The Elves of Perfection Pt 1

Story by TheNovelist on SoFurry

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#65 of Exploration

Three weeks after a very interesting chapter of mistakes and idiocy on Kodey's planet, but never the less a very capable member joining the team as a result, the five of the party (no Devlin, he had gone somewhere else), we were informed on the Friday night that another planet was due a visit. Silverine knew nothing on the planet, so we would again teleport blindly in, me doing the traditional ping.

So as we woke up on Saturday morning, I kitted myself, kissed Gareth a fond farewell, and teleported back to Central. I arrived on one of the many landing areas, and a glower came to see me as we walked, well, I walked, he hovered a bit,to the Great hall. He informed me about the recent news, Kodey and Silverine had visited the planet with the Euarctos bears, and with Silverine keeping his distance, Kodey was welcomed with open paws. True there had been a minor matter over a scorpion, but nothing very major for Silverine. I was treated to a video clip from Kodey's head set of the Lupogriff attacking the scorpion, and killing it single handed.

"Now that's an efficiently ruthless technique."

"Well, it had threatened Kodey, I suppose he might have gotten a little annoyed." the glower shrugged.

We arrived in the main hall, and Draco was the only one there. He was teasing Silverine over said outburst.

"Now do you understand why Devlin said you cause havoc?"

"Oh come on, if someone attacked your lover, you'd be annoyed too." Silverine replied defensively. I said morning to both of them, and sat down on a bench, watching Draco.

"Oh I can fully understand that, I just don't know why you didn't use a pistol.One bolt, and it's down, but no, you had to wrap yourself around it's neck, and attack it's head and neck with your claws and bite."

I noticed Kodey was standing behind Silverine, and was consulting a hand held device.

"You guys might like to end it all with phaser blasts, but I get close up and personal. If someone attacks or is attacked by me, they will know."

"That's not exactly hard, your howl would have woken the dead." Draco retaliated.

"I think you've gone soft, using those phasers.How good are you at hand to hand now?" Silverine went for the metaphorical jugular.

"I'm still capable, thank you. My sword play is, as Alduin can testify, smooth and efficient, and my wrestling and fist work, don't make me explain. But you're still a rapacious killing machine."

"How else do you think I hold you all in check? Someone needs to keep balance and order here, and it might as well be the dangerous one."

"Were you trying to impress Kodey?" Draco suggested.

"Kodey doesn't need impressing." the reindeer replied, stepping between Silverine and Draco, looking the dragon in the eye.

"I think Silverine's been giving Kodey lessons on how to be assertive, good." I said to myself. "Draco, now you'd better watch it, Silverine's got his bodyguard on you."

"Alduin, diminutive I may be, but stupid I am not."

"And good on you.Why are you arguing with Draco then?"

"He's challenging my master's tactics. I thought he fought heroically, like you did against the raptors."

"I was stupid, taking them on forty to one.Even though I cannot physically be hurt by them, I am a reckless bastard, as is the guy you're defending."

"Well maybe that's the way I like people, especially if they are the strong imposing people."

"That's me gone."I said, with a theatre sigh,"I don't loom over anyone here.But Silverine certainly has that 'arrgh' factor."

"Yeah, people look at him and run." Draco smiled."the only recent exception to that was Alduin, who managed to look cool and collected when he saw you for the first time."

"I have my own sentimental side." Silverine replied, glaring at Draco, and bringing his wings around and covering Kodey's body, protecting him from Draco's stinging words.

I was touched, seeing that.

"O.K., joke pushed to limit."I said, as Simba and Javid entered. Draco shrugged, but refrained from going any further, and Silverine pulled his wings away before anyone else saw this little intimacy.

I teleported before Salbar turned up, and after the usual half an minute of flying through immeasurable distances, I arrived lightly in a small park in the middle of a city.

Around me was a collection of trees and plants, all which were in bloom, so I was bombarded by many colours. Two creatures stood near by, and they turned towards me as I appeared. They did not look scared, but more intrigued at this newcomer.

They were so much like the elves. Of a reasonable height, they were slim and beautiful. Their long blonde hair flowed down their back like the sun that shone through the meadow, and they walked bare foot over the springy grass. They wore few clothes, and I was struck by their well filled out figure.

