The dragon rider's Pt 3

Story by TheNovelist on SoFurry

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#58 of Exploration

"Enjoying it?" I asked innocently. The male elf had his arms and legs in the freefalling style, and he delivered the one fingered salute at me.

"I am quite prepared to die, Alduin, but not at your hands."

"Oh, did you hear that? That was a joke."

"It's not funny when someone's life is in your hands."

"No, it's hilarious."I replied, "And you started it with your silly question.Now do you want to not hammer into the ground at two hundred and seventy, or do you want me to have to pick your remains up in a pillow case?"

The wind whipped at us, and I saw the dragon was in dive, following us.Jonathan was thinking on it.

"I'll give you this, you've got guts, but if you continue this course, you won't have much of anything."

I gently steered towards him, and his arms grabbed at my wings. I opened my bomb hold, and as he put his hand in, took hold with one of my bomb holders. The metal hissed as it locked in place, and I hit reverse. I slowed dramatically, and Jonathan winced in pain. The dragon flew past as I slowed to a gentle speed, and I rotated into hover mode, holding Jonathan about one thousand feet from the ground by his forearm.

"What did you have for breakfast?"I asked, sending more power to my hovers.

"Army rations, why?"

"Ah, no wonder, you weigh half a ton." I said, straining with the elf's weight. But Veronica came up, and Jonathan was landed on the dragon's back.

"Do it again, we won't rescue you." she said firmly to the man.I changed, and landed behind him. I handed him a detachable head set, and spoke.

"Here he is, safe and sound." I said to Draco.

"What, did you have to catch him?"

"Yes, he seems to have taken objection to our joke."

"I wonder why?" Draco said innocently. Jonathan scowled.

"You and your sense of humour. If that's what's in store for me, I'd rather end it now."

"Calm down, mate. You asked a dumb question, and we teased you for it. But I'll give you this, you've got guts to do something like what you just did."

"Maybe it was all the death threats from this idiot."

"I never said I would kill you, and I certainly wouldn't even if I was paid to do so." I retorted. "Your presence is required."

"For what?Torture, or just slavery?"

Veronica spoke." Can you do chores?"

"You're talking to a lower rank. We do all the chores."

"Can you handle servitude?If not, then you had probably just jump again."

"No, I could live with that. It's not much different from the army anyway."

"Good." I said, as we entered the valley that the dragon riders lived in. We found the ledge, and landed neatly outside the door. Me and Jonathan got off, and I retrieved my head set from him. Veronica spoke.

"I have to talk to some of the sisterhood, I will be back in half an hour."

She took off, and was soon gone from view. Jonathan looked at my very relaxed figure.

"Why did I join the army?"

"I don't know, why did you?" I looked amused. Jonathan scowled again.

"I swear, the wind will freeze that look when it changes." I said offhandedly. "For the Lord's sake, cheer up a bit. Look on the bright side of life. Just think, for each one of you with us, there are four hundred who won't see tomorrow's sunrise."

"And how many do you think would still be alive if it weren't for you?"

Nasty question. I wasn't able to come up with a reply for that one, because I had been mostly responsible for the entire army.

"Although I was under the impression you were attacking their supply town. People can get annoyed and scared when an army tries that."

"So they sent for you."

"No, they sent for the dragon riders. We happened to be there at the time."

"And you did more damage then they did."

"Yes, we five did make a large dent in the casualties. I have seen quite enough wars to know they are dumb, but all I was doing was making sure that no one would be stupid enough to try it again."

"So you would defend us if they attacked us."

"If I was given the opportunity, I would nuke every father's son that tried to fight in a war." I said, and I meant it."You were causing a fight, I broke it up."

"You broke it up alright. You decimated our army by yourself."

"That's true." I said.I was getting into a corner by this male's approach. I could see his point, though. I had done a lot of damage, and been responsible for a lot of deaths, but it had to be done. If those men in the Lancasters hadn't bombed the dams, flooding the Ruhr valley, then the Germans would have been able to fight longer, and they would have killed more of the normal troops.History is filled with such examples.

