Valhalla Industries : The Meaning of Control

Story by Shakal on SoFurry

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#2 of Valhalla Industries

Vincent also signs up as an intern with Valhalla Industries for the summer, and his product testing begins right away! But curious feline should ask questions, rather then just assuming they know what's in store for them...

This story was written by Danath as one of his free themed livestream story events, without prior knowledge of the rest of the Valhalla collection being created. Edited by Shakal with Danath's permission and approval.

Originally posted here -> For Science!: Freebies Vol. 54: Chemicality Edition!

Valhalla Industries Part Two: The Meaning of Control

"...and just one more initial here. Okay! We're finished with the paperwork. Welcome to the Valhalla Industries Intern Testing Programme."

Shakal, a broad-shouldered black panther, leaned back in his high-backed leather executive chair. Across the broad oak desk sat Vincent, an attractive cheetah with the typical yellow and black markings of a cheetah. He was young looking, but in great shape. While chatting earlier, Shakal learned Vincent was heavily involved in track and field as a long-distance runner, which lent itself to his lean, powerful legs and skinny upper body. Cheetahs didn't normally go for long distance, preferring sprints instead, but Vincent expressed his love of cross country several times.

"You'll be paid at the end of the study for your time and... I forget, have you been shown around the facility?"

"Yeah, I know where the cafeteria is and my room. This place is pretty amazing, if a little empty." The cheetah couldn't help but blush for a moment, thinking back to the soft king sized bed and lube dispenser installed on the wall beside it. He thought it a shame he would be getting more use out of the TV and video game console instead, given what he'd seen poking his head into some of the testing facilities. He couldn't even imagine what some of that equipment was for.

"Yours is one of the first projects were starting, most of the volunteers won't be arriving until early next week. Once all projects are running this place will be pretty crowded."

"Now, one last thing. As I am administering the first injection, I must verbally go over the procedure with you... again, this time to receive your consent as your medical caregiver." The panther rolled his amethyst eyes theatrically, making the cheetah giggle with him at the absurdity of some rules.

"You are helping us test a libido-controlling drug which is to be given via injection. You'll receive one injection a week for four months, but you'll remain on the campus here for three in total so that we can monitor both its effects and your health. Obviously given the effects you will not be asked to volunteer as a primary subject in other tests during your time here, as any results will be skewed by the effects of the drug. However you will be free to volunteer in a support role in any tests you feel up to participating in. Do you consent to being part of this program?"

The cheetah couldn't help but giggle again. "I do."

"Thanks for playing along. Any questions?"

Vincent shook his head. "Nope, seems straightforward."

"Great. Stand up over here, please."

The panther smiled beguilingly as he stood up next to his desk, and once the cheetah was beside him rolled up Vincent's shirt sleeve. He sprayed a small area of the cheetah's upper arm with a disinfectant spray before opening a small black case on his desk. A gleaming syringe and a small bottle of clear fluid rested inside. After filling the syringe, he held the tip near the cheetah's shoulder.

"You may feel a little prick..."

A moment later and the deed was done. Vincent rubbed his arm after Shakal withdrew the needle and nodded his head. The panther grinned and leaned back against his desk. He couldn't stop his tail tip from twitching rapidly, but he kept it behind the desk, out of the cheetah's view.

"How do you feel?"

The cheetah shrugged. "I dunno... okay, I guess. I mean... well... oh..."

Shakal lowered his eyes, glancing at the slim feline's hips. A mighty boner pushed out against his tight jeans.

Vincent looked down as well and, realizing what Shakal was seeing, turned away.

"Oh! Sorry, I don't know... what's... come over me... I feel so... so..."

The cheetah's words trailed off and he turned back towards Shakal. He was breathing hard and panting. The panther's fiendish grin spread. The drug was working faster than he'd anticipated. All Vincent was told was that they were testing a libido-controlling drug on him. The cheetah had simply assumed that meant removing his sex drive, but there are many types of control besides suppression.

As the cheetah moved closer, paws trembling, Shakal thought about modern science and what a wonderful thing it was. He kept his arms on his hips for the moment, watching his fellow feline start to squirm.

"How do you feel now?"

"I feel... hot... like I need something," Vincent gasped. His trembling paws lifted, going to Shakal's suit coat, gripping the lapels. "What... what's happening?"

"Perfectly normal response to your first injection, just perfect."

Shakal spoke soothingly, carefully disengaging the cheetah's claws from his jacket. He took it off and hung it on a coat rack near the door before turning the lock. Turning back towards Vincent, he saw the cheetah's eyes were already glazing over and one paw rubbed furiously along his erection inside his jeans.

"Would you feel better with those off?"

The black panther slunk back across the room, thick legs carrying him easily, until he was mere inches from the cheetah.

"Ye... yeah..."

"Here, let me help."

A few minutes later, Vincent was trembling, naked, hard as could be. Shakal licked his lips, seeing how firm the cheetah's erection was, and dragged a single claw up his belly, through his white chest fur, over his neck, and tipped the smaller male's chin up.

"Do you want me?"

The cheetah groaned and nodded, unable to stop the words forming on his lips.


"Just perfect."

His shirt and tie flew off, followed by his pants. He grasped his sheath, already thickening, and a moment later his long pink shaft dropped free, rising rapidly into the air. Vincent stared, eyes wide, as the meaty appendage poked his skinny belly to the side of his own pulsing, shiny black shaft.

"Why don't you turn around?"

