The Elves of Perfection Pt 2

Story by TheNovelist on SoFurry

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#66 of Exploration

The moment I had walked in, I knew something was wrong. The room looked perfectly clear, but everything smelled faintly of perfume, which it hadn't before. Several elves much have spent some time in here. I sniffed the air, like a hunter does when it's looking for prey, and moved over to the wardrobe. There were several miniature splinters along the edge of the door, where I guess someone had had a go at trying to rip the door off it's lock and octo bond. I expected to see the shards of wood on the floor, but this was not the case. They had left the room immaculate.

So I did have a reason to be worried.They were after my gear, for whatever reasons I could not tell. The drawers had likewise been rifled and all the contents replaced and refolded, but not in the same positions. Draco walked in.

"Alduin, how's it going?"

"I'm learning lots."I said truthfully."Mine hosts are, interesting. Were you aware of their high tendency to fuck one another?"

"Yes, I saw two elves having it off in my room when I entered, and they begged my pardon and serviced me for being there.They really are so lovely."

"No argument there."I said, distantly."When are they giving your gear back to you, you have a crush on that broadsword."

"I do not!" he replied, lightning fast,"I just am very fond of it, though obviously not as fond as you are of your rifle."

"I like my gun." I replied."And the idea of giving it, my sword, Eryx, teleporter, first aid kit, food, water and miscellaneous other things to someone is unacceptable."I said, directing this barb at the way they had readily relinquished their stuff.

"You worry too much. Besides, if we have to, we can easily get our gear. You have a locator, Simba left his with his gear, and I doubt the elves would be able to stop us if it came to fighting."

"Yeah, three inch nails for claws, lithe and graceful, they'd just move as we approached." I replied sarcastically. Draco looked surprised.

"You are quite the pessimist at this trip."

"I'm quite often that, because if things go right, I'm pleasantly surprised, and if they go wrong, then I was expecting it.Besides, never trust someone who offers you their body for nothing in return, unless they are stricken with love."

"I'll keep that in mind, Alduin." Draco replied. He left, and as I tightened my belt, I walked down the corridor to the bondage room.Zerissa was in there, and she was by the door of the side room.She turned as I entered, and both of us smiled.

"Ah, Alduin, are you yet drowned?"

"There's nothing wrong with a long bath, Zerissa."I shot back, coming to the door. Inside the small room were lots and lots of ropes and chains. Three whips hung from the walls, various dildos on the tables, and any kind of material fetish could be served, like rubber or leather.

She entered, and I decided to exert my dominant streak. Bowling forward, I knocked her to the ground, grabbing a pair of ropes. She wrestled against me, but I tied her legs firmly. I found a rope of leather, and used it to tie her arms behind her back. Before she could speak, I also tied a strip of leather around her mouth and back of her head. She made a muffled cry, and I fucked her vagina.

I am NOT going to go into details about this escapade, the only thing I will mention was that Zerissa was overwhelmingly effusive towards me. She let go a good three or four time, I ejaculated twice, and then I let her loose. She made out with me passionately after I did so, and then left the room. I waited until she had gone, and then spoke to the world at large.

"I shall never understand women."

After this outburst, I walked out of the room,towards the elvish quarters.The one to the left seemed to be the living room, there was loud chatter from inside, none of it understandable through the door. I knocked thrice, and waited.

"Just like a man!" one of the elves shouted."Come in." There was a loud round of laughter as I twisted the handle, and walked in. Javid and Simba were lying in the lap of luxury on a soft couch, while two elves were lying in the lap of the afore mentioned party members.

"Ah, Alduin, you enjoyed your bath?" Demeter asked.

"Slightly longer than I intended to, but I always do." I smiled winningly,"I see, Javid, you're enjoying your time here."

"A bit more than you, Alduin."Simba replied, grinning." You have a formal face, it's like an everlasting line of Monday mornings."

"Work weighs heavy on me." I sighed." Twenty eight hours of lifting boxes, I rack up the tonnes, more if I end up doing coal, firewood or the drinks."

"Well, you should spend your weekend adventure kicking your shoes off."

"I'd have to untie them first, Simba.Boots are not meant to come off, unless you pull them off." I smiled at the light banter. Demeter laughed.

