The Darkness of Drason Pt 3

Story by TheNovelist on SoFurry

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#61 of Exploration

I woke on the Sunday morning. Devlin was sleeping guard next to me, he was far too good to me. Javid and Salbar hadn't approached the bunk, and were top and tailing on the single bed. As I stirred, Devlin felt the movement of the air, and his eyes shot open.

"Alduin, you are all better?"

"My fingers are fine, my body is healthy. What about you?"

"I feel very much refreshed, I felt somewhat drained from the virus, but not as badly as the others."

I sat up, receiving my clothes from the ever present dragon. Draco entered, as did Simba.

"That was an utter nightmare yesterday, tell me it didn't happen." the lion breathed out.

"Oh it happened,"Devlin replied," I've got the bruises from Silverine to prove it."

Javid and Salbar awoke as he spoke, and Salbar sat up.

"I've never seen an attempted coup."

"Well now you have, although if you wanted to you should have come to Earth more regularly."I said, smiling, getting to my feet.

I went over to the other bed, where Salbar and Javid were trying to stir without moving the blankets. Simba came over innocently, and on a count of two, we whipped the blankets off the two.

"You two do enjoy yourselves.Not as much as Salbar does with someone else I could care to name, but still." I said, looking at the two exposed creatures on the mattress. And I mean exposed in every way. Salbar quickly got up and dressed, but Javid just lay there.

"I'm not getting out of bed, I'm due it after all those early morning parades in the army."

"There is no bed, there's only you and a mattress." Simba replied.

"I'm imagining that the sheets are still here. It's much warmer in here."

"On here."I laughed, tossing the duvet back at the colonel, who quickly covered himself.

Everyone else left the room.

"We're off to the food store, Alduin. Join us when you've finished getting dressed." Draco said as he left. The main door shut, and Javid looked at me.

"Why do they insist on rushing off? We're not going anywhere, and we were all exhausted by the virus. I fought against Valmeero for crying out loud."

"Who won?"

"Drason." Javid replied, lying on his back. I sat down on the soft bed.

"How badly did you get hurt?" Javid asked.

"I broke my fingers, couple of shrapnel wounds, not too good.What about you?"

"A large bruise on my leg, where Tufty kicked me, and a few scratches."He replied. I lifted the end of the duvet up to look at the bruise in question.

"You're letting all the cold air in." Javid complained.

"I can't see it." I said.

"Left thigh, about two thirds up the bone."

I crawled under the duvet, letting it fall on me, and shifted between the wolf's legs. I spotted it, and then an evil thought crossed my mind.

"That looked like it hurt." I said.

"Well, Tufty does a lot of fighting, even though he spends his time in a clerk's office."

"He fights Alecto for domination." I replied, shifting slightly further up the sheets.My finger brushed the bruise.

"Yes, you've found it, congrats, now can you get out of my duvet?"

"What, and have you fall back to sleep?This is your wake up call."

"What, you examining my legs?I'm flattered, I'm sure...oooh, you cunning sod." he leaned back.I couldn't see his facial expression, but could feel him shiver through my mouth as I sucked his unerect cock.

"It's your own army training, this is your daily inspection." I laughed. He chuckled.

"My RSM never used to check me like this."

"Reminds me of a story, all the gunners from a regiment were undergoing a intimate areas check by a medical doctor, and under a signal they dropped their trousers and bent over. As the doctor inspected, one guy said Good morning, nice day?, and the doctor replied,"Not from where I'm standing."

"Inspecting the family jewels of fifty or so artillery boys, that's not surprising."Javid smiled. "I dare say we've had the occasional X check, if it was done in public, there would be catcalling every time someone was ordered to pull the trousers down.I got some fairly loud comments about my sexual activity."

"What, you were hung like a horse?" I asked.

"No, why was I the only regiment boy who didn't have a girlfriend?" he laughed.

"Because you looked for possible males?" I suggested.

"Hah, most of the guys would have it off with anyone on leave, but never at the front line, and I spent most of my time relaxing."

"This is relaxing." I reminded, stroking his cock as it grew to it's full size. I pulled down my trousers, and as I sucked his cock once or twice, discard the clothes under the duvet without Javid being aware. Then I quickly shifted up the bed, and lay down on the wolf.Now I saw his face, and he was looking contented with his eyes closed.

"Oi, you're supposed to be awake."I teased. He opened his eyes, and smiled. He took my sides, and gently thrust into my ass, and I felt the familiar sensation of the wolf's member force my ass apart. I lay on him completely, my head beside him, and slipped back and forth across his body.

"Alduin, if you had told me, I could have joined in."Devlin said, as he opened the door.

