking up on a lot of Matts mistakes, which showed Matt just how much Spencer had been letting him get away with in the first place.Spencer had been correcting him with strikes across his naked backside with the pocket tawse and although it hadn't been very hard or anywhere near as painful, it just simply made Matt more uncertain about his apparent only friend.

It still stung Matt that Spencer thought more of his job and keeping it then he did for Matt's well-being, but he could not help but feel somewhat awfull for actully thinking ill of the bigger male. It actually hurt Matt in his heart to put Spencer in the category as his handlers and his owner.

Matt could swear that, when he deliberately made no attempt to do anyhting other then business related anything with the blackwargreymon, he could see actuall hurt in the males eyes. And although he shouldn't be letting it hurt him, he couldn't help but feel that he was in fact doing something wrong.

"I could really use someone to talk to right now" Matt thought to himself as he stared at the ceiling, his mind slowly counting yet again another set of tiles. He slowly rubbed his hand over his stomach feeling the developing muscles that were slowly turning into an evident sixpack.

All the constant work and heavy lifting, and no longer able to drink or eat anything that could be bad for his health, Matts physique was starting to improve. His body was losing fat in places he hadn't noticed before, and his muscles were becoming more defined. Although he was still thin and slender as he had always been.

As he lay there thinking about his desire to talk to someone who would actually listen to him, a sudden realisation him as he thought of someone he could talk to.

The day after he had contacted Jeanne, the counciler that was not associated with the B.O.S.S., Jeanne had sent an email that contained a set of dates and times, as well is a link to a chap room. Matt had clicked on the link, and found that his computer allowed the chat room to load up, unlike so many other Internet webpages.

Deciding in that moment to go for it, Matt sat up and got of his bed, standing naked for a moment before he walked over to his computer, trying hard not to rub his erection along the way. He sat down at his computer and brought up his email account, found the link and clicked on it. He checked the clock on his computer. It was around a time that Jeanne had said he would be online and available.

"I really hope you're on" Matt said to himself as he brought up the chat room. It look like any of the chat rooms that he had been on previously. Creating a username, adding a description, and then enter the room. Although this one had a warning at the top.

"All names must be fictional. All charts are not recorded, and for the safety of yourselves, do not use any actual names or actual descriptions that could identify you. I am not associated with the B.O.S.S, so please understand your owners and handlers may punish you for anything you say."

Jeanne obviously must have taken safety of his councillees seriously. Matt thought for a moment as he looked at the last warning. As far as he knew, Timothy and Luke hadn't touched his computer since it had been wiped, but then again he had no idea if there was any hacked software on his computer to monitor what he was doing.

But he did need someone to talk to, and he decided to take the risk as he typed in the name "blue boy 20". He thought for a moment and then typed in the description "blue, white, needing to talk". He didn't think anybody would be able to figure out it was him if they were in fact watching. Well, it was too late to back out now.

Matt clicked enter, and the page refreshed itself to show a list of available rooms. The first thing he noticed was that some of them where already in session, with Jeanne seemingly talking to several people at once. Although Matt could not see what they were talking about. He found a free box that had no members in it and clicked on the 'Join' button.

Now, he just had to wait.

Timothy wanted everything to be perfect that night. He had blown off football practice in order to come home and get the house in order. Thankfully, his father was out of town, yet again, on another business trip. He wanted everything to be perfect, special, and impressive to say the least. The 16-year-old boy was practically giggling all day at school untill he got home as he got the house ready to the arrival of his very special guest.

His teacher at Nelson was coming over for the evening.

Timothy looked over his reflection in the bathroom mirror, making sure that he looked as good as possible. He was wearing a pair of jeans that were just a little bit on the snug side, to help show off his in shape legs. His shirt was a size too small, feeling snug as well, but it helped outline his footballer body.

A lot of girls wanted him. It was not often you saw a good muscled sixteen year old flamedramon saving the day over and over again in every football match. Although TImothy had no time for them. He had at least two guys on the football team who liked bending over for him, and lets not forget some guys from the enemy teams liked an after game ass pounding.

He squirted a glob of hairgel into his hand and rubbed his fingers together hearing the squelching noise. He was smiling as he ran his slicked up fingers through his long white hair, ruffling his fingers against the skin on his scalp amongst his fingers as he got his hair swept up and into style.

"Really hope he likes tonight" Timothy said to himself as he picked up a comb and put some finishing touches on his look. "I'm probably going to pay for blowing off football practice, but if tonight goes as well is I hope it does, then it's going to be worth it" he thought rather smugly to himself. His coach was some 'new age' teacher and friend to eveyone. Well, friend to everyone else, doormat to Timothy.

He gave his reflection in a rather smug grin as he looked over himself one last time, making sure that everything was in place. He felt as proud as a peacock. Once he was satisfied he stopped preening himself in front of the mirror and left his bathroom.

He wore no shoes, as he preferred to be barefoot at home. Besides, shoes and socks were just yet another thing you had to take off when you stripped off. As he walked down the carpeted hallway, he stopped in front of a door and took a look inside. It was mostly out of habit, but he didn't really feel like breaking out of habit anytime soon.

The room he peered into once belonged to his brother, who was now his slave, not his brother. Matt had lived in that room ever since Timothy had been born, however, there was nothing in there to suggest that anybody lived within it at all.

All that remained in the room was a couple of items of furniture, all brand new. A bed, made up with some very bland sheets and no colour in the pattern. An empty desk sat in the corner beside the window, and a plush looking armchair sat opposite it. Other than those few basic pieces of furniture, there was no indication that anybody had ever slept in the room, or had ever lived in it.

Timothy felt no emotion as he stared into that empty room. The very same day that his brother had been carted off by the B.O.S.S, his father had called in the removalists, and they had spent the day clearing the room of everything that had belonged to Matt. Everything had been taken and stripped.

All the furniture had been removed and replaced, the walls repainted and the carpet pulled up and replaced as well. Heck, even the curtains had been replaced. The only thing that his father Thomas had kept, was Matts computer. And only after he restored it to factory settings and have everything else erased from it.

Timothy was allowed to keep a few things of Matts, but they weren't of sentimental value. He kept the large dragon statue that came with Matts Skyrim collectors edition, and a few of the other hard to find collectables, such as some rarer DVD box sets of anime and manga. There had been a very old and worn plush bunny that Matt had kept since he was a kid. Timothy had thrown it in the oven.

He didn't know what became of everything else, though Timothy honestly did not care. For all he gave a damn, it could have been thrown in the local landfill and or covered in gasoline and set on fire. As far as he was concerned, Matt did not even deserve the computer. What did slaves need with a computer anyway

Butte his father had insisted, although Timothy was basically in charge of his brother while he was enslaved, Thomas did have the final say. And there were a few things, a few mind you, that Thomas had firmly put his foot down about. The computer was one of them.

Timothy gave himself a shrug and left the room, not even bothering to look back. He wasn't in the mood to think about, or even care about his slave. In fact, he really didn't think of him as a brother any more. Hehad brielfy wondered if he ever did, but those kind of thoughts did not bother him.

He figured that it was supposed to have been a lot harder to distance himself from his brother of 16 years, but really after his first lesson at the B.O.S.S, he found it simply easy. Somebody somewhere would probably be telling him that he should feel remorse, guilt, empathy and shame for his way of thinking and behaving.

And Timothy would happily tell them to go fuck themselves.

Timothy walked into the lounge room, taking a look at the large and expansive room. The TV was on and the menu for Netflix was on the screen. His Xbox console sat on the living room table, surrounded by a several bowls of assorted chips and dip.

Timothy walked over and picked up one of the bottles of wine he had set on the table. One red, one white, one champagne, and a bottle of rather premium chocolate wine. He looked over the bottle of champagne for a moment, before he peeled the tinfoil from the covering at the top.

"I really hope he has no tolerance for alcohol" Timothy thought, a grin spreading over his face. "I really want to feel him ontop of me, and I bet drunk sex is hotter when he's too intoxicated to hold back. Mmm, I'm getting hot thinking of him naked and horny" he said to himself, his grin growing wider.

THe bottle of champagne had the higher alcohol content, so he held the bottle under his arm and wrapped his fingers around the cork and began to slowly pull. He didn't get beyond a few tugs and twists of the cork before he heard a knock on the front door.

"Yes, he is finally here" Timothy said with a rather boyish giggle as he put the bottle of champagne back on the table. He smoothed out his shirt, making sure it that he smelt okay, and slipped a hand into his back pocket. The packet of condoms was still firmly where he had wedged it, and he grinned.

If all went according to plan, he and his very sexy teacher would be fucking on the living room floor before the night was over with. And hopefully, multiple times.

