Of Raptors and Reindeer Pt3

Story by TheNovelist on SoFurry

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#64 of Exploration

I changed into my bionic form, as the plan came tumbling down around me. My fist implanted itself in the trunk of a tree.It stung my fingers, and expended some of my anger. Kodey backed away as I thumped the tree again, and then breathed out. Devlin shrugged.

"Oh well, we tried."

"Don't believe this." I cursed."Barely five minutes since we left, and already they intended to get Kodey back to work.They have to be the most underhanded, callous bastards I've ever had the misfortune to come across."

Salbar spoke from the tree top.

"Um, again, sorry to break an impeding argument, but Banehallow and a large amount of guards seem to be forming in the main square."

"Right." I stood straight, anger crossing my complexion."I won't be visiting the reindeer just yet. Ryan, we're going for a slow flight."

"We going to lead them off in one direction?"

"Yes, while everyone else head's back to Kodey's race. The raptors know both of us, or at least me, and they'll follow."

Ryan changed, and got a camera placed on him by Draco. I likewise changed and was attached to Simba's laptop, and we rumbled in the opposite direction to the village, took off, and banked around, just as the rest of the party started jogging towards the large forest. Kodey hadn't done much long distance running, so he held onto the back of Devlin as the Hell fire dragon made it look as though he had a child on his back. All of us were good at long distance running, save for me, and I made up for it by being a transforming human. But I concentrated on our task. Blackbird pulled along side me.

"How fast are we going to make this?"

"These raptors seem to run at about sixty kilometres without breaking a sweat. We're going to set it at sixty five.Can you fly at that speed?"

Ryan sounded doubtful."Let's just slow down to a point where we can keep level."

Then we burst over the ridge, as we gently thrust over the village. I still couldn't hear the raptors over the sound of the engines, but on my camera I saw half of them start running after us.

"Well, that's half at least.How fast are we going?"

"One hundred, ninety five, ninety, eight four, seventy seven."

I wobbled slightly, the thrust I was producing only just keeping me airborne, and Ryan was the same.We got to seventy, and I felt my self dip slightly.

"O.K., almost. You still going seventy?"

"Yeah, I can go at seventy five without major difficulty.I've got my stick back hard."

"Same here.I can't travel that fast on vertical hover either."

We passed over small light forests, with the raptors charging after us.They would never be able to hit us, but they wanted to keep us in their sights. They probably didn't know we could both do almost twenty times our current speed, in Ryan's case more.He had a lot less trouble going past Mach, it's only when he got to Mach 2 he got the headaches and pains I got merely getting to the speed of sound. What I really wanted was a Russian Foxbat with vertical take off, speed, armoury and anywhere take off, but that could be difficult.

Salbar kept a commentary.

"Half of the guards have gone charging off after the aerials, the rest are pointing over our direction and arguing.Did they capture Kodey in his forest?"

"Yes,"I replied,"he was walking around and they belted him one when he wasn't looking."

"Well, I'd guess they believe we're taking Kodey back to the forest, although one or two more familiar with us seem to be saying we're taking him back to Central."

"They're both right, but there is such a thing as order." I replied."How far is it to the forest?"

"You measured it, two hours walk." Devlin replied, panting as he ran.

"If he's getting too heavy, I can carry him." Draco offered, running with some what more ease then his cousin.

"Not yet."Devlin gasped, running through a few bushes in the sparse forest.

"It's been a while since I've run long distance." Billy Carlson smiled."A couple of months ago, I ended up chasing a bunny convicted of torturing fellow brothers up a mountain and down the other side, three hours of seeing your quarry ahead of you."

"How did you catch him?" Javid asked, interested.

The bunny spoke between his strides." I jumped off a ledge, slid down a scree slope, and landed directly in front of him. Broke my leg doing so, but I had a weapon, he was unarmed."

"Nice going." Takori replied."I get around on foot a lot as well, And sometimes I would run to get to a particular village, especially if I was walking through an area with known Blood blades."

"The terrorist group on your planet that Alduin thwarted?"

"The very same. Fear is a remarkable stimulant."

