Of Raptors and Reindeer Pt2

Story by TheNovelist on SoFurry

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#63 of Exploration

"Now," the raptor said," I suggest you take your friends away, because we are not wise after feasting.I would get a head start on your intimacies with Kodey, you will find various tools in his room. And just so you know, I suggest you don't come out on the streets until early morning, that goes for your friends as well. Good night, Alduin."

He was enjoying himself, the way he was taunting me, and I so fought against telling him my last name and starting a pitched battle.Devlin was comforting Kodey, and I ran over to them.

"Dev, get everyone to the room Banehallow let us have. We are not to leave the rooms until morning."

"I can see why." Devlin replied, looking around the corner at the carnage.

Blake, Draco and Devlin rushed over to a sector of rooms Banehallow had allowed us sleep in, while Landon ran along the tops of the roofs, and climbed down an unlit chimney. I was watching through his camera glasses, until they were all inside. Dev systematically bolted the windows, while Blake and Draco shifted a table and a bed in front of the door.

"That,"Billy said in my head set,"was the single most repulsive thing I have ever seen in my entire career as a bounty hunter."

"Give them a book on etiquette." Time suggested.

"They'd tear it up, firstly because it goes against their principles, and secondly because half of them wouldn't be able to read." Javid replied.

"Just as well you got Kodey out of there." Salbar commented."We all saw how that one went for Landon."

"Thanks for knocking him out, Alduin. I really didn't want to have to." the fox said in my ear.

"Not at all, Landon.I was using a rubber bullet anyway."

"Well, if Alduin wasn't, I was."Javid replied."My sniper rifle was trained on him as he leapt up, except I knew Alduin was about to fire, so I waited for him."

"Two's better than one."I said to the wolf,"I was just praying I wouldn't miss.How is everyone up there?"

"We're all fine."Simba replied."We've got enough gear here to hold off an army, we're having a nice dinner, although I dare say some of our appetites have been spoiled by that display, but we're alive."

"Who's going to do guarding?"

"Javid's volunteered first, he actually wants a raptor to come up here, so he can show how good he is at hand to hand.Ryan's going with him, so we've got the two highly trained soldiers keeping first watch."

"Well, anyone attacking Ryan had better be good at martial arts." I said off handedly.

"Speaking from a bit of first hand experience there, are we?" Ryan suggested.

"We've gone head to head before, I don't want to again." I said simply. "I'm signing out,I'm going to take Kodey back to his room and get his history."

"Very well.Did you actually intend to fuck him when you thought of paying for his time? Just let me know." Draco asked.

"I wasn't intending to, but if he wants it, then I don't mind."I replied.I hauled the shaking reindeer to his feet.

"Come on, back to your room.We shouldn't linger here."

"My room's over the other side of the square." Kodey looked around the corner, and shuddered.

I smiled helpfully."Then we'll run for it."

This was easily than expected. Only two raptors looked up as we sprinted across. Kodey wasn't as fast as me, I have a long stride, but I had my rifle out and loaded, so while the raptors were in their blood lust, they still weren't stupid enough to fight me. Banehallow had disappeared from the table, and I thought I saw him in the centre of the whirling, fighting mess around the carcasses of the dead animals. Not much was left of them by now. Kodey opened the door, we shuffled inside, and Kodey locked the door with a small key. The room had no windows, and as I brought out my torch, he lit a group of candles, which illuminated the small room rather well.

It was only about three metres by four, and most of it was taken up by a old bed, a wardrobe and a small chest. Kodey sat down on the bed, getting out of his ragged clothes. He had a shirt that buttons around the front, so he didn't have to get the shirt over his head.I looked at the torn shirt, and then looked at my own runic silver shirt. Life was unfair. He took his trousers off, and opened the chest. There were few things in there, most of them clothed no better than the ones he had been wearing. But he did have a small necklace, with a intricate carved device on it, the only thing of worth he owned.

"Banehallow said you wanted to fuck me tonight, Master Alduin, as did the guards.They expect you to treat me well."

"I would.You don't deserve to be here, Kodey.But I came here for two reasons. The first, to find out how you are here, and the second to try and get you out."

"The third reason?"

"Well, if you wanted it,"I had by now switched off my headset,"I would like to have it with you."