"Man, I really hope he is a good fuck" Timothy said to himself as he walked to the front door of the house. The few teammates that he did sleep with on occasion, were starting to bore him, and he wanted something new.

and a very large well muscled handsome and obviously well hung wolf was going to satisfy his itch. He was been daydreaming of this ever since he had fist laid eyes on him, and had done everything he could to impress Nelson. And for extra insurance, after all, he was the school quarterback, successful, rich, and he himself was very handsome. How could his teacher possibly refuse?

"Hey Nelson, I'm glad you could make it tonight" Timothy said as he opened the door to find said wolf standing there. Bathed in the porch light at the front of the house, Nelson struck an intimidating feature. Over six feet, neary seven feet all and huge in all the right places, he was hunky as all buggery.

"I'm glad you could invite me over" Nelson said as he moved into the house. Timothy shamefully let his gaze wander over his teacher after seeing what he was dressed in. Tight black camouflage jeans, and a black sleeveless shirt that was obviously far too small for his huge torso. Every muscle under his thick dark fur was on full display for the horny teen.

"Oh, you have no idea how happy you are making me tonight" Timothy said as he quickly had to readjust his growing hardness in his jeans, before he shut the door. He let the wolf walk down the hallway, feeling his crotch start to ache as he saw just how good looking his teachers ass was.

He had to resist temptation to reah out and grab it.

It didn't take them very long, sitting there waiting, for Jeanne to answer. Matt sat up in his chair when he heard the little chime, indicating he had a message. Maybe Jeanne was not as busy with the others then Matt had first thought. He placed his hands on the keyboard and took a breath.

Jeanne: Good evening. Who is this?

Blueboy20: Hello, I'm (shit, what do I put down? I can't use my real name...think think...) I got referred to you a while back from S. You replied to me about accepting the slave situation, and then sent me an email with these times for chat.

Jeanne: Ah yes, I remember you now. I'm glad to see that you took me up on my offer to have a chat session. Please feel free to talk about anything and everything you want. There aren't any topics that I do not consider taboo. You did read the warning on the site?

Blueboy20: Yes, I did.

Jeanne: Good. I like to be carefull, but you never know who might be watching. Now, let me just bring up your email from last time.

Matt waited for a few moments, his eyes fixed on the screen as he awaited the reply. He flexed his fingers a few times, feeling slightly antsy.

Jeanne: Ah, here we go. Yes, I remember you now. Now tell me, how have things been going for you?

Bluwboy20: Okay, I guess. Not sure really what to say, or to start saying.

Jeanne: Well, let me start then. Have you tried or started to accept things the way I described?

Blueboy20: I guess I have. I know I'm not going to get out of here anytime soon, and most likely I'm going to remain a slave for a long time. I guess it is pointless for me to think that people will see me as a brother and a son again. I guess I have started to accept the situation, but it's painful.

Jeanne: Tha'ts a good start. Once you start facing reality, it may hurt a lot but you'll cope better. Pain comes before recovery.

Blueboy20: Well, I'm tired of being hurt that's for sure.

Jeanne: Yes, I can understand that. But any recovery process does have its troubles. And in your situation, carefull is mandatory. You may end up listening to anything out of desperation to feel better. Speaking of, has anyone spoken to you about the slave feeling?

Blueboy20: ?

Jeanne: Did you speak to one of the therapists from the B.O.S.S yet?

Blueboy20: Yes. His name was Tate. And it did not go well. He...seemed to only really want to hear what he wanted to hear. And he treated me light garbabe.

Jeanne: They are not really therapists. They are just young men and women, like most of their employees, whose licences and qualifications are fast tracked. They pick people who are very enthusiastic about wielding power and most likely get aroused from wiedling said power. I'm guessing this Tate person was young? Snobbish? Arrogant?

Blueboy20: All of the above. He looked like the horse from that Disney 'Spirit' movie, but he was no hero.

Jeanne: I figured. He's not a real therapist, just a kid with a piece of paper thinking he's an expert. Unlike him, I have an actual practice and qualifications. And a lot of experience.

Blueboy20: What kind?

Jeanne : I'll provide you with a link in an email so you can research me if you wish. Now, back to the topic. Did Tate mention what they call the slave feeling?

Blueboy20: I don't think he did. I think he was more interested in being a shit. What's the slave feeling anyway?

Jeanne: The slave feeling, is something that they will eventually try to talk to you about if you haven't adjusted after a certain time and continue to fight. Butt you have to be very careful with it, because it's stronger then they let on.

Blueboy20: I'm not sure I understand.

Jeanne: Let me ask you this then. Do you feel like you are being worn down every time you try to fight back, or stop trying to accept being a slave? Do you feel like you're struggling and it feels useless?

Matt had to think for a moment about that. It sounded strange to ask, but then again he wasn't a therapist or a counciller so he couldn't really point it out. It took a few minutes for him come up with his decision but he wasn't all too sure reason behind the question. Or what this feeling thing was anyway.

Blueboy20: Well, I do get worn out sometimes just thinking about it. And yeah, now that I think about it, when I started to accept it, it felt like a weight was off my shoulders.

Jeanne: The slave feeling, is a feeling you will eventually experience when you simply stop fighting your position, not just physically, but mentally.

Blueboy20: You mean, accept being a slave?

Jeanne: Yes. If you were to wake up tomorrow, and decide not to fight, decide to do everything to be a good slave and to simply accept your servitude, you will experience a flood of relief like you will have never experienced before.

Blueboy20 : Is that a bad thing? It doesn't sound bad. What kind of relief anyway?

Jeanne: Oh, its like a double edged sword. It can be good, but it is also very bad. It is a feeling of relief and submission, mixed in to create a euphoric sensation. And it can and has been a very dangerous sensation in the wrong circumstances.

Blueboy20: I'm not sure I understand. How can it be good and bad?

Jeanne: It is dangerous because it is addictive. Tell me, when you were school for instance, and you worked hard for a long time on your homework or studied so hard for a test ; That your determination to give your teacher the best home work you have ever produced or the best exam you have ever taken, that when you were done, your teacher said 'Excellent Job, 10/10', did you feel an elation so high that you wanted to keep pleasing your teacher to keep feeling that way?

Matt had to think for a moment. He had been out of school for a couple of years, and he had to think if he had ever actually felt such a relief after getting such grades. It took a few minutes to figure it out, so he gave a response.

Blueboy20: Well, I guess so. I guess there were times when I really wanted to give my teacher good grades all the time so they'd b pleased with me.

Jeanne: That is the slave feeling, although in a smaller sense. That is the feeling that they want all slaves to experience, a feeling of desire to please any freeman or master they have, and received nothing more than a small bit of praise. It is very addictive, and a lot of slaves, both legal and illegal, will do just about anything to keep getting even the smallest amounts of praise. Simply because it feels so good.

Matt sat back in his chair for a moment, as he thought about what Jeanne was saying to him. Although Tait hadn't actually mentioned this slave feeling, it did somehow makes sense that he eventually would have, if the session had drawn out any longer or better. And Matt had a sinking feeling that he was already starting to find the so-called feeling already.

Blueboy20: I think I am already feeling it. It feels good when I actually do a good job and my overseer is proud of me. It makes me feel happy that I'm pleasing him. But when I do a good job for my owner and my handlers, I don't feeling anything good.

Matt thought for a moment, as he realised he actually had something he wanted to point out to Jeanne. So he continued to type, finishing his entry with "is there a reason why Spencer makes me happier in the others do?"

It took a moment or two for Jeanne to reply. And it wasn't the response he was looking to get.

Jeanne: You need to be careful.

"This is a pretty good get up you got" Nelson said as he made his way into the living room, Timothy very eagerly following right behind. The big wolf stood in the doorway as he gazed over the rather expensive lounge, the expensive chairs, and the cinema sized television mounted on the wall.

"Hey, I'm in the rich class as you are very well aware of" Timothy said with a smirk as he looked up at the big wolf with an admiring smile. "You should know my dads loaded" he added with a smug grin.

"Well, the financial issues of other people are not my concern" Nelson said as he walked over to the table covered in snacks. He bent over slightly, giving Timothy a profile view of his muscled body from the side. "I could care less if you're rich or poor" Nelson added.

"Well, I believe that it is better to be rich" Timothy said with a smile. "Because being rich means we can have whatever we want, whenever we want" he said, his eyes trailing over the wolfs chiselled body. Man, the way those clothes fit so snugly against those big hard muscles.

"Heh, true enough" Nelson said with a grin as he reached over and picked up one of the wine bottles. He took a look at the chocolate wines label and then looked back to Timothy. "You're 16 right?" He said to him. "Your dad let you drink?"