"So do you think fifty raptors chasing you counts as a stimulant?" Time asked.

"Sounds terrifying enough to me, I just picture what happened last night."Takori replied.

Landon was lithe, and fast, he ran pretty quickly. Blake kept beside Dev and Draco, and offered to take the weight of Kodey if necessary. They were all superbly fit, and as they went past fifteen minutes of running, Devlin said he needed a break, and Kodey gently jumped from one dragon to the next.

Meanwhile, the raptors chasing us were starting to run out of puff too.Salbar reported the raptors were still arguing, and five minutes later, because of the rate the party were going, they reckoned they were halfway there.To further exhaust the raptors, Ryan and myself boosted our speed by ten kilometres, and the raptors slowly started falling backwards, for we were almost indefatigable at this speed, where as this was about as fast as they could go.At the twenty five minute mark, the leading raptors practically collapsed down in tiredness, and soon all of them were in varying states of semi conscious fatigue.

"I think that's done the trick." Ryan said, as we hummed away from the last of the pursuers.

"We'll just go another five kilometres, and bank around to the forest. Boost."

We accelerated, the power finally unleashed from the idling of the last half hour. The raptors watched in disbelief as we took off, doubling our speed, tripling, and then we had gone.

At the half hour mark, Blake took over the carrying of the reindeer, as the forest began to thicken slowly. We banked around at the same time, flying low and fast towards their position. Salbar was chuckling at the raptors as they continued arguing.

"I think they've stopped for a commitee meeting." he suggested, provoking grins from the party.

"Well, by now we can get there before they catch up." Simba said, doing some mental calculations in the middle of his strides.

"Oh wait, they're running over here.I think they've decided to follow us." Salbar reported. "They are coming directly along Alduin's drive path, to here, right, they've just entered the treeline."

The raptors spread out, taking note of the flattened grass, and the small campfire. They blundered back and forwards, sniffing the air for trails.One of them came straight over to the tree Salbar was perched on top of, and growled.

"There's something up there, I can smell him." he hissed. Banehallow ran over, and looked up, keenly. After a few seconds.

"The very top branches.You up there, what's your name?"

"Salbar, nice to meet you." the lizard called back down."How are you?"

"You are one of the Centralites?"

"I'm certainly not one of you." Salbar replied cheekily.

"Gad, keep it up Salbar, drive them stir crazy."

"Yes, he's on top of a tree, armed and dangerous, they won't budge him."

"Unless they chop the tree down." Salbar reminded.

At that moment, Banehallow heard me and Ryan blast past about a kilometre away, nothing more than blurs on the sky.

"They're heading to the forest!"he shouted. As I heard, I banked hard, and roared over the village.I gained height, and banked around, aiming to bomb a house I had commited to memory and X-ray. My machine guns opened up, scoring the ground leading up to the building and blasting bits of wood from it. Then as I passed over, my bomb detached, and landed squarely on the building.

"It had to be Kodey's room, didn't it?" Salbar asked in my head set. I laughed.

"Of course it did.How bad is it?"

"It's not there, there's just a giant hole in the middle of the community building."

"Who's carrying Kodey's chest?"

"It, along with all our sleeping gear, have been teleported back to Central. Silverine moaned when he heard we were bringing Kodey back."

"Someone should tell him Kodey's preferences."

"You've got a point there." Blake replied, the reindeer holding tightly onto the tiger/dragon's shoulders.

Then they entered the thick forest for proper, and they slowed down, being navigated by the reindeer as he bumped up and down on Blake's back. The raptors were already running back to the village.I had done little damage to anything that wasn't Kodey's room, so they should be grateful for that. Ryan was already landing outside the forest and heading towards the rest of the party. Salbar didn't mind staying on the tree, he was alternating between carving and music. I caught up with the party, as Kodey was let down. He closed his eyes, feeling for the memories that told him the entrance.

He spent five minutes doing so, and then pointed at a tree.

"That's the entrance."

I had landed, and we were all looking at the tree.

