The Darkness of Drason Pt 2

Story by TheNovelist on SoFurry

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#60 of Exploration

Devlin laughed. "Yes, I am well aware of the Lupogriff's manner of personally testing each new arrival. How did Alduin fare?I don't believe anyone told me."

"Well, apart from the fact I was fighting Silverine,"I replied, smiling,and there was a light chuckle around the room," not too badly.Only half a dozen broken bones, a couple of dozen bruises, and I passed out."

"One of those three happened, and only after the fight had ended." Silverine retorted,"And even if Alduin had beat me, I would have waited a day, and then challenged him back."

"So one person can submit one challenge per day, unless he's the guy who got beaten?" I said, running this slowly."Any rules apart from that?"

"No magic, no ranged weapons or in fact no weapons at all."

"So when I picked up that chair..."

"It doesn't count. A piece of wood isn't officially a weapon. A phaser, or a sword, that's a weapon." Silverine smiled at my reaction to this minor detail.

"What about a staff? Winslo has one."

"Clean through the net there. While I admit it's a powerful weapon, it's still officially a stick." Silverine nodded, inclining his head to Winslo, who merely smiled.

"Yes, the last person he hit with it was ice cubed." Grant smiled, remembering the battle at Dul'Ihanri.

"So I could use this in a challenge?" Winslo looked amazed.

"Yes, although because of the no magic rule, no, because it's magical." I replied."Hang on, that was Winslo exerting thought energy on challenging Silverine."

"Unfair fight if ever I saw one." Draco chuckled.

"Now Devlin vs. Silverine..." Simba smiled.

"Not a hope in hell." Devlin replied shortly." I have all my limbs, I'd like them to stay there."

"This coming from a Hell fire dragon?" Javid looked incredulous.

"This coming from a sensible Hell fire dragon. I am aware of Silverine's full potential for carnage."

"Oh really?" Silverine raised his eyebrows, but the blow had gone home by then." And what am I capable of that Devlin hasn't already done?"

Drason twitched, and I saw a faint smile cross his complexion. By the time I could say anything, things were too far gone.

Alecto stood up." I could go on about that for months, Silverine. You mauled Alduin when you had it off with him, didn't you? I haven't seen Devlin do that."

Oh dear. I looked around in confusion. Everyone stood, looking mutinous, except me and Draco. No one was smiling, this was serious. I stood, hands raised.

"Guys, that was resolved, he did quite enough kicking of himself without me putting the boot in too."

"Yes, and yet you are the guy who quite clearly put the boot in. We were watching at the time." Tufty said, anger across his complexion.What the devil was going on? Everyone was suddenly really angry, and the little human was getting rather frightened.

"Tufty, I'd prefer if you don't pick on me. You are aware that I'm a physically weaker race, and the way you're looking at me..."

"Then shut up." Tufty replied. Alecto turned to his brother.

"No one tells Alduin to shut up!"he howled. Draco shouted.

"Everyone just stop what they're doing!"

There was a mass turning of heads. I'd forgotten how much power Draco had in his voice. But even that didn't work.

"So Draco thinks he's in charge." Silverine sneered."Very well, let's hear you say it."

Draco turned, looking scared all of a sudden. Silverine's wings unfolded, as the Lupogriff turned slowly to the dragon. I drew my Eryx, loading a shell, and pointing it at the table.

"Tick tock." I said, and suddenly all was quiet again. I stared at the two.

"This is ridiculous. Draco has no wish to challenge you Silverine..." I started.

"That's because I accept it for him." Blake Hybridmarine stood, standing in front of Draco, eyeing down Silverine.The tiger/ dragon looked at Silverine, and they tried to stare one another down.

I gestured with my Eryx.

"First person to start fighting, I swear I will fire this."

"Didn't you hear the rules the first time? No ranged weapons." Silverine said, minutely examining me now.

"Yeah, and I'm in the middle of a room with a bunch of drunkards!" I roared.Now I was beginning to lose it, and was thus not entirely sensible in my actions."You're a bunch of idiots, you hear me! What I should do is declare you all unwell, and get Arachno to see what's wrong with the lot of you!"

"So you can take command?Not a chance." Valmeero replied.I turned to face him, my anger boiling over, venting it on Daggeroth.

