Sweet Delights

Story by Kendo Kawabata on SoFurry

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For my good friend Dino.

Sweet Delights

By Kendo Kawabata

"Hey, you guys seen Azure anywhere?"

The locker room filled with a round of 'no's' and shakings of heads as one by one everyone confimred that no-one had seen the dragon anwyhere. Accompanying the negative replies were several shrugs of well rounded shoulders and the sound of conversation resuming in the semi full room.

"Sorry" said a large muscled elephant wearing a one piece wrestling lycra suit that seemed far too small for his huge physique. "Haven't seen him in days" he said as he pulled his rather large shoes on. The elephant's feet were huge, in proportion to his already bulked out mass.

"Well that's odd" said the inquirer, a rather big rhino standing in the locker room entrance with a sports bag perched on his shoulder, weraring a pair of purple shorts and a white singlet. "He was supposed to be here to help spot me again. He's my damn workout partner" he said with disapointment.

"Come ot think of it, we haven't seen Dodon either" said a cheetah who had the build rather similar to everyone else in the room. But then again, this was a gym designed for those who wanted to be big, and stay that way, so it made sense for one of the smaller species to rival those who were naturally bigger.

The cheetah had his long legs lifted up on the bench, his legs spread enough to give a view of his hanging bulge trapped in his tight bike shorts. His hands took off his damp socks off as he was getting changed, having finished his track workout. "He hasn't been around for a couple of weeks" he admitted as he tossed his socks into his bag.

"Dammit" said the rhino as he dropped his bag onto a nearby bench and sat down to take his big sneakers off. His thick fingers made quick work of the laces as he removed his size 18 sneakers. "Guess i'm working out by myself" he said as he removed the huge shoes and sat them beside him on the bench.

"You could try one of the gyms workout partners" said the elephant as he finished getting dressed and stood up, stretching his arms almost up to the tiled ceiling, a perfect display of his chisselled body poking through the tight lycra. His trunk seemed to curl around his broad pecs, almost caressing himself with his own appendage.

"Yeah, get one of the twinkies" said a nearby wolf with a rather loud laughas he towelled off his prominant muscle gut, that big round mound of flesh on his body jiggling with each movement. "Just don't snap them in half. The owner prefers us to split them in half. Least they still wak that way" he said with a laugh again.

"You do know that the bench press isn't meant to be used that way" the cheetah said with a smirk as he stood up and stretched, his bike shorts having ridden up to pronounce his bulge and the crevice of his round glutes sticking out behind him under his spotted tail.

"It works" the wolf said with a grin as he ran the towel under his large gut, his sheath getting a vigorous rubbing with his towel. The wolf continued his lewd display as he paid attention to his crotch, blatantly stroking himself with the towel as the head of his cock started to poke out.

The rhino had to chuckle at that as he continued to undress himself as the locker room slowly began to empty as the muscled patrons etiher left for their workouts, left for the showers or just plain left. It was the middle of the day, and the gym was mostly full of furs who wanted a quick workout during their lunch break, so they didn't hang around most of the time.

Once he had stripped down to just his red workout jockstrap, he took a moment to look at himslef in the nearby full length mirror. With a growl of approval to himself he gave himself a quick flex, a smug grin crossing his features as he admired his own visage.

Dino could confirm his bodys beefiness thanks to himself being half orc. Rhino mother, orc father. Although he considered himself what he self labelled as a 'Rhinorc', if anyon asked. Getting the best of both species, he was tall and wide shouldered with a narrow waist and hard muscles, all covered in a thick skin coloured a deep grey.

His pecs were slabs of pure meat, adorned with two large thick nipples larger then a quarter. His shoulders were round and hard, easily bulging outwards ontop of two large and thick arms that looked like they were carved out of tree limbs. As he flexed his arms, every muscle moved and tensed like they were living things.

The rhinorc's upper torso was stacked over an impressive washboard six pack of abs that tapered into an hourglass waist. GIving his body that hulking feeling that seemed al the more intimidating thanks to the kind of slim waist that every man dreamed of.

His legs were thick as tree trunks and very strong, his thighs bulging outwards and so thick that there were barely any space between them. That lack of space caused his covered goods to stick out rather obviously and lewdly. Although he never minded, considering his vestments were always a little on the small side.

He grinned to his reflection as he ran one hand through his black mowhawk that was tipped with purple streaks. He liked the colour purple in his hair. He thought it gave him a neat look to help his hotness. Dino took his other hand and reached down and grabbed the front of his bulge and gave it a lewd squeeze, which made the hidden contents bulge out a bit further.

He was not the most well hung in the gym, but he cold make any girl, or guy, walk funny the next day. He had no problem with either sex. Long as they bent over and showed some hole, he was happy to give them some cock.

"Damn I'm fine" he thought to himself as he turned to the side, giving himself a profile view of his own body. His eyes travelled down his large body, tracing over his own curves before his view came to a stop to just under his waist.

While the front bulge was impressive enough, the other side got the most attention. His ass was a pair of perfectly round globes like a pair of melons trapped beneath his skin. And each cheek gave an obvious jiggle and shake when he walked. They even flexed and dimpled in the right places when he wanted them to.

"Yeah, everyone wnats a piece of this ass" he grined to himslf as he gave himslf a quick spank on his ass, moaning a little as his butts surface almost visibly rippled from the impact, and the pleasurable feeling made his crotch swell a little more. Too bad he wasn't interested in giving up his ass to anyone.

With a confident, if not arrogant smirk on his face, Dino stopped admiring himself and opened his sports bag to resume dressing. He pulled out a pair of tight bike shorts, black with purple stripes and a very short cut singlett that only seemed to cover his pecs, and little of it at that. Also purple.

Once he retied his sneakers back onto his feet, Dino grabbed his water bottle and a towel and left the locker room empty behind him.

The gym was no different then any other gym around. A wall full of mirrors, racks of weights, stations to help you tone and shape each individual part of your body. Yoga matts, medicine balls, dumbells and machines to help you walk, run, cross country and row.

There were only half a dozen or so males and females in the gym at that time, the middle of the day coming to a close and most poples lunch hours already used up. Usually the gym was packed with sweaty, panting, huffy furs covered in muscle, musk and sweat.

Without his workout partner around, Dino could only do so much without having a spotter to help him, especially with the wieghts. Although the physical part of having a partner was good, he missed showing off for Azure.

Azure was a red wingless dragon with a build similar to Dinos. Brilliant red crimson scales adorned his body, and an orange chest and stomach that ran down between his thighs, his feet and up between his buttcheeks. And he always freeballed. He never wore underwear in the gym, just a pair of really high and low cut gym shorts that did absolutely nothing to hide anything on his body.

How did Dino know all that? Azure was a notorious bottom through the gym. He wasn't exactly a slut, he just really enjoyed being a big muscled submissive bottom. Azure had a thing for sex after a workout, getting his tops to get pent up and boned through their workout, then letting them let off their steam on his backside in the lockeroom.

Usually during their workouts, Dino would deliberately put himself in poses that showed off his ass or his crotch, or just flexed his musclces more then usual. He especially liked bending over and backing up, almost pushing his huge ass into the dragons face, or coming up behind him and 'accidentally' pushing his bulge under the dragons tail.

And Azure would watch, panting and licking his lips and getting harder and hornier till he was practically groping Dino and whimpering for a hard fucking. There was something about the way the big studly dragon looked adorable all pleading and whimpering with big round subby eyes. And Dino would gladly obligue and fuck the dragon full of rhinorc cock untill he couldn't stand.

