The Twleve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 47 - Clash of the Titans

Story by MrRedRover on SoFurry

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#65 of The Twelve Talismans

Sorry for the long wait all! I will try and get off my ass more!

Finishing up the fighting world! And a good long one. And Psodude story. Sorry for the LONG wait. But? I made up for it with a nearly 10 000 word story! Hope that makes up for it!


The Twelve Talismans: Dimension Travels

Chapter 47: Clash of the Titans


"And welcome to the final four of the Worlds Martial Arts Tournament!" A tall blond man in shades shouted into a microphone. "These four talented fighters all have a chance to fight our reigning champion for fame glory... and of course money." A small laugh echoed through the audience as the announcer continued his spiel.

Gatomon was standing at the doorframe looking rather sullen. She lost all interest in the tournament. Even now it was hard to not to tear up. She had thought Gomamon had something for her... she thought she did... didn't she? Was it just the travelling? Fighting side by side? The constant turmoil? Gomamon had issues sure... but he was brave, there for her...

"Ah good you're here!" Gomamon smiled as he came up to Gatomon on the door frame. "Course there was like no doubt. I mean, most of these guys are schmucks." The seal made a dismissive gesture. "I only needed to bust out my powers like three times."

"Oh... yeah." The feline couldn't even look at him right now. It hurt too much.

Gomamon noticed Gatomon's rather distance attitude. Normally fighting got her riled up a bit. "Gatomon?" The seal looked over his friend. "Are you all right? Is something wrong?"

"Nothing Gomamon... I really don't feel like talking about it now." She moved a bit further away.

"Geeze... I know you saw me getting that massage. Sorry, I swear I didn't expect a happy ending..." The seal admitted. "But hey, come on, that didn't even crack the top ten of embarrassing situations you've seen me in. Hell, the diaper alone..."

"Wait... massage?" Gatomon turned to face the seal. "What do you..."

Suddenly the blond announcer shouted loudly, finishing his announcements. "And now... the winner of A bracket..." The announcer made a gesture to where Gatomon and Gomamon were in the south east corner. "Let's give our seal of approval to a seal of power...Gomamon!"

"Wait! Hold that thought Gatomon." The seal did a little odd hop on the corner of the large arena. "Thank you, thank you!" Gomamon clasped his flippers together, shaking them above his head.

The announcer smiled as he spoke, letting the seal do a little showboating. It did help to egg the ground on. After a minute he continued in his loud booming voice. He didn't even need the microphone. "And we have a special surprise... Gomamon will fight the winner of bracket B... no doubt a fascinating match... the one of only two... Gomamon!"

"Huh?" Gomamon blinked twice in surprise.

Another Gomamon jumped up onto the opposite corner of the large stone arena. He was identical to him in every aspect, except for a black and green high-tech wristband on his left flipper. "Now this isn't fair." His doppelganger grinned at himself. "How can they possibly expect me to mess up such a beautiful face?"

Gatomon's eyes moved back and forth rapidly between the pair of Gomamons. "Oh... oh... Ohhhhhhh." She placed a paw on her forehead as she put the pieces together in her mind. "Azulongmon's sake, it's never simple is it?"

The original Gomamon cocked his head at his perfect duplicate. It wasn't just another Gomamon...It was him. "Ya know, you'd think fighting my evil twin would startle me more... but at this point it doesn't even crack my top ten. Besides I already fought an evil twin of mines."

"What makes you think I'm the evil twin? But yeah, I hear you." The second seal smirked. "I mean, once you fight a werewolf version of yourself, it's hard to top that."

"Bah. I'll call your Were-Gomamon and raise you a Flaming Gay-Zombie-Gomamon. With a cock piercing."

"Did I mention the werewolf-Gomamon was a hermaphrodite? With double Ds? And if it weren't for this whole 'wrenched through another dimension' thing, I would have a piercing too, by now."

"Okay, that's pretty messed up." Gomamon admitted, then turned a little green. "I did not need to know that!"

They bickered back and forth like that for a bit as they tried to figure out who'd had the worst experience. Gomamon's time as a breeder Pokemon was playing against him there. Gatomon looked around with a sigh. It didn't take long to find her twin in the crowd. She moved over to the other feline sitting in the first row, looking down into the arena floor. "Gatomon." She introduced herself.

"Gatomon." The second Gatomon held out her paw over the stone wall and shook her twin's.

"Just to check, you aren't an undead zombie, a sex-virus carrying spawn, or a magically infused evil twin?"

"Not yet, anyway." The new Gatomon didn't seem very surprised at the question. "You aren't a world conquering Nazi, a hermaphroditic werewolf, or a secret alien pod-digimon?"

"Unlikely." The original Gatomon leaned against the wall to look at the fight.

The second Gatomon leaned with her elbows on the wall. "You don't seem very surprised either."

Gatomon just sighed. "You know... I am actually learning to embrace the crazy." She leaned against the wall and watched the two Gomamon banter.

"Give up?" Omni-Gomamon, the one with the green funky wristband looked in shock. "Seriously? You think I should give up?"

"Hey dude." Gomamon smirked. "You're not in my league."

"Please." Omni-Gomamon reached up and tugged down the eyelid of his left eye in that childish taunt he'd picked up from the Japanese kids. "I doubt you can dodge properly, let alone fight! Unless you digivolved with that thing!" The fake eye was good, yes, but not good enough he wouldn't notice when looking at himself.

Gomamon snorted and reached to tap the glass eye. "Hey, I got blindsided! Not my fault!"

"What, the Girl Scouts too tough for you?"

Gatomon and Gatomon watched from the sidelines. The newcomer had her ears flattened as the two seal started exchanging "yo mamma" jokes. "Is your Gomamon going to back down?"

