A Favourite Situation Chapter 8

Story by Kendo Kawabata on SoFurry

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#8 of Favourite Situaion

A Favourite Situation Chapter 8 By Kendo Kawabata

"Matt seems to have a change in attitude." Thomas said to Spencer as he looked out the window of Spencer's office. The tall flamedramon had surprised Spencer that morning by way of showing up without even a phone call to announce his arrival. Spencer had thought that Thomas was out for the whole weekend, and hadn't expected him to arrive. But then again, he had a habit of doing things his way. "Well, he hasn't exactly had a good time to begin with." Spencer said as he looked up from his desk. Thomas was standing there in another one of his expensive suits, watching his ex-son manually slave away. "He's been adapting as best he can. I think its about time he was due to be happy, and not have someone spoil it" he commented. "It has been a long time since I saw him smile like that." Thomas said as he stood with his hands behind his back, watching as Matt carried a load of boxes past his view. Matt did have a smile across his features, and he seemed genuinely happy that morning. "I can't help but wonder what brought about this sudden change in his mood." Thomas commented. "Perhaps you should visit a bit more often, and actually show some interest in how he's going?" Spencer said as he finished marking the report that lay before him. At the comment, Thomas looked over his shoulder at his employee behind him. "What are you suggesting with that remark?" he asked. Spencer put down his pen and sat back in his seat as he looked up at his boss. "I'm not suggesting anything." he said simply. "If you want to know his change in attitude, why don't you go with ask? Actually, you know, show him that you are actually interested in his well-being instead of avoiding him and treating him like a zero class citizen." he said. "That is all he has been feeling for the last three months. If you ask me, the reason he's so happy is that maybe someone showed him that he actually is worth something other than free labour." "I've been treating him exactly the way I have been told to treat him. By the book." Thomas said as he looked back out the window. "And he is not free labour in the slightest. I am spending a lot of money to make sure that he is well looked after. He is hardly neglected, if that's what your saying." Spencer shook his head and went back to his paperwork. "Speaking as a master with past experiences in this matter, doing it by any book is not enough." Spencer said flatly. "Slaves, regardless of their position, need a little human contact now and then. You can follow whatever guidelines the company is throwing at you to the letter with every I dotted and every T crossed. That does not mean you are a good master." he pointed out. "And I am saying this as a master with previous experience, something you do not have." he said. Thomas made no reply, but Spencer could tell that the other man had heard him. Whether or not he was actually listening to anything Spencer had to say, he didn't know. But Spencer had met men like him before, people who had been handed a slave or a person in that position and suddenly believed themselves to be experts almost instantly. And stubborn as all buggery. Spencer was not willing to say though, that the reason why Matt was so happy was because he had allowed Matt to relieve himself the previous night, albeit he had help. And the two of them were back on better terms with each other. But he wasn't willing to say that. If Thomas really had been paying attention, he would have noticed that there was no light coming from the chastity device on Matt's crotch, which should have been a give away, given that it had been shining almost non stop the last few weeks. But then again, Thomas hadn't been very attentive in quite some time. Mostly due to his absence. Spencer looked up a little as he heard the gravel in the parking lot outside stir up as a car seemed to speed into the parking lot. He didn't pay any attention though, as it wasn't often that people simply sped through the parking lot or even stopped to take a five minute break on their journey. Being on the outskirts of town, this was daily. But both Thomas and Spencer looked up as they heard the doors to the warehouse slam open, the sound echoing all around them through the warehouse. Thomas went to open the door of Spencer's office, and stopped when he saw his son Timothy come into view. Several of the workers stopped what they were doing and were watching as discreetly as they could as they saw Timothy literally storm in. The difference in attitude between Timothy and Matt was very apparent straight away. Matt had been walking around that morning with a smile on his face, and almost a skip in his step. He seemed to teem with new life, and renewed energy as he greeted everyone with a very happy and enthusiastic 'hello sir.' Even the normal workers were greeted as such. The difference between his current happy mood and his previous depressed mood was almost like chalk and cheese. The other workers in the warehouse were quite startled by the sudden change in his appearance that morning, but they didn't question it. In fact, they all seemed to enjoy that Matt actually did seem happy and carefree after being seemingly lost in the darkness of his situation and depressed to his core. The happy smile on the slave boys face was in fact infectious and everyone that morning seemed to work a little more efficiently, bringing a good mood to the warehouse. But with Timothy the attitude, was like a kick to the crotch. The teenager was fuming so badly you could almost see steam rising out of his long ears. The kid had murder on his face, and he seemed like he hadn't slept the previous night. His clothes were rumpled and his eyes had dark heavy bags under them. The other workers were weary of the two young handlers who seemed to think they had the right to do as they pleased around the place. The workers could tolerate Luke, although the kid did have a temper that seemed to go off at any given time. It was Timothy that the others had a problem with. But none of the workers would dare say anything about the big bosses son. The moment Timothy's eyes made contact with Matt, the angry teenager made a beeline straight for him. Matt did not see him coming as he was standing behind his desk, looking over an order form for a delivery. With his back to anyone behind him, he had no idea what was coming up. Matt did hear one of the workers cry out for him, hearing the words 'lookout' ringing through the air. He put down the papers, feeling slightly confused about what could be him needing to be looking out for, when he felt a hand grab the back of his neck. With a startled cry Matt found himself thrust forward, his forehead smacking heavily onto the desk. "What the fuck are you so happy about?" Timothy snarled as he grabbed Matt by the back of his ears and literally ground the older boys face into the woodwork. "You think you are so much better than me, smiling and happy all of a sudden? What are you so happy about?" Timothy demanded as he literally dragged Matt face first over the desk and onto the floor with an angry cry. Matt let out a cry as he crashed onto the floor, several papers falling with him. If the long controlling core above him hadn't had special the pull and release system on it, the facial piercings probably would have been ripped light out of his face from such force. Matt found himself panting and staring at the floor wild-eyed in shock as he felt a burning on his face. "What..." Was all he managed to get out as he rubbed his fingers along his burning cheek. There was no blood thankfully, but the skin was very tender. He didn't get any more time to ponder as Timothy walked up and grabbed him by the face. Timothy's fingers dug into his skin as he literally started shaking Matt's head with a hard grip. "You were laughing at me, weren't you, you worthless slut?" He demanded as he shook Matt by the face. Matt had to grab onto Timothy's arms as he found that his lungs were burning for air, Timothy's fingers clenching Matt's nostrils shut. Matt tried to pull Timothy's hands from his face, but the angry boy had too hard of a grip. When he saw his slave fighting back, Timothy let out a furious snarl and shoved Matt back onto the ground. Matt let out a cry as the back of his head smacked against the concrete floor, and the impact made him see stars that erupted in his vision in a blood red haze. He felt pain rack the back of his head as he brought his hands up to grab where it hurt. His entire head started to feel like it was on fire and he could feel his skin burning across his face. "You think it's funny, laughing at me?" Timothy practically screamed at Matt as he landed a kick to Matt's side. Matt let out a scream of pain as he felt the impact as he was knocked over, the impact knocking the wind from his lungs. The shock and suddenness of everything that was happening to him made him forget everything that he was supposed to know at a time like that. "I'll teach you to make fun of me, you fucking whore." Timothy demanded as he brought his foot back up. But his foot didn't connect with Matt. Reacting out of instinct more than anything, Matt grabbed Timothy's boot before it could connect with him and he twisted it as hard as he could. Timothy let out a startled cry as he found his leg twisting him out of balance before he fell and landed on his backside on the floor. Timothy looked at Matt with a state of shock written across his face as for a moment, they both looked at each other. Neither of them dared to make the first move, Timothy mostly out of shock that he had been touched in such a way by someone lesser then him, and Matt because he had actually dared to put his hands on his handlers. Timothy was the first to make the move as his features turned into a mask of anger and fury as he scrambled to pick himself up, his glare pointed directly at the unfortunate boy across from him. Matt felt nothing but fear as his heart hammered in his chest as he tried to scramble away to save himself. "How dare you!" Timothy screamed, his fury rising even further as he brought himself to his feet and lurched forward, his hands stretched out and ready to kill. Matt let out a startled and painful cry as he felt his ankles grabbed by his furious handler. He cried out for Timothy to stop as he scrabbled his fingers against the floor as he was dragged back, trying desperately to grab onto something. Timothy looked ready to not only hurt, but waste his slave when he was grabbed from behind by two of the warehouse workers. He was grabbed by a Cougar and a Fennec, who grabbed him by the arms and literally pulled him away from Matt. "Let me the fuck go!" Timothy screamed as another one, a rat, ran up to check on the terrified slave who was trying to crawl under the desk for safety. The rat knelt down and put his arms around Matt's shoulders. Matt jumped from the contact and brought his arms up to defend himself, but when he saw that it was one of the workers he didn't resist. The rat put his hands on Matt's arms and carefully helped him up to his feet, seeing that the boy was completely terrified and shaking all over. "What the fuck did you do to him." the rat demanded as he held Matt protectively in his arms, feeling the boy shake against him. The two other workers held the struggling furious boy between them, and they both looked mad as hell."What the hell did you attack him like that?" he demanded. "Let me go you bastards!" Timothy shouted as he looked at the two angry workers who were holding him back. "Let me go, or you'll be fired this instant, you hear me?" he shouted in the faces of the two men. "You can't fire us" the Fennec said with an annoyed look on his face and a scowl in his eyes. "You're not our boss" he pointed out. "And you can't boss us around like you boss Matt. We can actually fight back if you try and touch us" he pointed out. Timothy snarled at him and tried to kick his feet at the Fennec, but the two were holding him in place and he couldn't make contact. "He may not be your boss, but I can have you arrested right now." Thomas said as he made his presence known, walking up to the five of them with an angry look on his face and his arms crossed in front of his chest. "Let him go now. The