Although without a big horny muscle dragon spotting him, his workout was not exactly all that fun. It was beneficial, but not fun. Azure was really nothing more then a workout partner/fuckbuddy, so he shouldn't be missing him that much.

As Dino finished the last of his bicep curls, his hands clutched around the oversized dumbells, he did consider getting one of the gym workout partners to help him out for the rest of his excersizes.

The gym had a variety of guys and girls, all above legal age, who's only job was to help the bigger studs with their workouts. While different species, they all had the same shape. They were all the slim slender twinks, dressed in the gyms uniform of a speedo and a singlet. Although truth be told, the real workouts were done in the lockerooms.

With a sigh and his arms only just burning, Dino put the heavy dumbells back on the racks under the mirror wall and set them in place, letting them go with a satisfying clunk. He stood back and looked at himself in his reflection.

His skin was covered in a light sheen of sweat, making his dark skin glisten in the lighting from above. His clothing was damp and clung to his body like a second skin, only serving to highlight his muscles and his assets. With a grin to himself he lifted his arms up to stretch, holding them above his head.

He let out another sigh as he dropped his arms to his sides, giving them a shake too and fro as he let himself relax. with a grin to his appearance he turned around around and jumped back in shock.

"Shit man, I didn't even see you there" Dino said as he felt his heart race faster then it normally was. "Don't fucking sneak up on me like that." he said as he grabbed at his chest, holding his hand over his thumping heart.

"My apologies." the lion said with a polite smile and a nod of his head as he stood before the bigger rhinorc. "I thought you could see me in the mirror behind you, that's why I didn't say anything as I approached" he said with that polite smile on his face.

Dino snorted a bit as he raised an eyebrow, looking down at the lion before him. He hadn't seen a lion like this before. And in a gym like this, you know were someone stood.

The lion was smaller then him, only coming up the rhinorc's chest. And he was a lot slimmer too. Not quite stick figure slim, but almost twinkie. He had a very lovely slender figure, an almost hourglass shape showing in his casual looking clothing. Just a pair of cotton pants that hugged against his legs and a collared black shirt that gave off the impression of smart casual.

His mane was neatly trimmed and swept back, tucked behind his ears and reaching behind his collared shirt. His fur was a beautiful shade of white, but his mane was a deep and brilliant red. A unique colouring, that was for sure. He had quite pretty eyes and a polite epxression on his face.

Dino could not help staring at that mane for some reason. He was sure it was red, but as he stared he thought he saw streaks of white coarsing throug the mane in waving intervals. It took him a moment to realise where he had seen that pattern before. The lions mane looked like it was made out of a moulded candy cane.

"Anyway, I know this may sound...strange, but I would like to give you an offer." said the lion, his voice was somewhat cultured and polite in itself. The lion broke his stance as he dug his fingers into the pocket of his pants and pulled out a small square of card.

"An offer?" Dino said with a smirk as he figured out where this was going. "Look kid, I'm flattered, but I'm not up for sale." he said with a grin. it wasn't the first time some guy had wandered into the gym and tried to 'buy' someones time. And not the first time Dino himself had been offered. Dino had a whole box full of cards containing numbers and names back home on his desk, and he had never called any of them.

Why bother calling someone up for sex when he got his rocks off thanks to the gyms bottom dragon?

"You couldn't afford me anyway." Dino said as he turned around, his back to the lion as he bent over to pick up another set of dumbells. He deliberately stuck his ass up high in the air, feeling the top of his short shorts start to slide down an inch or two to reveal a few inches of exposed rhinorc booty.

"Actually, its a job." the lion said politely, not sounding hurt or annoyed that the big muscled rhino in front of him had denied an assumed job. "It's a paying job, well worth your time." he added.

Dino stopped with his hands on the weights and stood there, his ass up high and exposed as he thought about what the lion had just said. A paying job? Did he hear that right?

"To do what?" Dino asked as he stood up straight and turned around slowly, his back facing the mirror behind him. He crossed his rather large arms in front of his chest ad looked down at the lion. Normally, this imposing stature would intimidate any normal person, but the lion did not faulter in his composure in the slightest.

"It's a simple job. I just require you to pose." the lion said, his voice still polite as he held the card up in his fingers. "For an hour or two. It's dead simple." he said with a smile. Dino looked at the lions eyes. They looked like lemon candies sitting on a marshmallow. Blinking his gaze away, Dino took the card in his fingers and flipped it over.

"Sams Sweet Delights - Erotic Bakery?" Dino said in disbelief as he snorted in amusement, almost wanting to laugh out loud. "How the fuck do you pose for an erotic bakery? I lay down in the dough or something and you fill it with chocolate?" he said with a smirk and a chuckle.

"Actually, no" Sam said with that polite smile still etched on his face. "You just simply stand and pose for me, and I model the cake after you. Its simple really. No different then a life drawing class. youre just getting paid to stand there and look sexy" he said.

"Why would you want me to pose for you? You gonna make a rhino cake or something?" he said wth a smirk. "I'm not entirely rhino anyway. You'd get in trouble for false advertising" he added.

"Erotic slash naughty cakes" Sam said with that smile. "Both males and females pay handsomely for a cake modelled after a perfect physique or a larger then normal appendage" he said. "I could bake an entire cake modelled after your torso and sell it for top dollar, just for a bachellorette party. Your face would not be needed. Just your body" he said.

So, people actually bought cakes that looked like body parts? To Dino, that sounded laughable. So laughable he made up his mind about it almost on the spot.

"look kid, i'm not that interested in such a thing. go ask someone else" Dino said with a smirk as he held the card back to the lion. The lion however did not take it as he simply stood there, still smiling politely.

"Are you sure?" sam asked, that polite smile still on his face as he simply stood there, drawing his hands behind his back. "One cake modeled affter your torso, or indeed your hindquarters and ...adequately clothed, would sell without a doubt. And it's not like you would walk away empty handed. A box full of cakes and sweets and a cheque made out to cash?" he said with an enticing smile.

Dino could not help but notice that the way the lion tilted his head, it made his collar shift a little, exposing part of the lions neck. As he stared, he had the distinct impression of an oreo cookie. He had to shake his head. That seemed laughable as well.

"I said no kid" Dino said with a snort. It was starting to get on his nerves as he stood back looking down at the lion. But then his thoughts gave him a brief fantasy, of him standing on a pedastal naked and flexing, while Sam stood at a table with a huge slab of cake, slowly carving pieces off to make a bust of the rhinos torso. He shook his head to rid himself of the thoughts, but somehow he could feel his crotch starting to swell with the idea of showing off like that.

"Well, honestly, part of you does seem interested" Sam said with a smile as he gave a nod of his head in the direction of the rhinorc's fat crotch bulge. Dino was momentarily flustered as he realised he was chubbing up right in front of this stranger.

"Hey, i'm a gym. guys get turned on easily here" Dino said with a snort as he grabbed the front of his shorts rather clumsily and hoisted them up in an effort to conceal himself. but with his goods already hardening all the material did was highlight how turned on his was so far.

"I'm sure" Sam said, his smile never wavering. "I admit, I am disapointed, but I will not waste your time since you have made up your mind. However, if you change your mind, my contact details are on the card. And i'd like to give you this" he said as he produced a small box in his hand.

