A Favourite Situation Chapter 10

Story by Kendo Kawabata on SoFurry

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#10 of Favourite Situaion

A Favourite Situation Chapter 10

By Kendo Kawabata

"Good morning to everyone on this beautifully sunny Saturday morning. The weather outside calls for clear skies and sun sun sun, so slip slop slap. Hey, we got some great music coming up for you, including the new single from One Direciton, and Rihanna has put out yet another cover of a song done a dozen times over, but hey I'm everyone is going to love it just as much as we do down here at the station..."

The host was mercifully shut off by Spencers large hand as it made contact, rather heavy contact, with the radio. The overly happy and phoney sounding radio announcer would have to peddle his so called 'pop starts' another day as Spencers fingers fumbled for the button to shut the guy up.

"Dammit, it's morning" Spencer grumbled to himself as he had no desire to get out of bed. But with the alarm having jerked him out of his sleep , he had no choice but to move. With an annoyed and sleep groan Spencer pulled the red and yellow oriental designed sheets away from his body and managed to sit up with his legs over the side of his bed.

He yawned and stretched his muscled arms over his head as he tried to shake himself out of his sleepy dream like state. Slowly his vision cleared itself as he shook himself awake and the clock seemed to happily mock him with the time 6:30 am flashing red in his vision.

"Fuck" Spencer grunted to himself as he saw the time. He hated getting up early, and he especially hated it on the weekends. Once, it wouldn't take much to get him out of bed, or even looking forward to waking up. But now he really wasn't much of a morning person anymore. Funny how the absence of someone made you less inclined to care about getting up. Not to mention that he was getting old.

"I hate being forty" Spencer said to himself as he rubbed his face a little before he forced himself out of his bed. The bed creaked a little, the sheets a crinkled mess as he pulled himself out of his comfort zone and stood himself up.

He was completely naked, as he preferred to sleep that way. He liked the feel of his sheets against his skin and pyjamas or boxers or whatever just got in the way. He yawned again as he rubbed his hand over his muscle gut, feeling it grumble in protest at having nothing to eat. With a sigh he rubbed his eyes again to finally clear them as he left his cluttered bedroom.

His bedroom had more then just the 'lived in' mess, it was small and cluttered, with everything seemingly where he had dropped it and not bothered to pack it up. The room was mostly dominated by his double bed covered in the oriental designed sheets and a large tall boy dresser against the wall. He walked past a small pile of work boots that were discarded on the floor as he walked into his ensuite bathroom to use the facilities.

When he was done and he felt a little more woken up and refreshed, he left his bedroom and headed into the small kitchen of his apartment. The walk was a very short one as his apartment was small and compact. Spencer lived in a one bedroom apartment, and the kitchen, living room, bathroom and kitchen were all stacked together like a rubics cube.

He walked naked into the kitchen, not bothering to put any cloths on as it was just him living in that tiny little cramped apartment. The kitchen was a mess of various cooking equipement and appliances, some still in their boxes. It looked like only half the kitchen was unpacked. Hearing his stomach grumble again Spencer walked up to his coffee machine and pulled the jug out of the machine, the fresh black liquid already hot and ready to be drunk.

Spencer sighed a little as he pushed a couple of plastic bags away on the counter and picked up the remote to the television in the living room. The living room was small, only holding a two seater couch and a large entertainment system with a big tv. Around the tv lay more boxes that seemed half unpacked and a mess of other odds and ends that looked like boxes of parts and cables running everwhere.

Spencer turned the tv over to a different source and then picked up his xbox controller. The console quietly came to life and the dashboard appeared on the tv. A few presses of the d-pad and Spencer found the app for Netflix. He swirled the coffee around in the jug as he found an old cartoon series he liked and selected it.

"Still better then the morning news. Like I care about that stupid royal baby that no-one wants to stop talking about" Spencer said as he heard the theme music to 'The Grimm Adventures of Billy and Mandy' reach him in the kitchen. Well, anything was better then that kind of crap 'news'.

Spencer found a clean mug amongst the dishes in his dish rack and set about pouring himself a cup of the thick black liquid. He put both the jug and the mug down as he turned towards his fridge. He pulled open the door and bent a little to look inside, seeing that his fridge was out of just about of everything.

"I better go shopping after work" he thought to himself as he grabbed a bottle of hazelnut creamer and shut the door closed. "Maybe I'll go shopping after work" he thought to himself as he poured the creamer into his coffee and watched it turn from black to a creamy brown. He didn't like shopping, it boring and somewhat depressing when you had to do it by yourself. And shopping led to cooking, and cooking was a thing you did when you had someone to cook for, and it was something he tried to avoid doing anymore. The front of his fridge was a testament to his eating habits as it was covered with menus from everything from Chinese takeaway to Domino's pizza.

"Maybe I'll go to Burger King and just get some take out again" he thought to himself as he drank from his hazelnut coffee. Thinking of food got his stomach rumbling at the prospect, even if it was from some greasy restaurant chain run by a group of 14-year-olds that somehow were the stores managerial staff.

Draining his coffee rather quickly, he looked over the kitchen counter as he saw the small potted plan that was resting amongst some pots and pans. It was a peppermint herb pant sitting in a bright blue ceramic pot, with a bright red ribbon tied around the pot. It had been sitting there since he bought it last night, and it had filled the kitchen with a pleasant aroma of mint.

"I'm sure Matt is going to be happy to have you" Spencer thought to himself as he rubbed a finger over one of the pointed leaves. Spencer figures that Matt really needed all the cheering up he could get whenever he could get it. And he hoped that a little gift like that, that was perfectly acceptable within the B.O.S.S. regulations, would bring a smile to the boys face. And if it did, he could see him buying a dozen more.

The coffee seemed to be waking him up quicker as he left the plant alone and headed to his bathroom, after turning the volume up on his tv so he could hear the cartoon while he was in the shower. His bathroom was small and cramped for someone of his size, holding only a shower cubicle, a toilet and a sink with a mirror over it.

Spencer turned on the shower and got the water running ot the right temperature before he stood in front of the mirror. He reached up and undid the ponytail and let his long dirty blonde hair fall back as he shook it a little. He rubbed his chin, still smooth and not in need of a shave.

"Yeah, I hate getting old" Spencer said to himself as he looked over his reflection. His chest was still muscled and his arms still nice and thick. A silver ring hung in his large black nipples, which were complimentary with the prince albert piercing that was in the head of his eight inch thick black cut cock. Once the water was warm enough and the mirror started to steam up a bit he stepped into the water.

He ran the soap of his gut as he washed himself clean. Not for the first time he wondered if he should take up exercising again to try and get rid of the stomach that had grown in the last year. He shook his head and grabbed the shampoo as he started to wash his hair.

"It's too much effort" he ended up deciding again. He remembered the times at back when he was in high school when he had the bodybuilder figure that everyone expected to have that came with a blackwargreymon. It had been quite the accomplishment, at least in his eyes to keep that big large sexy build throughout his life.

Untill an accident lifting weights caused his back to spasm and his hips were rotated out of alignment. Nerves on the right side of his spine sent internal agony down his leg and cause him to experience pain in every movement. He had ended up taking almost three months off of work and weekly chiropractor appointments eventually got him back into shape.

He sighed and rested his forehead against the wall of the shower as he remembered the resulting arguments and fighting that had spawned during that time. It had been a breaking point in his life, just one of many that he didn't want to remember. After the disastrous breakup that had come after his recovery, Spencer never did see a reason to go back to training if he was going to end up injuring himself again.

But he could still think of at least one person that used to snuggle up against him at night, using his stomach as a pillow and a place to nuzzle into. He closed his eyes as he could almost imagine those soft paws and the wondering purring of....

Spencer quickly shook his head free of the thoughts as he stood up. He didn't want to think about it. It was still raw in his mind, even after all this time and it hurt far too much to him to consider. Besides, thinking about that incident, would push him further in the cloud of depression that hung around him.

Shaking the thoughts from his head, Spencer resumed cleaning himself off before he turned the water of his shower off and stepped out to dry himself. He wrapped a large towel around his bulky frame, slowly drying himself off, pushing the depressing thoughts out of his mind.

Once he was dried, he wandered back into his bedroom. Without caring about making the bed, he dug around in the piles of clothing that littered the floor until he managed to find a pair of jeans that weren't too dirty, and a clean but wrinkled shirt to pull on.

"Have to add Laundromat to my list of things to do" he thought to himself as he dressed himself, sitting on the edge of his bed to tie his work boots on. It didn't take too long for him to dress himself and tie his hair back in a ponytail as he made himself presentable. Once he finished lacing up his boots and tucking his shirt into his jeans, he made his way back into the kitchen.

Spencer picked up an empty shopping bag and carefully placed the mint plant into it. He rummaged around until he found his wallet and his cellphone, as well as his keys. He turned off the tv and the xbox with the remote and controller, turning off the cartoon before another episode could start. Once he had everything in his pockets he then walked towards the door of his apartment. Before he left, he stopped for a moment and just listened.

All the heard was silence. The silence of an empty apartment unit and the sound of an empty home that he had to come home to every single day, that was devoid of anybody. The missed the noise of someone to come home to, someone to hug after a long day. Just...someone. But there was nothing he could do about his situation. With a sad and depressed sigh and shake of his head, he opened the door and left his unit.

The drive to Burger King was as boring and bleak as every other drive that early in the morning. Except even at this early hour there was traffic and plenty of it. He didn't bother with the radio as it was all repeats of crap the radio seemed to think he wanted to listen too. Well, he did have the honking of every other motorist who was impatient to help pass the time with.

Burger King was the same as every other fast food franchise. Menu at the beginning of hte drive in, speak into the mic, hand the change to the kid with the acne, drive a little forward and wait for your meal to be handed to you by some snooty bitchy teenage girl with the word 'Supervisor' plastered on her shirt.

