If I can just say this...

Story by TheNovelist on SoFurry

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#1 of Exploration sidework.

The midwinter had settled on the Southern city of Dunedin, and thus snow had settled for once on the houses. White, wet snow covered everything, the hill we were on it was about five inches deep. I stood outside, overlooking the road going down the hill, and composing poetry, while Alecto and Gareth were having a snowball fight. Occasionally I myself would have to duck an impromptu missile as one of the disguised foxes' throws went astray. Draco, Javid and Landon teleported in. The date was July the 17th, and because of the weather, the roads were out of use, they had been declared closed.

This was the moment for everyone with toboggans, snow toys, and little kids to play. Indeed a gang of ten year olds were using the road as a huge ski ramp, and they would shoot past yelling and cheering. The arrivals teleported inside, and then walked outside, completely disguised.

"A bit nippy out here, isn't it?" Landon asked, as a snowball hit him directly in the back of the head. Always quick to rise to the occasion, he grabbed a handful of snow, sculpted it briefly, and hurled it back at the thrower, and Gareth was struck in the leg as he jumped to avoid. Javid cast aside his sniper rifle, leaning it against the stone wall that marked the borders of my house, and joining in.

Draco came over to me, and I looked up.

"Hi, Alduin."

"Ah, Draco, I would join in,"I ducked as another snowball whistled past us," but I wanted to test my Audi on the snow, and to do so I need someone with a remote control."

"Ah, to make it look as though you're not a transforming human."Draco smiled.

"Correct." I smiled, walking inside with the dragon. He found a dead remote, and then spoke again.

"Do you know,"He said offhandedly, "but my Hellfire cousin's birthday is tomorrow."

"Devlin's birthday, tomorrow?Why hasn't anyone told me?"

"You didn't ask." Draco smiled as I made a face at him.I was busy thinking now, what could I do for Dev's birthday. I didn't know his exact age, but I could no doubt cook up a huge party for the dragon. I would think on it as I ran on the snow.

I changed into my Audi form, and Draco, with slight difficulty, picked me up and set me down outside on the footpath. I ignited my engine as Draco sat on the ground, legs crossed, and holding his remote control.

The trick with snow is to keep it slow, and to be careful when turning.My attitude to that was, bugger it. I floored the accelerator up hill, and the four wheel drive system shot me forward, half a ton of snow flying the opposite way.I bounced over the gutter onto the road, and charged up the hill, revving high. I couldn't change gear going up, due to the lack of purchase on the snow.

Because of my miniature form, the snow behaved like gravel. Sure, gravel isn't too much for a normal car, but for a R/C car, it tends to cause the car's handling to go out the window. The last time I drove on gravel, the moment my concentration dropped, I ended up facing the wrong way. I got to the top, and turned around, pointing down hill with dozens of citizens looking at me. I charged into the dip, gaining speed and momentum. Doing about a hundred kilometres an hour, the car hit a slight bump, and I ended up rising off the ground, landing slightly off, and I drifted.

I swung directly towards Draco and Javid, who had came to watch, and both of them were trying to move as I was coming directly towards them with no hope of stopping. Desperate to miss everything, I wrenched the wheel, and flooring it again. The car responded, drifting sideways back to the centre of the road, and throwing a load of snow over colonel and dragon. I continued down hill, brakes now hard on, while my friends made a couple of acidic comments.

"Yeah, nice prank, Alduin."

"I'm serious!"I replied,"I can't stop this thing." I slid big time, and came to a halt inches from a car bumper. I decided there and then to keep it slow, and drove back up at a gentle rate.

"That was a good snowball, Audi." Javid laughed.

"I'm sorry, I'm not used to this." I replied.

"That much was obvious." Draco shot back. I reined the car in a little, gently fishtailing back and forth up and down the hill. I was thinking, and as I thought, a plan began to form in my head. Thus enlightened, I drove back, and Draco carried me inside, until I changed into my human form.

"Right, Draco, Devlin is not allowed to teleport in here until tomorrow evening, is that clear?"

"Are you planning to get something for him?"

"I'm planning to invite everyone for a good old fashioned, Earth type birthday party."

"Sounds cool." Draco replied." So what do you want me to do?"

"Can you distract your cousin for a day and a half?"

"If I'm allowed free rein with his ass."

"I don't care how you do it, as long as you do it. Although don't make him too exhausted." I added hastily.