But elves do not have serpentine tails, or claws. I had refrained from my bionic form, and while we looked physically the same, I saw a long, dark green tail uncurl from them, and three inch curved points from each of their six fingers, or five fingers and opposable thumb.

They both wore a heavy short shirt, which ended about their belly button, and only about two square inches of clothing to cover their own intimate areas. I felt hideously over dressed in this tropical climate, although it was not over bearingly hot. They gently walked over to me.

"How may we serve you, master?" one of them asked.

I was having trouble enough breathing, let alone reply.But I managed to find an answer.

"I am a wanderer, I wish to know where I am?"

"You are near to the town of H'arPius." the other replied." But you must be tired, wandering. Come with us."

"Draco." I said, as they made to turn.

"Well, they seem nice enough, ask them if they mind more wanderers."

"Wait, my ladies."I said,"I am part of a group of wanderers, do you mind their presence?"

"Not at all."the first said."The more the merrier.I am Demeter."

There was a correspondent bang in my headphones, and I planted my scanner into the ground. I stepped back four paces, and then my friends landed. The elves smiled at the likes of my companions, and one of them took hold of Draco's arm.

"Please come with us. We will have such fun." she practically wrapped her hands around the dragon's arm, pulling him encouragingly along the sandy coloured gravel path. Draco offered little resistance. Demeter offered her hand to Javid, who bowed to the lady, and took her hand, walking along the path. Salbar and Simba followed behind them, and I followed them.

After a few minutes, two more of these beautiful creatures arrived, and as I was hanging back, they took the first person they spotted, i.e., lizard and tiger.

They were so perfect. The elf with Draco was laughing at his conversation, the pearls of her laughter lilting over the trees. Demeter was asking questions of Javid, and the wolf was enchanted by Demeter. Not magically, just by her looks. Simba was asking about small things, which the elf was more than happy to talk about, and Salbar was discussing the flora of the planet with the elf, who was delighted in Salbar's love of the trees.

I walked alone, and felt slightly envious of my colleagues, but we walked down the path until we came to a large flat area.

It was walled, about twenty metres wide, and a hundred metres long. On the far side was a single door, made of wood. The flat area had a huge pool of water, the full width and about two thirds the length. Either side was a flat section of white tiles, and Demeter spoke.

"To enter, we have to go through this pool. There is no other entry. To do so, we must strip down, so our clothes do not muddy the waters."

"How do our clothes enter the city?" Draco asked.

"If you place them down, one of our elves enters via a side passage, just there."Demeter pointed at a section of wall that wasn't quite equal to the sections either side."There they can be cleaned. Likewise all your equipment has to be left here. I promise it will come to no harm."

"I'm sorry, leave my rifle away from my person?"I looked surprised at Demeter.

"We do not allow that sort of weaponry or tools to enter the pool, Alduin. It would break the purity of the water."

"Very well, Demeter, I cannot enter the water."

"But surely you want to get to the other side."

"Quite possibly, but if my rifle stays, I stay." I said, backing away. The elves looked slightly hurt at my insistence. I was being stubborn, but this rifle had gone through thick and thin with me, and I would not let it out of my sight.

"If you can find another way to cross, Alduin, you are welcome, but you cannot go through the side door."

I transformed into my Lightning form. Draco sighed.

"He's quite pig headed sometimes, he will go to any lengths."

"He has naught to worry about anything." Demeter looked at my miniature form in a strange manner.

"He's a generally worrying sort of person." Simba replied, as I ignited my engine. I charged forwards onto the tiles, and just as I ran out of land, I rose from the tiles, and immediately throttled back, slowing to vertical hover as I gently crossed the water. Demeter smiled.

"Very well, Alduin, if you wait, we will cross."

The elves took off their bottom half, but not their shirts, which I found a bit weird, and dived into the water.

The men were quick to react. Salbar stripped down, and strapped back on his swords.

"My swords are hallowed, they go through my own rituals, cleansing them of all evil and spirit, may they enter the water?"

Demeter smiled again, she did it a lot.

"Certainly Salbar.You are a master of your weapons, and you treat them with all the love you would to your companions."