"Not likely." The Gatomon twin looked at the bickering two. "Yours?"

"Nope." The original Gatomon shook her head slightly.

"Well yo mamma's so fat she digivolved to Whamon, and she shrank!"

"Yo mamma's so ugly she digivolved to Sukamon... and it was an improvement!"

"Oh for heaven's sake!" Gatomon shouted from the sidelines. "Digimon don't even know their mothers! Just fight already!"

"You know, she's right!" Gomamon smirked. "I am just going to hand you your butt!" He figured he would take down his not-so-evil twin au naturel. He threw himself across the stone arena, claws extended, in a leaping attack.

"Bubble BARRIER!" Omni-Gomamon shouted as he threw up his flippers, drawing water from around the air. A translucent liquid orb surrounded him just as Gomamon smashed into it. He bounced off it and across the ground twice before stopping.

"The fuck was that?" Gomamon shook his head a few times. The water was... wetting him? Apparently digimon attacks were not affected by his coat's waterproofing. He shivered. He had never actually been wet in his life.

"Dude... it's called bubble barrier?" Omni-Gomamon raised his eye a bit. "Like the second attack I learned." He let his flippers fall, the protective shield of water dispersing.

"We can do that?" Gomamon's jaw dropped.

"Well yeah! I mean... you can't?" The watch wearing Digimon inquired. "We had all those hundreds of years on File Island... didn't you like, practice or anything?"

"We didn't evolve till our partners came." Gomamon admitted.

"Seriously?" Omni-Gomamon chuckled. "We were rookies for centuries!" The seal held up his flippers. "And unlike you, I put my free time to good use." He concentrated and formed two orbs of water in his flippers. "Neptune's DEEP!" The seal flung his left paw, then his right one.

Gomamon dodged the first one, only to be smashed in the face by the second. He went head over flippers, only becoming a better target for more balls before rolling to a stop at the edge, claws dug into to anchor himself so he could weather the attack. He closed his second eyelids and grumbled. "I am so joining a gym when I get home..." Another water ball splashed over him, but he was too well anchored.

His twin stopped the attack, seeing they had no effect. "I will accept total surrender." He smiled and walked over, claws clicking over the stone. "Or we can do this the hard, humiliating, painful way. Works for me either way."

"You know what? Fuck this." Gomamon suddenly slammed down on his flipper, pretty much the entire power set activating at once. "Hard way it is!" He floated up in mid-air. Wind ripped around like a tornado as he looked down, single eye burning red with heat and flippers pulsing with yellow energy. "All right then..." He smiled. "Any last words?"

Omni-Gomamon took a step back, but the answer came from the Omnitrix: "Significant threat detected." It stated in its electronic voice

"Oh no kidding!" Omni-Gomamon shouted down at his wrist. "Useless piece of..."

The alien device continued to speak in its tinny voice. "Removing Omni-lock."

"Now?! All those demons and monsters we've just fought and NOW you release your stupid fucking lock!" Gomamon stared as the other seal went crazy, then sighed in exasperation. "Words?" Omni Gomamon looked up at his flying twin. "I only need the one!" He smiled and twisted the dial to one of his favourites, then slammed down on the large button. The duplicate seal soon was gone, growing and growing until in his place stood a four-story brown, bipedal dinosaur with massive muscular arms that reached down almost to his feet. "Humongousaur!" He shouted as he fully transformed. The whole arena shook when his tail slammed upon the ground.

Gatomon's eyes went wide from the sideline, her neck craned way up at the giant dinosaur. "Whoa... okay... that's a neat trick." Now Gomamon was the one looking up at the giant creature. "Oh now that is just not righheerrrphh!" The seal was quickly enveloped by a fist the five times the size of him. Only his head was sticking out.

The dinosaur smiled, flashing white teeth almost as big as Gomamon. "Now... What were we saying about last words?" He grinned.

"We have a winner!" The announcer suddenly shouted, from a safe distance.

"I haven't given up yet!" Gomamon choked out in the meaty palm. "I have him right where I want him!"

The curly blond announcer held up a small black book, flipping it open to one of the pages. "Rule 34... if any part of the competitor touches anything but the ring itself, he, she, or it forfeits the match."

"Huh?" Humongousaur looked back... His tail was out of the ring, the very tip touching the ground. "Awww man!" The dino's face fell.

Gomamon smirked in the massive fist. "Yup! Just like I planned!" He lied barefacedly.


Gatomon smiled across the stone ring. Her own semifinals opponent had given her a decent work out. But she was looking forward to this title match fight. "Now, don't you dare hold back."

"Against you?" Gomamon chuckled across the arena. "I honestly am debating about giving up." The seal winked teasingly. "Not going to though."

"Good." She cracked her knuckles once.

"And..." The announcer held out his finger and took a step back. "Begin!" He shouted as he retreated to the safe zone and the gong rang.

The match began. "Cat's eyes hypnotism!" Gatomon shouted, eyes glowing gold. A cheap attack, sure, but she knew she was outclassed. That didn't mean she was going to give up.

"You got me once like that!" The seal, twisted his head, the rabbit's speed activated with a flick of his flippers. With a rush of wind, he began speeding around the ring at Mach speeds to whip up a sandstorm. "Ain't going to happen a second time!"

All right... he's gotten better with those powers... She shielded her eyes focus and...


...felt a flipper hit her across the face. She stumbled...

Swat! a perfect position for a spank across her butt. Not that hard. Just enough to sting and make her stumble back some more each time. Gomamon was clearly trying to force her out of the ring. She wasn't having any of it "Don't count me out yet!" With a jump, she brought down both paws against the stone. The entire ring shook with the force of the blow and a gigantic section of stone shifted upwards. Gomamon was moving to fast and tripped, barely using his claws to avoid unceremoniously flinging himself offstage.