"Alduin works for this, Central, and for another job on his home planet?"

"Yes, that's why he looks like that. He regrets that he'll have to go home after all this."

"Pfft, work." Zerissa replied, snapping her fingers."Not worth the energy, unless you enjoy it."

"Trust me, his work is tedious.I spent an hour watching him, and damn near fell asleep." Draco said as he entered.

"Yeah, I remember that occasion, your tail knocked over a wine bottle, and I spent twenty minutes cleaning red wine off the floor. You thought it was blood until you smelt the alcoholic fumes." Good times.

"Is it my fault they place things so precariously on shelves?"

"No, but was it your fault that you weren't paying attention, yes."

Draco knocked me to the floor,landing on top of me. I drummed my fingers against the tile.

"If you intend to fuck me, why here?"

"Why not here?" Draco teased, pulling at my trousers.I had crossed my legs, and he was having trouble. Demeter laughed loudly.

"So you are all bisexual?"

"Mostly." I replied, tightening my cross as Draco tried to prise my legs apart."This is just too public for me."

"Rubbish, you've had orgies with more people than this." Draco replied, wrenching at my shoe, which had fused around my opposite leg.

I was unmoved, both by said action and by words. Finally Demeter came over.

"He seems to be stronger than you, Draco.Would you like a hand?" The others were now making merry. I casually reached down to my belt, pulling off something that looked like a ten cent piece, and placed it against the table leg, while Draco tugged at my legs. No one noticed this act, but the elf joined the dragon, and they were pretty strong.After about ten seconds, Draco got my legs to a point he could remove my trousers without hindrance.I lay there half naked, and Draco thrust his over large cock into my ass.

Demeter smiled at this, and as Draco slowly thrust, I ordered her to lie down next to me. She looked amused, and then slightly surprised as I began licking her pussy as she came within range.She shifted, pulling herself towards me and then leaning back, closing her eyes in delight. One clawed hand found the back of my head, and gently pushed me in deeper, and then out.Her tail twitched beside me, and as I worked her pussy, she curled it back around, the flexible serpentine tail folding back around til it was pointing at her ass.

I gently grabbed the tail about ten centimetres from the end, and pushed forwards, probing her anal hole. She relaxed completely, and I was given full control on using her tail. Not knowing just how flexible it could be, I gently tested it, pushing it into her, until she let out a gentle protesting noise. It didn't matter, the tails were about one metre long, and I could fit about thirty centimetres of slowly widening tail into her. The base of the tail was only twelve or so centimetres.She sighed in pleasure.

Around us, things were the same line. Javid, Zerissa and another elf were getting involved together, and Simba and Lurina were having it off.The rest of them were either doing it with one another, or just watching in varying states of emotion. The only person who wasn't there was Jemima, and it didn't take a student with a degree in comparative psychology to know that Salbar was having it off with her, or at least they were together.

Thus the debacle went on. It was chaotic, no firm order was being obeyed. But Draco finished in me with a primeval roar, and I got Demeter to orgasm with a loud cry, which made me feel pretty good. I let go of her tail as Draco got off me, and very sneakily sidled towards the door. I found Salbar in his room, he was making out with Jemima.

"Hi, guys, just thought I'd let you know, they're all having it off in the living room."

Jemima practically picked Salbar up by the arm, and they made across the bedroom. I stepped aside, closed it behind them, and then turned, walking towards my room. As I got in, I locked the door from the inside, not that it made much difference, they probably had a master key somewhere.

I collapsed on the bed in a state of exhaustion. I looked at my watch. While the sun was still high in the sky, my watch was reading seven o'clock in the evening. How was that possible? Then I realised it, we had spent the entire day here. Twelve hours, gone like that. I made sure my wardrobe was safe, and then placed a wedge of wood underneath the door to stop someone entering. To further protect my room, I retrieved my rifle, and hung it on the bed. I placed a proximity alarm beeper on the floor by the door for that extra high tech gadgetry.Then I fell asleep, just like that.

The world moved. As I slept, one by one, my companions went to bed, while the elves stayed up. I had left a few devices going, and a recording device was ticking away merrily.It was as the clock struck two that I heard a high pitch whine in my ears, and I immediately woke.

