Syren University: Happy Birthday!

Story by Shakal on SoFurry

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#5 of Valhalla Industries

In a University where the subject of study for every student is magic, a birthday party amongst intimately close friends can become a very special event indeed. :)

This story was written by and in collaboration with Jeeves the Roo, and is the second part of a series concerning a wonderful place called Valhalla Industries. This series contains M/M sexual acts throughout! :)

Originally posted here -> Syren University: Happy Birthday!

Syren University - Happy Birthday

It was the start of Spring Break at Syren University for the Magically Gifted; the first and most respected higher education level establishment for the magical arts of witchcraft and wizardry in the country. This two week break was a time for the students to cut loose and enjoy themselves, just as any non-magical individuals may have in their own colleges or universities across the world. The only difference was the kind of fun which could be had when you knew all about the world of magic; the places, the people, and the abilities open to you which simply would not be possible, or even believable if you were not a wizard or a witch. Instead of travelling to the crowded beaches by plane, you could travel to remote tropical islands by Apparition. Instead of going skiing in the mountains, you could go carpet riding over the rainforest, riding high in the thermal updraughts and dodging between thunderstorms.

Or, if you were of a more relaxed, easygoing nature, you could simply chill out in the university dorms for a couple of weeks, and enjoy some quality time with your friends. Quality time which, with magic involved, could be exceptionally fun in its own wonderful way.

"I guess we're skipping Jaythen until he shows up. That means Simion, it's your turn."

The living area of this particular dorm apartment was packed. Simion had already counted eighteen other guys here with him, most of them good friends of his, and all dear acquaintances of the birthday boy they were here to treat. He had been fairly certain that Callum had told him there were supposed to be twenty guests here, so wherever that final guy had gotten to Simion sincerely hoped he realised quite what an incredible opportunity he was missing. Rising from the armchair in which he'd been resting for almost three hours now, chatting with some of the other partygoers, drinking and eating a little of the delicious buffet spread which lined one whole wall of the room, Simion couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of anticipation as he approached the doorway in which Callum was now standing, beckoning him forward.

The chestnut furred otter, Callum, was naked as he stood in the doorway, and his six and a half inch cock was swollen to full erect readiness though it remained untouched by the male's hands. Many other guys in the room were already nude too; some of them having already had their turn with Jamie, some simply preparing in advance with a little warm-up, either solo or with another one or two of the partygoers. Simion didn't feel embarrassed still to be dressed though. Anyone at this party knew that being naked or being clothed didn't make any difference. They wouldn't have been invited if they were any sort of prude... quite the opposite in fact. This party, this gift which had been organised for Jamie by his undisputed best friend Callum, was all about pushing beyond any inhibitions and limitations of their normal forms and sexual functioning. And as number twelve out of twenty visitors to the tiger's bedchamber, Simion could not wait to see what joys Jamie had already been given the chance to experience.

Simion and Callum embraced as they came face to face, and the fox even planted a soft kiss upon Callum's cheek in gratitude for inviting him to this unique and delightful event. They said nothing; the ground-rules had long since been clearly established and no-one here was dumb enough to need reminding of them. They simply held one another for a few fond seconds, then passed by, Simion jumping slightly and blushing as Callum slapped him playfully on his denim-clad rear on the way through.

Walking along the hallway corridor the short distance to Jamie's bedroom, Simion noticed the first signs of sexual activity. There were a few items of clothing strewn across the hallway floor, and some drips and streaks of whitish liquid in varying states of freshness which were doubtlessly the result of furs leaking as they made their way back from their hour with the birthday boy.

"Anyone want to go see if they can find that silly snowm..."

There was a strange crispness to the air too, an almost deathly silence which it took Simion a few seconds to realise was not natural. He could no longer hear the party, and as he looked back at the open hallway door with Callum's figure now leaning up against the frame casually, gently and nonchalantly rubbing his swollen cock with one hand while he twirled his wand in the other, the fox noted that he could see people talking, dancing and fooling around beyond Callum, but not hear a single whisper of what they were doing. A muffling spell had been cast upon the bedroom and its surroundings, doubtlessly to keep un-invited guests from gatecrashing the party. It was a good idea, but Simion still quickened his pace through the very empty, lonely sounding corridor; longing for the sound of more than his own heart pounding within his ears.

Upon arriving at Jamie's bedroom door, Simion didn't even think about knocking. He simply placed his hand upon the knob, twisted, and slipped through the wooden frame; closing the door swiftly and firmly behind him once more before finally setting eyes upon the big cat for whom he was here.

