Valhalla Industries : Living on the Edge

Story by Shakal on SoFurry

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#4 of Valhalla Industries

The challenge is simple. Let yourself be brought to the edge of orgasm, and held there for as long as possible without admitting that you can't handle it any more. Easy, right?


This story was written by and in collaboration with Jeeves the Roo, and is the second part of a series concerning a wonderful place called Valhalla Industries. This series contains M/M sexual acts throughout! :)

Originally posted here -> Valhalla Industries : Living on the Edge

Valhalla Industries Part Three: Living on the Edge

It would probably be fair to say that the testing labs of Valhalla Industries weren't the most solemn or serious place on earth. A complex of buildings and corridors filled with horny men and women undergoing all manner of sexual stimulation in the name of science and technological advancement was always bound to be a pretty easy-going place, no matter how rigorously the scientific aspect of each research project may have been conducted. Of all the laboratories and all the experiments being conducted however, one particular portion of the complex was well known as not only one of the most enthralling protocols being carried out, but one of the most fun, too.

A loud buzzer signalled the commencement of the latest test, and as a pair of doors opened at either end of the brightly lit and sparsely furnished test chamber, two furs strode towards one another across the open ground. They met in the centre of the chamber, each reaching out for one of a pair of small electronic buzzers resting on a pedestal, slipping them into the palm of their right hand. Their eyes met, and the two competitors regarded their latest opponent for the first time.

Duncan, Duke to his friends and the staff in the labs, was a buff, powerful timber wolf. His grey and brown patterned fur was thick and shaggy, but did not stop the muscular nature of his frame from showing itself off. Around his neck hung a Valhalla NoGasm collar, the ultimate in high tech orgasm deprivation, and between his legs a thick, deep red cock hung twitching with anticipation, its knotted base already semi-swollen through a lengthy period of unsatisfied arousal. He breathed heavily as he eyed up his opposition, having already lost two prior challenges today to worthy adversaries; powerful men who had been more than a match for his endurance. Twice already he had thumbed the button in his palm in defeat, unable to take the stimulation which held him on the edge of orgasm for intolerable lengths of time. But not this time. For now, he could see that this third challenge was his for the taking. After all, it wasn't as though he was up against a real Stud like before.

The figure standing across from the wolf was lean and tall, and while he was by no means effeminate, he certainly didn't have the muscled, dominant appearance which Duke found worthy of his respect. He was a ferret, a ferret by the name of Reggie, and after having also lost his previous two rounds of this very contest, he was every bit as eager to fight for a victory and a release at long last. Obviously he enjoyed being teased and edged at the brink of orgasm, none of them would have been assigned to this study if they didn't! But one could only take being teased for so long before that edging felt like outright denial, and he was desperate at long last for his pleasurable torment to be brought to an end.

For the second time in as many minutes, a buzzer sounded and the doors at either end of the chamber slid open. Both Duke and Reggie turned to observe their partner for the session ahead, the one who would provide them with the stimulus that would either drive them to rapture or to the very heights of unbearable sexual torment. Almost simultaneously they let slip a groan of heady desire, and though neither male said so aloud each of them cursed and praised their lucky stars for bringing them such a delight as was laid out before them now.

It was only then, wondering who could possibly compete with their selected partner, that the pair glanced across the room to see with whom their adversary had been paired. Their eyes bulged, their heads swung back and forth in a rapid double take, and a fresh set of excitable moans filled the air following the whisper of just a single word.


Twins indeed. A pair of stallions, sandy furred and dark maned thoroughbreds that stood before their new partners-to-be with calm confidence, smiling with their hands at their sides, perfectly content for their stiff cocks to simply twitch and strain of their own accord in the warm air of the lab. They looked to one another across the room, grinning and silently wishing one another a fun time, before turning their gazes back towards the people whom they were here to service. They stepped forward in perfect unison, heavy hoofed feet clopping loudly against the firm ground, and approached the wolf and ferret head on.

One reached out a hand and shook the wolf's paw firmly. "Pleased to meet you. I'm Jay." He smirked as he felt the lupine male squeezing his hand, testing his strength against that of the equine. Jay squeezed back, and Duke gasped in slight pain, his eyes widening and regarding the horse with new respect. "Now, shall we get down to business?"

