A Favourite Situation Chapter 6

Story by Kendo Kawabata on SoFurry

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#6 of Favourite Situaion

A Favourite Situation Part Six

By kendo Kawabata

To Jeanne

My name is Matt, and I need your help.

I don't know where to start. My father placed me in the B.O.S.S. after I was involved in a car accident, and I was given a period of parole. He didn't tell me what was going on, as he had agents fit me with different bondage devices, and was turning into a slave behind my back.

I thought I found the way out of it by contacting the parole board, but he obviously had thought of that as he let the agents kidnap me and take me to the compound where I was turned into a slave and I didn't even know it.

I feel like crying every night, no matter how hard I try not to. My brother and my cousin, are now my handlers, and I feel like running every time I see them. They scare me nowadays, as they seem to enjoy making me feel like I don't belong and that I'm no longer equal to them.

My brother seems to enjoy making me feel like I'm beneath him, that he can step on me only just because you can. He has made me blow him multiple times, and he humiliates me every time I do it. Lately he has begun urinating on me and making me swallow it with empty promises of giving me the chance to give myself relief, but he finds some way to make me feel like I failed every time.

I know he's lying every time he does that, but I can't help but hope that each time might be true. He makes me feel so much worse when he just breaks the promise simply because he believes he can. And he's able to get away with it too.

My cousin's angry all the time, and I don't know why. I work for my overseer in my father's warehouse, and so does my cousin. But nothing I seem to do is right by him. He is always shouting at me over everything and anything I do wrong in his eyes and it feels like he just seems to itch for a reason to strike me. And I don't think he is sorry every time he does.

Truthfully I just feel like running every time I see but I can't get very far. And it seems that he can get away with beating me up just because.

My overseer, Spencer, I think I would have killed myself by now if he wasn't here. He seems to be the only good thing in this whole situation. He keeps his distance when work is going on, but when no one else is around, he treats me like I'm still a person. But I feel horrible because I sacrificed so much of my dignity already that I feel filthy when he treats me like I have some left.

Is there anything you can do to get out of this? I don't care what I have to do or how long it will take I need to get out of this. I feel hollow during the day, I feel disgusted when my brother and my cousin handle me, I feel like my father is a stranger and I cry every night and it cannot stop. Please, I need help.

Email sent.

"And now it is 9 PM" the elderly female cat said as she sat at the head of the classroom. "I want you all to turn in your papers before you leave, and make sure you have the assignments written for the next class" she said as the group of males and females began to leave their seats.

With a sigh to himself, although more in anger and frustration than anything else, Luke folded his notebook shut. Yet another class had come and gone, and once again it had been nothing but theory and paperwork. The teenage flamedramon was getting frustrated and it only seemed to intensify by the fact that the teacher was just so god damn boring.

All the stupid old bitch did was talk on the theory of slaves. And the history. And the meaning. And the origins. And the blah blah blah. So far there had been nothing he could actually use that he had learned from her. Although if he had learnt how to sleep in class and get away with it he might have taken it back to his regular school.

He collected his papers off his desk and stood in line as one by one the other students gave their papers to the teacher. He didn't even look at at her, rather he simply tossed the papers on the desk and hurried himself out of the room, hitching his backpack by the shoulders, and leaving as quickly as he could. He didn't want to give any chance to call for him even if she tried to do it.

The classes at the B.O.S.S. didn't run past 9 PM, but there was more than one class going on at the same time. The very narrow hallway was already filled with various aged students who are collecting their things and leaving the night classes. Luke found himself getting pushed and jostled around as he tried to make his way to where his cousin's class was located.

Lucas saw his cousin and his teacher standing outside the doorway to the classroom, everyone else having already left. His teacher, a very big hunk of a manly wolf with a bara style muscled build, was leaning against a water cooler. Luke was slightly annoyed, that his cousin got the big Adonis of the teacher, and he was stuck with an elderly cat who looked like someone's grandmother from a retirement home.

Beside the water cooler was a large poster, with the slogan "Learn to treat them right". The picture of the poster, was of a very smartly dressed horse with a pair of black glasses, a big thick looking book in one hand, and a pocket tawse in the other. The poster was unnaturally cartoonish, but that seemed to be the style of every poster in the B.O.S.S compound.

"So you've already got your slave drinking your piss? And he's swallowing it without vomiting? You know most slave owners don't even try it till after a few months" said Nelson the big wolf. "They seem to have some kind of false belief that this is something to go easy on the them with. Of course most owners are mistaken about that" he added.

"Why should I wait?" Said Timothy with a smile on his face as he gazed somewhat adoringly up at his teacher. "Either he accepts his new position, or it just gets worse for him the longer he resists. That's what you told me after all" Timothy said. He stood rather proudly at the fact that he had learned something from his teacher, and the big wolf drank his cup of water with a proud smile on face.

"Well that is true" said Nelson as he crushed the paper cup very easily in his oversized hand. "There is no point in mollycoddling new slaves. It might seem cruel to some but it is necessary to help them transition. They need to be broken in as soon as possible" he continued to explain. "The more they have that false belief that they have a choice in their position, the more chance of them getting hurt in the long run."

"Plus it's a lot of fun too" Timothy said with a grin, and a bit of a laugh on his face. "It is so much fun to watch Matt suffer daring to refuse me. The more he fights, he more he needs to be reminded of his place'' he said, with a rather matter-of-fact look on his face.

"And that is the part people refuse to see. That although slave ownership is a big responsibility, it's a lot of fun" Nelson said with a smile, before he tossed the paper cup into a nearby trash basket. "You know with that kind of attitude Timothy, I'm pretty sure your going to end up top of the class by the time we're finished. Hell if I put in a good word you might even finish your course earlier than everyone else."

"Seriously I could finish it early?" said Timothy as his face almost lit up at the prospect. Nelson nodded and gave the smaller boy a clap on the back, although it was hard enough to almost send the boy to the ground.

Luke scowled as he saw the display between teacher and student, and then let out a grunt as he was shoved aside by a bigger looking horse in a very expensive suit who was holding a mobile phone against his ear.

"Watch it" Luke said an annoyance, but the horse completely ignored him, as if Luke was nothing more than a second class citizen. Luke stepped back as another person in another expensive suit almost shoved him aside as if he wasn't there.

Luke hated the fact that he was standing there, in cheap clothing from the local Walmart, while everyone else in the corridor, who were obviously from Timothy's class, were dressed in something that he could only afford to dream of. He literally was as out of place as he felt.

"Rich pricks" Luke muttered under his breath as he watched all the rich snobs walk past. "Go figure Dad would stick me in the losers class, then Timothy gets the rich bastard class" he muttered to himself. Maybe that was why he was learning absolutely nothing. Mmaybe you had to be rich to actually learn something around here?

The talk was obviously over, as Nelson walked back into the classroom and shut the door behind him. Timothy pulled his backpack, a very expensive looking one compared to Luke's battered pack, over his shoulder as he finally saw his cousin among the last few people to leave.

"Luke. How was class? Mine was awesome" Timothy said to his cousin with a grin spread across his blue face as he walked the short distance over two where Luke was standing. "Man, he showed us this cool discipline technique, called the' knee knocker' " Timothy said as he started to walk down the hallway, not really seemingly interested in whether or not Luke was following him. Or even giving him a chance to respond.

"My class was fine" Luke said as he walked after his cousin towards the lift at the end of the hallway. There was a short line, as the lifts weren't all that big. Only a few people could actually enter them at one time, and nobody there would even consider using the stairs.

Timothy didn't even seem to notice that Luke had responded, as he seemed too caught up in explaining his own incredibly fun class to his rather glum and angry looking cousin.

"see, you tie a band around the slaves balls to they stick out like a couple of eggs in a hankie. And then you tie these big fucking brass balls on chains onto the band. They force the slave to walk somewhat stupidly, because you know they're pulling on his balls and making him squat. And if he's not careful they smack into the back of his knees and he goes down like a ton of bricks" Timothy said with a snicker.

"And they hurt like hell too. I mean, all that weight on their stupid loser balls? But it was so fucking funny to see. Nelson brought in a slave bird, and tied the knee knockers onto him. He made him parade around the class with them on" Timothy continued as the line grew shorter.

"Nelson just made him walk through the classroom like some squatting freak while those big ass balls just waved back and forth between his legs. Oh man, everyone was laughing so freaking hard at him. Then the bird got his balls paddled for enjoying being the centre of attention. I guess if you keep their goods tied up so they keep on being erect no matter what, I guess you think they are enjoying it" he said with a laugh.

The line finally gave way as the lift doors opened. Being the last two in the line, Luke and Timothy got the lift to themselves. There was a poster on the lift wall, with the slogan "free men use lifts. Slaves use the stairs" and the picture depicted a male and female wolf in neat and tidy clothing standing in a lift, while a fox in the slave clothing was crawling down a set of stairs beside the lift.