"Trust me, Jonathan, if God turned up tomorrow asking about those men that I killed, I would admit to it, but I say that because of my action, many more might live. At least those who I protected suffered no loss, and I doubt your lot would go to war again. Think about how many lives that would save. If you put your arms down, and lived in peace, because of my action, would it be worth it?"

"Ah, you think a world can be a perfect place. Doubtless you can find a meaning for all." he sneered.

"Forty two." I said promptly.

"What's that?"

"The answer to the meaning of life, the universe and everything." I replied.

He looked at me in suspicion."And that's supposed to be a decent answer?"

"No, but it's as good an answer as ever you'll get.The world isn't perfect, but at least you could stop fighting, and make it a little bit more better."

This continuation of the argument went on for fifteen minutes, and was only broken by the arrival of Veronica.

"Ah, my lady. You forgot to give us the key." I smiled.

"The door isn't locked." she replied.

"And were we supposed to enter without your say so? You saw how Seriphe reacted when I appeared."

"I would have thought that leaving you on the doorstep was say so enough."

"And leaving your lair unguarded? I wouldn't enter without a dragon rider present."

"Have you ever considered being a husband?" she looked amused.

"Have you ever considered being a wife?" I replied fast. She laughed.

"Fast with the comebacks, aren't you?"

"Well,"I began,"I live with a fox, I work with a quick mouthed dragon, I work on my planet at a place where I need to think fast.It's a natural talent, I suppose. But enough of the banter. What is your intention?"

We entered, and walked into the main circular hall. As we walked across it, Jonathan looked around in slight awe. We went into the dragon's cave, and Veronica drew her knife. As Jonathan looked at the fountain, she brought it underneath the collar of his shirt, and brought it down hard. The shirt was torn in two, and he turned, in more surprise than anything, exposing his rather nice frame.

"What did you do that for?"

"Interrupting the next oncoming argument, you work out a lot, don't you?" I asked.

"I am one of those who carry the stone for the catapults, coal, wood.I lift lots of things." he said, warily regarding Veronica.

"Thought so.I have friends who would kill for those pecs."

"Enough of the passes, Alduin. Jonathan, you are aware of the dragon rider's stories?" Veronica interrupted.

"Only that you charge for your services, and that your prisoners are enslaved."

"You're missing one." I hinted, giving a shake towards the dragon. Jonathan looked hard at the dragon.

"This had better not be going where I think."

"It probably isn't, if you think he wants to kill you."I said cordially. Jonathan finally twigged, and paled.

"Oh hell." he said, backing away slowly.

"It's not as bad as all that.I've had intercourse with dragons before."I said off handedly.

"Ones as big as that?"

"Almost.My suggestion, relax."

"That's really helpful at this point."

"Well, get undressed." Veronica ordered.

"Um, saving your ladies presence..." Jonathan began.I took some pity on him.

"Veronica, I'd say he's shy of doing so in front of a lady, give him that much."

"Very well."she smiled, and walked out. As I was leaning on the dragon's side, Jonathan looked at me as she left.

"Don't worry, I'm leaving too. But I wouldn't struggle. Scaly here doesn't know how weak we are, and it would be a shame to break an arm."

"Alduin, you are not helping."

"I'm not.I don't, frequently. But as I said, relax, it goes much easier."

I walked out, before Jonathan could abuse me properly. As I headed up the stairs, I heard the dragon moving, and Jonathan swearing profusely.I caught up with Veronica.

"That's very rude language."

"I think he's allowed to use it. But he's in the position because he wanted to fight., and he lost. He should count himself lucky."

"I should count myself lucky I was fighting with you. Those strafing runs, I would hate to be in one of them.Jonathan,"I called,"he does understand your language, swearing will not help."

There was a cry of pain and then a moan of surprise.

"Just out of interest, how big?"I said to Veronica.

"Two and a half, maybe three feet in length, maybe five inches wide."

"I don't know what he's complaining about. I would enjoy that."

"I'll tell him you said that."

"By all means do. Meanwhile, let's settle our draw."

"Alduin, you won, O.K.?"

"You were shot down, you would have beaten me, because I had used all my tricks." this was possibly true. Veronica sighed.

"You seem convinced you would lose."

