Commission : Bigger Harder Stronger

Story by Kendo Kawabata on SoFurry

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Bigger Harder Stronger

By Kendo Kawabata

This is a commission for Sidewalk Lucario, so please comment rate and enjoy.

Sam did not know where the invitation came from, or who had actually delivered it. All the pokemon trainer knew was that when he woke up that morning in his comfy bed, beside him by a single white and black envelope. It had been addressed to him on the front in black writing.


For the chance to win an item of legendary proportions, meets at the Violet Stone Ruins near route 69 at 9 AM sharp this coming Saturday. Make sure that your Pokémon are in good condition and that you are prepared for what is to come.


"Well Lucario, I guess we're almost there" Sam said to himself as he sat in the lobby of the Pokemon centre at route 68. He was reclining on a comfy bench by some fake plastic potted plants, while he was waiting for his pokemon. His pokemon were currently being healed by the centres Nurse Joy and that was going to take a short while. He was passing the time by studying the map on his Poketch device while re-reading the letter.

Sam was pretty normal booking, black hair down to his shoulders, brown eyes, a tall and thin build. He was not someone that would easily stand out in a crowd. His clothing consisted of normal looking sneakers, a pair of faded jeans, and a black T-shirt with the poke ball logo on the front. He may have looked rather average, but he was a very shy and timid kind of trainer that did not like confrontation.

Like any good trainer, he tried to be prepared for whatever was to come. Although something as strange as this was something he wasn't even sure how to prepare for.

He studied the map again as he traced a pathway on the map with the poketch stylus, trying to find a way that went into the ruins that didn't involve him having to abscale down half the road. The ruins he was looking for seemed to be in some kind of valley, and there was no direct route that headed that way.

"Just my luck that I'll have to go spelunking or borrow a hanglider to go over a cliff" he muttered to himself. Although he didn't really want to go through either. He had had enough trouble getting through the caves and the forests that seemed to be on the road for every pokemon journey.

"Sam?" came a light female voice from across the lobby.

Same heard his name being called. Figuring his pokemon were healed, he closed his wrist device and stood up, tucking the invitation into his back pocket before he made his way over to the counter.

"That's me" he said to the sweet smiling woman standing there . She was a red haired young girl/woman/teen? with hair that looked like tied up raspberry twizzlers . Her nurses uniform was immaculate in pink and white complete with a cute little hat sitting atop her head. Her smile was rather infectious as she handed Sam a tray lined with six red and white poke balls.

"Here are your pokemon, all safe and sound ready to go" She said in a happy sounding voice as she laid the tray on the bench. "They're all ready to go adventuring again."

"Thank you nurse joy" Sam said as he picked up the balls one by one and slipped them into place on his belt where they belonged. Nurse Joy took the tray and placed it under the counter when it was empty.

" the way, can you tell me what the best way down to the Viola Ruins is?" Sam asked Nurse Joy. "I can't seem t find a decent way down on my Poketch map" he pointed out.

"The viola ruins?" Nurse Joy asked, looking suddenly surprised by the question. "Oh, you silly little boy. Why would you want to go there?" she asked as she continued to smile at him.

"I got invited, somehow. Some invitation showed up in my bedroom this morning, asking me to be there in a couple of hours" Sam said as pulled the piece of paper from his back pocket. He unfolded the black and white piece of paper and showed it to her.

Nurse Joy took a look at the invitation for a moment before she shook her head, although her face did not lose her smile.

"I would advise against it" she said to him as she gestured to a wall nearby. Sam looked over and saw that the wall was covered in posters of trainers. Sam took a quick look over the posters, seeing the smiling faces of over a dozen boys looking back at him. And all the pictures had written in large red letters at the base, the word 'Missing.'

"We've had trainers go missing around that area for a while now" Nurse Joy said to him. "A total of fourteen in the last few months. They were all heading down into the ruins, and they never came back. We've sent in the authorities time and time again to investigate the ruins, but they come up with nothing" she said to him.

"They go missing down there?" Sam asked as he walked over to the wall to take a look at the pictures on the posters. Nurse joy nodded to him as Sam looked over one to the other. All the trainers were smiling and looking happy, but from the dates on the posters, they had been smiling quite a while ago.

"I would avoid going down there" she said to him. Sam looked again at the posters as Nurse Joy turned to serve someone else who had arrived up to the counter. Sam turned his attention back to the posters as he continued to look them over. Something odd was about the posters, and it took him a moment to realise that every picture was male. Every trainer was a boy in his teens of all shapes and sizes.

"But I did get invited" Sam thought to himself as he pulled out the invitation again and reread it. The time to arrive there was almost an hour away and if he hurried down he'd make it there without trouble. Assuming he could find a good way to get there that didn't cause him any injury along the way.

But all the posters showing that people had gone missing, and were still not found. He couldn't exactly ignore that, as it was a pretty big deal. If he went there, was there a possibility that he would end up missing as well and join these other boys on the posters?

Perhaps there was more to the invitation then he at first had believed?

"No, I can't ignore this" he said to himself as he put the invitation back into his pocket. "I'm gonna go down there and see what this invitation is all about. Plus, I have my pokemon with me. They'll protect me, they haven't failed yet" he said to himself, feeling a little better about the whole ordeal. With his mind firmly made up, he went back to the bench and picked up his backpack.

Nurse Joy turned from the trainer she was serving as she watched Sam leave the pokemon center. She had overheard everything he had said to himself, and knew exactly where he was heading. The same place they all ended up going. When the doors closed behind him and the trainer had taken a seat, she turned to the large printer under the counter and withdrew a piece of paper that had just been printed.

On it was a picture of Sam, taken from a security camera when he had entered the pokemon center. The moment Nurse Joy had heard him make his decision to head to the ruins, all she had to do, was press print. Above it was the word 'missing'. Nurse Joy took the newly made poster over to the wall and attached it on a fresh spot at the end of the line.

As she made her way back to the counter, she suddenly let out a soft gasp as she grabbed the edge of the counter rather suddenly. She gripped with iron strength as she felt her knees wobble and shake, a soft whimper escaping from her mouth.

A soft moaning noise began to emerge from her vocal cords as she let go of the counter with one hand and slipped her other hand under her dress, her fingers digging into her panties. She rubbed her fingers over her lace covered lips as she felt something push back against her fingers.

A visible bulge pushed outwards against the white lace as she kept her grip on the counter to keep herself steady. Something emerged from inside her panties, almost growing outwards from her lips as it slowly snake its way up her uniform.

Like a long snake, it carefully made its way along her stomach, the woman whimpering softly as she felt the living thing rub itself along her skin. It felt warm and it throbbed with every moment, leaving a visible bulge through the material as it stretched up under her breasts and along the shoulder strap of her dress.

A thick bumpy green vine, glistening with Nurse Joys juices emerged from her shoulder strap and pressed against her skin like a long green snake. The thick bulbous head slid up against the side of her neck and along her jawline before it trailed against her ear for a moment, almost caressing it like a lover would to another. For a moment it seemed content to caress the outside of Nurse Joys ear, before it pushed into her ear with a rather sudden thrust.

Nurse Joy stood up straight almost at once, almost as if she had just been shocked with a taser. Her arms shot to her side as her body went rigid, her eyes slowly glazing over as the thick green tentacle seemed to throb and pulse in her head.

"Yes, he is heading your way" she said in a flat voice as the tendril seemed to whisper into her mind. There was no tone in her voice as she seemed to be talking to someone that only she was able to see, only her mouth moving as she spoke. "No, he has no idea. He will be yours" she said flatly, a slight nod coming from her head.

Slowly, the vine removed itself from her ear and began to retract back along her skin, leaving a slight shiney residue from where it had been. Slowly it retracted back down under her clothing, the bulge visibly receding with its movements. The tendril slowly slid back down under her breasts and back down her stomach, where it retracted back into her panties.

Nurse Joy was literally shocked back to a state of consciousness as she gripped the counter and let out a long moan as her nethers quivered and an orgasm rocked her body. She bit her bottom lip, trying hard to simply not cry out from the intense pleasure she felt.

She did let out a long and drawn out sight through an open O mouth as her panties became very soaked and heavy in her love juices. Her legs felt like they were made of rubber as she steadied herself by holding onto the counter, feeling a few drips of sweat start to trickle from her hair.

"Are you ok?" the trainer asked as he looked up from where was sitting, a magazine in his hands. He was looking at her with a puzzled and surprised expression on his face. Nurse Joy fixed her smile back on her face as she stood up and brushed her hair back into place and smoothed out the front of her dress.