"Sim... I w-wondered if you were coming."

Half sitting half lying upon the king size bed which had no doubt been conjured up for the purpose of this day's events, was the tiger of the moment. The birthday boy. Jamie. He was naked, and he was hard. His tall, burly frame was trembling visibly with the sheer volume of pleasure that had already passed through him since early that morning, and it was clear that some serious magical manipulation had probably taken place to bring him to this point.

Simion only now began to take off his clothes, calmly and casually beginning to disrobe as Jamie addressed him once more. "You know the rules, I guess?"

The fox grinned, nodding warmly as he slipped his t-shirt up and over his head, tossing it down to the floor carelessly. "Yeah. Callum said it was one spell on you, and one on myself. We have an hour, and I have to leave you in a state that you'll still be ready for the guy after me."

Another violent shiver passed through Jamie's body, and the tiger groaned happily at the mere thought of there being yet more to come after Simion. He nodded, blushing and licking his lips. "R-right. Do you wanna know what I've already had done to me, o-or do you want to find out on your own before you cast your spell?"

Considering these two options carefully, Simion glanced up and down the tiger's naked form. He groaned softly as his own underwear slipped softly over the curve of his ass, bringing him to a state of full nudity at last, and grinned. "Tell me. I wanna have as much time as possible with you myself, and I don't want to have to waste twenty minutes making sure I don't put the same spell on you as someone else."

Jamie blushed, but began to purr like a motorbike engine as Simion scrambled up onto the bed and lay down next to him. His powerful six foot three form dwarfed the five and a half foot fox, but as Simion reached over and gently began to rub the tiger's swollen shaft without so much as a kiss it was perfectly clear who was in charge here. The big cat rolled his hips, gasping as he bucked against Simion's touch, and began to list off all that he had been through since midnight, and the dawn of this unforgettable twentieth birthday.

As he listened to the list, Simion's eyes widened, and his own already erect member began to twitch, to throb and to drool pre-cum at the very thought of all that Jamie had already been through. While there was still a great deal that could be done to the tiger, Simion was a little sad to hear that some of the spells he had longed to cast upon Jamie himself had already been taken. Already the tiger's recovery period had been reduced to nil; the big cat's body able to go from orgasm right back into the build up for the next without any issues of discomfort or dwindling desire. Similarly the production capacity of his balls had been raised to a point where he would never run dry, and each climax would produce such volumes that it might seem as if it had been a month or two since Jamie last got off. Some of the spells had been very specific to little intimate details between the tiger and a certain lover; making the erogenous capacity of Jamie's ears 100 times what it normally would have been, a single caress driving the tiger wild with lust and a nibble almost enough to send him into orgasmic convulsions. His body had been wired to ignore fatigue for twenty-four straight hours, and, lewd and unnecessary as it may have seemed, to metabolise cum into energy; each mouthful more potent that a shot of the strongest espresso.

After all was said and done though, Simion noted that there was one seemingly obvious omission to the list of things which had been done to the tiger. He had been teased, toyed with and fucked countless times, and it seemed almost impossible that no-one had thought to further enhance his experience in this particular way. And yet, that did seem to be the case.

The two males parted reluctantly, peeling one another from their shared embrace as Simion scrambled to gather his wand from the bedroom floor amid his pile of clothes. He raised it up into the air, and began to murmur the words to a long and complex modification of one of the most basic body enhancement charms that tended to be used in wizardly sexual play. Gradually a deep lavender glow began to emanate from the tip of the fox's wand, a shimmering light which grew in intensity until Jamie could barely look directly at it from where he was lying upon the bed, slowly pawing at his own cock in haggard anticipation of what was soon to transpire between himself and the fox.

"Tactilia cerebris!"

With the cry of that familiar spell, the charm to enhance ones sense of touch to the point where fingertips could 'read' the impressions in a desk from someone writing upon it with a quill and ink, the modified energy of the spell leapt from the tip of Simion's wand and struck out at Jamie with a crack of violet lightning. The tiger cried out in shock, but not pain, and then froze; waiting, trembling in delight as he waited to see or to feel what was about to happen to him.

He waited, and waited. But even as Simion scrambled up onto the bed once more, wand still in hand, Jamie felt nothing new.

"Roll over... show me that ass."