"Oh, I saw your runs. If it weren't for my Fuel bomb, I would have long since been overtaken."

"So how do we settle a draw?"

"Well, I first expect us to be unclothed before we start things."

We both stripped quickly, and she dived at me.I wasn't expecting it, but fell well. Her lithe body fell against mine, her hair gently slapping against my skin, and I rolled with her, as we struggled to top the other. She was a dragon rider, I was an adventurer, we were fairly matched, although I had spent my time fighting Draco, so my skills were slightly better. With a final roll, I ended up on top of her, my legs wrapped around hers in a pin, my arms holding her's apart.

"You fight well." I acknowledged as I moved down her body.

"You do well, for a boy. What are you..." she ended in a small cry as I slid my cock into her ass, and gently slipped my two leading fingers into her pussy. I fingered the opening of her pussy for a few seconds, and then started gently exploring her interior, running my fingers along her vaginal passage.

I should mention I was not in bionic form at this point, otherwise I would not have fucked her. I inevitably drew blood from those I fucked unlubricated in my bionic form. This didn't deter me with Draco, although he refrained from doing so with me, and as I gently thrust into her anus, she held one of her breasts with one hand, massaging it. Her eyes closed, feeling me work her. Her other hand ran over the top of the one fingering her pussy, and she gently rubbed across it, wanting me to work harder with every touch. My left hand I brought around, and I wove it around the back of her neck, and took her left arm firmly, so I had her in my control. I brought her closer into me, and fucked her deeper.My finger work became more agitated, and she spoke in a moan.

" it faster." she said. In response, I pulled her all the way to me, and she wrapped her hands tight around me. My right hand was now sandwiched between us, but I could work deeper, and I started fingering her with a bit more speed. Her head was arched backwards as she felt my double penetration, and I used a bit of my dominance to force it back down, and kiss her. She responded, kissing me passionately, her hand crawling up my body, and holding the back of my head, pulling me intimately towards her. I did the same, while almost working my entire hand in her. She tried to break off the kiss to moan, but we were so tightly embraced that she barely made a muffled sound. I fingered harder, and as I did, she gripped with immense force, and as she broke off from our kiss, she looked at me lovingly.

"I wish I could come with you, but I am dedicated to the sisterhood.If only I could be with you." she said, feelingly. I looked at her kindly.

"I will visit as much as I can.I would love to be yours." I replied. Gently, I slid my entire hand into her vagina, and balled it up. To do this, she had to lean back, and she held me by the shoulders as she fell back.Her hair fell over her shoulder in straggly sections, and she looked absolutely primal.

"Fuck me, Alduin!"I had a mental reminder of Arkeia, who had become so willing, women could be like that."You command a dragon rider."

"Very well, dragon rider. If you cry, or moan,I will fuck you harder until you don't."

"Yes, Alduin, abuse me if I interrupt you."she revelled in being in this submissive state, and I enjoyed being dominant. She took a length of rope, and willed me to tie her hands, so she could not try and stave me off. I did so, the only things stopping her falling backwards was my left hand, which was now holding her right shoulder.

Then I thrust my fist into her, while doing the same with my throbbing member.This was too much for her, and she cried in pain.She moaned.

"No, I cannot be silent, not with you doing that."

I started working at a regular rate, and she twitched in sexual tension, and her eyes tightened with every deep stroke with my fist.But she was silent, and I kept it at that rate. She tried to break free of my bonds, struggling with her hands, but I had tied it well, and she couldn't break them.

The cry came, as she had a wave of sexual ecstasy, not yet orgasm, and she spoke.

"I'm sorry, Alduin.I know the punishment."

I thrust my arm harder, and deeper, and increased my rate fucking her with my cock.She screwed up her eyes in pain, trying to keep the inevitable moan behind her teeth.

But this was again futile. She cried again as my arm scored another wave, and I increased my rhythm a bit once more. Three times she cried before I brought her to orgasm, and I could spot it a mile off. She jerked in my grasp, but with one final elated shriek, she let go with a torrent of liquid all over my arm.She settled back, and I changed into my bionic form, and removed my cock from her ass. As I removed my arm, she saw my tool, and gasped.