"What the hell is that?" Dino said as he stared at the box. The lions clothing were rather snug fitting, and there were no hidden areas for him to hide that box. And he coulnt' remember him holding on when he noticed him.

"Well, i'm not one to give up so easily, I will admit. Consider this, encouragement" Sam said with a smile as he pressed the small box into the rhinorc's huge hand.

Dino looked down at the small little box as it was pushed into his hand. It was white and easily fit into his larg hand. The lid was firmly held down with a black ribbon tied in a rather cute looking bow. It looked like something he could easily crush with one flex of his fingers.

"What in the hell is...?" Dino said as he looked up, but the lion had gone. Dino looked around his station quickly, as if to see if the lion was hiding behind a piece of equipement, but his station was clear.

"Yo, Anthony?" Dino said to the bull at the next station, who was sitting back and working the chest press with a rather ridiculous amount of weights set on it. At the bulls feet was a twink buit otter on all fours, his thick rudder like tail held up in the air to give off a good view of his speedo covered backside.

"Yeah what?" the bull asked as he stopped his pressing and let the handles slide back before he leant forward on his arms. The otter immediately handed the bigger bull a towel and a bottle of sports drink.

"you see that lion that was just here?" Dino asked, looking over at the largely built bull. The bull spread his legs and took a swig of the drink, the otter sitting back on his knees and looking at the bull almost adoringly.

"What lion?" Anthony asked with a blank look on his face as he rubbed the back of his neck with his towel.

"The lion that was just here. He gave me this box" Dino said as he pointed to the small object in his hand. "He was...right here. You didn't see him?" he asked.

"Sorry bro" Anythony said with a shrug as he stood up, grabbing his towel and proceeding to walk off, rubbin the towel around his thick neck and across his arms. The otter jumped up and followed him, his big thick rudder tail still in the air, his rump cheeks giving a soft jiggle with each step.

"Weird" Dino thought to himself.

"ok, lets see what's in you" Dino said as he sat down on an empty bench in the lockeroom and looked down at the little package sitting before his spread legs. He had tried to put the box in the back of his nmind, as he had continued his workout, but it seemed to nag at him untll he couldn't take it anymore.

And he couldn't stop thinking about that lion either. How had he managed to get into the gym and then get out without anyone noticing? And why did he pick Dino of all people? And why couldn't he stop thinking about that lion carving a cake made in his image?

He looked down at his crotch, covered in the damp sweaty material of his shorts. His cock had not gone down since his encounter earlier, and he had to work out with an almost full boner trapped in his pants.

"How can some lion that looks like a trussed up candy cane make me this hard?" he wondered to himself as he cupped his aching crotch and fondled it, giving a moan to how pent up he was feeling.

He shook his big horned head again as he looked down at the square little box, sitting there under its cute little bow. It looked innocent enough, if that's what he could call it. Dino snorted and twitched his ears as he looked down at it. If it was just a little box, why was it annoying him so much?

With a frown on his face he leant forward and snagged an end of the ribbon in his large fingers and carefully pulled. slowly, the loops of the ribbon began to disapear as he pulled the knot free. with a soft sliding noise the ribbon came fully undone and the box laid there bare.

"Ok, that's taken care of" Dino said as he dropped the ribbon on the floor and pressed his fingers onto the box lid. Slowly, he lifted and the lid came off, leaving the box opened as Dino exposed what was in it.

"what the...?" he said in disbelief as he stared at the oversized muffin that was sitting there in plain view to him. Of all the things he had been expecting, a cake was not not part of his expectations. Although considering the lion had claimed he was an erotic baker, perhaps he should have expected this.

Or a cock made out of an eclair.

"He calls this erotic?" Dino said as he wedged his fingers into the box and pulled out the muffin. it looked as normal as it could be, oversized and fat, the top almost oozing out of the paper contstruct it was sitting in.

As he looked at it, it dawned on him that is was a red velvet muffin. the top was covered in a thick white piped swirl of what looked like white buttercream, and it was flaked with hundreds of shaved flakes of dark chocolate.

It was hardly erotic, but it did look delicious. As Dino held it in his hand, he felt his cock bulge a bit more and he had the desire to simply stuff the whole thing into his mouth and guzzle it down hard. He almost had the damn thing to his lips before he realised what he was doing and pulled the tasty cake away.

"wow. he calls this encouragement?" Dino said with a growl as he put the muffin down. He stared at it for a few moments before he shook his head. "Whatever" he said as he stood up and turned his back on the little dessert as he began to strip himself bare.

Peeling his sweaty singlet off, he sighed and rubbed his big arms a few times, then twisted his torso from side to side to stretch himself out. He bent over and hooked his thumbs into his waistband and began to pull down, peeling off his tight shorts.

His jockstrap was the last thing to come off, and he moaned loudly as he set his cock free, his hefty meat springing out from its confines into the warm air of the lockerroom. He tossed his sweat filled clothing into his bag and made his way towards the showers, leaving the muffin where he had dumped it.

Making sure there were enough towels on the rack on the wall, he stepped into the shower basin. the showers were all along a wall, seperated by a clear divider between each 'stall.' He took the first one he saw and stuck his hand out and turned the dial on the tiled wall, erupting a spray fom the nozzle above. he used his other hand to reach down and stroke his semi hard length, moaning as he let it all hang free.

"Why am I turned on right now? This aint normal" he mumbled to himself. he had been half hard since the lion had mentioned his proposal, and it didn't seem to want to go down. He shrugged to himself, putting it all down to him not having Azure bent over in front of him and shaking his rump to get a good fuck.

"yeah, that's what i'm missing. some prime dragon ass" he grinned to himself as he stepped under the hot spray. "Can't be anything else. Not like i'm turned on by cakes or anything" he said with a laugh to himself as he let the water coat his body. "Yeah, that's a laugh. A cake fetish" he laughed loudly as he closed his eyes and let the hot water cascade over his hot body.

He had been standing there for sevral moments before he felt something on his hand that wasn't as warm as the water. He opened his eyes and brought his hand up and turned it around, seeing a smear of something white on the back of his hand.

"Oh, I got some of that retard icing on my hand" he said in annoyance as he brought the smear under the water to wash it off. He grinned, watching the hot water shower over his hand easily, but his grin was gone in a moment. "huh?" he said in surprise as he watched the water run off the icing, but it didn't wash it off.

"Come on damn you" he said as he shook his hand a few times, spraying some water around in the air. "I said come off" he ordered the streak of white on his He grunted as he shook his hand a bit harder, as if expecting the icing to simply fly off and splatter somewhere. But the streak was white was stuck on him like ants on honey..

He grunt in annoyance. it must have looked funny, a big buff muscled rhino with a big round ass hanging out standing half hard in the shower getting flustered and annoyed about a little icing on his hand. He was glad there was no-one else in the lockeroom at that moment.

"Ok, fine" he grunted as he brought the back of his hand up to his face and stuck out his larg and thick tongue. All it took was a second for his tongue to lap up the odd icing mxiture and the muscles in the back of his throat to swallow it down. He gave a cocky grin of triumph as he conquered his smeared adversary.

He let out a loud gasp as his eyes shot open as he felt a sudden rush of warmth hit his insides. His knees buckled slighly and he fell forward, holding onto the wall ahead of him as he found himself starting to pant.