The wolf and the foxes came in, stamping snow off their shoes.

"Alecto, how do you feel, making up a feast?"

"I'm keen, what's it for?"

"Devlin's birthday." Draco replied."Anyone tells him,.."

"I'll kill him." I interjected."First we need to get the party equipment. Gareth, I think there's a bag of balloons in my cupboard.None of this is for today, but to get it all prepared. Alecto, I'm going to go through a list of things we're cooking for tomorrow, can you look in the fridge and tell me what we need?"

Obviously there were the light snacks, chips and dip, carrot sticks, fizzy, hang on, SCRATCH fizzy drinks, dragons and caffeine, not good mix. Juice, Sparkling grapetise. Fairy bread is for kids, so I didn't need hundreds and thousands, ah muffins. Let's see, Chocolate, banana choc chip, savoury, speaking of which, mini sausage rolls, mini pies, this was going to cost all of one gold piece, I smirked.

As for dinner itself, Roast Chicken? Everyone I knew liked it on Central. Right, that means stuffing, gravy, which could be made from the juice of the chicken after it's been cooked, that's last minute stuff. Minted peas, oh dear, I need to get some more, carrots, roast potatoes, yams, anything else? Of course with over twenty of us, times recipe by, gulp, three. And as for dessert, that was obvious. I have a very nice recipe from my father concerning that sort of thing.

This was all spontaneous thinking, and I quickly rushed through my larder list, writing a shopping list for tomorrow. It was a fair list, and I teleported to work, just besides some shrubbery, so I could get the food. Alecto teleported beside me.

"What are you doing?"

"Coming with you, you'll need more than one person to carry this lot."

"You have a point there." I admitted, and walked in. Alecto pulled over a trolley, and I walked up and down the aisles saying hi to all my fellow work-mates. I don't work Saturdays, hehehehehe. It's childish, but still.

The trolley was showing a definite lean by the time I had finished getting everything on my checklist, and I headed to the checkouts steering the overloaded cart while Alecto pushed. The checkout operator smiled.

"Having a party today, Alduin?"

"Not today, but we're buying for it, yes."She scanned each thing, this took about five minutes, and then racked up the total. My wallet gave a lurch when I saw the final amount, but was at least comforted by my five percent discount card. I paid with my eftpos card, and we left the supermarket with grins and shopping.

Once we got behind earlier shrubbery, we picked up all our shopping, and practically had to brush each other's teleporters, due to the weight in our hands at the time. There was an almighty bang, and I was heaved to the ground on arrival. Fortunately the eggs were at the top, I do have brains, so everything was intact. Gareth looked at the pair of us, as Alecto dropped his disguise. He pulled the curtains and switched on the light. I smiled in the brightness.

"Let's get this show started."

The trick of preparing a banquet like the one for tomorrow, people say, is like eating an elephant, do it one bite at a time. With that in mind, I started preparing certain things that needed time to set, or in other cases sit, and helped Gareth as he set up the room with streamers. The fox worked for half an hour, and then announced he was going to Central for a few hours to design something.

He disappeared, leaving me and Alecto to work with food. It was tomorrow that everything would break loose, and I wanted as much as that could be ready to be ready. Muffin mixes were put together, and Alecto's hands were a blur as he added eggs to the recipes, stirring rapidly, although with care and precision too I might add.

Then everything was prepared. We were left with nothing to do, so we bunged everything in the freezer or fridge, depending on what it was, and set about enjoying ourselves for the rest of the day. Draco announced that he had gotten Devlin neatly occupied, and I didn't have the heart to ask how. Meanwhile, Alecto went and informed the group about the surprise. I wrote down the list of people coming.

"Alduin, Abby, Alecto, Arachno, Alex, Billy, Brendan, Blake, Draco, Devlin, Doran, Gareth, Grant, Javid, Landon, Ryan, Salbar, Simba, Silverine, Takori, Tufty, Time Dancer, Thomas,Val, Winslo. Total guest-list, twenty five.Multiple batches of everything, I think." I said, to myself. "And the good news is, I don't have to do the dishes afterwards." I laughed. Time Dancer teleported in.

"You in need of a third cook?" she demanded, with her usual accustomed look. It was such a look of disdain, of seriousness, but I could see the sparkle in her eyes.

"Be my guest Time, but everything's prepared that can be.Tomorrow we shall be cooking for twenty five, so me and Alecto would like help. Gareth's volunteered to deal with the hors d'oeuvre, so that means you, self and Alecto can cook."

