If I could just say this... PT 2

Story by TheNovelist on SoFurry

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#2 of Exploration sidework.

More of the gang arrived, and conversation was rife, but none dared approach the kitchen.The table from the great hall arrived, being held by Grant, Doran, Winslo and Billy, and was set down in position. Because of the way the scanner worked, they had arrived practically in place anyway. Draco had actually set out a camera, and was recording us as we shifted gracefully from task to task. Silverine was keeping Devlin busy, how I had no idea, but soon my dessert began to take shape, and I placed it in the special tin, and put it in the fridge. One o'clock had now passed, it was now one thirty, and all but Ryan, Silverine, Blake and the birthday boy himself was not there.

Meanwhile, I noticed presents were coming out, Devlin was set to receive some serious haulage by the looks of things. I thought guiltily about the fact I hadn't thought about presents, but then I had been thinking about everything else. I was then briefly made aware of Alecto speaking.

"Time, can I borrow that knife for this pineapple?"

I ducked instinctively, and was not disappointed. The blade came scintillating around, and embedded itself in the fruit. Alecto barely blinked, and started chopping circles of pineapple.

"Now just a minute you three!"

We all looked up. Doran was laughing, as were quite a few others. The rest looked stunned. Time hadn't even said a word, she had just thrown it, knowing I would duck. I knew she was going to throw it.

"We're bonding." Time replied, before going back to her work. I shrugged, and finished making icing. This went into the fridge too, and as two thirty rolled around, began putting the small savouries into the mini oven. Then we realised, everything was on hold, or being done without us.

So we did what chef's did, and sat around talking with everyone. At two fifty we had one more critical thing to do, and that was to put the chickens into the big oven. Alecto and self dealt with that, and after it was done, I spoke to everyone.

"Right, we're all ready here. The plan is, Draco, go back and blindfold Devlin, saying you've got a surprise for him. Silverine will stay with you. Everyone else will come here and hide behind various furniture, doors, etc., keeping very quiet until Draco removes the blindfold. Then we bring in the Happy Birthdays.Any questions?"

"Yeah, are you going to remove that apron?" Alecto asked from behind me.

"No, we've still got a lot more cooking after this, remember?"

"It should be written, Kiss the Ringleader." Simba commented.

"O.K., so I work with it on, end of story." I said,although by now the apron was stained with flour, oil and various other food products.

Draco teleported. Silverine had been listening to every word, and I heard a bang as those with Dev and the Lupogriff made their excuses and teleported.By 'accident' we had left a scanner in the centre of the main room, so Ryan and Blake appeared, and took cover behind the couch. Then we tuned into the conversation as Draco caught up with the two on Central.

"Hey guys, how's it going?"

"Very well,Draco.Do you know where everyone's gone, seems to be awfully lonely around here today?"

"Pass. I've got something to show you though."

"Really, what is it?"

"Put this blindfold on, you can't see it just yet."

"I swear if this is one of your sexual pranks, you'll regret it." Devlin said, taking the blindfold and wrapping it securely round his eyes. There was a quiet laugh from my companions in the room, and Draco and Silverine took the blinded Hell fire by the hands.

"So where are we going?" Dev asked. Draco hit his teleport button.

We waited in all tenseness, for the thirty seconds. With a bang, all three arrived. Devlin stumbled slightly, not seeing anything makes it pretty difficult.

"O.K., what planet are we on now?" Devlin asked.

"Just a few steps forward." Draco said calmly, leading his cousin in front of the table and the big banner. Gareth pointed his remote control at it, waiting for the signal, and I held up five fingers. Four, three, two, one, and Draco whipped off the blindfold. Devlin opened his eyes, and all chaos broke loose. My friends jumped from their hiding places, and shouted in one harmonious yet discordant moment.

"Happy Birthday Devlin!"

Devlin looked absolutely amazed. Nothing short of stunned by the surprise. In front of him, in flashing black and red colours, was Gareth's banner, in his own language. Either side were about twenty or so of the group. Now he realised it, he was standing in Alduin's living room, and as he looked to the left, he saw me leaning innocently on the breakfast bar. There was a round of laughter as he took this all in, and then he spoke.

"Who's idea was this?" he chuckled, slightly overwhelmed by the attention.

"Once again, the guy who organized the entire affair was Alduin." Draco said, gesturing towards me.

"I somehow just knew it." Dev replied, laughing. I grinned wildly.