That was all the opening the feline needed to grab him in a headlock. "Where'd... when'd you get your ring back?!" He was caught off guard , but didn't need long to realize Gatomon was back to her full strength.

"Borrowed it from a friend." She grinned, shifting them into a chokehold and flashing a wink to her twin watching from the sidelines. Clearly the other Gatomon's ring worked just fine on her. Gomamon grunted: that hold wasn't going to be too efficient on him, but it was annoying as long as he couldn't activate another power. With a mighty buck, he managed to twist himself to hit his flipper, then easily threw the feline off to the left with another twist. She landed with ease and threw another punch with her free paw, only to have Gomamon catch it. He held her back, though he was straining a touch. "Super strength power?" Gatomon grunted. Only way he could have gotten her off so easily.

"Yup... you're strong... well, now so am I." The seal smirked as he forced her back to the edge, her feet digging into the ground. They were locked flipper to claw, but Gomamon seemed just the slightest bit stronger, forcing her back step by step millimeter by millimeter. "And I am just ... a little... stronger..."

Gatomon growled. Her muscles throbbed as she had only natural forces against Gomamon's magically-enhanced strength. "True... guess I need to pull... a page from your book." The feline winked and her tail whisked under her legs to bring the purple end rubbing at Gomamon's groin.

"Whoa!" Shock caused the seal to let go completely, which was far more than Gatomon hoped for, promptly grabbing two tufts of chest fur and flinging him over her shoulder and across the ring.

"And he's out of there!" The feline smirked, a paw held flat above her eyes. She'd aimed for the food stall. Would give the seal some bumps and bruises but...

"That was cheap!" Gomamon hovered overhead with his flippers on his hips. He looked down at his mangled chest fur. "And pulling hair? Really? I expected more class from you."

"Azulongmon's balls..." She'd forgotten about that stupid flight power. She just couldn't keep track, especially as they kept getting new ones. "You aren't going to make this easy are you?"

The flying sea mammal pointed a claw downwards. "If I'd done that I'd be in deep shit you know!"

Gatomon sighed derisively and shrugged. "Gotta work with what I've got."

"Well I've got other tools myself." The seal slapped his claw down on the pig talismans this time. His remaining eye soon glowed red.

A blast of heat energy hit the ground in front of her. "Whoa!" The cat jumped back as the beam of red energy approached her like a tied up cartoon superspy. She could feel the heat from the beam.

"Now be a good kitty and jump off the arena floor!" Gomamon smirked. He wasn't aiming at her directly... just trying to force her out with the least possible damage. "Kari would kill me you if I brought ya back with so much as a single hair singed off." The black scorch line lengthened as it zigzagged after her across the fractured floor.

Regardless of Gomamon's control and intent not to injure her, she couldn't get around the beam and soon found herself forced into a corner. The seal fired one more blast, just at the cat brought around her tail. The beam connected with the gold ring. It exploded in a flash of light and went sailing back at the seal. "Whoa!" The seal dodged in mid-air, more out of instinct.

The feline brought her fist down again on the ground, even harder than the first time. The entire arena shook with the force, to the crowd's amazement. Rocks went flying up in the air. She didn't have Gomamon's super-speed, but she could still do kick at the larger rocks with lightning speed, sending them careening toward the seal. "Catch!"

Gomamon barely had the time to activate the super strength again. The first two rocks turned into gravel within seconds, as did the third, claws splicing through it like butter... only to reveal an incoming Gatomon sailing through the flying shards of rock with the force of a ballistic missile. "Ohhh shiittt..."

The pair went flying up into the air... too high for the crowd to see, in fact. They could hear grunts and blows, necks craned up... until finally a meteor of mostly white fur crashed down.

The two sent a shockwave through the arena when they slammed, a plume of dust swirling around them... outside the arena. The crowd hushed as they waited for the dust to clear and finally reveal the combatants. Gomamon was on top, flippers firmly holding onto Gatomon's shoulders. Both were panting hard. They were bruised, scratched, aching. The seal looked down at the feline... She looked back at him. Their breathing slowed into pace with one another... Seconds went by... their heads moved closer... eyes began to close... lips puckered out...


"Gah!" Gomamon's head snapped back, a deep blush filling his cheeks as the blond announcer yanked him in the air by his flipper.

"GOMAMON!" He shouted deafeningly into his microphone. "The winner of the round robin!" It was amazing that the voice could be heard over the clamour or cheers and clapping. Gomamon though he would choke on the confetti filling the air. "And now..."

And yet the seal didn't hear the rest. He was looking at his opponent. Gatomon got up slowly. She too was blushing a bit. Without a word, she turned and made a dignified exit.


One hour later, Gomamon was back in one corner of the arena. It was amazing how quickly they'd gotten it fixed, really. They seemed very used to it. He was talking to the announcer and trying to get his mind off the earlier awkward moment between him and his friend. "No one here has been really tough." He boasted overconfidently for the crowd in the microphone. "Why would that change just because that guy's the champion? No problem." He chuckled nervously as the crowd roared with more laughter than encouragement.

The announcer took the microphone back and brought it to his lips. "Well he is certainly confident! So let's get his show on the road and bring out our reigning champion." He gestured to the other end of the arena. "The one, the only...Goku!"