He wasn't particularly picky on what he ate, as he grabbed himself a breakfast burrito and a large orange juice. The juice was consumed well before he even left the drive through of the restaurant as he navigated his way to the warehouse on the other side of the town.

It took about ten minutes driving for him to reach the warehouse and he pulled up into the gravel parking lot into his spot. With a flick of his wrist he cut the engine and sat back in his seat for a minute as he listened to the silence in the car. His stomach broke the silence as it reminded him that he was hungry so he reached into the bag and pulled out his burrito.

It was greasy, full of scrambled egg and bacon and cheese and wrapped in a soft tortilla wrapper. It wasn't the best kind of breakfast, but it was better then nothing right then and there. It didn't take him long to finish up his breakfast as he threw the wrappers into the back seat. Once he was done he sat back in his seat and let his stomach settle as he looked at the clock.

"Still some time before everyone starts showing up" he thought to himself as he undid his seatbelt. "I wonder if I have time to give him some relief. It's been a while and those idiots in charge of him don't seem to worry about his discomfort" Spencer said to himself. Just the thought of having Matt in his arms, needy and fully in his control made him start to harden up a bit in his pants. Just that mental image made him smile and seemed to lift him out of his depressing mood as he opened the car door and stepped out, adjusting himself in the process.

"About time someone fucking showed up" somebody yelled nearby, making Spencer jump a little in surprise. He hadn't expected anyone to turn up before he did. He shut his car door as he heard somebody yell at him, and his turned around in surprise to see a very angry looking pudgy bear marching towards him.

"Can I help you?" Spencer arcs as he looked at the bear in surprise. He didn't recognise him, but from his sagging gut and the sweaty singlet and cap he was wearing, he looked like a trucker. And with the way the wind was blowing, he smelt like one.

"I've been here for almost an hour and a half banging on the fucking loading door and I'm late for my delivery" the bear said in anger as he waved a clipboard front of Spencer. "I thought that slave bitch that's supposed to be here had this place open well before now. I'm fucking running late here, and I'm on a damn schedule. What kind of an operation is this?" He demanded.

"The doors were locked when you got here?" Spencer asked, sounding a bit surprised. Matt had never failed to open the loading doors when he got up, or when someone came early. He didn't like the way the bear was talking, but if Matt was late in opening, this was serious. This was the first time in almost 3 months that such a thing it happened.

"The doors were locked?" the bear said in a snide mocking tone. "Gee, smart ass, if they were, I wouldn't be standing out here sweating like a pig trying to get answers from you" he said with an angry growl. "I'm running late. I got four deliveries to get to this morning alone, and your bitch slave is keeping me from dropping off my deliveries. Now how about you do something about it smart ass?" he said as he waved his clipboard at Spencer.

"I know you're frustrated, but there is absolutely no reason to take that tone of voice with me" Spencer said as he jabbed his finger at the bears chest."I'm the boss here. I'll go in and see what is going on, but yelling at me and calling me names isn't going to make things go faster. So why don't you back off and give me some space?" he said sharply to the bear, who looked taken aback for a minute. But only a moment.

"Well get the fuck inside and see what's taking the little shit so long already" he demanded as he watched Spencer open the back door of his car and take out a bag. "I'm on a fucking schedule. Just go in there and beat his ass till he opens" the bear demanded.

"Just sit your ass here and I'll go in and see what's going on" Spencer said gruffly as he glared at the angry bear. "And if I think you're going to take a swing at me, like I think you're going to do, I'll knock you flat on your ass" he promised the pudgy bear. The bear said nothing as he crossed his arms over his chest and waited to Spencer to actually move

"Matt, I seriously hope you have a good reason for this" Spencer said as he proceeded to head to the front entrance of the warehouse. "I hope you just slept in or something or you got locked in your room by mistake. If it's not a good reason, I really do have to discipline you over this" he said to himself as he pulled out his keys.

He unlocked the front door of the warehouse, and pushed it open, sliding his hand up against the wall and finding the light switch to turn on the lights. The dark interior of the warehouse began to light up slowly as the lights overhead turned on with loud banging noises. Nothing out of the ordinary so far he observed as he left the door open and walked inside.

"Matt?" He called out as he listened for an answer. He waited for a few moments but he didn't hear anything except the bear cursing outside. He took a few steps forward and called out again for Matt.

"Matt" he called out again a bit louder as he stepped forward through the central aisle between the shelving sections. He stopped and sniffed a little, smelling something odd in the air. It smelt vaguely like ky and sweat. He sniffed a few times and raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Matt, are you up? Where are you?" he called out again as he walked forward. He could see the loading area ahead but he turned and looked at his office for a moment when it came into view. His office was still dark and the door was closed. Nothing looked out of the ordinary there he figured ash kept walking forward.

"Matt, come out please" he called out as he approach the loading desk as he looked over the area. The smell of lube and sweat was stronger here and he noticed an upturned bottle of lubricant on the desk that had dripped over the edge and onto the floor. He also noticed a discarded shirt on the ground.

"What the hell happened here?" he asked himself as he looked over the area. He stood there for a few moments as he couldn't figure out why those things were there as he turned to the area off to the side where Matts room was located.

Besides the stairs lay the St Andres punishment cross. And slumped over it, was Matt. The flamedramon was hanging limply by his arms held up by the leather restraints, and he looked pale. It took a moment for Spencer to register what he was seeing, and he let out a shocked gasp when he realised that Matt wasn't moving.

"Matt, holy fuck" Spencer said in shocked surprised as he dropped the bag on the floor. The ceramic pot hit the solid concrete floor and smashed in the plastic bag with a loud smashing noise as Spencer ran towards the unmoving slave. As he got closer, he realised that Matts backside was literally black and blue and had swollen out, as if he had been assaulted by something. Lubricant had dripped down the inside of his thighs and there was a large puddle of urine around Matts feet.

"Matt, Matt, wake up" Spencer said as he patted Matts cheek sharply. Up close he saw that Matts face was bruised and swollen out as well, his lips swollen and puffed out as if his mouth had been assaulted. But the patting on Matts cheek got no response from the boy as his head hung limp against the other side of the cross. Spencer brought the back of his hand up and placed it on Matts forehead and was shocked to feel that he was freezing.

"Matt, oh god" he said as he suddenly felt afraid for the worst. He placed his hand over Matt's mouth and across his nose, gently holding his face in his hands as he waited with a baited breath. His relaxed in relief slightly as he felt a weak but warm break that was slowly breathing into his fingers. He let out a relieved gasp of surprise to know that Matt was alive, but he was freezing cold and unresponsive.

"Matt, what happened to you?" Spencer said as he reached up to undo the straps around Matts wrists. Whoever had done them up had done them up tight, and had obviously expected Matt to be unable to struggle all that much. And judging from how cold Matts skin was, he must have been left there all night.

" When I find the guy who did this to you..." Spencer promised to himself as he managed to undo Matts arms. Matts arms fell from the restraints and landed against his sides like they were dead weight, his body slumped against the cross. Spencer did not hear a moan or a grunt from Matt and he feared the boy was seriously out of it.

"Hey boss, how come there is an angry trucker outside threatening to sue us?" Spencer heard someone say behind him. Spencer looked up as he saw John the cougar walk into the loading area. A shocked look appeared on his face as he registered what he was seeing as he saw Spencer kneeling to undo Matts ankle restraints.

"John, get over here and help me untie Matt" Spencer said. John heard him and quickly ran over as he looked Matt up and down, taking in the beaten and bruised slave. He saw Matt start to fall backwards off the frame as Spencer struggled with his restraints and John quickly wrapped his arms around Matt to steady him.

"What happened? Who did this to him?" John demanded as he held Matts body steady. The kid was literally dead weight in his arms and John couldn't believe how cold the boys skin was. "Who would do something like this to him? Matt...he's a good kid" John said as he looked down at Spencer.

"I don't know John. I just found him like this when I walked in. I think he's been in here all night" Spencer said as he managed to get one strap undone. Once it was free Spencer went to work on the other one. John shifted a little as he held Matts limp body against him to keep him steady. John was starting to worry when he didn't hear a single sound coming from Matt.

"Got it" Spencer said as he undid the other leg restraint. John managed to turn Matt around and slump him over his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around Matts waist to keep him steady. Spencer got up and put his hand on Matts forehead as he looked at him in worry.

"What we do? Call the police?" John asked as he looked up at Spencer.

"Get Matt upstairs and into his bed and get him under the blankets" Spencer said to John as he took his hand away from Matts face. "He's freezing. I've got some extra blankets and stuff in my car. I'll go and grab them. And we can't call the police. Not yet" Spencer said to him. "I have to call a Vet and call Thomas."

"Call a what?" John said as he held Matt steady in his arms and looked up at Spencer in confusion. "We have to call the police over this, Thomas can wait. He won't even care" he protested.

"I have to call him. I'm just his overseer, I can't actually call the police over this. I can call them in if someone did actually break in and enter, but the Bureau has to be notified of a slave is injured like this" Spencer said to him. "And the only one who can make that call is Thomas."

"Spencer, the guy doesn't even give a shit that his own son treats Matt like some cheap prostitute. You really think he's going to care that Matts been hurt this badly?" John said as he held onto Matt firmly. Spencer could see that John was really worried about him, judging by the concerned look in his eyes.

"He'll have to care. If not, he's going to care because we're going to be behind in our work while Matt is recovering" Spencer said. John did not look happy to hear that, but he didn't argue over the point. "Now get Matt upstairs into bed, and I'll call the Vet."

"What is a Vet?" John asked him.

"The B.O.S.S. doctors that get called out for situations offsite. They're called Vets" Spencer said to him.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" John said in disgust. "Seriously, they call them Vets? What, they use actual animal vets to look after them? That's...that's just disgusting" John said to him in anger and disgust.

"John, I would be very happy to vent later about the B.O.S.S. and what they call their staff, but not now" Spencer said to him. "Please, just get Matt upstairs and into bed while I get the blankets and call for a Vet. Then I need you to call the others and tell them to get here as quick as they can. We have to get the dickhead outside sorted and get this place under control" Spencer said firmly to him.