"So, what was your class like?" Timothy asked as he suddenly realised that Luke hadn't answered him in the first place.

"Well wasn't as fun as yours" Luke said with a sneer as he looked down at the floor in anger. "we were talking about the slaves building the pyramids, and how they started to evolve through the ages from being just one species to being made up of every species. So it's not just a race that is enslaved it was that anybody can be a slave."

"Wow. That sucks" Timothy said, but he didn't sound very apologetic. "But then again, your dad did put you in the other class. Maybe if you could actually afford to put you in my class you might learn something good" he said with the snicker and a smirk.

"yeah, the poor man's class" Luke said to himself as the lift slowly descended down to the ground floor. The lift doors dinged and opened on their destination, to reveal the empty reception area of the B.O.S.S. compound. There was no one in the reception area, the last few students had already left through the front glass doors.

The two of them made their way across the empty reception area towards the glass doors, which opened to let them out. Once they were through, the doors closed shut and refused to open again. Timothy looked around for a moment, to remind himself where he had parked the car. It didn't take him long as there were only a few cars left in the car park, and the two have made their way to his vehicle.

Luke hated Timothy's car. Although they were the same age, Timothy had his learners permit and was permitted to drive. Timothy's car was a very nice looking yellow Volxwagen Beetle, although it was secondhand. But it was a very good quality second-hand car.

Luke did not have his learners permit. He would have, considering he passed the written and the practical tests already, both with flying colours. But his father's cheque had bounced to make the final payment and he was unable to drive without an actual permit.

And Luke's father, Aaron, had already told him that there was absolutely no way he would ever be driving his car. Luke had to get his own, but Luke knew that even with the work he was getting at his uncle's warehouse, he would not be to afford a car for a couple of years. So for now, he was relying on watching his privileged cousin taxi him around.

"You know, I'm gonna have to try that out on Matt" Timothy said as he opened the car door to let himself in. Luke had to wait for Timothy to remember to open the passenger door. "it might motivate better than just holding back his ability to masturbate" he added.

"Spencer says that has no problems working" Luke said as he sat down and shut the door behind him. "so, maybe you don't need to motivate him that way" he suggested.

"You really think that idiot has any idea what he is talking about?" Timothy says he drew the seatbelt across himself. "he is supposed to be experienced, but I haven't even seen him lay a hand on Matt yet. So listening to what he says is just a waste of time."

"He is my boss though" Luke said as Timothy started up the car. Headlights lit up the road ahead of them as he pulled out of the car park and began to leave through the checkpoint. He turned to the left and they were heading on to the highway. "And apparently he did own a pet at some stage, so maybe he does know something that we don't"

"Are you actually sticking up for the bastard?" Timothy said with a smirk to his cousin as he drove the car down the road "I thought you hated him, you're always complaining about him" he added.

"I don't know" Luke suited looked out the window, watching the street lights go past. Luke was finding it a little strange that he wasn't angry at Spencer as he felt he should have been. it was true that Spencer did come to Matts rescue, whenever Luke got into punishing him and spencer claimed he was going overboard, or putting Matts discipline ahead of his own work. He didn't feel angry about that.

He felt more angry that Matt needed to be punished, and that he wasn't learning from it.

"well, if Spencer doesn't start manning up and actually disciplining Matt as he should be, considering the disappointing therapy results that Tate gave us, I think dad might actually replace him" Timothy said. His eyes almost glazed over a little, and he felt a tightness in his pants as he thought "ooohhh, please let him hire Nelson."

"Well he must be doing a good job, because Uncle Thomas gave him a remote for Matts chastity device" Luke pointed out.

There was a sudden jolt in the car as Timothy almost slammed the brakes down out of shock. Luke was glad he had the seatbelt on as he was almost jostled straight out of his seat into the dashboard.

"What the hell did you just say?" Timothy demanded. There was a definite tone of anger in his voice, as if the mere suggestion that Spencer had something like that had offended him.

"Your dad... He gave Spencer a remote to Matts chastity device" Luke said as he looked over at his cousin. "Said that...Matt might need relief considering its been almost two months."

"When?" Timothy demanded. Luke was surprised see how quickly Timothy had actually become angry. Almost instantaneous.

"I don't know... I think a couple of days ago" Luke said as he tried to remember. "All I heard was that your dad was talking to Spencer about how apparently Matt hadn't had a release in almost two months. So maybe he ordered one for him?"

"Are you fucking serious?" Timothy demanded.

"What the hell are you getting angry at me for?" Luke demanded."I'm not the one that gave him the remote. Your dad did. What are you getting angry at me for?"

Timothy said nothing as returned his gaze to the wheel, and said nothing for a few more moments as he seemed to study the road ahead of him. Luke said nothing either, but he felt a fury inside of him that his cousin was getting angry at him for no reason.

"Get out" Timothy suddenly said as he pulled the car sharply to the side of the road and brought the vehicle to stop. It was so sudden that it took Luke a moment to register what had happened.

"What?" Luke said in surprise.

"I said get out" Timothy said as he pointed to the door. "Get the fuck out of my car"

"What the hell do I have to get out of the car for?" Luke demanded. He didn't know why Timothy was suddenly getting angry with him, but he wasn't going to let his spoiled brat of cousin treat him that way.

"I said get the fuck out of my car. I am not driving you home tonight. Get out" Timothy said as he pointed to the door again.

"Timothy it's the middle of the fucking highway, and its late" Luke protested.

"I said get the fuck out" Timothy shouted this time.

"but it's 20 blocks to my house" Luke protested. "What the fuck are you getting angry at me for?"

"Get out or I'm going to beat the shit out of you" Timothy shouted into his cousin's face. Luke could see that Timothy was dead serious, or possibly deranged. Somehow knowing that he was not going to win this battle, Luke open the passenger door, undid his seatbelt and stepped out of the small vehicle.

"if you think Spencer is so fucking great, call him and ask for a lift home! Or maybe you could spend the night together, since you both have Matts best interests at heart" Timothy said as he reached over grabbed the door and slammed the passenger door shut.

"You fucking whore boy" Luke shouted as Timothy drove the car sharply away. Luke shouted after him again, but the car was going too fast and too loudly him to be heard even remotely. And it only took a few moments for the car to disappear down the pitch black highway.

Luke wanted to scream, he wanted to shout, he wanted to kick the living hell out of something. But he was all alone on that empty stretch of road, and he was unsure of what to do. All he knew was that he was highly pissed off, and he had just been kicked out of this only ride home, by his cousin who blew up at him for no reason whatsoever.

He stood there for several minutes, just staring at the road almost as if he hoped that Timothy, would turn the car around and pick him back up. When nothing happened, he swore, then sighed and unzipped his backpack to pull out his mobile phone.

He wasn't going to call Spencer. He honestly didn't even like the guy that much, and he doubted that Spencer would be nice enough to send a taxi or a come to pick him up in the middle of a highway for no reason.

"what the... When the fuck did you run out of battery?" He said in complete disbelief as his cheap Wallmart mobile phone was utterly dead. But of course it was dead. Of course it was. He resisted the urge to throw the fucking phone over the road and smash it into something, because he knew his father would not replace it.

of course it would be dead, because that was his luck. He was in the poor man's class at the boss compound, because his dad wouldn't put him in a better class. He was stuck asking his cousin for a ride because his father wouldn't give up the money to pay for his licence. And his phone's battery was so cheap it had died right when he needed it.

"Thanks a fucking lot" Luke said as he looked up at the sky. hE spread his arms out in exasperation and continued to look upwards. "now what are you going to do? You can send someone here to give me a lift, or you can make it rain just to piss all over me?" He demanded of the dark sky.

What greeted him was the sound of thunder, and a very sudden downpour of rain.

"Fuck" Luke said in defeat as he just wanted to kill some thing.

It took him more than two hours to walk home in the downpour of rain. There were no cars on the road so he could not flag a ride from anyone. There were no buses that ran down that stretch of road, because some asshole on the city council decided they did not need a bus on that route.

And of course his father had to live 20 blocks from almost anything, so what should have been a short 10 minute ride, was just a long muddy track through sludge on the side of the road. His feet were numb, his boots was soaking wet and squished with every step. His clothing stuck to him like second skin, and he was sure he felt water pooling around in his underwear.

House after house passed him on the street, and every single one was as dark as the sky above. Nobody was up, nobody was home, and nobody was there to help him. The only thing that even seemed to be helping him, was streetlight that lit up enough for him to see through the rain. But they were automated, so they weren't exactly on his side.

He didn't even feel happy when he finally made it to his home. His house was a single-storey two-bedroom affair, and it looks like every other house on the street. Apparently the home owners Association didn't like diversity.

his fathers car sat in the driveway, and there were no lights in the windows. His father was obviously asleep, having decided to look after his own comfort and not stay up to see if his son made it home safely.

