The Elves of Perfection (?) Pt 3
#67 of Exploration
"Ah, Alduin, why are we on standby?" the Lupogriff smiled in my headset.
"Because what we've gone and met are not elves, what they are is a derivation of a half humanoid, half eagle creature.They are not so as nice as we originally thought, and seem to have plans for our friends."
"What plans?"
"No idea, they just make references to plans, and knowing what they are, I doubt it will be good. They know, however, that I know, so I am in believed isolation."
"So what's your plan?"
"Wait until they make their move, than bring you and whoever wants to join in to stop them."
"So do you know the name of the creatures?"
"Yes. You are aware I have an Internet page which I scroll down occasionally, called the Monster Tome?"
"Indeed, Alduin. They do some very good pictures, except they don't seem to have one for me."
"Is that surprising?"I asked, laughing," Have a look about a third of the way through the book."
There was about two minutes pause, and then Silverine spoke.
"Ah, I think I've found it, except it looks nothing like your description."
"Of course it doesn't. That's because that is a more avian version.More bird than human. This way is the other way round."
"Right, do you have ear plugs?"
"No, but if you could send down a few pairs, that would be helpful." I replied.
"Kodey's coming down. He sounded so enthusiastic." there was a bang in the headset, and I quickly retrieved my scanner and placed it on the carpet, activating it. Due to the distance, you could place a scanner anywhere in the period of teleport, because it wouldn't make much difference in the direction the subject was travelling. After thirty six seconds, there was a loud bang, and Kodey appeared, gun levelled.He looked around in interest.
"Very well furnished cell. I wish the raptors had me in isolation in a room like this."
"They didn't want you to feel at home." I replied, taking a bundle from him.
The door clicked, and the reindeer whirled, pointing his phaser at the door as it opened. Two elves looked in to see what the noise was.
"What the..." one said. Kodey smiled mockingly, and bowed.
"Ladies." he said, and vanished. I grinned at the reindeer's theatrics. The elves spoke.
"What was that?"
"That was Kodey, a very good friend of mine. You cannot guard me, or keep me apart, because I have so many friends capable of reaching me. Just pray you don't meet Silverine."
"Oh, come on,"the Lupogriff complained in my ear," they don't look so bad, and neither am I."
"You haven't seen them properly." I replied in Human. The elves realised the monstrous weight of the task. How could they guard someone who could vanish? How could they keep him apart when he could summon friends to his side by magic?
"Now get out."I said sternly."I need sleep."
They left, locking the door again. I lay back in contentment.
I slept for about two hours, the proximity alarm lay dormant as no one entered.Then I woke, just before lunch, and Demeter spoke to everyone during the meal.
"This afternoon, you are to come with us.The door on your left as you come out, which is now unlocked, we are going to do a few things."
"Yes, my lady." Javid said.He sounded calm, but I could read by his voice that he was suspicious, obviously Draco had passed on my warning.
They ate in mostly quiet, none of the adventurers were entirely chatty, and after the meal, they all got up. Five elves went with them, and the door shut. Demeter spoke to the remaining two.
"Alduin has obviously planted something in the room, which makes him hear what we say. You must find it.He has not been over to the kitchen, or over by the relaxing area, only near the table and door. Find it, and remove it from the room.I don't care what you do with it."
Finally, she had guessed that the technology we had might be responsible. Immediately, Demeter walked out, and I heard the two elves rustling around the table. It took them only half a minute to find the coin sized bug, and one of them pulled it off the table.
"Let's go ask the guards what to do with it."
I pulled out a small remote control. It was like a normal phone, with the ten digits in sequence, but above all of them was a small red button. Ryan had helpfully given me tips on this sort of thing.
As they walked out of the room, I activated the device, pressing the hash key next to the zero. Then I typed in four numbers.
"Two, one, zero, four."I said aloud, as they came closer to the room.
"What are you looking at?" one of the guard elves asked.
"It appears to be some intricate device, Demeter believes it's how Alduin's been listening to us."
"Search me.But we've been ordered to destroy it."
"Don't worry, girls." I called,"I can do that myself." I pressed the small red button. There was a small bang, and the door rocked slightly on it's hinges. I grabbed all my gear, and charged over to the door.
"That was a mean trick to play." Silverine said in my ear.
I fiddled with the lock."I try.I'm going to see why they were so secretive."