If there was something that Spencer could say about his workers, they may not have liked working alongside a legalised slave, but they had never once said anything against Matt himself. And he knew that they were all concerned about him, they had certainly proved it a few weeks ago. And he knew they wouldn't say anything about having to fill in for Matt if he needed to recover. John nodded to him as he carefully made his way up the stairs into Matts room.

"What the hell happened here last night" Spencer said to himself out of fear and worry as he ran through the warehouse and back outside into the parking lot. Johns car was beside his, but no-one else had arrived just yet. "Whoever did this to you, I'm going to tear them a new one" he thought in fury as he ran up to his car. "And then I'm going to kill them" he snarled out loud as he opened the back door of his car.

For the first time in a long time he was glad he still had all the camping equipement in the back of his car as he started to rummage through the back of the car. He had to move a few things around and toss a few things over the seat, but he managed to find what he was looking for. He pulled out a bright red and purple sleeping bag, still wrapped in its protective cover. It was a very thick and comfortable sleeping bag and more then enough to make Matt warm again. Spencer put the bag under his arm and slammed the door shut.

"Am I going to get some fucking service here?" Spencer heard from behind him as he heard the angry tone of voice from the trucker bear. Spencer turned around as he saw the bear marching up to him, not looking happy. If anything, he looked even more furious then he had been a minute ago.

"We'll get with you as soon as we can. Our slave has been hurt, we need to deal with him first" Spencer said as he turned to face the angry bear. The bear let out an expasperated sigh and seemed to simply get more pissed off.

"So fucking what? I got fucking deliveries here to do" the bear growled at Spencer as he walked right up to the bigger male and shouted in his face. "I don't give a fuck if your bitch ass slave is out the back getting his ass fucked like the cheap fuck he is. I'm on a goddam schedule. Now open these fucking doors and let me get on with my job" he ordered as he jabbed Spencer in the chest with his fingers.

Spencer dropped the sleeping bag on the ground as he heard the bear share his thoughts about Matt. Spencer felt his anger boil over as an image of Matt, slumped over the cross and beaten and bruised, flashed through his mind. With a furious snarl he reached forward and grabbed the bear by the front of his shirt. The bear let out a surprised grunt as he was slammed backwards against the back door of the car.

"I said, I will deal with you in a minute" Spencer growled through gritted teeth as he got up close and personal with the bear trucker. "If I hear one more fucking complaint out of you, I promise that they're not going to find you until they want to find out what that bad smell in your truck is" Spencer promised.

The bear looked back at him, clearly having not expected such a threat to come from the other male. Spencer didn't look it, what with his gut, but he was still fairly strong and the bear had felt the strength from how hard the car had rocked when he had been slammed against it. Looking back at the furious blackwargreymon, he somehow believed that Spencer was telling the truth.

"Now, why don't you go over to your truck, sit on your fat ass and wait. If you do'nt want to wait, I can take you into my office and we can finish this little discussion" Spencer said. The bear said nothing but he did look pretty sccared of the bigger male.

Spencer dropped the fat bear and he landed with a grunt on his big butt. Letting out a terrified cry the bear scrambled to pick himself up and run over to his truck as fast as he was able. Spencer was momentarily surprised to see that such a fat bear was able to run fast, but then he snapped out of his confusion as he remembered what he was supposed to be doing.

Spencer picked up the sleeping bag from where he had dropped it and clamped it securely under his arm. He dug his hand into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone. He turned around, forgetting about the fat angry bear behind him in the delivery truck as he walked back into the warehouse while he made a call to the B.O.S.S.

"Jesus, who the hell would do this to you?" John said as he wrapped the rather pitiful blanket around Matts body. He and the rest of the workers hadn't been in Matts room before, as it seemed like the one place that Matt had to call his own for privacy. Although after seeing just how small the place was and what was in it, he kinda regretted not coming up sooner to try and make the place a little better.

"God, if the rumours are true about how much it costs to keep a slave, you'd think they'd spring for some decent blankets" John said as he could easily see Matts skin through the thin blanket. He had grabbed some rags and managed to clean the lubricant from Matts legs, as well as splashback from the urine puddle.

"They left you strung up and you had no choice" John said as he didn't blame Matt for that. He instead felt pity for what happened and it further disgusted the cougar over the whole situation. He had Matt laid out on his back and carefully wrapped the blanket snugly around him. Once the blanket was on, he picked up the rag and ran it under some hot water in the sink to heat it up.

"If your dad tries to sweep this under the rug again like last time, I think we'll all just walk out of here. But then I'd feel bad leaving you here with Luke and Timothy" John said as he folded the hot rag over and gently placed it on Matts cold forehead. Matts face had swollen and was looking more disfigured then it already was, and it just made John further disgusted over whoever would do this to a helpless kid.

"Right, the vets coming in a few minutes" Spencer said as he walked into the room, sliding his cell phone back into his pocket. "Did he wake up or make a sound?" Spencer asked as he pulled the sleeping bag from under his arm and started to undo it.

"No, but he's starting to warm up a little after I cleaned him up" John said as he watched Spencer pull the sleeping bag out of its cover. "I feel kinda helpless. What do you do in a situation like this?" he asked as he looked up at Spencer.

"Keep calm and wait for the professionals" Spencer said as he pulled the bag free. "Here, wrap this over Matt. It'll keep him warmer then that pitiful blanket" Spencer said to him. "When you're done with that, wait at the front door for the others. Get them to sort out the dickhead outside and start cleaning up" Spencer said as he handed the blanket to John.

"What are you going to do? Wait for the vet to show up?" John asked as he grabbed the corners of the sleeping bag and pulled it apart. "Or should I wait and bring him up here?" John asked him.

"Yeah, do that. Bring him up here and let me know when he arrives" Spencer said to him. "I have to check the security footage and call Thomas. He has to know what's happened here" he said as he headed to the doorway.

"We have security footage?" John asked as he looked surprised. He had never seen any cameras of any kind since he started working there. Once the sleeping bag was spread out he leant over Matt and carefully started to tuck it around his lifeless body.

"We do have cameras. I just didn't tell you about them" Spencer said without looking over his shoulder as he headed down the stairs towards his office. None of the other workers had shown up yet, but thankfully the bear hadn't come in looking for them. He obviously had gotten the message.

As he crossed the loading bay, he felt his anger rising again. He was furious that someone had done something like this to Matt, and he was furious that, even though he knew it wasn't his fault nor could he have prevented it, he hadn't been able to help him. He stormed into his office and slammed the door so hard the glass actually cracked from the impact.

At the back of his office in what looked like a locked janitors closet, were the security cameras for the warehouse. There weren't many, just ones covering the outside entrance and the outside of the loading docks at either end of the warehouse. But there was one that covered the bay where Matt worked, just in case something like this should have ever happened.

Spencer unlocked the door and flung it open as he grabbed his desk chair and pulled it over. He sat down and pulled the keyboard over his lap as he typed in the password information. The set up was several monitors, one for each camera sitting over a computer. They had been installed before the warehouse had been officially opened. He just hadn't told anyone about them as he hadn't considered it important at the time. Besides, if employees knew that there were security measures in place, sometimes they got it into their heads to try and test them.

"Alright, lets see what sick kind of fuck put his hands on my boy" Spencer said to himself as he scanned through the times and dates, looking for a point to start from. He thought he heard a car or two arrive outside in the parking lot and he thought he heard voices, but he didn't pay them any mind as he brought up the previous night. The loading bay camera was what he focused on, and it was in a good position to show Matts desk, the stairs and door to his room, as well as the St Andrews cross. And it was in colour too.

"Ok, here's where I dropped him off" Spencer said as he saw the point where he had returned with Matt and hooked him back up to the tracking device. He turned up the volume on the speakers and heard the recorded version of himself and Matt exchange their goodnights as well as a hug. Even from where the camera was angled, Spencer could see how happy Matt was.

"And then something happens to ruin your happiness. Again" Spencer thought to himself as he watched himself leave and watched Matt head into his room. When the door closed Spencer forwarded the tape several speeds as he searched for something , anything that would tell him what happened. He did see Matt leave his room and put his uniform to be washed in the twin wash and dry system under the stairs, but that was nothing out of the ordinary.

He heard voices in the warehouse, and thought he recognised John talking to the other workers. But he didn't care as he kept his gaze firmly on the screens in front of him as he resumed the tape at the right speed. He saw someone enter through the warehouses entrance and recognised Luke on the screen.

"What are you doing here so late at night?" Spencer asked himself as he watched the image of Luke march through the warehouse and head into Matts room. Spencer had to turn up the volume, but he wasn't able to catch what Matt and Luke were discussing inside.

"Oh god" Spencer said as he froze in his seat as he saw what happened next. He stared at the sreen in disbelief, hoping that it was a trick or he was just imaging it. But the audio wasn't something he could mishear, and what he saw, he could not unsee.

He watched as Luke berated and screamed at Matt while getting far too physical with Matt then any normal procedure would allow. He actually felt his stomach threaten to empty his breakfast when he watched Matt choking on Lukes crotch on the monitor. He had to hold his hand over his mouth to keep his breakfast down.

He had to close his eyes as he saw Luke not just slap Matt around, but saw the vicious spanking on Matts defenceless backside. But that wasn't the most horrible part. What tore through Spencers mind and made his heart sink into the pit of his stomach was the pain in Matts cries.

Spencer did not even know he was crying over what he was seeing until he felt something cold drip onto his hands. He had to look down to see that the keyboard was covered in droplets and once he realised he was actually crying, he felt himself threaten to simply break down over the situation.

"I wasn't there for him...He needed me and I wasn't there" Spencer said as he wiped his eyes trying to hold himself together. It jus tore through him how badly Matt was in pain and he could only imagine how terrified he was.