Luke dropped his drenched backpack by the front door as he searched for the house key hidden in the slots behind one of the wooden boards beside a hanging pot plant. The key was still there, so his father must've used his own keys to get into the house.

He inserted the key into the lock, and very very carefully pushed the door open. Coming home this late at night, was not something he wanted to let his father see, as it wasn't the first time he had arrived home after curfew. At least this time he had a very valid reason.

Not even daring to breathe loudly, Luke carefully squelched his way into the front wall way of the house. He paused only momentarily to make sure it that he could hear nothing. The only thing he heard was the Tick tock of the clock on the wall, but everything else was silence.

Allowing a brief sigh of relief, he slowly closed the door and very carefully locked it behind him. He bent down to pick up his soaking wet backpack, and the lights to the hallway suddenly turned on.

"And what time do you call this?" His father Aaron said he stood in the hallway door that led to the kitchen. Luke froze, practically caught like a rat in a trap. For a moment nothing was said between father and son, and the silence would have dragged on if Aaron hadn't repeated his question.

"I said, what time do you call this?" Aaron demanded as he folded his arms across his chest.

"I don't know. I don't have a watch" Lucas said as he dropped his backpack on the floor where it landed with a wet squelch.

"that is not a good enough excuse" Aaron said as he looked down at his dripping wet son. If he did actually notice that he was soaked through, he didn't say anything. e just stood there with his arms folded across his chest, expecting an answer to the question.

"I don't know what time it is" Lucas said as he responded to his father.

"Then tell me what time it says on the clock on the wall" Aaron said as he pointed his thumb over his shoulder to where the clock was sitting on the wall beside him. Luke said nothing as he followed his father's gesture with his eyes and saw that the clock now read 11:47pm.

"It's nearly midnight" Luke said although it was more of a statement then an actual answer.

"And what time have is set for curfew?" Aaron demanded.

"I would have been here earlier if Timothy hadn't cracked the shits, and he kicked me out of the car" Luke said to his father. "we were just talking and he suddenly got angry for no reason and kicked me out of his car and I had to just walk two hours in the rain."

"Timothy called me, and he told me that you refused the ride home and said that you didn't care what time you got home" Aaron said as he looked down at his son.

"what? Timothy called you and you didn't get in the car to come looking for me?" Luke said as he felt both a mixture of shock and anger towards his father. "It's pissing down rain outside, and you just sat in here in the dark waiting for me to get home?"

"That is not the point" Allen said as he looked down at his son. "You refused a ride home, you are two hours late, and you're not even apologising."

"Dad, Timothy is lying. He kicked me out of the car because he cracked the shits with me and he threatened to beat me up. I didn't walk home because I wanted to" Luke protested.

"And you didn't think to call?" Aaron said, as he raised an eyebrow at his son. Luke sighed and pulled his phone out of his pocket and flipped it open to show his father that it was dead.

"Dad the battery does not last very long on this thing. I had it fully charged when I went to class, and it died and I didn't even notice that it had" Luke explained. But his father did not look impressed, nor did he look convinced.

"So that's your excuse for not calling me? Your phone was dead?" Aaron demanded. Luke felt himself fuming and he felt himself filling up from the anger that had been slowly building ever since he started his class that night.

"Look you can check it yourself Dad, but it's dead" Lucas said firmly. "And I told you, Timothy kicked me out of the car, and drove off without me. And if he called you and told you I was walking home, and its pissing down rain outside, why didn't you get in the car and come looking for me?" Luke demanded.

"I told you this evening when you asked for a ride home" Aaron said."I have no gas because my pay cheque doesn't arrive until tomorrow."

"well that's a good excuse. I'm just supposed to accept that, and you just go and believe Timothy because he told you his side of the story first?" Luke demanded. "Your a hypocrite dad."

"Timothy is not on trial here. He is not two hours late dripping wet and full of sorry excuses as to why he is late" Aaron said as it unfolded his arms and placed his hands on his hips.

"Of course you would believe him. He's the rich boy" Luke said as he felt frustrated and angry. "He kickss me out of the car, and you believe him just because his dad owns you."

Aaron very quickly closed the distance between himself and his son and Luke did not get the chance to raise his arm up as his father struck him across the face with a hard backhanded slap. Luke was almost knocked off his feet from the sudden blow, and the furious look on his father's face actually melted whatever anger he was feeling.

"Your uncle bailed me out of a very serious debt so yes I owe him. But I do not believe Timothy just because he is my brothers rich son" Aaron said with fury in his eyes at his sons insolences."I believe him because he is not the one getting into trouble at school with his temper, trouble at work with his temper, and not doing very well in his handlers class, which have all been provided for by your uncle."

"No, I don't care what the hell happened tonight" Aaron said as he backed away from his son before he turned away to head to his bedroom. "You march yourself into your room, clean yourself up, and I don't want to see you again until the morning" Aaron said over his shoulder. "You are grounded for the next three months."

"Dad that is not fair" Luke shouted, but his father ignored him as he marched to his room.

"if you say another word, I will make it six months" Aaron said as he slammed the door behind him. Luke was left in silence for several long minutes, before he felt himself shaking with so much anger he was actually surprised he hadn't broken anything yet.

"I hate you" Luke muttered under his breath as he tried to keep his temper under control. He grabbed his sodden backpack and squelched his way to his bedroom. At least he didn't have an early start at work the next day.

Maybe he could try out that knee knock technique on Matt tomorrow and work out some of his frustrations out. After all, is not what slaves were for?

Matt was pretty sure, that giving Spencer a remote to his chastity device, was not in his best interests. Spencer could turn the horrible device that was permanently strapped to his goods off at any time for any length of time and allow Matt to touch himself as many times you want.

But the drawback was, what was the point of being able to have it turned off when Spencer didn't even have keys to remove the arm restraints? The stupid restraints wouldn't even allow his hands anywhere near his crotch no matter how much he tried.

Apparently Spencer had improved on his behaviour according to Thomas, to be allowed one of the small phone like devices to control the electrical chastity belt attached to Matt's crotch. But apparently he had not improved enough to warrant a set of keys, so he could get the arm restraints removed.

Once again, Matt was left without any way to relieve himself, save yet another long cold shower, which were starting to lose their effect on him. Just the thought of another cold shower to start his day, sent shivers down his spine that did nothing to help his mood.

It had been a busy day for him that day, but it was nothing that he couldn't handle. More shipments of goods, more shipments to move, and more paperwork to fill out. But really it had been an easy day according to everything else that had happened in the last few days. The work was actually starting to decline a little, and the warehouse was more full than empty these days.

A bell overhead signaled rather loudly, and Matt knew without looking up from his desk that it was now lunchtime. He could hear the general cheer from the other workers on the other side of the warehouse, but he ignored them as he did every day.

He did keep a nervous eye out, for Luke. He had no idea why Luke was so angry that morning, but he had the distinct feeling that Luke was looking for a reason to hurt someone. So far he had managed to avoid his very angry looking cousin, because thankfully Spencer had a lot of stock of Luke to move around on the other side of the warehouse. But every time he had seen him, he had received a very angry looking glare.

Matt signed the last couple of papers that were on his desk, and slid them into the appropriate tray. He always made sure that his desk was empty, before he ever went to lunch. Timothy had once arrived without warning, and found Matt in his room eating his bland meal of slave brix while there were only two sheets of paper left on the desk.

Since that day, Matt had made sure that his desk was empty of any work before he ever left for any reason. He really did not want to have to endure another 50 lashings across his backside just for leaving two pieces of paper on his desk, even if they were signed.

Before he went upstairs into his room to have his lunch, he made his way to the stairwell to check on his clothing. The little twin tub system had finished its washing cycle, and it was now time to dry off his cloths. The routine had really sunk into him after doing it daily to the point that Matt really didn't need to remind himself to do it.

His tunic and towels were placed into the little spin drier system and the lid was closed. A low heat and an hour to dry them off meant that he really didn't have to think about it until everybody went home for the day. An hour was good though, as he didn't like to have to keep checking on.20 minutes on a high heat really didn't do any justice. It was a small comfort to wear clean clothes that weren't damp.

When Matt went inside his room he carefully shut the door and took a look through the window to make sure that there was nobody in the loading bay. Although nobody disturbed him at lunch, he did not want anyone to know that he had finally contacted the slave counsellor Jeanne.

He had no idea he had been permitted an email address, but it was on a restricted website that anyone at any time would be able to read. Most likely to ensure he wasn't talking to anyone he shouldn't be, or trying to stir up trouble.

"Please let him have replied" Matt said to himself as he made his way over to his computer and clicked on the email icon on the desktop. He could actually feel his heart beginning to pump as he watched as the Internet slowly brought the inbox up to fullscreen. Spencer had told him that the Internet was high speed in the warehouse, but Matt only got a very limited speed access to anything. He had no idea why, but he didn't want to question it.