"Oh yeah, like I'm really that stupid. Nearly everyone here's a foot or so taller, ten pounds heavier, and have gone through training I haven't. You'd have to be blind to think I'd for one second take control of Central..."

I whirled back to fast the Lupogriff, Blake, and Draco, the Eryx swinging around.

"As for you three, I've had it with the lot of you. Tell me when you resolve this, because I'm going..." I reached for my teleport as I spoke.

That sentence was never completed, because at that moment Devlin brought his hand around in an open handed slap, bowling me off my feet. I hit the ground hard, feeling the pain in my cheek, and then saw the blurred figures of Salbar, Alecto and Javid jump on Devlin. Then Valmeero and Tufty went for the newer attackers, and soon everyone was fighting. I lay slightly dazed for a few seconds, then realised I had to move before I became embroiled. I got to my feet, holding onto the table, and saw Drason sitting innocently on his seat. Draco was already going for the door, ducking the flying figure of Grant and detouring around a group of wolves.

There was no hope in hell I was going to get through his gaps, he was physically having to force his way through. I changed into my Lightning form, and ignited my jet afterburners. This did have an effect, and while Draco had closed the door, and as people scattered in front of me, I thought.

"Fire missiles!"

I started forward as the white darts streamed from my wing tips. I could see Drason looking in surprise, and then the door received my displeasure. It was blown to smithereens, and I changed into my Audi Quattro, driving fast over the wreckage of the door, and catching up with a madly sprinting dragon. Behind me the fight resumed, but Drason spoke to Devlin.

"Alduin and Draco intend to call Arachno, and stop you, Devlin. Make sure Arachno is out of the way."

Devlin was by now completely controlled by his rage and Drason, although how, we had no idea. He lumbered straight through the midst of the fight, expertly dodging the conflicts, and ran after the sound of my engine.

I caught up with Draco, and we ran directly towards Arachno's office, not daring to use energy to talk. But we met someone else. Time appeared down a corridor up ahead. She turned, and made to walk towards us.

"In training, boys?" she smiled. I shouted.

"Don't come any nearer to us!"

She looked confused, as did Draco, and both asked me why.

"Everyone's just gone berserk in the food store, fighting one another. It might be induced, in which case we might be carrying the germ. While we appear be resistant, you could not."

Time held her distance.

"What do you want me to do?"

"Run, and inform the glowers. We're going to get Arachno."

Time turned in one direction, and sprinted off. We changed into our car forms, and drove hard and fast down the corridors until we came to Arachno's office. I banged on the door.

"Arachno, get some protective clothing on, and then let us in! Hurry!"

The spider creature wasn't stupid enough to argue, and after one anxious minute, the spider opened the door, wearing some kind of special suit. Through the mask he looked at us.

"What seems to be the problem?" he asked, slightly muffled.

"I need a biological check right now."I said, throwing myself on the operating table. Draco started moving cabinets in front of the door, barring it firmly.

Arachno took a scanner, and ran it over me.

"How interesting. You appear to be coated in some kind of alien virus. What effects have you had?"

"None, but everyone in the food store is fighting one another."

"That's worrying." Arachno looked troubled, and delicately took a sample with a cotton bud. He started running it through a processor.

"Once it comes back with the data, I can come up with an antidote for the virus.How was it spread?"

"I have absolutely no idea." Draco replied."One moment, everything was fine, the next, shouting, arguing and Devlin smacked Alduin over."

"What?" Arachno looked alarmed." We're talking Hell fire dragon, part time lover to Alduin, hit him?"he observed where I indicated," He's bruised this."

"I know." I said, rubbing my raw skin in reflection.

There was an almighty thump, and the cabinets rocked.

"And they've sent someone after us." Draco said, going back to the cabinets and leaning on it.

"Arachno!" Devlin shouted." I've got to talk to you."

I whispered to Draco.

"I've got to get something from Earth. Place a scanner in two minutes."

"What could it be that will stop him?"

"Delay." I corrected, and teleported.

I arrived on Earth, and straight into my bedroom. Gareth spoke from the living room.

"Is that you, Alduin? That didn't take long."

"I'm not in here!"I shrieked, looking desperately for my objective."Do not come in here, do not teleport to Central! Everything's gone haywire!"

"What's happening?"

"There's been a deadly virus set loose.I'm covered in it." I shouted back.

"What can I do?" Gareth implored.