Mercifully, it was over and Spencer wiped his eyes as he looked back up at the monitor to see Luke running from the warehouse in terror. Whatever had snapped Luke out of his raging assault, Spencer couldn't actually say. He took a deep breath to calm himself down as he wiped his eyes dry and continued to watch.

What happened after Luke had run off, was very little. Matt had spent maybe an hour crying as he lay there strung up on the cross before he seemed to simply pass out from exhaustion. Throughout the rest of the night, he barely seemed to move from his position. There was a point where he relieved himself onto the floor, but he obviously wasn't aware of it.

Spencer had to stop watching not just when the point came when he had walked in that morning, but because he couldn't stomach anything more. Somehow, seeing Matt strung up helpless for the night seemed worse than watching him getting beaten and abused. Spencer hung his head and covered his face as he tried to take stock of what he had just seen.

"Luke....you little fucker" he growled angrily to himself as he heard a knock on the office door. He looked up see John carefully open the door and lean in the doorway.

"Hey boss, the other guys got the loading area cleaned up, but they're not happy, just to let you know" John said to him. "And the Vet just arrived. Should I take him up to Matt now, or do you want to speak to him first?" he asked.

"Take him up to Matt" Spencer said to him. "I have to call Thomas. I know what happened last night" Spencer said. John gave him a quizzical look as he waited for Spencer to continue. Spencer looked over at him as he spoke. "I'll speak with everyone afterwards, but...it was Luke. Don't say anything, not a word" Spencer warned him.

John did not look pleased to hear that, but he gritted his teeth and nodded at Spencer as he shut the door. Spencer did not see who John lead away, but he didn't care as he stood up and rewound the security footage back to the arrival of Luke at the warehouse. Taking a deep breath, Spencer pulled out his cellphone and dialled Thomas' number.

"Thomas, it's Spencer" he said into the phone.

"Spencer, this better be important. Do you have any idea what time it is?" he heard Thomas say on the other end of the line. He sounded like he had just been woken up.

"I do'nt give a fuck. We have a serious situation down at the warehouse "Spencer said as he gave Thomas no time to argue. "I just had to call in a Vet to see Matt, because he's hurt. Seriously hurt" Spencer said on the phone.

"What, Matt's hurt?" Thomas said as he suddenly sounded more alert and awake from hearing that. "You had to call a Vet? Is he ok?" he said over the phone. Spencer was actually surprised to hear the level of concern in Thomas' voice. But he didn't dwell on it for long.

"Just get down here. And bring that brother of yours. Luke is in some serious shit."

"Alright, what is all this about?" Aaron demanded as he followed his brother into the warehouse office. If anything, Aaron looked more annoyed about the situation of being dragged out of his bed to deal with something he didn't know much about.

Thomas stepped into the office, looking like he had dressed in a hurry. He didn't look as calm and collected as he normally did, in fact his face was written with concern. Spencer was glad to see that Thomas did look like he was worrying, and he felt slightly better to see him like that. Aaron however, Spencer had no sympathy for as the male looked like he was ready to argue about being there.

"I'm afraid it's about Matt. Something serious has happened here" Spencer said to Thomas and Aaron as he stood against his desk, looking at them both with his arms crossed over his chest. "I walked in this morning and a truck driver informed me that the warehouse was closed. I walked in to see why Matt opened up, and I found him tied up on the St Andrews cross" he said to them both.

"Did you just drag us down here to admit you made a mistake and forgot to let Matt go after a punishment or something? I thought you overseers were supposed to be smart" Aaron said as he looked thoroughly annoyed. "Look, just untie him and slap him around some or whatever it is you do to make him get back to work. He's not my slave, so I'm going home" Aaron said as he went to leave.

"Aaron, your'e staying here" Thomas said as he looked over at his brother. "Spencer may have his problems as overseer, but I have never believed he would endanger Matts life or go to any extremes over his wellbeing" Thomas said, looking annoyed at his brother. "If this is serious enough to have both you and me here, then we will at least hear what Spencer has to say about this" he said. "

Spencer was somewhat surprised to hear that Thomas had such faith in him, and it was even more surprising that he would actually admit it while he was in the same room. Aaron however looked annoyed that he was being forced to stay, but he didn't argue with his older brother as he stood to the side with his arms crossed over his chest, not looking happy.

"It wasn't me that left Matt trussed up on the cross all night" Spencer said, and he didn't try and hide the fact that he was fuming over Aarons accusations. "Matt is under my authority while Thomas and Timothy are both absent, and as an actual licensed Master, I would not dream of leaving Matt in that position, no matter what he did" Spencer said with a furious look on his face.

"I still don't see why I had to be brought down here. I have nothing to do with Matt" Aaron said as he looked over at Spencer. "And good question, why am I here?" he demanded as he looked over at his brother. "You just woke me up and told me to meet you here no questions" he said.

"Just in case you want to argue the point, I have proof that it was Luke who abused Matt last night" Spencer said as he turned his computer monitor around. He had already copied the right timeline of video and downloaded it onto his computer. He also had a backup on a thumb drive, just in case. "Luke forced him onto the St Andrews cross, attempted to rape him and left him there the entire night" Spencer said as he looked at Aaron.

"That... that's impossible" Aaron said as he looked at Spencer. There was a complete look of shock and disbelief written on his face at the accusation. "Wait, this is a joke isn't it?" Aaron said as a light seemed to dawn on his face. "You brought me down here for some kind of sick joke. There's no way Luke would do something so reckless like that. This is a joke, I'm sure of it" Aaron said as he looked at Spencer.

"This isn't a joke" Spencer said as he tapped the keyboard and brought up the video player on screen. "And I have the proof to prove that it was Luke" He said to Aaron.

"Prove it then. Show me how far you're willing to go with this joke" Aaron said as he looked at his brother. "I don't know what kind of stunt you're pulling here, but I'd expect you to fire this man for this stupid prank he's trying to pull" Aaron said to Thomas.

Spencer said nothing as he pressed the play function on the video player and the security footage from the previous night flled the screen. Spencer took a step back and crossed his arms over his chest as he watched the two men see the footage.

Aaron looked like he was going to either laugh, argue or do both when the footage began to play. But when the crime actually began and unfolded right before their eyes, Aaron shut up very quickly as he couldn't help but watch what was going on.

Spencer however was watching Thomas very carefully. As the sounds of Lukes anger and rage filled the room and accompanied Matts terrified and pain filled screams, Thomas watched with a blank expression on his face as he studied the footage. Spencer watched closely, trying to gauge his reaction.

However, about half way through the incident Thomas ended up looking away with his eyes closed and a pained expression on his face. Wether it was from seeing Luke perform such an action, or wether it was because his fatherly instincts were starting to kick in, Spencer couldn't say. But Thomas either couldn't or wouldn't look at the video until Spencer stopped it once the image of Luke running away had finished.

"I found Matt on the St Andrews cross this morning" Spencer said as he stopped the video and both Aaron and Thomas turned to look at him. "He was ice cold, unconscious and hurt. As far as I know, he hasn't woken up" Spencer said to them both.

Aaron seemed completely speechless, and somewhat pale. There was no sign of denial on him as he seemed at a complete loss for words. With the footage having played right in front of him, there was no way that he could deny what Luke had done, not now that he had witnessed it.

"You did call a Vet, right? Before you called me?" Thomas asked as he looked at Spencer. His voice wavered slightly, faltering as he tried to remain calm. But Spencer could see the fury and anger in his eyes.

"Yes. He's up there right now, looking him over" Spencer said to Thomas. "The other workers are cleaning up the mess and handling the work load to fill in for Matt." Thomas nodded as he brought a hand up and rubbed his face a bit, not looking pleased.

"You were right Spencer, this is serious. Luke has failed as a handler with his...incident" Thomas said as he brought his hand away. "I can't over look this. This is completely unacceptable" he said as he looked at Aarron for a moment.

"It's...worse then that" Spencer said to Thomas. "Last night you called me and told me that Luke is no longer a handler" Spencer said to him. "You told me you took his licence away due to some incident between you two, and you called the bureau to suspend it. Luke was a free man last night when he did what he did, and you know what that mean" Spencer said to him. The look on Thomas' face was proof that he hadn't considered that.

"What..what do you mean?" Aaron said as he finally found his voice. "What do you mean, a free man? Why is that a difference?" he asked as he looked at both Spencer and Thomas from one to the other. Thomas hung his head a little and seemed to think for a minute or two before he raised his head, a tired look on his face.

"You're right Spencer. I hadn't considered that. This makes things more complicated" he said as he stood up and unfolded his arms. "Not only is Matt hurt, but we are behind in our work schedule and it will take some time to catch up. Before you ask, this is not something that I can simply overlook" he said as he shook his head. ""This is far too serious for that" as he looked at Spencer.

"Please go up and check on Matt. Speak with the Vet. Whatever he says, we go along with. Matt obviously needs to recover before he goes back to work. Whatever the Vet says, we go along with" Thomas said to Spencer. Spencer nodded, feeling a sense of relief to know that Thomas wasn't going to simply sweep this under the rug again like many other times.

"What...what do you mean this is serious? What's going to happen?" Aaron asked as he saw the look that passed between the two men in front of him. He still seemed in a state of shock, as if he still hadn't fully grasped what was happening.

"Spencer, please go now. I need to talk to my brother about this. Alone" Thomas said as he gestured for Spencer to leave. Spencer said nothing to Aaron as he walked past both him and Thomas and left the office, shutting the door firmly behind him enough to crack the glass further.

Spencer made his way across the warhouse as he left the two brothers to sort out the mess that Luke had created. Spencer found the loading bay rather busy as the other workers had arrived and were working on unloading the trucks that had all seemed to arrive at once.

Although the only ones who seemed to be doing the complaining were the truck drivers, as John and the other workers were all silent and rather solemn as they did what they could to get things back into place. They all looked at Spencer as he passed, but they knew where he was heading so no-one held him up.