"What..." he moaned as he spread his legs to steady himself, his thick heavy balls hanging against his thighs as he felt the hot water wash over them. they were almost tingling from how good the water felt to drip over them, and the tingling was spreading up his cock.

He closed his eyes for a moment as he pushed back a little, almost sticking his big ass out in the air as he parted his mouth, his tongue starting to hang down as he groaned, feeling another rush of heat coarse through his insides.

"Oh man....what did he put in that icing?" he asked no-one in particular as he looked down at the tiled floor, watching the water run between his large grey feet. he felt a flush rush over his face, feeling his cheeks heat up. Without even touching them he knew he was blushing.

"What...what am I blushing for?" he asked as he felt his skin begin to tingle all over. it didn't feel like a bad thing, but it was rather pleasurable. he could have sworn though that it was not becaue of the hot water. It had to have been something else.

Slowly, he went to righten himself when he let out a grunt of discomfort as he bumped into somthing. he took a step back and looked down in surprise as he realised that his hardon had smacked rather forcibly into the wall when he moved forward.

"Oh man, how did I get hard so fast?" he moaned as he grabbed his erection in his hand. It felt hot, hotter then it had been before and it was so hard it was actually aching. He closed his hand around his thick length, giving a moan as he couldn't help but give it a squeeze, moaning hotly as he felt the pleasure of being touched.

Something had to have been in that icing. he didn't normally get this hot and bothered, even with the other guys in the gym around him. Hell, even Azures sinfully skilled tongue didn't do this kind of hardness miracle on him. That bastard lion must have drugged the muffin to make him horny. And if that was true, only a little smear had made him rock hard and flustered.

"Oh man, I really need to get off" he moaned as he found his other hand start to stroke across his large pectorals. His skin began to tingle in a good way as he dragged his thick fingers across his muscled torso, caressing his own muscles as his hand began to slide up his thick shaft.

"Damn that lion..." Dino huffed as he rubbed his shaft up and down. He let out a longing moan as his cockhead began to leak a thick drop of precum. He collected it in his fingers and smeared it over his fat cockhead, moaning a bit louder as the sensitive skin tingled.

"Oh man, feels so good." he moaned as his fingers found one of his nipples and he gave it a fim squeeze, letting out another gasp from his self pleasure. His cock throbbed again as his hand began to move a bit faster, his hand beginning to smack against his hefty balls.

Although it did feel good for him to stroke and pump himself into the hot water of the shower, something was missing. it just didn't feel enough for him to do this on his own. He tilted his head back as he moaned again, thrusting his hips forward and clenching his bubble ass.

He needed something more. He needed...

"Eeep" he gasped as he lost his train of thought as he heard someone walk into the locker room. No, two, judging by the voices accompanying the feet. He couldn't make out who it was as he held his breath, holding onto his nipple and his cock as he tried to keep quiet.

Pawing and having sex in the gym wasn't uncommon, not exactly forbidden, but it was discouraged. Mostly due to the cleaners insistence.

He coudln't hear anyhting over the water above his head, only muffled voices as whoever it was stopped in the locker orom. He could hear rummaging and zippers opening. he bit his lip to stifle a moan as he pictured a couple of big beefy guys stripping nearby down to nothing, exposing all that flesh and muscle and cock.

Dino slowly pulled his hand off his aching cock and turned down the volume of water enough so that it was still running, but he could still hear who was talking. His almost automatically flew back to his cock and squeezed it so hard he almost squealed.

"Hey, I checked with reception. Azures membership is still valid. He didn't cancel it or anything" said one voice. Dino moaned as he found his hand starting to squeeze and grip his cock further. He recognised that voice. it was Joe, the elephant from earlier. A mental image of that big buff elepahnt slowly stripping off his tight lycra wrestling suit, peeling away a skintight layer of material to expose hard muscles flashed trhough Dinos mind, making him moan.

"Yeah, its odd bro. shame though. he's got a fucking nice ass" said the other voice. Damn, it was Anthony the bull. "Really wanna fuck right now. I got a good workout, I'm hot and bothered and he ain't here bent over backing that ass up. Stupid twink didn't wanna put out" he admitted.

Dino bit his lip, his hand starting to move up his cock slolwy as he pictured that bull bent over, stripping his shorts off. The bull had a really tight hard ass of his own, and a very meaty cock that swung between his legs. That image of him bent over, ass up and cock swinging made Dino whimper as it crossed his eyes.

"Yeah. athough I can live without Dodon running his mouth around the place" said Joe. Dino grunted a little as he pictured that arrogant horse in his mind. Dodon was one of the older veterans of the gym, and a really cocky fucker. The kind that viewed anyone stronger or bigger then him as competition and someone to squash underneath him.

Dodon was a big horse himself, built like a hard stud and he knew it. He had most of the gyms records under his tight belt and always got in the face of anyone who came close to breaking it. A while ago, a cougar had come close to breaking a record that Dodon had owneded. The horse had held the record of repeat 10xsquats, 10x pushups and 10x situps in ten minutes.

The cougar, a very quick and agile guy, had looked like he had the record in the bag untill Dodon 'accidentally' tripped over his own feet and landed an elbow in the guys stomach. Of course, when the cougar stood up and accused him of doing it himself, Dodon had punched him in the gut and winded the guy pretty seriously.

Although Dodon was a jackass and a cunt combined, he did have a hot body and the goods to match under his shorts. Course, anyone bigger then him was a problem, which Dodon liked to rectify by bending said competitor over and making him walk funny for a few days. Sometimes wether or not they wanted it.

Still, images of a naked horse under the shower, bent forward with his big long tail lifted in the air showing off those long legs and nice high ass that all horses seemed to have flashed before Dinos eyes and made him whimper as he gave a squeeze to his nippple again.

"Hey, someone left food here. Dude, sweet" said Anthony suddenly.

Dino almost choked as he heard that remark and it was enough to make him stumble forward, rather painfully bending his cock downards against the tiled wall. the pain was enoguh to break him out of his self pleasure as he rightened himself.

"Shit, they can't eat that" Dino said as he felt a wave of panic run through his body. It gave him a shot of adrenaline as he left the shower running and stumbled onto the dry floor, his feet almost sliding on the smooth tiles.

"DON'T EAT THAT" Dino shouted as he ran out of the shower area into the locker room as fast as he could. Dripping water and panting he came to a halt in front of the benches where Anthony and Joe were sitting.

Joe was standing, his outfit half peeled off and dangling below his waist, his lower half still covered. Anthony was sitting naked on the bench, his legs spread and his body shining with a coating of sweat. Dino could smell the sweat and musk that was coming off the both of them and it hit his nose rather forcibly.

Both of them held half the muffin in their hand, each with a bite taken out of it.

"Shit, you ate it didn't you?" Dino said in disbelief as he stared at them both. They both looked back at him and instinctively swallowed, a visible lump goind down their thick necks as they looked at the dripping wet rhino in confusion.

"What the fuck is the problem?" Joe asked with a raised eyebrow. "it was just sitting here, what were we supposed to do with it?" he asked, looking annoyed. He spread his legs a little, Dino noticing a very thick bulge travelling down the inside of the elephant's thick thigh.

"Yeah, you should have ate it when you had the chance bro" Anthony said as he leant back a little, his rather thick cock suddenly slipping off the edge of the bench and dangling freely. "Tasted nice. Where you get it anyway? Got anymore?"