"Cover yourselves in protective clothing, and pray no one comes here." I replied, grabbing what I was looking for, and checking my watch. I teleported, and felt myself jerk slightly sideways, arriving beside Draco.

He was still beside the door, as it rocked alarmingly on it's hinges. Draco looked at me as I pulled off my backpack, shoes, shirt, and rifle.

He looked twice at what I was holding.

"A stick of bamboo? What's that supposed to do?"

"As I said, delay." I said, climbing onto the operating table, and opened the grille to the ventilation. Draco looked at me.

"You cannot confront him."

"We cannot get out with him there. You just make sure he can't get through the door. Arachno needs someone nearby."

I climbed into the grate, temporarily getting stuck with my Eryx, and crawled along the enclosed space. I held the four foot bamboo stick in one hand. Bamboo didn't break easily, and was nice and whippy. No one could ask me to kill one of my best friends, but while I knew I would lose a confrontation with Devlin, someone had to do it. After crawling for half a minute, I came to a grille that opened onto a nearby corridor. I dropped down it, and followed the banging noises.

I came around the corner, and saw Devlin shoulder charging the door every few seconds. He was possessed, and his flame licked around the metal door. I shouted.

"Oi! Devlin!"

He stopped, turning slowly to look at me. I removed my Eryx, and stood there, half naked, bamboo raised in my right hand.His face split into a evil grin.

"You challenge me, Alduin Raptormaster?"

I held my ground. "I do, and no rules broken at all. You will not enter that room. You are carrying the virus that I do, the only difference is I am not affected."

"Don't make me laugh, human." Devlin blew a small jet of flame, his harsh bark of humour echoing.

"You are an idiot." Draco shouted at me, from behind the door.

"Thanks for that, Draco. I'll take that on board.So Devlin, I still stand. And you know the rule, the loser submits to the winner."

"You don't know of your peril, human. Could you withstand me?"

"Maybe." I replied, shrugging." Let's find out." I hunkered down, stick over my shoulder.

Devlin charged. It was quite scary, and while I was in my bionic form, I knew the first hit would hurt. At the last second I dived aside, and Devlin dived past, his hands grasping naught but air. I jumped to my feet, and as Devlin got to his, brought the bamboo around in a way that made the tip whistle.

The stick smacked against his shoulder, and he flinched. As a bionic creature, my strength had been increased, but the levels of adrenalin and testosterone the dragon was producing made it less even then it was before.I ducked under another open handed swing, and as I delivered a full blooded uppercut, collected me a clout in the solar plexus. He staggered backwards, but I was already down. My ribs were screaming in protest, but I got to my feet, looking warily at Devlin. The air hummed again as the bamboo smacked hard against the dragon but he merely shrugged it off before punching at me. I ducked, and there was a solid smacking noise as Devlin's fist impacted against the wall.

His tail lashed around, and hit me around the ankles, but I kept my balance, and Devlin had to take evasive action as I punched hard at his chest. Then, as he straightened, I spun around, lashing out with a back kick, aimed at the lower regions.

There was a cry of pain as Devlin staggered back, and I fell flat on my back. I had never landed on my feet after that strike, and as I stood, dazed, Devlin went into the foetal position. I didn't dare approach.

After a few seconds, he stood, glaring at me.

"That was a mistake." he uttered, and I backed two steps, swinging the bamboo in anticipation.

He charged once more. I hit him on the head with the stick, he hit me in the shoulder, and then I felt an intense burning pain in my lower body, and I was lifted into the air. It was like writhing snakes, and I dropped the stick, holding my gut in agony. Devlin retracted his tail, and I collapsed backwards, completely unable to put up further resistance. Draco heard my scream, and I heard him roar in anger. Devlin regarded me for a few seconds, and then walked back to the door. I felt utterly unable to move, but with one move, I managed to see what he had done. My trousers had been ripped, and a tiny trickle of blood was seeping across the black. And Devlin accused me of playing unfair by kicking him in the unmentionables.

The door sagged to new lengths, and I crawled over to the Eryx. Reaching for my belt, I loaded a round, and stood with considerable use of the wall. I changed into my bionic form, and leaned against the wall.

"I said, you wouldn't enter." I moaned weakly, my Eryx pointed at Devlin, while I took a few staggering steps forward.