At least the loading bay didn't smell like lube anymore.

"How is he?" Spencer asked as he walked into Matts room and looked around to see what was going on. Matt was on his side, the sleeping bag at the bottom of the bed exposing his naked body. He was being held in place by the Vet who looked like he was attaching a bright neon blue pair of shorts around Matts beaten backside. It looked like a padded neon blue plastic diaper from the first glance.

"Oh hello, you must be Spencer" the lion said as he carefully lowered Matt onto his back. Matt looked still out of it, but he wasn't looking quite as pale as he had before. But there was a bright neon blue mask covering Matts face, with holes in the right places for the tracking leash to poke through without trouble. "That John fellow said you'd be coming up to check on your boy. He didn't say you were so big" the lion said as he drew the sleeping bag back up Matt and tucked the end under his chin.

Spencer looked the young lion over as the Vet stood up and extended his hand towards him. The Vet was young, like everyone else at the B.O.S.S. seemed to be. But Spencer had to admit the lion was exceptionally handsome. He was a rather yummy looking creamy brown colour and his mane was a rather glossy black trimmed into a pointed anime stlye that seemed to highlight his bright purple eyes. He was dressed like the other staff of the B.O.S.S., wearing medical scrubs and a name tag on his chest.

"You wear pink?" Spencer asked him as he saw the rather manly shade of pink that the lion was wearing for his scrubs. The lion chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck in a rather awkward and embarrassed way.

"Well, we do get an assortment of colours for our uniform, and ...well it was laundry day today" the lion said as he looked rather handsomely embaressed. "I'm not even sure the colour suits me, but it seems to make me stand out and make people notice me" he admitted with a rather cheerful smile that showed off his brilliant white teeth. Spencer had the strangest feeling that he had seen the lion somewhere before.

"Anyway, yes. I'm Spencer. I'm the boss of the warehouse and Matts overseer. I'm the one that called" he said as he took the lions hand and gave it a shake before he let it go. "What's your name" he asked as the lion knelt beside a large open medical bag on the ground.

"I'm Catsie" the lion said to him as he looked up with that same cheerful smile on his face as he rummaged around in the bag, looking for something. Spencer raised an eyebrow at him when he revealed his name. He thought he had misheard.

"Seriously?" Spencer asked. He couldn't help but shake the thought that he had been expecting something quite different. The lion however just giggled in a rather boyish way.

"I know. I gave my parents hell for years for giving me that name. But I guess that's what happens when your parents are high when deciding names" Catsie said as he sat back on his knees and pulled out a small bottle of clear liquid from his bag. "I got over it after a while. Well, a long while really. But it's definitely a conversation starter. Plus the reaction when I say my name, it never gets old" he said with a rather infectious laugh that Spencer couldn't help but enjoy.

"So...before we forget, how is Matt doing?" Spencer asked as he steered the conversation back in the direction of Matts health. "I'm not even sure what the heck is wrong with him. Has he woken up at all?" he asked.

"Sadly, no. He's still asleep. And I don't think it's a good idea to wake him up anytime soon. He needs his rest" Catsie said as he looked up at Spencer. "As for what's wrong, well, his body temperature is somewhat below normal, but its slowly rising back up. He does have bruising to his face and his backside but thankfully nothing more serious then that. The swelling should go down and the brusies will stop hurting with a bit of medication, so I'm pretty sure he'll make a full recovery in a day or so" Catsie said to him.

"That quickly?" Spencer asked in surprise. "Do we know how long he might be out? I gotta say I'm worried he hasn't woken up yet" he admitted. Catsie nodded at him as if he understood along with Spencer about his concerns.

"He's going to need all the rest he can get, and trust me, forcing him to wake up isn't good for him "Catsie said as he pulled out a syringe in a wrapper from his bag. "But yes, I expect him to wake up by the end of the day, or possibly tomorrow morning, and he'll recover from this. At least physically" he said as he unwrapped the needle.

"Wait, what is that?" Spencer asked him as he saw the Vet insert the needle into the bottle. "What are you giving him?" he asked as he took a step forward.

"It has a long and very complicated name that I'm sure you're either not going to understand or going to forget rather quickly" Catsie said as he held the bottle upright and began to pull the plunger back. "But to put it in laymans term, it's a super vitamin shot" Catsie said as he measured out a dosage into the syringe. "Oh, and I should warn you. He's going to be very sick" he added.

"Matt already is sick" Spencer said to Catsie as he saw the lion pull the syringe out of the bottle. "That's why I called you in the first place. I don't need you to tell me what I already know" Spencer said. Catsie looked up at him as he heard the frustration in Spencers voice. But he was remarkably patient.

"This is a super vitamin booster" Catsie explained to him as he slid his arm under the sleeping bag and carefully pulled out Matts limp arm. "Bascially, its super powered and full of nutrients and vitamins and the like that will work like a detox on Matt" he explained. "Well, I guess you could call it a super detox shot, because this is going to make his immune system work overtime" he said as he put the syringe down and pulled out a length of cord.

"And what will it do?" Spencer asked him as he watched Catsie carefully slide the looped cord around Matts arm just above his elbow and tighten it. Catsie then reached into the bag and pulled out a small swab of sterilised cotton from a bag and swabbed at Matts flesh carefully.

"Basically, it'll force Matts system to work ovetime to flush out whatever bacteria and viruses he's contracted over the last twelve hours and speed up his recovery process" Catsie said to him as he tapped at Matts flesh to make his veins stick out.

"That sounds... Interesting" Spencer said as he raised an eyebrow. He had never heard of such a thing, but the B.O.S.S. probably did have the resources to create something like this for their slaves.

"Like I said, it is basically a super vitamin detox to flush out his system" Catsie said as he looked up at Spencer. "But unfortunately, there is going to be a side effect. This will flush out his system, but it all has to come out rather quickly. And as I said before..." Catsie said as he gestured with his hand up at Spencer.

"He's going to be sick" Spencer said with a nod. He was starting to get the idea on what the lion was saying, and he was starting to feel bad for being frustrated at him. "I'll have to get a bucket" he said.

"I'd make sure its a big one. He might not have time to aim properly" Catsie said as he held Matts arms steady and picked up the syringe. With careful precision Catsie inserted the needle into Matts arm vein and carefully started to pump the detox formulae into him. Spencer noticed that Matt visibly flinched from the action, but he didn't wake up.

"Alright, now you just have to wait until lhe wakes up" Catsie said as he carefully pulled the needle from Matts arm. He placed the used syringe back in his bag and pulled out a bright blue bandaid. He pulled the covers off and placed it over the hole in Matts arm.

"What if he doesn't wake up by the time we all leave for the night? I'd really not want to have to have him wake up alone and scared" Spencer admitted as he shivered at the thought. The thought of Matt waking up in the middle of the night sick and scared with no-one there for him.

"Well, if he doesn't wake up by the time you go home, then you can try and force him awake" Catsie said as he stowed the needle away safely in his bag. "Either way, when he wakes up, make sure he stays in bed and keep him calm as much as possible. It would be a good idea to get him to drink and eat something. Even if you have to force him" Catsie explained.

"okay, so water, and Slave-Brix when he wakes up. He hasn't had a problem keeping those down before" Spencer admitted, although he wondered how much more disgusting they would be to an upset system. Catsie however shook his head.

"I would suggest something with a little more... sugar in it" he said as he pulled out a notepad and a bright neon red pen. "I'll write out a note to make an allowance during his recovery. I'd suggest maybe some watermelon or some cantaloupe. Small pieces mind you" he said as he wrote quickly. "And as for drink, alternate between water and lemonade. I've always found lemonade to be good for people who are under the weather" he said as he finished writing and ripped the note from the pad.

"What is that mask you put him on anyway?" Spencer asked as he realised that he hadn't aksed him about it yet. "And those short things, what is that for?" he asked.

"The mask I put on him is a special gel mask that should help reduce the swelling and keep the bruising from further developing. Those shorts are the same thing, cooling gel wrapped around him to reduce the swelling and keeping the bruising from further developing. Also, I wrapped his face and backside in some bandages drenched in brown vinegar. It's an old trick my grandmother would use on me when I sprained my ankle. Trust me, it helps to reduce bruising" he said with that charming smile of his as he handed Spencer the written note.

"Alright, so when he wakes up, try and feed him some fruit, force him if need be. And keep his fluids up with either water or some lemonade. It's important that he stays hydrated. And I have no doubt that he'll make a full recovery" he said with a handsome smile.

"What if he doesn't wake up, or he gets worse? What then?" Spencer asked as he looked at the note. Catsie had rather neat handwriting it seemed.

"If he does get worse or he doesnt' wake up even if you try and force him, my number is on the paper there. Call me and I'll come and do a follow up" Catsie said as he knelt down to stow the pad and paper back into his bag. "But I am confident that he'll be awake and well enough to resume his duties tomorrow" Catsie said with his smile. Spencer looked at him and shook his head.

"Catsie, no disrespect to you, but he was almost raped last night" Spencer said to him. "He's been hurt and strung up like some animal to be abused. I don't think he'll be ready for work anytime soon. Matt...Mats never been a strong person, at least not since I've known him. I don't think he's going to be in any kind of condition to do anything anytime soon" Spencer said as he voiced his concerns.

"And if he was a free man, he would get two weeks off work and therapy from all kinds of high priced people and medication and everything else to ensure that he's able to cope with what happened to make sure that he can return to work or to his life in a good state of mind" Catsie said calmly to Spencer, even though he could see that the much bigger male was getting visibly upset.

"Unfortunately, he's not a free man. He's a slave. And slaves do not have the time to simply 'get over' such incidents like this" he explained. "A day or two is all we're able to give them, and honestly, two days is stretching it. I know you're visibly upset over this, but Matt can't have the right to take as long as he needs to get over what happened" Catsie pointed out.