The tiger was a rather submissive individual at the best of times, always willing and eager to share himself with a lover in that most intimate and personal of ways. Today however, after so many hours of sexual intoxication, he was almost falling over himself in his desire to be fucked yet again by yet another swollen length of manhood. In a second his tail was flagged and his ass was presenting itself to the fox's gaze. He turned his head, looking back to watch hungrily as Simion knelt behind him, shuffling slowly and with great care into position. The fox placed his wand down upon the bed briefly, reaching over to the small table at the side of the king-size mattress and picking up a small glass bottle of Erotique Endless Essence; the top selling brand of magical lubricant which was guaranteed never to dry up or run out, even if you just used a single drop. Indeed it only took a few glistening specks on the tips of Simion's fingers to render his red shaft glistening and slick with the lube, and as he lined himelf up and began to apply the most gentle pressure to the tiger's admittedly well-worked ass, he began to slide in as though penetrating that firm, magically tight pucker was the most natural and easy thing in the world.

Only when both he and Jamie were grunting and moaning in pleasure, all of the fox's length buried within the tiger's tight ass, did Simion cease and reach down for his wand once more. He rubbed Jamie's lower back with his free hand, and reached down, around the tiger's firm but soft furred stomach to squeeze teasingly at Jamie's cock. Thick, hot spurts of pre-cum lashed his fingertips at that single touch, and the tiger growled in ecstasy, but that only made Simion grin all the more broadly. If Jamie felt this good now... just wait until he got started.

Softly, carefully, Simion tapped his wand against his own hips, and spoke the spell which would transform this hour into hopefully the most memorable moments of Jamie's birthday so far.


With the spell spoken, Simion began to thrust. His shaft drew back, revealing perhaps half of its glistening length from between the tiger's cheeks before driving it all back in once again. He drove his cock in and out again, and again, and again. This might not have been so surprising given the fact that these two lovers had been together many times in the past, and anal play was nothing new to them. But given that all four of those initial thrusts had been delivered in the space of a single second, it was quite obvious that the speed-spell which Simion had cast upon the joints and musculature of his hips was working to full effect. Indeed the only thing more perfectly active in that moment than Simion's hips was Jamie's own body, nerves firing, pleasure centres screaming within his brain, and every inch of his aching cock blazing with cataclysmic ecstasy as he felt three of those four jackhammer thrusts plough against his prostate, and realised just what aspect of his body Simion had made super-sensitive.

The tiger screamed in shameless, uncontrollable ecstasy as Jamie's seemingly rocket-powered hips began to drive into him at a relentless pace. He buried his head in the pile of pillows which lay before it, he clawed and pounded tight fists against the bedding in an effort to work out some of the overwhelming pleasure which his body seemed incapable of processing as fast as it was lavished upon him. He tried so hard to rationalise the tender touch of Simion's hands upon his ass and lower back, the soft and giddy moans of the fox ringing in his ears, against that overwhelming surge of euphoria which battered at the doors of his consciousness like a pneumatic ram, but it was impossible. There was a certain heat, a certain blistering intensity which overcame the prostate if it was stimulated correctly, a sensation which was multiplied to near infinity mid-orgasm. It was that sensation which, alongside the obvious intimacy of the act, made anal sex so appealing, and it was that seemingly orgasmic feeling which filled Jamie's body now... not just for a moment, not just once or twice as Simion struck lucky, but relentlessly and unceasingly.

Less than a minute passed before Jamie hit his first orgasm, wailing like a helpless but giddy kitten as he poured copious streaks of his seed out over the bedding beneath him, cock untouched as it throbbed and slapped against his stomach, but still stimulated well beyond the brink of climactic ecstasy. The second followed forty two second later, not that Jamie could possibly have counted the time as it slipped by in a haze of thick, treacle-like glee. He snarled and tore sizeable holes in the soft bedding beneath him with the claws of his fingers during that second orgasm, but by the time the third climax hit home a lengthy one minute and four seconds after the last, all the fight was gone from his pleasure ridden form. The tiger lay flat upon the bed, limbs twitching, eyes half closed, tongue lolling out and a small trickle of saliva running out of the corner of his lazily grinning maw as Simion continued to rain blows down upon his prostate hard and fast. Cum oozed out between his belly and the soft bedsheets, sticking to his fur and pooling in a sticky mass as he shivered and writhed mindlessly. At that moment, it didn't matter whether Simion had an hour with Jamie, five minutes, or ten years. Time was irrelevant as the tiger lay there and quivered and came, just so long as the hot cock in his ass kept working its magic against his prostate.