"I think you should spit it out" Dino said. "look, I tasted a bit of it and then I got really hard really fast and all I could think of was pawing off" Dino insisted as he wiped water from his eyes.

"And you pawing off is supposed...supposed to scare us?" Joe asked as he swayed a little on the spot. He blinked several times, his trunk curling around his pecs as he seemed to lose focus on where he was standing.

"Yeah, you paw off...off all the time bro" Anythony said with a lopsided grin on his face as he seemed to sway on the spot as well, his face starting to look somewhat drowsy.

"Look, this is different" Dino insisted as he looked at them both. "I think that muffin was drugged or something. It just got me really hard and horny like instantly, and I think its trouble and...hey, are you listening to me?" he demanded.

Both Joe and Anthony were looking at him with a blank expression on their faces. They were both swaying slightly on the spot, their faces unfocused and their eyes looked drowsy. Well, it looked like they were looking at him, but not exactly at him. Dino looked from one to the other and saw that their eyes were glazing over.

"Guys? Hello?" Dino asked as he took a step forward. For a few moments neither of them said anything as they just stared straight ahead, their expressions starting to turn from dumb blank to lusty rather quickly.

"Oh shit" Dino said. "He did spike the muffin" he said as he saw both the males in front of him start to grow hard at a very rapid pace. Joe's crotch began to bulge outwards, the lycra starting to stretch forward as the big elephant started to pant, a sheen of sweat starting to coat his body. Joe reached out and grabbed a coat hook to steady himself as his crotch bulge just simply grew and grew.

Anthony's cock rose to full mast rather quickly, slapping against the bulls toned torso since it wasn't confined. The bull leant back as his long tongue rolled from out of his mouth and dangled against the side of his chin, his body growing wetter as a hot flush formed across his cheeks, his body starting to sweat harder as it gew hotter.

Dino gulped as he watched the two guys get hard and horny right in front of him, feeling his own cock throb to remind him he was still hard as well. He swallowed the lump in his throat and tried to step back, but his legs wouldn't work. His mind was starting to scream at him to run away, but his body wanted to stay.

"Damn man, what did you put in this?" Joe finally asked, his lusty expression still on his face as he regained his focus as he looked at the remainder of the muffin in his hand. He visibly licked his large thick lips as his trunk began to caress his sweaty pecs.

"I ...a ...lion...gave it to me..." Dino tried to say as he found his eyes darting between each of the hard pillars of flesh before him. Something very wet touched his lips and it took him a moment to realise that it was his own tongue.

"Fuck bro, gotta get some more of this shit." Anthony moaned as he grabbed his length in his hand and leant forward, smacking his lips together. Dino went wide eyed as, out of the blue, the bull sank forward and took his hefty girth into his own mouth.

"Damn, I could use some of that" Joe said as he took his hand off the coat rack and wrapped it around his cock, starting to stroke it openly as he looked back at Dino. He gave a grin, a sloppy lopsided grin as he worked his thick length up and down.

"Guys....snap out of it." Dino said, hoping that would work. But it obiously didn't. The two big horny studs did not stop their manipulations of their lengths, regardless of where they were and that they were being watched.

Anthony sunk down on his cock as far as he was able to, getting a good third of his cock into his muzzle. He started to bob up and down on it as he stroked the rest of his shaft with his hand, effectively getting himself off in two different ways. The moaning in his throat and the effective way he was rocking back and forth showed this wasn't the first time he had done such a thing.

"Shit man, this feels so good. Why don't you join us?" Joe said as he looked over at Dino, who was simply standing there with his big cock bobbing between his legs. Dino gulped as he saw Joe looking straight at him, a hungry look in his eyes and his cock twitching in his hand. That big fat elephant cock was starting to drip steadily onto the floor.

"guys..." Dino said rather lamely as he felt his own cock throb with need. he couldn't help but whimper as he started to smell the rising musk in the air, and the smell of sweat. It took him a moment to realise that it wsan't just them he could smell. it was himself.

He was sweating as well, his body still wet and slippery and no now longer just from the shower. His cock was still hard and bobbing between his legs with each beat of his heart, a steady drip of pre dropping onto the tiled floor between his feet.

Anthony was chowing down on his cock like a hungry man taking on a hungry man dinner. The bull was slobbering and sucking over his cock so hard and fast it was possible he had no gag reflex. The moans and wet slurping coming from his throat was quite a turn on, and it was making Dinos cock throb hard.

Joe was starting to moan as he panted, digging his hand into his lycra tights and shimmying them down his hips. He moved his legs and his hips back and forth as his tight outfit somehow managed to move down his thick legs. He let out a moan as he kicked his outfit away, taking his hand and starting to fondle a pair of huge balls under his cock.

Dino licked his lips again as he felt his cock twitch. The sight of the two big horny muscled studs in front of him pleasuring themselves, the sounds of their moaning and the slobbering and sucking was kicking Dinos hormones into overdrive.

"Fuck man." Anthony said as he pulled off his cock, a thick string of pre and saliva dripping from between his lips as he sat back, his rock hard cock poking up into the air. He left his mouth open, a few strands of pre running down his chin and down his neck. "Don't think that's gonna cut it." he said, panting a bit as he grabbed the muffin piece off the bench and lifed it up.

"Yeah, this feels good, but i want more." Joe said in agreement as he held up his muffin piece as well."We need more of this shit." he said as the elephant gave it a look over for a moment before an idea seemed to spring to mind in his head. With his cock throbbing with need Joe turned the piece of cake over, icing side downwards and pressed it against his cockhead.

"OOOOHHH" he cried out as he tilted his head back, his cock pulsing hard as he seemed almost on the verge of orgasm right from that contact. But his cock did not erupt as he slowly dragged the icing down his shaft. Dino watched wide eyed as the cock seemed to grow even harder, if that was possible. Joe slowly dragged the piece of cake down his cock, leaving a large streak of white icing down his shaft.

"Feel good bro?" Anthony asked as he saw what the elephant was doing. With a lusty grin on his face Anythony turned his muffin piece over and pushed it against his shaft. He let out a loud and lust filled mooo as his cock hardened like a diamond and squirted a very thick jet of pre into the air. But rather then slide it down his cock, Joe rubbed the icing around his sensitive cockhead, moooing in the pleasure it was bringing him.

Dino could not believe this. Both these guys were getting themselves off, but they were getting off with a muffin. how the hell was that possible? and why was it such a turn on? he let out a whimper as he resumed stroking his own hard rhinorc shaft, his hand starting to pump up and down the huge piece of meat as he felt his other hand slide to his hip.

He couldn't hold himself back any longer as he just let his hand work over his thick shaft, pumping his phallus meat slowly, his hand moving up and down the hard dripping shaft. He felt his other hand rub at his hip slowly in small circles before it started to drift backwards.

"mm, fuck yeah." Joe moaned as he used up all the icing on his cock and dropped the remaining muffin onto the ground. He leant his back against the wall holding onto the base of his cock with both hands as he shook his icing covered cock back and forth like it was a toy. Several thick ropes of pre slew into the air and started to splatter on whatever they landed on, from the benches to the gym bags.

"Hell yeah bro." Joe moaned as he finished coating his cockhead with the icing. He pulled the muffin away, the top of his cock crowned in a mixture of pre and icing. He saw that he still had some icing left on the top of the muffin that hadn't made the transfer. Rather then letting it go to waste he scooped it up in his fingers and dropped his muffin piece to the ground.