"Umm... Yeah" Timothy said with a light shrug, although his reply was slightly hesitant. If Nelson picked up on it, he didn't reply as he looked around for a glass. He picked one up off the table, the wine glass looking somewhat small in his large hand.

"Well, if you're allowed to drink lets get to it" Nelson said as he sat on one of the chairs, pointing the bottle towards Timothy. "Fill me up" the big wolf said as he seemed to easily sink several inches into the plush cushioning as he leant back and stretched himself out, relaxed as Timothy grabbed the bottle from him.

"If tonight goes right, I damn well will" TImothy thought to himself, getting a brief image of the big wolf on all fours, his hard muscled ass up high in the air as Timothy pounded the hell out of him, hearing the big wolf whimper like an eager puppy. He shook the thought from his mind before his pants tented too far.

"You know, I'm really glad that you are my teacher" Timothy said as he took the bottle from his teacher and undid the cap. He tilted the bottle and poured the chocolatey alcohol into the glass in the wolfs hand. He made sure to fill it up well and good.

"You're welcome, and I can tell" Nelson said to him as he saw how much wine TImothy had poured into the glass. He raised an eyebrow slightly, but then shrugged it off. "You're in the front row in every class and you copy down just about everything I say. I gotta say, you seem to have a real enthusiasm for being a handler" he pointed out.

"Well, I guess it's because I have such a great teacher" Timothy said with a smile as he picked up a glass of his own. Although he turned around and bent over, raising his thick blue tail into the air enough to give just a good glimpse of his tight rear. He made sure to stay in that position for a few seconds longer then necessary before he stood up.

"If you say so" Nelson said with a smug grin on his face as he watched the smaller boy bend over rather blatantly in front of him. He got a good view of the boys tight rear in those tight pants for a moment before Timothy stood back up.

Nelson settled back and took a drink, his relaxed state giving the impression the big wolf seemed right at home sitting in an oversized chair and being waited on hand and foot. Timothy knew the Nelson had slaves use to class, although he wasn't sure if they were actually his or if they belong to the company.

"So tell me Timothy, why did you invite me over tonight?" Nelson said as he rested his glass on his thigh. Timothy poured a glass for himself, although a smaller amount for himself. The boy intended to have a clearer head then his teacher that night. He then sat down in the chair next to his teacher. It was rather apparent that even though the chairs were the same size, the occupants sizes were like chalk and cheese.

"Well, I thought I could get to know my teacher more. I mean, you are so much better than the teachers are at school, and you're actually teaching me something I'm interested in" Timothy said as he looked up at his teacher beside him. "I feel I can actually use in the real world what you teach me, and I have several times" he said to him as he sat back, holding the glass of wine in his hand.

"You think so do you?" Nelson said as he took a sip of the wine in his glass. It was rather strong and potent, with a very thick chocolate flavour and a rather rich aroma. It was obviously a better high quality of chocolate wine in lieu of the bottles you bought at a Winn Dixie. This was the type of wine that a spoilt rich child would drink that was for sure.

"Yes, you teach me a lot more then anyone else does" Timothy said as he took a rather surprisingly big gulp of wine from his glass, draining the glass in one go. He swallowed it down with a happy sigh as he looked over at his teacher. "All I learn is just pointless references to history, pointless mathematics that don't mean Jack, and the rest of the time I'm the one carrying my team. And you know what? The only class I look forward to is the one actually learn something from, and that class is yours" he said with an adoring smile.

Nelson gave another chuckle as he took another drink from his glass, smiling as he looked down at his student sitting next to him. The wine must have been strong because he was starting to feel it go straight to his head already.

"Well, I'm glad that you are learning so much" he said as he settled his glass down on his rather impressive thigh. "And you're in a team? What kind of sport do you play?" he asked.

"Football" Timothy said."I'm the quarterback, and I am the best player on my team. Coach says that if I carried the team all the way this year, then all the colleges will be lining up to hand me a full scholarship. And if I can carry them to state and beyond, I could get signed on a professional team."

"So you wanna be a pro-football player do you?" Nelson said, an amused look spreading over his face. Ah, young men and their dreams. So stupid he thought. "You know there is a low chance of that actually happening"

"What do you mean?" Timothy said as he looked up. The look on his face suggested that Timothy did not get often told that he was wrong about something."I've got my life planned out. Sure my brother being enslaved as the family bitch wasn't part of it, though I'm making do about it. I'm not gonna be held back from my own greatness because there's a bitch in the family. I get what I want" he insisted.

Nelson started to laugh at that point and he almost spilt the rest of his liquer over his lap. He had to quickly right the glass and then set it on the armrest of the chair as he calmed himself down. He then turned a little on his side so he could face the smaller boy.

"Timothy, you should always have a plan B" Nelson said to him. "Sure, it's great that you wannabe a football star, be the biggest jock on the team or whatever it is you plan to do. But tell me, what happens if you break your knee?"

"I'll just get a fixed at the hospital, spent a bit of time in physiotherapy and get back on the field" Timothy said, although he didn't sound too confident with the way his teacher was looking at him. "Then I just gotta be better then the rest of them."

"Timothy, any player who gets a serious leg injury is out for life" Nelson said with a smirk on his face. "Especially if you break your leg in the beginning of College. If that happens, no dreams of playing football will ever be real."

"I'll... I never thought about that before" Timothy said as leant forward and grabbed the wine bottle. He poured himself another generous helping of the dark liquid and sat back in his chair for a moment before he took a good drink. He sat there for a minute as he rolled the liquid around in the glass, obviously thinking about such a scenario for the first time.

"You should always have a plan B for everything" Nelson said to him, grinning abit to see the cocky look on the boys face drop like a pin. "Just because you plan for it doesn't mean it will happen. You need to have a backup plan for everything. And I think I know what your Plan B should be."

"What do you think it should be?" Timothy arcs as he looked up at his teacher. Nelson smiled at him, grinning down at the smaller boy beside him. The look that he was giving him suggested that what he was about to say should have been obvious.

"Well, since you like my classes so much and you are getting really good grades in them, and you have an enthusiasm that most are lacking, I think you should consider a career as a master."

The reply that Matt had received from Jeanne did not appear to be the reply that he had been expecting. He ended up sitting there for several minutes as he tried to wrap his mind around how to exactly be carefull, although he had no idea how or why.

He almost jumped out of his seat as he heard a slam downstairs, and for a moment he thought that Spencer had entered the bedroom. He looked over and saw that the door was still closed, but the banging noise had simply been a couple of the lights being turned off.

Wanting to make sure, Matt got out of his chair and quickly walked over to the window, the long chain attached to his face tapping awkwardly against his neck and his cheek. He brought his face to the small window in the door and peered out.

Only a couple of lights were still on, and there were all around Spencer's office. Matt could not see, but he could tell that the lights in the office was still on and Spencer was probably still in there.

"He must really be hard at work to be staying up this late" Matt thought to himself, suddenly feeling a little sorry for the bigger guy. He wasn't sure why, but the thought of Spencer down there all by himself didn't really sit well with him. He shook his head for a moment before he sat back in his chair and saw that Jeanne hadn't replied, so Matt typed in a response.

Blueboy20: What do you mean I have to be careful?

Jeanne: I can already tell that you have feelings for him, for S. And you are not the only slave out there to start bonding with one of their masters in a bid for affection.

Blueboy20 : What do you mean I have feelings for him? I'll admit he started off being nice to me, but he never said if he actually likes me or not. Spencer (oh wait, i can't use his real name ) S just said that he felt sorry for me being like this.

Jeanne: It doesn't have to be in an intimate way. How long have you been enslaved for now?

Blueboy20: About two and a half months.

Jeanne: And in those 2 ½ months, who has been the nicest person to you?

Blueboy20: That would be S.

Jeanne: And everyone else?

Matt found the answer came so easily and quickly that he found his fingers had already typed out the response before he realised he had written exactly what he wanted to say.

Blueboy20: My owner, I think he may have spoken to me for about 15 minutes in total the last 2 ½ months. My handler T, is a complete and utter bastard. L, I just don't trust him. The other workers in the warehouse, they don't openly treat me like garbage, but they don't try to be friendly.

Jeanne: I thought so. Look, in the situations such as yours, it's really no different than a hostage situation. In a hostage situation where the captive is being abused by everybody, they will seek out affection and reassurance through any type of positive interaction with the one person in the group that is actually being nice to them.

Blueboy20: You think I'm like the hostage?

Jeanne: In a similar situation. Right now, you are being abused by everybody around you, and S is the only one that is treating you in any way nice. I can already tell how well he is treating you because in your email, he was the only one you called by name. He has shown you some levels of kindness and affection, and you are desperately starting to cling to him in the hopes for more.

Matt was a little surprised to hear that. He hadn't really thought about it, but it was starting to make sense with the way Jeanne was explaining.

