Valhalla Industries : The Journey

Story by Shakal on SoFurry

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#3 of Valhalla Industries

In a prolonged experiment regarding orgasm control, a lion finds his search for the limits of his sexuality being pushed to the very edge.

This story was written by and in collaboration with Jeeves the Roo, and is the second part of a series concerning a wonderful place called Valhalla Industries. This series contains M/M sexual acts throughout! :)

Originally posted here -> Valhalla Industries : The Journey

Valhalla Industries Part Two: The Journey

Someone once said that it wasn't the destination which mattered, but the journey to get there. When Trey first signed up with Valhalla Industries, perhaps there had been a part of him which believed that. Maybe somewhere in the fuming, boiling pit of sexual desire that was the lion's mind, he still believed that. But for now, the main thought dominating the lion's mind was most certainly his destination.

Trey raised his eyes from the wall of text he had been staring at for an immeasurable length of time. He looked around the large hall at all the other furs scribbling away at their own exams. Anthros of all species, shapes, and sizes. To his right a lithe lizard drummed his left foot lightly against the floor as he wrote, the vibrations of his leg subtly stimulating the drooling, dripping, and chastity-caged length of his cock as best he could. To his left an otter whimpered and fumbled for his eraser, his hands shaking so violently with the arousal coursing through him that not only did he drop the eraser, but he practically threw it across the aisle between his desk and Trey's.

The buff lion rolled his eyes, and brushed his fingertips along the soft but firmly sealed collar around his neck. This same collar could be found on the neck of almost every student studying in this room, the patented NoGasm collar from Valhalla Industries. He knew all too well how cruel a master that small band of studded fabric could be, but still it made him cringe with embarrassment to see other furs behaving so poorly. He was in every bit as much need as them. He was under the same pressure, the same conditions that they were, his own thick cock swollen and throbbing, pressing almost painfully up against the base of this small wooden desk at which he was seated and oozing a steady stream of pre into the smooth, varnished underside. He too had to pass this exam, to beat his previous time and score, if he wanted the reward. Orgasm. Sweet, blessed release. But these other furs' amateurish and desperate behaviour was so distracting, and every moan, every gasp, every grunt and whine of desire he heard made focusing on the paper in front of him that much harder. Even now, all he could think about was what he'd been doing almost an hour before. God, he wished he could be back there now. Those otters. Their mouths. God he wanted to cum.

Trey sat back in his chair, the comfiest chair that had ever existed or would ever exist, so supportive of every hair and skin cell of his body that it practically felt like he was floating, and groaned happily. All around him there were otters. Otters sucking cock and otters waiting to suck cock. Between his legs, one of the many lithe, handsome critters who seemed so ubiquitous in this particular establishment, more common and eager than almost any other species within the walls of Valhalla Industries' testing labs, suckled hungrily on his own thick shaft. He had been hard at work for fifteen minutes now, and his was the fifth mouth to tend to Trey that afternoon alone. The lion was, after all, serving as a glorified dildo. A living prop on which the endurance of these otters could be tested. How long could they go without stopping? How long could they last sucking a cock before their muzzles got so sore that even the incredible joy they all obviously took in oral sex was no longer worth it?

"Mhh... hey, don't stop..."

Pulled from his reverie by the sudden absence of hot, wet muzzle around his cock, Trey reached out and was about to grab the back of the otter's head, to pull him gently but firmly back into place around his ever needy cock. No, the lion couldn't cum, his collar saw to that all too effictively. But if he couldn't cum, being in constant pleasure was the next best thing, and damned if he was going to waste time not feeling good when the offer was right there.

Before Trey could reach the otter though, another hand intercepted his, grasping him gently by the wrist. It was a smaller hand, not nearly strong enough to stop the powerful lion had he truly been intent on his pursuit. But at the softest touch from the collie standing beside him, stopwatch in his free hand, Trey instantly let his hand fall back to the arm of the chair upon which it had been resting for most of the day. "Good boy, Tracy..." the collie said with a grin.

The lion growled. He hated it when the staff here called him that. He hated it, and he loved how it made his cock throb so hungrily.

"Now settle down and we'll get you a replacement." Raising his voice just a little, the lab coat wearing canine called out to the crowd of otters standing and talking at the far end of the room. "Number nineteen!"

The otter in question was at Trey's side in what seemed like an instant, leaping over several of his blowjob giving brethren and falling to his knees between Trey's thighs with almost frightening eagerness. Trey didn't know what the reward was for the otter who gave the longest running blowjob, but by the way that all these otters were going at it with such single minded determination, it was something well worth fighting for.

The beep of a stopwatch sounded beside Trey's left ear, and he roared in ecstasy as a new mouth sank down hungrily around his cock, beginning to suck and lick at his member with the renewed vigour of a muzzle that had yet to grow even the slightest bit weary of thick, barbed lion-meat.

"Mmhh... fuck!"