"Dev! Pull up a position!" I laughed, as the Hellfire dragon came over."Were you waiting for us to begin?"

"I was waiting for you to come out, and when you didn't, I guessed."

"Well you're prize for guessing correctly is, join in." Javid sighed in relief.Devlin needed no second invitation, and as he quickly removed what articles of clothing he had on, I pulled off the blanket. He got onto the bed, and I felt his warm hands caress my chest.He went lower, and one scaled hand played gently with my own cock, while he lay on top of me, thrusting his own cock into Javid.

Javid's cock expanded as his knot developed, and as he gently thrust, I could feel it bumping against my anus.He thrust a bit harder, but didn't push hard enough to let the swollen knot enter, so Devlin decided he could help.Holding Javid steady with his own member, Dev pulled me backwards onto it by the hips, and I felt it firmly slide into me. Javid moaned.

"I wish you could do that more often, that felt really good."He said, fucking me with a little more power, but keeping it deep so he didn't come back out again.

Then Devlin pulled out of Javid's ass, and Javid spoke, slightly wounded.

"Why did you stop?" he asked plaintitively.Devlin ruffled around in his clothes,and next thing I was aware of, I saw Devlin's hand covered my eye.

"What game is this?" I asked, and got no further, because as I spoke, Devlin pushed something into my mouth. It was hard, and round, and it was connected to two sections of elastic.Devlin tightened it around the back of my head, and then thrust his cock hard into my ass.

I made a loud muffled sound, blocked by the ball gag, and Devlin smiled.

"I want to fuck this human for proper, he deserves it after yesterday."

I nodded.Javid smiled.

"For saving us?"

"Of course." Devlin replied."Now, shall we abuse him properly?"

"Wait, he beat Drason, isn't he the Chief Scout now?"

Devlin thought on this."Yes, actually, we might get in trouble for this."

I shook my head, and Devlin laughed.

"Nope, he wants it."

Both of them started fucking me at a moderate rate, and the double penetration was absolute agony, but I enjoyed every second. Devlin's lanky arms were wrapped around my chest, and was pulling me closer to him, and as the Hellfire dragon thrust he would pull me down onto the pair of them.I moaned, naturally, and as I did, Javid pulled both of us down on top of him, forcing me to be crushed between him and the dragon.As I was subjected to the weight, I felt Javid ejaculate inside me, and Devlin fucked me all the harder now he was lubricated. Javid removed his cock from the enjoyment while Dev worked his way to orgasm. With a final roar of pleasure, the hellfire let go his seed into my ass.It had no where to go, and so it fell down me onto Javid. Slight burns for both of us, but nothing we weren't used to.

Thus enlivened, Javid got out of bed, and the three of us walked down to the food store.

I entered, and everyone looked at me.

"Geez, what have I done wrong this time?"I exclaimed, putting on a look of mock agony at all my friends.

"What makes you think you've done something wrong?" Javid asked.

"They're all looking at me, again."

"They're waiting for an uplifting talk about you now being in charge." Devlin smiled.

Oh dear. I put my hand across my eyes in dread.

"Silverine, does the rules say anything about abdicating the role?"

"No, it's got to be a physical fight."

"Means the intellectuals haven't got a chance, like me." I sighed.There was a laugh from the store, and Draco stood.

"Well, I might as well go first.Alduin..."

"Don't you dare say it!" I replied, raising my bamboo stick at him. He seemed struck dumb for a few seconds, and then smiled.

"Ah, you think you'll beat me?"

"No, it's just Silverine's going to challenge someone, and I'd prefer it to get settled now."

"Why should I do such a thing?" the Lupogriff asked innocently.

"Because you enjoy the job. I don't know what it consists of, but I hate it already."

"Also, he is only here three days out of seven, the Chief needs to stay here a bit more than that." Devlin added.I made a holy sign, and breathed in relief.

"Well, I can't take up the job, then. That means it reverts to the first person, Silverine."

"Nice try, Alduin. What it means is that I have to fight you now."


Silverine stood, and a hush went around the room.

"Alduin Raptormaster, I challenge you."

"Forfeit?"I said, exploring all options.

"No such thing." Draco laughed.

"Why does no one ever do forfeit?" I complained, shifting my back pack off and standing there in my new shirt, a plain black one with a single silver stripe under the arms. I changed into my bionic form, and warily held the stick out in defence.

He came on like a train. I swung my bamboo around, and brought a chair around into the path of the Lupogriff. As he jumped over it, I slid underneath it, kicking it up at his legs. He fell forward, and landed on one knee. I got quickly to my feet, turned, and as Silverine made to charge, swung my stick with all my might. Silverine side stepped as it came whooshing down, and there was a crack like that of a ruler as the wood smacked into the table, spilling condiments and jolting cutlery.