*************** "Ohhh..."

Some distance away from the dorms, in one of the larger university buildings, Jeeves moaned softly as he gazed down into the stone bowl filled with a clear but somehow glassy liquid; like the monitor of an LCD computer screen. It was impossible to see his erection beneath his black robes, but still Shakal gently nudged the kangaroo to ensure that no further moans attracted unwanted attention towards their activities. Other students wandered by the classroom occasionally, glancing through the door to see their professors and a few select research students hard at work on various magical experiments and magically attuned wizarding devices, but they paid it little attention. The Valhalla room was often occupied by staff members engaged in their own personal research, and while no-one really knew what exactly went on in there, they knew that it didn't really affect life at the college at all. Just as the teachers didn't pry into their private affairs, into the fun they had with their magic in the privacy of their dorms, they had no desire to pay unwanted attention to whatever theoretical magical research interested members of the university's faculty.

Thus as the headmaster of the college, Professor Shakal, and his assistant looked deep into the flowing but smooth and clear depths of their viewing orb, no-one could possibly have known that they were gazing intently at a certain tiger as he moaned and writhed in pleasure, being mounted and fucked over and over and over again by an eager vulpine. Occasionally Shakal turned away to write a note down upon a scroll, or handed a completed piece of parchment off to another member of staff with a few whispered words and a nod of thanks, but mostly they just watched. It was incredible for them to see the lengths to which the mind and body could be pushed under the influence of magic... when all the supposed laws of physics were suspended by forces far beyond most of mankind's comprehension. More miraculous still however was the way that people acted when they had such powers, not choosing to use them for their own wealth or personal gain... at least, not when students selected for Syren were concerned, but instead wielding magic which allowed them to bring joy and pleasure to others. To receive ecstasy, yes, but also to give it in equal and very much more personal, intimate abundance.

They watched, rapt and unceasing in their attention, as Simion's hour with Jamie wore on and finally drew to a close. They watched the fox and tiger kiss deeply, the vulpine male's paw delighting in caressing the sticky mess of his lover's furred stomach, and finally observed as Jamie departed.

Callum then spent a few minutes with Jamie, cleaning him up, casting a few spells to ensure he was ready and able to entertain and enjoy the next guest at his party. He repaired the bed and sheets, and finally shared a fond embrace with the erect, needy tiger, and leaving once more.

One of the most gifted students at the entire university was next in line. A seven foot tall black furred bull, a man who dwarfed Jamie as much as the tiger had dwarfed Simion, yet who entered as meekly and nervously as any man yet. Shakal and Jeeves watched, enthralled, as he cast a spell to make the tiger's shaft swell to an obscene size; equal in length and width to that of the bull, though obviously just temporary. He cast no spell upon himself, and with their bodies now more or less equal in sexual capacity and comparability, flung himself forward into the tiger's open arms. For much of the hour these two gentle giants seemed to rub and tease up against one another, kissing, cuddling, not seeking actual release but simply relishing the intimacy of another's touch, without having to worry about intimidating or hurting them with their perhaps overwhelming size. When finally they came though, it was together, with Jamie's two paws wrapped around both their cocks, sending them boiling over the brink as he pawed them in hungry unison.

Another man followed in the bull's wake, and another, and another, and another. Some were all about giving Jamie an experience he wouldn't ever forget, while others seemed every bit a intent on fulfilling their own fantasies as they were to give Jamie a memorable birthday gift. One of the last males to share the tiger's bed in fact, number eighteen of the nineteen guests who had showed up, seemed almost ashamed of how selfish he was being. Jamie did not complain of course, the tiger snarling in quite literally endless bliss as his cock was enchanted with the very same sensation increasing spell which had already been set upon his ears and his prostate. He came where he stood beside the bed, pumping at his cock with one hand while the other steadied himself upon the shoulder of the small, rather feminine raccoon kneeling before him. Ropes and strings of thick seed coated the raccoon from head to toe, and continued to rain down upon his gleeful, open mouthed face as each back-to-back orgasm to strike the tiger proved more than enough to provoke the next eruption from his over-sensitized shaft.

By the time the final guest, a twinky serval who rode the tiger's shaft for an hour of mutal bliss, left for the night, it was beyond 11pm. There was only one hour left of Jamie's birthday, and the final male to share the tiger's bed was now in the room with him. It was Callum who joined Jamie upon the bed now, circumnavigating the pools of the tiger's cum without bothering to clear it up. He cuddled the now exhausted, but at least no longer constantly cumming feline.

This was what Jeeves and Shakal had been waiting for all day, and indeed for much of the term here at Syren. They had known from the moment that Callum and Jamie had become bunkmates that the otter had feelings for his friend. So many times they had seen Callum listening and touching himself while Jamie entertained another man in the bunk below, and even when Callum had been the one with a partner for the night, they had always seem him lying with closed eyes beneath his lover of choice, fighting not to cry out the tiger's name as he felt his partner fill him with cum or trigger an orgasm of his very own.