The cheetah did, lifting his tail like any good submissive would, and Shakal pumped a palmful of lube from a dispenser built into his desk. He working the slick fluid over his cock as he stared hungrily at the lithe feline's ass. Vincent's palms spread over the smooth wood of the desk as Shakal stepped in close behind him, using a paw to rub his cock along the fuzzy white ass cheeks. He whispered softly to the cheetah, purring deep in his throat.

"You want it bad, don't you?"

"Unnghhh... yes... please!" Vincent moaned, pitching higher as his desperation grew.

"Good boy."

Shakal grunted as he fitted his tip to the cheetah's tight tail hole. He was excited for this - the feline was so damn hot. The black panther pushed forward slowly and twisted his ears forward when Vincent let out a deliciously dirty moan of approval.

He pushed in sharply, grunting when he felt the cheetah's tight walls clench around his slick length. Vincent's legs trembled and he nearly fell onto the desk as Shakal pushed in deeper, taking him in one long, deep thrust. He leaned into the cheetah's backside, muzzle resting over the smaller male's shoulder. He could feel the cat's heart beating like a drum and he spread his hands out, covering Vincent's, holding them onto the table.

"Oh, yes, you are so tight!"

Shakal growled, drawing his hips back for another deep thrust. Vincent mewled helplessly, hips grinding back onto the fat feline erection spearing under his tail.

"Ha... harder!"

Shakal closed his eyes, purring with delight as the submissive bottom pushed back against him. He lifted his paws, stroking up Vincent's flat, hard stomach and chest, using his claws to tease through the thick fur. His hips pumped steadily, heavily, dragging his hard shaft in and out of the cheetah's tight ass.

The black panther wanted even more. He gripped the back of Vincent's neck and twisted, locking the cat into place. Vincent managed a strangled yelp as Shakal forced him down over the desk, chest on the smooth wood. Papers flew off as the muscular feline leaned over Vincent, slamming his hips deeper, harder.

The cheetah twitched, pushed back, and yowled when Shakal released his neck. His ass clenched tight around the thick length probing his guts and his own shaft throbbed against the side of the desk, pointing almost straight down as Shakal humped him. Shakal, for his part, kicked Vincent's legs farther apart and bent over, opening his muzzle and biting down on the cheetah's shoulder, claiming him as only an alpha feline could.

For several long minutes, the only noise in the room came from the pounding of Vincent's hips against the desk. Shakal fucked him mercilessly, pounding his ass heavier and harder by the moment. He leaned back, claws raking down the cheetah's backside as the smaller male squeezed even harder, tight and hot around his aching cock. This was even better than he'd planned - the cheetah couldn't stop from slutting it up and grinding on his pole.

"Mmmph... gonna... cum!"

Shakal gasped. His grip tightened on Vincent's hips and he bounced his broad pink cock in and out rapidly, withdrawing nearly completely with each sloppy, wet thrust.

One final time, though, he shoved in and held himself there, one leg lifting, knee on the desk, both paws gripping Vincent's hips, palms nearly touching in the center of his skinny backside. Shakal grunted, bit his lower lip, and exploded deep within the feline.

Vincent cried out, tongue curling, eyes shut. His cock shot sticky loads of cum against the side of the desk as he climaxed automatically with the other male. The heavy body pressed down on him, pinning him, holding him tight. His small chest rose and fell with rapid breaths as the never-ending climax continued.

Eventually he came down from his unnatural high and collapsed onto the desk, exhausted and spent. Shakal growled and rubbed the center of his back as his hips jerked back and forth a few times, grinding his seed deep into the male's body.

"Mmmfff... fuck, Vincent... you are so tight. I'm really going to enjoy the next few months..."

"What... what happened?" Vincent asked, slurring his words slightly. He was still dazed by the power of his climax, but his head also felt... clearer somehow.

Shakal purred, leaning over to nip at Vincent's ears, as he finally explained fully.

"The libido controlling drug is working exactly as planned. You will constantly feel a growing need, stronger by the minute, until you can think of nothing but getting fucked."

Shakal grinned and pumped his hips a few more times, grinding his half-hard length in and out of Vincent's messy hole before continuing.

"Your body is craving male sperm, essentially. You're somewhat like an addict now, and you can only be satisfied by fucking and sucking any male you can get your hands on, with their release satisfying your lusts. Until it starts slowly growing again, at least."

Vincent tried to speak, ears back, eyes wide. Slowly? He could already feel the heat building in his loins again, though the cock still pressing against his prostate probably wasn't helping. The panther interrupted before he could object.

"Not so slow for now, as your body is still getting used to the drug. Fortunately in a week you're soon to be sharing these facilities with hundreds of other horny males, with plenty of opportunities to find one willing to scratch your growing itch. And until then, you'll have me. You see, we have drugs that also work in a different way. They can make you hard and ready to go within minutes of release."

He leaned over the panting cheetah and reached into the desk drawer, pulling out a small case. It flipped open and the black cat showed Vincent a half-empty bottle of light purple fluid.

"As you can see, I injected myself just before you signed the final release forms, to help me keep up with your current needs."

Shakal's voice dropped a note as his cock throbbed, stiffening into total hardness once more inside the moaning, squirming cheetah, who could already feel his libido rising again.

"It'll take a few days for you to adjust to the first dose, and I'll be here for you until then. After that, we'll make sure someone fucks your brains out every hour, on the hour... for science!"

By Danath With editing and input by Shakal. :)

Valhalla Industries : The Interview

This story was written by and in collaboration with Jeeves the Roo, and is the first part of a series concerning a wonderful place called Valhalla Industries. This series contains M/M sexual acts throughout! :) Originally posted here -\> [Valhalla...

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