"What are we cooking?"

"Roast chicken, roast vegetables, peas, carrots and yams. Also several muffin batches, hot finger food like sausages, and the party piece, which I shall do myself."

"Excellent." Time enthused."I will look forward to this. Have you requested a mini oven to take care of the sausage rolls and mini pies?"

"Now there's some simple lady initiative." I said, looking heaven ward."Does the food store lend one out?"

"Yes, that way we can have the chickens going and not have to worry about getting the finger food in the way."

"Genius." I replied, and Time smiled, teleporting. A simple case of why Time Dancer was one of the best, so good at thinking on her feet. I should have thought of something like that.About ten minutes after she left, she came back, holding a small microwave sized oven, which we plugged onto my own oven, leaving it underneath the microwave.

"Three of Central's best at culinary work, this ought to be a feast to remember." I sat on the breakfast bar, Time beside me.

"Me, Alecto, who's the third?"

I grabbed at her, wrapping my hand around her arm.She squealed in surprise, and tried to tear away, but I pulled her harder, and lay on top of her on the square breakfast bar.

"I was kidding!"she laughed. I laughed too, it was funny. Alecto teleported back.

"Are you having it off again?" he asked, in resignation. Time smiled at the fox, who was carrying some tools of the trade.

"We are."

"We are?" I echoed, in query.

Time pulled aside her panties, and pulled me inwards. I let her, until she forced my cock into her vagina.I guess we were.Alecto came over, and Time motioned at the fox as he sat on the bar.We were to fuck Alecto? Go with what works. I got off, and Time dived on the fox, knocking them both off the breakfast bar and onto the ground. She tore his clothes to shreds, ripping them off him, while he tried to fight her off.

Her own clothes were torn, until both were wrestling naked. I pulled off my clothes, and as they fought on the floor, nimbly came over, and grabbed Alecto from behind. I held him while Time revealed why she wanted this. She had a feeldoe, and a doubled ended flexible dildo.Obviously she had been experimenting with them.She slid the feeldoe into her vagina, and as we lay on the ground, thrust the device into Alecto's pussy.

Landon teleported in.

"Is this how you normally prepare for a feast?"

"No, it's just the cooks are having a rest and relaxation time until tomorrow's frenzy." Time explained.

"Can I be a cook for today?"

"How long do you roast a chicken for?" Time asked.

"Depends how well done you want it." Landon replied.

"O.K., well cooked."

"Definition of well cooked." Landon smiled, determined to weasel his way in without knowing the answer.

"This could take a while."I said aloud,"Landon, three hours is the normal period. Now you know."

"Yay." Landon quickly stripped down. As he did, Time inserted her long dildo into her ass, and then inserted the other end into mine. This I had not expected, but I recovered well, as Landon entered the fray, placing himself between Time and Alecto, fucking the latter's throat, and sucking him off.

"Oi, Alduin." Silverine called in my headset after a few seconds.

"Blast, what is it Silverine?"

"Dev wants to ask you something."

"Who told him?"

"No one told him, he just wants to talk to you, and I thought it better that you came here before he went there."

"Good call. Give me five minutes."

"Have six." Silverine smiled. I excused myself as Landon changed into my position, fucking Alecto's ass and feeding the dildo into his own vagina. I got quickly dressed, and teleported.

I arrived in a corridor, and ran, on Silverine's instructions, towards the food store.I entered, and screeched to a halt.

"Afternoon Dev, Silverine." I said calmly.

"Alduin, just the man I wanted to speak to!" Dev said heartily. I took a seat beside the Hell fire dragon. I just hoped at that moment he was incapable of mind reading. Draco looked sympathetically across the table, but I made a small unnoticed gesture to the dragon, we were all ready.He nodded his head ever so gently, he got the message. Valmeero was there with Blake, and the winged hybrids also nodded, message received. Thus informed, we discussed.

Devlin was explaining about something or rather, I wasn't paying attention at all, but trying to look interested. I must have done a good job, because Devlin didn't make any inquiry on my thoughts, even though I'm sure my expression was blank and vacant, my mind back on Earth.

We finished talking later, and I walked back to the quarters with Devlin and Draco.

"Did you know, Alduin, that tomorrow it's my birthday?" Dev said proudly.

"Oh really?"I said, doing my utmost to appear astounded,"That's a pity, I've got an extra work shift tomorrow morning, finishing at three."