"I try.Of course, thanks go to everyone else for putting the entire damn thing together, but still I did think you should experience a birthday on Earth."

"It's most appreciated." Devlin said gratefully, as people started to mill around the breakfast bar. I held up my hands.

"It's all going to the table. If you're coming over here, you're volunteering to move it."

This was not a problem, everyone picked up the bowls, the plates, and moved it over to the table, often helping themselves to one or two of whatever they were carrying.One plate of savouries was out there, but another two came out just as the plates vanished from the bar, and Alecto and Time carried them to the table.

Dev was the centre of a laughing, merry crowd, and I hung back, absolutely ecstatic my plan had been executed to perfection, so far. I touched the wooden side of the bar for good luck, and with naught in the kitchen to care about, I joined in with the afternoon tea. Gareth had conjured plastic cups from somewhere, and the bottles of juice were scattered roughly equal along the table.

"Where's the fizz?" Draco asked, looking down the table.

"I'd like to get to dinner unmolested thank you." I replied courteously, provoking a loud laugh.

"And fair enough, I suppose." Alex commented.

"Not from where I'm standing." Brendan replied.

"On the other hand," Thomas conceded,"the two people so far complaining are the two that go ballistic on a sugar high."

"And everyone else, strangely, isn't." Billy completed.Draco shrugged, and drunk a cup of juice, and conversation flowed back to normal. I sat beside Silverine, and leaned back.

"If the chickens catch fire, wake me." I said,flopping backwards like some kind of marionette. The Lupogriff looked amused.

"Has something happened today to make you so exhausted?" he asked.

"The shopping list for this is the length of a corridor, the time to make it goes into the days marker."

"Well, it would had you not been helped." Draco added, from beside Winslo." Silverine, I'll show you the three of them at work."

"Send it to me too,"Devlin said firmly," I want to know how all this was done."

After five minutes, Silverine spoke.

"Another quarter second out, and Time would have given your head a shaving."

"I know." I replied, "I just knew it was coming."

"Still, you three are demons in the kitchen, I know that much."

The way my kitchen looked was about three metres in width and length, a counter top that surrounded the centre, with gaps for the oven and dishwasher. They all had cupboards embedded, so it was a mission for a new person to find what they were after, he might have to check all four walls. Then there was the breakfast bar in the centre, about a metre and a bit square, so there was easily enough for two people to walk side by side between it and the counter top.

The microwave stood on top of a piece of raised section of wood, at about eye level. It was right next to the big oven, and Time's miniature one fitted neatly underneath it, in the gap. My CD player was beside it, I liked to listen to music while I cooked. Beside the oven was the fridge/ freezer combination. I noticed steam coming from the large oven, so I got up from my seat, and quickly vaulted over the countertop, landing beside the oven. Whipping out my oven mitts, I checked on the veges, they were beginning to set in place, so with a spatula I mixed them all up again. You have to stir them occasionally, so they don't cook one way and stick to the tray. The chickens were fine.

Devlin didn't notice what I was cooking.The afternoon tea was demolished in half an hour, and everyone looked enthused for fun and games. Draco looked at my CD player.

"Musical statues?" he suggested, and there was a round of laughter.

"Are we going to finish it today?" Time suggested. The joke there being that we were all very quick on reaction times. I volunteered to be in charge of the music player, while Draco judged. I pottered about preparing the food, and started the music.

The consequent whirlwind of people was incredible. Alecto and Gareth were doing a ballroom dance to the loud music, which looked pretty funny, but everyone else was enjoying themselves. I gave them about half a minute, and without changing my body position, paused the song with my knife hilt.

Instant freeze. Grant had coincided my stop with a cartwheel, and was balanced on one hand with a look of intense concentration. But no one moved, although grins did break out. Grinning was allowed, as Draco gave them ten seconds, and I hit play again. Then was an audible sigh from the panther as he flicked back onto his feet.

Through the entire half an hour, there was only one person who fell, Gareth lost his balance after colliding with Silverine, just as I hit stop.I was unsighted, but Draco's sharp eyes saw the fox sprawl, even though it wasn't his fault.

Knowing we would get no result from this, we moved on to Twister, and Alecto sat on spinner while groups of four played. I was again in kitchen, so I watched with some amusement as my friends began.

The game got truly bizarre. Devlin, Time, Blake and Valmeero went first, and Draco couldn't resist saying what he did about six turns into the round.