His eyes were wide as he saw his first ever email sitting in the inbox. The sender read "Jeanne," and the subject was labelled "Matthew" and Matt felt his heart race a little more. He had been waiting for this email for more than three days. Not only was it his very first email, but it could be one that could potentially help him.

He moved to the mouse over the icon for the email, and hesitated with his finger right over the button. What if the answer to all his problems lay in there? What if Jeanne had found the way out? What if it was even an email saying that the B.O.S.S. was now bankrupt, and he was given his immediate freedom?

He sighed and mentally slapped himself, as he realised his hopes were just getting simply too high. For all he knew Jeanne was just simply replying to an email. And he wouldn't know until he clicked the button.

He clicked it.

"To Matt.

Forgive the lateness of my reply, but I am a very busy person. I receive dozens of emails every day from boys and girls just like you, all asking for help or asking for assistance. It may take a while for me to reply to you, but I always make sure I reply to every email that is sent my way.

Unfortunately, I cannot put everything I want to say into one email. If it is possible, I would like to set up a one-on-one talk with you. I can give you access to my chat service on my website, so we can talk one-on-one and I can get to understand you and the situation a little more.

It can be any time that you are sure you are not going to be disturbed. Do not worry if it is even 3 o'clock in the morning. I am somewhat of an insomniac, and I usually spend most of my nights reading or counselling other people.

First of all, I want to say that I am very sorry to hear what has happened to you.I know this may sound strange, but the B.O.S.S. does have very strict guidelines on who can and cannot become a slave when it first opened and began its practice. Unfortunately, over the last year some of the guidelines and rules changed a bit. Sadly you are not the first child in any family to be enslaved over a minor incident. Please do not think you are the only one.

Secondly, I'm afraid I cannot get you out of this. As unfortunate as it sounds, all I am able to do for you is simply help your situation by giving new ways to cope with what has happened. I cannot intervene and get you out of this. So I'm afraid, that you are going to have to accept the situation.

Now, by situation I mean what has happened to you. You are now a slave in your father's warehouse, as you have previously written. You do not have to be happy with this, but you have to accept this is where you are now. You're not going to get out of it anytime soon, so as tough as it may sound, you have to accept that you are going to be in this situation for a long time coming.

If your own father, and your brother, have helped put you in this situation and are doing nothing to personally make you happy, you can no longer trust them or count on them. If they did put you in this situation, and are enjoying the abuse and humiliation that they can put you through, do you really think that they going to help you get better?

Now, I know you have said you think suicide is an option, but trust me it is not. I'm guessing you think if you did kill yourself tonight, and your father found you tomorrow, you believe he would be sad? Do you think he would break down and cry and admit that he was wrong about the whole thing? That he will be exposed as a monster?

Unfortunately, that is not going to happen. Suicide under the B.O.S.S. is not considered a sign that a slave was driven to it through abuse. They see it as a failure that someone did not do their job. Most likely, your father will place the blame on someone else, and I'm guessing it would not be your brother Timothy. It will most likely be your overseer Spencer. After all, an overseer is generally someone disposable in the view of the B.O.S.S.. as they are considered nothing more than glorified babysitters from what I understand. If you killed yourself, Spencer will most likely get the blame and can face criminal charges of letting you do it.

I know you said that you are crying almost every night and you feel like you cannot stop. You are going to have to try to stop. Slaves have more power than they actually believe they do, but the B.O.S.S. want you to believe that by crying every night, you are jjust proving to them that you are indeed worthless. But you have to be strong. By crying and letting your fears and emotions get the better of you, you were just proving to them what they want you to believe.

You have to accept the situation, but you don't have to accept being their slave. You do not have to accept being their slave if you are not happy. If you have to do what they say, do it but you dont' have to enjoy it. You don't have to like it, you don't have to enjoy it and you don't have to want it. You may have to accept the situation, but you don't have to accept being a slave.

Unfortunately I can't really help any more then this, because I really would like to get face-to-face so I can help you. If you have any questions regarding anything I have just said to you, do not hesitate to reply back to me. I will do everything I can to help you deal with the situation, but please remember that what I have to say may not be what you want to hear. But it will be what you need to hear.

Warm regards, Jeanne. "

Matt had to admit, that he had not expected Jeanne to actually say any of that. He had expected Jeanne to reply with an actual solution, with a way to make him feel better. Or a way that he would stop crying at night. Or a way for him to get out of this situation.

As he sat back in his chair and slowly began to reread what he had just read, he realised he was kind of foolish. To actually believe that all the answers were going to be given on one email. Jeanne had already admitted in the email that there was more he could say to him, but it would be best to talk one-on-one. He had to admit, he did feel foolish to believing everything would come at once.

His eyes trailed over the words slowly as he carefully reread everything. He didn't want to miss a single thing. After he had read the entire email a second, third, and finally a fourth time he had to admit he was starting to feel better.

"So there are others out there in my situation" he thought to himself."I guess that does make me feel a little better that there are others out there who I can relate to" he thought. He did feel a little better to know he wasn't the only one, but at the same time it was a little depressing to know that there were other kids out there who are unfairly in this situation.

A rumble of his stomach suddenly jerked him out of his thoughts as he realised that his lunch break was almost half over. If he wanted to actually eat, he had to do it now. Otherwise he would not be able to eat until he had finished his work for the day.

With the turn of the wheel on the dispenser, a small cascade of grey dull slave brix poured into the bowl. Cold water was added and Matt sat on his bed with the bowl in his lap, spoon in his hand. He watched as the bricks slowly began to dissolve and melt into a disgusting grey soup. After almost a month and a half of eating this... goop, it was actually starting to taste a little decent.

Now faced with yet another bowl of soup in his lap, Matt slowly began to eat his very depressing meal. With nothing but a large glass of water to wash the stuff down, the meal was never anything but depressing.

His mind wandered to what Jeanne said about the suicide option. He did feel a little foolish, to actually believe that his father would break down and cry if he found Matt sprawled out on the floor, his wrists slashed and covered in bright red ribbons of blood.

He doubted that his brother would actually feel any kind of remorse, for essentially being one of the reasons that Matt would have driven himself to do it. What Jeanne said about them shifting the blame to Spencer, made the most sense in the worst possible way. If they needed a scapegoat, he had no doubt they would shift the blame straight to Spencer without a second thought.

As he swallowed another lump of grey goo, he wondered what Jeanne actually meant about accepting the situation, but not exactly accepting a slave. He wasn't too sure he fully understood how could he not accept being a slave and accept the situation at the same time? Didn't one go with the other?

It didn't take him very long to finish eating the rest of his gloop, it never really did. He always found it easier to just simply eat it and get it over and done with. That being said, he was always left with 20 minutes left over, that he could actually spend to himself. He didn't feel like it was cheating, considering he was given half an hour for his lunch. Was it against the rules to finish early?

Matt stood up and put the dishes into the sink, and it didn't take him any more than 30 seconds to rinse them out. He stuck them on the rack to dry, and then stood and stretched his arms as best he could.

The dam arm restraints once again got in the way, preventing him from lifting his arms very far above his head. Every day he stretched his arms, as if trying to test the limits of the restraints. Some days he felt he could stretch a little longer or a little further, but some days it felt like they were tightening up on him. He figured it was probably just his imagination, but he stretched every day just to see what would happen.

he felt the cord from the ceiling smack against his face as he raised his arms down, and shook his head to move it off his face. The rings on his face clank and jangle against his skin with every movement , and he felt his face flushed from the embarrassment of being so deformed from the facial pericings.

He was still getting used to the fact that he had to see himself as a slave. There were very few reflective surfaces anywhere in the warehouse, and the times he did see his reflection, because he so rarely saw it, he was always surprised to see that the person staring back was actually himself.

He sat back down on his computer chair and reread the email again. It did feel kind of nice to be able to talk to someone, even if it was through just an email about the situation.

"Maybe I should arrange a time" he thought to himself."I wonder what else he has got to say. Already I do feel a little better just getting this from him, even if I don't understand at all."

Matt watched as the computer went to sleep mode and screen went blank. He sat back in his meagre desk chair and thought again about how to accept the situation but not accept being a slave.

"How do you accept one the other?" He said to himself as he rubbed his chin in thought.

"Finished your lunch early?" Matt heard someone say from the door. Matt almost leapt out of his chair in shock, simply because he hadn't expected anybody to simply walk in unannounced. He stood up and turned and saw that Luke was standing in the doorway, his hands behind his back and his gaze narrowed at Matt.

"Yes, I finish my lunch early" Matt said as he pulled himself together. Luke said nothing as he looked Matt, and Matt felt a shiver run down his spine, feeling like he was going to be reprimanded for finishing early.