"Can you come around after three?" Devlin asked, looking forlorn. "I mean,we've got nothing planned."

"We shall see." I nodded, likewise looking solemn.

I teleported away, back to Central, just as Time came to orgasm. Landing heavily, I looked over to the floor by the breakfast bar, their positions hadn't changed, but by the looks of the floor, they had had it off several times.I couldn't be biffed to join in again, but broke out my computer and started accessing internet pages. By the sounds of things, my arrival had dimmed the sex, so they were getting to their feet, and finding their clothes. I checked my hotmails, and amused myself by watching a few clips on Youtube. Then I went to my submission sites, and found my most recent picture, one of self and Ryan flying over the beach.

"I'm sorry, you drew that?" Landon said looking over my shoulder.

"I did, Landon."

"Looks pretty good." he commented,"Except what's with the MIB on the back of the plane?"

I smiled."That's an in house joke, don't worry."

"I do now." Landon replied, but I refused to rise to the bait, and he kept his peace when he realised I wouldn't.

Thus finished with that, I ordered take outs for the four, five, Gareth arrived back as I was debating it, and I wanted to cause minimum of mess around the kitchen. Still, all today's ventures still cost less than one gold piece, which was the price for a good three course meal at Central's food store.

"Hello, is that Pisa's Pizza's? Could I order a Hawaiian, a Supreme, Apricot Chicken, and Meatlovers times two, with two garlic bread?"

"Certainly, will that be to pick up, or delivered?"

I smiled at my friends as I thought on this. "Pick up, please."

"Certainly, that will come to 28 dollars, eighty cents."

I wondered idly as that number was read out how many gold pieces I had. The explorers were paid about six gold pieces a day, or rather 180 a month, because they traditionally spent three per day at the food store. Everything else was covered for, so the remaining three were for misc stuff.

Me, on the other hand, worked at a supermarket, for twenty eight hours a week. My food was already paid for, and at a lower rate than Central.So I actually had quite a lot of money, although most of it had to go through certain paths to get it into money. Each month I was putting 120 gold coins into my account, which, if you do the math, comes out at about $70,000 dollars.But money had no interest for me, it just paid for necessities, or for fun times with my friends, like tomorrow. True I was possibly, by now, one of the richest men in Dunedin, but even so.

I teleported five minutes after the phone call, and arrived around the back of the pizza place. I collected the pizza's, paid for them, and walked back out, going to the nearest scrub, and teleporting home. Gareth had already set out for plates for the five of us, and Alecto had set out cutlery. Time had filled a water carafe, and Landon had put out the glasses.Which brought another thing to mind.

"Time Dancer, where could we find some tables, this breakfast bar won't hold enough for twenty five?"

"Again, that's easy enough. we could borrow one of the Great Hall tables. They would fit with about two metres to spare either side, if we faced it length wise across this room. One end would be at short of the back door, the other by the front, although because of the novel way this place was designed, it's all the same room."

This is true. I set out the pizzas on the bar, and then the garlic bread. Then we tucked in. I took one of each, and sat back as we talked gaily about recent events. The pizzas were delicious, and the garlic bread was exquisite, and it was all washed down by the mineral water.

"So when did you decide to organize this party?" Landon said, through a mouthful of Apricot Chicken.

"About three seconds after Draco said it was his birthday tomorrow. You guys at Central have no idea how we deal with holidays or the like. No one seriously thinks about Christmas, each of you have your own holidays.So I'm going to explain what it means to have a good time on Earth."

"Except that it means a lot of cooking."

"Well,"I admitted, "I'm sort of making it a fairly big feast. Besides, you want to make an omelette, you've got to break a few eggs.I'm quite happy to do the cooking. Besides, you know my special rule."

"Yes, you do the cooking, you don't do the dishes." Alecto grinned."Or at least not for big meals."

After dinner was completed, and the dishes done with a minimum of fuss, we retired for the night. Time Dancer came into my room, Alecto and Gareth went to Gareth's and Landon was invited to mine.

"Three in a bed." Landon laughed."That's going to be a fix."

"It's been done before." I replied, remembering about certain orgies held in the past. We bid good-night to the two brothers, and turned off the lights, going into my room. I stripped down, the fox and canine doing the same, and they got into the bed, getting comfortable, as I turned out the light, and then got in with them.