The dragon looked at the Eryx.

"You wouldn't dare fire it in here."

"There is nothing I won't do." I choked, while tears fell down my face."All the good times I have had here have been ruined! And I cannot head back to Earth, knowing that I will never explore with Draco again.My own lover has abused me, my best friends attacked me, and all because of a damn virus set on us by Drason. You will not order me anything."

"So you would kill me?" Devlin looked cold, calculating.

"This shell isn't for you." I said, taking several more steps. I was within range, and Devlin stepped forward. I turned, and faced the wall, Eryx aimed at the wall but two metres away.

"You might live this, but I don't want to."

"Alduin!Don't!" Devlin called, and for a second I thought I heard him use his normal voice. I closed my eyes.

"I'm sorry."

He must have dived forward as I fired, intending to tackle me. The shell smashed into the wall and detonated, throwing a fireball across the room, engulfing me and Devlin. I was thrown back into the wall, crushed between the explosion and the wall, and I felt a comparatively small pain in the side of my forehead.

The wall had held, but I didn't for much longer. I fell over, and all went black.

Waking up was a pleasant surprise.Waking up seeing both Devlin and Draco above me wasn't. Draco looked like he had been crying.

"You utter idiot.You absolutely stupid, reckless human." Draco said hoarsely.

"Nice to see you too, Draco."I said, with a weak smile."I trust Arachno found a cure."

"About ten minutes after you attempted suicide." the dragon replied.

"Alduin, I am so sorry." Devlin said, bending down over me.

"It's not your fault, Devlin. But when I see Drason, he'll be lucky if it isn't a shell hitting him." I replied."How bad do I look?"

"You're physically in one piece, mentally I'm not so sure. But you're bleeding heavily from three or four shrapnel wounds, one gash to the head, and from your pants."

"That wasn't the explosion."I replied, after Devlin and Draco hauled me upright. Devlin looked surprisingly alright for someone blown down the corridor by a fireball. Arachno came over to me, and cuffed me around the back of the head.

"You had to do that, didn't you?"

"I was running out of options." I tried to smile again."So what's happening?"

"Nothing. You've only been out half an hour. We were just about to see how Drason is getting along."

"Good, I am due a word with him." I found my bamboo stick fifty metres down the corridor, and as I was holding onto Draco, the dragon kindly picked it up for me. Arachno was holding some kind of spray gun in one arm, and was dabbing purple liquid over my back with two others.

Determination pulsed through us, Drason would have to answer to this.We walked towards the food store, and as we got to the wreckage of the door, we heard more fighting.

"Arachno, does the potion immunize?"

"Been there, done that." the spider doctor replied."Devlin is perfectly safe from it now."

There was a faint moan from inside, and I heard Drason's voice, cold, collected, and I could hear it was smiling.

"Is anyone man enough to challenge me?I hold the crown." he said, asking in rhetoric, but he got an answer.

"I do." I said, walking in the front door. Around me were lots of my friends, all lying in various states of unconsciousness and exhaustion. Valmeero barely had the strength to raise his head.

"It's worn off, Alduin." Drason replied, before I could ask."It produces a lot of adrenalin and when it leaves, it takes more away. They cannot stand, let alone fight."

"So how does it take them?"

"Mentally." Drason shrugged."It takes control of the mind, and you saw the results. It makes them belligerent, and in a fighting mood. Pity it didn't work on you, but I can still beat you."

"Quite possibly." Draco said, coming around the corner, folding his arms. Devlin stood behind him, and Arachno to one side. Drason's smile faded.

"So you found a cure, Arachno?"

"I did, Drason. It was most amusing, a very well thought out plan, except for Alduin and Draco were immune, even I don't know why."

"Oh well, all battle plans never survive contact with the enemy."

"As one spider to another,"Arachno began," even if you did take control, how would you hold it?"

"I had a long line of continuity plans, trust me." Drason flashed his winning smile.

"And the grain?"

"Was indeed infected by me, but my intention was to cut off my town for the others. Instead the idiots picked the wrong bags, and the town was wiped out.It was one of my little poisons. I am a master with them."

"We kind of guessed." Devlin replied, looking annoyed.

"The villagers once said that I could find a cure for every poison ever brewed, and while I am a modest creature, I dare any of you to say otherwise. Of course I don't have Arachno's equipment, but give me time..."