"Oh, I'm fine" She said as she finished making herself look normal again. She gave the trainer a smile, keeping it in place as he looked back for a few moments before he resumed reading his magazine. Nurse Joy then turned around and headed into the back of the pokemon center, a shiney trail of juice running down the inside of her thighs.

"Lucario, go" Sam called out as he tossed one of his balls into the air. The red and white ball split open and a cascade of white light poured out like a liquid stream. It took only a moment for the light to strike the ground and begin to reform into his chosen pokemon.

Standing tall up to Sams shoulders, his Lucario looked like a humanoid wolf figure. Blue and black furred with large feet and hands, he looked as tough as he actually was. He was a very talented hand to hand fighter, as was common in his species to prefer being hands on with his attacks.

What made Lucario so special to Sam, was that this one had the ability to talk. He had no idea that when he had caught him as a Riolou, his pre-evolved form, that when he evolved he would be able to properly communicate. Somehow, after being able to talk with one another, it just came naturally that they would grow closer to one another. Because of that, Lucario looked up to his trainer as not just his owner, but as his friend.

Lucario knew that his trainer was not a coward when it counted, because they already had a complete set of badges from the Kanto, the Johto and the Orange Islands as well. Although they did not manage to beat any of the top trainers at the World Cup's of the regions, they were still a good team. So Lucario never had a problem defending his partner.

"Where are we Sam?" Lucario asked as he looked up at his trainer. He stood on his hind legs and looked around at the unfamiliar scenery.

"We're at the Viola Stone Ruins" Sam said as he pointed to the ruins before them. It had taken him about an hour to climb down the ledges towards the valley where the ruins were hidden. There was no direct path, as he had expected, and it had taken a bit of time to find secure footholds in order to not cause himself injury on the way down.

Most of these ruins in the region were nothing more than flat buildings that somehow crumbled together and had maybe one or two openings ready to explore. And seemingly you could never venture in far enough on your first trip inside.

But this ruin seems different from everything else, as it seemed to be a long open area dominated by a roof held up by support columns. Aside from the faded purple colours, the architecture was interesting, because he hadn't seen anything like it before.

The support columns were oddly shaped, thicker around the base, looking like it was sitting on a pair of boulders. The shaft was thick as it rose up, before it ended with a large bulbous head under the roof. And the pillars were segmented in such a way that it looked like the columns had veins.

If Sam didn't know any better, he could have sworn that they looked like...

"Sam?" Lucario said as he pointed his large black hand to the ruins. Sam tore his gaze from the oddly shaped pillars and saw the nearby entrance, which had been reduced to something akin to a large hole in the stone floor. It didn't look much like an entrance. It looked more like a giant Dugtrio had popped its heads up through the floor without invitation.

"Should we start there?" Sam asked as he pulled his pokedex from his pocket. A good trainer always checked the area for pokemon that could inhabit it. With a flick of his wrist the device slid open like a pop up phone, revealing a slender screen surface with a selection of buttons around the edges. He held the device up and tapped a few buttons on it.

"No pokemon data available for this area" said the device in a flat monotone voice. Sam felt slightly disappointed. Was this area uncharted? Or did nothing live around here? The disappointment showed on his face.

"We could. Or we could wait for whoever is supposed to meet us here" Lucario said as he saw the look on his partners face. "Perhaps whoever this 'A' is could tell us why we were invited" he suggested.

"That sounds like a better idea" Sam said as he put his pokedex back in his pocket. "Still, how could an area have no pokemon in it?" he asked as it took them a moment to find a place to sit down and wait.

Sam sat himself down on an available rock, which looked like a piece of the ruins as it was a purple colour as well. His Lucario sat cross legged beside him on the ground. Sam put him backpack down and pulled a wrapped bento box from inside.

"Might as well have something to eat while we wait. Breakfast was a while ago" Sam pointed out as he unwrapped the box and held it out for his pokemon. Lucario took an egg roll from the box and settled himself back to eat as Sam pulled a couple of onigiri out for himself.

The two of them say together to eat in silence for several minutes as they enjoyed their snack together. The area was rather quiet and a gentle wind was blowing, making them feel rather peaceful. After a few mouthfuls of the rice cakes, Sam looked at his Poketch device on his wrist. A few clicks of the button and he brought up the clock. The time changed before his eyes and the display read in block numbers '9:00 AM'.

Lucarios ears pricked up as he heard a noise.

"Someone is here" he said as he dropped the remainder of his egg roll onto the ground and quickly stood up, his legs spread and his large paws raised as he took on a fighting stance, ready to defend at whatever was coming.

"Who's there?" Sam asked as he stood up and looked around. He didn't see anything around them at first, but his gaze was quickly brought to the hole in the entrance to the ruins.

Something was slowly emerging from the entrance to the ruins. As Sam watched, he saw a very large form slowly walk out on all fours. He brought his pokedex up and pressed the button to scan the pokemon that had emerged.

"No information available" said the pokedex after a few seconds before the screen went blank.

"But...But its' a Venusaur...isn't it?" Sam asked as he brought his pokedex down. It had to be one, right in front o him where he could see it plain as day. Why didn't the pokedex recognise it?

The venusaur looked like a huge green frog on all fours with a massive flowering red flower sprouting on its back. It definitely looked like a venusaur, but as it was moving closer, Sam could not help but notice that there was something off about it.

The head was too narrow and it had what looked like green hair on its head. Its arms were too narrow and thin, and its legs were spread too far wide. And the huge bulb on its back was the normal red colour, but the vines that were slowly emerging from it didn't look like normal vines.

"Sam, that Venusaur is wrong" Lucario said, a surprised tone in his voice, but he didn't drop his guard.

"Wrong, how? It looks funny sure but..." but Sam did not manage to finish his sentence as the strange looking Venusaur suddenly attacked.

Several long thick vines flew out of the Venusaurs back and flew through the air towards Lucario. Lucario jumped into the air to avoid the tendrils, but at the last moment the tendrils swerved and flew towards Sam instead.

"Sam" Lucario cried out as Sam gasped, the tendrils quickly wrapping around his ankles. Sam cried out as he was suddenly thrown onto his back. He landed with a thud as the thick tendrils began to pull him towards the Venusaur.

"You let go of my trainer" Lucario shouted as he brought his hands together. Light began to form in his hands as a sphere of energy appeared in his hands. With a loud roaring growl Lucario hurled the Aura Sphere at the Venusaur.

Sam was strung up by his ankles and was hanging in mid air, struggling to let go as the Venusaur turned to see the sphere hurling towards it. It looked like it was going to be a head on collision.

But the sphere was blocked by a sudden torrent of fire that seemed to come from nowhere. The flames engulfed the Aura Sphere and it blew apart in the flames.

"What the..." Lucario said as he was momentarily confused. Until he saw the Charizard land next to the Venusaur.

"Where did he come from?" Sam asked as he saw the Charizard appear as well, although in his field of vision the red dragon pokemon was upside down.

And different as well. The charizard seemed more... bigger then they normally were. Its body was taller and much more muscular then it should have been. Its legs were longer and its arms looked stronger too.

"It looks almost human" Sam said in surprise. He had never seen a charizard like that before, and the momentary confusion over how it was looking made him forget he was being held upside down.

The charizard opened its mouth and a torrent of flames erupted towards Lucario. Lucario jumped and the flames burned into the ground right where he had been standing. The flames stopped and the Charizard flapped its huge wings as it surged forward.

Sam watched as the two pokemon began to battle one another, but his attention was diverted when he felt something crawl up his legs under his pants.

"Hey, what the heck?" Sam said as he looked upwards. The vines were still attached around his ankles like thick green ropes, but something was snaking down his legs. Whatever they were, they were warm and very slimey, and they were crawling down his legs like two giant pythons.

"What's the big idea?" Sam said with a shudder as the felt those warm appendages slide up his thighs and into the waistband of his pants. With his shirt hanging around his shoulders and his stomach exposed, he saw two thick mushroom looking tendril heads poke out of his waistband.

The tendrils hooked themselves into his belt and suddenly pulled backwards, dragging his pants up. Sam let out an embarrassed yell as he tried to reach upwards to grab at his pants, but another two tendrils quickly grabbed at his wrists and pulled him back.