Then the men dived in, or at least jumped in. The water was only about a metre and a bit deep, so Draco was only waist deep.

As I started writing down my observations of the planet, the elves closed in on my friends. Demeter embraced Javid with a tight hug, carefully keeping her claws from jabbing him, and kissed him. The elven claws were not retractable, so everything they did they did with utmost careful behaviour. Jemima, the one that seemed to have taken a shine to Draco, thrust one hand underneath the water, and judging by the surprised and gratified look on the dragon's face, started stroking the dragon's cock with the utmost complex pattern.

In fact all the elves seemed to be getting sexual. Demeter climbed up on to Javid's chest, and slid down onto his member, letting out a cry of delight. The remaining elves likewise mounted my companions, and I held my pen, raised, my lips on the tip. We arrive, are treated like this, and already they were having it off. They seemed so perfect, treating us so wonderfully, like we were gods. I was unnaturally unsure. Everyone else had treated us with first suspicion, or fear, no exceptions.Oh, hang on, the robots, although they were mechanoid, so they shouldn't count.

Under the wishes of Demeter, all their kit had been taken off, teleporters, first aid, etc. It's quite a reasonable request, I was not going to argue with beliefs, but it stripped all of them of their tools. The panel in the wall opened, and an elf came out, and reverently picked up the clothes and tools that Draco owned. She couldn't lift his great sword in the load, so she carried his gear away. Draco wasn't aware it had happened, as Jemima was being fucked by him, facing away and holding his clawed hands across her breasts.He wove his way underneath the shirt, playing delicately with her nipples. She seemed not to care.

Four more elves came out. One took Draco's sword, the others each took one of my companions gear, carrying it through the wall. The door behind me, and as I sat, I heard and then saw an elf walk slowly across the tiles, past me, and lay down four towels, and a simple tunic and pair of light trousers for the four travellers, and the usual tiny bikini for the elves. All the clothes were white, and the towels were that sort of sand coloured that so many towels are. She turned, and smiled at me.

"You got across without leaving your gear?"

"I did, besides, they were one short, so I decided let them have all the fun."I said, absent mindedly, writing a paragraph in my notebook. There was a cry of orgasm from Jemima. I didn't look up, but felt the elves's delicate hand upon my shoulder.

"Very noble of you.What about me?"

"I'm not making love to anyone, thank you for the offer though." I replied courteously.

"You're not a eunuch, are you?" she looked in pity.

"No,"I remedied hurriedly."But Draco's over sexed me recently, I need a break."

The elf, crouched down, and embraced me. She kissed me passionately, which I returned, and I felt her hands slide across my body, going lower and lower. I felt her play with my balls through my trousers, and then started playing with the straps on my pack, trying to shift them off.

I skidded backwards, breaking off.

"I'm sorry, all this is precious to me."I apologised."Not with an octo bonder can it be separated from me."

Far from looking annoyed or hurt, she smiled pityingly.

"I think you need to take your mind off work, and relax a bit." she smiled, and walked out.

An elf came in here, only having just seen me, and tried to make love to me. I'm sorry, are they completely devoid of males in their race?Unlikely.Then why were they so desperate to have it off with us?I shook my head, it was unfair on them to be so naturally suspicious, but I still felt it was just queer. I mean, sure, Draco had had it off with me after about half an hour, but he had found out I was a virgin, and asked if I wanted it. These girls just gave you the come on. I can't help feeling Arachno, who was not the prettiest thing on Central, or Silverine, would have been treated the same way, and I certainly wouldn't have had it off at first sight, and didn't in both cases.

The effusive elves were now getting worked up. Demeter and Javid orgasmed at the same time, and Salbar's elf had let go.If they wanted to keep the water pure, why all this sex? Another strange thought, and I dismissed it.But I waited until they had all finished, which took about forty minutes. Then, as by osmosis, they all made for my side of the pool. Draco helped Jemima out, and then climbed out himself. Jemima stood, looking absolutely beautiful as the water dripped off her, and she grabbed the towel, which now unfolded smelled of perfume, and started drying the dragon off, starting with his legs and working up.