"Time is not often your side with the more deadlier poisons." Arachno replied.

"You'll be surprised just how quickly I can come up with something." Drason smirked.

"Well, Drason, this defeats the purpose, I challenge you, fight."

He closed his eyes, and chanted. As he did, the entire food store distorted, and as he finished the spell, there was a very loud crack, as several things arrived.

"My minions, you have the dragons, I have these." Drason grinned.

There were twelve new creatures in the room. Two of them were tall elf like creatures made of fire, and they held swordstaffs in their hands.They were right next to Drason, and watched me impassively. The remaining ten were, well, sort of like the Elites from Halo, the small scaled creatures that scurried around.

These were also on fire, and had various knives and daggers. They were standing around my helpless friends, Silverine was unconscious, Blake's eyes were closed, Alecto was breathing deeply in slumber. Val, Thomas and Grant were awake. The minions moved til they were standing by the conscious, daggers drawn.

"You cannot win this fight, Alduin.If you attack, my slaves will attack your friends, if you do not, then I am lord of Central.You had best submit."

"I wouldn't count yourself so sure." Time Dancer said, standing in the door.

"And why is that, my lady?" Drason shuffled so he could see the lady in question. Time Dancer stood, mace in one hand, and I instinctively moved out of the way.

"Because you forgot something." Time Dancer replied.

"And what was that?Keep talking, dear, the more you do, the more you'll feel the effects of the virus."

Time Dancer stepped aside, as a glower came in. It turned, apparently taking in the carnage, and it turned to face Drason.

"You are responsible for this?" it asked softly.

Drason looked uncertainly at the glower. The glower seemed quite pleasantly disposed, but Draco and Devlin were making for the door. Time Dancer was likewise getting behind a table. I stood beside the glower, like someone who's working from a script only to find the scene's been changed.

"I caused it, that is correct." Drason replied, looking the glower directly in the eyes, well, if it had any.

"I see. Ruthless domination, evil minded, magic user, you've broken just about every rule here, and you threaten your fellow Scouts."

"I am an ambitious creature, glower, and not one hover closer, otherwise my threat to Alduin will pertain to you."

Threatening a glower was possibly the single most stupid thing anyone can do. The glower made an uncertain humming noise for a second, and it began to glow a dark red.

"Alright, now you've made him angry." Time said, ducking behind the table. Drason looked confused, and then the entire food store went white. A hyper core wind flooded across me, and I was bowled to the ground.I could feel a scaled arm on my own, and I grabbed it in my blindness. I guessed it was Valmeero's, but everything was so intensely white. There was about twenty seconds of all seeing light, no shapes, no colour, just the burning light, and then it flickered out. As my eyes regained their usual sight, I was on the ground, looking directly at the glower, with Valmeero's arm in my grip. I heaved Valmeero up, and he sat down on a table while I surveyed what had happened.

Drason was standing where he had been. His minions were no longer there. He looked around in alarm.

"What did you do?"

"I gave you a warning, Drason. Your servants have been vaporised, you will suffer the same fate."

"Wait, glower. He is technically the Chief Scout, there is only one way to resolve this. He has to be toppled before he can be banished." I said, impending the glower's path with an arm.

"Very well, Alduin Raptormaster. You think you can defeat him?"

"We shall see." I said, holding my bamboo stick in defence.

Drason looked at me shrewdly."You would challenge me instead of letting your glower? You are more insane then I thought."

"The glowers control the scouts, Drason, but the chief answers to the scouts first, and I will beat you."

"Oh really, you sound sure."

"If I had it my way, I would use my rocket launcher, count yourself lucky the rules state no weapons."

I came forward, spinning my stick around in a way that made the air hum. Drason ducked as it whistled over him, and swung his fist around.I landed, and pulled my chest backwards into a question mark shape, as Drason brushed my armour.I grabbed his arm, and then thrust myself forward. There was a blow to my head, and as I staggered backwards I saw the Drider holding his chin. As he was disorientated, I charged forwards again, swinging my fist around it a upper cut. This caught him squarely on the jaw, and he retreated more. He closed his eyes, and blew a jet of flame at me, but I hid my bamboo behind my back, and the flame washed over me.