"Oi, that's not fair" Sam said as he was spread out in the air, his arms and legs splayed as the Venusaurs warm wet tendrils began to disrobe him. The thick tendrils were very skillfull and removing his clothing and exposing his pale skin.

Lucario dodged a swipe from the Charizards sharp claws as he struck with a kick back at him. But the Charizard dodged and lashed out with its tail. Lucario countered by grabbing the tail in his hands and pulling hard. But the Charizard did not move as it looked back at LUcario with an annoyed look on his face as the fighting pokemon struggled with the bigger dragon.

The charizard grunted as its thick tail was pulled before it turned easily and blew fire back at the Lucario. Lucario lunged backwards to avoid the blast as he looked up, hearing Sam cry out again.

The Venusar had literally ripped the boys underpants off and had managed to remove everything Sam had been wearing. The naked boy was still struggling, even as the warm wet tendrils were starting to wrap further up his body. The green slimey tendrils were moving along his body like snakes, and they were sending chills down Sams spine.

"Sam, I'm coming" Lucario said as he ran up to the charizard. With his hand glowing brightly, he struck the Charizard in the jaw with a powerful Palm Thrust, effectively throwing the pokemon backwards. The big dragon landed on its back with a heavy thud and a cry of pain as it clutched at its jaw.

"Hold on" Lucario cried out as he landed on his feet and started to run towards Sam. But he didn't get very far when a cloud of very large bubbles came out of nowhere.

Lucario was struck by the horde of bubbles that burst against his skin and fur, the bubbles feeling like lashes of boiling water. The sheer force of them threw him backwards and he landed on his rear. He brought a hand up to wipe the boiling water from his eyes as he saw another figure step in front of him.

This was a Blastoise. But like the Charizard and the Venusaur, it looked more humanoid then it normally should have. The Blastoise looked powerfully built with bulging rippling muscles along its huge form, looking like a bodybuilder wearing a tortoise shell on its back.

"Another one..." Lucario said as he pulled himself up.

He didn't get a chance to put up a fight as the Blastoise lowered its head, its forehead beginning to glow brightly light a lit beacon before it suddenly charged forward.

Lucario cried out as the Skull Bash slammed into his stomach, knocking the wind from him as he was thrown backwards. He slammed into a nearby pillar and slumped to the ground, crying out in pain as he grabbed at his hurt midsection.

"Luciario, get up" Sam cried out as his arms were forced behind his back, his legs held together as the warm wet vines wrapped around his naked body , the vines preventing him from moving. Sam struggled again and tried to cry out before a thick vine suddenly flew into his mouth.

Sams eyes went wide from shock at first, but whatever the vine happened to be oozing was strangely sweet and refreshing, and he couldn't but let out a moan as he felt a soft warm feeling spread down his throat. His eyes began to lid as he couldn't help but voluntarily gup down a mouthful of the sweet nectar.

The Blastoise walked up to Lucario and quickly grabbed him, wrenching his arms behind his back as he was held against the Blastoises muscled chest. Lucario struggled as he saw the Charizard walk up in front of him, the dragon not looking happy as it rubbed its aching jaw before it opened its mouth wide.

For a moment, Lucario thought the charizard was going to go for his throat, especially with those huge gleaming fangs lining its mouth. That was until he felt the dragons mouth wrap around his own and its huge tongue sink into his mouth.

At first he was surprised and shocked by such a lewd action as the huge dragons even bigger tongue invaded his mouth and his throat, but Lucario couldn't help but moan after several moments to how surprisingly good it felt. The huge wet slimey tongue tongue danced around the canines mouth and curled around his tongue in such a way it made Lucario shudder and moan. When the Charizard pulled away, there was a good amount of saliva that was drooling from both of their mouths.

Panting and with a bright red blush on his face, Lucario didn't struggle as he could only hang there in the huge turtles grip. He felt flushed and embaressed as the Charizard dragged its tongue back around his mouth to lap up the drooling threads of saliva, making the canine whimper.

Once the Charizard was satisfied that it had cleaned up the Lucarios muzzle, it stepped back and ran a thick finger across its own mouth, wiping its thick lips and licking off the saliva that now coated it. It gave a nod to the Blastoise, who gave a nod back before the huge muscled turtle turned around, still holding Lucario against its large torso as all three started to march towards the entrance to the ruins.

Sam felt the tendril leave his mouth, his whole body feeling relaxed as he swallowed whatever it was the tendril had been leaking, a light blush across his face to how good he felt. He had not expected such an act and he was momentarily blank in the mind as he felt slightly giddy.

The vines kept their grip around his body as the thick slimey vines held him rather gently as Sam was turned around, hovering over the Venusaurs huge flowering shrub as the strange humanoid toadlike monster began to crawl/shuffle/walk its way behind the other two pokemon before it.

With an oomph Sam found himself spread out on the cold stone floor of a chamber somewhere deep inside the ruins. The venusaurs vines did not lessen up, rather they continued to hold him in place as he tried to get his bearings. He wasn't sure how deep down they were, but he did know it was deep.

The vines constricted gently around his body and pulled him up so he was sitting on his

knees, but still bound. He heard a grunt next to him and looked over to see his Lucario being

forced into the same position by the Blastoise.

"Lucario, are you ok?' Sam asked as he struggled a bit. Lucario looked up, still holding onto his stomach as he still looked to be in pain. But he did give his trainer a nod in return, although there was a deep and brilliant blush spread across his face. Sam noticed the blush and also noticed that his pokemon was panting rather obviously.

Sam looked around at his surroundings and saw that he was not alone as several shapes began to emerge from the shadows in the room. From the darkness came another Venusaur that stepped up to the side of the one holding him. But this Venusaur looked as normal as any other that Sam had seen before.

More steps came up behind him as Sam saw another Charizard and another Blastoise appeared, both looking normal as well. Stepping up against their humanoid pokemon counterparts, the differences were not only obvious, they were a stark contrast.

"What the...?" Sam said as he saw the muscled charizard nuzzle its face up against the normal charizard, who growled in a rather pleasant sounding way as it seemed pleased with the attention. With a soft growling noise it opened its mouth and the other Charizard did the same. Two thick large tongues met between the two pokemon as they started to rather obviously make out together.

"What is going on here?' Sam said in surprise as the two big beasts pulled each other closer

and continued to make out. The loud slurping and sucking noise of the two dragons sliding

tongues over the other and licking at each others faces sounded a lot louder then it should


"Sam...Something weird is going on here'' Lucario said as he was let go by the Blastoise, but

a large hand on his shoulder kept him kneeling. Sam saw the big muscled Blastoise suddenly grab the normal Blastoise between the legs and start to grope him.

"I...I don't understand either" Sam said as the normal Venusaur started to lick at the muscled Venusaurs face and neck as it seemed to lower its large body in a rather submissive gesture. Both the plant beasts were murring deeply in their throats as they both began to lick at each other.

"If you like, I will answer your questions" said a voice somewhere nearby. Sam looked up

as he heard the voice speak as the chamber was suddenly illuminated by several torches

lighting up seemingly by themselves.

Sams eyes went wide as he saw a very large horselike pokemon was standing before him on a large stone platform. He hadn't seen or heard it enter, and he guessed it must have been standing there the whole time. Sam had never seen the pokemon in person before, but he knew just by looking at it that it was an Arceus.

Standing on all fours like a giant white horse, Arceus had a large ornamental golden frame spread across its back like a fan. Just its very presence made Sams naked skin prickle in goosebumps. Arceus was supposed to be the god of all pokemon, and here it was right in front of him.

"You''re an Arceus...but...'Sam said in surprise. "But...but...what...what are you...?"

"What am I doing here?" the Arceus said, his voice echoing in the chamber, although

it didn't seem to have a mouth to speak with. "You are right in your thinking. I should not be here. Your 'experts' seem to think that I live in a bubble universe outside your plane of existence. I have to admit, they have interesting theories" he said.

"Well, that is not true. That is only what they want to believe" Arceus said as it tapped one large hoof onto the platform, the sound echoing in the chamber. "Your experts are fools, and very mislead."

At the sound of the tap, a section of the brick wall behind Arceus cracked open and began to slide apart, creating a new doorway behind him. The sounds of feet, hooves and claws came as they made contact with the pale purple stone floor as more pokemon began to emerge. Sams eyes went wide as pokemon entered the room in groups of two.

He began to recognise some of the pokemon that walked into the room. A pair of Scyther walked in first, their gleaming swordlike arms reflecting the torchlights. Twin Absols followed, their glossy white fur a stark contrast to their dark faces. Then came two Alakazams, walking in a rather dignified way across the floor.