Something caught his eye long enough to distract him from his arousal as he looked over at Dino. The rhinorc was standing there, panting and stroking his hard cock openly but that wasn't all he was doing. His hand had left his hip and it had pushed itself between his big butt cheeks and was obvously rubbing against his hidden back door.

"You know Dino...you've always had the best looking ass in the gym bro." Anthony said with a grin on his face, his cock pulsing quickly as he looked at the horny rhinorc. He rubbed the incing in his fingers as he kept his hand pumping up and down his shaft.

"Hey..whaddya mean?" Dino asked as he felt the hot flush from earlier return and spread back over his face, making the big rhinorc blush very obviously. He let out a moan as he felt fingers make contact with his backside and he almost jumped when he realised what he was doing. he hadn't even noticed what he was doing.

"Azures got a real hungry ass for cock bro." said Anthony as he kept a firm grip on his cock with his hand and rubbed the icing against his finger tips in the other hand as he slowly stood up, holding his big dripping cock before him. "and its real nice too. But you gots booty bro." he pointed out with a grin.

"Yeah, you know what? He does got booty" said Joe with a grin around his trunk as he stopped shaking his huge icing slick cock and held it steady, a thick stream of pre dripping onto the growing puddle on the floor. He too began to stand up from his leaning position on the wall and held his huge cock before him.

"Hey..hey guys..I'm...I'm not like that." Dino protested as he felt his cheeks burn in embaressment at the thought of getting bent over like Azure, and his cock pulsed in excitement in his firm grip. He could even feel his ass clench against his fingers, almost trying to pull them in.

"You got booty. We got cock." said Anthony as he stood there and pointed at Dino, his thick fat bull cock swinging between his legs like a lewd pendulum. it swung back and forth, left to right, slapping against his thighs as the bull moved forward.

"Yeah. How about helping us out Dino?" said Joe as he held onto the base of his cock with both hands and stepped forward as well, holding his huge cock like a baton that was guiding his path. and that path lead to rhinorc booty.

"Guys..wait.." Dino said before Joe lunged quickly at him. Joe was a wrestler and a fast grappler for someone his size, and he had no trouble quickly letting go of his cock and getting his hands on the rhinorc before Dino could move out of the way.

Dino grunted as he was forcibly moved between the two horny studs. He tried to fight back, but Joe was too quick for him as his hands were grabbed and he was forced to turn around. A hand pressed against the back of his neck and the other grabbed his wrists, lfiting his hands up and pressing them against the wall above him.

"Guys..guys stop..." Dino whimpered as he felt Joe kick at his legs and his big bubble ass was stuck out like a target to the two big horny men. He briefly wondered why he wasn't struggling more or making more of an effort to get away from them, but all he found himself doing was sticking his big rump out further for the two of them.

"Damn, that's some booty bro." said Anthony said with a grin of lust on his face as he saw the huge rhino butt staring back at him. His thick bull cock throbbed from the erotic sight of prime ass high in the air. And what a fine ass it was.

"Better lube him up. don't wanna break him." Joe said as he pushed Dino down with the hand on the back of his neck, pushing him to bend over more. Dino whimpered as he was bent further his hands still held in place as he felt his forehead run flush with the wall. He closed his eyes for a moment as he felt a hand run down his back. Obviously it was Joe sizing him up.

"Why...why am I not fighting?" Dino whimpered as he felt himself push his ass up into the air, backing it up against the bull behind him. "Why am I wanting this?" he whimpered to himself as he felt his heavy cock bang against his abs. each bang left a splatter of pre against his abs, giving him a shining and dripping coat.

"Yeah, gotta lube dat ass bro." Anthony said with a grin as he stepped back. he grabbed a thick cheek in his hand, his hand barely managing to cup even half of that big rhinorc ass, and sowly pried it open. Dino moaned as his ass was handled so fimrly and he couldn't help but shift his hips a little to help spread.

"Yeah, prime booty." said Anthony as he licked his lips with his thick tongue. The bull looked around for a moment, hoping to see a bottle of lubricant just happening to be magically within his view. Then he looked at his fingers. It took a moment for the lightbulb in his head to go off as he stopped fingering the icing in his hand and shoved his covered fingers against Dinos tight backdoor.

"AAAAGGGHHH" Dino cried out as his eyes bulged outwards and his cock surged with life, a thick jet of pre spraying onto the wall right under his face. His mouth hung open in both pleasure and surprise as he felt like he had just been struck by a lightning bolt. A damn good lightning bolt at that.

"Damn, he's opening right up bro." said Anthony as he watched as Dinos backside literally swallowed up his fingers, almost like the tight orifice was sucking them right on in. Dino panted hard as he felt his ass open up almost like he had been bottoming all his life.

Truth was, he hadn't been. He had never been buggered up the backside before, and for his ass to open up so quickly and so easily like a natural had to be against nature itself. He moaned as he felt two of Anthony's fingers wiggle aroudn in his tight chute like a hotdog sliding into a buttery bun.

"Yeah, swallow those fingers bro." Anthony said with a grin as he pumped his cock with his spare hand, watching his fingers slide in and out of Dinos backside. The rhinorc was moaning and panting loudly and each moan sent shivers down Anthony's spine. He could actually feel Dinos tight sphincter grab and suck his fingers in with each pump.

"Oh god..oh god." Dino panted as he felt Joe's hand rub down his sides and over his hard stomach, the elephant still feeling him up. the hand soon found Dinos crotch and Joe wrapped his hand around Dino's rock hard lenght.

Dino whimperd and instinctively humped into the elephant's tight grip, pushing his hips forward and then pushing his ass back against Joe's fingers. Joe just held his hand there as he watched as Dino started to bounce his ass back against Anthony's fingers and hump into his hand.

And Dinos ass did bounce. It was almost like the rhinorc was trying to sit himself down on Anthony's fingers, literally grinding down and bouncing his huge glutes at the same time. And each movement slid his cock through Joe's fingers as he humped against the strong grip.

"Dam, I gotta tap this ass." Antyhony said as he pulled his figners from Dinos creamed up hole, unable to simply watch Dino ride his fingers. The rhinorc's anus almost winked at him as it tried to close up, surrounded by a frame of icing cream. The horny bull was not going to let that hole close up unless he was done with it. Anythony grabbed his cock and lined up the thick cream covered cock head against Dinos booty and pushed forward hard.

Dino pushed back on the wall, breaking Joe's grip as he arched his back and pushed backwards, swinging his head back as he cried out as a surge of pleasure shot through his body. He let out such a loud bellow that it would have set off car alarms.

Anthony's thick bull cock plunged in deep, hitting areas in Dinos body he didn't know existed as he was filled inside. Joe felt a bump grow against the back of his hand and he had to look to see that as Anthony's huge cock slide into the rhinorc's backside, it bulged him out rather visibly.

"Damn man, you're deep dicking him." Joe said with a moan as he saw how incredibly sexy it looked for the rhinorc to have a cock bulge from how deep Anthony was pushing into him. Slowly that bulge grew upwards, going past the second, then the third set of ab muscles, almost reaching the rhinorc's ribcage.

"damn he's tight" Anthony moaned as the bulls hips smacked rather hard against Dinos backside. Buried to the hilt and his fat balls pressing against the rhinorc's hanging orbs, he felt like he was in heaven. "Better than the twinks bro." he said as he grabbed Dinos slender waist and held onto it hard as he mooed to the pleasure of having such a hot booty wrapped around his cock.