Blueboy20: Do you really think so?

Jeanne: Yes. If you're happy to serve Spencer and not happy to serve the others, then you could be experiencing moments of the slave feeling, and you could be clinging to him in the hopes that he will continue to give you more praise.

Blueboy20: Is this really a bad thing? I mean, could the slave feeling be good if the master is good?

Jeanne : In a matter speaking, yes. In the case of me and my boys, yes. The slave feeling would be and is perfect for them. But in your case, no. And that is why you need to be carefull, even if S is being kind to you. Slaves in your position, sometimes end up reaching out to the wrong person.

Blueboy20: It's happened before?

Jeanne: Yes. One example I can give you, was I had been speaking to a very depressed Fox working in a cannery by the coast. One of the floormen, he said treated him like a second son and he was grateful to recieve such affection. The Fox admitted in an email that, during a lunch break, he left a mouth full of water in his glass before handing it in for cleaning. The floorman he thought of so highly grabbed him by the back of the head quite literally slammed him face first onto the table and beat his backside black and blue.

During the 'punishment', he screamed at him, calling him an ungrateful bastard and disobedient slave in front of everybody that was there. And when he let him go, he literally kicked him untill the fox finished his drink. What really hurt the Fox was the fact that the man he admired did it without hesitation and actually hurt him. And then when it was over, acted like it had been in the foxes own best interests.

Matt stared at that response for a few minutes, trying to take in what was just written.But it was a lot easier to take in when he realised that the same thing happened to him. He had looked up to Spencer, and Spencer did not hesitate to strike him when he needed to be. He could actually relate to what Jeanne was saying, and it kind of scared him a little.

Blueboy20: Is he okay?

Jeanen: I'm still working with him, but he is doing a lot better. He is still very depressed though, but that is to be expected in situations like this. However, he doesn't trust so easily anymore and that is a good thing in my opinion.

Blueboy20: So, do you think I should be careful with Spencer?

There was no immediate reply, and Matt felt his heart beginning to hammer a little faster as the first minute past, and then the second. It was when the third and the fourth minute past that he realised he was starting to get anxious.

As the minutes began to tick by and he got no response from Jeanne, he began to wonder just what was so hard to answer about that question, and the thought about what the answer could possibly be that could not sit well with him.

Timothy was starting to get a bit antsy. So far, things were going slowly. But the slow part was not going as fast as he wanted it to go. For all of his expectations, he should have been in bed with his teacher by now making it rock beyond its capabilities.

But Nelson had requested the TV be turned on and had channel surfed through Netflix for a while before settling on some program that Timothy had never seen before. And probably would never watch again. And for the last hour or so, Timothy had been sitting back watching and waiting for his teacher to get drunk enough for him to actually start something.

"Seriously, you have never seen this TV show before?" Nelson said as he settled on a TV show called 'Man VS Food'. "You really should give it a go. This is like the best, well one of the best man shows around."

"No, I have never seen this before" Timothy said as he looked down at the glass in his hand. He was still on his second refill, but the bottle was nearly half empty. Or maybe it was below that, he wasn't really paying attention. Nelson had drunk most of the chocolate wine, but the wolf seemed only slightly tipsy, and that was not what Timothy wanted.

"Well, it's damn brilliant" Nelson said with a grin as he took a drink of his wine. The big wolf smacked his lips together and put the glass down on the floor as he watched his program. His eyes started to blink a little, and a little more often then needed.

Timothy rolled his eyes as the host of the show, some Bear, attempted a food challenge in a seafood restaurant in New Orleans. The challenge was to eat 15 plates of oysters in less than an hour. The bearer was currently working the restaurant crowd to cheer behind him before he started his challenge.

"Here, let me get you another drink" Timothy said as he stood up. At least he could actually see if he got his target drunk enough to do anything. He walked over to the table and grabbed the bottle of chocolate wine, making sure that he bent over enough to display his backside again. He could feel the material stretch slightly to reveal his curves.

But his smile left his face when he heard a laugh behind him and he quickly stood up, thinking that Nelson had laughed at his backside. No-one had ever done that before.

But his face burned red a little in anger as he realise that Nelson had not paid even the slightest bit of attention to him. The big wolf was watching the tv and laughing as the bear was shovelling oysters down his throat at record speed. Timothy sighed and shook his head, feeling himself starting to get frustrated.

Clearly, he was not used to not being paid attention to.

"What the hell am I doing wrong?" Timothy said to himself. He had never had to try this hard to get someone to drop their pants before. But then again he was used to working with stupid idiots on his football team who idolised him and would do anything he said.

"How about you get some of those chips" Nelson suggested as he pointed to the bag of chicken and waffle flavoured chips. Timothy sighed as he put his glass and the bottle back down on the table and picked up the bowl of chips. He handed it to his teacher, then sat back down in his chair with a frustrated sigh.

Nelson did not seem to notice Timothy's frustration, as he grabbed a handful of chips and promptly devoured them. He continued to feed chips into his hungry mouth a handful at a time, without dropping a single crumb.

"Man, drinking really does get me hungry" Nelson said. "And the TV show really ain't helping" he added as he dropped the empty bowl onto the ground."Still, it could possibly be worse for me" he said.

"How could it be worse" Timothy said, as he found himself not really willing to listen at this point. His hopes of getting into bed with his teacher were starting to crash around him and he wasn't feeling very chatty. Without the focus of sex to look forward to, he was losing rapid interest in everything round him.

"Well," Nelson said as he looked over at the disappointed teen. He had to shake his head once or twice as he felt the affects of the alcohol start to affect him further. "Sometimes when I drink too much, I get really really horny" Nelson admitted. He licked his lips as he felt himself slurr his words a little.

Timothy had an urge to simply jump out of his chair when he heard that, and all thoughts of his night getting lousy were thronwn out of the window. He did have to restrain himself in his chair as he looked over at his teacher, a brief thought entering his mind that he may have misheard him.

"Wait, getting drunk gets you horny?" he asked, a lot of hope and eagerness in his voice.

"Yeah" Nelson said as he looked back at the teen for a moment, then shook his head a few times. "Think that wine must be more potent then I thought. It's been hitting me during the show" he admitted as he rather obviously and in full view of the teen gave his impressive bulge a firm squeeze with his hand. "Sometimes I just get so boned up when I drink I gotta jump the next person next to me" he said with a grin that was starting to get a little lopsided.

Timothy could feel his smile start to creep over his face as he realised just what his teacher was saying. He actually licked his lips as he watched the wolf next to him. As his teacher removed his hand from his crotch, Timothy could see that the bulge had gotten bigger.

"Wow, I didn't know that" Timothy said as he felt his hopes start to rise up."I always thought people got flaccid went drunk" he said. If his teacher was really getting horned up after drinking, YES.

"Yeah" Nelson said as he kept his eyes fixated on the TV screen, his hand going back to his crotch to give it another squeeze."I get really horned up when I get drunk" he said with a grin. "That's why I don't drink too often. And my tolerance with alcohol is like, really really low" he confessed.

"Wow" Timothy said as he carefully stood up and made his way over to the table. His hand encircled the bottle of wine, and he pulled back and sat in his seat again. He carefully and slowly refilled his teachers glass while the big wolf was watching this TV.

"Yeah, this is like the most drinking I have done in the last couple of months" Nelson admitted as he kept his hand on his crotch, the alcohol working through with system to the point where he wasn't all that focused on the show. To grope himself in front of an underage teenager was something that most adults would never do.

But Nelson was not like most adults that Timothy knew. And he kept his eyes fixated on the groping motion of his teachers hand. He was sure that he could see the bulge shift and start to move down the side of the wolfs thigh.

Nelson sat back and his eyes started to grow a little lidded. His breathing was starting to pick up a little in that case, and it was getting a little louder as his arousal was starting to grow. Timothy got an idea as he reached behind the chair to where the air conditioner controls were. A few pushes of his fingers sent the room temperature up a few degrees, and he could feel the heat start to work immediately into the room.

"Is it getting hotter in here?" Nelson said as he looked over at Timothy after a few minutes.

"No, it's the same" Timothy said with a grin as he pushed the full glass into Nelson's hand. "Here, finish your drink" he said with a grin spread across his face.

"Did you refill my glass?" Nelson asked as he saw the full brown liquid in the glass that was being handed to him.

"No, you haven't finished your drink, that's all" Timothy said as he gave his lips a lick. Nelson looked at him with a funny expression for a few moments, before he took the full glass and brought it back to lips. His hand had to come off his crotch to grab the glass, and Timothy was rewarded with a very good view of his teachers hardened bulge.