Two large dark coloured Luxrays walked in as well, their dark fur seemingly bristling with electricity. Behind them, came two hulking Druddigons, the enourmous dragon pokemon almost reaching the ceiling of the room.

Sam couldn't see too much more after that as he lost count of how many pokemon were actually walking into the room. He had never seen this many wild pokemon in such a confined space before, and his confusion was only added too by the details that were now making themselves apparent.

These pokemon were paired off much like the ones Sam had already encountered. A normal looking pokemon stood next to a much more humanoid version of itself, and that humanoid version was much bigger and more muscled then it should have been. It looked almost as if, now that Sam thought about it, that the pokemon were standing next to a human in a very details and skin tight costume.

Sams eyes darted over the pokemon pairs, and he took a closer look as he gazed over the pairs. Silently he counted them all up, and realised there were twenty eight pokemon standing behind Arceus, but they were in fourteen pairs.

But why were they all in pairs? Why were they all like that? And what the hell was going on anyway? Was this all some kind of elaborate prank? If it was, he wasn't finding it very funny. Too many questions were forming in his mind and he faced the Arceus as best as he could.

"What's going on here?" Sam demanded as he heard the pokemon behind him had stopped their kissing, licking and groping of one another as the other pokemon had entered the room. He chanced a look over their shoulder and saw the six pokemon were all looking at the Arceus, with such a look of longing on their faces that they seemed to be begging silently for permission to continue.

"You are here, because of my invitation" Arceus said with a nod of his head. Sam briefly

saw something appear over and around Arceus. It looked like a circle made up of many small miniature plates, each one coloured differently from the other. One appeared rather brightly and glowed a purple colour and Arceus suddenly took on a purple tone in colour.

"Your... invitation?" Sam asked as he felt the thick vines around his body start to warm up

slightly. It felt oddly relaxing and comforting and he couldn't help but shiver in a rather pleasant way. However, it still made his skin crawl.

"Yes, I am A' said Arceus as something glowy went past Sams head. Sam realised his personal belongings had flown through the air and had landed in front of the pokemon. Something glowed from the pile and rose up into the air. Sam saw it was the invitation.

"I am the one who asked you here. And now that you are, I can begin with what I had intended" Arceus said as his body lost the purple colour tone as the piece of paper fluttered to the floor rather uselessly.

"What...what are you talking about? Who are all these pokemon? And why...why do they all

look like that?" Sam demanded. The Arceus did not answer him right away as he simply stood there for several moments as he gazed back at Sam.

"These pokemon are all mine. I have simply...modified them" Arceus said in a rather simple explainative tone of voice.

"What? What did you do to them?" Sam asked.

"I have simply created my own personal pokemon harem, to keep myself entertained" Arceus said as he sat back on his legs like a large majestic beast. "I selected trainers from across the region, ones who had a very distinct bond with their pokemon."

"Bond? Trainers?' Sam asked as he looked over at his Lucario. Lucario was still held in place

by the muscled Blastoises hand, but the big water pokemon had progressed from simply groping its twin to now frenching it. The bigger tortoise held one big hand behind the other

pokemons head and was forcing it into a very wet sloppy looking tongue wrestling.

Although it looked like it was forced into the position, the smaller normal Blastoise didn't seem to be resisting very well, if at all.

"Yes. Trainers who shared a very special and personal bond with their pokemon. And I invited them here" Arceus continued. The other pokemon around him were starting to move around a little, giving others behind them some space.

Sam thought he saw a pair of large Arboks slither around in the background, the large cobra like pokemon starting to entwine with each other. But the bigger Arbok had a torso covered in bulging pectorals and a hard rock solid six pack of abs, complete with a pair of arms that were now encircling its twin. Its arms were squeezing the smaller snake against its body and it seemed to be grinding in circular motions against it.

Next to them were a pair of Rhydons, big rhino looking pokemon that towered over others by standing on their hind legs. The bigger one had the smaller one pushed against the wall and was pressing up behind it, a very large and thick tongue was sliding over the pinned Rhydons face, although the look of bliss on its face suggested it was loving every minute of it.

Sam wasn't sure, but it seemed that all the bigger, much more muscled pokemon were in control of the smaller normal looking pokemon. Although why they were all making such moves on each other, he didn't know how it was entertaining to the Arceus. Then a thought occurred to him.

" think Lucario and I share a bond? We're just partners, friends even. What's so special about that?" Sam asked as he looked up at Arcues. The big pokemon glowed the purple hue again as the other pokeballs that Sam had been carrying were lifted before the pokemons face.

"You are more connected personally with your Lucario then the rest of your pokemon" Arceus said as the balls glowed with a bright light before they simply disappeared.

"What...what did you just do you bastard?' Sam said in horror as he watched the rest of his pokemon seemingly disappear out of existence right in front of him.

"Oh do not worry. I have simply sent them to an acquaintance of mine. They will be released

into the wild with no harm, but they will not remember you Sam" Arceus said.

"Why did you do that?" Sam demanded as he struggled against the vines around his body. They were still too restrictive for him to do anything more then squirm on the spot, but he could feel himself start to sweat against the vines as they were warming up against his body.

"Because I do not need them'' Arceus said. "As you have no doubt realised by now, I have

fourteen pairs of pokemon, one for each type accountable. Your other five pokemon were

simply an excess of what I already have. The only type I do not have yet, is a fighting

type. Your Lucario will suffice rather pleasantly."

"No, you're not taking Lucario and doing...whatever you want to him" Sam said as he struggled more. "You let us go right now...' he said as he suddenly realised something. "Nurse joy knows I came down here. She'll call the authorities when she realised I've gone missing."

"Oh really?" Arceus said as those floating tablets appeared around his body again and he suddenly glowed a green hue. "Actually, she already knows you're missing. She has placed up a poster of you, and has returned to her normal duties."

"'re in league with her...this whole thing was a trap" Sam said in anger. "Why would she join up with a pokemon like you? Did you mind control her or something?" he demanded.

"It is handy to have someone who knows their way around healing pokemon" Arceus said as he stopped glowing. "And yes, I am controlling her. Nurse Joy, that one in particular, has a rather unusual fetish that I do not deny her. It does help in controlling her though" he admitted. "Besides, if any authority figures come near here, they simply don't find anything" he added.

"'re responsible for the missing trainers, aren't you?' Sam asked as it suddenly began to make sense to him. "You give out the information, Nurse Joy points them in the right direction and covers everything up. You're behind all this."

"Missing? How can they be missing when they are right here?' Arceus said, his voice sounding like he was smiling, as if sharing a joke.

"Right...Right here...?" Sam asked in confusion as he obviously did not get the joke either. He heard a rather heavy thudding noise behind him and he turned to look over his shoulder.

His eyes went wide as he saw the smaller, normal looking Venusaur had laid out on its stomach, its head pressed against the bigger Venusaurs crotch. The bigger Venusaur was growling low as the smaller Venusaur was very obviously licking a very fat deep purple cock that had emerged from a genital slit between the bigger Venusaurs legs.

The bigger Charizard had pushed the smaller Charizard onto its back on the floor, and

had squatted over its head, one hand had reached back to grab and spread a muscled rear cheek. The smaller Charizard was very eagerly slurping its long thick tongue up the bigger Charizards rear, making the bigger dragon moan out in obvious pleasure. A free hand was already working a very impressive fat draconic shaft as it grounds its rump on the slurping dragon.

The two Blastoise had apparently forgotten about Lucario and had instead switched into a

position where they were facing each others crotches. The smaller Blastoise lay above the

bigger Blatoise and was very eagerly slurping over a huge black cock sprouting between the muscled legs. The Blastoise on the bottom wasn't sucking the smaller turtles cock, but was rather burying its tongue up its butt.

"Lucario...what's wrong with you?" Sam asked as he managed to tear his eyes away from the sights behind him and saw his pokemon was still there. Lucario was still kneeling in the same position but with his hands between his legs. Lucario was blushing bright red and whimpering slightly.

"What have you done to these pokemon? Why are they...why are they doing that to each other? What did you do to my Lucario?" Sam demanded, the sounds of hot wet sloppy foreplay was ringing in his ears, and causing him to feel flushed.

"You trainers" Arceus said as it continued to simply sit there. the other pokemon were starting to get more active, the bigger pokemon starting to push the smaller pokemon into submissive roles and forcing them to pleasure their bigger counterparts. but the smaller pokemon didn't seem to resist, in fact they seemed very eager.