Trey cursed under his breath as he realised that he'd stopped writing, glancing up at the clock which sat ominously on the wall at the far end of the room, showing that there were only twenty five minutes of the exam remaining. He pulled his hand away from his swollen, dripping member and picked up his pencil once more, putting it to paper and beginning to write down the answer to the last of the many arithmetic questions which this exam presented. As he moved onto the next section, this one including a paragraph of text with five spelling errors which had to be spotted and corrected, he tried to shut out the sounds of the other furs around him. Tried to shut out their combined heavy breathing, moaning, gasping, their desperate need for release which seemed to amplify his own. Instead he focused internally, listening to the pounding of his own heart, so loud and rapid, in perfect sync with the throbbing of his cock.

"Doubtful." Every letter was a struggle to write down. "D-O-U-B-T-F-U-L." Every scratch of the pencil against the paper an overwhelming effort that made the lion want nothing more than to sink back into his fantasies. No, he wouldn't be granted release there any more than he'd be granted it in real life, but at least he could dream. At least he could hope! He could pretend that he aced the quiz, that he got 100% in a matter of minutes, beating not just his time but every_time set by anyone who'd taken this test, whether pent up and prevented from cumming or not. He'd win, and he'd claim his prize without hesitation. He'd cum again and again at the hands of all who wished to lay their paws upon him, being passed from cock to cock, hole to hole, muzzle to muzzle; commanded, used, and dominated as he willingly gave himself up to their control no matter how much bigger or stronger he might have been. He'd take it all, and love it because he knew that they_wanted him, they were choosing him above all others to be their bitch, their pleasure hungry whore. They wanted him because he was the strongest. The most handsome. The horniest. The sluttiest. The best!

"N-nhh!" SNAP!

The sudden loud sound tugged Trey back to reality. He glanced down, gasping in wide eyed dismay, at the splintered halves of the pencil he was holding in his clenched fist. Again his other paw was on his cock, still now, but slick with the fluids that told him he'd been working himself hard and fast underneath the desk. Trey looked up at the clock again, praying that he hadn't been distracted for as long as he feared, and groaned mournfully. Even as he watched, the clock was ticking down not minutes, but seconds till the end of the exam. He frantically turned his gaze down to the paper once more, desperate to get one more answer in on the hopes that he'd gotten a greater proportion than usual right, and that just one more answer might push him over the top!

A buzzer sounded, and the sound of a hundred pencils obediently being dropped to their desks rang out around the room. Many furs leaned back in their wooden seats and began to masturbate hungrily, this hour each day spent without sexual attention the longest that some of them had gone untouched for hours, days, or in the cases of the longest term subjects, Trey amongst them, weeks. Meanwhile a handful of staff in white coats wandered through the aisles, collecting papers and dismissing those who had elsewhere to be.

A collie, the same one who'd been supervising Trey in his study with the otters earlier that same afternoon, picked up the lion's paper and glanced over a few of the powerful feline's answers. He smirked, and tutted playfully. "You know the drill, Tracy. Someone will come and collect you in about an hour if you've beaten your previous score, though looking at this, I don't think today was quite your day. I may not be a Mathematician, but I don't think that seventy-nine is a multiple of seven."

Trey glanced at the page which the collie was holding out for him to look at, and sagged in his chair. It wasn't that he'd seen his mistakes, it was just that he was too horny to care. He just... he wanted to cum, or at the very least, to lose himself in pleasure for just a little while longer. Tomorrow he'd apply himself properly and he'd get that release; that orgasm he so desperately craved. "O-okay. Thank you." But now? Now he just wanted his next assignment. "Where should I go next?"

The collie slipped Trey's answers under the crook of one arm, in a bundle with the papers he'd already collected, and jerked a thumb towards one of the doors leading out of the exam hall. "The brainwave laboratory wanted a couple of you guys in long term denial for a sleep study. They were going to test whether it's possible for someone who's wearing a NoGasm collar to dream that they were cumming, and the effect a dream like that might have on their physical arousal." He paused to lick his lips as the lion stood up, the desk no longer hiding his rampant, pre-cum streaked loins. "I told them I knew a kitty-cat who'd be perfect for the job."

Trey growled, though he was smiling. He and the collie always bantered like this, but they enjoyed it. Weird as it may have seemed given the respective positions they held, they'd become quite good friends in the time that Trey had spent here.

With another grin, the canine male turned away from the lion and advanced down the aisle towards the next bench, calling back over his shoulder in a playful tone. "Seeya tomorrow, Tracy. Sweet dreams!"

With his cheeks burning red beneath his thick golden mane, Trey rose from his seat and padded, one paw gently rubbing its thumb over the sensitive head of his shaft, towards the exit that led to the Brainwave laboratories; the high-tech nerve centre of the Valhalla Industries testing facility. He knew the way, having been there several times before for many different, strange and occasionally wonderful treatment protocols or tests, and thus his mind was given time and freedom to wander once more. He thought once again of otters, of their mouths bulging with copious ribbons of his seed as his balls emptied into their gurgling, happy faces. He thought of his lab coated collie friend, of being woken from slumber one night to find a hand over his muzzle and a voice whispering in his ear not to tell anyone, that the collie _owned_him, and wanted him to know that only he could bring him true satisfaction. A soft hand would unlock the collar from around his neck, and a thick, knotted cock would slide between the cheeks of his ass while the collie whispered his name in a voice so soft that no-one else would hear.