"Goku?" Gomamon blinked, confused by the name, which simply meant 'warrior' in his native Japanese. "Oh... Oh!" Things fell into place when his eyes fell upon the champion, a tall human with black hair even spikier than Tai or Davis'. His body looked like it had been chiselled out of marble, and Gomamon suspected punching him would hurt himself more than the other male. "So this is where we're at! Dragonball!" He smacked his forehead while the orange-clad warrior smirked back at him. "You're Son Goku... you're..." A pause as he grimaced. "Go... ku... Ah fuck me..." He whimpered as the announcer rung the bell to start.


"It's over nine thousand..."

"How are you doing?" A paw stroked down Gomamon's head fur.

"Ugh." Gomamon sat up in the bed... well as much as he could sit up, which was even less than usual on account of his entire body being in pain. "All I remember is something... no someone going 'Kamehameha...', and then... a bright white flash... and that's it." He stared blanking at one Gatomon, then the other, needing a few seconds to remember the situation and that he was not, in fact, hallucinating. "Anyway, we're in the Dragonball universe. And Goku can, like, destroy a planet. Way out of my league."

"Well, the good news is, Goku apparently has the Monkey power. And he has graciously allowed us to have it. He says it's no use to him." Gatomon nodded. "I think we could use a rest before leaving, though."

"Agreed. I mean, I'm seeing double, here." Gomamon jokingly stared at the pair of Gatomon... "Gah!" But only until he noticed a certain lizard standing behind them, he backed away and would have fallen off the bed had it not been for the wall. "Gabumon!"

"Oh, brave challenger!" Gatomon snickered. "It's not ours, dummy. He's their Gabumon, though I'm not sure that's an improvement. Apparently, he was out there evangelizing instead of supporting his friends."

Father Gabumon tapped the cross on his neck. "I had no desire to watch the fight, not when God's words need spreading."

Gomamon's face went blank and he turned to Omni-Gomamon. "Is he for real?"

"Why? Wanna trade?" Omni-Gomamon snickered. "Trade you for your Gatomon."

Gomamon flashed his feline companion his trademark grin. "Not for all the Gabumons in the multiverse.


The hut was made of bamboo-like material and attached to the side of a gigantic tree over a hundred feet off the ground. It was surprisingly cool up in the branches, with the summer breeze blowing in from the west through window. A woven grass mesh kept insects out, which was a good thing: some of them were the size of eagles.

"Man..." Omni-Gomamon panted as he crawled (even more than usual) inside. "Stairs... why'd it have to be stairs?!" he whined breathlessly. "Ten stories of fucking stairs!" he further wheezed for emphasis, lying on the grass mat with no intent of moving for a bit.

A blue vixen clad in only a golden bikini top and an intricate lace loincloth walked in after him. Yet the rest of her body glittered from an orgy of finely designed jewelry: ankle bracelets, tiara, shoulder pauldrons, all etched in gold. The shapely fox looked down at the panting seal. "I would have thought you better at dealing with stairs than Lizardmen, yet there you lay defeated and they are nothing but a heap of pained leather sacks. Isn't life funny that way?"

"Meh, they were nothing but untrained bullies, Krystal." Omni-Gomamon panted and tapped his bracelet. "I'll admit I probably wouldn't have done much if I hadn't managed to scan General Scales DNA and unlock this stupid thing." He smiled up at the warrior girl. "And now... once Fox, Gabumon and Gatomon get back with the supplies I need from the space ship I can have the dimensional machine built in no time!"

"Really?" Krystal reached behind herself and undid claps, causing her golden top to fall with a clanging sound rarely associated with underwear. "I was hoping you'd stay around for a little longer." She smiled. Her breasts were a shade lighter than the rest of her fur.

The Digimon looked up at those wonderful tits, the hair partly worn off by the constant rubbing. Her nipples were pert and erect, jutting forth like tiny a antennas atop the moutains of her breasts. "Oh, I think I can find an hour... or maybe five." He grinned as the girl picked him up like a baby to carry him to the bed. It was a simple thing made from bamboo with dry grass for mattress. Simple, but more than they needed right now.

Krystal didn't even make it to the bed before Omni-Gomamon's wide mouth latched on her breast like a weaning child. The seal suckled hard, much to the delight of the horny vixen. "Well, aren't we even more eager than usual..." She panted and sat on the bed. She rested her back against the headboard and opened her legs wide for her ally to enjoy himself, moaning softly as the big-mouthed seal all but inhaled her entire breast. "Ohhh love a guy who likes a little foreplay." The warrior vixen moaned, head arching back into the bamboo wall.

Omni-Gomamon took his maw off her and licked his lips. "You'd be surprised how hard it is to find a good rack of furry tits where I'm from." He grinned and went to town on the other one, starting to rub his groin over her belly. Before long his red dick had snaked its way out of his sheath and he moaned happily as he proceeded to dry hump the girl's flat stomach. It was certainly of the nicer things he'd had a chance to rub his dick into. He didn't need long to become hard and raring to go.

"You certainly seem to appreciate them." Krystal reached down and grabbed Gomamon by his taut ass to lift him up. The seal's prick left a trail of slimy precum behind.

The breast in Omni-Gomamon's mouth popped out as she pulled him up, a thin line of drool extending from his lower lip to the nipple till it finally snapped. "Actually, I like all parts of you." His grin wider when his dick slid between the furry mounds. "But I gotta say it has especially long since I had a nice tit fuck." He remarked, the girl already squeezing them hard to capture the seal prick inside.

"Least I can do for your help with the Sharpclaw army." She smiled into his chest. "Mmmm... 'course I'd be lying if I said I am not going to enjoy this too." She growled hornily.

Omni-Gomamon wrapped strong flippers around his mate's head and promptly got to humping. "Oh, but not nearly as much as I will..." He retorted in a pant. He fucked like he swam, he moved his muscular little ass back forth in a powerful motion. The tip of his dick would smack the vixen right under her long jaw every time he thrust upwards, leaving a a growing spot of cum in her fur.