both of you" he demanded. With a look between them both that said they were not happy to do it, the Cougar and the Fennec both let go of Timothy. Or rather, they just dropped him and he fell on his butt on the floor between them both. Timothy got up and moved away from them rather quickly and dusted himself off, giving an angry death glare at to the workers who had dared place their hands on him. "Now, would you kindly explain why you put your hands on my son?" Thomas demanded as he looked at the Fennec and the cougar, his arms still crossed over his chest. The rat still had his arms around Matt and was still holding him close. Matt was shivering all over, the look on his face suggesting that he was about to cry at any moment. "We were doing our job in the back with the inventory when we heard yelling." the rat said as he look at Thomas. "We came over to see what was going on, and we saw Timothy attacking Matt and dragging him across the floor" he said. "We didn't want to see Matt get hurt for no reason, so we had to pull Timothy off him to stop him." the cougar said. "If you're going to be angry at anyone, it should be him. We couldn't just stand there and watch Matt get hurt for no reason." he said. "Timothy attacked Matt? Is this the story you are going to go with?" Thomas said, the look on his face said that he wasn't convinced. Spencer came up behind him, but he didn't say anything as he kept himself in the background and out of the way. With Thomas there, there was little he could do about the situation. And even if Thomas wasn't, he still had a way of over ruling him. "It's not a story." the Fennec said as he spoke up. "Timothy already treats Matt like he's garbage. He's been doing his job all morning, and we haven't seen him mess up once. Matt did absolutely nothing this morning to warrant anything like getting beaten up." he said. "He's my fucking slave, I can do to him whatever I want, and it's legal" Timothy said as he glared at the Fennec. "And I'm also sixteen, which means I'm a minor, and you're an adult. So I can press charges against you for touching me you fucking pedo." he said with a rather superior smirk on his face. "Oh yeah? You just try it you little prick." the cougar said with an angry snarl on his face, his fangs bared as he looked like he was ready to slap the spoilt boy across the face. But Thomas cleared his throat rather loudly and the two of them calmed down somewhat, but they continued to glare hatred at the other. "Remind me what your names are." Thomas said as he looked between the three of them. The three workers reintroduced themselves, the rat being named Tony, the Fennec was Randall, and the Cougar was named John. "Well John." Thomas said as he looked over at the cougar. The angry expression on his face had disappeared, but he still did not look impressed. "I'm glad that you feel so protective towards my property. But unfortunately, if you try anything like this again, I will have to press charges against you" Thomas said flatly. "Excuse me?" John said, as a surprised look came across his face and the face of the other two workers. Matt clutched his fingers into the rats warm coat as he digested this piece of information. They could be charged for helping him? "Timothy just beat the crap out of him and you are going to press charges against me? What the hell for?" he said. "According to the B.O.S.S rules, interfering with a handler, overseer or a master when they are disciplining a slave, it is equal to obstruction of justice against a police officer" Thomas said simply and rather calmly. "I'll forgive you this time, but if you interfere against my son again, regardless of the reason, I will happily press charges against you, and fire you from your positions." "You call that discipline?" said Randall, a horrified look on his face. "So, if Timothy goes and beats Matt up again or does worse to him, we're just supposed to sit back and let it happen?" he asked. The other two did not look happy at the prospect either and looked like they wanted to argue as well. "Yes. Or, if you like, I can fire you right now, since technically I'm not supposed to show leniency against such acts." Thomas said simply, the tone of his voice sounding like he was simply addressing a minor problem. The three workers looked at each other for a moment, but they didn't dare speak back. It was obvious from the looks on their faces that they had absolutely no idea that such a rule existed. Matt looked at all three of them, but they all avoided his gaze. He felt his ears droop in sadness, as he realised that his master was literally forcing them to no longer help him. The way they kept their silence, and the way they were looking, it was obvious that they were not happy. Spencer could tell what they were all thinking. If Timothy attacked Matt like that again, there was nothing they could do about it. And from the way that Spencer had tried to help in the past, he couldn't do anything either. "Now, I suggest all three of go back to work, and go about your normal duties as if this never happened." Thomas said. "I think you feel concerned, and I'm glad that you do, but please do not interfere again. This is your first and only warning on the matter." he said with finality voice. "And let go of Matt please. He's a slave, he doesn't get hugs." he added as he looked at Matt for the first time. Tony rather reluctantly let go of Matt, giving the poor shaking boy a rather apologetic look on his face. But he couldn't say anything as he joined the other two workers as they headed back to their positions at the other ends of the warehouse. Matt had to reach out and grab the desk as he felt his stomach suddenly become unsettled and threatened to empty itself right there. He could feel the back of his head starting to throb like made. "Dad, what the hell are you doing here?" Timothy said as he found his voice suddenly." I thought you were away for the weekend?" he said. He wasn't able to hide the accusatory tone in his voice, like his father was not responsible for settling things there and then, but rather prevented Timothy from getting all three of them fired. "Two of my meetings were cancelled." Thomas said to him as he unfolded his arms finally and placed his hands in his trouser pockets."I came home early and decided to stop by here to see how things were going." he said. "Now, those men do bring up a good point. Why did you go and put your hands on Matt like that?" Although he was asking about Matt, he didn't sound concerned. "I wasn't attacking him, I was punishing him." Timothy said sharply. "I had a really bad night last night, and Matt had the nerve to walk around acting happy and looking like he was better then me. Plus, he had the nerve to fight back and put his hands on me, on ME, his goddam handler!" Timothy practically shouted at his father. "That's your excuse?" Thomas said as he crossed his arms over his chest again. He did not look impressed. "The workers are right though. I've been watching Matt all morning and he has done nothing, from what I could see, for him to be punished over." he said. "I told you, he was acting like he was better then me, after I had a really bad night." Timothy almost whined. "Why should he, a slave, be allowed to go around looking happy like that? While I'm miserable and unhappy?" he said as he looked up at his father. "So you had a bad night, and you thought you'd take it out on Matt?" Thomas asked, the look on the older flamedramon's face unimpressed. "Do you think its the right way to go about being a good handler, using him as an excuse to deliberately harm him? Honestly Timothy, with the way your teacher praises you, I thought you were better then this." he said. "Uhm..." Timothy said as he suddenly found himself unable to finish the sentence. Matt saw, from the look on his face, that his handler didn't expect his father to disagree with him. He stammered a few times to try to think of a legitimate reason that would sound good, but after several moments of desperate thinking, he could only come up with nothing. "I thought so." Thomas said as he shook his head in disappointment. "Timothy, I'm disappointed. I will let this slide, but its the only time. The next time I see or hear of you punishing Matt without a valid excuse, or using him like a punching bag, there will be consequences Timothy. Serious consequences." Thomas said, looking down at Timothy with disappointment. "Sorry Dad." Timothy said to his father. His shoulders slumped as he lost his angry spoiled brat look, and it was replaced by the look of a child who just been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Seeing those sad puppy eyes on his son, Thomas' features softened a little, but he still looked displeased. "Timothy, I want you to go home. I will be there soon enough once I've finished here. And we will talk about this some more." Thomas said as he pointed towards the exit of the warehouse. Timothy nodded but he did not say anything as he picked up his feet and walked in the direction his father was pointing. Thomas said nothing as he watched Timothy walk away and disappear behind the shelves of inventory. He said nothing for a moment or two before he finally turned his attention to Matt. Matt was clutching the desk and trying hard to stand still, a somewhat pale look on his face. Matt became aware of someone looking at him as he looked up at Thomas, and he shrank back a little as he saw the furious look on his owners face "Matt, I am going to let this slide once." Thomas said, his features glaring down at Matt, the tone in his voice matching someone who might yell at a disobedient dog. "But, I don't care what reason you have or what is being done to you. If you ever defend yourself against your handler or put your hands on any kind of freeman in any way shape or form, you will suffer for it" he said with a sharp tone in his voice. "Yes... Sir." Matt said as he looked down at the floor. The back of his head was throbbing and his stomach was churning, threatening to open the flood gates all over the floor. But with the way that Thomas was glaring at him, Matt did dare hold onto his head or his stomach. Thomas did not say anything, nor did he seem to have any pity for his boy before he shook his head and simply turned and walked away. "Matt, go to your room and take a few minutes to calm down." Spencer said softly as he walked up behind Matt and put his arms on the boys shoulders. Matt looked up as Spencer finally made himself known to him, feeling a bit better to have the bigger male touch him. "Your owners leaving, so I can let you calm down before you get back to work." he said softly. Matt nodded as he put his hand on his stomach to try and calm his insides down as he felt Spencer gently touch the back of his head. But even that gentle touch made Matt hiss an intake of breath and wince as he felt the gentle pressure make his head throb. He clenched his eyes shut and whimpered a little as he felt Spencer gently rub the area, and by the feel of his fingers, the bruise was going to be a big one. He opened his eyes and he took a few gulps as his stomach began to settle down enough that he felt he was out of danger. Spencer's hands gently touched his shoulders again and he was turned around. Matt looked up at him and saw that Spencer was looking down at him with a look of sadness and concern his eyes. "Make that half an hour." Spencer said softly before gently rubbing his hands down Matt's arms until his hands were in his. "I'll get you some tablets for your head. Medication is allowed thankfully, only if the situation calls for it." he said as he gently squeezed Matt's fingers in his own. Matt nodded and went to walk away, but he felt the ground suddenly give way underneath him as his vision toppled over. He almost felt his eyes roll into the back of his head as he saw sparks in front of his eyes as he felt himself fall forward. Spencer had to reach out and grab Matt to prevent him from falling over and hurting himself. Thankfully, Matt didn't faint, but he did end up looking like he was about to vomit and even choked a few times as Spencer held onto him. Without saying anything, Spencer held onto Matt as he carefully guided him towards the stars of his room. Matt had been happy for less than a morning. The good kind of happy. And it only took five minutes for his depression to come back with reinforcements.