"you know I've been thinking" Luke said as he stepped room, his arms behind his back ."maybe I have been a little too hard on you" he said as he seemed to look around the room. Matt said nothing as he slowly lifted his gaze up to his handler. He wasn't quite sure whether or not to agree, or even say anything to that remark.

"I mean, I guess you are just still learning and everything, and I guess I just have too high expectations about you" Luke said as he stepped up to Matt. "So, I can't I can't turn off your device and give you the release that you need, but I can give you something else."

"What would you like to give me sir?" Matt asked. He felt another shiver run down his spine, and he couldn't help but feel a little uneasy. Luke had never been this nice to him since he started working. And he didn't know if he should trust him.

Luke held his hand out, and showed Matt the can of soft drink that he was holding in his hand.

"I'll let you drink this. And I promise I won't tell anyone about it" Luke said as he set the can on the desk. "It'll just be between us, and I know that you been trying so hard."

Matt did not know what to say as he looked down at the can. There was some light condensation forming on the outside, so Luke must've grabbed it straight from the vending machine and brought it there. But why?

"Well? Are you going to drink it?" Luke artist as he saw the hesitation in Matt.

"Well, it is very... Considerate of you to think of me like this" Matt said carefully is he tried to form the right words. Luke was never afraid to verbally assault him, or strike him in any way. But he could not help but remember that Spencer had told him that he was not permitted to have any other food other than slave brix and water.

"Matt it's okay. I'm letting you have a treat" Luke said as he pushed a little more."I really would like you to have this soft drink."

"it is generous..." Matt said as he hesitated once again. Was this test? Or was this a genuine token of Luke's generosity? He thought about it for a moment more, and made up his mind. He wasn't going to risk it. "I... I'm not allowed to have anything other than my approved meals and drinks. I'm sorry Luke that I have to refuse this generous gift."

For a moment, nothing was said between the two of them. Matt remained looking at the floor with his hands behind his back, wishing that Luke would simply walk out the door. Luke though, had his fingers balled into fists at his sides, but his face remained somewhat neutral. He opened his mouth and took a slow deep breath and spoke in a very calm, but also angry voice.

"Matt, I am going to be very upset if you don't drink this soft drink" Luke said in an even voice. But Matt could hear the anger in his voice as well. "So drink it" he practically ordered. "Unless, you want me to punish you for refusing me for being so nice?"

That single threat was enough to make Matt cave in as he realised the catch he was in. If he refused, he was going to be punished. But if he didn't refuse, could he be punished? Only one thing seemed sure at that moment and he went with it.

"No, no sir. I don't want to insult you and disrespect you for being so nice to me" Matt said quickly as he reached forward and grabbed the cold can of drink. "I sorry that I refused your drink" Matt said as he looked his finger under the lid of the can and popped the top.

For moment he thought that the can was simply going spray him in the face, but it did nothing more than fizzle and hiss. Not looking at his cousin, Matt slowly brought the can to his lips. He could actually smell the scent of Coke, and he felt his lips almost start to immediately water at the long desired sensation of soft drink.

Matt tilted the can to his lips and slowly let the cold liquid wash over his tongue. He could not help but close his eyes as the refreshing liquid splashed over his tongue and he began to swallowi it gulp by gulp. Almost at once he could feel his body opening up to the very missed beverage, and he had no idea until that point how much he actually missed a simple soft drink.

Luke watched very carefully, a thin but cruel smile spreading slowly across his face. He could clearly see that Matt was enjoying the beverage, and that was making the whole situation just a little bit more sweeter.

It took maybe a minute or two, for Matt to fully drain the entire can, but when he did he felt exceptionally better. He pulled the can away from his lips and let out a soft sigh of pleasure, as he felt his stomach slowly expand from all the soft drink he had just consumed. He brought the can down in front of him and held it in his hands, as he licked the last residues of the syrupy liquid from his lips.

"thank you Luke" Matt said as he held the can between his fingers and slowly looked up at his cousin. "That was... Very nice and... Very refreshing" Matt said as he gave his cousin a smile.

"Well" Luke said slowly as he looked over at his slave."I'm glad you enjoyed that, because now I've got a tell you something." Matt looked over at him, a funny feeling starting to develop in his stomach.

"You really should have refused me the entire way" Luke said with a grin as he put his hands on his hips. "Do you remember what Spencer, if he ever actually did, tell you about accepting drinks?"

"He... Said I..." Matt found that he couldn't actually finish the sentence, because the funny feeling that had been starting to develop in his stomach, was starting to intensify. He took one hand and ran under his tunic to cover his stomach, and he felt a gurgling both internally and physically against his fingers.

"He should have said, that under no circumstances are you to ever accept a drink from a freeman" Luke said with a grin. "Now, if you had just refused me one more time, I would have walked away and you could have gone back to work. But, you just had to go and drink it" he said with a smirk.

Matt didn't say anything to that, as he felt that funny feeling in his stomach intensify a lot further. He felt a little weak in the knees, and he felt as if his head was beginning to spin. He dropped the can and it fell to the floor with a soft clattering noise. He grabbed the edge of the desk with his hand as he felt a sheen of sweat start to build up on his brow.

If Luke notice the sudden change in Matt stance, he didn't say anything. He was too busy smirking as to how he had trapped his cousin in a legitimate way that he could punish him. Now the choice was simply how to do it.

"Now, I have an actual reason to punish you, and Spencer can't say boo about it. So, you're going to march downstairs and hitch yourself up in the cross" Luke said as he stepped forward. "And if you even think about resisting..."

Before he could even finish his speech, Matt opened his mouth and a spray of vomit splattered right across Luke's face. Luke recoiled in horror as Matt doubled over and retched again, another splatter of black and disgusting vomit splattered across the floor.

"You disgusting... Oh my god... " Luke cried out as he brought his hands up to his face, feeling the hot liquid that had just covered his face. He brought his hands back and saw they were covered in the slimy disgusting liquid, and he looked down to see that it had now soaked through his shirt.

Matt doubled over onto his knees, and let out another loud retching noise before his stomach heeved itself again. He vomited onto the floor again, and this time it came up as a mixture of black slimey water, and grey sludge. His lunch was now coming up on him as well.

"I'll ... I am so going to kill you for this..." Luke said as he grabbed one of Matt towels and hurriedly started to dry himself. He ignored Matt as he unloaded his entire stomach contents onto the floor, the retching noises getting louder and somewhat worse as Matts stomach ached as now it was starting to heave up with nothing in it.

"I... I'm sorry....I'm sorry... Oh god" Matt said before he had to grab his stomach as it cramped up and began to painfully contract. He felt his breakfast trickle through his teeth and down his lips, as he had to steady himself on the floor in case he fell face first into the now vile puddle.

"I can't believe this" Luke shouted as he wrenched the sodden towel from his face. Fury was lined across the boy's face as he looked down at the slave in front of him, who was now starting to shudder and to tear up over the whole situation. "First you disobeyed one of the most basic rules and accepted a drink when you know you're not supposed to."

"but Luke..." Matt whined, but he couldn't speak as his stomach cramped up again and he started to retch more.

"Then you have the balls to vomit on me?" Luke practically screamed. His face was starting to redden and his anger built-up even further."I swear to god I'm going to kill you. I am going to fuck you up so badly..."

"What the hell is going on here?"

Matt was gasping as he managed to look up, holding his stomach with one hand and supporting himself the other as he saw Spencer standing in the door away. The much bigger male was looking down on them both with a disgusted and horrified look on his face. Spencer looked first at Matt on the floor, then the pool of vomit on the floor, and then he looked at the very angry Luke that was standing right beside him.

"Oone of the workers just came to me saying that someone was sick and someone was screaming" Spencer said as he looked down at them both. "What is going on here?"

"Yeah" Luke said as he pointed at Matt was an accusing finger. "That pathetic piece of shit just threw up all over me" he practically yelled in Spencer's face. Spencer did not look intimidated in the slightest to have a 14-year-old boy yelling at his face.

But when Matt looked up at, he did not see concern on Spencer's face. In fact, the bigger male looked angry and it made Matt whimper further.

"the two of you, get down to the desk downstairs, and both if you sit there right now" Spencer demanded as he pointed out the doorway. He glared down Luke before he looked over at Matt who was still on the floor. "I said move" Spencer said again, and it was not a request. It was an order.

Matt said nothing as he slowly pulled himself up, feeling his knees shake a little. He had seen Spencer angry before, but the anger had never been directed at him. He was suddenly feeling very afraid, even more so then he had been just a few moments ago. Without a word Matt slowly began to walk to the doorway so he could leave the room.

"You are fucking disgusting" Luke said as he suddenly lashed out and gave Matt a kick to the backside. Spencer cried out and reached forward, but Matt felt himself fall. With a cry Matt fell through the air, and landed with a very heavy thud on his right shoulder on the cold concrete floor below.