"Was that enhanced by the DNA?"

"It was made steel by it, yes.There's no give in it at all, which was why I didn't fuck you with it at first." I said, as I slid my steel pole into her pussy. She sighed, her stretched pussy settling around my cock after my treatment with my arm.She twitched in pain as the cock roughly forced her apart. But now with my hand out of the way, we embraced tightly once more while she rose and fell on my member.

Now I was close to ejaculation, and Veronica could tell it. She rose slightly quicker, and merely let her self fall onto me on the thrust in.I sighed in pleasure, and then cried fully out as I let go with a burst of semen. She kept going until I had finished, and then got off me as I let her go. She lay back, her hands still quite tied, and panted for breath, looking at me with a delighted glance. I came over with my Swiss Army Knife, and cut her bonds, and as she rubbed some life back into her wrists, I reluctantly took my mike.

"Hi Draco, Veronica has spoken to the others of the sisterhood."

"Draco's a little busy at this moment." Salbar interrupted.I sighed.

"That's not surprising.How bad is it?"

"Javid, Draco and Seriphe are in a triangle. Draco can't speak right now, as he is deeply sucking Javid, and fucking Seriphe's mouth. Javid's using his muzzle to great effect, or so I presume from the look of absolute bliss on Seriphe's expression. Enjoying yourself?"

"You could say that." I said innocently, and got no further. Veronica crept up to me, and I felt a rubber dildo slide up my ass hard and fast. As it did, I felt her hands encircle my chest, and her warm breath on my neck.

"Ow. Sorry Salbar, Veronica wants me."I said, disengaging from the conversation, and getting off Veronica's dildo. She had a feeldoe, a dildo that could be inserted into the vagina, and then used like a male's genitalia, for it angled back up past her front. It kept in place in the same way a plug was.

I looked at it with a critical eye, and lay down on Veronica's bed. While the living room, as I have afore mentioned, was Spartan, the beds were made of the softest down, it was lying on silk. Veronica picked up my intention, and lay down on top of me, her back arched in a almost predator like way. Her hands firmly took hold of my shoulders, and as she shuffled her legs, I spread my own out.Accepting the invitation, she gently thrust the dildo into my ass. It's main purpose was in fact to make both feel sexually excited, and it worked rather well, although slightly more to her advantage. She fucked me at a moderate rate, breathing heavily with the exhaustion.

After about four minutes, there was an almighty roar, and a likewise loud scream of pain. We both winced at the sound, and Veronica stopped briefly.

"Apparently Jonathan has never had sex before, and has passed out after this latest effort." she said slowly. I tried to keep a straight face.

"Well, in his defence, this is a dragon we're talking about, they are known for their bedroom antics. Jonny, on the other hand, probably wasn't.Now, are you finishing?" Veronica smirked evilly at this.

"Who's in a hurry?" she said nastily, but grinning.

"I would like some sleep, and Christmas is keeping time with your rate of knots."

"I'm going too slow, am I? Draco was right, you are speed mad." Veronica teased. I laughed.

"Come on, I've never been fucked with a surrogate penis before."

She retaliated, and started fucking me at a rate not incomparable to some of the group. For those who are unaware of my categories, there is Devlin, reasonably slow, although I prefer him most. Then Salbar, Simba, most, which is moderate, Javid, Brendan and dare I say it, Silverine, who go at a quick rate, and then there's Draco, category of his own. The name of said category, owch. She managed a decent Simba speed, and her dildo was quite like nothing I had experienced.

Surprisingly, I ejaculated under this treatment first, and my semen leapt from my trembling cock, describing an arc back onto my lower chest. A couple of seconds later, she went very deep, and arched her head backwards as a wild passionate cry of ecstasy filled the air. She lay down on top of me, her feeldoe still in me, and stared deep into my eyes.There was a long silence, which neither of us wanted to break, and she got off me, took off her dildo, and lay on the bed beside me.We embraced, and I felt her slip into gentle sleep, exhausted by the day's efforts. I was too far gone myself, and very soon I was in slumber.