2 weeks later...

The distance between the employees access entrance of the warehouse and Spencer's car was possibly only 10 feet, maybe 15. It had to of been twelve at least. There was absolutely no possible way that Matt could run off and get out of the area before somebody actually caught him. The staff car park was nothing more than an expanse of gravel dirt surrounded by a chain wire fence. There were two exits on either side, and both of them connected to the main road just on the other side of the fence. The main road was always a busy one, and even this early in the morning the traffic was too bad to risk jaywalking. The distance to Spencer's car was only about 12 feet. And Matt still had to be tied up and leashed for that short little journey like he was an inmate at the local prison. After three months of living, sleeping, and working in the warehouse, Matt had almost forgotten what it was like to go outside and see the open sky and feel the fresh air. But today, he was finally permitted to go outside. However, it was not a reward nor a treat that was granted to him on this occasion. The B.O.S.S. apparently required all slaves to have a routine check-up every three months to ensure that they were being looked after. Matt was up for one that day. Matt was wearing what was considered the Public slave uniform. it was really no different then his brown tunic, sandals and belt ensemble that he wore every day. But this one was made of a slightly higher quality cotton material with a bright shade of rather flamboyant purple. It was also longer, and it came down to the middle of this thighs, giving him more 'privacy' since he was still not permitted to wear underwear. His sandals were actually padded, and felt more comfortable than what he was used to. They were also almost 'gladiator' style, as the straps ran up his calf muscles to just under his knees. It was almost like a leather spider web strapped to his legs. His wrists were currently bound together by what could only be described as decorative handcuffs. They were two large bronze circles with bright white studs along the outside. There was no chain between them. When separated they looked like a pair of regular bracelets and brought no attention. But they snapped together through each other and gave Matt no room to move his wrists apart. Spencer was locking the warehouse door behind him, holding on to Matt's leash. The leash was a leather strap connected to a brightly polished steel chain, and it was connected to Matt's facial rings. For the first time in Matt's enslavement, his very large ugly nose ring had been threaded through his bottom lip, preventing him from speaking or opening his mouth for any reason. "Now Matt, this is not just a check-up. This is a test." Thomas was saying as he stood beside the car. Timothy was with him, leaning against the large vehicle and looking very bored. Both of them were dressed rather smartly, almost dressed up for a visit to the theatre. The two of them wore matching dark brown suits, dressed to impress. "If you can prove today that you are capable of behaving in public, especially at the B.O.S.S., I may be lenient and actually allow Spencer to take you in public for business deals in the city." Thomas was saying as Timothy picked at something in his teeth. "But, there are no negotiations with this. You either behave, or you don't. There is no sitting on the fence, there is one or the other" he said rather sternly. Matt nodded, standing still and as straight as he was able to do. Behind him Spencer finished locking up the warehouse, since it the other workers had the day off and there would be no deliveries that day. Putting the keys in his pocket he gave a gentle tug on the leash and lead Matt towards the car. He didn't seem to be in much of a happy mood. Matt had never seen Spencer's vehicle before, and he wasn't exactly surprised to see that Spencer drove a large black 4x4. Matt had no idea what kind of make or model the car was, but it looked like the kind of thing you could tow a big boat on. Or go off road. The fact that it was big and black seemed to suit him. "Why do we have to take his car?" Timothy asked as he looked up at his father. "Why can't we take ours? They're more comfortable" he said with a light whine in his voice. Spencer narrowed his eyes at Timothy and looked like he wanted to slap him. "We're in Spencer's vehicle today, because we are all required at the compound for Matt's check up." Thomas explained. "There's no point in taking three cars. And watch your tone, I'm sure Spencer's car is just fine" Thomas said. "If we're all required for the check up, why isn't Luke coming with us? He's Matt's handler top." Spencer pointed out as he opened the drivers side door, the central locking coming undone with a simple clicking noise. "Luke is grounded. Apparently he got into a fight at school." Thomas said, his tone of voice sounding that he wasn't very interested in that topic. "Make sure Matt is secured properly please. We have to make sure the restraints fit." Thomas said as he slid opened the drivers side passenger door and slipped in. Only from Matt's angle could he see that Spencer was rolling his eyes. Matt had the distinct impression that the only reason he was leashed as he was, was that Thomas wanted to see if Spencer would actually do it. Even though Spencer had done it, Matt didn't feel bad towards Spencer for doing it. He did however, feel very embarrassed at how he had to sit in the actual seat. Especially since he had to sit next to Timothy. He was kind of given the impression that, it Thomas had his way, Matt would have been sitting in the rear end of the vehicle, out of sight. But for some reason the back of the vehicle was filled with what looked like camping equipment. The seat itself was something he could only describe as a child's safety seat, the kind that a toddler would have to use. Except it was much bigger and obviously designed to hold in a fully grown person. When Matt sat down in the seat, the edges of the seat were turned in, keeping his arms turned so he had to keep his hands in his lap. A harness was lifted over him, much like one for a child. The harness was very tight and felt more like a straightjacket then something to keep him 'safe.' But those thoughts were crossed from his mind as there were special straps that wrapped around his legs and kept his feet firmly planted on the floor. He wasn't even able to spread his legs apart, or move them. "I'm sorry about this." Spencer said in such a soft voice that Matt almost didn't hear him, as the bigger male had to literally lock Matt in place. But not with a belt buckle, but with a set of key locks integrated into the leather straps. He was literally locked in place and unable to move. Matt had the impression that, if the car crashed he would be held in place so well he probably would feel nothing more than a bit of whiplash. But if the car caught on fire, he would need rescuing. He could not see a single way for him to get out of the seat or the harness on his own. He suddenly found himself hoping that Spencer was a good driver. He could actually feel Timothy smirking beside him, looking like he was enjoying seeing Matt strapped into the seat like he was some naughty child. Spencer finished securing Matt in place and then unhooked the leash, placing it in his pocket. "I'm not here to make them look good, I'm here for Spencer." Matt thought to himself. He had been repeating phrases like that to himself more and more often since Timothy had attacked him in the warehouse, and they were slowly become something of a mantra to him. He had to admit that, in all honesty he was finding it so much easier to obey Spencer then anybody else. If he really did have to make the best of such a bad situation, the only way he could do that was, as he found lately, to do everything for Spencer's sake. If today really was a test, then he was not going to object to anything that they made Spencer do to him. He did not want to embarrass Spencer at the compound today, especially since Spencer had done so much for him already. If the slave feeling really was addictive, he would be glad to get every bit of praise he could from Spencer and do anything he could for him. But he wasn't stupid. He could actually see and understand the dangers of such a feeling, so he was trying to be more level headed lately with everything he was doing. Three months into his life as a slave, it was still very hard for him to cope with everything. Spencer started up the car, the music getting changed over to a station that Thomas chose without asking. Spencer navigated the big vehicle and silently pulled onto the main highway once a chance was given. There was silence in the car as they drove, Spencer concentrating on the road and Thomas looking through something on his iPhone. Timothy was sneaking looks at Matt now and then, giving him a big wide grin on his face and openly stroking the bulge between his legs. Matt tried hard to not pay attention, as Timothy was openly doing something that Matt no longer had the freedom to do. If Matt touched himself in public, it was an immediate striking across his backside. Timothy just smirked as his bulge grew bigger from the attention, and Matt silently turned his gaze to the window beside him. "Don't like the show?" Timothy said in a low voice with a lewd smirk on his face. Spencer and Thomas couldn't hear him above the music, but Matt could. "Come on Matt, why don't you just lie over here and give it some loving? I'm sure they won't mind" Timothy continued as he gave himself a squeeze. "Surely you're thirsty. I know I was before." he added with a smirk. Matt said nothing as he watched the world pass by out the sheet of glass. He did not want Timothy to get to him, not on a day like this. But even looking out of the window was difficult. The cars on the opposite lane all seemed to have passengers that day, and they were all looking at him. Some of them waved, some of them seemed to laugh. A couple of teenagers flipped him off and stuck their tongues out at him. Matt sighed as he didn't know what he was expecting as he watched the world go past. Surely, after his life had been turned upside down and inside and raped repeatedly right in his childhood, something in the world would have changed too. But the stores were all still open, the people still walked the sidewalks. The newsstands were full and the cars were still driving past. There were posters in some windows advertising the latest movies and a new banner was at the local Popeyes' store advertising their new products. The world hadn't changed much at all. The only thing that did seem to have changed was his reflection, and that had not changed in a good way. Matt had to put up with nearly twenty minutes of his handler trying to egg Matt into leaning over and sucking his cock in the back seat before they made it to the compound. For the first time, Matt got his first look at the outside of the building that had helped to change his life. To him, it looked like nothing special. It gave the impression that it could have been any one of the countless government buildings scattered throughout the country. It was hard to believe that such a boring and normal looking place could hold such horrors within. Spencer pulled up at the toll booth at the entrance to the compounds parking lot, and wound down the window. He took out his wallet and handed a card over to the bored elephant that was sitting in the boom gates booth. The bored looking security guard examined the card and regarded a clipboard for a moment before he gave Spencer his I.D. back and lifted the gate up. "Matt, you will be attending your medical evaluation by yourself." Thomas said as he put his phone in his pocket, but he didn't look over his shoulder. "The three of us will be meeting with representatives of the B.O.S.S. to