"Luke back the fuck off" Spencer said as he grabbed Luke by the front of his shirt. The boy was momentarily hoisted into the area, a shocked look of surprise on his face, before he was pushed backwards. Luke landed on his backside in the puddle of vomit on the floort, as Spencer quickly jumped down the stairs.

"Matt are you okay?" Spencer said as he quickly knelt at Matts sidee and began to help him up. Matt winced as he felt tears in his eyes as his right shoulder throbbed in pain, and his entire body shook mostly from the shock of having fallen a couple of feet through the air.

"Matt can you stand up?" Spencer said as he carefully helped Matt up. Matt nodded slowly as he held on the bigger males arms to support himself, and he was slowly pulled to his feet. He figured he must've looked a sight, vomit stains down the front of his tunic, slime on his face and tears down his cheeks.

"what the fuck did you push me for?" Luke demanded as he suddenly appeared at the doorway. "you just got vomit on my clothes" he shouted. Spencer looked up and the look he gave the boy was enough to make him fall silent.

"Luke, you sit down at that desk, and you shut the hell up." Luke looked like he was about to argue, but Spencer held his hand up."If you say another word, I swear I will fire you on the spot. You better hope that Matts arm and shoulder are not dislocated from the fall."

It was the threat of getting fired, and the possibility of having to face his father over such a big failure, that Luke did indeed shut up. He slowly walked down the stairs, and stepped as far away from the two of them as he could before he made his way over to the desk and sat down without a further word. He felt his pants squelch onto the seat, but he didn't make sound.

"Matt, can you move your arm?" Spencer said. Matt had to swallow a lump in his throat, as he slowly tried to move his right arm. But he found that it wouldn't move up very far, or even move fast. He tried again, and he felt a pang of pain in his arm as he winced very visibly. 18 depressing to his arm from the back winced very visibly.

For a moment, both Matt and Spencer thought that he had actually done some kind of damage to his arm. When Spencer took a closer look, he realised that it was not Matts arm that was the problem. The collision on the ground had bent several of the metal rods in the arm restraints in the wrong direction. The restraint was now bending in the wrong direction and causing his arm to barely move at all.

"Luke, why did Matt throw up all over the place?" Spencer asked as he looked over to where Luke was sitting. Luke looked over at him, and gave a light smirk as he realised how he could fix the situation to his advantage.

"I caught him stealing a Coke from the machine" Lucas said with a grin on his face. "when I got to his room he had already finished drinking it and he tried to deny it. Tthen he threw up all over me. I don't know why" Luke said with a shrug of his shoulders.

"is this true?" Spencer said to Matt as he turned to looked down as Matt looked up at him for a moment and actually considered going along with the story. He had no idea why he would even think of such a thing, but when he looked up at Spencer, he saw the anger in the blackwargreymons eyes. Matt had the sudden feeling that if he went along with the story, Spencer would know that he was lying, and it would make things worse.

"Sir, Luke... Luke told me that drink was a treat, he... Pressured me into drinking it. I was scared... Of refusing him" Matt said as he tried to keep back a lump in his throat. He felt that if he talked he might end up throwing up all over Spencer.

"That is a god damn lie" Luke protested, but a single look from Spencer shut him up at once. Spencer glared at the other boy for several long moments, before he helped Matt to a spare seat and helped him to sit down.

"The two if you are going to sit right here, and I do not want to hear another word from either of you." Spencer looked at them both as they both looked back up at him in silence."I'm going to go back to the office, and I'm going to ring Thomas. He is the only one with the keys to the arm restraints, and they going to have to come off" he pointed out.

"They're coming off?" Luke said, before he quickly shut his mouth, realising that he had just spoken.

"yes. the kick down the stairs and the way he landed, has broken the arm restraints" Spencer said as he glared over at the other boy. "So now the going to have to come off. Now, I'm going to call Thomas. If I hear one word from either of you two, you will both be in far worse trouble then you already are" he promised.

Both boys said nothing, Spencer made sure that there were sitting correctly and quietly. Satisfied they were not cause any trouble, Spencer turned and walked out towards his office. For a moment, Matt thought that Luke would do something the moment Spencer was out of sight.

But Luke did nothing as he simply looked at the floor and stayed quiet. Matt kept a hand on his stomach, feeling it gurgle a bit more as he felt upset in the stomach, and upset at everything else. His right arm was aching and the way the rods were pushing into his arm weren't helping.

For several long minutes, neither of the boy said anything. Both knew that the other were reflecting on what had just happened, and both were afraid of what Spencer would do. Luke was afraid of what would happen if his father found out. He was still in trouble over the actions that had happened last night, and could only fantasise about what would happen should his father find out about this.

Matt though, felt himself shaking from head to foot as he knew that Spencer was actually angry with him. He felt a little lost as to why Spencer would be angry, but with the upset feeling in his stomach and the ache in his right arm, he simply couldn't figure out why. And he was afraid of what Spencer would do, since the anger was directed at him.

"Well, you both were quiet the whole time" Spencer said as he walked up and sat himself on the desk. The bigger male folded his arms over his chest as he looked down at them both..

Neither of them said anything as they both looked at the floor in front of them. Luke's hands on his knees and his gaze firmly downward. The only movement Matt dared to make was to bring his left hand up to his face and try and wipe some of the slime and tears from his face.

"The two of you are going to wait here until Thomas gets here." Spencer kept his arms folded across his chest as he changed his gaze between both of the boy's. Neither of them said anything as all three of them patiently and quietly waited. "I am disappointed in the both of you."

Spencer was surprised though, when Thomas never actually showed up .instead, it was Timothy who walked through the doors of the warehouse, past the other workers, twirling a ring of keys around his fingers and looking like he owned the place. in a sense, he actually did.

"Timothy what are you doing here?" Spencer said in surprise as he stood up."Thomas told me he was coming down to deal with this" he pointed out. Timothy gave them a grin as he stopped twirling the keys and slid them into his pocket. He folded his arms over his chest and smirked.

"Dad said he was too busy to be bothered coming down and dealing with unimportant crap like this" Timothy said with a smirk on his face. "You know, dad is really busy these days, and I don't think Matts slipping over and getting a bump on his sholder is really worth his time. hell, I would not have even come down it dad didn't say that Matt needed to be punished for something."

"There is an incident that happened yes, but I'm taking care of it" Spencer said as he held his hand out. "Just give me the key so I can remove Matts arm restraints." Timothy though, shook his head with a smirk on his face.

"why? He asked.

"They got damaged because Luke kicked Matt down the stairs" Spencer pointed out. he gave an angry looked over his shoulder at two silent boys, before he looked back at Timothy. "they have to come off, because he won't be able to work properly with his right arm restrained even further."

"So. He can use his left arm. Big deal" Timothy said with a smirk. "If his right arm is buggered, just make him use his left home instead."

"Timothy, hand over the keys now" Spencer said firmly."I'm not messing around here. Matt cannot do his job without both of his arms working properly. If one of them is weak because of the restraints being broken, the restraints have to come off. Matt has to be able to do his job around here. Now hand over the key is" he ordered.

Timothy though, didn't look like he was going hand keys over anytime soon. he looked past Spencer to see Luke sitting there are like a disobedient child. Luke though, looked back at him with a death glare in his eyes over what had happened the previous night. He had not forgotten.

"you know, dad said that Matt needed to be punished for breaking his arm restraints. So I'll make you deal. let Luke go, considering he hasn't actually done anything wrong. You said that Matt drank something he wasn't supposed to, and if that's true, then getting kicked in the ass is a suitable punishment for him." he pointed out.

"So what am I supposed to punish him for then?" Spencer asked."Luke kicked him down the stairs, so it was Luke's fault that they broke. I should fire Luke doing that" he pointed out. Timothy however, shook his head no.

"Luke doesn't get fired. Dad said that" Timothy said with a smirk on his face. "What Matt is going to get punished for, is for falling off the steps, and breaking his arm restraints." Spencer looked at him with slight disbelief,, and even Matt had to look up surprised if you his brother twist around the truth with apparent confidence.

"Timothy, that is not what happened, and that is not what I explained to your father" Spencer said as the down at the other boy."I told him exactly what happened, and exactly how I plan to punish both of them."

"Luke is not getting punished for anything" Timothy said as he looked up at the bigger male. There was no fear, no intimidation, and nothing but confidence in the boy's face. "so you can dismiss Luke right now. It is Matts fault for slipping and breaking his restraints, which now have to be replaced. And that is coming from my father, you know. YOUR boss" Timothy pointed out

Spencer said nothing as it down smaller boy, who apparently held all the cards in his hand. Spencer did not like where this was going but he felt that he had no choice but to comply. with a frustrated and angry sigh and the shaking his head, Spencer turned and looked over at Luke.