It took several moments, or maybe it was a couple of minutes, Timothy wasn't sure, for Nelson to finish draining the glass. But since it was a full glass, the extra added alcohol went straight to his teachers head and the wolf was starting to stare a bit lopsided at the TV when he was done.

As the room got warmer, Timothy could start to smell his teacher's musk as the wolf started to sweat slightly. Obviously, Nelson was definitely getting aroused as he was starting to sweat more than Timothy was, who didn't feel anything from the increased room temperature.

"Man, it really is getting hot in here" Nelson said as he brought his hand up to wipe the back of his forehead. He looked a little more flushed then he had a while ago, and his hand went back to his crotch to readjust the growing snake against his thigh.

"Well, why don't you take your shirt off and get more comfortable?" Timothy said with a grin. He had to reach down and adjust himself as he felt his own arousal grow as he realised his plan was really starting to take effect.

"Yeah, okay" Nelson said as he slowly stood up, pulling his huge bulky body from the chair. Timothy sat as still as he could, his eyes glued to his teachers large back. Nelson pulled his shirt from his pants and slowly began to pull the material upwards.

Timothy was hit with a wave of musk and scents that erupted from his teachers back, and struck him square in the face. He had to bite his lip and suppress a large moan as he felt his own crotch bulge harder as he saw his teachers large muscles get revealed as the material moved upwards.

Nelson pulled the shirt over his head and the Wolf was fully exposed, the hard and strong looking muscles buried under a thick pelt, slightly shiny from his sweating. The Wolf dropped the shirt onto the floor and gave his arms a quick flexing to stretch them out, his tail wagging over his very impressive rear.

Timothy swallowed a very large lump in his throat as he couldn't help but admire and lust over his teachers body. Then Nelson turned around and Timothy had to suppress a gasp.

Nelson's torso was a sculpted dream of muscles. His pelt was beautiful and shiny from the sweat it had accumulated, and it only helped to define his muscles. A tight impressive six, no eight pack of hard abdominal muscles lay under two chiselled slabs of pectoral muscles. The way his pants were hung low over his hips gave a brief glimpse of a patch of thick pubic fur located under his navel.

"man, that feels a lot better" Nelson said as he went to sit back. He ended up stumbling slightly as he tried to find the chair again, and Timothy realised that Nelson really was well on the way to being drunk. He was sick of waiting and he had to act fast if he was going to get anywhere.

"Wait" Timothy said, a little louder than he anticipated.

Nelson looked at him with a surprised and confused look on his face as he hadn't expect the teen to almost shout. But he didn't say anything as he stared at the teenager in the chair, the TV show completely forgotten behind him. Timothy looked up as he saw his teacher sway slightly in front of him, and he felt his heart rate start to increase as he found his voice again.

"If...if you're really really hot, why dont' you take off your pants and get really cooled down?" he asked in a slow and carefull tone of voice.

Nelson looked at a few moments with a quizzical and lopsided look on his face. He was really getting under the influence of the alcohol now.

"It's only the two of us here" Timothy said as he gestured to the empty room. "And I do want you to be comfortable. You're the guest in my house, and it's not like I haven't seen another guy in just his underwear before" Timothy said.

Nelson didn't say anything as he stood there swaying slightly on the spot as he seemed to consider the option. Timothy could not help his eyes as they roamed over the impressive studbefore him, more than a few glances going to the wolfs bulging thigh bulge. He swore he could see it twitch to the idea of stipping down and grow another inch or two. He wondered just what kind of underwear could possibly stretch that far.

"Oh shit, what if he's going commando?" Timothy thought, almost wanting to squeal at the idea.

"Yeah, that feels like a good idea" Nelson said his hands went to the belt buckle on his belt. Timothy wanted to squeal into his hands as he watched the wolf start to strip off. But it looked like he was going to have to wait a little longer as Nelson fumbled for a moment, as he seemed to have a bit of trouble taking his belt off.

"Here, let me help" Timothy said as he stood up a bit too eagerly. Nelson looked a little surprised to it, but in his drunken state he didn't really register the fact that this 16-year-old kid was asking to take his pants off. All he knew at that moment was that he was hot, bothered and horny and he couldn't get his pants off.

"Okay" Nelson managed to mumble out as he dropped his hands to his side. Timothy had to suppress the urge to literally squeal out like a girl as he realised he could finally get his hands on his teacher, and get things rolling. Slowly, he knelt before his teacher, his head coming level with the wolfs crotch.

His hands were actually shaking as he reached forward and slowly cooked his fingers into the thick heavy belt. He felt his heart hammering in his chest rather heavily, and he had to lick his lips as they suddenly became dry.

"This is it" Timothy thought as he managed to unhook the belt and slowly start to slide out of his teachers parents. Kneeling on the floor before him and working belt out of the parents, Timothy swore he saw that bulge get bigger and bigger with each passing moment. The wolfs breathing was getting heavier and Timothy could smell the musk from his teachers arousal get heavier in the air before him.

Timothy had just got his fingers around the button above the zipper when he heard a noise. A low musical tune broke through his thoughts and he almost jumped back in surprise when he heard it. It took him a moment or two to realise that it was a ringtone coming from the right pocket.

"Hang on, let me get this" Nelson said as he put a hand on Timothys head and a bit more forcibly than he intended to, pushed the boy back on his butt. Timothy landed with an oomph as he saw the teacher reach into his pocket and pull out an iPhone.

"You have got to be kidding" Timothy said to himself in anger.

Jeanne : Sorry about that. One of my boys wet the bed and I had to go calm him down as well as change his bed sheets.

Matt had been looking out of the window of his door into the warehouse. The lights around Spencers office were still on, which meant he hadn't left yet. Matt had been running everything that Jeanne had been saying through his head while he waited for a reply.

He could not really say it, but the conversation was not turning out like he had hoped. Jeanne was helping him by giving him someone to talk to, and Matt did feel better by talking to him about how he was feeling.

But Jeanne was, at the same time, telling him to be carefull and basically not trust anyone, including the one person who had been anywhere near kind to him during his servitude. From what Jeanne was saying, looking for kindness and happiness in slavery was addicting, and it sounded like you could sink deep into it the more you looked for it.

But at the same time, he was feeling bad that the idea of no longer trusting Spencer was hurting him. Right in his chest. Right over his heart. It was a hollow empty feeling that he was experiecnging, and it was hurting him badly.

It wasn't just the fact that he had basically been avoiding and distrusting Spencer up to now. It was the fact that he should continue it and just basically shut himself out and away from everyone.

It was hurting so bad that he wanted to cry again.

He heard the chime on the computer and he took one last look through the window before he turned around. He made his way back to his computer and sat back in the chair, still naked and still hard and shining.

Blueboy20: You have a boy? Is he your son?

Jeanne : No, I have two slave boys. Well, I call them my boys. They're old enough to be adults, but its a complicated situation for us three. Leon and Garu, they are complicated enough on their own right.

Blueboy20: What do you mean?

Jeanne : I can explain it to you another time if you wish, but right now we're talking about you. Plus, it is a very long story, and while I am partly insomniac and have no trouble staying up late, I can't talk all night.

Blueboy20 : Ok.

Jeanne : Now, to answer your question, I do think you should be careful. How careful, it's up to you.

Blueboy20: What do you mean? I thought you were saying that I shouldn't really trust anyone.

Jeanne: I didn't actually say that you can't or shouldn't trust anyone. You just have to be careful with who you actually can trust. And ultimately, that decision is up to you.

Blueboy20: I'm not sure I follow.

Jeanne : I would not trust anyone associated with the B.O.S.S, because honestly, I disagree with a lot of the way they are running and doing things. Some of their policies, I will have to say, I can agree with. But even saying that, I wouldn't trust them at all.

However, that doesn't mean that you can't choose to trust someone who isn't actually with the corporation or isn't like any of the people you have been associated with yet. If S seems alright to you and you want to trust him, that is up to you.

But, in saying that, you have to understand why you are trusting him and making sure that you are trusting him for the right reasons.

Blueboy20 : So, I can trust him?

Jeanne : The slave feeling is one of the most addictive things in the world. It is a euphoric feeling that gets better everytime you get it, and you yearn for more each time. But it dangerous at the same time.

I have seen slaves who embrace this feeling and who can never escape from it. They sink so deeply into this feeling, usually after a long time of abuse and hardship, that they've drowned in it permanently.

They end up no longer wishing for freedom and they would literally do anything for their masters and owners just for a bit of praise. And they can't see that their masters and owners are cruel sadists who take complete and utter advantage over them.

Blueboy20 : That's horrible. Could that happen to me?

Jeanne : As I said, it can be a good thing. But only if you don't keep a level head. You have accepted that you now a slave in this situation, but you haven't accepted being one for your current handlers and owner.