"You're right, this might be slightly difficult." I acknowledged, in the pitch darkness, bumping Time gently. She seemed not to notice.

"Landon, will you move your foot, you're kicking my leg?"

"Sorry, Time."

There was some shuffling, and a furred hand brushed my lower chest.

"That's all me." I said flatly.

"Sorry, Alduin."Time replied."Face me."

I rolled, until I was facing her silhouette in the darkness, and I heard Landon shift. Then I felt a warm pair of arms wrap around my chest, and I followed suit, hugging Time.

Landon shuffled slightly, and I felt his hands wrap around Time, between me and her.The canine chuckled.

"A bit higher,higher still, there we go." Landon's hands took hold of Time's delicate breasts, and shuffled closer.She wrapped her legs around mine,and I reacted by thrusting my cock gently into her vagina. She sighed.

"Are we going to sleep, or fucking?" she said wistfully.

"We can do that in the morning." Landon replied, and I felt him wrap his legs around both of ours, and felt his cock brush mine as he pushed it up into Time's ass.

"Now if we could fall asleep in that position..."Time began,"Wait, Alduin, do you have your C.E.O. pistol nearby?" I rummaged one handed by the desk, and grabbed it in the dark.

"Hmm, possibly extreme, but a potential cure for insomnia." Landon said.

"Good, because you're going first." Time said.I quickly took hold of the fox around Time, and I felt him tense, waiting for the stunner.There was a blast of red light, and the fox slumped in my grasp.

"Alduin, will you?"

"Just give me a second, where is it?"

The pistol bounced against my head gently."Thank you." A pair of lips presented themselves against my own, and I kissed back, aiming the pistol at Time.

"Sweet dreams." she whispered, and I knocked her out.I pointed the pistol at myself, and pulled the trigger.There was a flash of light, and all was silent in the room.

My alarm clock went off at ten past six, and I awoke instantly. True to Time's intentions, we were still enwrapped around each other, she was still doubly impaled.As I ran my hand down to find this out, I brushed Landon's member, and he instantly awoke, feeling someone play with his intimates.

"Hands off! Oh, Alduin, it worked?"

"I have a lot of friends who would want one of those for getting to sleep." I replied."Time's still asleep though."

"Shall we do it?"

"Yes, but gently. See if we can't keep her out until her body orgasms."

We thrust gently back and forth in tandem. Time slept on, but she whimpered in her dreams.Encouraged by this reaction, we began to do her at a very sedate pace.Landon gently worked her breasts, while I added a finger to her pussy, and started gently rubbing the more delicate areas of the canine's vagina.She moaned, as her dreams changed subtly.Her moans became louder, and more persistent.She was enwrapped in our hugs, and must have thought she was tied down, because she struggled gently, inwardly.She shivered as her moans turned to cries, and finally she let out a primal howl, releasing a flood of juice all over my cock.

Then she awoke. She realised where she was, and realised what she had just done.

"Ah, sorry, I must have been having a dream."she looked slightly embarrassed.

"Rather lurid one, I guess." Landon winked at me.

"Ah, don't worry, Time, you just stay still, and we'll give you another nice dream."I replied, and began fucking her with a lot more spirit.Landon followed suit.

"Oh, God yeah,oooh, harder."She pulled at my back, willing me closer, so I brought my hands up and pulled her into a very passionate kiss.She responded, one hand taking my neck, the other wrapping around the back of Landon's neck. The fox was still working her tits with great skill, so I decided to go for Landon, using two fingers on my one free hand to play with him.

Time went first again. Her howl of orgasm however was met with a second from Landon, as both vagina and cock let go their load.The dual howl added that little extra to me, and I shouted in delight as I let go, deep into Time's vagina.

After this, we became business like, and began getting dressed and prepared for a long day. Of course Alecto was up and ready, not surprising after the ruckus we'd just caused, and by the looks of things he'd been sucked off by Gareth, Gareth had a bit of cum around his muzzle.

Breakfast was cereal, and then we began things in earnest. Gareth brought a banner from his room, which was currently black. He drew out a remote, and clicked it once.

Immediately, letters began flashing on the banner, which was in fact an electrical screen, sort of like a TV, except flexible. I looked through my optical translator.

"'Happy Birthday, Devlin!' in Draconic. That should count for something."

Gareth immediately began rigging it up against the wall over looking the gardens, although the curtains will still closed.

Meanwhile, the three of us began making muffins.I donned my black apron with the usual humorous message on it in red.