"You just make sure you save enough to return the favor." Krystal felt the dull shaft prod her over and over. She could smell the seal's horniness as he increased his tempo.

"What sort of crude ruffian do you take me for?!" Omni-Gomamon grunted, fucking the girl's furry cleavage even faster. "Would be rude of me to blow my load and not return the favor." He panted and hugged the girl's face tighter, He only slammed his penis against her chin a few more times before reaching his orgasm. Hot fluids spilled splattered on Krystal's chin, then leaked onto her breasts while the seal continued to pump. He milked himself as much as he could, leaving the sperm to soak into her fur. "Oh yeah... that's the ticket." He muttered, slowly releasing his grip on the hottie. Gravity brought him sliding down over her chest and belly, but his cock was still out and about as he came to rest onto the vixen's loincloth.

"An impressive load." Krystal complimented him, fingers moving up to smear said load all over herself like tribal paint marks. She enjoyed the scent of semen almost as much as she did the feeling of the substance, warm or dry, on herself. Her enhanced canine sense of smell would make the aroma of sex practically the same as the act itself. She intended to proudly wear the mark of this strong warrior for days, if not weeks. She concluded with slowly running her fingers in circles over her nipples.

"Just to get us started." Omni-Gomamon reassured her with a smile. He slid completely off her lap and got between the vixen's spread legs to stick his head under the skimpy loincloth. He might not have had a vixen's sense of smell but he could certainly see the glistening arousal of her wet snatch even through the loincloth, which by now sported a very obvious wet spot. "No panties? Color me surprised." He joked, not surprised in the least as he pressed his furry nose right in the crotch.

"Fox used to tease me the same, but neither of us actually wear anything under our clothes." Krystal arched back from the tongue lapping down her vulva. "Wearing more than the strict necessary is a trapping of society... Uhmmm!" She moaned against when he gave her clitoris a little suckle. "It gets too hot in the jungle... or under those bodysuits of Fox's... to both--... Ohhh!" Another wave of pleasure hit her when her pussy was deeply penetrated by the seal's dull, hard claw.

"I already knew about Fox, but now, I think I may want to visit your tribe..." Omni-Gomamon's voice was muffled by wet furry pubes. He started to claw-fuck her while orally pleasuring her body. Soon, between his eager licking and hard clawfucking, the entire area's fur was matted down with saliva and sexual fluids.

"Uhhhh... Who says I want to share you more than I already do?" Krystal groaned, squeezing and stroking her own tits. She could only see the tail and ass of the seal sticking out from under her loin cloth as he ate her out, white furred back peppered with a few purple dots wigging and really getting into the swing of things. He took her pleasure nub into his maw and sucked hard. It was like someone stuck a small vacuum on there. Although he couldn't hold a candle to Patamon, due to the flying male's inherent lung capacity owing to his special attack, Gomamon had refined the skill more and could pace it better thanks to his breathholding abilities, which both girls and guys had found to be greatly enjoyable. Although it was naturally more suited for dealing with dick, he'd found it to work just as well on a girl's clit.

"Ohhhh, Gods!" Krystal screamed as she felt the pleasurable sensation wracking her body nonstop. "Keep it up!" She screamed demandingly, squeezing her cum-coated nipples so hard they began to turn red. Her muscular legs wrapped around the seal's back tightly to keep it in place and she started to hump against him.

Omni-Gomamon felt the strong legs almost crack his back. The vixen had legs up to her neck and they were as solid as iron. Still he didn't stop his dutiful suckling of the clit. She was so close now she would probably snap his neck between those thighs if he did. But a good twist of his claw was enough to finish her off.

"BY THE GODS!" She screamed loudly sending numerous tropical bird fleeing for their lives outside the hut. It sounded like a wild beast was rampaging in the forest canopy. Her legs seeming attempted to pull Omni-Gomamon right up her snatch in a desperate attempt to get more out of him. Her eyes rolled back as she threw her head back hard enough to break right through the bamboo rods that made out her headboard. She didn't even notice.

Omni-Gomamon finally lifted his head up from the girl's tight snatch, the loincloth sliding off like a veil. His face fur was coated with her sex juices dripping off. "Wasn't that a wonderful little bit of foreplay?" He snickered and climbed over her again so he could press his dick at her entrance. "Shall we move on to the main event?" He asked and thrust forward without waiting for the obvious answer.

"Oh yes!" Krystal reached down to grab the seal's rump once more and pulled him in eagerly. She was easily able to take the full length. He wasn't as well hung as the average fox and didn't even have the knot, but he certainly had the stamina and animal lust to make up for it. "Ravage me warrior!" She screamed.

"Whatever the lady wants!" Omni-Gomamon's strong flippers held her waist and he went forward with the same pistonning the girl wanted. His wet seal dick slid in and out with ease and filled the treehouse with lewd, wet sounds. The small structure actually started to rock, but was sturdily built enough so as to not collapse under the frantic mating of the two sex-crazed warriors.

"Yes..." Krystal moaned. Her furry tits bounced in time with the seal's frantic thrust. "Yes... more... don't you dare hold back!" She groaned as she could feel her second orgasm starting to approach at light speed. Her groans grew to sound like those of a feral beast. The bed creaked in pain. Hay flew about and onto the floor. "Ravage me!"

Omni-Gomamon slammed in as hard as he could. The warrior fox enjoyed it rough and hard, and it was a challenge for him. "Yeah... almost there!" He panted happily, tongue lolling out a bit over his furry lips as his own cock filled the moist cunt with precum. "Gonna cum in ya... gonna fill ya right up!" He was talking dirty as he felt himself go past the point of no return. Still he tried to hold back so Krystal could cum at the same time as him.