Most were making out, the sounds of wet slimey sloppy tongues slurping and sucking face against one another was loud and heavy, the noise a desperate show of how much they wanted one another.

Others were grinding and groping against each other, turning into writhing piles of flesh, scales and hide. None of them seemed to care that they were doing such lewd acts in an open area with so many others around them, in fact it seemed to almost encourage them.

Sam almost found himself sneezing from how heavy and thick the air around him was getting with the smell of pokemon musk and sweat. The thick pungent aroma was a mix of scents from mild to spicey, coming at him at alternate blasts as he felt himself grow giddy and light headed.

"You trainers are all the same. You come up with ridiculous theories about us legendaries,

and either hunt us as prizes, or force us into 'safe zones' to protect us from everything" Arceus continued. "Your professors strut around, proud to know 'everything' while your Rangers have a silly belief that we enjoy being treated like gold" he said.

"Or you collect us to make us teams, and pump us full of chemicals and enhancements, just so we become better fighters to fit your egos" Arceus continued. "And you explain it all away by saying that we are 'friends' and 'partners' to you."

"I'm just doing the same to you trainers that you have done to us" Arceus said. "I'm collecting my own pokemon, one of every type, and making them bigger, harder and stronger. But not to fight or to battle for my ego" he said.

"'re turning the trainers into pokemon?" Sam asked as he suddenly realised what was going on.

"Of course" Arceus said

"Why? What's the point?" Sam demanded.

"Because I like watching gay sex" Arceus said, his tone of voice sounding like that was

something Sam should have guessed. "Despite what your precious experts care to believe,

I do have my own kinds of interests. And I like to indulge" he said.

"Lucario, do something" Sam called out ot his partner. "They're not holding you ,quick, help me out here" Sam shouted.

"I...I can't Sam" Lucario said with a whimper in his voice as he fidgeted in his sitting

position. "I...can't...fight..'' he said as he sounded apologetic.

"Why...Why not?" Sam asked.

Luario whimpered and hung his head in shame, his cheeks a deep crimson colour as he slowly lifted his hands up off his crotch. Sam looked in surprise as he saw a deep red and very hard erection pointing up between his pokemons legs. He knew his Lucario was male, but he had never seen his pokemon in that state before.

"You care more about your Lucario then your other pokemon, Sam" Arceus' voice said in Sams head, pushing his thoughts away."Why is that? Is he your friend? Or something ...more?"

Sam tried to tear his eyes off his Lucarios throbbing hard erection but he was finding it rather hard to pull his gaze away. He could feel the vines around his body start to loosen up, and then constrict again. The thick slime the bulbous heads were secreting was starting to

drip more rapidly, and it felt hot against Sams skin.

"You care for your Lucario, more then you want to admit, don't you?" Arceus' voice asked. "Look at him. Look at him Sam. Don't you want to touch him?"

Sam couldn't reply as he felt a moan emit in his throat as the thick vines seemed to rub and

massage against his body, causing his loins to heat up. His own soft cock began to harden up

as he felt he could not stop watching his pokemosn throbbing meat.

Lucario was sitting there, a flush across his face, his tongue poking out from between his soft plump lips as he panted, his paws digging into his thighs. His shaft poked straight upwards like a flag pole, a brilliant pulsing red shaft of throbbing meat.

"Why don't you just admit it Sam?" Arceus asked. "You want your Lucario, don't you? You have for a long time, I can tell" Arceus continued. "You just don't want to admit it."

Sams eyes roamed over his pokemons body, suddenly noticing details he hadn't noticed before. It was strange, it was almost like he was seeing his pokemon in a new light.

He saw how adorable his pokemons flushed face looked, how his short pointed muzzle looked cute and affectionate coated in a blush. His panting tongue looked so lickable and sweet like a strip of bubble gum that you could suck and chew on for hours. Sams eyes travelled down his pokemons body, noticing other details.

Like his large paws, covered in a soft plush fur, the large digits begging to be licked and stroked. His strong arms that would feel great to be wrapped around by. His shapely torso, covered in a soft plush carpet of fur that begged to have your fingers run through it.

His thick muscled legs, so strong and powerfull that could probably bounce like crazy up and down for hours on end. And big strong feet that you just wanted to stroke and slurp over to make him giggle like a little boy. Details sam had never really noticed before, but now that he had, he found himself wanting to go over and run his hands over his pokemon in a way he had never thought of before.

"Venusaur, begin' Arceus said as his body glowed green again. The big muscled vensuar, the first trainer that Arceus had converted, nodded but did not make his pokemon, now his slave and lover, stop its eager sucking of his cock. His huge bulbous cock had grown to over ten thick hard inches and was buried down his pokemons velvety throat.

A large thick ropey tendril extended from the shrub on its back and snaked its way over

to Lucario. Lucario didn't notice the vine wrap around its waist in a very gentle way, but he

did notice when the bulbous head opened up like a large mouth and suddenly wrap around

his cock. It sunk quickly down his shaft like a snake swallowing a carrot.

Lucario gave out a sudden but rather adorable squeak of both surprise and pleasure as the

tight warm tendril covered his cock down to its base and began to convusle around the thick erection. Sam watched as somehow, the tendril was seemingly sucking off his Lucario, who fell back on his butt with his hands behind him to steady him as the dog pokemon started to moan pleasurably.

Another tendril emerged from Venusaurs shrub and snaked its way over to Sam. The tendril found Sams open mouth and suddenly plunged in without warning, Sam gasping as the tendril seemed to easily slide down his throat. He gagged a bit, but somehow his throat accommodated the tendril rather easily.

Something hot and musky started to drip down Sams throat, as bubbles started to travel

down the tendril attached to Lucarios cock. Sams cheeks flushed as he realised that somehow the trainer Venusuar was literally sucking off Lucario and feeding the pre into Sam.

But that thought should have made him struggle harder to pull the tentacle vine from his mouth and struggle harder to escape, but somehow Sam didn't have the thoughts to do either. It actually came to his mind that he was helping to bring pleasure to his pokemon, even if it was through a Venusaurs vines.

Sam found his arms were free as the Venusaurs vines slowly unravelled around his body. The air suddenly hitting his completely exposed body seemed to shock him out of his thought enough to entertain the idea of escaping. But when he grabbed the tendril and tried to pull it out, he found his hands starting to stroke the shaft like appendage in long stroking motions instead of ripping it out.

Arceus simply sat back and allowed his transformed pokemon to start their various states and positions of carnal sexual pleasures around him. He did not seek self pleasure himself, he considered himself more of a voyeur to things like this.

The two Luxray were already in a state of feral breeding, the smaller pokemon on all fours getting rammed hard from behind as his former trainer had mounted him from behind and was breeding him like he was in heat. The look on the Luxrays face and how its tongue was lolling out of its mouth and drooling like mad showed he was eager for more.

The Arboks were engaged in a writhing twisting pile of scales that were constantly shifting, the two obviously in the throws of passion and engaged in a mating dance that had them twisted like pretzels amongst one another.

The bigger Alakazam was sitting on the floor, his back leaning against the wall as he was panting in obvious pleasure. His smaller counterpart was sitting cross legged on his lap, his legs bent together and his hands raised, holding his trademark spoons. He seemed to be meditating at the same time his body was slowly sliding up and down the monster behemoth of a cock spearing up into his body.

The smaller Scyther was laying on its back, its body twisted upwards with his arms thrown over his head, its feet pressing against the sides of his head as the hulking mass of bug muscle above him was snarling and slamming itself over and over into the smaller bugs rear. The bigger Scyther was striking the ground with each downward thrust, its sharp blades creating sparks in the air of their carnal lust.

Lucario was panting as he felt the vine touch his virgin nethers in ways he had never experienced before. He had never actually engaged in any kind of acts like this, and the pleasurable suckling around his achingly throbbing cock was making him weak in all of his joints. He knew of such acts, but since he had never

"Oh gods" he moaned, praying to the humans belief for the first time in his existence as he found himself laying out on his back, his legs twitching and his thick fingers digging into the ground as his tongue lolled out of his mouth in a way it had never done before. His hips were starting to thrust upwards as he felt his thick erection pulse with renewed life.

Sam was sucking on that fat vine like his life depended on it. He had never tasted something so sweet and addicting before, and his body and his mind were starting to crave more. He felt his own stiff shaft throb achingly from his arousal as the thick vines returned and began to caress his sweaty flesh, adding to his pleasure.