"I can't see any entrance." Javid looked in confusion, as we walked up to it. Kodey placed the side of his head to the tree, and knocked gently. He was apparently satisfied, as he knocked hard on the tree, and did it seem it was hollow?There was not the solid feeling to the sound, it seemed there was an echoey feeling.

Then, underneath all the moss,a line appeared, and swung open.The tree was made of wood, as all trees are, but this one had been constructed, and looked awfully realistic. The door swung open about ten degrees, and an eye appeared at the gap.It surveyed Kodey.

"Who are you, what do you want?"

"I'm Kodey, it has been a while."

The door was flung open, and another reindeer leapt on the first.Kodey laughed loudly as the second reindeer landed on top of him, hugging him.

"That's a greetings." Draco smiled at the reunion.

"Where on Earth (literal translation there) have you been?" the new reindeer asked Kodey.

"Far too long a story, and one you wouldn't want to listen to. The raptors caught me."

"You spent three years with the raptors?Why aren't you dead?"

"No idea." I replied."We thought it was fairly strange ourselves."

The new reindeer suddenly realised everyone else was around. He jumped to his feet, looking at the circle of explorers.

"Kodey..." he began, backing away from the dragons.

"Don't panic, Roain.They rescued me from the raptors.They don't even come from this planet."

"So what relation are you to Kodey, Roain?"I said, pronouncing his name passably.

"One of his brothers." the reindeer replied, looking relieved.

Roain practically pushed Kodey into the disguised entrance. There was a drop of about a metre, followed by some very steep steps, and about four metres underground, the passage was no longer mostly vertical, instead it sloped gently downwards. It was meant for creatures under six foot, so I had to bow my head slightly, and the dragons and Blake had to walk with their knees bent considerably.

Then the room opened out wide into a communal room, about ten metres by ten, and the roof was now two and a half metres high, so Devlin could just about stand straight. In the room were about eleven reindeer, all of them displaying mixed reactions to the arrival of their long lost relation. I had to step aside as Kodey went down again under two of his cousins. A few of the reindeer were looking at the more predatory creatures in our party with suspicion, but that soon dissolved as Kodey finally extracted himself from his welcome, and told his story. As he began, Salbar made a mention the raptors were heading this way.

"They can wait, besides, they won't find us."I replied.

"That's true, Kodey is the only reindeer ever taken, and he wasn't in one of the hides." Roain replied.

The story went on for ten minutes, and was greeted by a variety of reactions. He laughed about my plan, and the actions of the Hunted, and was solemn when he spoke of the raptors and their barbaric ways. And he did mention my full name, which impressed the family, and the Hunted.

"Well, he certainly proved it." Roain nodded at me," taking a prisoner straight under the nose of Banehallow and his entire tribe."

"He certainly mastered the plan well, even though at the end of it he hated himself for striking Kodey." Devlin smiled.

"One more joke on my name, I'll, I'll, hang on, you're bigger than me.O.K, just leave it." realising I couldn't threaten the Hellfire dragon seriously.

"So what is your plan now?" Roain asked Kodey. Draco spoke.

"Well, I believe Kodey wants to come with us to our planet.And before you think we're whisking him away for years at a stretch, he'll probably be here every week, regaling you with stories of where he's been."

"I like it." Kodey smiled.

"Well, if I didn't, I wouldn't be here."I retorted, smiling."I'm going outside, anyone keen for a little stretch before the teleport home?"

Kodey nodded. I stood up, stetching as far as I could in here, and walked out, Kodey directly behind me.

As I climbed the steep rises to the disguised entrance, I activated my X-ray device. Standing level with the ground, I looked around three hundred and sixty degrees, taking particular note of bushes. Nothing. I deactivated the glasses, and spoke to Salbar.

"Any raptors under your tree?"

"No, they seem to have forgotten about me. They rushed past half an hour ago, aren't they there?"

"Apparently not." I said, counting to ten in silence. No, not a soul.I opened the door outwards, and helped Kodey up. I shut the door, and looked around the deserted clearing.

As I turned back to Kodey, he smiled, and then stopped.He looked over my shoulder, and started backing away in numb terror.I whirled, one hand going for my pistol, and my right going for my sword.Both were brought up as I registered what I was seeing.