The sun was still in the sky, the planet's days were very slow. I grabbed my rifle, and aimed it at the person standing by the door. Lurina was standing there, looking nothing short of terrified.

"I swear I locked that door, I like my privacy when I'm sleeping."

"I was just checking up on everyone. You left so prematurely."

"I was tired, and still am.Now don't come in here, I will know, and lock the door behind you."

She backed out, and I heard her lock the door. Her footsteps clicked down the passage, and I activated a function in my headset.

"That was quick, Lurina,"Demeter said, her tone surprised.

"I didn't get near him, or the furniture." Lurina replied, depressed."As soon as I entered the room, he pointed that stick at me he carried.He must have hearing like a cat, because I made no sound."

"Oh well, at least four of them are without weapons and tools. One is better than five."

"So what shall we do?"

"We shall continue with our plan tomorrow, as expected, Jemima." Demeter replied, annoyed at this question.

"Yes, Demeter.What about Alduin?"

"What about him? He is one, we number twelve, and his little toys cannot take out all of us.But we can't attack him, that might hurt him, and they need to be in perfect health."

"Yes, my lady. Can I take this bloody shirt off?"

"Yes, I think we should all relax, these things are killing me." Zerissa added.

There was a pause.

"Yes,"Demeter said,"I must find out if Draco has any shirts, so we could wear them after they work it out."

There was the noise of unfastening, and then a leathery sound. There were sighs of relief on the theme that this was so much more comfortable, and I turned to my glasses.

"Access Internet, find Monster Tome." I commanded by speech.

This was a personal favourite book of mine, which had a whole series of cool things. I found the book, and aware that mine host weren't coming out for quite some time, I perused through the virtual info, until I found the reference I was looking for.

I read said reference, smiled, and shut the function off.Then I went back to sleep.

My alarm went off at six o'clock human time. The sun had move maybe ten degrees over the course of the 'night'.I stretched, and shouldered my rifle. I had slept in my clothes again, a notoriously bad habit, and changed my T-shirt from my silver runic one to my red and black dragon shirt. This meant a patient minute with the octo binder, two minutes of rustling, and then another patient minute.Thus changed, I walked out. Draco was standing there with his old clothes.

"My, you're looking fired up this morning, Alduin." he smiled.

"Three out of ten.I see you got your gear back."

"Part of it, the rest is coming this afternoon.Our clothes, first aid, food and drink, non essentials."

"So they've still got our weapons and all our tech?"

"Well, apart from these necklaces, yes." Draco admitted."But my gun only fires genetically unless I say so otherwise.The elves wouldn't know how to use Javid's sniper rifle, and Salbar doesn't have a pulse blaster, preferring his dual swords today."

I loaded my rifle as he spoke, and he looked at me in a queer way.

"Why are you so distrusting of these creatures?"

"Guilty until proven innocent, Draco, as Silverine would say."

"Have you been talking to him?"

Not a bad idea."This is Alduin contacting Central, Alduin contacting Central?"

There was about ten seconds pause, and then I heard a familiar voice.

"Alduin, how are you?"Blake asked.

"Fine Blake, who left you in charge of the lines?"

"Ryan's here with me, showing me the basics of the integrated headset communicators."

"You mean the mikes."

"He's giving me the technical words, I think he's trying to confuse me with jargon." Blake replied.

"Is it working?"

"I can't understand a word he's saying."

"Ryan, stop confusing the poor guy. How's everything over there?"

"Not too bad." the tiger replied." Were you feeling a little lonely, thought you'd call up and say hi?"

"Along those lines.Everyone but me is having a great time here."


"Yeah."I enthused,"They're all having it off with these really nice elves with claws and a tail."

"How many are there, and what do they like?" Landon asked.So he was there too.

"There are about sixteen females so far, by last night's display they want to have our seed so often we're having trouble keeping up."

"Mind if we come and join in?" Blake asked.

"Not just yet, I'm still slightly worried about a few things, like the fact we have no weapons."

"All the phasers blanked out?" Ryan asked, in confusion.

"Nope, all the gear got shifted by the elves when we went through the large pool at the entrance to the city, it's coming back in groups. So far we've got the clothes and writing stuff back, they say this afternoon we'll have the phasers."

"I see." was all the tiger said in my headset.