His hands were practically flying up and down the thick vine that was pulsing in his mouth as he stroked and caressed the thick appendage. His eyes rolled into the back of his head as he felt a hot flush run over his body. If this was helping his Lucario achieve pleasure, Sam wanted to do the best job he could.

Lucario let out a high pitched squeaking noise, completely unheard of from such a pokemon as his climax hit him like a freight train. His eyes rolled into the back of his head as his cock throbbed and his knot expanded like a rapidly inflating balloon. His balls drew up and a rush of seed blew into the thick invading vine as he achieved his first orgasm.

Sam watched through lidded eyes, barely making out the details as a bulge grew around Lucarios encased cock, like a long balloon that was slowly being inflated by rippling liquid. Once it stopped inflating, and it was a surprising size, the bulge seemed to detach itself from Lucarios crotch and began to travel along the vine. Like a potato in a straw the bulge travelled through the vine slowly, the vines flesh rippling and bulging around the huge bulge of liquid before it disappeared into the humanoid Venusars back.

The Venuasur had now pinned its partner to the ground and had penetrated its rear with its huge cock. The bottom Venusar was moaning and panting as it was bred, and it was using its forelegs to push back against the rapid motions of its partners humping. The two of them were thrusting against one another, their rapid heavy panting filling the air as they did not hold back against each other.

As the bulge disappeared into the Venusaurs back, it gave out a roar and the flower on its back bristled and fluttered its dark looking petals. The trainer pokemon gave an almighty thrust, his hips smacking so loudly that the bottom Venusur lost its balance and fell face first on the ground.

The Venusuar seemed to grab new energy from the fluids that had just entered its body and started to thrust harder, its cock preing more and leaving its bottom Venusars stretched hole wet and wide open, sloppy smacking noises emanating between the twos loud guttural grunts. The heacy smack smack smack of flesh on flesh almost outpitched their lusty moaning and panting.

Then another bulge appeared at the base of the vine that was connected to Sams mouth and began to slowly travel towards the swallowing sucking human boy. Sam could see it coming as the vine in this mouth massaged his throat as it pumped the sweet juices into his stomach.

Somewhere in the back of his mind he knew exactly what that bulge contained. And when that thought got louder in his head and made it apparent he was thinking it, Sams hands flew faster up and down as he began to suck so hard he started to see stars from lack of air in his lungs.

The huge bulge in the vine reached his mouth and the vine pulled back just enough that the thick bulbous head was lodged between his lips. Sams eyes went wide as a thick creamy load splattered into his mouth, very rapidly beginning to inflate his cheeks. It filled so quickly that it started to spurt out of the corners of his mouth and drool down his chin and his neck.

Realising that his Lucarios seed was starting to go to waste, Sam swallowed a mouthful, creating space in his already full mouth. The load that went down his throat only intensified his hunger as he wrapped his hands around the fat bulge and squeezed so hard his fingers began to hurt.

He literally squeezed the bulge in the vine like a freshly squeezed orange as he forced the seed out of it. He hastily swallowed, his entire body heating up as he willingly swallowed his partners seed.

The Blastoise had finished lubing up its pokemons expansive backside and had now rolled over, pushing the smaller turtle on its stomach. With the bottom turtle pushing its big rear into the air and whimpering rather needily, even reaching backwards to spread those big round butt cheeks apart, the bigger muscled Blastoise promptly rammed its cock deep into its pokemons backside.

The Charizard had moved itself from getting a rimjob to now riding its pokemons hard draconic member. Although the muscled dragon was being fucked, it was still clearly in charge as it held the smaller dragon down and drove its hips up and down on the thick throbbing shaft. Its claws digging into the smaller dragons shoulders as it let out panting roars of pleasure, its large muscled backside jiggled and shook as it clapped around the big cock it was riding.

When Sam swallowed the last of his Lucarios seed and it settled into his stomach, his cock erupted. Without even touching it his hard length throbbed and pulsed in an achingly pleasant hurtful feeling before it unloaded several large ropey shots of human cum into the air. It splattered onto the ground between Sams legs as the boy quivered from his climax.

With a determined grunt, Sam wrenched the vine from his mouth. It let out a loud gurgle and a thick rope of cum splattered Sam in his face. The boy didn't seem to care as he panted and grabbed at the vines around his body, pulling them away from him with surprising force.

Arceus didn't move as he watched the boy pull himself free. The pokemon around him might have been engaged in a very large and heated orgy, but they would stop the moment he commanded them and spring into action if need be. However, they were not needing to be interrupted. Arceus just let Sam pull himself free, as he knew the boy was already hooked and unable to resist.

Sams cock was still hard, as if it had never shot at all. It slapped against his thighs and up against his stomach with each movement the fevered boy was making. He was panting as he pulled the last vine from his sweaty body, but he had no intention of running away now. He could see his Lucario was still lying on his back, his legs spread and moaning like a little puppy while the vine continued to suck on his length.

"Get off my Lucario" Sam yelled as he ran forward and grabbed the vine in both of his hands and pulled it off. Lucario gasped as he felt the suckling stop and his throbbing red cock was left hanging in the cool air.

"Mine" Sam growled as he grabbed Lucarios large feet and hauled him forward enough to wrap his mouth around his pokemons cock. After taking the long thick vine down his throat, Lucarios hard pointed canine cock was a perfect fit.

Lucario let out a high pitched squeak again as his cock was engulfed with his trainers mouth and he whimpered as Sam sucked on it like it was the last lollipop left in existence. Sam hungrily bobbed his head up and down on his Lucarios cock and gulped down whatever he could swallow.

Arceus watched as Sam hungrily devoured his quivering pokemons pre as it flowed from its hard cock like a tap, and a smile would have creeped over his face if he had one. Sam was already hooked and being driven by a need to not only pleasure his partner, but to get his own pleasure as well. And once the rest was taken care of, he would stay hooked.

Lucario cried out as Sams hot warm mouth caused him to have another climax, another rush of seed spurting into the humans mouth. Sams hot warm mouth proved too animalisticaly hungry to deny as his climax hit him so quickly after his previous eruption. Sam did not hesitate to swallow his pokemons load, fresh from the tap, and the pleasurable taste made him all the more insatiable for more.

Lucario panted as Sam pulled off of his cock, his length now sensitive from climaxing twice in succession. With a whimper he looked up and saw Sam stare back at him with a feral, almost animal hunger in his eyes. Such a look had never been in his trainers face before, and there was something not only dominate, but possessive in that gaze. He whimpered as Sam climb over him till the boys rock hard aching cock was literally bumping against the pokemons nose.

The wolf pokemon opened his mouth to protest, and Sam used that moment to thrust his cock into the pokemons muzzle. Lucario found his mouth full of human cock as two hands grabbed him by the sides of his face. The grip was not hurting him, but it was clear that Sam was the one in control.

Sam grunted as he started to buck his hips, sliding his cock out till just the head remained before he rammed it back in, his mind clouded by lust to not worry about his pokemons comfort level. Lucario gagged and chocked a bit around the cock as the head poked him in the back of his throat.

A few ropes of saliva and pre began to leak from Lucarios mouth as it seemed to froth around his mouth, only serving to make both a sticky mess and lube up his trainers hard aching length. Lucarios nose was slammed against his humans crotch with every hard thrust and his throat was getting ravaged at the same time, but he had no intention to resist.

The human growled as he felt his stomach begin to churn and gurgle as it processed the seed it contained, and he felt an inner warmth start to build up inside of him. It slowly began to spread through his body, covering every inch of him as he fucked his pokemons mouth.

Lucario could see it happen as his nose was buried repeatedly against his owners crotch, his eyes pushed against Sams stomach over and over again as the human boy huffed and grunted with each thrust of his hips.

A dark spot began to appear around Sams navel, his skin starting to turn a dark blue in colour. Slowly, it began to expand, like oil on water as Sams stomach slowly began to be covered in a new colouring.

The colour washed around Sams moving hips as he kept plunging his cock into his Lucarios mouth, not noticing the spreading colour that was starting to wrap around his hips. The colouring spread like tendrils across his flesh till two points touched right above his flexing buttcheeks.

Sam felt a plunging sensation of pain as the colour connected to itself and he let out a cry as he shoved his hips forward, his balls mashing against Lucarios chin as he plunged himself balls deep into his pokemons throat. Lucario briefly choked as his eyes were buried in Sams stomach as he felt that throbbing organ sit in his throat.