I opened the door. All four were unconscious on the ground, the explosion fortunately not powerful enough to kill them. I stepped gingerly over them, and down the corridor.I came to the door, which in turn led to a small corridor with a door on the left, and a door ahead. I thought I could hear noise in the door ahead, and I opened it quietly.
This led to about five metres of corridor, and then opened out wide into a large glass area. It was about thirty metres in length, and about half that in width. It was also eight metres tall.
Behind the glass was row upon row of seating, it was virtually a huge arena.All the seats were full with more of these elves. Some were male, some were female, but all of them were different in one way, they did not wear the shirts. Huge bat like wings were draped over themselves in this confined seating space.
Then I noticed the close in action. All but one of our so called friendly elves were in the arena, completely exposed.
They did not look beautiful or pretty now. Their wings were deployed, the wreckage of their shirts on the floor. They were fully outspread, and I noticed they their eyes had gone red. They looked more evil, and menacing. They held giant whips in their hands.
Draco and Simba were looking calm, of course they could resort to their steel skins if need be. Javid was by the far the worst, for he had no weapon and no way to prevent the pain. Salbar had his swords out. Then I heard Demeter speak.
"These creatures are not like us, so do not confuse what we call emotions with theirs. They do not feel pain like we do, and their looks of pain and misery are only a ploy. They are inferior to us in every way."
Draco scowled, and let loose a full blast of flame to my left, upwards. There was an impressed applause from the audience, and two of the elvish creatures brought their whips around at Draco. They both struck him, and he stumbled.
"They are incapable of escape, stripped of all their toys.Now we shall see what these pitiful things are like."
"If I hear that one more time, I think I'm going to get annoyed." Silverine said in my ear. I shut the door gently, and went back to the side door.It opened, and a set of steps led spiralling upwards to a trapdoor. I stealthily climbed them, hearing Demeter's voice again.
"The being Draco is supposedly strong, but what you are taking into account is that he has his fire powers, and wings. Now you may think that this means he is equal to us, but he is too soft, too weak minded. Observe."
There was a crack of a whip, and Javid howled in pain. My eyes darkened, and there was a pause, followed by another crack of the whip. Draco had lunged for the first elf, only to be struck by a second.
I opened the trapdoor gently, and saw the legs of Demeter, standing in a small box like area. there were metre high walls around her.She spoke again.
"The lizard is also very clever and cunning, he is the only one who would not relinquish his weapons.He too cannot bear to see his friends in pain. Do you see how he flinches? Likewise the lion.Now."
I drew my phaser, and silently fired a one setting blast as I rose from the trapdoor. There was a crack of the whip, and Draco recieved another blow.Whips cracked several times, as Demeter staggered backwards unconscious. I caught her, and cuffed her. Then I stood up.
I saw the scene in all it's glory.I was on a box just above the scene below. All four were on the ground, Simba in his bionic form to ward off the blows. I saw the glass was thick, and seeing as the raised section was resting on it, I knew it could be walked on.
"Ladies and Gentlemen!" I shouted, stepping over the raised section onto the glass.
Everyone looked at me. There were looks of absolute surprise from everyone.
"The Circus de Internationale would like you to forget this clean, wholesome harpy fun, and join with me in a round of complete and utter chaos!If we can pay attention to the man making this announcement, he is a human, the fifth member you were not told about. The devilishly intelligent one who worked out the entire riddle."
Silence, except for Silverine laughing in my ear. I took encouragement from this, and continued.
"You may see that on him there are many devices. First of all, he is carrying a rocket launcher. Yes ladies and gentleman, not something you've heard of."I walked around the glass, holding the device up,"what it does, is fire a fist sized explosive ball at high speed at what it's being pointed at. It explodes when it makes contact, and pulverizes anything with in ten metres. It's not loaded, yet."
"So what we have on top of the box is a lunatic with a weapon that could destroy a small portion of the audience.This might be enough, but not for him.He carries more than that. His rifle over his shoulder, deadly efficient weapon, which can be used for killing or incapacitating a single person. Who wants to volunteer?"
I had them in the palm of my hand. As I walked to the end of the box, harpies backed away. My friends inside the glass were getting to their feet, watching this drama as it unfolded. Now there was a lot of laughter coming from over my headset.