"Well, you paid for my services, I feel obliged to." Kodey replied."While you get changed, you want to hear how I got here?"

I set a recorder going, and then nodded. As I shuffled out of my clothes, Kodey told me his tale.

"What you must know is that a second race live in the forest from here.They live in secret, living in fear from the raptor tribe, who occasionally send hunting parties there to catch food."

"We didn't see anything with our thermo scans."I said, as I got my shirt off.

"You weren't looking in the right place."

"So they live in underground hides, correct?"I guessed, removing my shoes.

"Yes, we have small houses as it were, and live off roots, berries, plants. All the houses are linked by passages, but there are ways to the surface, cunningly disguised. But three years ago, I decided it was worth the risk to see the sunlight. I craved a love for exploring, and was bored with the dingy holes.So one day I went up, with my families blessing, and wandered for a while about the forest."

"That first walk, it was incredible. All the sights, the sounds, the smell of the air, it was all worth it.For a tunnel dweller like me, it was beyond belief."

"And then?"

"I was walking through a section of undergrowth, when suddenly there was a noise, like that of a breaking branch, and something hit me around the back of the head.I was knocked out by that blow, and when I woke up, I was chained down, and collar was around my neck. The raptors had brought me back here, and were deciding what to do with me.I pleaded to them, and Banehallow agreed to let me live, on a few conditions.You see what that led to." he finished, looking around the room.

"I'm sorry, are we talking the same Banehallow here?"Disbelief.

"I know it sounds strange, I don't know why, but he let me live.I used to walk around with a collar and chain, but after a while they merely warned me that to leave would mean they would kill me."

"So you've lived here for nigh on three years?"

"All that time.Now can you see why I was so desperate to talk to you?"

"Well, you took on the guards to look at me."I replied, sitting down beside the naked reindeer.

"Yes, I saw you, a stranger like myself, amongst them, I just had to know who was so bold as to take them on.Do you have a last name?"

"Yes, and if you tell them, they won't like it.My full name is Alduin Raptormaster."

"Oh lord!" Kodey covered his mouth to suppress a giggle."And to think they don't know. I can see why you didn't mention that to them."

"Exactly."I stopped the recorder."Now you are going to take us to see your reindeer friends, I insist, but that is for tomorrow."

"But how are you going to get me past the raptors?"

"You are aware of how Draco and Devlin arrived in front of everyone?"

"You can move through space?"

"Correct.But not right now."

Kodey could hardly breathe, he was so excited at the prospect, but I calmed him down.

"So what do the others do to you when they fuck you?"

Kodey pointed to the wardrobe."Just look in there, you'll get a fair idea." he shivered as I opened the wardrobe.

Inside were a variety of things. A whip hung off a nail on one side, about two metres long. There was a box of chains and another of rope, and some kind of gag device.

"They tie you up?"

"Most of the time.Sometimes if they're being creative they strap me to the bed. And they do use the whip, but some just like to use their claws, digging in deep enough to make me bleed. And of course they gag me so no one else can hear.Not that it matters." he finished bitterly.

"What a bloody miserable life." I commented, looking in disgust at the motley collection.

"Tell me about it." Kodey replied, downcast." They enjoy killing for pleasure, they like torturing me for their pleasure. They get off on pain. One set light to my fur, and of course they love playing with my antlers. They just can't stop pulling at them.It really hurts."

I wanted to go out there and give them a taste of their own medicine.This was a stupid idea, but it steeled me to make sure that Kodey got out of this.

"So what will you use, Master?I know they'll abuse me if I come out tomorrow untouched, they want you to be gentle, just so they can make my life that much more of a misery."

"Oh really?" I said, in great interest."Well, we shall have to show them that Alduin is not a kind hearted soul."

Kodey's face fell.I looked in sympathy.

"Don't worry, Kodey. Let's enjoy ourselves first, and then worry about how you need to look."

"What did you have in mind, Alduin?"

I took out a length of rope, and sat down beside Kodey. He acted like a doll, allowing me to tie his hands behind his back.

"Even before I was captured by the raptors, I was a submissive person, Alduin."

"Well we should get on fine, because I am, as people can testify, a dominant bugger when I want to." I said, pushing him down on to the bed. He landed well, he was used to this, but he wasn't used to what I did next.