"Jeez, that's one hell of a sexual position."

Blake was the lowest, his wings hanging minutely off the ground. Devlin was directly behind Time, in the doggy style position, hanging over her with his arms on the ones above her choice. Valmeero was going the opposite way, underneath the Hellfire, and one leg was over the tiger/dragon's chest, and one arm around Time's leg.

"Someone is so going to face plant if Alecto spins green." Salbar chuckled, as the next turn went. Devlin had to put his right leg across his left, so without shifting his hands, spun around with his back against Time, his hands crossed around her, and his hips hanging over Valmeero. Unfortunately, Blake was kind of pressed on at this point, as Time collapsed on him, unable to grab a green in time, and losing her balance.

Valmeero's leg was also crushed under the weight of Blake and Time, and he went for a burton too, leaving Devlin arched backwards over a pile of creatures.

"One to Devlin, next group please." Alecto said formally, as the previous lot shuffled off. They broke out a game of Pirate's cove, and played with a few who hadn't gone through.

The game lasted an hour, and guess who made the final four up? Devlin, Draco, Silverine and Landon, that's who. They took to the mat one more time, and after a few turns, Landon was shifted to the bottom of the stack as the taller and larger creatures used their reach to go over him. The right hand red turned up twice in succession, and Landon and Devlin communicated with one another to swap positions, on account of their being no other option. As Devlin pushed from the ground, Landon swung his hand from one to the one Devlin just vacated, and Devlin landed back on the new one.

Draco fell, trying to reach over Silverine to a blue with his leg, and consequently landed on the Lupogriff. Landon swivelled at the right moment, and the kerfuffle of wings and scales landed directly beside his lithe body.This made it much easier for the Hellfire and the fox to find positions. After several turns of gentle positioning, we realised that there was no way we'd get a winner for this either, and declared it a draw.

Meanwhile Time had stripped her fellow competitors in the Pirate game, and had drawn the feeldoe from her room, using it on those she beat.They were playing the blood bath rule, no friends, no alliances, just all out war, and it ended with a monumental battle on cannon island between the four of them.

Their shouts of delight and agony rang wild, with everyone else cheering the pitched naval battle, until Time fired of a powder keg, and blew all five of them out of the water, rolling four fives and two sixes, hitting everyone six times, and hitting Valmeero twelve times. No one actually had enough on their hulls to take six hits, and so all of them were sent to the Cove to rebuild their ships.

"That was spectacular bravery,Time.You blew your own ship to smithereens."

"I didn't think I'd roll that well." the canine replied, moving her hull marker to zero. This was the signal for those who previously weren't playing to fuck those who were playing and were consequently naked, because all of them had lost enough battles to be unclothed.

"Hey, they all got sunk, they need to do the forfeit to someone." Draco laughed to me, he couldn't get close enough to join in.

Dinner was well on the way now, and it was getting near to half five, so I began cooking up the peas, and making gravy from the juice of the chicken.It was also time to put the dessert in the miniature oven, so I did that. Draco came over and attempted to distract me by trying to suck me off underneath the apron, but I refused his advances.

"I'm trying to work.Afterwards, yes, but not now."

Another game was played, as Time and Alecto joined in helping me cook, although they were still in their birthday suits themselves. As everything was put together, Gareth brought out the dinner plates. I only just had enough, and Draco and Gareth began placing one corresponding to a seat around the long table.

We didn't have enough cutlery, so it was set to Silverine to get some from the Central food store. We did have enough glasses for the sparkling grapetise, again only just. Then as Alecto and Time began work cutting the white meat from the chickens, I checked on the dessert. It was ready, and I switched off the oven, and then began draining the peas.

Everyone sat down as the fox and canine went down the length of the table, either side, giving portions to each person. Three seats next to Devlin's left were empty, they were for us. The chicken was doled out, and they did the same with the roast vegetables. I followed with the peas, and set out four gravy boats. Then I and Alecto filled everyone's glasses with grapetise, a non alcoholic beverage, but very nice, and we sat down.

Silverine stood.

"A toast," he said, raising his glass," to Devlin, who's birthday we are celebrating today. Happy Birthday, and a bright new year to you."

"To Devlin." we all raised our glasses, and sipped at the grapetise. Devlin smiled.

"I am not a speech maker, but I thank you all for this. I would say one thing though,and I'm not letting him get away at this point. Thank you to Alduin, for preparing this entire thing, I would point out this is another perfectly executed scheme he's managed, another in a long list of tricks. So to Alduin."