"So what, I just stick him back into work tomorrow and pretend that nothing has happened and act like he wasn't hurt?" Spencer demanded. He knew he should have expected this to happen, but somehow it felt worse to know that it was happening.

"Look, Matt needs to know that you're not going to think any less of him over this" Catsie said gently as he saw how Spencer was getting worked up. Tomorrow, offer some encouragement and start him off on some light duties to begin with. But get him out amongst the other workers. Make them work around him" Catsie suggested.

"I know this may seem harsh to hear, but Matt needs to deal with what happened, and forcing him to work around his colleagues and not retreat and hide from it will help. It'll seem hard, even for him, but facing what happened and being around people who I can see care about him, he'll be able to handle it. Unfortunately, he's not going to get any leverage from the Bureau just because his handler tried to rape him" Catsie said regretfully.

Spencer wanted to argue further with him, his frustration and anger over the whole situation still visible and present inside him. But he coudlnt' really because Catsie was just doing his job. He knew that the Bureau wasn't interested in sick or hurt slaves. There were interested in healthy strong slaves. A slave who was a victim of an incident like this, was patched up and pushed back into work without much sympathy. The fact that Matt got one day off to recover at all was as generous as the company was going to be. And it was all that he could really hope for.

"I'm...I'm sorry I got angry" Spencer said as he sat down on the edge of Matts bed. "I'm sorry I got short with you, it's just...." he said as he hung his head. But Catsie just smiled at him and placed his hand on Spencers shoulder and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"Spencer, its ok" Catsie said to him. "From what I gathered from the way that John guy was talking before, you've shown more care and attention to Matt then his handlers or his master has, according to him. I now you are only angry about all this because you care about him. And trust me, it is nice to see that there are people like you who have slaves that they care about" Catsie said with a smile.

"Thanks" Spencer said as he looked up at him, feeling somewhat better. And a little surprised to hear that John had said such a thing about him. "And I do have to admit that....its nice to see someone from the Bureau who isn't full of himself" he admitted.

"I'll take that as a compliment" Catsie said with a smile as he picked up his bag. He made sure he was holding onto it securely as he turned back to Spencer to find the bigger male staring at him curiously. "Is...something wrong? Do I have something on my face?" Catsie asked.

"I'm sorry, but I swear that I have seen you somewhere before" Spencer said to him."I just have the feeling that I've seen you somewhere or I read about you somewhere, or ...I don't know. I just have that feeling" he said. Catsie let out a rather boyish chuckle and shook his head a little to the comment.

"I get that all the time. Must be the choice in colour" he said with a smile to him. "Although, I do have to say, I like to leave an impression. If we had met before, I'm sure you'd have no trouble remembering it big guy" he said with a smile as he patted Spencers shoulder and then made his way out of the room.

"Ok, I am sure he just tried to flirt with me" Spencer thought to himself as he watched the very handsome young lion leave the room. "Maybe he was on the cover of a magazine or something" he thought as he couldn't help but notice that Catsie had one very nice looking backside.

Spencer made sure that Catsie had left the room and that the other workers were not going to come into the room anytime soon as he got up and carefully closed the bedroom door. Once he had firmly shut it, Spencer walked over to Matts bed and knelt beside it. Carefully, he wrapped his hands around Matts exposed hand, noting the size difference in the two. Matts fingers were still cool, but they were a lot warmer then they had been before.

"Matt, I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when you needed me" he said softly as he held Matts hand against his face. "I really...really did not to be so close to you...I know you don't want to hear that...but you mean so much to me now, it's killing me to see you like this" he said softly as he looked at Matts covered face. There was no reaction from him, but he was breathing easily.

Spencer gently gave Matts palm a soft kiss and gently tucked it back under the blanket to keep it warm. He slowly stood up and wiped his eyes with his hand as he leant over and made sure that Matt was firmly tucked in. He hesitated a little before he went to move away, and carefully leant down and gave Matt a soft kiss on the lips.

Not wanting to look back in case he broke down, Spencer left Matt alone in the room to rest up as he headed outside to inform the other workers of what was going on.

"Well Aaron, you've seen the video. And I don't care what you think, there is no way that Spencer could have photo shopped the entire video" Thomas said as he sat behind Spencers desk. He was not looking pleased at his brother still being in denial of the situation. "Aaron, Luke has committed a serious crime here, and I am not about to sweep it under the rug, even if he is family" Thomas said.

"That, that just can't be Luke" Aaron said as he looked at the frozen image on the video monitor for the hundredth time. The image had been frozen with Matt hanging there on the St Andrews cross while Luke was caught frozen in mid step as he tried to run away."Luke... I know he's a handful, but this ...this just isn't like him" he insisted.

"And yet, the proof is right there that Luke not only tried to commit the deed, but he also beat him beyond the accepted level" Thomas said sternly as he rubbed the bridge of his nose. "This is not a simple case of him stealing from me or getting bad grades. This is serious."

"But, but Luke's been in trouble with you before over this sort of thing" Aaron said to him as he looked over at Thomas. "Why is it any different now? You told me that handlers can get physical with their slaves and whatnot. Why can't we just call it that and .... give him some leniency or something? You did before" he insisted with an exasperated tone of voice.

"Maybe I did before, but those instances were not as serious as this" Thomas said firmly to him. "This unfortunately, is not Luke pushing Matt down the stairs and slapping him around the face a few times. This is serious. This is worse than serious." Thomas said.

"I just don't see how it could be" Aaron said as he looked at the monitor again, as if hoping that looking at it would cause the image to disappear. But the image remained frozen right before him.

"Last night, when we caught Luke red handed with his stolen property, you were very eager to allow me to handle it and lay down a punishment for him" Thomas said to his brother with an angry look on his face. "And now, here he is again in trouble, and you want me to forget it happened" Thomas said to him. "Why are you backing him up now when you have always gone along with it before?" he asked.

Aaron looked over as his brother as he looked like he was about to argue, but he seemed to think better of it as the look on Thomas's face suggested that he wasn't going to listen to any more arguments. Without even able to come up with a good reply to the question, Aaron sighed and sat down in one of the spare chairs in the office.

"Fine... Find he did it" Aaron said as he looked over at his brother. "There, are you happy I admitted it? He did it. He tried to rape his slave and he beat him black and blue. There, you have it. I admitted it. He did it, ok? Butt honestly, how is this any different than what he did before to him?" he demanded.

"Sadly, what Luke did last night, is not like every time he has done something with Matt. What he did last night, was illegal" Thomas said to him as he rubbed his forehead. He was starting to get a headache with having to explain this to his brother. Then again, this whole situation was a headache as he had never expected such a thing to happen.

"Illegal? How was it illegal? Luke is licensed handler" Aaron said to him. "How was what he did illegal to his slave anyway?" He demanded to know.

"You remember I took his licence from him last night?" Thomas said as he looked it is brother as if he was an idiot. "Right after he left the office, I got on the phone with the bureau and after 10 minutes on the phone, I had his licence suspended officially" Thomas said to him.

"Yes, I remember that. So what?" Aaron said to him as he looked at his brother."I fail to see what that has to do with anything, or make it illegal" he said.

"As a free man, Luke cannot do anything to Matt without my permission" Thomas said to him. "And, you may recall that last night I did not give Luke permission to visit Matt, tie him up, beat him up and attempt to injure him like that" Thomas said to him.

Aaron looked at his brother for a moment to try to grasp just what he was saying. However, he wasn't getting what Thomas was trying to point out as Thomas just sighed in frustration.

"That means, that as a free man, he did something illegal" Thomas said to him. "That means, he is in serious legal trouble" Thomas said as he looked over to his brother.

"What?" Aaron said as he finally figured out just what his brother was saying. As an unlicensed handler and a free man, he put his hand on Thomas' slave without permission. And the things he did to him, were borderline criminal as if he had been physically akin to a police office.

"Aaron, do you know what the B.O.S.S. is going to do to Luke once I call them and make an official complaint about this?" Thomas said as he looked over at his brother. From the way his brother did not respond, Thomas knew that he didn't know.

"You and I might consider this rape, but to the B.O.S.S you cannot rape a slave. You can only damage property" Thomas said to Aaron. "Matt is my slave, so therefore it makes him my property. And since he is my property, I can put in an official complaint and have Luke officially charged with damaging my property" Thomas explained to him.

"Wait, I don't get what you're saying" Aaron said to him as he tried to wrap his head around. "So, Luke can't get into trouble for raping Matt, but he can get into trouble for a damaging Matt since he's your property?" Aaron said as he thought about it. "Well, that should be better shouldn't?" He asked.

Thomas however shook his head and looked at his brother in silence for a few moments. Aarons rather hopeful expression on his face that his son would get a lesser sentence started to fade from his face as his smile dwindled down to nothing. Thomas however just stared at his silent brother before he broke the silence between them both.

"Aaron, do you have any idea what will happen if I called the B.O.S.S. about this?" Thomas said to his brother. Aaron shook his head. "One call from me, and this will get taken out of the normal laws hands and into the law of the B.O.S.S" Thomas explained to him.

"what does that mean?" Aaron asked as he felt slightly nervous about the answer. He almost did not want to hear it.

"That means that the B.O.S.S. will charge Luke and find him guilty, without him even needing to show up to plead his case. They don't need a trial, they will see the video and charge him on the spot "Thomas said to him. "All they need is just my complaint and the evidence, and since Luke is under the legal age, they won't need your permission to charge him with enslavement" Thomas explained.

"But...but they can't just go and charge him like that...that's....unfair" Aaron said as he stared at his brother with a dumbfounded expression on his face.

"They'll do more than just charge him. Because Luke did a serious offence here, they will sentence him to a very harsh punishment" Thomas said to him. "And trust me, it's not one that I would even consider giving to Matt" he said.

"What kind of punishment?" Aaron asked him as he felt himself go pale.

"There are three types of slaves" Thomas explained. "The first is a private domestic slave. The kind that work exclusively in their owners home and are treated as personal servants" Thomas said to him. "The second type is what Matt is. A domestic labourer. The kind that work in public and do manual labour in various areas of the work industry. "The final one, is the hard manual labourer."