The human boy cried out again as the pain continued as he literally felt something push against his spine and through his skin. A tendril started to poke out above his buttcheeks and elongate, slowly growing outwards as it whipped through the air like a long piece of rubber.

Sam climaxed as he kept his cock buried in his his pokemons mouth, his balls churning as he unloaded straight down his pokemons throat. Lucario moaned and choked, not able to swallow every drop as some seed began to spew out of the corners of his mouth. His eyes rolled into the back of his head as he felt that seed spurt straight down his throat and into his stomach.

The long tendril suddenly began to grow fur, long thick silky strands of fur erupted along the base around Sams butt and began to crawl upwards, fluffing outwards until Sam had a deep blue and brilliant tail waving above his ass. The colouring around his waist began to seep downwards like spilt coffee on paper, starting to stain his thighs.

Sam pulled out of his pokemons mouth as he felt his thighs start to burn as if he had been in a very intense workout. His muscles burned and his skin prickled as he shuddered, his cock still bobbing between his legs like a rod of iron. He felt an itch all over as the colouring reached his knees.

A few spurts of cum landed on Lucarios panting muzzle, painting his face with a few thick white stripes as Sams thighs began to inflate. Sam fell to all fours ontop of Lucario, his rear hiked into the air and his tail hiked high as his blued rear began to expand and inflate as well, turning into a very round backside.

His thighs expanded and cracked as they lengthened as well. Defined muscled began to appear on his legs as they expanded out thicker and larger then they had ever been before. The colouring continued down past his knees as Sams skin prickled, a thick carpet of brilliant plush fur began to cover his backside and his thighs.

Sams shins cracked and elongated as well, the muscles plumping up and giving his legs raw power as the skin turned blue and prickled with fur. Sams feet changed next, his toes pushing together and melting into single digits as the soles of his feet began to harden and become tough.

"Turn over" Sam growled, a lustful look in his eyes. Lucario looked up at his trainer and saw the look in his eyes, and his ears folded back as he whimpered in submission. Sam had no requested, he had downright ordered, and Lucario felt his own cock throb as he wanted nothing more then to follow that order.

His cock throbbing painfully hard and his knot still fully inflated, the wolf pokemon turned around and lifted his backside into the air, resting his chest on the floor, the side of his face pressed onto the stonework as he reached back and grabbed his buttcheeks, pulling them apart to expose his virgin entrance.

Sam grabbed him by the hips, making the pokemon squeak out from how hard he was being gripped. It took Sam less then a moment to line up his aching and dripping rod with his pokemons entrance and thrust forward with a growl. Lucario howled out from the sudden and painfull intrusion, feeling a deep burning as his hole was stretched open further then it had even been before and he was touched in the deepest of places. Through the pain and the burning, somewhere in the back of his mind he suddenly realised that Sams thrust was a LOT stronger then the thrusts used to fuck his mouth.

With new power in his changed legs, Sam began to drill his pokemons tight ass with abandon, ignoring the pained muffled cries and whimpers of his Lucario as he drilled himself balls deep with every thurst. Sweat was starting to drip through Sams hair and down his face as he growled, feeling how tight and warm his pokemons insides were around his rod.

Sam felt a tingling in his balls as the colouration spread over them, his balls suddenly inflating like a pair of balloons. He felt new cum churn in his balls as they expanded to the size of bloated oranges, their increased weight making them hang lower then they ever did before. The tingling itching feeling spread over them as fur sprouted across his huge testes, creating a furry sack that smacked with every thrust against Lucarios thighs.

The human boy grunted and growled as he felt the itching prickling feeling start to travel up his spine. His spine cracked and snapped in places as new vertebrae began to appear in his spine and he grew several inches taller in the span of a few seconds. But he felt no pain, only a burning sensation as his body changed from within.

Lucario whimpered as he felt his tight ring began to expand as the cock in his ass began to grow bigger. He couldn't see, but Sams cock was turning a deep and very angry red colour as his cock began to slowly melt against itself, the shaft smoothing out as the tip turned into a sharp point, the angry red rod shaping into a canine cock.

The fur prickled around the base of Sams cock as the skin plumped up and expanded, shifting about as it formed a ring around the base of his cock. The fur bristled as the skin shifted about, forming itself into a fat and thick sheath that seemed to grow to accommodate the large swinging sac underneath. For a moment the small human sized cock looked ridiculous coming from such a big sheath.

But that feeling was fleeting as the cock pulsed and throbbed as blood continued to flow ino it faster than it was able to disappear. And the cock began to expand and grow larger and thicker as it continued to inflate like a perverted balloon. It pushed deeper into Lucarios insides, pushing his innards around till it was pushing against his stomach, forming a noticeable bulge inside him.

Arceus watched, amidst the sounds of wet sloppy homosexual sex all around him as Sams torso elongated, his body growing bigger and taller around his now smaller pokemon. The fur was sprouting over Sams back, as his torso began to inflate as well as the boy was becoming larger all over.

Sams abbs pulled themselves in before they began to inflate like bubbles. His skin hugged against his sides as the muscles grew under him, his body forming with a large torso and a slim waist. The muscles that grew under his skin inflated to the size that any bodybuilder would have killed for, the skin contracting and making each muscle so defined it could have been carved out of stone.

The boy cried out as a sudden jab of pain hit his chest, a dark red spot appearing on his skin before something poked through. A trickle of blood seeped out of the hole before the skin split open, a large white pointed spike pushing through his chest. Lucario could feel it rubbing over his back with every hard thrust into his backside as his insides formed around Sams bulging cock.

Lucario knew what was happening above him, he like Sam had figured it out. Arceus had somehow turned the human trainers into human pokemon, and they were all sex crazed beasts. And the dog was loving every minute of it as his tongue lolled from his mouth and a pool of saliva grew around his cheek that was smooshed against the floor.

Sam felt the prickling and itching spread to his arms as his muscles bulged out, his biceps expanding like a pair of footballs. The fur covered his arms as they bulged out, thick veins beginning to worm under his skin like snakes.

"Take it bitch" Sam growled as his fingers pressed together, scrunching up the fur on Lucarios shoulders as his digits began to fuse together, his fingers melting together to form large paws. The skin on the back of his hands began to break apart as the bone pushed forward to turn into spikes.

Lucario cried out as he felt another hot load of Sams cum explode inside of him, this time in his rear. He cried out and whimpered as his stomach began to bloat out, forming a sizeable bulge that started to slosh and squealch about as Sam kept thrusting. Sam was showing no sign of slowing down and even though that huge cock was cumming heavily Sam had not paused or even tried to let up.

Sams large canine cock was plunging in and out of Lucarios wet and wide open ass, his hips literally hammering against the smaller pokemon. Each and every inch of his now huge eleven inch cock was plunging in deep, coated in his own cum and the inside juices of Lucarios ass.

The pain and prickling reached Sams head and he let out a howl as his head felt like it was exploding. He clenched his eyes shut and grabbed Lucarios shoulders with his hands so hard the wolf howled in pain as Sam felt his skull begin to break apart.

His face elongated as his nose pushed outwards, the skin starting to turn black and rubbery as a snout was formed. The skin stretched tight as his skull cracked and shaped itself, becoming more canid and losing its humans looks. Sams nostrils were suddenly invaded by a flood of senses he could not smell before as the skin turned black.

He could smell the other pokmeon in the room, and the musk they were producing. The musk, the sweat, the pre, the cum. The smell of sweat and cum and sex was so thick in the air that he could have cut it with his new found claws. And it invaded his nostrils with an inner fire that made his blood boil in his veins. The veins over his bulbous muscles throbbed as they surged with life, bulging out like fat snakes.

But the smell that drove him wild came from beneath him. He could smell his Lucarios thick musk beneath him, and the smell of him being bred. He could smell the rich aroma that permeated the air from his pokemons hide, that musky strong odour that came from his backside that hit his nostrils like spice. He could smell Lucarios breath that panted with arousal and the amount of pre and cum that was on the floor beneath them.

Sam could smell his own scent mixed on his Lucario, but it wasn't enough. Nowhere near enough to mark Lucario as his own. Lucarios scent told Sam that Lucario was unowned, and with such a small amount of his own scent meant that his pokemon was unclaimed. Well, that was going to change.