There was a cheer from my companions on that theme, and I blushed. Dinner started, and we tucked in with ravenous hunger, me especially. To those who have cooked before, there is nothing like that first bite of your own meal, especially something you have put so much effort into.

Devlin took a mouthful, and sighed as he swallowed it, turning to me.

"Can I have it off with you, right now?"

"Point of order, it says kiss the chef, not fuck the chef."I raised one finger in objection." Certainly after this is all finished, but there's still a trick or two left up my sleeve."

"Has he got an entire dimension up there?" Blake asked, through a mouthful of roast carrot."He had no more than thirty hours to get all this ready, and he's still conjuring delights like a magician."

I rolled my eyes, although I was still smiling."I plan quickly, Winslo can do it by magic, I do it by thinking ahead."

"All right, hand over the bottle of Lift Plus." Draco held a hand over, waiting for the non-existent bottle,"I know you've got it somewhere."

"This time, however, it was a sugar free idea."I replied."Besides, I love Devlin, I was prepared to move mountains getting it done."

"Yeah, he did, it was a mountain of shopping he bought." Alecto emphasised the word mountain and got the laugh he was after. I finished my dinner first, and shifted back over to the kitchen. From the table, no one could see the microwave, due to the raised wall to make sure things didn't full off the back of the marble, so I could easily shift the dessert to the marble top without anyone seeing what I had prepared. Grabbing the icing from the fridge, I took a knife, and covered the dessert with the icing. I ruffled through another drawer to get some candles, and placed eighteen in a pattern that looked something like a flame.

Now you know by now what I made, so I will explain it. I had made a cake, but this was no ordinary cake, this was known as the Chocolate Devil's food cake, a mouthful, but then so was the richness of the cake. It went off quickly, which was why I had made it this afternoon instead of yesterday, and it was immensely rich. As Time and Alecto cleared the plates, they brought out small ones.

"What's this for?" Silverine picked one up like a CD in his large clawed hand.

"Dessert." Draco replied.

"Oh god, are we to be having more?" Billy Carlson said, in mock horror,"Is Alduin fattening us up for a reason?"

"So we don't run as fast during the next Hunt, no doubt." Javid said, provoking a round of laughter. Grabbing one of the long sharp knives, I carried the cake over at head height on a large cutting board, and set it down in front of Devlin.

"Birthday cake."

"You left the candles unlit." Silverine looked at the cake with anticipation.

"Am I a dragon or not?" Devlin replied, blowing a small jet of flame, which instantly set them all alight.

"Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you,

Happy birthday dear Devlin, happy birthday to you." the song was lifted and carried distance from all of us. It was being sung in several different keys, but it sounded magnificent. Devlin bowed to us, and extinguished all the candles.

As I removed the candles, placing them back in a jar, Devlin began cutting slices of the cake, giving each person a five centimetre square piece, on account that any bigger and people would miss out. There was enough, and Devlin was left with about half a row, five by twelve in front of him.

"Yes, this slice is for me." he chuckled. I put my slice aside, waiting on the verdict beside the dragon's seated form. They all ate their piece, and the expressions were extremely pleasing. One by one they realised what they were eating, and Alecto actually sighed audibly as his face changed into delight.

"Alright, he is mine." Devlin said, swallowing his piece.

"I'll take it as though you like it." I said, hopefully. Devlin turned around, and embraced me in a dragon like hug and kiss. I returned it.

"That's a yes." Blake said, from down the row.We broke off, and Simba spoke.

"Was there anyone who didn't like that chocolate cake?"

"I have only one complaint." Time said. Alecto said the same thing.

"What is it?" I dreaded the answer.

"Why don't we have the recipe?" there was a huge outbreak of laughter.

"Now, now, I've got it written down in my book, I'll transcribe it for you later." I grinned, removing my apron.

"Oh good, he's now short-listed for sex." Draco said, as I hung up my apron.

"Not until someone volunteers to do the dishes."

There was a long pause, and Devlin looked around.

"Well I can't, for obvious reasons."

"Devlin's exempt, as am I, Time and Alecto."I added.

"No one wants to do all that." Ryan looked at the stacked piles of kitchen utensils.

"No one has do." There was a bang, and a glower appeared behind me. There was a mass movement. Silverine recovered first.

"Ah Glower, to what do we owe this visit?"