I woke, and nothing had changed. The skylight was providing a lot of light into the chamber, and I could see all the torches were out. All our gear lay strewn about on the floor, clothes, weapons, etc.I moved, and as I did, Veronica awoke. She was a light sleeper, always on the alert, and she saw me as I shifted. I smiled to her.

"Good morning, sleep well?"

She didn't let go."Never better."

"Keen for some more?" I teased, but she responded.

"Yes." I sighed, and she laughed,"You were kidding, then?"

"Well, I thought you might have had enough for the meantime."

I spotted her feeldoe lying on the bed, and picked it up, changing position.I swapped ends, so I was now level with her vagina, and she immediately started sucking on my cock. I started in surprise.

"You rise well."

"If sex is involved, we all do." Veronica replied." We enjoy taking as much sex as possible from our prisoners. The servants in the middle of the mountains sometimes find themselves being asked out by dragon riders, because a sister feels like having a good time."

"Do you have a good time with each other, rider and rider?"

"Night before last, I was fucking Siren with that dildo, she enjoys it."

She resumed oral sex, and I was busy thinking how the dragon riders really wanted it. Maybe it was passed from the dragons, because all dragons I knew, even from other planets, wanted sex, and this made the riders more enthusiastic, perhaps? Just a guess.I took the feel doe in one hand, and gently slipped it up her anus. She quivered in readiness, and then I licked the entrance to her vagina.

After this very last intercourse, we went down to see how Jonathan was. He was perfectly fine, except he was asleep, and Veronica spoke to her dragon.

"He behaved himself? Good."

"As did the dragon, I hope." I added, walking over to where Jonathan was. He was sleeping against the rock wall, and I got some water from the fountain in one of my cups, and gently shook the elf.

He awoke, and moaned.I proffered the cup of water, and he took it gratefully.

"Thank you."

"Was it that bad?"I asked.

"Not after the initial shock. I was rather hoping I would wake up and find myself in my own bed, but he was very gentle about it."

"So that's no broken bones."

"Alduin, stop teasing me." his voice grew stronger, renewed by the icy water. I refilled the cup, and Jonathan drank this one in one go too.

There was a bang at the door, and I ran over to it, while Veronica continued speaking with her dragon. I opened the door.

A new dragon stood on the edge of the track, with a tall woman on his back. She looked at me.

"You the prisoner?" she demanded, in the sort of school mistress way.

"No, madam, I'm the evil bugger who obliterated the army yesterday. Do you want Veronica?"

"Yes, Alduin. Veronica said quite a lot about you."

"It's all lies, I tell you." I said, grinning,"But seriously,I'll just get her."

I ran back, and told Veronica. She nodded, and we walked back to the door.

"I told him, by the way, and he says he'd love to this afternoon."

"Can't do that, sorry. We're due back in an hour or two." I replied, as we got to the door. Veronica looked at me strange, and then turned to the dragon rider, who was apparently the leader.

"Yes, sister?"

"We're sending a few others out to collect the remaining prisoners, how many are there?"

"Nineteen more." Veronica replied smoothly.

"Very well. We'll have two prisoners between each dragon."

"Yes, sister. What about Jonathan?"

"Do you think he'll run for it?"


"Then leave him here."

I changed into my Lightning form while Veronica asked her dragon outside. I taxied away from the door while the two dragons stood on the ledge. Veronica mounted, and they took off. I ignited my engine, and rose. Switching to horizontal flight, I quickly caught up with the two flying reptiles. After a while, another three dragons came up, all their riders greeting the first two, and asking what I was.

"Alien craft." Veronica replied.

"Oh really? How does it work?"

"He says it's futuristic technology.He's normally elf shaped, but can change into that."

They talked like girls going shopping, chatting about mostly me, and the battle.

"So what does he look like normally?"

I throttled back, hovering over the back of Veronica's dragon. The dragon rider took my hand as I changed, and I landed behind her. There was some appreiciative comments.

"Wow, he does look nice."

"I do hope that he can do more than change?"

"Well,"Veronica smiled,"his bedroom manner is, for want of a better word, perfect."

I blushed, to the amusement of the dragon riders." I learnt a few tips from Draco, and a few others."

"Yes, who is this Draco fellow?" one asked.