"So just to let Silverine know, if they turn nasty, we would like some backup."

"Well Devlin's back, and there's all the guard here, so if they do turn nasty, we can have the entire gang at your position, providing you've got a scanner."

"Oh, I've got one." I replied. Draco was looking despairingly.

"You're setting up continuity plans for a potentially hostile world, Alduin. Why?" he moaned in agony.

"Because I have actually been thinking, where as you, with your libido, haven't."

"You know they are dangerous."

"I don't know what they intend but I do know what they are,and what I've read up on our own walls doesn't bode well."

Draco was sulking from the sexual crack, and merely huffed off down the corridor.

"Don't worry, Draco, I hope I'm wrong too." I called after him. I went and cleaned my teeth, they had even labelled a toothbrush each in varying sizes for the party.After a five minute shower, I came out refreshed and clean. I got redressed, although my boots were drying in my room, and walked down the corridor towards the elven living room.

They were just having breakfast. Simba was pouring milk over some kind of cereal, Draco had a cup of dragon coffee, some of those nearby were practically becoming more awake just by sniffing it.Javid was enjoying a bread like food, and Salbar was industriously peeling a fruit with a small knife that had been returned to him. I pulled up a seat next to Zerissa, and drew out my own mini thermos, pouring myself a black coffee, adding some sugar, and stirring vigorously. While I did so, I found a bag with a Granny Smith apple, and munched on that.

"Is that all you're having?" the elf looked at me.

"No, it's just all I'm having right now." I replied, with a grin. "How did you sleep?"

"Very well thank you. I heard you gave Lurina a fright, drawing that stick and pointing it at her."

"I'm sorry, I have exceptional hearing,"I do, but not that good," I must have heard her open the door, and panicked."

"So what more surprises are you pulling out today?"

"Well, I'd like to go for a decent flight, if that's at all allowed." I said, drinking deeply from my thermos cup.

"I'm afraid no one can leave the complex today, Alduin." she didn't know about my teleporter," But perhaps tomorrow."

Or the next day, week, month, if ever.Again, my mean self popping in with it's vicious commentary.

"Oh well, what did you plan to do with us?"

"Much the same as yesterday." Zerissa shrugged.

"Dear god, I'm not Samson, Zerissa. You cannot seriously expect me to be a full time bed man."

"Your sexual performance not high then?" Zerissa suggested innocently, drinking her water.

"Moderate, but liable to collapse after numerous outings.Yesterday quite exhausted me."

"Oh dear, Draco was just telling us all about his. How do you live around him?"

"Three days out of seven."I laughed.

Conversation was rife around the table, and jumped from topic to topic. As I had neglected to put on shoes, I was aware of a furry foot and a silk like foot rubbing against mine under the table.

"Er Javid, that isn't Demeter's foot, that's mine." I suggested, raising one finger in a 'I'm just pointing this out' sort of manner. Javid looked under the table.

"What are you doing with your size twelve feet between me and her?"

I looked underneath, and saw Demeter casually brushing my toes.

"I have long legs, they don't retract well." I shot back. Demeter looked at the pair of us.

" Oh, I'm brushing Alduin's leg, am I?There's enough hair on it I thought it was Javid's."

"O.K., I don't shave, end of story. It keeps the heat in." I said in defence, but pulled my legs out of the foot play.

"What is Draco drinking?" Zerissa asked."It smells so pungent and strong."

"It's what I call dragon coffee. Normal coffee is a special type of bean, ground down to a fine powder, with hot water, sugar, and occasionally milk. Draco's coffee is a more concentrated blend of various substances, which include coffee from his own planet, and has the same effect. It's a stimulant."

"So it's like yours, only stronger."

I drew a ten cent piece from my pocket, and gave it to her. She, under my suggestion, dropped in Draco's coffee, and then was a few seconds of sizzling. Draco was speaking to Jemima when this happened, and was unaware of the copper now mixed with his drink. It would make no difference.

"It melted copper."I said."It is very powerful stuff."

"Acidic, I should imagine." Zerissa said."So it wakes you up."

"Yes, that's why you might be feeling a little more alert, because the fumes from his coffee are being inhaled."

"I see." the elf replied. Draco turned back to us.

"I'm sorry, were you asking me what this drink is?"