If you do wish to keep trusting S and have him be the one you get some measure of happiness and even relief from, that is completely up to you. But you have to be aware of the dangers that can come from such a feeling.

Is S really someone who is not only someone you can trust, but is worth trusting?

Matt looked down at his fingers for a moment as he thought about it. He really did not want to accept being a slave at all, even if it was just because he was stuck in this situation. There was nothing he could personally say that he enjoyed being a slave for his two handlers and his owner. He got no enjoyment out of it, and he felt miserable and worthless every day he had to put up with them.

But with Spencer....

Matt knew the answer without having to think on it. Yes, he was upset that Spencer was punishing him more often and had in fact actually hurt him worse then his Handlers did, at least physically. But, thinking on it, Matt could not think of a single time that Spencer had hurt him without having a valid reason for it.

And the only reason that Spencer had done such a thing to him was because Matt had in fact disobeyed him. And Thomas honestly thought that Spencer hadn't been doing his duties as well as he should have been.

In fact, thinking on it, Matt realised that Spencer had been in trouble over treating him with kid gloves before. He actually felt himself starting to cry, and he felt the tears drip onto his thighs before he realised that was in fact crying.

"I'm such an idiot" he thought to himself as he had to bury his face into his hands for a few minutes, feeling the cold metal of his facial piercings press against his flesh as he took several shuddering breaths, feeling his body shake with each attempt to calm himself down.

It took a few minutes for him to calm down enough that he wasn't openly crying. He had to sniff a few times and take a couple of deep breaths, but he managed to wipe the tears from his eyes and settles his fingers back against the keyboard.

Blueboy20: Yes, I think S is someone I can trust.

Jeanne : I am glad to hear that, but I still will warn you about the dangers of the slave feeling.

Blueboy20: I'm glad that you told me about it. But I do feel that I can trust S for the right reasons. And I do understand your concern. I will be sure to keep it in mind at all times.

Jeanne : That is good to hear. I think your making some great progress here. I'll send you an update for further times that we can communicate with each other.

Blueboy20: I would like that very much.

Jeanne : Now, was there anything else that you wanted to talk about tonight?

Matt had to think for a moment. He did feel like he had covered everything, but there was a small question in the back of his mind that no-one had seemed to address with him thus far, and now did seem like a good time to get it answered.

Blueboy20: Yes, actually. A small thing. A while ago, I disobeyed my overseer and drank a can of soft drink from the vending machine here. And it made me pretty sick for the rest of the day. Why did that happen?

Jeanne : A little trick from the B.O.S.S. that they don't tell their slaves. Have you been on a diet before?

Blueboy20: No.

Jeanne: Well, when someone stops eating junk food and eats healthy for a good while, their insides get used to it. But when they eat junk food again, their system can't handle it after going so long without it.

That's what happens to the slaves. There is literally no sugar or fat in the Slave Brix, its all flavourless vitamins and nutrients. So, because the soft drink had so much sugar in it, your body couldn't handle it. A lot of slaves have trouble eating regular food again after eating that crap for so long.

Blueboy20: I honestly did not know that.

Jeanne: Well, hopefully you won't do that again. It's not worth it. Was there anything else?

Blueboy20: I can't think of anything else tonight.

Jeanne : Very well. Next time you want to talk, just hop on one of those times and we'll chat together.

Matt watched as the chatbox suddenly closed and his conversation disappeared along with it. The chatroom was still open, but a lot of the names had disappeared, and only a few remained. Obviously, Jeanne was still talking with other slaves, giving his advice and help to those that needed it.

He could feel the tears start to spring back up, and he hurriedly wiped his hand across his eyes. He didn't want to burst out crying again, he had done enough of it and he was sick of doing it. But hte pain he was feeling in his heart over hurting Spencer and treating him like the enemy, was getting too much to bear, especially now that he realised in a big way that he was doing it.

"I can't believe I was treating him like that" he said as he looked down at his hands. "he's the only one that actually cares about me around here, and I just threw him in the same group as Timothy and luke" he said to him.

He wiped his face again as he felt his chest flutter in pain again, his heart literally aching. He felt horrible for doing this to Spencer, especially after all the trouble the big male had gone through to even try to make Matts life easier.

He looked up suddenly as he heard another loud banging noise. With a gasp he realised that the last of the lights were starting to turn off, which meant that Spencer was leaving for the night. And it was a Friday night. Spencer would not be back in until Monday.

Which meant another weekend of him thinking that Matt hated him.

"Shit" Matt said as he suddenly scrambled out of his chair. No clothes, no shoes, not even presentable in the slightest, he didn't care or think about it as he grabbed the door and wrenched it open.

With the lead clattering behind him as the above pulley system suddenly struggled to keep up with him, Matt literally ran down the stiars to the loading floor below and ran as fast as he was able towards Spencers office.

The lead did not allow him to go down into the actuall office, so he had to stop, panting and out of breath, just near the office itself amonst the rows of shelving before it. With his hands on his knees and bent over gasping for breath, Matt could see Spencer was packing up his things in the office, getting ready to leave.

"Matt?" Spencer said in surprise, the blackwargreymon opening the door, stepping out with one hand still on the light switch to the office. "What are you doing up? And naked?" he said as he saw the boy had not a stitch of clothing on, and he was literally lighting the floor beneath him. "Is there an emergency?"

Matt wanted to shake his head, but he didn't as he took a few more deep breaths to steady himself. Forcing himself upwards and wiping the moisture from his face, he nodded to his overseer and pulled himself together.

"I really...really need to talk to you sir."

"You have a fucking girlfriend?"

Timothy stared up at his teacher as he was still on the floor on his buutt, but the expression on his face was nothing less than a complete and total look of shock and horror. He could feel his cheeks redden with anger as he realised his plan had come undone in an instant and there was no way to salvage it.

It was the worst possible scenario for him, and he could feel his own arousal deflate as his anger rose. He could not believe this was happening, and he was unable to wrap his head around it.

"Timothy, what's the problem?" Nelson said as he finished talking on the phone to his girlfriend. His phone made a locking noise as he stuffed it back into his pocket. Timothy realised that his teacher was in fact taken when the words that came out of the wolfs mouth were "Of course honey, I'll be home soon. I'm so boned up, I'm gonna fuck that pussy like there's no tomorrow. Love you."

"You have a girlfriend?" Timothy repeated as he felt his fingers dig into the carpet and they clenched, some of the fibres ripping out. He said the word 'girlfriend' like he had just eaten a mouthful of dead spider. And had spat it out at that moment.

"Yes" Nelson said as he clumsily put his phone back into his pocket. It took him a few tries as he had trouble finding it. "Been engaged for about six months now" he said with a lopsided grin. "She is a devil in the sack though, I am so going to own her tonight" he said with an eager sounding voice like an overgrown child getting a treat.

"You have a girlfriend?" Timothy said, his voice getting louder as he almost pulled the carpet out with his fists in anger. His knuckles began to slowly turn white as he felt himself shake in anger.

"I just said I do" Nelson said as he gave a look down at the boy before him. "What the fuck is the problem?" he asked as he bent down to pick up his shirt from the floor. It took him a couple of tries to grab it as he seemed unsteady on his feet.

"You never told me you had a girlfriend" Timothy said in frustration and anger at the wolf in front of him. How could this jerk have not told him such a critical piece of information? Especially now, when he was about to get his hands on some wolf cock?

"It's none of your business, that's why" Nelson said, slightly annoyed while crossing his drunken features as he managed to clumsily grab his shirt. He stared at it in confusion for a moment or two as he tried to figure out which end was which.

"What do you mean it's none of my business,?" Timothy said as he finally managed to pull his fingers from the carpet without ripping it up, and get to his feet. His fingers clenched again and turned into fists against his hips.

"It is none of your business" Nelson repeated as he lifted his arms up to slide his shirt back on his large torso. His muscles quickly disappeared from view as the material covered them back up. But Nelson was too drunk to realise he had put it on back to front and inside out.

"Of course it's my business. You're my fucking teacher" Timothy said, his voice still rather loud, and it was filling with the anger he was feeling over the whole situation.

"Don't you fucking sass me" Nelson snapped at him, his hackles raising slightly in a drunken growl. The authority in his voice was very evident, and for a moment Timothy was taken aback by how intimidating the big drunken wolf was looking. But the teenager quickly re-composed himself as he looked back up at the drunken wolf who was starting to lose his drunken sway.

"You're my teacher. I'm supposed to know these things, cause I'm your student. Your best student, remember?" Timothy said to him, as the wolf steadied himself with a hand on the chair at his side. The wolf narrowed his eyes as his focus started to clear.

"Don't speak to me like that boy" Nelson said as he looked down at the boy, who had gone from a good host to a spoilt brat in an instant. He could see that Timothy was starting to get angry and lose his temper, but Nelson couldn't quite figure out why.