"What is that?" Aaron asked him.

"Think chain gang" Thomas said as he spoke each word very clearly. "Think chain gang, multiply it by ten, and think seven days a week from dawn to dusk with no break" he said. "For the next two years until his evaluation, Luke would be among some pretty bad criminal and offenders, and he wouldn't be treated any different then them" Thomas said.

"You... You can't be serious" Aaron said as he looked at his brother in shock. "You mean... you're just going to hand my son over to those monsters and have him treated like a work horse for the next two years?" Aaron said as he looked at his brother in disbelief.

"Why shouldn't I Aaron?" Thomas asked him as he looked annoyed. "As well as his problems at school, at home, with me and around here, Luke has committed a serious crime here. Thanks to him, Matt could be out of work for a few days recovering and we are going to be behind in our work. I'm ashamed to say that Luke has disappointed me far too many times, especially after all the goodness I have shown him and you" Thomas said angrily.

"But... but you can't" Aaron said to his brother as he felt himself start to fight what felt like a losing battle. "You can't just hand Luke over to these monsters and throw him into some....hardcore chain gang like some wild animal. That...that's just too extreme" he said to his brother as he stood up.

"No. No, I won't allow this Thomas. I have let you control our lives for far too long, and I am not having it anymore. I'm putting my foot down Thomas" he said in anger at his brother. "I'm putting my foot down over this. I am not going to allow you to turn my over to those monsters. I don't care what you say, he is my son and I will not allow you to do this to him" he said.

Thomas looked back to his brother, but he wasn't surprised by the sudden show of defiance that came from him. This wasn't the first time that his brother had tried to put his foot down about something that Thomas wanted to do. But the little show of defiance meant nothing to Thomas.

"Tell me something" Thomas said to Aaron, sounding remarkably calm."When I explained what I was going to do to Matt, you offered absolutely no resistance" he said. "Hell, you were perfectly willing to allow me to do this and you didn't say Jack about it. You had more then once chance to simply open up and tell me you hated what was going on, but I do remember you agreeing with me all the way that Matt could turn out to be a loose cannon if he went unpunished over the incident."

"So tell me, do you have a problem because this is happening to your son this time around, but you had no problem when it happened to mine? And I'd like you to think carefully about this" Thomas said firmly to him.

Aaron opened his mouth, but nothing came out as he thought about what his brother had just said. It was true though, when Thomas had approached him with his plans about turning Matt over to the B.O.S.S., Aaron had gone along with it and even encouraged him about it.

And yet, here he was facing the same problem with Luke, who had committed a far worse crime then Matt had ever done in his life, and Aaron was having a problem with it. Not only that, he was asking for Thomas to look the other way, when he had said 'Do it to Matt before he gets away with it and does it again.' He sat back in his chair unable to come up with a retort to his brother as he felt himself deflating in his anger.

"Aaron, I know that you do not want your son to be handed over to these people" Thomas said firmly to his brother. "After all, trust me, its not an easy decision to make. But the fact remains that Luke has committed a crime and I am not going to let this go. But, since you did not have a problem giving Matt over to the bureau, but you have a problem giving Luke over, I have decided that I will offer you a compromise" Thomas said to him.

"We can just forget about all this?" Aaron asked somewhat hopefully. He knew he was clutching at straws, but he was hoping that maybe Thomas would reconsider.

"No" Thomas said to him. "There is a way that we can deal with this without involving the B.O.S.S" Thomas said to him. "I am not about to simply forget what has happened, nor am I going to simply walk away from this" he said to His brother. "However, Luke needs to be punished, and I am prepared to punish him. But there is a way to do this without involving the bureau" he said.

"What... What are you suggesting?" Aaron asked as he looked at his brother in disbelief. He did not want to see his son get handed over to the monsters of the B.O.S.S, but he knew that once Thomas wanted something to happen chances were it was going to happen.

But what was scaring Aaron more was just how much control Thomas had over the situation. Thomas owned his younger brother and his nephew in more ways than one, and Aaron knew that he could take it all away from him without hesitation. If he didn't go with what Thomas wanted, well, he could see his whole life turned upside down again.

"Aaron I'm going to give you a choice. As a parent" Thomas said to him as he looked at is brother, who was now silent. "I'm going to let you decide what I do to" Thomas said to him. "You will get to choose the punishment that I dish out to your son. That way, you can't blame me for what happens" Thomas said to him.

"What... What are you going to do to him?" Aaron asked him quietly.

"it's not so much what I'm going to do to him" Thomas said to him. "Its what you're going to permit me to do" Thomas informed him. "You are going to choose your sons punishment, and I know you Aaron. You'll pick the right one."

"The first is I can hand Luke over to the B.O.S.S. One phone call, and your son will be trialled by a committee of B.O.S.S. senior managers, and he will be placed immediately in a hard manual labourer position for the next two years. You will not be permitted to see him, have contact with him, and had zero parental rights with him" Thomas said to him.

"What's the second choice?" Aaron asked him after several very tense moments between the two of them.

"The second choice, is that I will take care of it personally and this will not even go to the B.O.S.S" Thomas said to him. "All that the B.O.S.S. will know is that Matt had an accident, and that is it. But, no matter what happens, you will not argue, you will not disagree, and you will not resist what I do, understand?" Thomas said to him as he looked over his brother.

"What do you plan to do with him?" Aaron demanded when he heard that.

"I'm not going to tell you" Thomas said simply to him. "What I will tell you, is that not only is he going to be punished, but he will be looked after, at least better then what the B.O.S.S. will give him. But, if you interfere, I will be calling the Bureau and option one will be taken" Thomas explained.

"What?" Aaron said in disbelief.

"If you try to take Luke away, if you try to warn him, if you try to interfere, or you try to appeal or interfere in any way shape or form, all will take is one phone call from me to the B.O.S.S and Luke will be gone out of your life for the next two years or more" Thomas said to him.

"So, make your decision Aaron. But just know that if you do force my hand and I take Luke to the B.O.S.S., I'll take everything I've ever given you to sort your life out, and return your life to the mess I had to save you from, understand?" Thomas said to him sternly. "And before you ask, no I am not kidding."

Aaron was silence for several minutes as he tried to contemplate what his brother had just laid down. Either way, no matter which way he chose, Luke was going to be punished. Severely. And it was up to Aaron to choose wether to let the B.O.S.S. take him away, or let Thomas take him away.

Thomas said nothing as he simply sat back in his chair, watching his brother try to think things over. He was willing to let Aaron take his time to make his choice, but he would make sure a choice was reached. He had let a lot of things slide, but this, this was too far. Personally, Thomas didn't care which option Luke was given. He knew his brother all too well.

Aaron would choose whichever option he could sleep at night over.

For Aaron, he was thinking over those lines. Either he gave his son to a known punishment, or hand him to an unknown one. After a few minutes of thinking, Aaron felt himself drifting to a decision that he could sleep at night over, more for his sake then his sons.

"Do you promise, do you promise" Aaron said as he looked slowly up at his brother, his shoulders slumped back in defeat. He didn't know how else to feel except defeat over this. "Do you absolutely promise, that Luke will be looked after?" he asked his brother in a croaking voice full of despair and hope.

"Luke will be punished, but he will be looked after. When I have finished making my plans for him, he will be looked after very well, but he will be punished for his actions. Just as long as you do not interfere or object in any way" Thomas said to him with a nod. "You have my word on that" he explained.

"Then do it" Aaron said finally as he made up his mind. "Do it. Make your call, make your plans, do whatever it is you have to do. But please Thomas, make sure my son is going to be ok" Aaron begged his brother.

"Of course I'm going to look after him. He is my nephew after all" Thomas said as he gestured to the door. Aaron took that as the time for as he didn't argue. Slowly, Aaron forced himself out of the chair and stood up, suddenly feeling his limbs not wanting to co-operate. He looked at his brother for a moment, but was met with a look that told him to get out.

Unable to look at his brother any further, Aaron turned around slowly left the office, suddenly very fearful of what he was getting his son into. But before he left the office and the door closed behind him, Aaron had made up his mind not to tell his son or do anything to interfere, so that his brother didn't ruin his life.

The first thing that Matt felt when he woke up was a terrible pounding headache. His head felt like it was made out of a hollow glass bowl that felt fragile to the touch. He opened his eyes slowly and his vision was blurred. He blinked a few times to get his eyes back into focus, and he was sure that he saw things on the ceiling that weren't there.

He felt confused as he felt something weighing down on his face, something that smelt like a fish and chip shop. Something cold but oddly soothing. He went to move and gasped as he felt his hips contract in pain, like someone had taken a two by four to his legs.

Something was covering him, something that felt oddly heavy as Matt slowly brought his hands up and touched his fingers to his face. Something cold made contact with his fingers and he panicked slightly to the foreign feeling. He started to sit up but that simple movement made his whole body disagree with him. He let out a groan of pain as he blinked a few times to clear his vision as he slowly forced himself to sit up, not wanting to move too fast.

"Where am... Where did this blanket come from?" He said to himself as he realised that he was under a blanket he had never seen before. He wasn't sure when it had come from, or who had given it to him, but it was very warm and he had a feeling of safety being under it. Slowly, Matt sat up until he was sitting fully up and the blanket fell from his torso, exposing him to the cool air.

The moment his body left the safety of the blanket, he was suddenly hit with a barrage of memories from the previous night. The freight train that smacked into his mind brought with it everything that he didn't want to face up to.

He remembered Lukes' anger and fury, his viciousnesss and barrage of abuse. He remembered getting forced to perform oral, feeling Lukes hand strike against his face time and time again. Matt felt his body shiver as he started to panic, feeling the fear and helplessness course through him again as his ind brought back everything that had happened.