get up to speed on the way things are going. Our licences come under scrutiny during your evaluation as well, and we could very easily lose them if you are not in good health. Or if it is proven that you are not being looked after." Thomas finished. "Yeah Matt." Timothy said with a grin. "That's the only reason we take care of you." he said in a low but sneering voice. "To make us look good." he added with a smirk. "So your behaviour today will reflect back upon us." Thomas continued, as if he hadn't heard Timothy. If he had, he didn't say anything. "Just remember that if you behave, you will be rewarded. If you don't behave, there will be consequences for your actions." he said. Matt was unable to respond since his mouth was still closed, but he did not his affirmation as best as he was able. Well, as best as he was able to with a thick strap wrapped around his throat. Spencer said nothing as he pulled the car into an empty parking space and cut the engine. The music died off quickly as the car went silent. Thomas and Timothy got out and slammed the door shut behind them, the force making the car rock a little. To Matt, it looked like neither had any respect for Spencer's property with the way they hurried out of the car. Without looking back, the two of them started to make their way towards the compound. Obviously, with an overseer to take care of their slave, they had absolutely no reason to ensure that Matt was going to follow them. Once Spencer was out of the car, he opened Matt's door and undid the clips on Matt's face. "Now, what do you do if they ask you about your living situation?" Spencer said as he went to undo the straps on Matt. "Tell them exactly what they want to hear." Matt said as he felt the straps loosen, after giving his jaw a few stretches. "And if they ask how you are being treated by Thomas and Luke and Timothy?" Spencer asked as he bent down and undid the straps around Matt's legs. "They do everything by the book and I'm being very well looked after." Matt said flatly. Spencer then unlocked the straps around his body and stepped back to let Matt out. Matt stepped out and was somewhat surprised to how warm the weather was out at the compound. "And if they ask about me?" Spencer asked as he picked up the leash. "I tell them that I've learned a lot from you and you are a great teacher." Matt said. "And if I could, I'd ask them to make you my master cause my current one is a fucking asshole." Matt said with a small smile on his face. Thankfully no-one else was around and Matt was able to speak freely. Matt saw the smile spread over Spencer's face, and he felt that warm happy feeling flare up inside of him. "That's right." Spencer said as he put his hand on Matt's shoulder. "Don't argue, don't reason, tell them exactly what they need to hear, and if you have to tell the truth, say it in a way that doesn't make it sound like you're trying to attack anyone or you're being a whiney brat." he said. "I'm doing this for you, you know." Matt said softly. "I'm not doing this for them." he said. Spencer said nothing, but he did smile with his eyes as he locked the car door and held up the leash. "I know you are." Spencer said softly, a smile on the corners of his mouth. "Just don't let anybody else know that." he said as he worked to secure the leash back on Matt's face. "And, just so you know, I could get my official masters licence today." Spencer said with a smile. "If I do, I might be able to have a say in getting some things changed with you in the warehouse." he said. Matt was surprised to hear that. He was under the impression that Spencer's overseer license was being evaluated that day. He had forgotten that Spencer was originally going after a full-fledged masters licence, and if Spencer really was going to get it that day, Matt made up his mind there and then that he would do anything to ensure he got it. Spencer held the leash in his hand as he led Matt towards the big compound building. Matt followed a few spaces behind him, taking small obedient steps with his head bowed looking at the ground before him. A slave was not allowed to look at anybody without permission, especially in a public place. Unless someone addressed Matt first, he was not permitted to have his head raised in any way. The automatic doors to the building opened as Spencer approached, and the two of them were met with a sudden blast of icy cold air conditioning. The sudden change in temperature made Matt's skin prickle and he could actually see the goosebumps appear on his skin. Spencer looked up and saw that Thomas and Timothy were already at the reception desk engaged in conversation with one of the receptionists. A sharply dressed and very nice looking she wolf beckoned Spencer over the lobby floor with a wave of her hand. "Welcome to the Bureau Of Slave Services." she said with a friendly smile towards Spencer. "And how may I help you today? Do you have an appointment with anyone, or do you have an enquiry I can help with?" "Spencer Horowitz. I'm here for my appointment today." Spencer said as he addressed the girl. Like most who seemed to work at the bureau, she looked no older then nineteen. "I'm also escorting Matt, slave ID 9874*FM for his annual checkup." Spencer said to the smiling wolf. "Let me just see here." she said with a smile she typed something into the computer before her. "Ah yes Horowitz, yes you do have an appointment booked. And the slave Matt, he's in here as well." she said. Even looking at the floor, Matt could tell the tone of voice had changed in the she wolfs voice. She seemed happy and friendly when speaking with Spencer, when talking about Matt, he could feel the coldness in her voice. "Step forward and show me your ID please, slave." she said sharply. Matt nodded obediently and stepped forward. The she wolf lent forward and grabbed Matt's right ear, grabbing at the tag that held his identification. She gave it a rather painful twist as she inspected it, but he didn't say or do anything to admit that it actually hurt. She seemed satisfied with it after a moment or two and then sat back and began typing something into her computer. Spencer waited with Matt, Thomas and Timothy already walking off as they were led away by the receptionist that had dealt with them. "Alright, just take the slave over to screening and they will get the ball rolling." she said with a smile. "After you've dropped it off, go up the elevator to the third floor and you'll find your interview in room 14." she said to him with a smile. "Thank you Miss." Spencer said with a nod, but he wasn't smiling at her. "How long will this take, do you know?" "Your interview? Hard to say" she said with a smile. "Sometimes it takes 20 minutes, sometimes it can take up to an hour. It's really dependable." "And Matt's checkup?" Spencer asked. "Half an hour." she said flatly. Spencer nodded and turned away without thanking her for her help. He gave Matt's leash a tug and lead him away from the reception desk. The she wolf didn't look pleased that he didn't thank her for her help. There were several doors leading out of the main reception area, as well as two sets of elevators. Matt saw a rather cutesy looking sign next to the elevator that said 'Freemen use the elevators. Slaves use the stairs', although he couldn't see them. Spencer led Matt to the other end of the lobby where he had a sudden flash to his last visit to the airport. Two very big very muscle-bound security heavies were standing in front of what looked like a security screen station. Above the entrance were the words "Slave Screening". Spencer walked up to the first one, a big hulking wolf in tight leather pants who held a pocket tawse in his hand, already extended and looking ready to be used. "This is Matt, sleeve ID9874*FM, here for a medical checkup." Spencer said. The Wolf nodded to him and held is hand out. Spencer handed him the leash and the Wolf took it, giving it a quick and sharp tug. Matt felt the yank and quickly stepped forward, keeping his head bowed. "Has he been out of your sight at any time?" The wolf asked Spencer as he gave him a look over. Although he was big, Spencer was taller. "No, he has been in view of my sight since we left his work station and arrived here." Spencer said. "He is clean." he added, rather firmly. "Dam. I was hoping to search him. Its so much fun when they squeal." the wolf said, looking a little disappointed as the other guard, a big Clydesdale horse, was already slipping a latex glove on his hand. The horse looked disappointed as well as he removed the glove. "I'll see you in about an hour or so." Spencer said to Matt. Matt nodded as Spencer turned to walk away, and he had a sudden urge to run after him and wrap his arms around him and just not let go. But he knew with his face leashed to the big wolf, it would be very painful for him to even take two steps. "Step up to the scanner slave." the wolf said with a smirk as he tapped his tawse firmly against Matt's covered backside. Matt quickly stepped up and stood beside the large metal frame. The wolf stood behind Matt and dropped the leash. It was one of those internal scanners that you would find at the airport, and the inner panels revolved slowly around Matt as it scanned him both inside and out. The Clydesdale looked at his monitor screen as the scanner not only checked for any foreign objects that could possibly be overlooked in the cavity search, but it also picked up and registered Matt's slave chip in his palm, and registered the barcode on the back of his neck. The Clydesdale made sure that this was indeed the slave he was claiming to be. Once the scanning was done, Matt was pushed forward with a heavy prod on his backside. Once Matt stepped out of the screener, another heavy stepped up to him. Another big hulking wolf in tight pants and a white singlet stepped up to him and grabbed his leash. With a firm tug of the leash the new wolf took a clipboard handed to him by the Clydesdale and looked it. Without looking at Matt the wolf pulled on the leash as he led Matt away from the scanned. Rather then walk slowly to let Matt keep up, the wolf walked rather briskly and Matt had to hurry to ensure his facial piercings weren't pulled out. Matt didn't get very far before he was shown to a line of wheelchairs resting against the nearby wall. With a smirk, the wolf pointed to one of them. "Sit bitch." he ordered with a grin that showed his fangs. Matt said nothing as he walked up to the wheelchair and sat himself in it. It was nothing more then a metal frame with no padding anywhere. It was very uncomfortable to sit on, but he didn't say anything. With a click the wolf disconnected the leash and dropped it in Matt's lap like it was a dirty rag. The Wolf got behind him and grabbed the handles of the wheelchair. Matt said nothing as he was rather forcibly pushed forward and around the corner away from the screening section. Matt felt slightly intimidated by the hulking Wolf behind him, as he looked up and saw that he was being wheeled into what looked like a maze of corridors and doorways before him. "Oi, Gareth." the wolf called as he saw somebody in lime green scrubs up ahead. It looked to be a young Doberman, possibly no more than 20, dressed up in surgical scrubs like a hospital intern would wear. "Got a bitch for you." the Wolf said with a smirk as he made the wheelchair stop rather forcibly. "Got this one here for his annual check up. Been a slave bitch for three months now. Bet this is his first time here when he's awake." the wolf said with rather superior smirk on his face. "I'll take it from here." Gareth the Doberman said. The wolf let go of the wheelchair and handed the clipboard to the Doberman before he simply turned around and walked back to the station. The Doberman said nothing as he did not look at Matt as he looked over the clipboard for a moment, then grabbed a radio that was