"Why didn't you ever tell me you had a girlfriend?" Timothy demanded. His face was starting to redden rather quickly as he got angrier by the second. How could his teacher have a girlfriend, and how could he possibly have one at a time like this? How could he have one of six months and never fucking say anything the whole time Timothy had been in class with him?

"I don't have to talk about my private life to anybody" Nelson said as he put a hand up to his forehead, which was starting to throb. Wether it was because he was getting annoyed, or because of the alcohol he wasn't sure. "I keep my personal life and my business life separate, especially to my students"

"You should have fucking told me" Timothy said in anger. "You should have told me especially since you were coming over tonight to spend the evening with me" he almost shouted.

"You shut your fucking mouth. Don't you dare speak to me like that" Nelson said as he jabbed a finger at Timothy's chest hard enough to push the boy back a few steps. "Don't forget I am your God dam teacher, and if you keep speaking to me like that I will punish your ass, you got me?"

"Don't speak to me like that" Timothy said as he rubbed the spot on his chest. The poke had actually hurt enough that it could have possibly left a bruise. "I am your student, I am not a bloody slave. I'm a free man, not a bitch" he said.

"Well you're acting like a spoilt little bitch" Nelson said. The alcohol was starting to wear off slightly and he could actually start thinking clearly. "Why is it such a problem I have a girlfriend? Why would that possibly be a problem?"

"Because I wanted to sleep with you" Timothy shouted. When he realised what he said though, he quickly clapped his mouth shut and all the anger disappeared from his system as he felt numb from the shock of actually admitting it.

For several moments the two of them looked at each other, the wolfs swaying slightly in his drunken state and Timothy standing there with his mouth held shut. The seconds dragged by and started to turn into minutes as the two of them said nothing between each other.

Nelson was the first one to break the silence as he suddenly started laughing. He laughed long and hard and very loudly, and it was a little of obnoxious sounding as well, as he actually had to hold onto the chair to steady himself as he seemed to laugh uncontrollably.

"What the fuck is so funny?" Timothy said as he found himself resuming his death glare at the teacher. His eyes narrowed, his forehead furrowed and he felt the anger rise up inside him. "Why the hell are you laughing at me?"

"You... You're so... dog damn funny" Nelson said in between laughs as his laughter began to slow down. He ended up coughing a few times and ended up holding onto his head with both hands as he felt every vein pulse hard and fast. "Man, I haven't laughed that loud in ages" he said as he managed to straighten himself up.

"Why am I so funny?" Timothy demanded. "Tell me what's so damn funny" He demanded. Nelson stopped laughing but there was still a big goofy grin on his handsome face, and he looked like he wanted to laugh again.

"You? Get into bed with me?" He said as he smirked and shook his head as he chuckled several times.

"What's so funny about that?" Timothy said."I'm a damn football star at school. I'm in great shape, and a lot of guys and girls want me. What is so funny about me and you together?" He demanded.

"First, I'm straight" Nelson said with a smirk. "Second, you are my student. I don't even touch any slaves in that way, and I would never touch my student in that way either" he said. "And finally, you're not worth it."

Timothy just stood there with the dumbfounded expression on his face and his mouth hanging open. All his dreams and hopes to the evening came crashing down around him, and he could actually feel himself break a little inside. No one, no one had ever refused him in such a way, and even the word nor was a foreign entity to him. He had never had anybody reject him in any way shape or form when it came to sex.

"Well, I gotta get going. I'm still boned and buzzed and its a good feeling right now" Nelson said as he pulled his phone back out of this pocket. "Fucking get home quick enough, I can still give my girlfriend of the ride of the life" he said as he clapped his hand on the dumb struck teens shoulder.

"Thanks to the drinks Timothy. I'll have to come over again some time" Nelson said with a grin on his face as he patted Timothys shoulder rather hard a few times before he went to stumble through the hall. "We really got do this again sometime. You're a fucking riot" he said with a laugh. "Hello, taxi?" he said into his phone as he stumbled through the front door.

Timothy was still standing there are in a state of shock and awe as he heard the front door slam. The TV was the only thing making any kind of sound in the room, but he wasn't even listening to what was going on. It had probably changed program by now.

He had just been rejected by one of the biggest hunks he had ever come across. All his planning for the week had backfired in the biggest way possible, and it was in the way he had never considered even happening.

"I can't believe this is happening to me" he said in complete and utter disbelief. "He rejected me" he said, his eyes wide in surprise. "No-one has ever rejected me before." His disbelief over the situation was rapidly moving towards anger and his fists clenched firmly.

"Someone is gonna pay for this. I am gonna punish someones ass over this" he shouted at the television in anger and frustration. And his anger only intensified as a sudden realisation came to mind.

Being rejected by his teacher, who was straight, had a girlfriend, and had consider Timothy not even worth it, was hurting him pretty badly. But there was something even worse that was going to further spoil his night.

He had told all his teammates and sex guys not to bother coming over for the whole night. He had no-one to punish all weekend.

"So, that's what you wanted to say to me?" Spencer asked. Both he and Matt were sitting at Matt's desk in the loading bay, Spencer sitting on the desk and Matt in the chair. When Matt had said that he wanted to talk to him, Spencer decided to make him a little more comfortable since they simply couldn't exactly talk in his office.

"Yes" Matt said to him. "I'm really, really sorry for avoiding you, and putting you in the same league as Timothy and the others" he said, his head hung low and his eyes looking straight at the floor in front of him.

Spencer didn't say anything as he simply sat there with his arms crossed over his chest, and looking down at Matt. Matt looked up with his shoulders slumped back and a very guilty and unhappy expression on his face. He had already apologised quite profusely, but Spencer's expression had not changed since he started talking.

"Sir, I'm sorry for this" Matt said as he looked back at the floor. "I shouldn't have disobeyed you like I did. I should have tried harder. I've been fighting this whole time, and I should have just accepted that I'm not getting out and I should have tried to be a better slave, not giving you grief like I have been with your job."

Spencer did not move, but all he did was nod his head. He didn't say anything, but he simply sat there and allowed Matt to get it all out. The silence between them both felt uncomfortable.

"I'm not even that good of a slave" Matt said as he looked back at the floor, feeling tears spring back up at his eyes again. "I should have been doing the job and just doing what is expected of me, but all I've done is put your job at risk. And it hurt me like to know I'm the cause" he said as he had to reach up and rub his eyes.

"Matt, do you even care that you are being a bad slave to your handlers, or your owners? Or is it just me you're concerned about?" Spencer asked him. Matt looked up at him very quickly, and for the first time since Spencer had seen him, Matt had fight in his eyes.

"I don't care about them" Matt said with such ferocity that Spencer nearly jumped in shock. "They ripped me from my life, turned me into a slave, and they have done nothing but hurt me and abuse me without caring about me. You're the only one who has treated me with any sense of dignity, and all I've done is just threaten your job."

"I wish you could start all over again and be the slave you want me to be, but I've screwed up so much and I am so so sorry for it" Matt said as he felt the tears coarse down his cheeks. Spencer still was not saying anything, and Matt could only imagine what was going through his mind.

Several minutes passed with a very uncomfortable and tense silence between the two of them, neither of them saying anything. Matt just sat there with his shoulders slumped as he stared at the floor, while Spencer merely sat there with his arms folded.

"Matt" Spencer said as he slowly stood up, his big large frame standing directly in front of the small digimon sitting in the seat. Even when seated, Spencer was so much bigger than him he almost looked like a giant. Matt looked up at him, after everything that had happened, he would not have been surprised if Spencer slapped him.

"I accept your apology" Spencer said as he opened his arms a little. Matt looked up at him and saw that he was actually smiling down at him, and when he saw that Spencer's arms were open for a hug, he practically leapt out of his chair and into the bigger males embrace.

"Matt, I know I've been hard on you, and I know things are continuously difficult right now, but please don't ever forget that everything I do is to ensure I'm here to make sure you're okay" Spencer said as he held the quivering crying boy against his body.

"Sir, I am so sorry" Matt said again as he felt himself weeping into Spencers shirt. Spencer did not tell them to stop nor did he tell him to cut it out as he simply held him there and let him get it all out.

Matt cried until he finally had nothing left to cry with, which took a shorter time than usual. But Matt was not let go as Spencer continued to hold him. Matt felt the bigger warm muscles holding him close, almost protectively as a father would for his son.

"Matt, I'm here for you" Spencer said softly as he slowly stroked the back of matts head. His fingers ran over the smooth surface of Matts skull, feeling gentle prickles against his fingers. Matt's hair was finally starting to grow back, but he knew it would be removed soon enough."I said this when I first arrived, and I still mean it."