"Alduin, what?" he began, as I gently licked his unerect cock. As I looked up at his reclining body, he looked at me in shock, sitting up.

"I doubt you've had sex for some time."

"That's true, but you're supposed to..." he started again.

"Don't tell me what I'm supposed to do." I replied firmly, taking hold of his tied hands, now underneath his body.I pulled, and he collapsed back on the bed, arching backwards as he had to bend to let his arms go that far.I let go, and he didn't make to rise.I continued my licking of his cock, slowly increasing his long dormant sexual need. His cock was a good nine inches, and I brought it to that after about half a minute. Then I started sucking him off, and he moaned in surprise.

"Master, what do I do?"

"What can you do?"I retorted."I've tied your hands, remember. And stop complaining so, otherwise I will get the gag out."

"I'm not complaining,"he replied, breathing deeply as he felt himself tense," It's just been so long...oooh."this last noise was due to a wave of sexual warmth that sent his whole body into shivers, I could feel it through the bed let alone his fully fledged dick.

He writhed under my progress, so unused to actually being pleasured for once.I highly doubted any raptors had stroked him off recently.

"Alduin, there's something in the wardrobe, I really don't feel used to this."

"That's the point, you're supposed to get used to it."I said, sighing."What is it?"

"It's thick, it's black, I don't know the name for it, but the raptors like to insert it in my ass while I suck them off, or make me suck it when they fuck me."

Three years of habit, I suppose I had to give him some lenience. I shuffled back over and found the dildo he was referring to. It was about four inches across, and about thirty centimetres in length, black, and made out of sand papered wood.

He sat up briefly, and gently sucked it a few times, coating it in saliva.I forced him back down, seeing where this was going, and gently prodded his anus with the large dildo. His passage opened easily to this, and I pushed it gently into him. He cried in pain as it forced him apart, and as I got about two thirds in, gasped.

"I'm sorry master, I just need to have that feeling.I've spent three years being fucked, never once have I gotten off."

I decided that if he was that desperate, he should be abused like he was used to.You can't change the pH in your fish tank too quickly, because the fish will die, so it was the same here. He was submissive to the point of no return, and he wanted to be abused. Leave teaching him for later.

Dear God, I just thought what Silverine would make of Kodey.So I gently fucked him with the dildo, and continued sucking him off. He shifted constantly under my grasp, and I worked faster, thrusting harder. He sighed once or twice, and I could feel he was getting there, and I very forcefully pushed the dildo deep into him. The reindeer cried, and twitched under my grasp. I held it in place as I deep throated on his cock.

It was unsurprising, then, that he very quickly came after that brutal move. With the thirty centimetre pole now wedged up his ass, he squirmed under my grasp, and with a howl let go his load. I swallowed all the cum he produced, and he slumped backwards.

"Is that how the raptors do it?" I asked.

"Not quite as bad." he replied, faintly. "For a start they ignore my cries, they don't suck me off, and they beat me.Are you going to fuck me now?"

I sat down on the bed, and got Kodey to sit up, removing his dildo from his ass. He looked pained at every move, and I forced him to kneel on the floor in front of me. He got it very quickly, and eagerly lunged at my cock, taking it's full size in his mouth.

"Steady on, tiger." I replied, and took hold of his antlers. He stopped instantly, looking up.

"Don't, master."he whispered.

"I'm not going to pull at them, I just wanted you to work at my rate."

"Yes, master." he didn't nod, and I removed my hands from him. I leaned back, as the reindeer expertly sucked me off.His furry hands held my hips as he sucked up and down my length. Just for the record, I had changed from my bionic form, and I felt every fold of skin being caressed by his almost loving tongue.He worked faster when I ordered him to, and finally I let go with my burst, and he got off at the right moment, sending my jets of semen over his face and chest.

Immediately he got up, and as I sat up, lowered himself onto me.

"You're enjoying this, aren't you?"

"My master isn't treating me like everyone else has."He replied, rising and falling on my cock, and then added. "But what are you going to do to me to make me looked like I've been abused?"

"I'm afraid, Kodey, I might have to use the whip, but trust me, I've got some stuff in my kit that won't make it hurt so badly."

Kodey looked downcast." I was hoping I wouldn't have to be whipped, this reminds me too much like the raptors."