He remembered getting forced onto the cross and having his backside assaulted like he was the most disobedient child to ever be punished. He felt the fear course through him as he brought his arms around his chest to support himself as he felt his body shiver and shake uncontrollably.

He remembered feeling so helpless, so ...defeated, wallowing in the hopelessness of the situation as he had been forced to submit to being treated like an animal. The rush of memories started to howl inside his mind, screaming into a tornado of fear and misery that threatened to erupt if he didn't do something.

Without thinking Matt leant over the side of the bed and emptied his guts with a cry. He had no time to aim or to even register what he was doing as he clenched his eyes and just let the eruption happen. Whatever happened to be in his stomach came out as he hacked and heaved, crying out in pain as his stomach tried to throw up its contents while it was empty. Stomach bile and fluids dripped from Matts mouth as he sobbed over the side of the bed.

It was when his stomach could no longer throw up its contents and his body collapses on the side of the bed, he opened his eyes slowly as he let out a sobbing groan of pain. He had never been so violently sick before, and his stomach was twisting around in knots that felt like he was getting kicked repeatedly.

Someone had placed a bucket right where it was needed, perhaps placed there for such a purpose. Matt didn't dare move as he closed his eyes and whimpered, feeling his stomach in pain like it was trying to digest itself under its internal assault.

He lay there whimpering for several moments, or maybe minutes he wasn't sure, before he felt his body and head start to calm down enough for him to lay back on the bed on his back again. He closed his eyes and tried to breath easy to bring his heart back under control. The last thing he remembered was passing out on the cross. But that had been sometime after midnight. Or maybe it was before. He didn't know or recall the time.

Matt heard noises outside, voices and noises of work going on. He could hear a truck honking its horn and the sounds of a pallet jack being dragged across the floor. It was then he realised that the warehouse was in full operation, which meant that the other workers had arrived and it was now sometime during the day.

"Did... Did one of the guys bring me up here?" He wondered out loud as he looked down at himself. He suddenly wondered why his hindquarters were feeling cold and constricted like his face was, and that the blanket was covering it. Slowly, Matt reached forward and picked up the edge of the blanket and slowly lifted it up.

"Am I in a diaper?" he asked himself as he saw the bright neon blue ...thing that he was wearing. If it really was a diaper, he had to admit it was making him feel better. There was definite pain in his hips and in his butt, but it wasn't as bad as the pain he had experience the previous night. Slowly he lowered the blanket and felt the warm safety wrap around him again and he felt more at ease then ever.

"Where did the blanket come from?" Matt asked himself as he looked down the blanket, wondering about it again. It was then he noticed that there was a zipper running along the edge and he discovered it was a very large and very safe sleeping bag covering him. As he lifted the corner to look at it, he saw something written across the corner in bright silver stitching.

"Kitty" Matt read as he looked at the stitching. "Who's Kitty?" he wondered as he brought the blanket back down. He heard voices downstairs, he didn't recognise who or what they were saying, but they were close to his room. Probably by his desk.

The workers. They were here. That meant they knew. They had to know what happened. The memories of last night flooded back through Matts mind as he felt himself start to crumble apart knowing that the other workers knew how far he had fallen the previous night.

He felt his heart race in panic, his mind screaming in a tornado of misery and he clenched his hands together into fists as he clenched his eyes shut, willing himself not to fall apart. The urge to start screaming and crying grew stronger with each passing moment and he felt he was fighting a losing battle.

He wanted to lash out, he wanted to scream and rage and break something, he wanted to tear his room apart and scream at the world, but the moment he opened his eyes and his mouth to cry out in the fury of what happened, his last defences broke and he crumbled.

Matt brought his hands up to his covered face and buried his face in his fingers as he screamed as hard as he could into his digits. He felt the tears course under his face covering and into his fingers as he couldn't hold back his emotions and just let them erupt.

He felt his entire body convulse and shake from the emotional outpouring that he was experiencing and he couldn't stop himself from shaking from his head to his toes. He screamed and cried into his fingers as he simply let it all out, not caring if anybody heard or if anybody gave a damn. He just didn't care anymore.

It was like everything was hitting him at once, everything he had tried to deal with had finally found their breaking. He thought he had reached those points before, or maybe they had just decided to lie in wait and bring reinforcements when the time was right. He rolled over onto his side and screamed into his fingers as he just let the emotions boil over and erupt.

He heard the sounds of footsteps rushing up the stairs and felt two hands grab his shoulders. Matt took a hand and tried to fight whoever was off, he didn't want anyone right now. He just wanted to scream and vent and fuck the rest of the world if it was listening he didn't give a fuck. But whoever was there easily brushed his hand away and pulled him upwards by his shoulders.

Matt lost the will to fight as he was wrapped up in two arms and pulled close into a tight firm embrace. As he cried, Matt couldn't resist as he buried his face into the chest of whoever was holding him and just continued to cry. He didn't care who it was that was seeing him in his worst moment of weakness, he just continued to cry out as hard as he could.

Whoever was holding him did not stop, nor did he get told to be quiet. He felt somebody stroke the back of his head gently, a soft voice whispering into his ear that he was okay, that was over, and that he was safe. Whoever was holding him started to gently rock him back and forth, like a father comforting his child.

Slowly, Matt began to settle down as he no longer felt he had the energy to continue. His body began to slowly calm down and his sobbing gave way to sniffles and hiccups that made his body jerk suddenly now and then. Quietening down slowly, Matt held his face in his hands as he leant in the strangers embrace. Soft fingers continued to stroke the back of his head and sweet nothings were whispered into his ear to make him feel better.

How long Matt sat there are being held he wasn't sure. But he did not want to move. He wanted to stay there in the strangers embrace for as long as he could before he had to pull away and deal with the reality of what had happened. But whoever was holding him didn't seem to be in a hurry to let Matt go and, and Matt was glad for it. He just simply sat there with his fingers in his face, feeling the comfort of two arms around him.

The minutes ticked by slowly for the two of them, Matt started to wonder who was holding him. For a very brief and fleeting moment he wondered if it was his father who was holding him. It certainly did feel like a parental figure that was being so nice to him, holding him in his time of desperate need.

Slowly, Matt removed his hands from his face and gently pushed against the strangers chest. The two big arms slowly untied themselves from around him and let Matt pull himself away. When Matt had the room to move his head he looked up, and was not surprised in the slightest to see Spencer looking down at him, a look of concern written on his face.

"Spencer" Matt said softly as he looked up at his overseer. In all honesty, who else would it have been? Spencer nodded to Matt and gently brought his hand up to wipe the tears from Matts eyes. Spencer had always been there for him, why not now?

"You've been asleep all day" Spencer said quietly to him. "Everyone is finishing up for the day, and I was getting worried that you wouldn't wake up before I had to leave. I thought I was going to have to call in a Vet to come and take another look at you" Spencer admitted to him.

"Really?" Matt asked him. "A what?" he thought to himself. But he didn't ask as he didn't want to wreck the moment with any stupid talk. Spencer said nothing for a moment, then shook his head.

"Oh, who am I kidding, I would have stayed the night right here with you" he said to him. "Even if I had to sleep on the floor, I would have stayed. It'... not like I have anyone at home to go home to anyway" he admitted.

"I'm sorry Spencer..." Matt began to say but Spencer pressed a finger against Matt's lips to shut him up.

"Matt, it's been taken care of" Spencer said to him. "You did nothing wrong, so don't you dare apologise or believe that this was your fault" Spencer said to him firmly. Matt said nothing as he felt Spencer wrap his hands slowly around his shoulders and held him there firmly.

"Thomas knows that Luke did this. I don't know what's going to happen, but they are going to punish him" Spencer said to Matt as he held him in front of him. "I don't know how, but he is going to get punished for what he has done to you" Spencer said to him.

Matt said nothing as looked up at the bigger male. He wasn't sure what to make of it. But he didn't dare argue with his overseer as he was held there. He did remember Luke stopping himself and running away from what happened, but he did remember Luke saying that he was sorry. However, Matt wasn't going to argue that Luke needed to be punished.

"I'm just so glad that you're awake now" Spencer said to him as he pulled Matt back into a warm hug. Matt felt his face press against Spencer's warm chest through his shirt, and he closed his eyes as he allowed his handler to hold him.

Matt opened his eyes after several quiet and warm moments as he looked over and saw something sitting on his computer desk that he hadn't noticed before. It looked like a little green plant, but it was sitting in a very odd looking jar. The jar looked like it had broken and it had been wrapped back up with masking tape.

"What's that?" Matt asked softly as he brought his hand up to point at the plant. Spencer looked over to see what Matt was pointing at, and sighed to him. Matt dropped his arm and looked up as he saw that Spencer looked utterly embarrassed and was blushing.

"I ... bought that for you on my way home last night" Spencer said softly as he blushed hard. "I was going to give it to you this morning, but I...broke it..." he said as he looked to the side, a look of shame on his face.

Seeing just how ashamed his overseer looked at wrecking a thoughtfull gift, and realising how much Spencer actually cared enough to buy him such a gift, Matt felt some of the trauma in his mind lessen. He felt his heart lift a little as he slowly lifted his head and gave his embarrassed overseer a soft kiss on the lips.

"I love it" Matt said softly. "Thank you."

A Favourite Situation Chapter 11

A Favourite Situation Chapter 11 By Kendo Kawabata To whom it may concern. It is with regret... To whom it may concern. It is with no regret that I hereby officially resign from my position as worker in my uncles warehouse. And I am also...

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A favourite Situation Chapter 9

A Favourite Situation Chapter 9 By Kendo Kawabata "My friends, I would like you all too once again congratulate my son Timothy. Who has managed to complete his handlers licence, not just three months early and ahead of the rest of the class, but...

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A Favourite Situation Chapter 8

A Favourite Situation Chapter 8 By Kendo Kawabata "Matt seems to have a change in attitude." Thomas said to Spencer as he looked out the window of Spencer's office. The tall flamedramon had surprised Spencer that morning by way of showing up...

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