"Fuck man, he loves it. Look how hard his dick is." Joe said as he saw Dinos face grow red in embaressment to his situation, but he pushed back and began to grind his booty butt against Anthony's cock. Joe could feel the rhinorc's cock pulse and throb in his hand as Dino ground his ass against Anthony's hips.

Anthony huffed as he pulled his cock backwards, hearing the rhinorc whimpering as he was being emptied. Anthony only pulled about half of his cock out before he plunged back in, pushing forward as he grabbed Dinos hips and pulled the rhinorc back in his place.

"AAAGGGHH" Dino cried out again as the bull began to fuck his virgin tailhole wide open. His mind was beginning to get swamped in the lust and pleasure he was feeling of being fucked deeply, that bull cock hitting him in places he hadn't dreamed of before. He felt his body start to get thrown into a tug of war as the bull behind him pushed him off his cock then plunged him back down on it.

Joe stood there, his hand resting on Dinos broad back and the other squeezing the rhinorc's hard cock. The sight of the big rhinorc getting pounded like a varsity cheerleader was one of the hottest things he had seen in recent times and it was making his cock pulse and throb with desire.

Dino panted and moaned as he felt sweat start to drip down his face as he lowered his head, his eyes gazing on the floor as he saw sweat drip into little puddles on the tiled floor. He could hear Anthony's grunts and huffs echo around the tiled lockeroom as he was bent over and bred like Azure always was.

He wanted more. He wanted, right at that moment, to be Azure and take his place. He wanted Anthony to fuck him hard and deep, then have Joe take his turn and use his booty. And then have every other stud in the gym take their turns, all hot and sweaty and horned from their workouts ready to let loose on him.

"What the fuck is wrong with me?" Dino whimpered to himself as he panted and moaned, still pushing his ass back. He could hear Anthony's cock slurp and squelch into his ass with each thrust, the hard smacking of hip against his ass felt so good as he was hammered.

"Oh god...don't...don't stop." Dino moaned as he scrunched his eyes and dug his figners onto the wall as best he could. he couldn't deny it, the pleasure of the hard fucking was undeniably good and every hard thrust into his gut made him want more. If there really was something wrong with him, at that moment he didn't want it fixed.

he slowly lifted his head as Anthony plunged in balls deep, his heavy orbs smacking against Dinos balls and making them both jostle and jingle about. Right there in Dinos vision was a thick hefty cock covered in streaks of creamy icing and dribling pre like a melting ice cream.

To Dino, it was like staring at the most appealing candy stick he had ever seen or believe in. It made his mouth water just to look at it as it bobbed and throbbed in front of him. He felt Anthony grind his cock inside of him, making that huge fuckstick stir around in his insides. He could feel the icing that was lubing him up mix in with the pre and his ass juice and start to drip down the inside of his thighs. Anthony could have been mixing batter in his ass with how he was grinding.

"Oh fuck!" Joe cried out as he felt a hot eager mouth suddenly wrap around his cock almost out of nowhere. Dinos eyes went wide as his mouth came into contact with the thick icing that was coated around that cock and he suddnley felt a craving for nothing else. He literally glomped down on the cock, putting the whole slimey creamy cock straight down his throat.

"Fuck! " Joe cried out again as Dinos mouth instantly sank down, taking the entire length of the elephant's girthy length straight down his throat in one swift movement. The thick cockhead passed by his throat and plunged in as deep as it could. If he had a gag reflex, it was long gone by now.

Dinos eyes rolled into the back of his head as he let go of the wall and reached forward, grabbing the elephant by his tight backside and pulling him close. with the bull stirring his cock into the rhinorc's backside and preventing him from backing up, he literaly swallowed more cock then he should be able to handle.

"Yeah, swalow that cock Dino." Joe said as he grabbed the rhino by the ears, holding onto them like a pair of handles and started to thrust into his eager muzzle. The elephant extended his trunk and let out a harrumph of pleasure as he fed the eager rhinorc his mighty cock.

"Damn bro, he's hungrier then Azure" Anthony panted, sweat dripping down his face and down his body, coating his muscles in a sheen of shine that made his build all the more impressive. His ass flexed and clenched as he thrust and ground his cock into the rhinorc's booty.

"Yeah. Guess he'll replace Azure till that dragon gets his ass back." said Joe as he thrusted forward. his hefty balls smacked Dino in the chin with each pump forward, sending his cock into his throat deeply. "Hope he don't come back though." he harrumphed as his balls smacked against Dinos chin.

"Come on bro. How hot would it be to have two big asses like this?" Anthony said, grabbing a handfull of jiggling butt cheek in his hand and shaking it for emphasis, "Side by side getting fucked bro." he pointed out with a lewd grin on his face.

"Aw man, Azure and Dino, side by side, fuck." Joe moaned as he mentally pictured it. he could see Dino and Azure bent over, their asses up high in the air and getting drilled by every member of the gym over and over again. That image made his cock throb in an aching pleasure as he gripped Dinos ears hard.

Dino moaned, the hot flush on his face only increasing with the embaressing thought of being Azures replacement, or even his tag team partner. But the thought seemed to only light him further on fire, sending a tingling down his body that made him all the more aroused to the thought.

spit roasted between two hard horny men, Dino pushed himself backwards onto the thrusting bull as he gripped the elephant's tight ass, pulling himself back onto the cock that sunk into his throat. He was literally rocking himself back and forth on the two cocks, his own length slapping against his stomach.

"Oh gods bro, his ass is milking my cock so good." Anthony moaned as he kept thrusting. his hips smacked and smacked and just kept smaking against Dinos ass. The surface of the rhino's rear end was almost ripplin with each shake, the skin hardly able to stay still as that big round booty just shook and jiggled about as the big bull cock plunged into the rhinorc's inner depths.

"Fuck, his mouth is as soft as velvet." Joe moaned as he gripped the rhinorc's ears in a tight grip, making the bulky male under him whimper from the squeeze. "Like fuking a royal fleashlight" he moaned heatedly as he kept thrusting, his tight rear end flexing in Dinos fingers as the rhinorc gripped him tightly.

Dino was loving every minute of it. He couldn't help but moan and whimper and push himself back and pull hismelf forward as he let the guys spit roast him from both ends, and spitroast himself right back. His hefty cock swung back and forth and slapped against his stomach, splattering his dripping pre everywhere on the floor underneath him.

The smell of sweat, musk and sex rose in the air, creating a scent that overpowered the scent of steam and soap that normally occupied the lockeroom. Grunts and growls and moans and moos echoed in the empty room. It was a wonder that no-one else in the gym had noticed or heard what was going on just on the opposite side of a wall.

Dino was moaning as he felt a mixture of drool and saliva run down his chin, the elephant's balls hitting the leaking fluids and splattering it against the thrusting thighs and around the rhinorc's dripping mouth. there was no more of that strange icing left. Dino had swallowed every single drop of it.

And his ass was perhaps getting the best workout of his life. every hard smack and slap of flesh upon his flesh, was making his cheeks burn. He could swear that he was getting one hell of a spanking, And he was loving every minute of it.

"God bro, I can't...can't hold back." Anthony moaned as he kept thrusting. He could feel his balls begin to boil with need and his cock pulsed as he felt ready to blow into the needy rhinorc. He could feel his cock was throbbing and pulsing above the point of no return.