"Oh well, I'll just pick someone at random." I said, drawing a rubber bullet, loading it into the breech, cocking it, and then levelling it at a male, who was looking nothing short of terrified.
"Oh wait, you are under the impression we don't have your emotions of anger, fear, revenge. You are wrong.Isn't that a shame, you didn't know. Demeter should have warned you. Really clever she didn't eh?"
I fired the gun, and the rubber bullet smacked against the guy's shoulder.He reeled backwards, and all those around him moved towards him to help. I spoke, paying no heed to this.
"Although if I'm so angry, why did I use a bullet that wouldn't kill him, when I easily could of. Am I capable of sympathy, apparently so?However, even these two together aren't enough for me. I have yet more abilities.Who wants to hear them?"
No one spoke, all of them were looking in credible fear.
"I can change my form, those elves in the glass box saw it yesterday. I can change into a flying form, and what's so dangerous about it is that it was made to obliterate everything in it's way."
I changed into my Lightning form, to gasps from the audience.
"Now, I should warn you that while it is not dangerous on the ground, it is lethal in the air. Among it's weapons are six hundred steel rounds of machine gun, which fire at six per second. Then ten explosive rockets, and two bombs. To explain."
I blasted off from the ground into vertical, and hovered about twenty feet above the glass.Draco shouted.
"Don't do it Alduin."
"Too late."I replied, dropping a bomb. The bomb fell down, and ignited against the glass. The entire front of the box facing the audience was blown out, and glass shards went everywhere. As I descended, I turned around, facing the captives. I ignited my machine guns five feet above their heads, and everyone dived for cover, captives or not. This gave me a free shot at the door, and I fired a missile.The thing exploded from my craft, a small white dart from my wing, and disappeared through the corridor into the door. There was another explosion, and a cloud of smoke arose.
I changed back into my human form, and spoke, holding one device in one hand, and a scanner in the other. The audience were too paralysed to run.
"But I have one thing more!"I shouted with glee."See in this hand, I hold something that looks like one of the bombs I just dropped, except it isn't. What it is, is a special weapon, designed for me and me alone. The wolf that was so brutally whipped just then, his friends made it. What it has in it, is a bubbling chemical mix, a poisonous mixture of radioactive toxic materials."
"Oh dear, since when did Alduin find a nuke?" Ryan asked over my headphones.
"Since Covington made one for me." I replied under my breath, putting the scanner on the ground.
"So let me explain what happens if one of these goes off."I continued.Draco was looking at me absolute bafflement.
"The radioactive mix will vaporise the entire town, with a force more powerful than any conventional weapon you have seen here today, or will ever see.All of the buildings will be demolished, scattered into their component pieces. All those within five hundred metres will likewise die instantly."
I had done a couple of computer simluations on this, and was giving them the worst case scenario.
"Then the radiation will leak out, and cause havoc. All the trees will die for miles around, on a strong wind, it might blow up to one hundred kilometres. All creatures within that range will be severely poisoned, and will die in agony, or at least contaminated.It gets worse. Your children will be born, hopefully, and they too will be contaminated. The powerful toxins that would run in you will run in them. Children will be born with defects, minus toes, limbs, as the radioactive nature destroys the proper processes of growing DNA.And their children likewise, although not as badly. So, if I use this, three generations of your race will suffer as a result.All I want in return is one thing.Someone say yes."
Zerissa dropped her whip, and came over to about two metres away from me.
"Alduin, you would kill yourself, do not drop it."
"Wrong again.I have a teleporter which could hurl me across the galaxy, unhindered by the effects. The only reason I haven't dropped it already is that my companions are here.Give them their gear back, and I will spare dropping this."
Zerissa scowled. She was completely out of her depths, and was trying to call my bluff.
"No, you would not drop it. No man would consider dropping something so evil."
I pulled out a projector from my gear, and a three metre tall 3d picture of a model town appeared.
"This has been done enough times on my planet."I replied.
There was a colossal explosion, as the explosion built up and up into the virtual sky, forming the trademark mushroom cloud. The houses were tossed away like leaves in the wind, reduced to their molecular components.
Zerissa jumped at me. The hologram faded, and I went down under an elf.I changed into my bionic form, just as she swung her claws into my chest.
There was an odd ringing noise, and she recoiled.
"Are indestructible." I replied calmly."Silverine, teleport."