He did not have to wait long: Krystal let out a beastly orgasmic cry that echoed in the entire jungle and all but crushed the seal between her knees. Her fingers scratched down Omni-Gomamon's back as she soaked the hay under them with a combination of her juice and his spunk.

"Mmm yeah take it!" Omni-Gomamon shouted loudly--yet almost inaudibly under he roar--as his balls released a second helping into the wanting cunt. "Take all my seed!" He shot string after string out, but didn't last too long. A few seconds and he all but collapsed onto the orgasming girl. He panted heavily as he soaked inside the warm cunt.

"OHhhhh yessssss..." Krystal's own climax lasted longer than the seal's. It felt like she had two back to back; it was hard to tell. The seal was as talented in the bedroom as he was on the field of battle. "I so needed that."

"Having fun here?" A brown-furred fox stood at the doorway. He wore a green flight suit with a white flight jacket over it... and nothing under, if Krystal was right. "I mean... I heard you two going at it a kilometer away." He snickered and stepped inside.

"Heya, Fox!" Gomamon pulled his face off the warm, cummy breast pillows. His flippers still had a death grip on them, idly toying with the mounds as he spoke. "Didn't think you'd be back so soon." He flashed a cocky grin.

"I can tell." The pilot's hand went to the gold fox shaped belt buckle on his waist. With a single, swift move, the pants dropped to his ankles showing, as expected, nothing but a rather impressive canine penis, throbbing red at ten impressive inches, complete with a pulsing knot at the base. "You got started without me!" He added in mock reproach,

"Well, you're just in time!" The seal shot back. "Why don't you come in and join the fun." He wiggled his ass and spread his rear flippers a bit.


"And fox always kept a bottle of lube, so he grabs my tail..."

"Whoa whoa whoa!" Gomamon held out his flippers and dropped the screwdriver he was holding. "That's way too much information right there!"

"Hey, you wanted to hear my best time, right? Well, a threesome with the two hottest foxes I've ever seen is definitely tops." Omni-Gomamon, retorted n the odd squeaking voice of Grey Matter. He was putting some resistors onto a circuit board inside the dimensional travelling machine. "Let me tell ya, he knows what he want. Started to press that big massive shaft under my tail..."

"La la la la la!" Gomamon placed his claws in his ear holes and hummed loudly.

Omni-Gomamon smirked. "Oh don't be such a prude. Sides, you told me you like it up the ass too." The fancy machine was coming along nicely. Goku and the World Championship Federation allowed the Digimon to purchase the supplies they needed and gave them a place to work in exchange for the prize money. Neither Gomamon would need it anyway once they left this world.

"Well yeah, but a finger, maybe a vibrator... that tentacle thing with that succubus was good I fully admit." Gomamon admitted as he picked up the screwdriver fasten in the metal panel to the machine. "Just not into guys." They had been working on this thing for a week, but Gomamon still had no idea what it was. Still, thanks to his powers, it had helped his double speed things up a lot. Even more so since the technology here was already pretty advanced, sometime he had to recreate basic computing stuff. It could take months!

Omni Gomamon tapped the watch on his flipper and turned back into his normal self. "You really should try cock." The seal smirked as he closed up another panel. "I mean, even I didn't like it that much before I ran into Fox and Falco's big dicks and let me tell you if you start teasing them, they don't take no for an an-..,"

"Ugh! Mental image!" The original Gomamon gave the screwdriver another good twist. "Dude, how many times do I have to tell you I'm straight as a ruler! And from the looks of it I may be the only straight Gomamon in any dimension!"

Omni-Gomamon snickered a bit. "Hey when you looks THIS good, it's a crime to deny anyone this body." He gestured to himself. "Boy, girl, or hermaphroditic werewolf."

"Okay, I'll give you that point." Gomamon couldn't help but laugh a bit.

"If you want to start small, try Veemon. Guy's not too hung, but damn has he got the stamina to make up for it.... Or you can skip the small fry and go straight for Armadillomon. I know I'm gonna really surprise the big guy when I come home..."

Gomamon blushed a little at the mention of Veemon, being already acquainted with the blue dragon's dick from having taken on his form back then. That short moment of distraction was the only reason it wasn't his voice that cut off the other seal.

"Boy." Gatomon was leaning against the door frame. Neither of them had heard her come in. "You two are sure cut from the same cloth."

"Ohh, erm..." Omni-Gomamon blushed. "How long have you been there?"

"Let's see... since around you blowing your load over a blue space fox's breasts." Gatomon snickered madly.

This just made Omni-Gomamon blush harder. "Geeze, Gomamon-two." Gomamon laughed, trying to hide his embarrassment. "Stop treating my Gatomon like some virgin flower. It's not like we haven't seen just about everything."

"I haven't seen you taking it up the butt yet. No wait, I have!" She joked, to Gomamon's utter mortification.

"Sorry... It just feel like talking to you sister about sex..." Omni-Gomamon admitted. Though he looked very intrigued by Gatomon's comment, he arched a dubious eyebrow at his twin, the female's presence forgotten: "And why am I Gomamon-two?"

"Gomamon-Beta? Gomamon-knockoff?" Gomamon suggested mockingly, overjoyed that he could poke fun at the other seal now.

"Aaaaaanyway, your 'sister' is getting you guys a drink it's my life, so I figured I'd come and check on you two." Gatomon flashed a smile at the watch-wearing Gomamon. It might have been bisexual, but the pair had a lot more in common than the two Gabumons (except maybe the two lizards' dislikes for their respective Gomamons...). "So, is this... thing almost finished?"