"Damn good looking, about seven foot tall, looks like a dragon. His sexual behaviour is, rapacious." I said, standing up on the dragon.

"Really?" one asked, looking in confusion at my antics. I dived off, changing into my Lightning form, and banked around, going back about half a kilometre, and then putting the afterburners in. I zipped past the dragons at about eight times their speed, and then throttled back to let them catch up. Then as Veronica flew along side, I barrel rolled over the top of her, positioning myself between her and the strict rider.

"Alduin, stop showing off." Draco said in my head set.

"Draco, surely I'm allowed a little fun. So, who did you have it off with last night? I counted two, I expect it to be more."

"Try two, plus two, plus two, and plus two again." Salbar replied. I chuckled, and then as the dragons dived, throttled back, setting out my undercarriage. We dropped down, and I changed to vertical flight, landing perfectly in front of all my fellow explorers, the dragon riders, and about half the prisoners.

"When do we have to go?" I asked Draco."I'd like to stay, but I gather Silverine wants to find out why I took twenty litres of rocket fuel."

"No more than three hours, but I propose we leave very soon." Draco replied."I want to talk to Landon."

"And why's that?" I asked, as the new dragon riders got off their mounts.

"I haven't discussed our relationship yet."

"That must be a first." I exclaimed, laughing.Several of the dragon women pointed Draco out to one another. Salbar stepped forward as I changed.

"So what did Veronica want you for?"

"Oh,"I smiled," just to settle a little matter between ourselves, we were seeing who could score the most in the battle."

"Been there, done that." Draco said,"You'd be surprised how many times I've lost, though."

"Well, you're taking on me, that's not too surprising." I replied, with a smile.

"Hey guys, the glowers just sent us a message. Want to know when we're coming back, and Devlin wants to know if you'll be back for lunch."Simba said,

"Now for the first, yes for the second." Draco replied."We can't keep the glowers waiting."

I turned to Veronica.

"Sorry, I've got to go. I'll try and pay you a visit sometime in the near future."

Salbar took hold of my arm.

"Just as long as you don't teleport into my sleeping quarters." Veronica smiled.

Javid disappeared, which caused a gasp among the prisoners and riders. Simba disappeared, followed by Draco.I hit my teleport, and both me and Salbar vanished off the face of the planet.

We arrived on Central, and already I was feeling downcast about leaving the dragon riders. Everything had been, well, fun, and I really wanted to see more of their kingdom. That would have to wait, I suppose.Next week I get off, I would have to visit them. I took off my bag, looking for some Lift Plus, when I noticed there was a new item in the bag.

A dagger. Some thirty centimetres in length, it was a straight, silver blade, with a precious gem inset on the hilt. It was placed in a scabbard, which was just as well otherwise it would have poked holes in my bag, and was placed beside a piece of paper.Switching to my translator, I quickly decoded the message.

"To Alduin, from Veronica. May you keep this where ever you go, and think of me when you hold it."

Draco saw me with the dagger.

"A sending off present?" he smiled. I looked at it, half smiling, half wanting to cry, and said.

"This is one thing that's not going in my drawer at home."

After lunch with the gang, and a long explanation, I went back home to Earth. Gareth was not there, and I took off all my kit, and practically collapsed on the bed. Not all the jewels in the world would get me off until tonight, I was so tired and emotionally weary from the journey.

The dragon riders Pt 2

The dragon riders ate a hearty meal, I contented myself with a sandwich from my pack. Salbar's swords had been cleaned and sharpened by their owner, and they gleamed in the morning sun. By use of some mirror method, the light was supplied twice,...

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The dragon 'riders' Pt 1

A week after our, exciting trip to the world of T'Rahzahr, and the consequent arrival of Orion to the Central Organization Outfit, we were informed that we were scheduled a new planet the next week. After some discussion with the glowers, we learnt...

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The planet of T'Rahzahr Pt3

"Devlin, can I drive there?" I asked the hell fire dragon. "Why would I stop you?" "Well, officially, you and Draco are the leaders, and we are in front of the the,"switch language," natives." "O.K., fair enough.Does Simba and Draco want to do...

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