"No, Alduin's explained it."

"Oh dear, he didn't drop some of his money in it?" Draco looked hopeful.

"I did." I confirmed, "or rather she put it in when I suggested it."

"I'm going to die rich, you know that. I must be a ten cent millionaire by now." the dragon chuckled.

"You told me to do it." Zerissa managed a half hearted push, which knocked me off the bench. I chuckled, and got back on. Breakfast was consumed, and I decided to push the rules a bit.I left the room, and went down to the first door that lead to the pool. I tried the handle.Locked, and I had no key.

Oh well.I aimed my rifle at the lock, and fired a round. The lock was blasted by the steel round, and the door swung open. I quickly shut it before the elves reacted, and rushed back down the corridor to my room. Lurina came out of the room.

"Did you hear a crack just then, Alduin?"

"Can't of been me, my rifle's still loaded."I said, showing her the gun from a distance. Everyone else heard this, and Demeter asked.

"What is his rifle?"

"It's a projectile weapon,"I replied,"Fires a small steel thing very long distance, although useless at close range." I was speaking like a MP, lies, and more lies. Lurina shrugged, and went back inside the room.

I went and got my book of writings, and a pen, and went back to the now unlocked door. I pushed it open, and shut it behind me, getting pulling off the hanging shards of metal so it wasn't too obvious. Pulling up a seat on the tiles in one corner, I inhaled the delicate scent being blown from the trees. The poetical human crossed his legs, took up pen in my left hand, and started composing.

"The lilting breeze tosses the perfume of the forests

It's great distance diluting the tang of the apples,

The sweet smells of the sap and dew on the morning leaves

But I catch it, and the sensation is thus.

"The forest blows softly in that lilting breeze

The pinnacles of the mighty trees rocking back and forth,

Like a child rocking on a chair.

The whispering wind makes little noise,

But the trees dance together,

their branches clattering together, brushing each others leaves

In repetitive intimate moments of delight.

And the silence is only mine.

"The water laps at my feet, blown by that same wind,

It makes little waves that gently wash back and forth.

The sun reflects off that water, causing rays of light to dance

Off every surface....

"What are you doing here!"

I jumped, lost in my contemplative, poetical mood. Zerissa was standing by the busted door, looking at me with shock. For a moment her beauty flickered, but she managed to look hurt at my action, and once again that serene elegance came back.

"I cannot leave here, I thought I'd sit here and compose."

"You are not supposed to be outside, Alduin.There are rules about it."

"How can you deny people of feeling the morning air?"

She was somewhat stumped by this.

"I shall inform Demeter you are out here, she was not be pleased."

"Go do so.I shall inform the entire party what you are, and they will be revolted." I said, looking back at my book.

There was an intake of breath, as the elf stopped dead.

"What do you mean by that, Alduin?" she commanded, almost dreading to hear.

"Why do you wear those shirts?" I challenged back.

"We wear them because it is against our culture to expose our breasts." Zerissa said stiffly.

"Nice answer, except why did you all remove them once everyone else was asleep? Stretching your wings?"

I could have punched her. She stepped backwards from me.

"I just want to know why you feel it necessary to wear clothes at all,you act as if you don't need them, except those shirts. Very heavy, aren't they, very uncomfortable, but you grin and bear it in front of us. Once we've left the rooms, and the doors are locked..." I didn't finish, waiting for an admission.

Zerissa gave a howl of misery, and ran down the corridors. I shouted after her.

"Now what about our gear!"

I knew it.Draco would probably be absolutely sick, he got weary of my gloating when I was right. Now I came to think about it, the town name should have given it away, although I suppose I had come across some very strange names in my time. I opened a link, and heard Zerissa burst into the common room.

Demeter spoke, casually.

"Zerissa, you look upset." her tone was anxious for her fellow elf.

"What has Alduin done now?" Draco asked, in polite manner.

"I'm sorry, Draco, this is a personal matter, for the elves alone." Zerissa replied.

"She's crying, I think we should teach what ever did her wrong not to do it again." Javid said fiercely.

"Gentlemen," Jemima asked gently,"if you could leave, while Zerissa explains why she is so upset."

There was a large amount of shuffling, and I could hear in the distance the door shut, and again over my headset.