There was a mass movement towards the five explorers.They backed towards me, and were quickly surrounded.
"Almost perfect, Alduin. You might have gone a little far though."
"It happens."I replied, while Zerissa joined the circle. About one hundred of these harpy creatures, five of us.
Bang.Correction: Twenty five of us. Silverine was laughing.
"When did you go to Covington's to get that nuke?" he asked me, chuckling. Everyone had stopped, and was waiting for my reply.
"I didn't. It isn't the nuke. The real nuke is still at Covington's HQ.It's big, it's red and it's got a green radioactive sign on it.I like it."
"But it's still yours, correct?" Devlin smiled.Everyone but the Lupogriff and the Hell fire were behind the conversation.
"Of course.I just made it seem as though I had it. Give me two minutes, I can fetch it."
"No not yet, we need to deal with these harpies first." Devlin replied.
I fitted my earplugs in, and Zerissa spoke.
"You are all our prisoners." she scowled.
"First elf to move, that elf is dead." I replied, straightly. Silverine was standing behind Kodey, who had his gun down, waiting for things to develop. Devlin was standing next to me, and we were both looking at Jemima and Zerissa, who had assumed command with Demeter not there.
Orion flicked a fireball into existence, and was tossing it between his hands, oblivious to the searing heat. Winslo had his eyes closed, and was crackling with electrical power.Time Dancer was looking at these females with evident annoyance, as if she was the only lady that deserved to be here. I'd agree too. Alecto had no weapon, he had brought his fists and that alone. Everyone else had phasers, unless they were known for their other weapons.So Thomas and Landon had their dual pistols, and Ryan had a semi/auto assault rifle.I use the slashed line to explain that it could alternate between the two.As for the larger critters, their physical bulk was really all they needed.Blake was standing in front of Lurina which a huge smile on his face, as they tried to stare one another down.
It was going to be intense. With absolutely no room to fire my Eryx, my single shot rifle being just that,I was quickly running out of options. I didn't want to have to kill them, even though I knew what they were, so I changed briefly, and the bomb disappeared. It wouldn't have gone off, it had to be dropped from my craft to make it live, something about detaching from the wiring.Another thing I had neglected to tell the harpies. This really was a campaign of misinformation.
Then it started, in an unexpected way. As the threats were hurled back and forth, Kodey turned to see me arguing heatedly with Devlin at my side against Zerissa. As he did, one elf shot forward, grabbing his wrist, and pulling him towards the ground. The little reindeer kept his feet, and shouted. There was an almighty roar, and Silverine dived full length at the creature doing the pulling. With a single blow he knocked the slender figure out, and stood over her prone body.
"Any one who attacks Kodey, deals with me!" he snarled.I pointed my rifle directly at Silverine, waiting for the elves, and they leapt at him. One sprung from both sides, and one from in front.
There was a loud crack, as I fired, and the left one went down in a heap. Silverine laid out one, and the battle started. They did not look pretty now, and they went for the jugular. Zerissa carved a line against my steel neck, before I sent an uppercut hammering into her chin. Then Simba changed.
His Challenger tank stood there, and I leapt away as the barrel rotated.
"There's a fucking tank here!" I shouted, as Simba fired his machine gun. It was like the head of the matchstick, the size of the rounds, but elves went down in which every direction he was looking.
I changed into my Lightning form, and saw Kodey take hold of my wing.
"Hold tight, Kodey, I'll get you out of this."Kodey was not a hand to hand fighter. I boosted as hard as I could, and I rose, Kodey pushing me up.Then I took Kodey's weight, and he hung tightly onto my sleek middle.I hovered over to where the raised dais was, Demeter was still unconscious, and I landed there, changing into my bionic form, and drawing my rifle. Kodey began firing bolts into the mass of creatures, his aim reasonably good. I had given up firing rubber rounds, and was aiming for the legs of the harpies. The unearthly wail of the blaster made a strange comparison to the homely cracks of the gun.
The fight raged, and I watched as the dragons went about laying anything in their way. Valmeero, while not as physically large as Blake or the true dragons, nevertheless was hefty, and his punches were decent. Winslo finally cast his lightning bolt, and I saw it dance, jaggedly, through about eight elves.Each of them sunk to the ground, looks of pain on their countenance. Orion likewise biffed his fireball, and it carved a straight line through the midst of the fight. It brushed about six, struck one, and then exploded, consuming three more. All ten fell to the ground, in varying states of pain. The number diminished fast, and as they fought, I spoke to Kodey.