"Oh, bugger." I said, hollowly.

Banehallow was standing there, and he did not look happy.True he was smiling, but this was not a happy smile, it was an evil smile.

"Hello, Alduin. Nice try, walking off with our whore and all that, but you are too sentimental, and we are too intelligent to outwit so easily."

"You were up in the branches." I looked up. About two dozen were standing on branches around the tree."

"We could smell where your scent led, but we couldn't find the opening, so we waited."

I switched my headset on, and opened links to all my friends.

"This is slightly bad." I said, and changed back to their language."So how long?"

"Ten minutes.You are less patient than I thought."

"Correction, I was just finishing up speaking, and wanted a walk. Kodey decided to come with me."

"Well it's your lucky day. Hand the reindeer over."

"Touch him, and you'll be lucky if you live." I retaliated.

"You threaten the Veloci leader, outnumbered forty to one?"

"I rise to any challenge if a friend is in danger.You will not touch him."

Several raptors stepped out from behind trees, and most of the rest leapt down. They made no sound on landing, such was their sleek movements.

Devlin spoke." Get your scanner out, activate it. In half a second, we're there."

"No, Devlin. One false move and they will attack.I won't have time." I replied.

"Your friends cannot help you, Alduin. Hand him over."

"No." I repeated.

"You seem to think you can beat us?"

"He can." Kodey replied, from behind me.

"And why is that?" Banehallow was smiling in humour now. I closed my eyes in dread.

"His very name explains how good he is, and why you cannot beat him." Kodey challenged.

"Alduin?" Now there was puzzlement. I sighed, and drew my sword as Kodey spoke the words.

"His full name is Alduin Raptormaster."

There was a deathly pause.I stood there with my sword in my hand,pointed at the ground, looking straight in the face of Banehallow. I spoke a few words to Kodey.

"You just declared war, you know that. True we had little chance of getting out without a fight anyway, but it's certain now."

Banehallow let the full implication sink in, and his face contorted.

"Your name, amuses me." Sure, that's why he's looking daggers at me. "Kill him."

They all leapt. I dived forwards, just as Kodey fell back. Devlin was at the door, and physically pulled the reindeer down the hole.

It was only one or two wide down there, so until Dev moved, I was on my own. Dodging spears, I charged at two of them, sword coming around in a hideous haymaker swing that left two raptors with broken spears. As I spun in mid air, one of them swung his claw at me, only to be kicked in the ribs. I landed well, and grabbed my Eryx, loading fast. The raptors had no idea what they were taking on, but they stopped as I turned around.

I forget where the shell went, but there was a colossal explosion as a tree was reduced to splinters. I was more paying attention to the super heated cloud of flame and steam rocketing out the back.About eight raptors gave cries of pain, sinking to the ground, giving me time to charge over them, and attack with my bare fists. Three raptors tried to fight, and I felt their claws bounced against my chest. One kicked out with his sickle claw, and it screeched against my neck. I staggered backwards, unhurt, and drew my rifle, loading a steel round. The raptor went down as I was reloading, and the second raptor clutched his shoulder. Then Banehallow himself leapt at me, and as I dropped the rifle and Eryx, I fought against him. He was absolutely nuts, the blood lust upon him. Blows rained down on my steel, and I winced as I tried to force him off.Several others were surounding me, trying to pin me down, and then Devlin came up gun blazing.

The pulse blaster, on full automatic, fires three shots a second with the limitor, so the person's aim is steady, or nine with the limitor off. Devlin had his limitor on, but it was easily enough. Raptors fell or ran as they turned to face the Hell fire dragon's accurate shooting. A spear pierced his shoulder, but he barely noticed it as he rose out of the hole, Blake following. The tiger dragon leapt up, and charged at a pair of raptors, and they whirled across the clearing in a melee of fists and fur. Landon had drawn dual pistols from his belt, and was firing it our direction, but not at Banehallow because of possibly hitting me.

Banehallow realised he was running out of back up, and as he hesitated, I rolled backwards, so often like I did with Draco, and as I rolled, I snatched up my fallen sword.As Banehallow landed on bottom, my sword was on his throat. He looked at me coldly.