Duke growled happily as the horse's words rang in his ear, and nodded, groaning happily when one of Jay's hands reached around the back of his head and pulled their mouths together in a deep, hungry kiss.

Across the room, Reggie and his partner seemed to have gotten acquainted with equal ease and speed. Already the ferret was in the horse's arms, giggling and squirming as he wrapped his lithe legs around the thick, trunk-like waist of his soon to be lover, Tom. He could feel the much larger male's cock pressing against his buttocks, rubbing back and forth along his fluffy rump and moistening it with the first trickles of his pre-cum. The ferret beamed as he kissed Tom and felt the horse kissing him back, relishing the intimacy which this test allowed, and even encouraged between its participants and their helpers. If the horses had just walked in, bent them over and started to fuck them both raw this whole exercise could have been not just repetitive, but rather soul-crushing in its empty sexuality. However, Valhalla Industries understood that for the body to achieve true satisfaction the mind and the heart had to be involved in the process too, so often instead of a machine or other apparatus used to imitate sex, the real thing proved twice as effective!

"Oh god..."

A soft moan of pleasure escaped Reggie's lips as Tom carried him to one of the two identical beds, each equipped with a side-table bearing an assortment of sexual aids; lubricants, condoms and a few extra accessories should either half of the party wish to add a little more kinkiness to their fun. The ferret murmured happily as Tom knelt upon the bed and gently laid him out across its cool, soft sheets. He reached for a bottle of lubricant, and without speaking a word picked up a condom between his ring and little finger, waving it curiously towards the ferret. Reggie shook his head, blushing brightly, and Tom grinned.

Close by Jay sat upon the bed with Duke kneeling before him, the horse pouring a liberal dose of pinkish lubricant over the wolf's outstretched paws before allowing Duke to begin working that slippery slime into the stiff flesh of his thick equine cock. Jay threw his head back, whinnying in delight, and reached out to fondle the wolf's ear affectionately. A deep growl of satisfaction escaped Duke, and his hands began to work that little bit faster, eager to cease this foreplay and get to the main event. Yes, he wanted to win; to earn the orgasm he'd had failed to achieve twice today already. But more importantly, more urgently than he needed to cum, Duke needed to be fucked by this studly stallion's shaft.

"Are you ready?" Standing over Reggie with his lube soaked hands working his thick cock slowly back and forth, letting the extra lubricant drip down over the ferret's trembling torso, Tom grinned as the slender male nodded feverishly and let slip a wild, desperate whimper. "Mmm, good."

"Now turn around like a good little wolfie and show me that ass." Jay rose from the bed as Duke's paws released his now glistening, well lubricated member, guiding his lupine playmate to kneel where he had been seated and letting slip another happy groan when he saw the wolf's rump rise and his tail flag upwards. Through the male's spread legs he could see the tight, swollen orbs of Duke's balls trembling with anticipation, and though it was twitching so violently that it was slapping against his stomach, the wolf's hot, needy cock was also visible on each downward swing.

A high pitched yelp echoed around the room when Jay grabbed Duke by the hips and began to guide his shaft forward, pressing its thick, already slightly flared tip up against the pink, exposed pucker of the wolf's ass. Reggie meanwhile was all but silent as he was engulfed by the vastness and strength of Tom's own manly form, the horse lying down over him and silencing his muffled gasps with long, languid kisses as he too worked his cock in between the lean male's tight cheeks. The mixture of giddy cries and conspicuous silenced continued as the two stallions made their way into their respective partners, tenderly working their undeniably vast cocks into Duke and Reggie little by little, inch by throbbing inch. Once the initial few inches had been passed though, once beyond the tight pucker and simply driving deeper into the passageway beyond, the cries from Duke were reduced to gruff grunts and moans of pleasure, and as Tom ceased kissing Reggie for the time being the ferret's own gasps and whimpers of happiness rang out in tandem with those of his competitor.