"Well, this is my plan. I come out tomorrow, you follow, the raptors see you bruised and bleeding. I explain to Banehallow that you expected me to be kind, like the raptors did, and that I wasn't.You go back to your room, while Draco calls Simba, he's a medic, he treats your so called wounds, and then puts down a scanner. Then Javid teleports in, takes your hand, teleports out with you."

"Wait, what do you mean so called wounds?" Kodey was looking at me.

"I give you some pain-killing liquid, and then strike you with the whip a couple of times.The pain won't be half as bad, and you'll look sufficiently awful."

Kodey lightened up." So we'll fool them into thinking I need lots of rest, and in truth I'll be perfectly fine."

"Not perfectly, you'll still feel sore, and look hideous, but you'll certainly be better than if I hadn't given you this liquid."

Kodey actually chuckled." What a plan. Do your friends know about this?"

"They want to get you out of here, but I haven't told them the plan yet.Hang on, I'll just get my headset and extra mike, so you can talk to the others."

I activated my head set."Brassed off eagle, where are you?"

"Are you referring to me?"Blake said in his headset.

"I was getting everyone's attention by a random code. I've got a daring plan to get Kodey out of here."

Devlin clicked onto the line.

"Let me guess, we teleport him."

"The actual leaving part, yes.As for the rest, well, you might not like it that much."

"Oh dear." Draco sighed."Give me the bad news."

Kodey explained what I thought, while I added in the main points. Simba chuckled.

"You're going to have Alduin beat you senseless? That's certainly novel. So what's my task?"

"You give him one of those liquids for cleaning up open wounds, put down a scanner for Javid to teleport in, he does so, and hides under the bed, or in the wardrobe. A raptor comes in to check that Kodey's there, and Simba informs he might need some rest for a few days. Then as Simba and the raptor leave, Javid comes out, teleports Kodey back to our tree top base.Then we very quickly leave."

"I like the plan, I don't like the idea of Kodey being beaten. Is this a sort of dominance thing?" Draco asked.

"If you knew what the raptors do to him, what I'm attempting is child's play." I replied. Kodey then explained just one of the misdemeanours the raptors had got up to, and it had a suitable effect.

"Owch." Draco acknowledged."What am I to do?"

"You call Simba, possibly ask me to be a little gentler, we start an argument to put Banehallow off the track.It's called confuse and delay."

"How do you come up with these things?" Billy asked me,"That sort of plan, you'd do well as a bounty hunter."

"You give me half an hour, some Lift Plus, and they spontaneously happen." I replied, "Although thanks for the comment, but I've never thought of being a bounty hunter."

"So you have everything?" Simba asked.

"Yes, except I want to know how long the painkiller lasts for."

"About forty minutes, if you've got the bog standard one." I confirmed I did, and I ordered Kodey to get some sleep.

"You'll need you strength for tomorrow morning."

He insisted on getting me off a few more times, and then he lay down, and I blew out the lights. I lay down on the mattress, Kodey very obligingly giving me room, and I felt him encircle me in a bear hug.I placed one hand protectively around the reindeer, and felt him sigh. He held me tight, as a sort of guardian angel or parent.I felt him slip into slumber, and I did likewise.

I awoke at six in the morning.I untangled myself from the sleeping Kodey, god knows he would need it. I felt absolutely ashamed that we had to do it this way, but I couldn't teleport him away now, because that would get the raptors annoyed.True it was a plan that centred on causing pain to the reindeer, and I disliked doing it, but if all went well, we could have several hours while the raptors believed the medic, before calling the bluff. I got dressed, and found the pain killer. It was in a small bottle, and I put it by the chest while I picked up all my kit. I hadn't been working with the rocket launcher recently, Banehallow would be very worried if he knew what it was capable of.

Kodey woke in a panic.

"What's the time?I'm supposed to start duties in an hour!" he had completely forgotten I was there. I shone the electric torch I had on him, and he blinked in the bright light, shielding his face with a furry arm.

"Who, oh, Alduin.You really are going to rescue me?" Morning amnesia, it happens.

"Yes, although you probably will wish you were still dreaming. Get your trousers on.When do the raptors come to get you?"

"In about twenty five minutes."

"Right." as he got his trousers on, I drew the whip from the wardrobe. He shivered as I stood in the silhouette from the light of my own torch, the whip unfurling.