"I am glad you're all enjoying yourselves, that's all. I would like to bring along my own little gift to the party."There was a flash of light, and all of us were blinded for a minute.None of us spoke, and there was a bang fifty five seconds after the light caught us. Then we looked around.

The kitchen was spotless.All the dishes were clean, and the glower had vanished. The leftovers of the banquet were in the fridge, although for reason the gravy was left out in two boats.

"O.K."I said slowly."Now what?"

"Presents!I hope someone brought me something." Devlin put on a look of wistful hope.

"ah."I said.The uncapitalised little letter was important."Slight problem with mine, Devlin."


"Ummm, I need to get one,I sort of didn't have time."

"Hang on, you cook all this, you prepare everything, and you still want to give me a present?"


"Does anything slow you down?" Devlin suggested."I thought this feast was your present."

This apology being accepted graciously, I retired to my seat while everyone passed over their presents. Devlin took about twenty minutes to open them all, and he looked pretty happy with his haul. I can only remember Salbar's present off the top of my head, because he had carved a miniature hellfire dragon, in much the same scale he had with my own carving. But Devlin looked pretty happy with the haul. Then after the last had been opened, I retired to the bathroom, and sat down against the shower, breathing deeply.

Thomas Nagoya came in to wash his paws.

"I say, Alduin, that was a bloody good effort."

"Thanks, Thomas. I thought it went well."

"You think it went well?" Doran replied, walking in likewise."I think it went fantastic. If it weren't for the fact you've already got Gareth, I would keep you as my master, and make you make that cake for me every day."

"Trust me, you'd get tired of it." I replied."And it goes stale fast." They both left after drying their hands, and Doran shut the door behind me, allowing me time to recover.That entire show the last twelve hours, was the most fun I had ever had in a kitchen, and the most invigorating time for quite some time.Blake came in with Salbar, Salbar spoke.

"Little bit tired, Alduin?"

"Just a bit."

"So did you come up with this plan ten minutes after Draco told you the party was on?"

"Of course not."

"Sorry, just asking."

"It was barely five." I replied, breathing out deeply.

Blake laughed."You,Alduin, are extraordinary."

"It's one of the things I like about me." I replied.

"It's one of the things I like about him, too." Devlin said, walking in, moving over to the sink. He had something in his hands, I didn't bother to see what it was. "I want to know how he does it."

"I'll tell you when I know, Dev. All I was aware of was that you were going to receive a slap up birthday party, and I was going to be responsible for it."

"Well it worked." Blake left.

"Slightly better than I anticipated, actually, except for the fact I didn't think about getting you a present until it was too late.I'll get you a couple of PSP games next time I'm in town."

Devlin had a PSP, and it was something to see those claws dancing over the buttons as he played.He also listened to music on it.

"Alduin, forget it.Relax for just a minute." Devlin laughed. Salbar left, closing the door behind him. Devlin finished washing his hands, and dried them as he went over to the door and locked it. He had left whatever he was carrying by the sink, and he went back to it.

"I still feel guilty, I forgot something."

"You forgot it, true, but you were thinking so many other things it not surprising. Were you aware of anything else while working so hard?"

"Probably not." I replied, shrugging, pulling my shirt off.

"There we have it." Devlin replied, removing his trousers.

"I guess you're right. I'm just not used to failing to remember something.True, I had never organized a banquet by myself,so maybe it's just that." I acknowledged, removing my trousers and boxers. As Devlin came over, I was made aware he was holding something in one hand. As I looked up, he poured it over me. Warm liquid flooded over my neck, chest, and head. Before I reacted to this tactic, he picked me up, placed me on his cock, and licked my shoulder.

"Hang on, you just poured gravy over ...,oh that felt good."I looked confused by this tactic as he began his sedate deep thrusting, and promptly shrugged the query off.As he fucked me, he enjoyed himself by licking the gravy up.

His sensual tongue dragged over me seductively, and I sighed, all the aches and cares of the afternoon melting away with the Hellfire dragon's touch.His rate of thrust was seeming to coincide with Christmas, but neither of us gave a toss. I reached down, and took hold of the base of his tail, running my fingers gently over the scales in a rotational motion. My other hand stroked the soft spikes running down the his head, neck and back.

Now stroking two of his erogenous zones, and being fucked by the third, it wasn't surprising he forced me deeper, and now level with him, enveloped me in a hardcore kiss, of the French variety. One of his great hands was holding my derriere in place,the other was wrapped around my thin chest, pinning me against him.I wrapped my legs around his thighs, and he pushed all of his twenty four inch cock into my anus.