"Luke, get your ass back to work now" he ordered with a sharp raising of his voice. "If I see or hear anything wrong coming from you befor your shift ends, then we will pick up where we left off" he promised. Luke said nothing as he stood up and nodded, seeing the angry book in his bosses face. He quickly sidestepped around the desk and kept going until he was a safe distance away from him, before he hurried out of sight.

"Hand over the keys" Spencer said as he looked back at Timothy. Timothy continued to smile, and shook his head again to say no.

"That's not going to be good enough" Timothy said with a smirk on his face. "You forgot the other part" Timothy said. Spencer looked at in the moment of confusion, before he realised what Timothy was talking about.

"You really want me to punish Matt over this? Right now?" Spencer asked. Matt looked up at Spencer, seeing that the big man was actually defending him for the moment. He could still tell that Spencer was angry over something, but he felt a little better to note that Spencer was now defending him, for now at least.

"Ok, since you're not getting it, I'm adding to the list of problems" Timothy said as he suddenly seemed annoyed, as if the boy wasn't getting what he wanted. "He drank something he wasn't supposed to, he obviously lied about it to get Luke into trouble, and he fell over his own stupid feet and broke a set of very expensive restraints. And I can smell the vomit from here, so I'm going to add him being sick on purpose

"I see. You want me to punish him for everything and then you'll hand over the keys" Spencer said as he looked down at Timothy. Matt felt a shiver run down his spine. it was only when Spencer said that, that he remembered that Spencer was a former Master. Spencer had not once laid a hand on him to discipline him in any way shape or form. He therefore had absolutely no idea, what Spencer was like to actually disciplining him.

"Oh god, what's he going to do to me? What does he consider a punishment?" Matt asked himself as he suddenly felt afraid all over again. He felt his stomach churn a little, and he was pretty sure it had nothing to do with the drink.

"Yes" Timothy said as he looked up at Spencer. "Dad's been a bit concerned as of late, as to wether or not you are playing favourites in how you treat Matt" he pointed out. "And, he is wondering if he actually made a mistake hiring you." He seemed to wonder out loud, as if he wasn't even talking to Spencer.

"And you know I've never even seen you hit him. How do I even know, that your claims of being a master, are even up to par?" Timothy continued. He gave a grin as he saw that Spencer had closed his mouth was not saying a word to him.

"Maybe dad did make a mistake" Timothy said with the snicker. "Maybe he hired the wrong guy. He did say that if you hesitated to punish him to add to the list of punishments, but you just took it like a bitch. You didn't stand up or fight back, you just let me do it" Timothy said with a grin. "Maybe you weren't the master after all. Maybe you were the bitch."

Spencer said nothing as he glared down at the smirking boy standing in front of him. It infuriated him that some boy over half of his age was talking as if he had his job on the palm of his hand. He had balled his fists up in his hands, and Matt swore, in fear, that he saw the bigger males knuckles were turning white.

"You know, maybe you weren't the bitch" Timothy mused. "Maybe you really were a master. Only thing is, I don't believe you. You know, I can make Matt cry and beg with just 10 hits of the tawse" Timothy said with a load of pride in his voice."I bet you couldn't do it even if you smacked him with a bull whip."

"If I punish him, you give me the keys, and you will not doubt me again" Spencer said as he looked down at Timothy. "I do it, you hand the keys over, and you get your smart bitch ass back to your father and you let me deal with this myself" he said in such a heavy tone of voice, that Timothy actually crumbled in his confidence slightly. it down Timothy.

Timothy faultered for a moment, but he quickly hitched himself back up rather easily as he looked back at Spencer, but with less of a smile then before. Matt had to bite his lip to keep himself from whimpering in fear. Were they going to start trying to outdo each other as they punished him?

"You think you can do better then me?" Timothy asked with a smirk that grew back on his face. The look on Spencers face was not a look that said he was backing down, and for a moment Timothy considered his options. Then he smiled.

"Tell you what, if you really can do better then me and punish Matt enough for what he's done, then I'll go back to dad and tell him that he hired the right person, and I'll not only give you the keys, but I'll not question you about how you can deal with Matt again. Deal?" he asked. "ALthoguh i can't see how you'll do it" he added.

"I can make him scream with just three strikes" Spencer said flatly.

What frightened Matt at that moment, was not the fact that Spencer said he could do it in three strokes. It was the way he had said it. His voice was completely devoid of all emotion, and the look on his face was nothing less than dead serious.

"What?" Timothy said with a dumbfounded look on his face. "No way. There is no way, that you can make him scream after three strikes. I can't even make him tear up until at least six" Timothy said as he gave Spencer a look that said he didn't believe him in the slightest.

Spencer said nothing as he simply turned marched over to where Matt was sitting. Matt looked up and felt a shiver run down his spine before he gave out a whimper of fear as Spencer grabbed him by the back of his head and lifted him easily up.

"Bend over" he ordered in such a loud commanding voice that it shocked both Matt and Timothy to hear it. Matt felt that he couldn't move, as he was easily bent over the desk, held in place with a single hand on the back of his neck, all he could do was looked down at the surface of the desk.

He let out a whimper of fear as the back of his tunic was hiked up, exposing his round blue rear end. Something kicked at his ankles, and his legs was spread apart a little roughly. Spencer's hand grabbed his tail and lifted it up, the tail tip slipping under his palm so that he held both Matt's neck and his tail in place.

"you really think I don't know how to punish a bitch?" Spencer said as he looked over at Timothy, who had moved from his spot to get a closer look but was looking at it with dumbfounded expression. Spencer had just picked up Matt and bend him over and got him into position as if it was nothing at all. And he felt a bulge form in his pants, seeing his brother just bent over and exposed like he was a piece of meat.

"you know nothing when it comes to discipline" Spencer said as he dug into his pocket and pulled out a pocket tawse. Matt cringed as he heard the clicking noise as it lengthened out, and he felt his heart pound in his chest.

"Oh god..not now..please not now" Matt whimpered in his mind as he felt his small length harden up against his stomach. Why now, of all times, did his cock have to harden as if he was actually enjoying this? If his length wasn't covered, he was sure that, juding by how achingly hard it was, it would have light up the entire section of the warehouse.

"And I will prove it. You say 10, I say 3" Spencer said as he brought the tawse up and flipped it around in his fingers a few times. "The trick with slaves, is to punish them not with quantity, but with quality" he pointed out. "a punishment is not something that takes up their day. Its supposed to hammer the point home that they misbehaved" he said.

Timothy was watching intently, and he could not help but feel his hands begin to rub over his crotch as his arousal was growing. Almost seamlessly, Spencer had gone from being a silent and stupid large male, to someone who was instantly in charge. it was very hot, to see the sudden change in the bigger man.

"Oh man" Timothy murmured as he saw Spencer rub his hand over matts backside slowly, the mere touch of his fingers making the boy whimper in fear. From the way Spencer was bent over him, he looked fully in charge of the whole situation.

Timothy slowly started to group his crotch through the pocket his hand was in, as he watched Spencer lift the tawse in his hand high into the air.

Matt whimpered and cried silently as he felt Spencer touch his rear. It wasn't a soft gentle touch that made him feel like Spencer was trying to reassure him. It was more like a groping that said 'this belongs to me'. And Matt felt like it actually did as all around him was silence, except for the faint sounds of the workers still doing their job in the distance.

slowly, seconds began to tick by one by one, each second passing into the next and seeming to take for ever to go on. How many seconds past, Matt was not sure of. It might have been a few, it might have been half a minute, it might have even been just one moment that had decided to horribly fall to a slow snails pace to make it all the worse for him.

And then he heard Spencer's voice.


There was a swish, the sound of the tour's travelling through the air. And then there was the connection. It was a crack, as sharp as a bullet, and so loud that it almost rose above the noise of the other workers.

Matt felt his eyes bulge out as nothing but pain interrupted in his hindquarters. This was beyond pain he had felt from a tawse before. This wasn't 10 lashes from his brother who seem to strike him for fun. This wasn't a dozen lashes, from his cousin who would strike him out of anger in a haphazard manner.

This was a strike from an experienced master who knew about discipline. And it was the kind of strike that struck not just matts backside, but struck straight through him all the way to his core. And this was just the first strike.


Matt whimpered and clenched his eyes shut tight as hard as he could, and clenched his mouth shut as he braced himself for the pain. One strike and he was already on the verge of tearing up. Could three strikes really make him scream?

The tawse cracked like a whip against his skin and echoed in the air, and this time it did catch the attention of the other workers, who all stopped what they were doing for a moment. Matt felt the eruption of pain on the other side of his backside, and he had to bite down on his tongue to prevent himself from crying out.