The bamboo bounced upwards, jolting out of my arms, but I caught it as it fell, and ducked as the Lupogriff aimed a punch.I kicked him hard on the leg, but he barely felt it.

I decided the best way to do this was wait until I received a sufficient strong punch, and then fake that I was out cold. He hit me with a glancing blow, and I hit him firmly a few times, before said threshold arrived. I managed my back kick at the right moment, and brought my foot around in a blow that would have taken out most of Central, but Silverine staggered, and then aimed a punch directly at my ribs. I could feel myself lift through the air, never a good start.

Then the door of the food store received my body. There were several cracks, and the door was bowled off it's hinges.I hit the ground, and let myself slump.

"Possibly a little gentler, Silverine?" Valmeero looked at my prone body.Thomas came over to me, checking me for a pulse. My acting skill is moderate, and I felt the snow leopard remove his hand.

"Devlin, could you carry Alduin to sick bay?"

"He out cold?" Simba asked.

"He is."Thomas confirmed." Though it's not surprising."

"All credit to him, beating Drason, but Silverine, yeah." Valmeero commented, as Devlin gently picked me up, holding me in his arms. My arms dangled down as he carried me gently down the corridor. I waited for about two minutes, and then opened my eyes.

"Charming, they leave you to do the boring job of carrying the wounded."

"You weren't out cold?"Devlin looked highly amused, letting me down. I stretched my neck one way, and numbed the pain in my shoulder by doing slow gentle loops.

"No, I wanted Silverine to have his crown back.How was my acting?"

"You had me fooled." Devlin smiled.

"And probably no one else." Draco replied, coming from a side corridor.

"Can you blame me for trying?" I asked.Draco laughed.

"Nah, they're still in there, commenting about it though. Very impressed by your back kick, I might add. Landon's making physical gestures about what that would have done a normal creature."

"Depends which part of the body I hit on a normal creature." I replied, as we walked back towards our bunk room. We were joined by Alecto and Landon, the former was looking for me, the second for something interesting to happen.We got to the room, and I decided to get one of my games from Earth that I wanted them to play.

The game was Talisman, an adventure game that an immensely fun time waster, and could go on for hours on end depending. The objective is to win, as usual, and to do so you have to get to the Centre of the board, the top of the mountain.To get there you had to do various things, collect strength, craft, lives, money, weapons, from the game, and a talisman to get you that final step.With Draco there, however, there was very quickly a second rule involved. Have a guess?Yep. Anyone who lost a battle vs. anything or anyone else lost an item of clothing, and after the clothing went they died, even though in the original rules someone had to get to the top before a character could die.Also if you lost all four lives you start with, you stripped. Effectively Last Man Standing.

I was the Warrior of Chaos, a reasonably strong card, and very apt for me. Draco went for something with strength and no craft, the troll. Alecto was the merchant, Devlin picked the ninja, and Landon the elf. We all started with four lives, and I started events by rolling the D6. I instantly found a spell caster, who granted me two spells, Fire ball and Finger of Death(lose two lives). I also encountered a dragon, who Draco volunteered to roll for as I rolled my attack roll. I defeated it, and kept the card to cash in for strength points.

The game, for one person anyway, was surprisingly short. Devlin hit his cousin once with his ninja's special ability, and Draco lost a life. Then he attacked me, and I hit him the fireball. He lost to the fireball, so I cast finger of death, and Draco was out of the game.

"Just passing through?" I smiled, as Draco looked at his troll card.

"I think I'll pick a more clever character next time." he said, getting out of what little clothes he had on. I prayed to my god, because I beat Draco, and received a nice sword for my pains.

Half an hour later, the elf and the ninja were stuck in a blizzard, which meant three rounds of fighting one another, so they were rather low on health. Perfect opportunity for Alduin and Landon, after blizzard, to attack them. Landon cast a Psionic blast, which added his craft to his strength, and Devlin was out. Alecto fought Landon twice, taking a life each time, but he was on one so as soon as I wandered along, the Chaos warrior made mincemeat of the elf's defence. I suppose it was helped that Alecto's attack roll was a one. Landon fought bitterly against me now, and while I had found a pool of life, giving me six lives, he reduced me to three before I cut his character down.

Then as Landon went in to the bathroom to change, I stripped outside.

"Give him two minutes, then it's all on all in there." I said, removing my shoes.

Alecto went over to the door, and I pointed noticeably at the fox. Draco pointed at the fox in confusion, and I nodded. We would all go for Alecto to start off.