The lion stood bolt upright, panting and grunting as he pulled himself away from the corridor wall against which he'd been leaning, thrusting violently into the paw tightly locked around his copiously dripping but still unsatisfied cock. He released his cock and turned on the spot, blushing and almost a little afraid as he recognised the voice which had so sternly addressed him. There, before him, stood Shakal; the black panther who served as the head coordinator for this facility, and indeed this whole branch of Valhalla Industries. He was dressed in his usual long white lab coat and nothing else, the coat currently open putting his strong, soft furred body on display. Despite being un-aroused the panther was still unabashedly sexy and sensual to observe. Beside him, standing and looking at the hulking form of the lion with a mixture of nervousness and lustful longing, was a kangaroo with long brown hair and bright blue eyes; naked and aroused by what he was seeing, but clearly still rather new to this facility. Shakal paid little attention to the marsupial though, approaching his more experienced employee with a furrowed brow.

"Really Tracy, I expect better from you. You've always shown yourself to be more than a weak-willed, lust-driven sex slave. That's why we've kept you on this project for so long. But..."

The panther lifted a paw to cup the lion's full, aching orbs, rolling them along his fingertips.

"But if it's too much, if it's too hard to control the lusts boiling in you, I can pull you from the study. Turn off your collar, give you tonight and tomorrow to paw off as many times as you need to calm down. Then get you on a different project, one that doesn't demand as much self-control. We're getting wonderful results currently from you, Trey, but I guess..."

"No. Please... I... I'm sorry." Trey shook his head violently. As horny as he was, as desperately as he wanted to cum, the last thing he wanted was to be in control of his own sexuality. He wanted to be dominated. To be told when he could and couldn't cum. He needed it. "I'll go to my next assignment right away, I swear."

The lion was about to run; to take off towards the Brainwave laboratory once more and not stop until he was safely under their control, not giving his savage libido any further chances to take over. Before he could do so though, Shakal held up an imposing hand to stop him in his tracks.

"Not quite yet. Judging by your behaviour just now, I can guess the trouble you've had. I think it'll help to give you a little reminder about why it is you should behave. Why you should do your best, and try your hardest in every test we set you. Perhaps you need a glimpse at the kind of reward we can offer you, should you succeed."

Shakal turned on his heel and padded swiftly across the corridor to rejoin the kangaroo standing there, silently watching this exchange with a mixture of curiosity and nervousness. He whispered into the male marsupial's ear, and as he did so Trey watched the kangaroo's eyes widen, first with shock, then bashfulness as his cheeks flushed brightly, and finally, moments later, with pleasure.

The kangaroo fell to his knees, then onto his side, and began to convulse as his hands flew to his suddenly throbbing, cumming cock. He cried out loudly, uttering in giddy ecstasy the name of a man who Trey did not know but who presumably meant a great deal to the rapture stricken 'roo. His stiff shaft twitched and strained, rich streaks of cum flying through the air and landing across his stomach, chest and the floor all around him. Even when his body was spent, his balls emptied, he continued to writhe and wail in pleasure, ecstasy unceasing and infinite apparently granted to him by whatever it was that Shakal had whispered in his ear. Never in his life had Trey been so jealous of anyone, not just because he was cumming so long and hard, but because he had been commanded to do so, and had somehow been rendered more than able to obey.


A hand touched the lion's face. It was such a gentle, tender touch that it stunned the lion into paying full attention, forgetting about the needs of his body completely for the first time in weeks. He looked down at Shakal, though no matter how much physically bigger he may have been than the panther he still felt only one hundredth of the black furred male's size, and whimpered softly.

"...go to your next appointment, and tomorrow, when the time comes to take your exam, try to focus. I know what I said to you when you first started this test... that it was the journey that was important, not the destination. But you know, you should use _both_to motivate yourself. Learn from the journey, but strive to do your best during every moment of it so that when you finally achieve your destination, you'll know you deserve it. Okay?"

Trey swallowed thickly, and shuddered in bliss as Shakal's paw slid down from where it had fondly rested against his cheek to grasp and squeeze the lion's swollen balls once more. He moaned, nodded, and with his hands at his sides, clenched into tight fists to resist the temptation offered by his drooling cock, set off once more towards his latest task. Towards the Brainwave laboratories; the next stop on his long, hard and tortuously pleasant journey.

By Jeeves With editing and input by Shakal. :)

Valhalla Industries : The Meaning of Control

This story was written by Danath as one of his free themed livestream story events, without prior knowledge of the rest of the Valhalla collection being created. Edited by Shakal with Danath's permission and approval. Originally posted here -\> [For...

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Valhalla Industries : The Interview

This story was written by and in collaboration with Jeeves the Roo, and is the first part of a series concerning a wonderful place called Valhalla Industries. This series contains M/M sexual acts throughout! :) Originally posted here -\> [Valhalla...

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