in his pocket. "Any available rooms ready for a routine checkup with a slave?" he asked as he kept his back to Matt as if the boy wasn't there. "Room 34C is ready." came a reply on the radio. Gareth nodded and put the radio back in his pocket and walked behind the wheelchair. He grabbed the handles and pushed forward. Matt swallowed a lump in his throat as he was pushed down the hallway. His nerves were starting to heat up pretty quickly. As Matt was wheeled past multiple doors and sharp turns that seemed to lead to more corridors and hallways, he felt like he was in a giant office filled with cubicles. The kind that would drive any normal person sane. But he somehow knew that this was not unlike any other office he had ever been in before. Matt was wheeled past multiple doors that all looked the same from one another. Water coolers and potted plants were dotted around the place, along with cutesy looking posters that reminded people of the rules. Matt kept his head lowered as he tried his best not to make it obvious he was looking around. "-bitch gave me trouble earlier. Stupid little stuck up princess, God I'm sick of these types." said a large looking cheetah, walking beside a German shepherd in scrubs. The cheetah was as big as the guards from earlier, and he practically dwarfed the smaller male. "I know. It's fun when they struggle and cry, but seriously, the way they blab and try to make us feel sorry for them. They're not free people anymore, get over it." the shepherd was saying as the two of them walked past Matt and Garreth, Garreth getting a greeting from the two, who ignored Matt. "She shut up once I shoved her face in my crotch. Didn't get no complaints then." the cheetah said with a loud boisterous laugh. The shepherd laughed as well as they turned a corner and disappeared from view. Matt felt himself shiver all over as he couldn't help but picture some poor girl getting treated like that. And it was very easy because he had been treated the same way. But Matt didn't have much further time to dwell on the matter as the Doberman pulled up beside a large door. He pulled at the card hanging around his neck and used it on the swipe lock. With a silent movement the door opened easily. Grabbing the wheelchair again Garreth pushed Matt through the doorway and the door slid closed behind them. The room inside looked like a regular doctor's office, but it was surgically clean, and almost seemed to shine by itself. A large bare metal gurney lay in the middle of the room, underneath a set of ceiling lights that looked almost like heating lamps. File cabinets and storage units lay against the walls, including a large computer console. Garreth put the brakes on the wheelchair and stepped aside as he looked over the clipboard again for a few silent moments, then he looked over at Matt as he pulled a pen from his pocket. "Stand up." Garreth said as he pointed at Matt with his pen. Matt nodded with a 'yes sir' and obediently stood up , not looking at Garreth directly since he hadn't been given permission. He stepped forward away from the chair and stood still. Garreth looked him over once, then grabbed Matt's wrists rather roughly. He undid the special cuffs and separated them, making them look like bracelets. "Stand over here." Garreth said sharply as he pointed to a large flat scale on the floor that had a set of handles attached to it. Matt nodded as he walked over and stepped up onto the scale. Garreth pulled on the handles and pulled it up, pushing it into Matt's hands. The handles were cold and tingled slightly against his skin. Garreth looked down at the display screen and then looked at the clipboard again. The display screen flickered and gave a reading of Matt's body fat and other various readings that Matt could not make sense of. "Hmm, your starting weight from three months ago....and your starting weight now....take off a couple of pounds for the clothing.....right." Garreth mumbled to himself as he wrote down his results. "Hmm, you've lost body fat and gained some muscle. Explains why your weight hasn't changed much." he muttered. "Right. Strip off, and get on the gurney." Garreth said as he took the handles from Matt's hands and placed it back on the scales. When he looked up, Matt had only just stepped of the scales. "Are you hard of hearing or something?" Garreth said as he glared at the slave. "I said, get naked and get on the gurney. Or do I have to whip your bitch ass till you move?" he threatened. Matt swallowed a sudden lump in his throat as he quickly started to strip as fast as he could. When he pulled his tunic up over his chest, he could actually feel his length harden very quickly and could see the reflection of the light in the shiney surfaces of the room. Although he felt embaressed, he didn't stop until he had stripped completely free of his clothing. "I'm bigger then you." the Doberman said with a smirk as he pointed at Matt's meagre length while the boy was folding his clothing. "How the fuck does something that little even work? Bet you can't even please a girl with that little stick. Unlike me, now I can please a girl." Garreth said as he groped himself right in front of Matt. Matt said nothing as he finished folding up his clothing and turned around to lay himself on the gurney. He had to guess that either the Doberman was enjoying himself, or he was trying to get a rise out of Matt. Matt swallowed another lump in his throat as he laid himself down on his back. He was aware that his length was hard and lighting up the room, but he did nothing as he felt his cheeks burn. Garreth went over to one of the cabinets and pulled out a box of surgical gloves and a tray of what looked like bottles of liquids. He placed them on a small trolley with a tray on top and wheeled it up beside the gurney. He looked down at the silent slave on the table as he checked off a few things on the clipboard, speaking to himself and mumbling observations. Matt felt the cold metal under his naked body start to warm up from his body heat as he tried to keep still. The Doberman then snapped a couple of the latex rubber gloves onto his hands, the snapping noises rather loud in the room. Matt felt his heart race a little out of nerves as he wondered for a moment just where the Doberman was planning to stick his fingers. Matt said nothing he kept his eyes fixated above on one of the heating lamps, as the Doberman put his fingers in Matt's mouth and pulled his tongue out. He wasn't very gentle as he held Matt's tongue out of his mouth, using his fingers to undo the tongue stud there. Once it was out, he removed his hands. Garreth then began to undo the piercings in Matt's face, taking out the piercings in his ears and taking the tag out. Each piercing was placed on a metal tray next to the gurney, the metal piercings making loud clinks. The piercing in Matt's lip followed, then the horrible noise piercings. Strangely, Matt felt almost naked without those metal implants. He had gotten so used to them being in his skin for the last few months that it felt odd to have them out. Of course, Matt knew he didn't still want them in, it just felt weird to have them out. The light from his erection began to die down as Garreth picked up a piece of cloth and began to wipe down each piercing and squirting them with some disinfectant. He rubbed over each piercing several times, placing them back on the tray when they were dry. "No signs of infections, all piercings still in one piece." he muttered to himself as he then rubbed some of the disinfectant on his fingers and began to inspect the holes in Matt's face. Matt felt himself wince a little as the cold liquid stung the open holes in his face. "Wimp." Garreth said with a smirk as he checked over the holes, seeing Matt wince from the sting. "Its just a little sting, what's wrong with you?" he said with a smirk as his fingers were none too gentle on Matt's face. Specially when he dug out Matt's tongue again and squeezed over the organ. "Ok, no signs of infection in the holes, and no signs that you tried to take them out." he said, and he sounded almost disappointed to the fact. "Shame really. You know the punishment for that is getting your piercings a lot bigger." he commented as he let go of Matt's tongue. Garreth wrote his comments onto the clipboard before he picked up the piercings one by one and started to place them back into their holes. Again, he was none too gentle, but he was careful about what he was doing. That was the only good thing that Matt could see about this whole thing. "I'm doing this for Spencer, I'm doing this so I can go out with him." Matt thought to himself as he felt the Doberman's fingers back on his tongue. The disinfectant on his fingers tasted foul and he had an urge to simply hock and spit over the side of the gurney. But he was sure the consequences would be much too severe to even think about it. "Right, your face is done." Garreth said as he pulled the gloves from his fingers and tossed them into a nearby garbage bin. "Spread your legs slave." he ordered as he pulled a fresh pair of gloves onto his fingers. The snapping of the latex was enough to send shivers down his spine. But he obediently spread his legs a few inches apart, enough to expose himself. "Now, to see about this little prick." Garreth said with a smirk as he picked up a bottle of clear liquid and spread it over his fingers. He made a show of rubbing his fingers together, the soft squelching noise was rather loud, and somehow very ominous. Once he was done lubing up his fingers he then reached over and grabbed Matt's goods. Matt felt a sudden pressure on his balls as they were lifted up and literally away from his body. The Doberman was chuckling as he held Matt's balls away from his body as far as he was able to stretch them, seeing Matt twitch a little in the discomfort. Matt clenched his fingers into his palm to prevent himself from saying anything. "Still stretchable, that's a good sign." Garreth said as he gave Matt's goods a firm squeeze. Matt gasped a little as he felt pain shoot up through his legs and up his body, his fingers digging firmly into his palm. He clenched his jaw shut as he felt the grip stay firm, keeping his balls aching steadily. Finally, after what felt like several minutes, but may have only been moments that the Doberman let go of Matt's balls and let them fall back into place. Matt slowly untensed his body, letting out a sigh of relief as best as he was able. The Doberman smirked down at the silent boy before he wrapped his hand around Matt's length. "Look at you, hard again" he said as he gave Matt's obvious erection a good and firm squeeze. Matt let out a gasp from the sudden squeeze around his four inch length. "Sluts like you can't help yourselves. A little pain or a little pleasure, guess it's all the same to you." he said as he started to slowly stroke Matt's length up and down. Matt felt his heart start to race as he felt someone else stroke his cock besides himself. It didn't take much for Matt's length to harden to full mast and the glowing device to light up like a Christmas tree. Garreth chuckled again as he saw Matt tense up slightly as he rubbed his gloved fingers around Matt's cockhead. "Geeze, look at this thing." he said with a smirk as he slowly rubbed his fingers up and down the sensitive bound shaft. "Don't even have to use my whole hand. Just have to use a couple of fingers." he said as he did just that, wrapping two fingers and his thumb around Matt's shaft and continuing his slow stroking. Matt felt his cheeks burn in embarrassment from the comments. It was hardly his fault that he had been born with such a small length, and he had always been somewhat embarrassed about it. Like any normal person would be. He took a deep breath and tried to steady himself as the Doberman stroked him off. "Wonder how it must feel, able to get so hard all the