"Kill me, then."

"I won't. You spared Kodey's life, I will spare yours."

"You are not perfect then. You do not have the power to kill a person face to face."

"I knew there was something to like about me." I replied, as the battle finished. Devlin came over, his phaser covering the Veloci leader. I looked up at him.

"You do know you've got a spear in your shoulder." I said, looking at it dangle up and down as he moved.

"Do I?" he looked at it."Owch." he grabbed it with one hand, pulled it out, and snapped it between his fingers. Blake came over sporting a few small cuts, and Landon came over, dual pistols levelled. Draco came up, with Kodey. Banehallow looked at Kodey, and his face was completely unreadable. I got off the raptor, and he stood. Facing three barrels and a sword, he looked at me, then Devlin, then Kodey.

"You're all insane." he said, and turned on his heel, walking through the forest.

He vanished into the undergrowth. I lowered my sword, and looked at Draco, who was still by the reindeer, who was looking at the results of the skirmish in astonishment. Simba came up, treated Blake, the Devlin, and started going among the wounded raptors.Four wouldn't be getting up again. Blake killed one, Landon killed one with his pistols, and my Eryx blast killed two more.The rest, there was about twenty, were in varying states of unconsciousness, mostly from Devlin's accurate fire, although a few were out because of the burns they had suffered.

"I'm sorry, we're insane?" I said.

"You took on his entire force by yourself." Simba said.

"Good point. We'll leave it at that." I thought about this, and nodded."But surely they aren't that bright either, trying to attack us."

"They thought they could get the drop on us."

"Drop, yes, getting it on me, no.Good shooting, Devlin."

"Not too bad." he replied modestly.Typical Devlin line, takes out half the force, and makes it seem like nothing.

"To make sure they don't return, we'll need something to guard the reindeer's house."

"Way ahead of you. We have a special blaster that can be calibrated to hitting one species." Simba replied.Ryan nodded, and teleported, he intended to fetch it.

"Damn," Billy said feelingly as he came up,"I so wanted to hit one of these savages."

"No less than they deserve."Simba said, bringing one around and jumping back.The raptor looked around, and moved fast. From lying on his back to full sprint towards the village in about half a second.

"Something seems to have scared him." Time said, looking at the rapidly fleeing reptile.

"Yeah, it looks that way." Takori replied, leaning against the fake tree." I wonder what it could be."

The remainder were moved away as they woke up, and Ryan came back with a small phaser attached to a long pole, which was sharpened at one end. The trick was it could be hammered into the ground, and could thus spend forever there.Furthermore, it was completely automatic, and Ryan demonstrated by setting it to a three setting, and we watched at it automatically targeted the nearest reptile, who was just waking. Ryan had thoughtfully left the safety on, but the raptor rose faster than an Olympic athlete.

The installation of the automatic guard took about five minutes, with some tremendous effort from Dev and Draco. It was installed in the tunnel itself,pointing directly at the bottom of the stairs. It moved on a swivel joint, and Ryan typed in the commands while we all prepared to teleport.

After all the tediousness had taken place, we teleported, Kodey on my right arm. He landed badly, but I caught him before he hit the ground. Silverine was standing there, looking at the party, and as a glower turned up, everyone started walking away. The glower watched the departing crew, well I guessed it did.

"So Alduin's volunteering to explain the story?"

"No, I'm taking Kodey to Silverine's office."Silverine led the pair of us while the glower started speaking to a very resigned Draco.

As we walked, Silverine found out the history of Kodey from me and him. We explained what he had been through.

"Three years, taken advantage of?"

I switched to Central language.

"He's naturally submissive, Silverine, and not just because of the raptors."Silverine looked at me in interest. Kodey was admiring Silverine's muscular frame, and I added," and I think he finds you intensely attractive."

"He's not the first."Silverine replied, "but I like the look of him."

We arrived in his office, and I locked it behind me as we sat down. Kodey sat on a chair.

"So, Kodey, you want to join Central on their Exploration trips?"

"Yes, Silverine."