"We've got to find Draco's gear, and the rest. Come with me."
We charged back through the quarters, ignoring the doors to the left and right, before coming to a halt with the pool in front.We both dived in, and we swum strongly across. I pulled myself up, helped Kodey, and came to the uneven section.
"How are we going to open it?" the reindeer asked, for there was no keyhole.
I backed away to the far side, and Kodey did likewise. I loaded my Eryx, and fired the rocket. After the explosion, the door had been obliterated, as had the surrounding wall. There was only a small passage before a ladder led downwards into a tunnel. We ran in, and I slid professionally down the ladder, landing heavily on the soil. Kodey climbed down properly, while I secured the passage.
True there was no one in it, but I secured it never the less. There was a tunnel to the right, towards the city, and I ran along it, the reindeer trying to keep stride. Finally I came to a wooden door, and I felt no need to slow down. Neither did the reindeer.
I smacked it first, and it rocked backwards hard, straining, just as Kodey hit it. It burst open, and I staggered forwards, phaser in hand, while looking around the room we had burst into, and about three very surprised harpy creatures. They were shifting through our gear. I levelled my phaser.
"Where is my friend's stuff?" I demanded.
The harpy screamed. This was the siren of agony that sent creatures running or collapsing in pain and fear. Neither of us there moved.As she stopped, I cupped an ear.
"I didn't hear a thing."this was true, because of the ear plugs both of us were wearing.
"That's what I call being prepared." Kodey smiled.The harpies turned and ran down the passage.
I placed all the weaponry over my back, carrying Javid's sniper rifle, attached the phasers to my belt, and attached Draco's great sword, plus it's scabbard, around my Eryx. As I did, Kodey got his bag out, putting all of our technology there into the bag. I grabbed a second teleporter, and put it on my other wrist, as did Kodey. We were massively loaded up, carrying between us thirty kilograms in normal tools, not including weapons. I stood at the door, while Kodey carried his backpack back to the tunnel. He got out, and covered the pool and surrounding area while I followed. The two rifles, Eryx and sword got a bit caught up at the entrance, but I heaved myself out of the exit, and changed into my Lightning form. I pulled hard left, over the pool, leaving Kodey behind, and landed in proper aircraft fashion, rolling through the straight corridor and back into the arena.
I changed, and there was a pause as the ten elves left saw me appear. I pulled off both rifles, and aimed them one handedly at the rearguard. After months of forearm lifting with drinks, they were not as heavy in one hand, although I certainly couldn't fire them properly. Javid rushed over while the harpies surrendered. Draco walked casually over as I gave the rifle to the wolf, and then took off the greatsword from my back, passing it to it's owner, who buckled it on.
The wolf checked his rifle, giving it a once over.
"It's all perfect condition, good."
I took off the teleporter I had taken, and held it up for inspection.
"Who's one is this?" I said.
"Mine's got the Black Clan picture on the bottom." Javid replied.
"Dual swords?" Salbar asked.He had finally got himself a teleporter too.
"No, it looks like a single fang."
"That's mine." Simba replied. I tossed it to him, and he put it on.
"Where's the rest?"
"Kodey retrieved it. We had to grab as much as we could, they were about to do the same." I handed a few more bits and bobs to my friends, and laughed.
We walked out, the twenty five of us walking through the corridor while Draco explained everything that had happened. There was some general oohing and ahhing over the rooms, and I took one of the sand coloured towels, placing it in my bag.
"A man's always got to know where his towel is." I laughed. We found Kodey standing on the opposite bank, and Winslo made it a lot easier by casting an ice spell into the water. Two feet of solid ice formed on the top, so we skated across. We made a quick check for missing items, no, no one had lost anything. Draco retrieved his teleporter from Kodey's backpack, along with Javid and Salbar. They also got their kit, and we stood in a circle.
"Right, that's all that done." I said cheerfully."Rating, Draco?"
"If it wasn't for their hostile treatment in the arena, easy nine. Right now, I'm thinking three."
"Two." Salbar replied.
"One." Javid didn't shoulder his rifle, feeling the raised wounds left by the whips. Simba was already applying one of Arachno's patent healing liquids to his back.Thus protected by strength in numbers, we sat down, healing our wounds. Quite a few of us were sporting mild claw marks, only Landon and Time had any serious lacerations. Now I noticed, Landon was licking his arm, cleaning the wound.