time, but unable to cum?" he mused to himself as he continued his slow jacking. "Actually, I don't have to wonder. I'm just glad I'm not you." he said with a smirk as he squeezed a little hard with his fingers. Matt gasped as he involuntarily humped his hips upwards. "Yeah, you like this slut." Garreth said as he saw Matt hump against his hand. "But really, this thing is so small no-one would be able to feel it. Now me, on the other hand." he said as he rubbed Matt's hanging balls. "I can paw off anytime I want, and I can actually pleasure my girlfriend. Bet you couldn't even satisfy a bunny with how crazy they are for sex." he said. Matt tried to tune out what was being said as he looked up at the ceiling lamps. He did not want to admit it, but the Doberman had good fingers and they were working him over nicely. He bit into his lip as he tried to focus on something else. Images of long drives through the country, getting sand in his shoes, anything unsexual he could think of to get his mind off the Doberman's manipulations. But he hadn't gotten off in over a fortnight, and his goods were getting needy again. He could actually feel himself leak pre onto the canines fingers. "Heheh. You make such a cute light." Garreth said with a smirk as he kept up the manipulations, slowly massaging Matt's balls with his fingers as he jacked his other hand up and down. "I bet you get made to stand with a vibrator up your ass so you can be someone's nightlight" he said with a smirk. "and look at that, your preing like a leaking faucet. Wow, I didn't know such a small cock could make that much pre." Matt felt the blush burn across his face and his skin heat up. But part of it was just the embarrassment. The other part was that he was getting flushed from the attention. He actually heard himself whimpering before he realised he actually was as he felt his hips hump upwards. "Oh god...oh god..please...please fucking stop." Matt screamed in his mind as he tried with all his might to not give in. But the pleasure felt too good for him to ignore easily and rather then fighting his body countered by giving in as he felt his breath quicken as he began to pant from the need. "If you cum for me right now, I'll make sure I put in a good word on your report." the Doberman said with a grin. "Go on baby cock. Cum for me. Cum for the superior freeman like the good subby slut you are." he said as he grinned, his bulge pushing against the side of the gurney as he jacked the slaves cock faster in his hand. Matt could feel every defence in his body and in his mind start to crumble as the Doberman's fingers pleasured him to the brink of climax. He could feel his four hard inches of blue cock pulse and throb as his balls drew up against his body as he shut his eyes. ZAAAPPP!!!! Matt screamed. Garreth immediately let go of Matt's cock and balls and took a step back, watching in satisfaction as Matt's body jerked and spasmed from the electric shock of his chastity device. Whatever orgasm that he had been about to receive was literally cut off from him as the device sensed how close he was and cut him off right at the critical moment. For Matt, it was nothing short of a hard blast of intense pain that racked his body. It was as if he had been tasered in the balls as he felt his body jerk and spasm out of his control so hard he was sure for a moment that he was going to fall off the gurney. The shock was over quicker then he was able to comprehend as his mind was still trying to focus on what had just happened to him. His body went limp as he lay there, the light from his crotch dying very quickly as his dick shrivelled up. "Well, that's in working order." Garreth said as he wiped his hands clean on some sterilised towel and then picked up the clipboard. "Chastity works perfectly. Slave is unable to cum." he said pointedly, loud enough for Matt to hear. Matt found himself panting, his heart racing as it tried to slow down, a sheen of sweat glistening on his skin. The sparks in front of his eyes were starting to dim down as he began to comprehend what had happened. The damn Doberman had purposefully jacked him off only to test out the device on his cock. He had deliberately shocked him. And the fucker had clearly enjoyed it, judging by the state of his bulge. Matt closed his eyes as he felt his face burn in embarrassment as he forced himself not to curl up in a ball and cry. But Garreth didn't get him a chance to recover as he put his hands on Matt's hips. "Turn over bitch." he ordered as he lifted Matt by the hips. Matt tried to move his limbs, but they were shaking from the shock and he had a bit of trouble manoeuvring himself over. The Doberman shook his head as he forced Matt to shift over onto his stomach, cursing a little in annoyance that his job suddenly became a little difficult. Matt felt his face press against the warm gurney as he was laid face down, his arms at his sides. For some reason, there was a drain right in his field of vision, but he didn't question it. He closed his eyes and rested his head on his forehead as he just wished for all of this to be over with. But he could not ask, nor did he dare. Gareth walked up to the head of the table once he had changed gloves again and spread Matt's ears apart. He moved them out of the way as he looked down at Matt's almost bald dome. Slowly, Matt felt Garreths fingers run over his head. The material of the glove began to catch a little against the short hairs that were regrowing. "Looks like your hair is growing back." Garreth said as he stroked over Matt's head. "I read on the file that you used to have blonde hair. Long blonde hair. I bet you took real good care of it" he said with a smirk on his face. "Bet you were really proud of it too. Bet you put so much and time and effort in it to make it look pretty." he said as he let of Matt's head. " I bet you want your hair to grow back so you can look like a normal person again." he said as he gave one of Matt's ears a flick with his fingers rather forcibly. "Well, tough shit. All slaves have to be bald, so you're nothing special to give an exception." he said with a sneer. Matt swallowed a lump in his throat, but did not show any signs that the insult had hurt him. Garreth pulled a tube of cream from the tray and snapped the top. The cover was surprisingly loud in the air as he squirted a generous helping of the cream onto his fingers. Matt wondered briefly what the Doberman was intending to do before he felt something cold beings spread over the back of his head. Garreth applied the special cream, cold as it was, to the back of Matt's head and began to spread it over the prickly flesh. The fingers had barely spread the cream over half of Matt's head before Matt felt his skin start to burn and itch. His skin began to heat up as the cream began to burn the hair from his head. Matt could actually smell the scent of burnt hair invade his nostrils as the Doberman kept applying the cream over Matt's skin. The burning continued to heat up before it started to turn into an itching tingle. Matt had the sudden urge to reach up and scratch at his head to soothe the itching, but he didn't dare move his hands from beside himself as he clenched his eyes shut. Once Matt's head was covered in the white burning cream, Garreth removed his gloves again and snapped on a new pair, making Matt hear the sound. Matt laid there with his face against the warm metal, wondering just what was going to come next. He got his answer when he felt the hands touch the area on the back of his neck, where his slave tattoo was exposed. The tattoo was designed to be removable and changeable, as a slaves status was prone to change at any time. So the tattoos had to be able to be removed and have new ones applied at any given time. Matt's tattoo wasn't that old, but it was starting to show wear and tear. Garreth picked up a small hand held tattoo gun from the tray and didn't give any word of warning as he pressed the tip against Matt's skin. The gun buzzed to life and began to inject its special ink as Garreth ran it over the tattoo. Slowly, the gun began to fill in all the parts that had been worn out and starting to fade as he made the tattoo stand out again. Matt closed his eyes and winced as he felt the pain of the gun on his skin, but he didn't dare cry out. By the time that Garreth was done with the tattoo, which didn't seem to take all that long, the burning and itching on Matt's scalp had subsided. He placed the gun back on the tray and looked the tattoo over to make sure it was good again. Once he was satisfied, he walked down a few steps and took a hold of Matt's tail. Matt let out a gasp as his tail was forcibly yanked upwards and he was suddenly exposed. "Now, gotta examine that little slave pussy of yours." Garreth said with a smirk as he spread Matt's cheeks apart, getting a view of the tight orifice hidden within. With his arm supporting Matt's tail to keep it out of the way, he pushed his fingers forward. With no lube. He did not examine Matt like a doctor would on a patient, being careful and making sure that there was no damage from the inspection and making sure there was no pain either. What he did do, was simply jam his latex covered fingers straight into Matt's hole, no lube of any kind was used to make it any easier for the boy. Matt felt his eyes bug out as he was roughly invaded, clenching his jaw shut as he couldn't help but let out a grunt and a whine of discomfort. He had always been hesitant to touch himself in that way, always hesitant because of what might happen. But the fingers were probing him like they expected him to be prepped and ready. He clenched his hands into fists as he shut his eyes, trying hard to ignore the feeling of getting roughly fingered. He could feel both those fingers wiggle around inside of him as the fingers began to slowly spread apart. Matt winced and gasped as he felt his ring begin to spread open further then it had ever been done before. "You're tight." Garreth said, but he didn't sound like it was a good thing. "Too tight." he said as he plunged his fingers forward, the covered digits plunging in to the knuckles. Matt felt tears start to spring in his eyes as he kept them clenched against the pain. The pain suddenly lessened rather quickly as Garreth removed his fingers and Matt felt his rear end suddenly get let go. Garreth removed his gloves again and placed on a new pair as he walked back up to Matt's head. He reached under the gurney and picked up a long metal hose with a shower attachment on the end. He adjusted the nozzle and held it over Matt's head as he turned on the pressure. Matt yelped slightly as he felt the sudden shower of ice water strike him from above, but he kept his eyes clenched as he felt the cream start to wash off. The cold water and the cream rand down over his eyes and over his mouth. Some of it got between his lips and he almost gagged from how foul the water tasted. The water drained easily down the small drainage pipe under Matt's face, the gurgling reaching Matt's ears rather easily. The Doberman was in no hurry as he took his time to make sure that all the cream, and more importantly, all of Matt's hair, had been cleaned off and the boy was once again bald. "Sit up." Garreth ordered once Matt's head was bald again and he switched off the hose. Matt waited a moment for some excess water to leave his face before he pushed himself up with his hands. His back ached a little from sitting in that position as he righted himself. Garreth smacked Matt's legs and Matt swung them over the side, sitting with his legs dangling on the side of the gurney. Thankfully, Matt was still soft and hadn't regained his hardness as he placed his hands on his lap. He still felt embarrassed to be sitting there naked in a pool of water on the gurney. He kept his eyes on the ground as he saw Garreths covered feet pass by his field of