Even with his eyes firmly shut, he could see stars in the void. Blood red angry fireworks of stars erupted in his vision and tears reached through his eyelids. This was only strike two, and already he wanted to give up. Already he wanted to get on his knees, kiss Spencer's feet, and beg for forgiveness for what he had done wrong.


Every worker that was in the warehouse heard the noise of a whip crack against skin, but what made them drop their goods and jump slightly in surprise was the scream that came from Matts mouth. The scream was something they had not heard from before, and they all wondered briefly who had made him cry out like that.

Spencer held Matt in place as the boy screamed from the pain of three lashes across his backside. It was only when Matt had stopped screaming, the boy panting and heaving slightly from how much pain he was in, that Spencer flicked the tawse back into its handle and placed it back into his pocket.

Slowly, he let go of the whimpering, sobbing boy after he made sure that he wasn't going to get up and do anything to get away. When he saw that Matt was just simply lying there crying into his hand's, Spencer stood up and turned to face Timothy.

The boy was standing there with a look of utter disebelief on his face, having just seen that Spencer not only made Matt scream from the agony of just three lashes, but there were three bright red marks on the boys backside. And that was supposed to be impossible. One of Timothys hands was on his crotch, giving a very impressive looking bulge a firm squeezing from how arousing he found teh whole situation.

"The keys" Spencer said as he held his hand out.

The request seem to snap Timothy out of his stance, and the boy actually struggled to remember where the hell he was. When he realise that he was standing there with his hand around his bulge and the keys in the other, Timothy actually found himself blushing from embarrassment. He fumbled for a moment as he unhooked the keys from his fingers and handed them over without a word.

"How... How did you do?" He said as he handed the keys over. Spencer said nothing as he turned his back on the aroused teenager and walked back to where Matt was. Timtohy had not actually seen exactly how Spencer had managed to mark Matts backside like that, but the marks were already starting to fade with no brusing. Was he that strong? Or was there a technique involved?

"I thought that's what your teacher was for" Spencer said without looking back at Timothy. "tell your father I punished him, and tell him you will have no problems with me from now on" he added as he thumbed through the keyring to find the correct keys.

"Yeah...yeah I'll do that" Timothy said as he seemed to snap back fully ot his senses as he remembered what was going on. He didn't argue or put up resistance as he found himself wandering back to the exit of the warehouse, still trying to figure out how it was done. And thinking of quickly locking the car so he could paw off like mad. It was only when Timothy was out of earshot and out of view that Spencer finally spoke to Matt.

"Matt, I am extremely disappointed in you" Spencer said as he fitted the key into the lock at the back of Matts collar and turned. With a soft clicking noise the hidden locks on the collar began to unlock one by one. Matt could feel the pressure start to release itself as the first of the locks was undone.

"what... What did I do?" Matt whimpered as he simply lay down, with the bigger man leaning over him. He didn't dare speak very loudly, he didn't want to get another strike like that. In fact, at that moment, he didn't want to ever make Spencer mad at him. If that was only a small punishment, then what was a big one?

"Matt, I told you. Don't ever accept drink or food from anyone. No matter what" Spencer said as he continue to undo the restraints piece by piece. "And yet, you did. You took a drink from Luke, and you drank it."

"I was... I was scared he was going to..." Matt whimpered as he felt the last of the locks suddenly come undone.

"That doesn't matter" Spencer said in anger as he let go of Matt and stepped back from him. Slowly, no longer feeling himself be held down, Matt pushed himself up, the pieces of the restraints falling off his body and landing on the desk. He stood up fully as he found himself standing up straight, and he noticed the difference without the restraints on his arms almost at once.

"Matt, I have been very very lenient with you since I have started working here," Spencer said as he turned to face Matt. Matt slowly turned as he looked back up at Spencer, but the bigger male did not look sorry or empathetic towards him. And it made him feel very small. "I have been lenient, because I know this situation has not been fair to you, and I have wanted to give you time to adjust to the situation, so that you were not overwhelmed and making it worse for yourself."

"But..." Matt began. Spencer held his hand up and Matt stopped talking at once.

"Matt, this is the second time that I have been questioned about my job. First from Thomas, and now from Timothy. I have been trying to be good to you and putting my job second. But I can't do that any more."

Matt looked up at him, and he felt a wave of despair go through him when he heard that. Did this mean that Spencer wasn't going to care about him?

"Matt, I have to be your overseer. I can't be lenient, I can't give you time to adjust, I have to start doing my job properly. I'm sorry" he said as he shook his head."I am sorry but I have to think of my job right now, and I can't afford to lose it."

"I... I'm sorry" Matt said as he suddenly felt like crying all over again. He stood there with his hands on his naked and sore rear and tears were starting to stream down his face again, but the worst part was that he felt he had actually well and truly disappointed the one person that cared about him.

"Matt" Spencer said as he put his hands on the boy shoulders and held him steady. Matt looked up and saw that Spencer was now looking at him, but he was no longer looking at him in anger or disappointment. "Matt you half to understand and accept this."

"You are a slave now. No one is coming to help you, no one is coming to get you out of this, and no one is going to treat you fairly any more." Matt looked up at him as Spencer spoke to him and he felt a sort of..he felt... a kind of numbness start to well up inside him and he felt his body stop shaking.

"Matt you have to accept the situation or you are never going to survive" Spencer said as he let go of Matt shoulders. "You have to accept the situation and you have to start dealing with it. That's why I gave you Jeanne's information, and that is what I am trying to do. But you cannot disobey me anymore, and I cannot allow you to do it anymore. The kid gloves have to come off Matt. You have to act like a slave if you want to survive."

"Do you understand what I am trying to tell you?" Spencer said down to Matt.

Matt found himself nodding, and saying out loud "Yes, I understand" in a very clear and calm voice. Yet for some reason, he suddenly felt very, very collected. Spencer nodded as he looked down at Matt again and then took a step back.

"Matt, get a mop and bucket and clean your room" Spencer said to him."I don't care how long it takes you to get your room clean, but you do it. Then I want you in a new change of clothes, and I want you to catch up all the work you missed because of this incident" he ordered.

Matt nodded as he let go of himself and walked over to the cleaning cupboard beside the stairs where the equipment was kept. Spencer said nothing as he watched Matt walk away, before he turned and slowly made his way back to his office.

Inside, he was hurting. He did not want to have to do that, and there was no way that he enjoyed doing that. But sadly, it had to be done. The only way for Matt to deal with the situation, was to accept it. And although it was in Matts best interest that Spencer punished him, it did hurt him because he had been doing it because he needed to for his jobs sake as well.

Matt grabbed a sponge, mop and bucket, and slowly trudged his way up the stairs to his room. He knelt down on the floor, and began to dab up the disgusting mixture of black slime and rotten slave brix soup that had been puked up almost an hour ago. He didn't say a word, and he still felt calm and collected about the whole thing.

As he worked at cleaning up his mess, his mind wandered and began to sort out exactly why he was feeling this way.

What Spencer has said to him had clicked. He just hadn't realised. It was exactly what Jeanne had told him before in the email, but Matt hadn't understood it at the time.

Now though, he did. He understood exactly what was going on, and the realisation that he understood felt like weights had pulled themselves from his shoulders, and it wasn't the weight from the restraints.

This situation was, that his father was not interested in taking charge of him. Spencer had requested him to come down and fix a problem, and Thomas did not want to do it because he was too busy. He had sent Timothy because he couldn't be bothered seeing that Matt was okay.

Luke was an angry son of a bitch, and he proved today, that he would do anything to get Matt into trouble just so that he could punish him. There wasn't enough for him to punish Matt unless it wa something he genuinely did wrong, and now it seemed he was finding ways to deliberately make Matt do something wrong.

and Timothy? There was no way in hell the Timothy would even consider helping him after that display downstairs. He had proved that by happily threatening Spencer with his job and getting Luke off the hook while blaming Matt for everything that had happened. And it wasn't just because their father had said to.

Matt stopped scrubbing as he realised something. Accept the situation, but don't accept being a slave. He was stuck as a slave, and he was stuck in this warehouse. He wasn't going anywhere, he wasn't to be treated farily, and there was no way anyone in his family was going to treat him equally.

No, they were not his family. Not anymore. They were not his father, his uncle, his brother and his cousin. They were his master, and his handlers. His uncle was nothing more then a stranger to him now. They weren't family, and it was time he stopped thinking of them as such.

He could accept that he was a slave now, but he was not going to accept being one. Spencer was right. He would act like one and he would put on a brave face and deal with it. If it hurt, so be it. But he was not going to allow himself to believe he was happy being their slave like this. He was going to act the part, and that was where HE was going to draw the line.

Now he understood what it meant to accept the situation. But in realising that, also understood what Jeanne had meant by not accepting being a slave.

He could accept the situation, but not accept being a slave.

because he was enslaved to the wrong person.

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