"I certainly hope so." Omni-Gomamon sighed. "But every time I say that I'm sure it'll bring us home... we end up in a different world instead and are stuck there, sometimes for months, as I rebuild it fro the ground up yet again... " The seal hit the side of the thing with as close to a fist as he could make with a flipper. "I feel so guilty! Gatomon's all but a wreck without Wizardmon. I miss my friends... Joe... everyone!"

"What about your Gabumon?" Gomamon asked.

"He's... better left to his own devices." The alternate Gatomon piped in as she walked in, carrying a tray with two cups of black coffee. "Even now he is spreading his message of the Lord to this world."

"You don't have to cover for me." The watch-wearing seal smiled as she handed him the beverage. "We can't stand each other, so we spend as little time around each other as possible. I couldn't be happier that he spends half his time preaching so I don't have to deal with him. Course, that means letting him loose on the unsuspecting public so I can't say I don't feel a bit guilty about it."

"We take turns guarding the portal while it scans for our world... But that hasn't helped so far." Gatomon admitted as she handed the pair their coffees... "I am sure you've worked out the bugs this time." She didn't sound too convinced.

Gomamon cocked his head and paused to think for a moment. "I have a feeling it'll work this time. We should get ourselved washed up." He put his cup on the counter without drinking from it. "Then maybe hit the sack. Don't need the caffeine." He made a big show of yawning. "Gotta be up in the morning to see you guys off." He moved over to his twin and gave him the flipper equivalent of a fist bump. "And don't worry; I am sure it will work out." He said before sauntering out of the room as best as someone without legs could.

Gatomon watched her pal leave with a cocked eyebrow of her own. Her twin soon left herself to tell Gabumon the machine was finished. She took the cup of coffee and had a sip, looking to Omni-Gomamon. "By the way... thanks for not telling Gomamon about... you know, the kiss."

"Hey, no worries." Omni-Gomamon took a drink from his own cup. "Sides, you freaked me the hell out. Ithought you were my Gatomon! I should have known better." He laughed. "Though I do think you should let him know your feelings."

"Yeah, yeah..." Gatomon held the cup in her paws. She let the liquid warm them a bit. "Just took me a while to work up the nerve... to do it this time... and now..."

"Well you can't let a bisexual alien powered twin mess up your plan." Omni-Gomamon reached over and placed a flipper on her shoulder. "I am pretty sure he's the real thing this time." He joked a bit. "Seriously, though? You should tell him."

"I will... I will." Gatomon nodded.


The seal kept himself buried into the hilt inside of the blue fox's leaking muff with his tail raised, showing off his pucker to the horny fox. He clenched and latched onto Krystal's left breast, sucking on her lightly furred cleavage. "Anytime you're ready!"

Fox looked at the seal rump with the tail held high. "And here I thought I didn't have to bugger any more of the crew once we got a female on our squad." He reached into his fight vest and pulled out a small bottle of glistening lube he kept on him, just in case. You never knew. He went over to the dimensional traveler and grabbed the furry tail at the tip while pressing the bottle to the sphincter and gave it a good squeeze. Cool clear goo coated the rectum as the leader of the squad prepared the sea mammal.

Omni-Gomamon rocked his ass back and forth between the bottle of lube and the fox's leaking slit. Both of his flippers came up and cupped the sides of her breasts, pressing them together. "Ohhh yeah...mind passing that bottle up here when you're done?" The seal latched onto both of the fox's nipples at once, nursing on them.

Krystal let out another moan as Omni-Gomamon sucked on those perky nipples of hers, one after the other. "Ohhhhhhh..." She groaned softly as she watched her squad leader reached down with a furry digit and started to smear the lube all over the seal's pecker. "Just what do you need that lube for?" She moaned softly.

Fox McCloud just smiled and reached over with his other paw, giving the Digimon the half empty bottle. "I don't know... but I am interested myself." He smiled as he shoved his pointer finger up inside the seal's luscious little swimmer's ass.

The seal smiled toothily. "I finally got a really nice set of furry tits in front of me; you think I'm not going to make the most of it?" Omni-Gomamon clenched around fox's finger and grabbed the bottle with his flippers. He poured about a quarter of it over her perky breasts and started massaging it in with his flippers so they were nice and slippery. He passed the bottle off to fox again and gave the slippery chest a nice squeeze. "Ohhh yeah...that's nice."

Krystal moaned softly as her tits were massaged nicely. They already had a good smattering of the seal's cum lathered on them from the previous titty fuck. The lube just made them even more slippery. "Ohhh that's good. I was afraid you were planning on sticking it up my backdoor. Unlike you... ohh..." She let out another moan as those strong flippers graced her nipples. "Unlike you gentlemen I prefer to keep that hole empty..." She let out a little grunt as Fox climbed on her belly. He had pulled out his own angry red cock and was rubbing it over the seal's behind, pushing him forward a bit so Omni-Gomamon's dick was rubbing in her cleavage once more.

Fox smiled as he started to prepare himself, working his veiny cock against the seal's well used sphincter. "Yeah... she hasn't forgiven me for when we tried and we accidentally knotted... You could hear the yelp from three parsecs away." He chuckled as he began to push the tip inside.

The seal raised his rump of for Fox to bury his bone and snickered at the story. "Oh yeah those knots are really rough the first couple of times! You get uhhh..." He groaned when Fox slipped his meat past his sphincter, and a bit of lube oozed out and drooled onto his white furry orbs. "...used to it." Once fox got a couple inches, he readjusted his meat between Krystal's cleavage for the next part. He could see the tip of his red cock poking through the very top of her lubed tits.