"Here we go." I whispered. Draco was coming down the corridor with his friends, opening every door to look for me.The elf spoke, oblivious to my listening in.

"Alduin knows what we are."

There were half a dozen out cries.

"How, we have gone to great lengths to make sure we appear normal?" Demeter demanded.

"I don't know, but he knows we have wings, and that we revealed them last night. I thought I felt him bore right into my eyes as he spoke those words."

"What is he capable of?He cannot read minds, otherwise he'd know what our plans were, and he would have told his friends."

"Maybe when he is asleep, he can send out his spirit, or something unholy like that."

"He is not a god, or at least,I think not."

"He certainly doesn't obey rules, he's on the tiles next to the pool." Zerissa replied.

"What is he doing there?" Lurina demanded.

"Composing poetry, I guess.Writing something at any rate.He jumped half a foot when I challenged him, he must have been writing from half a mile away."

I heard Draco coming down the corridor, and the dragon opened the door.

"What on Earth did you do?"

Listening to two conversations is difficult.

"So what shall we do about him?" Lurina asked.

"Alduin, I insist on an answer." Draco replied.

"I intend to leave him out of this first lot. From now on he must have no contact with his friends.He is to stay in his room, and be guarded."

"What reason can we give his friends?"

"Very simple, he broke the rules, went outside, stood by the pools.He is stealing the magic in the pools, and naturally that is not allowed. No admittance, or anything."

"Alduin!" Draco shouted.

"If you insist, I told Zerissa what I knew. In about two minutes they will come storming down here, and take me to my room. You will be asked to have no further contact with me, and what ever they plan to do with you will continue this afternoon.And you don't know this."

"I'm sorry, you're listening in on them?"

"I placed a bug on the table leg, I'm hearing Zerissa explain why she's so upset. And she's upset because I know what they are."

"So what are they?"

"Wings, claws, tail, pleasant on the surface, rotten to the core. The town name should help."

"Har'pius?" Draco looked confused.

"Now I suggest you get out of here, before they realise I've been speaking to you. Tell the others what I said."

Draco turned, and walked out."I hate it when you're three steps ahead of everyone else, it gets so confusing."

There was another minute waiting, but the elves gave me no further clues as to their plans, and I heard them going out the door. I crossed my legs, my rifle over my shoulder, waiting for them to walk out.

Eight of them were standing there when I heard them walk out. I heard Demeter's voice, as I had closed my eyes.

"Alduin, get up."

"Don't waste your breath." I replied, opening my eyes. They were all watching me suspiciously, and I proceeded to speak.

"Alduin knows what we are." I smiled, evilly."He has to be made solitary from his friends."

Several of them flinched. Demeter scowled, all trace of beauty gone. Her eyes briefly flickered, and then she spoke.

"We will fight you, if you don't go to your room."

"I'm not spoiling for a fight, I'm anticipating one. Guarding me will not help. Your plans, whatever they are, will not work for long. It's just a pity my friends don't know what I do."

Again, the elves looked in complete confusion.

Demeter hissed, barely concealing anger.

"When we have time, you will pay for your insubordination. First, though, you had better explain how you know."

"Not a chance, Demeter. All I know is that you aren't what you say you are." I got to my feet and walked straight past Lurina, towards my door. None of my friends were in the corridor. I opened the door, and walked in, shutting and locking it. I heard them coming past,and pausing briefly.

"Alduin calling Silverine, can you receive me?"

The Elves of Perfection (?) Pt 3

"Ah, Alduin, why are we on standby?" the Lupogriff smiled in my headset. "Because what we've gone and met are not elves, what they are is a derivation of a half humanoid, half eagle creature.They are not so as nice as we originally thought, and seem...

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The Elves of Perfection Pt 1

Three weeks after a very interesting chapter of mistakes and idiocy on Kodey's planet, but never the less a very capable member joining the team as a result, the five of the party (no Devlin, he had gone somewhere else), we were informed on the Friday...

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Of Raptors and Reindeer Pt3

I changed into my bionic form, as the plan came tumbling down around me. My fist implanted itself in the trunk of a tree.It stung my fingers, and expended some of my anger. Kodey backed away as I thumped the tree again, and then breathed out. Devlin...

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