"Kiss the chef?" Alecto looked with a barely concealed grin.

"It's a very traditional thing here, although no one does it."

So we worked.

"Do we know the muffin man?" I sang, and got no further.

"Men." Alecto added.

"And women." Time interjected.

"It doesn't fit the tune. Do you know the muffin people?" Alecto suggested, and we burst out laughing. Landon helped Gareth with rigging streamers, and then began blowing up balloons. This task of theirs took an hour, so it was nine o'clock when they had about sixty balloons filled, minus one which Gareth accidentally popped with his claws, and the room was covered in streamers.

By the end of that hour, the first batches of muffins in the three layer oven of mine were complete, and a smell of chocolate came wafting into the room.

"I seriously want one of them, right about now." I said, pulling them out and placing them on spare work area.

"Likewise." Alecto said, removing his tray of banana choc and placing it next to mine. Time removed hers, and I counted up.

"Sixteen, times three, forty eight, best make one more with all three, that will be sixty four, more than enough."

I finished putting the muffins together, while Alecto and Time washed their paws to begin work on the chicken.

This was a not a task I enjoy, forcing a handful of stuffing into raw chicken, but Time had finished hers before I finished washing my own hands. Thus while they were adding garnish to the three chickens, I began chopping up what came to fifty five carrots. Two each, plus a little more. These carrots would be roasted, so it was peel, chop length wise, chop length wise again, and then chop those bits in half. The peeler got a fair workout as Alecto began going through a similar number for the roast potatoes.Time cleaned the yams. Potatoes take forever, so come eleven o'clock, I finished my carrots, and placed them strategically around the roast chicken, now in greased oven trays, and began helping him by cutting the potatoes into smaller sizes.

Time Dancer had long since finished the yams, and was working on defrosting the savouries from their night in the freezer, placing them in the microwave, and letting them defrost that way. At eleven thirty, The chicken and roast veges were all ready for the oven, the savouries were ready for cooking, and dinner was practically ready.Now for afternoon tea.

Washing my hands again, for the umpteenth time, got out five large bowls, practically expending a bag of chips on each one.Time chopped some carrot sticks, while Alecto broke open boxes of mixed chocolates, putting a handful on each plate.

Landon and Gareth were watching, amazed at the speed with which we worked around the kitchen. More than that, the way each of us seemed to automatically know where the other two were, so we squeezed past one another on our separate tasks with apparent ease.It was like a well choreographed ballet. Midday arrived, and Draco teleported in.

"Wow." he said, taking in the surroundings.Salbar arrived with Javid.

"This place wasn't like this yesterday." Tufty arrived.

"Oh, something smells nice, can I have a taste?"he said, reaching for a muffin.

The traditional weapon of choice for a chef when in this situation is, in fact, a slap, but Time had a spatula out, so while I was nearest, while making dessert, she leaned over and rapped the small wooden device hard on Tufty's knuckles. He withdrew hurriedly.

"Hands off!"she said, sternly.

"That's the matron there, we'd best do as she says." Javid sighed, looking at the kitchen staff in full flight.

"Alecto, could you pass that carving knife?"

"Alduin, duck."

I did so, as Alecto threw it gently over my head, still immersed in the task of chocolate sorting. Time caught it one handed, spun it in one fluent motion, and then began cutting lines of butter for the dessert I was whipping up. There was dead silence in the room, as everyone looked amazed.

"Jesus, they all have empathic powers, or something." Salbar whispered to Draco as I finished with the fork I was using to mix the flour and baking soda, and casually biffed it over my shoulder into the sink.I heard the clatter as it landed with all the others.

The dragon rider's Pt 3

"Enjoying it?" I asked innocently. The male elf had his arms and legs in the freefalling style, and he delivered the one fingered salute at me. "I am quite prepared to die, Alduin, but not at your hands." "Oh, did you hear that? That was a joke." ...

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The dragon riders Pt 2

The dragon riders ate a hearty meal, I contented myself with a sandwich from my pack. Salbar's swords had been cleaned and sharpened by their owner, and they gleamed in the morning sun. By use of some mirror method, the light was supplied twice,...

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The dragon 'riders' Pt 1

A week after our, exciting trip to the world of T'Rahzahr, and the consequent arrival of Orion to the Central Organization Outfit, we were informed that we were scheduled a new planet the next week. After some discussion with the glowers, we learnt...

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