"I'll let this heal naturally."he said to Simba."It doesn't look half bad."
"I'll wrap it up until it covers."I replied, getting out my dressing, and wrapping his fore arm firmly, and it was instantly stained dark red on one side.
"Definitely cool look." Thomas smiled, while Simba treated him. Time refused any help, she did it all by herself.Once we were all healed, we were aware of several harpies in the trees, Doran empathically noticed them, and one standing in the wrecked entrance to the side passage.
"Right, let's put on a show as we leave. Ryan, have you got a flashbang on you?"
"I do." the tiger replied, drawing it out.I nodded to my companions as we stood, and shouted.
"To this end, we leave this accursed place, and may we return to more welcome hosts!"
It meant nothing to them, only a collection of hideous syllables, as Ryan dropped his flashbang. There was a pause of a second, and then shouted.
We teleported, and what the harpies saw was a huge detonation, a blinding light, a loud report, and then we had gone.
"Don't you dare run off..." A glower began.
An Audi Quattro burst past him, tongues of blue fire licking out of the back an I ignited a concentrated stream of NOS to the engine. I shot round the corner in a huge drift, wheels smoking on the steel floor. The Apache was following me, recording my errant driving style, and I held the drift for a full four seconds before flooring it down the corridor. As I looked behind me, I saw a certain CCX catching me up, and back in the distance, a glower speaking with Draco as both looked at us vanish. Those who had given backup were also watching as I hammered the brakes, spinning around, and then racing back, Ryan deciding a bit of pursuit was in order. I shot around several tight bends, the Audi being built for this sort of thing.The CCX easily had my power, all that separated us was our driving styles.
The Apache lost sight of me, and the CCX did also as I changed into my Lightning form, vanishing towards the food store at about three hundred kilometres an hour. I arrived at the food store, to find Propani, Iris and Gareth all talking, the rest of the place was empty. I pulled up a seat, and had a good chat to them, bringing out my sealed bottle of Lift, now sealed bottle of the smell of fuel. Simba turned up two minutes later, and Ryan two after that.
A glower arrived.
"Alduin, can you explain what happened on that planet?"
"Not in front of a room full of glowers." I replied fast."You terrify me."
"But we're so mild mannered." the glower replied, wounded.
I had a fast vision of Drason's cronies being vaporised."That's as maybe, you still scare me."
But with a recorder going, I told those in the room what had happened, and they were genuinely impressed with my tactics. There was some loud laughter as I told them of the incident by the water side, and Salbar entered.
"Hang on, start over, I want to hear this." he said cheerfully.
"I'm recording it, now where was I?"
I finished, just as Draco,Simba, Dev and Silverine entered.The glower left.
"Well, that's the first time we've been taken advantage of." I said.
"Yes, I didn't enjoy it at all." Simba replied.
Draco sighed."I think I've going to give my sexuality a rest for a while, I keep wanting to have a cold shower thinking of them."
"Draco, stopping having sex? Ten dollars says your wrong by the end of the week." I replied.
"What ever." Draco dismissed it with a wave. Devlin smirked as his cousin left.
"Not possible. You've won his money from him by this evening." he said, leaving after him. I teleported out, back to my home, and a long rest after my list of bluffs, lies, exhausting behaviour, etc. I had been more devious over the last forty eight hours than I had been in a week, and I was so mentally spent I collapsed on my bed, holding my head for a suspected migraine.
I felt better after an hour, and went around the house, cleaning the floor with a vacuum cleaner, a sort of anchor to reality. I did the dishes, and then was interrupted by Javid.
"Hey, Alduin."
"Hi, Javid, pull up a seat." I said, flopping into the couch. Javid sat on the chair, and we talked about the adventure.His back was fine now, and he relaxed on the recliner.
"Everyone's back to normal now, although I dare say we got laughed at for losing our gear." he rolled his eyes.
"I can't fault you there. They were being so damn nice." I replied.
"Yeah, they did endless sexual stuff with us, Draco's currently giving a physical description of one with Devlin."
"I'm ten dollars richer." I chuckled, while explaining what the earlier conversation had been about. Javid laughed, and teleported, while I fell asleep.