"You're gonna be mine" Sam growled as his mouth felt like it was on fire, his teeth snapping and elongating to become sharp and pointed. Sam opened his eyes, his eyes a bright red now as he glared down at his conquest. Fresh saliva was drooling from his mouth in long thick ropes as a large canid tongue slurped through his lips, panting with lust.

With a furious and lustfilled growl Sam continued to plunge into his Lucario, his huge ballsack smacking and colliding with Lucarios thighs with each movement. Lucario cried out as he submitted, unable and unwilling to fight back against his transforming trainer. The pleasure he was feeling at being rammed so deeply and so wildly was something he didn't want to fight.

Sam felt his hair fall out of his skin as it was replaced with fur, two long braids of thick long fur protruding behind his ears. His ears were next to change as the skin changed colour and the muscles elongated, shifting upwards, almost sliding into place as they went upwards to the top of his head.

Lucario whimpered as he cried out, feeling the base of Sams cock beginning to finally expand as Sams knot began to form. And it was HUGE. It was bulging on both sides like a pair of softballs stacked beside each other. How it had taken this long for it to start inflating he did not know. But he was not in a position to ask.

And from the intense pounding he was getting, Lucario had no problem knowing where Sam intended to put it. But the knot wasn't even near halfway inflated and it was already bigger then he could handle, his ring starting to burn with pain as he was stretched out, that huge knot sloppily popping in and out of his backside.

"Sam...Sam wait...please" Lucario whimpered as he found his voice that had been lost in his whimperings, feeling that huge knot slam against his backside with each thrust. It kept popping in and out of his ass, his ring stretching further and further as that huge knot just kept inflating.

" you're going to be mine" Sam growled, his voice changing as well as it became deeper. And his voice was starting to growl, like he was losing the ability to talk. "You are going to take it and be" he snarled.

"Sam...Sam please...I...can't ...take it.." Lucario cried out as he felt that knot pop in and out of his backside, the bulge getting bigger with each thrust. It was over half inflated by now and each thrust was pushing seed deeper into his body, Sam having to start to force the huge knot into his backside as it became harder to push into the smaller ring.

It took several more hard thrusts and a loud snarling growl as Sam thrusted forward, his hips slamming down as he forced that huge knot into his beloved Lucario. Balls deep, that huge knot popped into lucario and made him squeal like a stuck pig, the bulge in his stomach bulging out even further and spreading up to his chest as he was stuffed fuller then he had ever been.

With a new howl of pleasure Sam arched his back as his balls exploded, boiling over as a flood of wolf cream flooded his partner. Lucario cried out as the sudden rush of pleasure struck him, his own canid cock unable to hold back either as he erupted hands free, the two Lucarios climaxing together as one.

It took them several moments for their orgasms to die down, Lucario now flooded so full of cum that it looked like he had swallowed a beachball. A big, creamy, sloshy lewd beachball that made his stomach jiggle and ripple with each movement as the two of them kept their position, only panting for the moment. Sam was the first to break the silence between them.

"I want be togetherrr...forrreverrrr" Sam growled as he leant over his smaller partner, his long canid tongue hanging between Lucarios ears as he spoke to his newfound lover. Lucario could hear the lust and desire in Sams voice and he felt like crying to how much of a beast his partner had now become. But there was something else in there that made him not cry. Something that told him his trainer wasn't entirely lost.

"Together?" Lucario whimpered as he chanced a look behind him to see the change in Sams face. He saw a very big hulking dark blue Lucario looking back at him with lust filled brilliant red eyes. Black was starting to spread over Sams face as the colourations on his body started to change.

All around him there were the orgasmic cries of the fourteen paired off pokemon as they orgasmed one after another. The pale purple stone floor became awash in sweat and seed that blasted everywhere, the orgy still continuing around them.

But all of that was ignored as Lucario stared into Sams eyes, feeling that huge knot throb and pulse insode of him, cum churning about in his stomach as it gurgled in a lewd way. Lucario was oblivious to everything as he saw that there was affection in his partners eyes, affection that was only gazing towards him.

Sam looked down at him back, seeing a well fucked pokemon on the edge of his cock, inflated to bursting point with his cum and covered in sweat, a couple of streaks of cum still clinging to his panting face like sticky webbing.

"I love you" Sam growled into his Lucarios ears as he plunged his tongue into the small orifice. Lucario whimpered and moaned loudly as he felt that thick wet appendage invade his ear and give him pleasurable chills down his body.

When Sams tongue pulled out of his ear, Sam growled further, but his voice was gone, replaced by a series of small barks and growls like a feral dog. But Lucario knew what he was talking about.

Sams knot was starting to deflate rather rapidly, and it was ready to simly slide out. But with the way that Sam was starting to whimper and the needy look that was appearing on his face told Lucario that he wasn't done. He still had another load inside of him, but there was just enough Sam inside of him to let Lucario make the order.

And Lucario damn well wanted it.

"Knot me" Lucario cried out as he dug his hands onto the stonework under him and held on as Sam growled, a grin spreading across his canid face as he picked up Lucario by the hips and resumed his rapid thrusting. With his pokemon wanting it and his hole wide open and able to take it, Sam did not waste time as he fucked his lover again.

The two grunted and growled like a pair of wild dogs, the other pokemon around the room unable to coninute as they had all spent themselves. By now the others were all pulling themselves into piles of two or more, just laying back and cuddling with each other as they dripped various sexual fluids off their bodies and out of their orifices.

They could do nothing more but listen to the frenzied fucking of the two fighting pokemon, hearing the loud dominating growls of the bigger Lucario as the smaller Lucario took it like a good and proud bitch, no longer virgin and taking everything like a good bitch would.

"Sam, don't stop. It's so big... I can feel it" Lucario cried out as his lovers knot inflated again, growing bigger and bigger. "Tie me, tie me and make me yours. Plug me up Sam and make me yours to own" he cried out, tears forming in his eyes at the joyous though of being tied with his lover once more.

Sam growled and howled as he slammed his hips against lucario, the force of the thrust almost knocking the pokemon into the stonework as his knot fully inflated once more and slammed against Lucarios open hole. It only took a few more frenzied thrusts before it was slammed in, Lucario getting knocked onto his huge stomach as Sam tied his bitch.

"Excellent" Arceus said to himself as he watched Lucarios eyes bug out and Sams huge balls conracted. The two howled out in climax as Sams seed shot into his plugged up Lucario, although this climax was considerably smaller then the rest. Not much seed was getting pumped into the canine, but it was enough to make Lucarios skin stretch skin tight over his stomach.

Sam collapsed on top of Lucario as he wrapped his arms around his pokemon, his tongue lolling from his mouth as he panted, his body wracked with exhaustion as he kept his pokemon impaled on his huge cock. His orgasm finally died down, but his knot was refusing to deflate this time around, keeping them both firmly tied.

Lucario was panting as well, his stomach sloshing in a lewd way as he was pulled close, too weak to move as he lay there panting as well. But he did not want to move. He was lying there, impaled on his transformed partners monstrous cock and filled with litres of wolf spunk, and he could not have been happier.

Around him, Arceus could hear the sounds of his pokemon harem start to nod off, the various beasts starting to snore as they fell asleep in groups of sweaty and sticky fur and scales. The scent of the orgy was so strong and thick it almost hung in the air like a fog.

"Welcome to my harem, my Lucarios" Arceus said, sounding pleased as he watched the two fighting pokemon lie there, tied together and panting as they came down from their sexual highs. He felt pleased that he no longer had to search for anymore trainers, and he felt that these two would be fine additions.

Without a word Arceus stood himself back up and turned around. He then walked out of the room, his hooves stepping in puddles of semen and sweat along the way. He walked through the open doorway and the walls glowed behind him. With a grinding noise the walls began to close together until it formed a solid wall once more.

Lucario felt Sams muzzle nuzzle against the side of his face as he felt the thick wet slimey tongue caress his face tenderly. A very big paw reached down to rub over Lucarios fat bloated stomach rather tenderly.

Lucario whined slightly, even that tender touch making his bloated gut ache as it gurgled rather visibly under his kin. But he was happy with the tenderness that Sam was showing him as he nestled back against his hulking pokemon partner, feeling that huge shaft only soften slightly inside of him. He could feel sleep start to overwhelm him as he closed his eyes.

Sam watched as his pokemon fell asleep, impaled on his huge cock and flooded with his seed. He didn't bother looking anywhere but at his pokemons peaceful sleeping face, still marked with several ropes of cum.

He had a feeling his training days were over. But he honestly didn't mind in the slightest.

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