In the time that followed, as two swollen horse cocks sank into two rumps wonderfully unprepared for such an onslaught of length, girth and passion, Duke and Reggie almost completely forgot about the collars wrapped around their necks. For the time being they weren't being edged, as they were yet to reach the edge of orgasm. Instead the pair simply focused on the act at hand; accepting the cocks, kisses and any other touches that their equine partners wished to lay upon them, relishing it as anyone would a passionate, powerful bout of prostate-pounding anal sex. Duke barked and growled in ecstasy as he was ploughed into from behind, taking great satisfaction in being bent over doggystyle like a bitch in heat by this masterful specimen of manhood. Reggie meanwhile could barely keep from squirming in delight as he was pinned and plunged into over and over by Tom, the ferret's arms and legs wrapped tight around the huffing, gasping horse as he was split in two so deliciously by that monster of a cock.

"Oh god... Harder. Harder!!!"

Duke yelped in excitement and ecstasy as he felt a strong hand reach down beneath him and encircle his own swollen seven inches, a whole extra inch added by his thick, almost baseball sized knot. It began to stroke him firmly, rubbing at his knot and spreading his slippery pre all over his length, making each stroke that followed so much smoother and quicker. He felt his own hips bucking against Jay's squeezing hand, and bit his lip as the pleasure he was experiencing multiplied exponentially. They'd only been going for a few minutes at this rough, rapid pace, and yet already he was so close. So ready. He wanted to cum... he...

It was then that Duke remembered where he was, and what the collar he could feel gently wrapped around his neck was there for. Another ear splitting cry rang out from the wolf, but this one as much a sound of frustration as one of bliss, for no matter how good it felt, or how close he felt that he was to toppling over the edge, he knew now that he wasn't going to. Not, at least, until Reggie gave up.

"Oh fuck. Fuuuuuck..."

The ferret wailed happily as he writhed and thrashed beneath Tom's strong body, pinned to the bed with his cock drooling liberally across both their stomachs. It wasn't that he didn't care that his body was been ravaged within a hair's breadth of orgasm, indeed he was every bit as close to wailing in mournful horror as Duke, but despite his past two attempts having failed Reggie was still convinced he had a winning strategy here when used against the right opponent. If he could make Duke think that he was enjoying being edged, which in part, no matter how horrifyingly needy he felt, he certainly was, then perhaps the wolf would give up that much sooner on the grounds that he would feel obviously outmatched. Sure enough as the minutes wore by Reggie's exuberant eagerness did begin to grate on Duke somewhat, and as he was hammered from behind by his own lover's erection he couldn't tear his eyes away from the other pair, so jealous of Reggie's mindset.

Tom lifted the ferret away from the bed and proceeded to pin the lithe male up against the nearest wall, pounding him even harder and faster while Reggie began to scratch and beat his fists against the wall in impassioned delight. To Reggie the wall felt like the one between him and his orgasm. Unbreakable, impenetrable, and that wonderful stallion kept him braced against it with each deep thrust. And the stallion would keep pounding him into that wall until a button was pushed, either to let him away or through.

The small, rectangular pad containing the all important button felt like it was burning in Duke's palm, like if he didn't push it soon he'd have to let it go, and forever lose any chance of being able to bring this torment to an end. He hung his head down between his legs and watched as his cock throbbed and sprayed thick, almost fully orgasmic streaks of pre-cum across the smooth bedding with each sharp jab of Jay's shaft under his tail, several inches of that thick horse cock dragging across the sensitive surface of his prostate and back again at least once a second. It looked like he was cumming, it felt like he was cumming, any yet there was none of the relief, none of the release that accompanied an orgasm. Just endless pleasure, and the raging, relentless need for it to be over.

More time passed. Minutes dragged by like the equines' shafts over their two desperate partners' sensitive inner depths, and the onslaught continued. Even Jay and Tom, masters of mental and physical control, were beginning to look, sound and _feel_worn thin by their constant and wild fucking of these two unsatisfied test subjects. Reggie was thrashing and kicking like a rag doll within Tom's arms, his cries for more having long since descended into complete unintelligible madness, then having ceased entirely as he began to realise that once again he might well lose this fight. His situation was not helped in the slightest by the fact that the horse was now _treating_him like a sex toy, bouncing him up and down on his rigid cock and gazing hungrily into the ferret's face, drinking in the male's arousal to feed his own pleasure. It was almost too much to bear. Almost... but not quite. Not yet, at least.