Demeter thoroughly rubbed the wolf to get his fur dry, and Javid looked contented as she ran it firmly but smoothly down his back. After the males had been finished, they started drying themselves. Draco, ever the gentlemen to help the damsel, took the towel from Jemima, and slowly and seductively started drying the elf's body.The others followed suit, and the elves were all massaged dry by the men. Jemima made Draco work her vagina with his claw through the towel, and he fingered her pussy with delicacy, careful not to scratch her.Hmmm, I just remembered I was the only creature here that didn't have claws. Oh well.

After getting dry, and Draco worked Jemima up again, they got into the clothes that had been prepared for them, although with some reluctance.

"Don't worry, it's just for looks, once we show you to your rooms, you can make merry with us as much as you want."

Draco pulled the light white shirt over his head, and smiled.

"White was always my colour." he commented roguishly.

"I wish I could say the same for me." Javid replied, although the white did clash nicely with his jet black fur, and I said so to him. He just made a face, which looks cute on a wolf, and I stood as Demeter lead through the door.

We walked through a solid marble corridor, the claws of the other creatures tapping gently on the stone, in a series of clicks. My sneakers made little sound.We walked about fifty yards, as Jemima shut the door behind us. The place was well lit by skylights, and bright candles were everywhere. Then Demeter came to a door on the left.

"These next five doors, all on this side, lead to your quarters.The doors on the other side lead to various toilette things, bathroom, shower, dental care,toilet, and the last little room, well you might wish to explore that one more thoroughly. The door at the end is the only way out, but it is locked at present, and the remaining two doors at the end are for where the elves sleep. There are twelve of us, so you have full permission to enter. Do not be shy if we are in the toilette rooms when you arrive, we admire you, and like nothing more than your presence."

Yeah, sure.

"When will we get our gear back?I'm sorry, but being an explorer, I would like to find out a little about this place." Simba asked.

"Once it has been purified, we will bring it back up.Do not worry, all your gear, even the paper, will be untouched, it's just a simple ritual."

After these pleasant formalities had passed, we drew straws for the rooms, and the order went Salbar, me, Simba, Javid, Draco.Draco thus had the room closest to the elves. I entered my room, while the elves went to their own quarters, and we observed our quarters.

The rooms were amazing. A fine carpet covered the floor, and a magnificent four poster bed stood in the centre of one wall. Three mahogany chests of drawers, one wardrobe and a writing desk rounded off the furniture.On the opposite side to the door was a wonderful view of the forest, in two directions, and the third showed the view of the wall. We were on the ground floor, so we couldn't see over into the citadel.

I unpacked my rocket launcher and rifle, placing them in the wardrobe, along with my backpack. I locked it, and then fired up a small glue gun item in my Central belt. The octo bonder seals cracks, and unseals cracks, so I ran the device, sending a beam of light along the sides of the cupboard. Now the wardrobe was unopenable, I relaxed, and found a towel in one of the drawers. I felt like a cold bath after watching all that steamy action.Just for those interested in details, I was wearing my combat boots, my runic silver T-shirts, and black trousers. The towel was fluffy and full length, and I carried it over my arm as I went looked down all five rooms.

The first room was a toilet. There were five toilets, all cubicles, and they did have running water, a somewhat more primitive version of ours though. As I looked around, I could hear the sounds of moaning from one of the doors, and as I bent down, saw a pair of elven feet underneath the door of the cubicle. For decency, I knocked.

"Everything all right in there?"

Two female elves opened the door, and they smiled at me.

"Everything's fine now, although we need someone to join in."

"Well I would, but I'm having a bath right now.How about later, you both look beautiful?"

Turns on full charm. The girls blushed.

"Could I have a bath with you right now?" one asked.

"No fair, I wanted to." the other complained.

"Ladies, I'm sure we can find room for three in a bath." I raised my hands.

"Didn't you have all your gear earlier?" one of them asked. Oh, now I paid attention, one of them was the one who had stroked me as I sat by the pool.

"It's all in my drawers."I replied, casually,not mentioning it was in the wardrobe, and they'd need an octo bonder to get to it.

"I see." the first elf said." Well, who cares about clothes?Let's get our towels, Lurina, and let's go to the bathroom."