"It takes an individual great skill, intelligence and resourcefulness to be an explorer. Do you think you have those skills?"

"Yes, Silverine." Kodey repeated.

"Your disadvantage is you have no knowledge of our tech, nor any prowess with a weapon, but I'm sure you can learn."

"I can, Silverine." the reindeer nodded.

"Completely obedient."I shook my head, speaking to Silverine in Central again,"I dare you to order him to strip."

"Don't tempt me, Alduin." Silverine replied."Now, Kodey, for something less important, when can you explore?Alduin, for example, holds down a job on his home planet for four days a week."

"I can work anytime, I have no job or obligations back on my planet." the reindeer nodded.

"Did you notice he's staring at your pecs?" I added, trying to make Silverine laugh," I mean, I would, but it's terminal."

"Alduin, can you let me concentrate?I want to fuck him,happy?, but we have a protocol here."

"Love overrides all protocols, I know that much."I said.

"What are you two discussing?" Kodey asked nervously.

"Alduin's being his childish self."

"I'm nineteen, that's not hard."I smiled, and Kodey rose to the bait.

"Silverine, what is Alduin being childish about?"

"He is under the impression you want to have sex with me."

"Permission to speak freely, Silverine?"

"Granted, with an expectant feeling of dread and amusement." I said it before Silverine.

"I would." Silverine made a face at me, I merely laughed. Kodey looked at me, and I was determined to see this through.

"Silverine's the most dominant creature on this planet, that's why he's Chief Scout. You should get on famously."

Silverine roared with laughter." Alduin, will you stop playing match maker for half a minute? Very well, Alduin, you wish to join in?"

"Well, if you intend to play the games you do with me, I'm keen."I replied, shrugging.Kodey looked at me.

"What games?"

"Silverine likes the chase, try and avoid him, and me, because I'm here." I smiled at Kodey as the reindeer looked both of us up and down.

"The odds are slightly in your favour." he said slowly, but prepared for one of us to move at him. Silverine went first, lunging forward over the desk. Kodey sidestepped, as the Lupogriff came flying past. I stepped past Silverine, and walked directly towards the reindeer. Lunges are all very well, but to properly corner some one, I just walk until they back away, and then herd them. Kodey moved backwards as I advanced, backing hard into the wall, and then shuffling towards the corner as I stepped the opposite way. Kodey was waiting for me to do what Silverine did, and continued backing, until he backed straight into the corner.Silverine approached from the door, I from the wall, and he looked at both of us in slight fear.

He stepped away from the Lupogriff's attempted grab, but in doing so walked straight into me.I grabbed him around the middle, and hoisted him off the ground. He kicked violently in my grasp, but I held him tight. The reindeer was still topless after the whipping that morning, and my chest was hard against his furry back.Instead of ripping his clothes like Silverine, I thrust my hand down his pants, taking his cock in one hand. He kicked out, but as I gently played with his jewels, he quickly stopped kicking and hung loose in my grip, his head arched backwards on my shoulder. I turned my head, and he looked at me in the middle of his uncertainty.Silverine took this opportunity to remove his trousers, until the reindeer in my grasp was completely naked.

I still had my kit on me, so I one handedly brought out my handcuffs, and cuffed his hands behind his back.I let him down gently, until he was on his back, and Silverine lay down on top, gently probing against the reindeer's ass with his member. I stepped down, sitting on the table, keeping out of ths round.Then Silverine entered.

"Oh god! Silverine, you...." Silverine took the reindeer by the head, and kissed Kodey.Kodey returned it passionately, wrapping his legs around Silverine's thighs, and pulling himself deeper on to the Lupogriff's cock.The kiss continued as Silverine started thrusting hard and fast into the reindeer.Kodey moaned in surprise and delight through the kiss, and they broke apart.

"Can I be your lover?" the reindeer gasped,"I love you, yes harder."

Did Silverine actually have a lover? Good question. Draco had me, I had Gareth, Abby and Simba were definitely together, Time and Takori, but I don't believe Silverine had one.

"You ask me?"Silverine sounded slightly surprised, but I saw him smile."I would love to have someone, but they would have to be mostly submissive.You are in fact asking to be my bitch."