Time crawled, oozed, dripped by, second after second moving like a sloth through quicksand. It had been thirty minutes since Reggie and Duke felt the first twinges of orgasmic need rush through their incapable bodies, then forty five, and suddenly an hour had passed. An hour of edging, not the gentle rise to the brink and back off of traditional teasing, but constant torment at the very pinnacle of pleasure.

Then, almost without warning, something gave.

A loud buzzer sounded throughout the room, and all four males froze. The two males with twin stallions buried balls deep inside their rumps actually had to second-guess which one of them had pressed the button, so overwhelmed at this point even their own recollections weren't clear enough to rely on. If time had passed slowly up until now, it now stopped, until a voice finally crackled into life over the intercom system to report the results of the test.

"Subject number three eight seven, Duncan. You have pressed your remote control."

Duke's eyes widened, laying on his side, a howl of frustration catching in his throat. He couldn't believe it! Not again. Not again!!

"However subject number three nine two, Reginald, pressed his point two seconds earlier, and thereby forfeited this challenge. The victory is awarded to Duncan."

A soft, mournful whine escaped the ferret as he was lowered down to the ground by the panting, gasping horse who had brought him so close to ecstasy that he hadn't been able to bear it there any longer, preferring further denial before his next challenge than the continuation of that unbearable edging. He stumbled towards the bed, and sat down, watching Duke as the wolf stared in disbelief back at him, not smiling, not gloating, just an expression of utmost relief plastered across his face. He didn't want to watch, to sit here and watch Duke receive what he had just sacrificed any hope of achieving in the immediate present, but he knew that it was part of his punishment. If he tried to ignore it, he would only have to wait longer before his next challenge and his next chance at achieving an orgasm; a day, perhaps even two of straight denial.

Thus Reggie watched, sighing heavily but at least feeling a little pride as he saw Tom join his twin brother upon Duke's bed and listened to an overwhelmed, giddy Duke yelp as Jay's thrusts started driving his bulging erection into Tom's hot, hungry mouth. He watched the timber wolf's eyes widen as a small buzzing sound, like a mosquito flying past one of his ears, emanated from his NoGasm collar and a small blue light flashed momentarily across the front of its magnetic clip, signalling its temporary deactivation. He watched Duke start to tremble, then to shudder, then to thrash violently as the twin stallions massaged and milked him to his long awaited orgasm, and let slip a soft, needy moan of his own as despite his recent over-stimulation he felt one of his hands move instinctively to his cock and begin to stroke, masturbating himself fruitlessly as he watched Duke pour the first of what was doubtlessly going to be many hot, sticky loads down Tom's throat.

"Next time..." Reggie whimpered to himself under his breath as Duke howled in ecstasy, rolling his eyes back involuntarily in their sockets as he hit a second back to back orgasm, so worked up that one climax simply wasn't enough for his body to work out all its needs at that moment in time. Cum lashed Tom's face as the second horse drew back from Duke's cock, overwhelmed by the sheer relentless flow of seed, and moments later, half to punish and half to reward the wolf for getting him so messy, Tom pushed his own swollen, still needy erection straight into Duke's wide open maw, spearing him between the two massive horse cocks as yet more cum spurted from the lupine male's tip, both his hands wrapped tightly around his knot and squeezing desperately, seeking to draw out every drop of cum he could while the chance was his.

Reggie squeezed his own swollen, aching balls, and moaned once again. "Next time... if, w-when I win, next time... it'll be even hotter. Even better. It'll be worth every minute I spend waiting for it. I know it will." He rubbed his cock, and shivered in desire as the wolf's pleasure ridden howling rang out once more before being silenced by a throat-full of stallion cock. "I... I know it will. It has to be."

Valhalla Industries : The Journey

This story was written by and in collaboration with Jeeves the Roo, and is the second part of a series concerning a wonderful place called Valhalla Industries. This series contains M/M sexual acts throughout! :) Originally posted here -\> [Valhalla...

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Valhalla Industries : The Meaning of Control

This story was written by Danath as one of his free themed livestream story events, without prior knowledge of the rest of the Valhalla collection being created. Edited by Shakal with Danath's permission and approval. Originally posted here -\> [For...

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Valhalla Industries : The Interview

This story was written by and in collaboration with Jeeves the Roo, and is the first part of a series concerning a wonderful place called Valhalla Industries. This series contains M/M sexual acts throughout! :) Originally posted here -\> [Valhalla...

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