"Could you bring your feeldoe, Zerissa? I feel like being fucked by both of you." the second elf said, twinkling and flashing her perfect teeth.

"Who's the dirty whore now?" Zerissa smiled."Shall we rape her, Alduin?"

"No bondage, ropes break easier when they're wet." I replied, smiling.

As they left, I shrugged, and shut the cubicle door. I was feeling overwhelmed by this attention, they treated us like princes, and wanted our seed so desperately. As I shifted down one door, I found the next door was a shower room, where Demeter was now fucked against the shower wall by Salbar.

The next room was indeed a room with sinks and toothpaste, brushes, files for claws, etc. There was no one about, and I shut the door. I skipped one, knowing it was the bathroom, and then went into the fifth room.

The entire room seemed to be under construction, the centre, in fact most of the room was crisscrossed with wooden ladders and poles, placed entirely at random, until I realised that an elf could have her arms tied around a ladder, and by forcing her legs apart, tie her legs to two poles, and she would be helpless to some serious fucking. There was a door into another room, and while I didn't look in, I guessed it would be filled with all sorts of bondage equipment, chains, leather, doubtless some tools as well.

"Observing the bondage room, Alduin?" Zerissa asked."I just love leather."

"I shall keep that in mind." I smiled, as they appeared, minus under wear, but still wearing those shirts.Zerissa laughed at my words, and whispered in my ear.

"You will find enough leather to tie, humiliate and beat me into submission, I love to be dominated by a man."

I just couldn't believe it, these girls seemed to be, to put it nicely, about as loose as they come, and all of them seemed quite ready to have themselves treated like bitches.

We went into the bathroom, and there were three large bath cubicles, about three by four metres in size. Each of them were enclosed by marble, there was a lot of it about, and the tiles seemed to be made of more of the same sort of tile from outside.The doors were made out of wood, and went all the way down to the ground, so when in a bath, you had absolute privacy. In the bath areas, there was a sink, and underneath the sink a closed cabinet. Right next to the sink was a bench, made of wood, and above it several hooks. On the other side was yet more hooks, and at the far end of the room was the bath. It looked like an ordinary bath, about two metres long, half a metre deep, with two taps, one red, one blue. The elves ceremonially undid my buttons and removed my clothes, they're hands soft and silky, again taking great care with those claws.

Once we were all naked, the exception being those shirts, Zerissa hung up her towel, pulling out her feeldoe and inserting it into her pussy.Me and Lurina also hung up our towels.

"Alduin, I'll run the bath, you force Lurina to submit."

"With those claws?" I looked at them in some worry.Not unless I was in bionic form would I seriously challenge her.

"We don't use those claws unless we are desperate, she will not harm you.If she does cause a scratch, we will treat her accordingly." she directed this at Lurina.

I shrugged, and as Zerissa got the bath running, Lurina moved away from me. I laughed, and made to dart one way. Lurina darted the other, only to run into my real lunge.She broke free, and danced across the room. I bounced on my toes, forcing her into the corners. She tried to keep away from them, but it was inevitable to run into one or two, and after the second go, I lunged, and got her by one leg. She stumbled, and fell to the ground, while I quickly grabbed her chest, holding her left arm behind her back.She struggled, but I held her tight. Zerissa turned, and laughed.

"Well done, Alduin, bring her over here, she needs to be forced to submit."

I physically picked up the surprisingly light elf, and carried her, kicking, to the bath. I wondered if she was putting on the act, or whether she was seriously terrified of what Zerissa had in plan. Probably the former. The water looked very warm, and was covered with bubbles. Zerissa took hold of her legs, forcing them down.

"Get in Alduin, with her on top, you fuck her from the bottom."

The water was very warm, and I smiled as I sank in, feeling the warm water slide across me.

Lurina kicked as she fell on top of me, and Zerissa quickly got in after me. She pushed her hard down onto me, and lay on her in turn. She nodded at me.

"You take her ass, I'll fuck her vagina.This little whore deserves no mercy."

She thrust her dildo hard into Lurina. It was about fifteen inches by about three, and Lurina cried.I replied by thrusting my own member into Lurina.Thus doubly impaled, she gasped, and tried to fend Zerissa off half heartedly. I grabbed her arms, and pulled them down, and Zerissa looked cruelly at the elf.