vision. Gareth clicked a switch on the wall and the overhead heating lamps began to heat up rather quickly. Matt shivered from the sudden change in temperature that bore down on him like he had suddenly stepped outside in the middle of a hot sunny day. "How hot do these things go?" Matt asked himself as he felt his skin begin to dry out, the water and cream evaporating from his body. But there were some white streaks on his head that didn't disappear from his skin, almost giving him a somewhat bukkake look. As if some stud had missed his face purposely. The Doberman didn't care about the mess that he left, as he made sure that Matt was dry enough before switching off the lamps. "Now, I'm going to ask you some questions." he said as he picked up the clipboard again from where he had left it, and ticked off a few more things. "Hopefully, you're not dumb enough that you can't answer them. If you smart enough, I'd like you to be honest." he said in a somewhat mocking tone of voice. "Unless of course you want to embarrass your master and handler by deciding to be difficult now or lie." he said with a sneer on his face. "I will be honest." Matt said with a nod a he watched Garreth sit down in a chair in front of the computer desk. He suddenly felt nervous and his heart began to pound and skitter a bit. This was the part that Spencer had warned him about, and Matt took a deep breath and let it out slowly to calm himself down. He had to be careful with his answers, and he knew that anything that he said could and just may be taken out of context. Just like with Tate, it didn't really matter what Matt said, if the guy with the notepad could just say whatever he wanted and Thomas would accept it as fact. He took a deep breath as he watched the Doberman flip through the pages on the clipboard. "I'm not doing this for Thomas or Timothy. I'm doing this so I can go out with Spencer. Do this for Spencer." he thought to himself as he managed to calm himself down. The thought of Spencer happy and prideful of Matt being good made him feel warm inside, and he was calm enough to think clearly. "Look at me when you answer. Question one. Are you getting three square meals a day?" Gareth said as he looked up at Matt. "Yes sir." Matt said as he looked at Garreth. "Three meals of Slave-brix and I drink plenty of water during the day." Garreth nodded and didn't remark as he wrote down the answer. "Question two. You're labelled as a labourer slave. Does your Owner, Handler or Overseer see you as an effective worker?" he asked as he looked up. The look on his face suggested that he wanted to be told 'No.' "Yes. I do my job as best that I can, and my master, my handlers, and my overseer congratulate me when I do my job properly, and they punish me when the situation calls for it." Matt said. Which was all perfectly true, save for the part that no-one besides Spencer said thanks. "Question three. How is your workplace and living conditions? Is everything up to code as far as you know?" Garreth asked as he looked up. "Yes. My master ensures that everything is being done by the book, and has gone to great lengths to ensure that everything involving me is top quality and to the code of the B.O.S.S." Matt said. Garreth nodded as he wrote down the answer. Matt felt calm, but his heart was still beating out of nerves. "Question four. Have you had sex with anyone?" Garreth asked. Matt heard the question, but it took a moment for him to register it. "No sir." Matt said with complete honesty. "Your file says that you are a labourer, a slave, and you are marked 'sexual favours' " Gareth said. "Your handler Timothy is listed on your file to be the only one permitted to have sex with you, and no-one else. You're too tight, which can only mean you are a virgin." Garreth said as he looked at Matt. "You are still virgin, are you not? You haven't been fingering your ass for self pleasure trying to get off have you?" he asked with a smirk on his face. "No Sir, I have not been playing with myself, and No Sir, I haven't had sex with Timothy or with anyone." Matt said, his face heating up. His cheeks were burning with the embarrassment of the situation, but then again the whole damn exam had been embarrassing. "My handler Timothy is the only one who has done anything sexual with me, and all he has made me do so far is perform oral services in front of the other workers" Matt said. "No one else has done anything?" Gareth said to him, a questioning look on his face. "No one else has touched you, fucked you, made you suck them off?" He asked. His tone of voice suggested that he hoped that Matt would reveal he had been bad. If anything, the look on his face suggested he was hoping for it. "If anyone else does touch you, they can be fined for inappropriate actions on property such as yourself, and you can and will face disciplinary actions for allowing them to do so" he said sternly. Well, he was asking. "My overseer Spencer recently turned off my chastity device and helped me achieve relief." Matt said after a few moments. Better to come clean now rather then hide it and pay for it. "He did so because being as pent-up as I was, it was starting to affect my work performance, and he wanted me to be at peak condition." Matt said. Gareth looked at him as if he didn't believe Matt, and Matt sat as still as he could. Gareth didn't believe him, he could simply write down anything he wanted and anybody would believe him. That's what Tate, the previous so-called counsellor/therapist had done with Matt the last time that they had spoken. And a St. Andrews cross had been placed in plain view of the workers for Matt to be punished on. Several moments, very tense moments, passed between them both as the two simply sat in silence. Matt kept his gaze firmly on the floor and tried very hard not to move. Gareth tapped his pen against the clipboard a few times, the tapping noise rather loud in the silent room. "Last few questions" Garreth said finally as he broke the silence. Matt almost let out a sigh of relief as the Doberman did not decide to push further on him. "Your master Thomas. How has he been towards you?" Oh shit, these type of questions. Matt knew he really had to be carefull now. "Master Thomas has made sure that everything is being done by the book and spared no expense to make sure it happens." Matt said. "And he is able to lay down the law as he sees fit." Garreth nodded as he wrote down the answer. "Handler Luke. How is he?" Garreth asked as he looked up at Matt. "He's trying hard, but I think he could... do a better job if he managed to get a handle on his personal life." said Matt as he carefully worded out his answer. "What do you mean by that? He got something in his personal life you're not happy with? That's not your problem." Gareth said sternly. "Luke, has a hard time keeping his personal life out of his professional job." Matt said carefully. "He...takes out his frustrations on me. Physically. Non sexually." Matt said carefully. Garreth said nothing for a few moments before writing down the answer. "You're handler Timothy. How is he treating you?" Gareth asked as he looked up at Matt. "Timothy is very eager, and very enthusiastic to wield the power of a Hanlder. And he's not afraid to show it." Matt said, although the answer came rather quickly and easily to him. "Last question. Your overseer Spencer. How has he been towards you?" He asked. "Overseer Spencer has been making sure that I do my job the best I can, and he has been helping to improve myself over the last month to make sure that I am on the track to be an efficient and productive slave." Matt said. That answer came rather easily too. "All right. That's all the questions I have for you. I was getting bored anyway. You, get off the gurney, and get yourself dressed. Now." he said sternly. Matt nodded, glad to get off the metal bed as he slid his butt off the warm metal and walked over to the wheelchair to get dressed. as he hopped of the Gurney and picked up his clothes. Once Matt had put all of his clothes back on and was fully dressed once again, he sat down in the wheelchair while Garreth finished up his paperwork. He tapped on a comm device and ordered a room sanitisation for the room. He then picked up the clipboard and turned around to see that Matt was sitting back in the wheelchair with his hands in his lap. Garreth grabbed his wrists and snapped the cuffs back into place, then picked up the leash. With a smirk on his face he snapped the leash onto Matt's lip ring and gave it a few tugs. "I don't get bored doing this." he said to Matt's face with a smirk on his face. Matt said nothing as he looked at the floor as Garreth walked behind him. Grabbing the handles of the wheelchair, Garreth pushed him towards the door and swiped the car in the reader. The door opened for the two of them and Matt was wheeled out. This time, Matt was wheeled down a different direction then he was before, still going away from the screening area. The corridors down this direction were all the same, identical doorways, water coolers and cartoony posters dotted between potted plants. Finally, after turning yet another corner, they came face to face with a set of large and sturdy looking double doors. These ones looked like they were shut with another swipe card access. Garreth swiped his card on the reader and the doors slide apart quietly. Matt thought that if a slave did manage to get out, he couldn't go anywhere or very far. This place was too hard to get out of if you didn't have the right requirement. Matt was wheeled through the doors and he was surprised to find himself on the other side of the lobby entrance where he had been brought in before. He was directly across from the screening area, and wondered why he hadn't seen it before. Matt didn't get much time to wonder as Garreth wheeled him forward without stopping. Matt was directed along the wall to an area that was outlined on the ground with bright yellow lines. Above the outlines was a sign that read 'Slave Pickup'. There were two other wheelchairs against the wall, both holding a slave in each. One was a black horse, and the other was a very small looking female mouse. Both of them were sitting in their chairs, tied up with their gazes at the floor. "Here you are bitch" Garreth said with a smirk as he pushed the wheelchair against the wall. "Now, you say one word, and those lovely ladies over there will summon one of those big muscly guys over here to publicly punish you." he said with a grin, talking to Matt like he was a child. "So, no matter how long it takes, you sit here and behave yourself like a good widdle swave, ok?" he said with a smirk as he left Matt there with the air of someone dropping off a trashbag. The receptionists behind the desk talked between each other, completely unconcerned that there were slaves resting in the lobby. A few other people will milling around, obviously waiting for an appointment or another. None of them spared a glance towards Matt or the other two slaves as they ignored them like they were homeless bums. A tall male wolf was talking on his cellular phone, while two smaller wolves, obviously his sons, kept smirking over at the slaves and flipping them the finger. With nothing to read, and the threat of being punished if he talked, Matt had no idea how long he sat there. With his gaze to the floor and not permitted to look up, he couldn't see the clock on the wall to tell how long he was there. The only thing that changed in his vision were a few pairs of feet that seemed to rush past, as if they were afraid of being anywhere near him. "I hope you come out soon Spencer." Matt thought to himself. "I tried to behave, I really did. Even with everything he had done to me, I tried really really hard. I hope I didn't disappoint you." he thought to himself. The lift doors opened and closed a few times, but the only change that seemed