"This is going to hurt more than you let on." he said, as I went over to the chest.

"I have no idea, Kodey, no one's ever tried this before. But I do know this will make it hurt a lot less than it otherwise would."I gave him the small bottle. He looked at it, and opened it.

"I can't believe I'm doing this." he drunk the entire bottle in one go, and he handed it back to me, now empty. As he turned around to pick up his bed-sheets, I raised the whip, and brought it down hard.

Possibly the worst thing I have ever done, striking an innocent creature like Kodey like this. He gave a small cry of pain as the leather smacked into his back.

"Yes, that didn't hurt as much." he winced, and got the gag out from the wardrobe, placing it securely in his mouth. Then he bent down, kneeling away from me. Feeling absolutely despicable, I brought down the whip again, and he made a muffled cry of pain. I saw his back had raised red lines on it, where the furred skin had broken and was bleeding. I gave him ten lashes in total, ten long lines across his back in various directions, and all of them matting the fur around. He removed the gag.

"I'm feeling sore, but that went better than I thought. One in the chest?"he felt his back for broken bones.

"I suppose to make it look convincing." I replied doubtfully,and as he stood back, bared his chest to me.

This one did hurt, and his face contorted in pain.He sunk to the ground, holding himself. I came over to him, dropping the whip.

"Kodey, speak to me." I comforted the huddling reindeer, and was very surprised when he rose with a punch that caught me on the shoulder.

"Go away!" he cried, holding where the whip had struck him. One deep line ran diagonally down his chest.

"Kodey, hang on, the raptors..."

There was a knock at the door. Kodey fainted dead away. I came this close to striking myself, and I went over to the door.

Banehallow was standing there, with another raptor.Draco and Devlin were right nearby, looking slightly apprehensive.

"Good morning, Master Alduin." the Veloci leader said brightly." Did you sleep well?"

"Excellently."I replied calmly, my face completely unreadable." I don't think Kodey slept quite so well though."

"Oh really?" as I moved sideways, the guard came in, and hissed in surprise.

"What is it?" Banehallow asked his guard.

"He's been whipped, once down the front, several on his back." the guard exclaimed.

Banehallow looked at me, and physically backed away. I filed my nails with one of my fingers. The reptile seemed incapable of speaking, but he did his best.

"But we, I thought, you seemed..." the sentences wouldn't come.

"You thought I was a nice fellow!"I roared, fuelling my fake anger with the shame that was taking me."Well you thought wrong! I am not a nice person, never had been. I am a conniving bastard, and just because I can show moments of mercy, don't think I am merciful!"

Draco stepped forward, and looked through the doorway.

"Banehallow, Alduin's been a little over zealous, do you mind if I get one of our medics from Central to tend to Kodey's wounds?"

The Veloci leader saw the slumped figure on the ground, and muttered an oath.

"Of course, Draco." While neither of them were looking at me, I looked at Devlin, pointed at my Eryx,then at myself.He whispered through my head set.

"Don't be too harsh, Alduin.It's working.Simba, have you got the scanner?"

"I'm all ready." the lion replied."Everyone's just packing up over here."

Banehallow turned, and he did not look happy.

"What did you do to him?"

"What did you think I did to him? According to what he said, everyone else used the whips, and the other things."

"We didn't beat the life out of him!"

"Oh, sure, this coming from a six foot rapacious killing machine that revels in pain!Is it true, you use your claws?" I shouted back.

"Alduin, you're dodging the point." Devlin said softly." You whipped him on the chest. Do you know how much that hurts?"

"He turned around at the wrong moment!" I shot back, standing between two dragons who were doing extremely well in looking miffed.

Banehallow was truly miffed."And I thought we were evil...." he said, and got no further, as Simba arrived.The medic teleported right beside me, and spoke quickly.Just as well, I came that close to ruining the plan and catching the Veloci leader a clout for that last gibe.

"Where is he?"

"In the room." I replied, waving a hand past Draco.Simba bustled past the two there, and closed the door most of the way. I opened a link to Simba's headset.

"He's in a pretty bad way."he recited to the guard."Even if I can heal his wounds he'll still be in masses of pain for a day, I really wouldn't suggest him moving."

The guard nodded."I'll inform Banehallow after you've finished, doctor."