It wasn't that Callum was shy, per se, or that he and Jamie had never been together like that. It was just that while Jamie was here to have fun, and considered Callum to be just one of many friends he had as lovers, the otter had fallen for his bunkmate in a big way. He had fallen in love with Jamie, and dared not say anything in case it ruined what intimacy they were able to share thus far.

Thus, as they lay tenderly in bed together, both erect but neither one doing more than cuddling at that moment in time, the university's headmaster, his assistant and indeed several other members of staff were all eager to see if perhaps today was the day that Callum took a leap of faith.


"Hey, Jamie...?"


"Happy birthday."

The tiger growled softly, happily, and turned his head to look Callum in the eyes. He craned his neck forwards, the day finally beginning to catch up to him as the various spells began to wear off the closer it drew to midnight, and kissed the otter tenderly on the lips.

"Thanks. I can't believe you organised all this for me. It was... it's... t-the best birthday gift ever."

Callum chuckled softly, red faced and short of breath after that gentle kiss from the man he worshipped.

"I'm glad. But... that wasn't your gift. At least, it wasn't my gift to you. I gave you your gift early this morning... just before I woke you up with your first guest."

With his eyes widening slightly, Jamie rolled over onto his side to face Callum head on. His erect shaft turned with him, and grazed the otter's thigh. Callum shuddered in excitement, but fought to regain his composure as the tiger addressed him curiously.

"So, what was your gift then?"

Callum blushed, but there was an undeniable note of pride in his voice as he told Jamie what he had done.

"I... I've been working on a memory charm for the last year or so. I planned on making it my dissertation practical project; a new spell for enhanced cognitive and sensory recall. But really, I wanted it to be your gift this year. For twenty four hours after casting it, the charm will record and ingrain every last little detail of your experiences into your memory with perfect clarity. F-for the rest of your life, when you think about today you will be able to remember every detail of it. Every smell, every touch, every emotion.... everything, as if you're re-living it. And as a bonus, I made sure it slipped into your subconscious a little too, so for the next six or seven months you should re-live it in your sleep every night... and it'll feel just as good as it did today."

The tiger stared at his friend. He stared, dumbstruck, and in absolute awe.

"You... you did all that, just for me?"

Callum nodded nervously.


Jamie closed his eyes for a moment, perhaps testing out how accurate and effective this memory recall was. He shuddered, and gasped in pleasure as his eyes opened, pre-cum suddenly spurting from his untouched erection and out across Callum's own trembling thigh.

"O-ohh... oh god, Callum. That's amazing. Why would you do something like that just for me? I mean, as if today wasn't above and beyond a thousand times over... w-what did I do to deserve something so... so incredible?"

For a moment, Callum said nothing. It wasn't that he didn't have an answer, it was just trying to summon up the courage to say it. Those four simple words.

'Because I love you.'

He drew in a deep breath, looked deep into Jamie's eyes once more, and spoke.

"Because... y-you're my friend."

Seconds later, as the tiger and otter lay together in fond, friendly silence, a clock began to strike close by. Twelve chimes signalling midnight, and the consignment of Jamie's birthday into the past.

Jamie drew Callum into his arms and embraced him tightly. The otter hugged his friend and lover back, and as he slowly listened to the rate of Jamie's breathing decrease while the exhausted tiger slipped into a fitful, assuredly dream filled slumber, he smiled.

The tiger might not have ended his birthday knowing that Callum loved him, as had originally been intended. But he had experienced a truly wonderful day, and it had drawn to a close with the big cat knowing that he had a friend whom he could depend on for satisfaction, for happiness, and to be there with him from the start to the end of anything.

It might not have been love, but if it made Jamie happy then as far as the otter was concerned, that was enough.

Valhalla Industries : Living on the Edge

This story was written by and in collaboration with Jeeves the Roo, and is the second part of a series concerning a wonderful place called Valhalla Industries. This series contains M/M sexual acts throughout! :) Originally posted here -\> [Valhalla...

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Valhalla Industries : The Journey

This story was written by and in collaboration with Jeeves the Roo, and is the second part of a series concerning a wonderful place called Valhalla Industries. This series contains M/M sexual acts throughout! :) Originally posted here -\> [Valhalla...

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Valhalla Industries : The Meaning of Control

This story was written by Danath as one of his free themed livestream story events, without prior knowledge of the rest of the Valhalla collection being created. Edited by Shakal with Danath's permission and approval. Originally posted here -\> [For...

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