to happen was that people in the lobby walked in and out. The white mouse in the wheelchair was eventually wheeled away by a fat pig in a leather fur lined coat. The mouse visibly whimpered and looked like she was going to cry, and the pig just grinned wide as he wheeled her out. No-one seemed to notice how frightened the mouse looked as she was wheeled out, but Matt had the feeling that no-one at the B.O.S.S would have cared. He was broken out of his thoughts as he heard the elevator doors open and he heard the voices of Timothy and Thomas. Matt lifted his head up just enough so that he was still looking at the floor, but he was able to see them. Thomas was holding a stack of folders in his arms, and seemed to be talking to Timothy about something, albeit quietly enough that their voices were heard but not understood. They seemed deep in conversation as they simply walked straight across the lobby, neither of them looking at Matt or indicating that they seen him in any way. Matt watched as they walked past, and left him where he was. The two of them walked straight through the entrance of the lobby, and the doors opened automatically. Without looking back, both of them walked out and the doors closed behind them. Matt could only look on as his Master and his Handler were leaving him behind as they stepped out of view. "Thanks for caring." Matt thought bitterly as he looked back at the floor. It was obvious to him that they didn't pick him up because Spencer was still in the building. At least, Matt thought that he still was. He found himself starting to wonder how the interviews had gone, and what Thomas was carrying in that stack of papers. The elevator doors didn't open again for a while, and when they did, Matt didn't pay any attention. So it came as a bit of a surprise when he felt Spencer's warm hand touch his shoulder. Matt jumped slightly as he looked up and saw Spencer looking down at him with a smile. "Lets' go Matt." he said as he looked down at him. "The interviews are all over, and we have the results of your checkup. We're going back now" he said with a smile to him as he took the leash from Matt's hand. Matt smiled up at him, relieved that he could actually leave the dreadful place at last. Spencer was careful with the leash as he applied just enough pressure to let Matt know to follow him, rather then pull him along by his bottom lip. Matt kept his head down as he followed, his gaze on the back of Spencer's dust covered work boots. He let his gaze travel upwards just enough to see that Spencer's jeans were rather tight around his rear and it showed his bubble cheeks off rather nicely. Matt found himself staring at Spencer's butt as they walked through the double doors out of the cool air conditioned lobby and into the bright and hot sunlight of the outside. "Dad, I fucking love it." Matt heard Timothy say very loudly and very excitedly. Spencer stopped in front of Matt and Matt almost collided with him as he was broken out of his trance. Stepping to the side of Spencer, Matt looked up and saw that his handler Timothy was standing in front of a very exotic and very gorgeous looking car. Unlike Spencer's car, which Matt could not identify, Matt knew what this one was. It was a Pegassi Infernus, $440,000 luxury high speed car. It had a very high speed and acceleration, and was very good at braking and handled like a dream. It was one of the best sporting cars that came in the half a million dollar price range. Low to the ground, smooth and elegant, the beautiful golden yellow sports car gave the impression that leaving a handprint or a scratch on it would bring about the end of the world. For a moment, Matt could not think of why such a gorgeous piece of machinery was sitting there with his handler all but drooling over it. Then he suddenly remembered what Timothy had just said, and Matt felt his heart stop for a moment in disbelief. "I'm glad that you like it Timothy." Thomas said with a rather proud and happy smile towards his son. He turned around as he realised that Spencer and Matt were standing behind him. "What do you think Spencer? A good car, isn't it?" Thomas asked. "It's...well It's gorgeous I'll give you that." Spencer said as he looked the beautiful beast over. "But you're giving this to Timothy? No intention to question your parenting, but this is a power beast. It's too much to handle for a kid on his learners." "Oh god, I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you." Timothy was repeating to himself as he practically danced around the golden car. Although Matt wasn't sure who Timothy was referring his love towards. "The engine is just powerful enough so that he can handle it without any trouble." Thomas explained. "I had the engine modified so it's less powerfull, but still gives peak performance. Timothy cannot race in it." he explained. "So, you just gave him a half a million dollar car, just for the heck of it?" Spencer asked as he scratched his head a little. " I've never even seen a car worth that much money, much less give one like that to a kid." he pointed out. "I came into some extra money today." Thomas explained. "One of my accounts was no longer being used and I had to spend the money, otherwise my accountant would have given me an earache. And I thought, since I had spent so much already on Matt's quarters and licence fees and paying for all his top range equipment, I should stop showing favouritism and give my son something expensive as well." Spencer looked like he was about to argue the point, but with the way that Timothy was eagerly admiring his new fast car and the way that Thomas was rather happily watching him, he decided not to argue with the man who could easily take away his job just by disagreeing on his parenting skills. "Well, he's your son. You can spoil however you like" Spencer said simply. Then he noticed that the car was a two seater only. "Oh. It's more than just spoiling" Timothy said with a grin on his face as he held the keys in his hand, looking at them like they were a pair of priceless gems. "Dad always gives the best to his son" he said. And he looked straight at Matt as he continued to speak. "The best, for his son" he said, putting a fair bit of empathise on the word Son. "I gotta ask. This car, it costs almost half a million. I know that you're rich but honestly, who carries that kind of money around?" Spencer asked. Timothy looked up at Spencer as if the man had just spoken ill about his new asset and he glared blue murder towards him. "Does it matter?" Thomas asked him as he looked over at Spencer. "I'm not criticising you, I'm just saying that it's an expensive car. Somebody buys one, anyone would be curious to know how you paid for it. Specially one this elegant" Spencer said to him as he gestured towards the car. "I don't care honestly, I'm just curious like anyone would be" he pointed out. "One of my accounts had to be closed as it wasn't being used anymore. And as I said, i thought it would be prudent to spend the money before it became a tax issue" Thomas said as he didn't not look at Matt or at Spencer as he opened the passenger side door of the car. "Especially since the account was no longer in the hands of a freeman." Thomas said as he shut the door. He woudown the window and looked at Spencer. "Please take Matt home for me." he said. But Matt wasn't listening further past that. Matt was slowly going pale as the words that his owner had spoken were hitting him hard. The account was no longer in the hands of a freeman. Which mean, that the freeman was now a slave. And that slave...was him. "Oh, and by the way Matt. Happy 21st" Timothy said with a smirk on his face as he slid into the drivers side door and shut the door of his car. The engine roared to life a moment later, the powerful noise subsiding to a loud but gentle purring as the car effortlessly pulled out of its parking position and drove off. " Matt just stared at them, his complexion pale, his head feeling like it was spinning. The full weight of the words that both his owner and his handler has spoken were laid out bare to him, and he was feeling sick from realising what they were saying. He had forgotten it, with the days bleeding into one another and no real way to tell them apart. Today, of all days, was his 21st birthday. The day he was supposed to become a legal adult. But not only did he forget his birthday, but so did Thomas and Timothy. And neither of them seemed to care about it. And he knew where the money came from for Timothy's car. It had come from Matt's trust fund, that he was supposed to receive TODAY. Matt and Timothy both had a trust fund that equalled to half a million dollars each that would be awarded to them when they reached the legal milestone. And instead of going towards helping Matt move out of his fathers home and starting a new life somewhere, like he had once planned to do, it had gone towards giving his fucking handler a goddam car that he didn't deserve. Matt felt like he had reached another breaking point, and that he was breaking further and further each time. He felt a hollow emptiness in his stomach and his head was beginning to spin. His throat ran dry and he found himself panting for air as he felt like he was going to throw up at any minute. He jumped a little as he felt Spencer's hand touch his shoulder. Matt looked upwards to see the big male looking down at him, and the look on Spencer's face told Matt that he was completely and utterly sorry. "I'm sorry Matt. "I didn't know either." he said softly as he held Matt by his shoulder. Out there in the front area of the B.O.S.S. compound, this was as much affection as he was willing to give to Matt without making it look suspicious. "Its not your fault sir. It's their. I hate them." Matt said as he had to hold his mouth shut. He could feel the tears brimming in his eyes, and the full weight of everything that he had suffered through that day was threatening to break loose. "Here, look at this." Spencer said softly as he held something out to Matt. Matt kept his hand on his mouth, but he looked down to see that Spencer was holding a small white rectangular card in his hand. There was a really god awful picture of Spencer on it, but Matt recognised what it was right away. "I got it. There was no hesitation." Spencer said as he gave Matt a squeeze on his shoulder. "And I talked to Thomas before he got to his interview. I managed to convince him, regardless of the results of your evaluation, and before he could change his mind, that on Fridays if I have to do any business in town, you can come with me." Matt felt a tear come to his eyes and saw that Spencer meant every word. The fact that he had gone out of his way to secure something like this for Matt, just so he could make Matt a little better, meant more to Matt then anything else at that moment. "That's the best birthday present I could ask for." Matt said softly.

A favourite Situation Chapter 9

A Favourite Situation Chapter 9 By Kendo Kawabata "My friends, I would like you all too once again congratulate my son Timothy. Who has managed to complete his handlers licence, not just three months early and ahead of the rest of the class, but...

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A favourite Situation Chapter 7

A Favourite Situation Chapter 7 By kendo Kawabata The days were not just beginning to pass by in a blur around Matt, they already had. It had just taken him time to notice it. After the incident involving the soft drink and his cousin and the...

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Sweet Delights

Sweet Delights By Kendo Kawabata "Hey, you guys seen Azure anywhere?" The locker room filled with a round of 'no's' and shakings of heads as one by one everyone confimred that no-one had seen the dragon anwyhere. Accompanying the negative replies...

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