Unscathed, I came forward again. Drason attempted to kick at me with one of his many legs, and succeeded in delaying me, but then I swung the stick around, fetching him a blow on said limb. He growled in annoyance, and charged at me. As he did, I pulled to one side, and my right fist came around in a solid straight punch. The first thing that happened was I felt a tremendous smack of pain, followed by a crack. Drason fell backwards in a heap, as agonizing pain erupted in my hand. I dropped my bamboo in complete surprise, and held my hand.

"OW!"I shouted, holding the expletive for a full five seconds. I dropped down, holding my hand tightly, as the pain got worse.I had broken one or more of my fingers. Draco went over to the fallen spider/dragon, while Devlin came over to me with Arachno.

"Let's have a look." Devlin said, gently taking my palm in his hand.This is what I like about the Hellfire dragon. Tough as army boots, but so delicate when he wants to be.His claws gently stroked my fingers, which had gone red in a few sections.

Arachno pulled out a pair of glasses, and looked at my hand.

"Yep, broken. Three fingers, multiple breaks. That was a solid punch. If you come back to the operating theatre, I'll get my little toy out."

Then Drason came back to consciousness, getting to his feet, fending off Draco.

"You win, Alduin, goodbye."

He chanted, and then suddenly vanished.

"A normal teleport spell can't go more than a thousand miles, we need to find him." Draco said.

"No problem."Winslo replied,"He's done a return to sender spell, as Alduin insists on calling it."

"What?" Draco looked confused.

"What happens is that a magic user can set a location which he can instantly move to. He can't get away from it, it's not two way, but he can just do the spell, and arrive at his home. Distance makes no difference."

"Well, could you find out where his home is?"

"I can do that." Winslo nodded,"Just give me half an hour to go over the magical aura you're standing next to."

As the bunny was helped to his feet, he staggered over to the spot, and started chanting. As the situation was in hand, although not mine, I followed Arachno down the corridor back to the medical room. Devlin followed.

As I sat down on the operating table, Arachno drew out a vial of liquid.I rejected it.

"I'm not falling unconscious again today, thank you.Once was enough."

"Do you know this is still Saturday?" Devlin said, realising it.I realised it too, it was only half past eight.

"What a day."Arachno tutted, but put the vial back away, drawing out a device. There was a adjustable metal circle on a long cord/wire connected to a flashing item about three feet in height. Arachno slipped the device over my finger.

"It can go over your arm or leg if need be, but it hurts like buggery."

"I see." I said, feeling the metal against my raw finger.

"So in case you want that vial, I'll give you a two second burst of what it's going to be like." Arachno said. He flicked the switched, and instantly there was a burning pain in my finger. It was like dying piece by piece. It was switched off, and I flexed my aching fingers.

"That hurt."

"Only two other options, distraction, or unconscious." Arachno shrugged.

"Devlin, I need a distraction." I thought briefly.

"I can manage a reasonable distraction." he replied.

"Does it involve you fucking me?"I asked hopefully.

"Yes, that's a fair guess."

About thirty second later, with both of us naked on our bottom half, I sat on top of Devlin's cock, and he began fucking me at a very fast rate. Arachno switched on the machine, and because my body was already receiving a battering, I wasn't as aware of it. I cried, but the Hellfire dragon tried to kiss me, and my cry petered out as I wrapped myself around the dragon with one hand, kissing him passionately.

"Another half an hour to go, I should get a camera out." Arachno said to himself, watching the incredible scene.

After the half an hour had finished,Devlin had been well and truly serviced four times, and my fingers had been healed. We made it back to the bunk room, and I collapsed on the lower bunk, sinking immediately into sleep.

The Darkness of Drason Pt 3

I woke on the Sunday morning. Devlin was sleeping guard next to me, he was far too good to me. Javid and Salbar hadn't approached the bunk, and were top and tailing on the single bed. As I stirred, Devlin felt the movement of the air, and his eyes shot...

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The Darkness of Drason Pt 1

After a fully exciting, physically exhausting trip to the planet which would be known as the Dragon Rider's planet, we were informed that we were to take a trip to another planet, and that Devlin once more would come with us. Now, officially, six was a...

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If I could just say this... PT 2

More of the gang arrived, and conversation was rife, but none dared approach the kitchen.The table from the great hall arrived, being held by Grant, Doran, Winslo and Billy, and was set down in position. Because of the way the scanner worked, they had...

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