Meanwhile, the fake argument was simmering outside. I held my own end nicely, I was always good as a debater, but Banehallow was no pushover there.After ten minutes of shouting at one another, and the gaze of most of the tribe as they wondered what all the shouting was about.It helped that I switched languages more times than an interpreter at a world summit meeting, because Banehallow only understood half the words I was saying, so Draco could spin off on a tangent. He was supposedly disappointed that I had hurt Kodey, but he knew this was necessary to give us a day's start, so we could find out about the reindeer in the forest and get home before they found out.

The guard came out, and spoke to Banehallow.

"The doctor Simba says his wounds have been stopped, but he needs rest for at least a day, the injuries sustained were rather bad." the guard looked grave. Simba came out, and Banehallow looked in. Kodey was on the bed, apparently unconscious, and Banehallow shut the door.

"Now what am I going to do?" he said to himself. Simba spoke to us.

"Right, I'll just go find out how we're getting on." he teleported away. Banehallow looked at where Simba had been standing.

"He's a bloody good doctor."

"He's the team medic, only comes around if someone's been badly hurt. Junior in there qualifies."

I turned, making sure no one saw the tears on my face.Devlin made to put a hand on my shoulder, but I was appalled by what I had done.I changed into my Audi form, and took off down the street, driving past amazed raptors. I heard over my set.

"Javid's just teleported in."

Banehallow, behind me, shook his head.

"Oh very well. If I'd known this was going to happen, where is he going?"

"Going?Going away. We should be too.Don't worry, Banehallow, Alduin will get over it, I think he's just a little annoyed at himself."

"I feel a little annoyed myself."then he turned to everyone standing around."Get back to work, there's nothing to see!" he walked away in disgust. Now there was no one by the hut, and Draco and Devlin walked down the street with the Veloci leader. The house was not approached.

Javid landed, and picked up the scanner standing beside the wardrobe. He gently shook Kodey.

"They've all gone, you must wake up."

Kodey stirred.I stopped driving, looking through Javid's glasses. The reindeer focused on Javid, and shuffled away, looking at the armed wolf.

"Alduin sent me here to get you away, they all think you're near to death."

"You mean it worked?" Kodey whispered.

"So far. Now get out of bed, get your chest, and let's get out of here."

Kodey staggered out of bed."All the pain's gone."

"Simba cured you while you were asleep."

"Alduin was right, it was easy."

"Not as easy for Alduin." Devlin replied through our headsets.

"I think I'm going to stop coming up with plans, that was a bloody miserable idea." I said solemnly.

Kodey picked up his chest, and Javid took him by the left arm. His right one hit his left, and they teleported. I drove back to our sight, over the ridge. As I scanned, Salbar was up the tree, with a full view of everything. Javid was picking Kodey up off the ground, and everyone else was packing away equipment.

I came over to the wolf and the reindeer, and changed. Kodey was embraced in a large hug from the emotionally unstable human.

"I am so sorry for doing that." I said.

"Well, I'm out of the town, I think it worked perfectly." Kodey replied.

"Uh, don't celebrate yet guys, we've still got Draco and Devlin down there, Blake and Landon, and all it takes is one raptor to get curious." Blake and Landon teleported at that moment onto my scanner, and Draco and Devlin half a minute later. I picked up my scanner after they had done so, and fitted it into my belt.

"I hate to be the first with the bad news." Salbar said quietly, from his lofty position." But a raptor just went into Kodey's room, and judging by the way he ran out, I'd say the trick's been busted."

Of Raptors and Reindeer Pt3

I changed into my bionic form, as the plan came tumbling down around me. My fist implanted itself in the trunk of a tree.It stung my fingers, and expended some of my anger. Kodey backed away as I thumped the tree again, and then breathed out. Devlin...

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Of Raptors and Reindeer Pt 1

Three weeks after the attempted coup of Central by Drason, and the thwarting of his efforts by the Glowers, I have never seen a glower angry, and never want to again, we were told that another planet was up for Exploration. This time we were going to...

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The Darkness of Drason Pt 3

I woke on the Sunday morning. Devlin was sleeping guard next to me, he was far too good to me. Javid and Salbar hadn't approached the bunk, and were top and tailing on the single bed. As I stirred, Devlin felt the movement of the air, and his eyes shot...

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