I didn't know he was capable of the word.But Kodey instantly spoke.

"I am, and I will be."

Eight foot Lupogriff, muscular, devastatingly hot, and dominant, going out with a five foot two, slim, none the less good looking,submissive reindeer. There's an interesting picture.Oh well, it takes all sorts to make a universe.Silverine nodded.

"I accept." he said, and thrust hard and fast into the reindeer's ass, roaring with sexual tension. Kodey cried in pain as the Lupogriff ejaculated, and then smiled as Silverine relaxed.

"Thank you." was all he said on the subject.As Silverine lay back, I came over, stepping out of my clothes. I helped Kodey up, and he immediately shuffled over, going down to suck his new master.Silverine reached out to take his antlers, but I made forward.

"Don't, Silverine, it hurts him." Kodey looked up.

"I'd rather you didn't." Silverine understood fully.

"I won't then.If you are bad, though, then you know what you'll get."

I breathed outwards.Kodey nodded, and continued the oral work.I changed into my bionic form, and gently thrust into the Kodey's well lubricated ass.I could feel him tense up, and I lay on top of him as I gently thrust back and forth.Silverine finished again not long after, and spoke to me in Central.

"Has he actually gotten off in three years?"

"I did him last night, but I suggest you give it a go."

"Right, pull him up."

I put my legs inside his, and lifted his handcuffed hands up.I slipped my head, arms and upper chest under them, and felt the chain and bone in his hand against my back.Then I sat up, sitting on my own legs.The reindeer came up on to me, and slid all the way onto my legs. My cock went very deep, and as his head fell back, I twisted my upper body around, and he sat up, kissing me.As I kissed him, Silverine fully engulfed the reindeer's member in his jaws, and sucked on him.

We fucked him for about half an hour in various positions before I unlocked his hands, and I left them to enjoy each other. In doing so, I went to the food store, and found the entire party of Hunted, plus all the old guard listening to Draco. Thomas Nagoya looked up.

"This plan of yours?"

"I don't want to hear what he's saying about it, but I do have news."

"Really?" Devlin straightened up.

"Well, I'd say it was news. Kodey asked to be Silverine's lover."

"And what was Kodey's reaction when Silverine explained what that meant."

"I don't care." I said, innocently.

"Are you telling me...?" Alecto looked disbelieving.

"Yes, Silverine and Kodey are in love with one another." I said, and then the entire party burst out laughing.

"That I never saw coming." Javid laughed.

"Completely opposite to one another." Tufty chortled.

"That's the point." I replied,"Think about it. Silverine is dominant, Kodey is submissive.Simple as that."

"I've heard of predator prey relationships, but a Lupogriff and a reindeer?"

"Five foot two reindeer, he's not exactly tall and muscular."

"Not muscular full stop.But actually it makes sense, Silverine's the guardian Kodey never had, and Kodey's the submissive son Silverine always said he wanted." Devlin said thoughtfully.

Fully aware it was Sunday, I decided to go home, so I bid my friends good afternoon, and teleported. Gareth was in fact outside doing the mowing with a hand mower, and I waved to him from the window. He came in.

"Nice trip?"

"Not the best. Get a glass of water, I'll tell you everything, and you still won't believe me..."

He didn't, or at least not until he saw the doe eyes Silverine and Kodey were making at one another.

Of Raptors and Reindeer Pt2

"Now," the raptor said," I suggest you take your friends away, because we are not wise after feasting.I would get a head start on your intimacies with Kodey, you will find various tools in his room. And just so you know, I suggest you don't come out on...

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Of Raptors and Reindeer Pt 1

Three weeks after the attempted coup of Central by Drason, and the thwarting of his efforts by the Glowers, I have never seen a glower angry, and never want to again, we were told that another planet was up for Exploration. This time we were going to...

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The Darkness of Drason Pt 3

I woke on the Sunday morning. Devlin was sleeping guard next to me, he was far too good to me. Javid and Salbar hadn't approached the bunk, and were top and tailing on the single bed. As I stirred, Devlin felt the movement of the air, and his eyes shot...

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