"You cannot fight us.Now prepare to take our wrath."

Zerissa obviously would make an interesting match with Draco. She fucked the smaller elf with ravenous hunger, and Lurina jerked in my grasp, while I fucked her too.

"Enjoy this Lurina, because when you orgasm, we will submit you to trial by water." she grinned at me, and Lurina struggled.

"No, Zerissa, not that!" this time she meant it, but I left my curiosity, and concentrated on getting me off.Her ass was so gentle and warm, and her moans so sexually motivating, I fucked her a lot faster than I would normally.She went not two minutes into this ordeal, and I saw Zerissa smile.

"I hope that felt good." God, I wonder if this was such a good idea, stuck between two hardcore lesbians, one of them as dominating as Silverine.She went over to the medicine cabinet, and opened it, pulling out two hose like attachments. She came back, and I saw them properly.

One end would fit very snugly over the taps, the other end looked like a plug, but the tip was hollow. Suspicion rose, as Zerissa fitted one to the hot tap, and the other to the cold.

"Alduin, without letting her go, turn her around, and remove your cock.Nice manhood, by the way."

This was done, and I saw Lurina's frightened face. My hands were holding her's high above both our heads, and I watched as the dominant elf forced both ends into her ass and pussy. As she was sure she was attached, she took Lurina's hands, holding them tight together, and told me to sit on the end of the bath. I did so, watching Zerissa's plan unfold.She turned the hot and cold tapes on gently, and Lurina flexed as she felt water run into her.Zerissa forced her mouth onto my cock, and started deepthroating her against me.

"Alduin, ever guessed how much water an elf can take in her vagina?"

"No."I replied, honestly.

"Well, there's a first for everything." she smiled." I've done this a few times before.Her stomach swells a lot as the water fills both holes.When the pipes start having trouble, we turn the water off."

Lurina shifted uncomfortably as the water increased. I noticed her lower stomach was indeed expanding with the amount of water being pumped into both her holes.

"It's very painful, but it leads to the most intense orgasm." Zerissa explained, as I lay against the wall, feeling Lurina's tongue work my cock.She stiffened frequently.Lurina's chest expanded some more, and then Zerissa looked at the plugs, and turned the water off.

"Right." she removed the one in Lurina's ass, and started fucking the elf with her feeldoe before much water spilled.

In a room, with two hardcore lesbian elves, oh yay. You can just hear the sarcasm on my countenance. What was more strange was that even in the middle of all this, they still would not remove those verdamnt tops.What were they concealing underneath them?

Finally I let go into Lurina's mouth, and Zerissa orgasmed with help of the feeldoe. Finally Lurina herself gave a great cry, and Zerissa timely removed the other pipe. Water gushed everywhere into the bath.Lurina slumped over me, and I held her up. She looked gratified. Zerissa didn't see her facial expression, and spoke.

"Alduin, we'll take your leave."

"Very well, Zerissa."

One fault I have with my self is that I cannot get myself out of a bath. I will sit there debating for five minutes whether it's worth it, so I ended up spending a good forty five minutes relaxing in a new bath of hot water (having let all the water out from the old one).Thus refreshed, and with wrinkled fingers and toes, I stood up and got the towel, drying myself down. As I finished, I got back into my clothes, and back to my room.

The Elves of Perfection Pt 2

The moment I had walked in, I knew something was wrong. The room looked perfectly clear, but everything smelled faintly of perfume, which it hadn't before. Several elves much have spent some time in here. I sniffed the air, like a hunter does when it's...

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Of Raptors and Reindeer Pt3

I changed into my bionic form, as the plan came tumbling down around me. My fist implanted itself in the trunk of a tree.It stung my fingers, and expended some of my anger. Kodey backed away as I thumped the tree again, and then breathed out. Devlin...

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Of Raptors and Reindeer Pt2

"Now," the raptor said," I suggest you take your friends away, because we are not wise after feasting.I would get a head start on your intimacies with Kodey, you will find various tools in his room. And just so you know, I suggest you don't come out on...

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