I held it there, continuing my massaging of his tail and spikes,and grinding sideways on his member. He growled in pleasure through our kiss, feeling the sexual fires blaze through him. I continued grinding sideways and back and forth, feeling his shaft sliding against the sides of my interior, and he broke off the kiss, leaning backwards.

So he was more stable, I told him to lean against the wall, so he did, and then I rose and fell on his cock under my power, allowing Devlin to relax as I worked him.He couldn't take this kind of treatment for long, and with a final roar and a burst of flame which headed up and dispersed against the ceiling, he ejaculated deep into me. I cried, feeling the familiar sensation of boiling Hellfire seed fill me up inside.

I tightened my grip with my legs as more semen entered into me, not with a lever would they separate the two of us right now,and Devlin sat down with his back against the wall, looking at me with a look of pleasure and affection.

"How much Lift did you drink today?"

"None.If I'd know about this afternoon, it would have been a six pack."

Devlin wheezed with laughter,a small tongue of flame gently touching my shoulder. It didn't hurt, too much.

"And yet you're still keen and ready for the next event?"

"I'm not, but I make it look as if I am, Devlin."

"Well, I suppose I should do something for you, seeing as you went to all the trouble." he said, finding where I had left my handcuffs, and cuffing himself to the towel rail.He spread his legs outwards, exposing his anus, and he used his legs to push me into him. His tail came around, and I fucked him, his tail fucked me, so I stroked his cock.We both let go after a few minutes, the dual cries reverberating around the bathroom.

Then Time and Alecto teleported in.

"Devlin, we, wow." Alecto stopped his prepared statement at the sight of me with my cock in Dev's ass, and Dev cuffed up.

"Don't worry, I wanted him too, although if you're joining in, I might want the keys."

"Well, we intended to offer ourselves to you, but..." Alecto began.

"Then join in." Devlin finished with equal magnanimity.Time came over, and thrust her vagina onto Devlin's cock. She had brought her long dildo, and Alecto took it as he fucked her ass. He sat on my own cock,well he would have sat on the floor had I not been there, and so I did his ass, and he inserted the dildo into his own vagina and then into the Hellfire's ass. Devlin thrust his tail into me.

Time abused herself on Devlin's cock, rising and falling with speed, and Alecto, being sandwiched in the middle of three of us, was likewise going hard.

It was chaotic, but a lot of fun. Devlin's hands were still chained, but that mattered not.The cries of delight surely must have been heard in the main room, until after half an hour, we broke up, having all released a couple of times. I unlocked Devlin's cuffs, and the three of them headed to the door.

Ah, no wonder they hadn't reacted to the noise, I thought to myself. As the canine, the fox and the hell fire dragon got into the brawl, I escorted myself around the perimeter of the room, and after almost getting involved with Val and Abby, I got into my room. Winslo was in there.

"Ah, Alduin, that was a delicious feast." he said, looking at my flushed and worn expression.

"Thank you very much, Winslo.I think I need a sleep." I said, locking the door behind me.

"Not surprisingly, I was watching a bit of you cooking earlier from Draco's recording."

I lay down on the bed, the bunny sitting beside me. He was minus clothes as well, but I shuffled under the covers, not wishing to exert myself any further this evening.

This was not what Winslo had in mind. He got under the covers, and wrapped his legs around me. Then he began sliding on my cock. I let him do so, allowing myself to fall back.

Winslo finished me off once, and after he lay down beside me, I managed a whisper.

"Happy birthday, Devlin." and then I was asleep.

If I can just say this...

The midwinter had settled on the Southern city of Dunedin, and thus snow had settled for once on the houses. White, wet snow covered everything, the hill we were on it was about five inches deep. I stood outside, overlooking the road going down the...

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The dragon rider's Pt 3

"Enjoying it?" I asked innocently. The male elf had his arms and legs in the freefalling style, and he delivered the one fingered salute at me. "I am quite prepared to die, Alduin, but not at your hands." "Oh, did you hear that? That was a joke." ...

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The dragon riders Pt 2

The dragon riders ate a hearty meal, I contented myself with a sandwich from my pack. Salbar's swords had been cleaned and sharpened by their owner, and they gleamed in the morning sun. By use of some mirror method, the light was supplied twice,...

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