The two minutes passed, and Alecto charged down the door. We followed right behind, as Alecto bodily tackled Landon. Landon managed a fine counter move pulling Alecto against the wall. I came over, and folded Alecto's legs from out under him, and he landed on his back against the wall.

Devlin came over while Alecto looked dazed, and pulled the fox onto him, wrapping his arms tightly around the herm, and forcing his cock into Alecto's ass.I took advantage of Alecto trying to fight the Hell fire off, to sit between the four legs, and thrust my cock into Alecto's pussy. Landon realised he was no longer in for it, and took a step over Alecto, sitting down on his cock, allowing it to slide up his own vagina, while facing me. Devlin's tail was there, and I gently pulled it towards my ass, which was still lubricated by the earlier sexual fun. He noticed my intentions, and I felt his tail twitch, so I let him go, letting him do his work. His tail slid gently up into my ass.

Draco stood astride Alecto, and thrust his cock into the fox's mouth. Landon leaned towards me, and Alecto, while otherwise occupied, grabbed Draco's tail, and forced it into Landon's ass. There was a moment of surprise from both, but when they realised, Draco laughed, and thrust hard into both foxes. Landon gave a cry of surprise, but I took him by the sides of the face, and kissed him passionately. As he likewise took me by the head, I let go with one hand, and stroked the fox's cock. Draco decided to fuck Landon for proper, he needed to get closer, so instead of continuing the blowjob, he shifted down, and took Alecto's breasts in his scaly hands, surrounding his cock with Alecto.Alecto turned his head, and kissed Devlin, who returned it.Draco then let loose with his tail on Landon, and I held him with one hand to keep the fox steady as Draco ravaged Landon's ass. Devlin's rate, in stark relief, was sedate.

Everyone was in a state of chaos. Landon was moaning through my make out with him, as he felt himself being ravaged by the draconic tail, Alecto's cock and my hand job. Alecto was likewise doubly penetrated, his cock fucking Landon, and his breasts getting done over by Draco. Alecto went first, with a primeval howl, and I felt my cock cover in liquid. I began to ram him hard, while he was still under his sexual frenzy.Landon, having just been ejaculated into, followed suit, and warm semen landed against my chest.I let go not long after into Alecto.

Draco, meanwhile, while fucking Landon senseless with his tail, was roughly working Alecto's breasts against his cock. Devlin let go just before his cousin, and Alecto cried in pain, as his ass was filled with the boiling semen.As he arched, his sent Draco over the edge, and with a full blooded roar,the reptile ejaculated, sending several bursts across the fox's face.

I refrained from a second round, instead I got dressed, and headed back to the food store. In there, I found a large space had been cleared, and Salbar was talking with Orion down one end. Salbar had his swords out, and Orion had a fireball conjured nest to the swords.

I pulled up a seat next to Doran.

"What's happening?"

"Salbar testing his new swords for us.He says his swords have a new ability." the wolf replied to me.

Salbar turned down the length of the space, and spund his swords in his hand, watching an invisible enemy. With a roar he swung his swords in a circle, blades outwards. A double helix of fire surged forward, the two jets circling one another down the length of the hall.

"Fire tornado." Orion commented,"I'm impressed."

"Can he do that with fire only?" I asked. Everyone turned.

"I thought you were unconscious."

"I thought I was back." I replied cheekily at the Lupogriff.

"Very clever, Alduin." Salbar replied, "I can do it with any natural resource, wind, water or fire."

The magicians supplied him with these three, while he created a cone of cold, his fire tornado again, and a burst of scalding steam. This demonstration finished, I left them enjoying themselves.

I teleported home, and practically collapsed on the bed, while switching on the radio, the radio announcer spoke suddenly.

"You have just been listening to AFI, Miss Murder. It's twelve past eight right now, and we've had a request from a Gareth, for his friends. It's Daniel Powter's classic, Bad day.I hope it's getting better folks."

I smiled."I think it's going to."I said, as I fell asleep.

The Darkness of Drason Pt 2

Devlin laughed. "Yes, I am well aware of the Lupogriff's manner of personally testing each new arrival. How did Alduin fare?I don't believe anyone told me." "Well, apart from the fact I was fighting Silverine,"I replied, smiling,and there was a light...

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The Darkness of Drason Pt 1

After a fully exciting, physically exhausting trip to the planet which would be known as the Dragon Rider's planet, we were informed that we were to take a trip to another planet, and that Devlin once more would come with us. Now, officially, six was a...

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If I could just say this... PT 2

More of the gang arrived, and conversation was rife, but none dared approach the kitchen.The table from the great hall arrived, being held by Grant, Doran, Winslo and Billy, and was set down in position. Because of the way the scanner worked, they had...

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