"I wish I remembered when I needed to" Matt said as he felt guilty all over again. But Spencer smiled and hugged him again, squeezing him in his embrace firmly.

"Matt, if I have to be mean to you to keep my job, I don't mean the job in the warehouse. I mean the job of being your Overseer. I will do anything to make sure that I am here to look after you" he said, and there was such a loving and caring tone in the males voice that Matt wanted to scream in frustration over how long it had taken him to apologise.

Though Matt didn't scream as he simply was held. He did not want to ruin the moment. But the moment was ruined, but not by his screaming. The moment was ruined when he felt his crotch bulge and he could almost feel the light radiating from it. And his length was starting to throb so hard that he was afraid he'd set it off again.

"Why won't this fucking thing go down?" Matt almost shouted in frustration as he pulled himself away from Spencers embrace. "Why am I so hard all the time? Why can't it go down? Why can't it stop being so obvious?" he shouted at the ceiling in frustration. He held his face in his hands and started to shudder as he simply wanted to curl up and die at that moment.

"Matt you should have come to me" Spencer said as he dug into his pocket, seeing how much Matt was in distress. Matt looked up at him in complete and utter disbelief as Spencer pulled out a small black object. It looked like an iPhone, but it was in fact the controls to Matt's chastity device.

"But, you don't have the code" Matt said. Luke had let it slip a while back that Spencer had been given a remote, but not the codes to turn the device off. It had to have been some kind of sick stupid joke thought up by his owner, that Spencer was permitted the device but not ability to function it.

Spencer said nothing as he slid his finger across the device, and his finger went so fast Matt had no time to register the pattern. But when Spencer tapped his finger on the pad, a small achievement sound sprung into the air, and Matt felt his device pulse a few times before the light simply died completely out.

"What the" Matt said in complete disbelief as he looked down at his crotch. His cock was now completely free, all 4 inches still wrapped in the mesh sleeve of the device, but the device was now turned off. He could almost feel his knees buckle in the anticipation of a climax.

"It was given to me when I punished you for the drink" Spencer said to him. "But when you started avoiding me, I didn't really use this as a bribe to get you talking to me again" he said. Matt looked up at him and he saw the look of regret Spencer's face, and Matt felt how stupid he really was again.

"I didn't want a bribe either" Matt said, as he knew it really wasn't affection between them if it had been forced in such a situation. Spencer smiled and quickly move forward, so fast that Matt had no time to move. Spencer quickly wrapped his arms again around the smaller boy and quickly turned him around, Matts back pressing smoothly against Spencer's muscle gut.

"Let me take care of it for you" Spencer said as he slowly slid his hand down Matts stomach. Matt let out a trembled shudder of a moan as he felt the electricity coming from Spencer's touch. That simple intimate touch sent shivers up and down his spine as he felt himself start to sweat from arousal.

"Sir" Matt said softly as he felt Spencers thick fingers wrap around his 4 inch boner. The feeling of being touched by another male for the first time in his existence was one of the most delicious feelings he had ever experienced. And he wanted to drown in it. "Please don't stop sir" Matt whimpered in submission.

"Only if you call me Master" Spencer said softly, but there was a growl of authority in his voice that made Matt shiver all over. Matt did not hesitate, nor did he argue.

"Master, please get me off" he practically begged as he clutched at Spencers arm, holding onto him firmly. He couldn't help but give a thrust of his hips as he tried to hump Spencers large strong hand. He moaned and panted as he felt himself very quickly getting to the edge of pleasure.

He was moaning quickly and hotly, his heart racing and his skin starting to sweat as his arousal built up quickly, hit body almost knowing it could finally get the release it had been denied for so long. Matt moaned into Spencers arm as he felt the floodgates of pleasure want to open up.

"Gladly boy" Spencer said as he saw how pent-up Matt truly was after nearly 3 months of being neglected. And he was not going to last long at this rate. There was no need to use his whole hand as only a few fingers would suffice, but it was enough for him to pleasure his slave.

"God master" Matt whimpered as he humped as best as he could. His hips pushed forward and backwards back against Spencer's crotch, and he could feel the bulge that was starting to grow in his overseers pants. Somewhere in the back of his mind he realised that his overseer was starting to get turned on pleasuring him, but that thought was quickly gone as he felt his goods throb with the need of release.

"You going to cum for me boy?" Spencer said with a growl against Matts ear. Matt nodded eagerly as he held onto Spencer's arm. Spencer's spare hand pressed against Matt's stomach and pushed him back, holding him in place. Spencer squatted a little so he could grind his bulge against Matts backside, murring softly to how good it was feeling to him.

"You're turning me on boy. You feel it?" he murred into Matts ear. The boy really was turning him on, he hadn't felt this way about anyone in a long time. Maybe too long. The sexy bound up flamedramon boy was in his arms panting and moaning with sexual desire and he wanted to ravage him right there. "Are you going to cum for me like a good boy?"

But he had a head on his shoulders and right now, he wanted Matt to feel the pleasure, not himself. He could always do it later by himself, as he had done for so long. But right now, Matted not just needed it, he deserved it.

"Yes Yes YES" Matt alA most shrieked out as he felt himself get on the verge of climax. Ge clutched onto Spencer's arm and pushed his backside back against that growing bulge, moaning loudly and wanting to cum for the first time, his first time with another male.

"Cum for me" Spencer whispered. His mouth was close to Matts ear, and he didn't need to speak any louder. Matt could feel the breath from Spencers lungs pant into his ear and it made him quiver. Spencers tongue poked out through his lips and very gently grazed the edge of Matts earlobe.

Matt let out a scream as he couldn't hold back any longer, surprisingly how long he had managed to hold out didn't even graze his mind as he shuddered all over and his knees buckled with his climax. He could feel his eyes roll into the back of his head and his vision actually erupted in bright fireworks.

Spencer looked down as he felt Matt's meagre ock throb and pulse and he saw the jets of pearly digimon seed spray onto the chair before them. He knew that the boy was pent-up, but even he was surprised at the volume that such a small set of goods could possibly produce. The first jets splattered across the seat of the chair with force and actually bounced a few times

The second struck the back of the seat, the third spray striking it in an X fashion. Matt moaned and shuddered as his balls continued to churn, sending jets three and four to spray over the X, making a gooey mess that started to drip downwards.

Spencer let go of Matts shooting cock and it wiggled about, sending the next load of jets all over the place. .Spencer counted each one that flew out as he felt Matt shudder and heard him cry out in his pleasure. By the time Matt was done crying out in his pleasure and started to sag against the bigger male, Spencer had counted 12 fat long thick pearly ribbons of digital cum had sprayed from the 4 inch member, and coated the chair in a sticky white mess.

"Godd... Master" Matt whimpered as Spencer slowly teased his sensitive shaft, watching a last strand of cum ooze from his deflating cock. He literally had no energy left to stand up, and all he could do was simply sag and be held up by the bigger male.

"Good boy" Spencer said softly as he repositioned his hands to help pull Matt up and get him onto his feet. But the boy must've used up everything he had, as Matt was completely unable to stand up. His legs simply wouldn't hold and they just wobbled like they were made out of jelly.

"Can you stand?" Spencer asked him but he got no reply. For a moment, he wondered if Matt was okay and felt a little concerned. Carefully and gently he slowly turned the boy till he was side on with him and he could get a better look.

The look on mats face said it all. He had passed out, his facial expression was calm and at peace. The only thing keeping him up was Spencer's arms wrapped around him, and the boy looked so at ease and so natural in Spencers embrace that it actually hurt Spencer to know he had to end it.

"I wish I could take you home" Spencer whispered softly. "But this is the best I can do" he said. Slowly he reached down and picked Matt up, hooking his arms under his knees and pulling the boy into a bridal carry. Matt moaned softly in his passed out state, but he didn't make any further noises as Spencer slowly carried him up to his room.

Spencer would clean the chair before he left.

A Favourite Situation Chapter 8

A Favourite Situation Chapter 8 By Kendo Kawabata "Matt seems to have a change in attitude." Thomas said to Spencer as he looked out the window of Spencer's office. The tall flamedramon had surprised Spencer that morning by way of showing up...

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Sweet Delights

Sweet Delights By Kendo Kawabata "Hey, you guys seen Azure anywhere?" The locker room filled with a round of 'no's' and shakings of heads as one by one everyone confimred that no-one had seen the dragon anwyhere. Accompanying the negative replies...

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Commission : Bigger Harder Stronger

Bigger Harder Stronger By Kendo Kawabata This is a commission for Sidewalk Lucario, so please comment rate and enjoy. Sam did not know where the invitation came from, or who had actually delivered it. All the pokemon trainer knew was that when he...

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