"Yeah..i'm getting so lose too. Wanna fill Dino up full." Joe admitted as he humped against Dinos face. He ground his crotch against the rhinorc's lustfull expression, forcing him to swallow around his hefty girth.

"Oh gods bro, I wanna blow in his ass." Anthony mooed out as he kept thrusting, his tail lashing around behind him.

"Let's cum together." Joe said as he kept thrusting. He could feel Dinos fingers dig needily int his ass, the tight grip starting to hurt but it was in such a good way.

"Yeah bro. Lets cum...lets cum in him bro." Anthonty cried out as the two of them started to thrust in unision, each one pumping into Dino and pulling out at the same time. each thrust almost lifted Dino off his feet as he struggled to hold onto the bulls butt as they literally pumped him upwards.

It only took a few more humps and thrusts before the two gym studs blew their loads into the whimpering rhinorc between them both. Both of them erupted practically at the same time, feeding the hungry rhinorc from both ends.

Joe thrusted deep into Dinos throat, the huge elephant cock throbbing and pulsing as he shot his load. His cock erupted deep in Dinos throat, sending a flood of cum staright down into Dinos stomach. Dino moaned and clenched his eyes as he was forced to, yet willing, drink down the elephant's thick cum.

Anthony pushed his cock deep into the rhinorc's booty, his hips pushing into the big butt and smooshing his cheeks upwards as he let out a long and happy moo of pleasure as his balls churned and he erupted. The flood of cum soared into the rhinorc's insides, Dino moaning happily as hefelt a warmth spread through him and flood his insides.

As the two bigger males above him flooded him from both ends, Dinos eyes rolled into the back of his head and he clenched so hard onto the elephant's butt that the male let out a startled trumpeting and Dinos butt squeezed down so tight he made the bull moo in shock.

Dinos cock erupted onto the floor under him as he felt his body shake with the pleasure of release, thick white rhinorc cream splattering lewldly onto the tiled floor between his legs and onto the feet of the elephant.

The three of them collapsed onto the ground, faling into a pile of sweaty felsh and muscle as the three of them lay panting and heaving. Sweat covered their body as Joe's thick cock slid from Dinos panting mouth, laying across his leg like a basking python.

Anthony moaned as his cock slurped out of Dinos well fucked backside, a splattering of cum leaving Dinos backside and landing on the bulls lap, dripping down Dinos big broad buttcheeks and down Anthony's thigh like melting icing.

For several minutes the three of them just lay there, unable and unwilling to move as their large chests heaved for air and their cocks finally began to start softening. Their panting soon became the only sound in the room as they all just lay together in one big sweaty pile.

Dino was the first to move as he pulled himself up, feeling a gurgling and a sloshing in his stomach and an aching on his backside. He had to literally force himself to stand up and he felt his legs wanting to buckle under him.

He steadied himself with one hand on the wall, feeling a little lightheaded and overwhelmed. He staggered past the two studs on the ground as he held onto the wall, walking slightly bowlegged as he moved himself towards the still running shower.

"That....wow!" Dino was able to get out as he stepped under the spray. The hot water felt good against his skin as he felt the sexual fluids around his face start to melt away. he closed his eyes as the let the water once again cascade over his skin.

"What the fuck was in that muffin?" Dino wondered again as he ran a hand down to his sore butt. He hissed a little as he felt a sting on his flesh, but it hurt in a good way that soon became rather pleasurable as he slowly massaged his sore butt.

Cupping his cheeks in his hands he spread his backside and pushed his fingers inwards. He slowly pushed two fingers inside of his sore backside. He winced slightly as he probed his tender hole, then moaned as he felt the bull spunk start to drip down more freely as his hole was opened up and it trickled down the inside of his thighs.

"Dammit, why did that feel so good?" he moaned as he wiggled his fingers around inside his own ass, feelign the copious amounts of cum leave his body. How much did the bull blow anyway? It felt like a minute or two before he felt completely drained and he removed his hands from his ass.

He didn't bother with the soap as he simply rinsed himself clean, nursing the feeling of getting out of the gym as soon as he could. His backside was aching all through his shower and his throat felt like he had swallowed a coke bottle. A thought occured to him as he rubbed his throat. How had he been able to take those two hung studs like he had been sucking and getting fucked for years?

"When I find that damn lion, I'm gonna wring his neck and find out what he drugged me with." Dino said to himself as he stopped the shower and stepped out onto the floor. He allowed himself to drip dry for a few moments as he looked back over his shuolder. He could see his big butt stick out behind him, and he blushed crimson as he saw that almost his whole ass was reddened from its repeated spanking.

He growled, wanting to get his hands around that damn lion for what he had done. Instead, he grabbed a nearby towel and started to dry his face, burying himself in the soft cotton as he caressed his face and his sore mouth.

With his head in the towel he slowly walked back into the changing area, letting his body drip off the excess water along the way. What stopped him in his tracks were the sounds he heard that almost hit him like a tonne of bricks to his sore ears.

He heared the sloppy wet smacking sounds the moment he walked around the wall and they stopped him in his tracks. He stood there for a moment, wondering just what it was that he was hearing as he slowly brought the towel down.

Before him were Anthony and Joe, who seemed to have recovered faster then he thought. They were now laying on the bench, Anthony on the bottom and Joe on the top, the two of them very sloppily and wetly making out.

Dino dropped the towel as he stared at the two studs hungrily pash and kiss at each other, thick large tongues dancing between their muzzles as they went at it like two hungry cats sharing their milk. Their tongues were doing a long and slimey dance with one another as they both ground their bodies against the other.

Joe reached up, holding something in his hand. Dino saw that it was part of the muffin from ealier and the elephant smeared the spongey cake over the bulls face. Anthony moaned and grinned with a lust filled expression on his face as the crumby mixture was spread over his sweaty face.

Joe eagerly wrapped his trunk around Anthony's thick neck andp ulld the bull back in close. But instead of plunging his tongue down the bulls throat he began to messily lap up the red crumbs that littered the bulls wet face.

Anthony moaned as he was licked and slurped like a lollipop, his hands reaching down and grabbing the elephant's ass. Joe moaned loudly and humped against Anthony's midsection as his glutes were squeezed.

Slowly, Joe dragged his tongue along the bulls squarish muzzle and his huge ears turned as he heard something made of cotton drop to the ground. Joe slurped up a tonguefull of crumbs and looked over his shoulder, seeing Dino standing there with a dumbfounded expression on his face.

"Hey Dino, wanna join us again? I'll let you top" Joe said with a grin around his trunk as he spread his legs, lifting his short tail into the air. Dino saw the view of the elephant's tight ass spread before him, his cheeks spread enoguh to expose the hidden hole buried deep, thanks to Anthony's large hands.

and under the elephant's butt rose a thick slab of bull cock, still coated in the combined cum and ass jucie from Dinos butt, hard as a rock and dripping once more. That big fat cock was slowly grinding up against the elephant's taint, pushing up and down behind the elephant's fat ballsac.

Dino felt new life renew in his cock as it lifted upwards and pointed straight at the exposed elephant ass that was being offered before him. As he looked at it, Dino could swear that Anthony's portion of the muffin was spread over the tight ass and buried between his cheeks.

"To hell with strangling him. I'll buy a whole damn box of those things." Dino thought as a grin spread over his face as he licked his lips eagerly. Damn, he was hungry all over again.

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