Krystal just helped Omni-Gomamon along. She pushed her furry breasts together hard once more. She groaned softly as the two men began to fuck on top of her. It was certainly a wonderful sight, though she grunted a bit of the extra weight of the much heavier fox on top of her. "Uhhh... I'll leave the knot up the backside to you..."

Fox just gave Krystal a sly grin as he gripped Omni-Gomamon by the back flippers and shoved in deeper. Already his knot was swelling. The scent of vixen in heat helped to get his own juices flowing. Not to mention the seal from another world was such a tight yet talented sex partner. "Uhh... works for me." He thrusted forward. That baseball sized knot slapped against Omni-Gomamon's back side, leaving a small imprint in the lube that coated his buttocks.

Omni-Gomamon let out a happy sigh with each little wet slap that fox's swelling knot made against the lube coating his pucker, it'd been a while since he took one this big. He rocked his white ass back into Fox's brutal thrusts, he practically didn't have to do any work. Fox was rocking him through her wet puppies all on his own. Every few thrusts sent a hard spurt of pre from him that before long had coated her neck and chin. "Ohhh f-fuck well hung 'a-and' rough? I see why she likes you!"

The blue vixen moaned softly under the two male. She had just a little micro orgasm from sheer breast stimulation. Not a big one...just enough to keep her aroused. "Ohhh... I do I do... just in my snatch... mmmm which you better save some for me after you're done with him!" Krystal warned the two of them. "I just feel like I am some furry mattress for you two to fuck on!"

The fighter pilot continued his assault. His knot made big wet sloppy sounds each time it was shoved forward. "Uhh... may have to wait..." McCloud grunted as he stopped his motions. Instead he began one long, hard push. "I plan on... wearing Omni-Gomamon on my dick for an hour or so..." Fox really had to work it. He pushed hard. Omni-Gomamon may be an old pro at taking it up the tail pipe, but a knot always pushed him to his limits. The knot stretched the sphincter. Slowly. Millimeter by millimeter... till all at once it reached the point of no return. Omni-Gomamon's ass seemed to swallow the knot in one gulp. Fox's body moved forward as he fully tied in. "Ohhh yes!" And the fox blew his wad. Tying in always set him off. He felt his balls release the torrent of cream and start to paint the rectal walls of the seal's a gooey white!

The seal bit his lip and closed his eyes, he just let his ass relax but it still felt like the fox was ripping him open! "Uhhh...Uh...Ahh!" He groaned when Fox's knot was swallowed by his hungry ass and his pucker bulged out slightly from the sizable meal it just had. Omni-Gomamon let out a heated sigh and his cock leapt inside of the blue fox's cleavage, splattering the bottom of her jaw and neck with hot seal cream. He winced a little when he clenched around Fox's knot, even for him, it was a little much! "Ugh I swear I'll never get used to that!" The knotted seal's little tail wagged back and forth against McCloud's stomach and he reached back and patted his thigh with a lubed flipper. "You heard her, pull me back a bit!" He did feel a bit bad she was left out up until now!

Fox had to take a moment to figure out what the seal wanted to do, then smiled. "Well since you aren't going anywhere for a while." He shifted off the vixen's belly and between her spread legs. Her snatch was glistening with need now as he lined up the seal's red dick. The seal's throbbing, almost ready to cum dick parted the folds slightly and painted them with a couple drops of pre.

Krystal reached down herself and spread those furry labia wide, inviting the Digimon in as she rubbed up against him. "MMmmm come on there. Don't hold back. I need something inside there!" She was pretty much begging now. She needed a good orgasm, though the way she was it wouldn't take much!

Omni-Gomamon rubbed the upper part of her puffy, glistening lips with his flipper. He tried to sink himself into her drooling, needy muff but the only thing he did was tug on the fox's raging knot. "Uh...I'm kinda stuck...mind doing the work for me there Fox?" The seal was like a really exotic sex toy at this point, he was already lined up and ready to go, all fox had to do was thrust!

The brown fox nodded. It still felt good, and even though he was exhausted? He still wanted to give Krystal a good fucking. One of the best ways to make sure you get laid again is to leave the lady wanting more. He thrusted forward with his hips. His seal-condom hung on to his cock tightly. Omni-Gomamon's own cock was shoved in to the very base. His furry nuts slapped the bottom of Krystal's snatch. She was moaning loudly now, squeezing her tits hard. "Ohhh yes... yes... keep it up... keep it up..." Her knees rubbed on fox's sides, squeezing him tightly. "C'mon... c'mon... yesssss..." She was so close to cumming already. Just a few minutes of being fucked by the seal dildo was enough for her to let out a scream to the heavens.

The seal had to admit, this was about as good as it got! Sandwiched between a hot babe and a hung stud and he didn't have to do anything but enjoy it! He tried to last as long as possible inside Krystal's hot box, but after a couple of minutes he was primed and loaded. "Yes! Mmm! Gonna give you something to remember me with!" He let out a low groan and came, coating her insides with hot seal sperm. It was a pretty big load with the knot in his ass working him up, bigger than his first load for sure! And the way Fox was still ramming him against her drooling cooch made sure he gave her every drop.

Fox finally slowed down once he noticed the seal had finished up in the tight snatch. His sensitive snout picked up the semen that caked Krystal's insides. He pulled back, the seal coming with him. He watched as Omni-Gomamon's cock spurted a few more shots of jizzum on to the light blue crotch fur. "Mmmmm... Wonder if I can keep him on here..." He stroked the red mohawk a few times. "I'd never have to jerk off again..."

Krystal just panted as gooey sea mammal spunk leaked out of her and on to her bed, staining it with a large dark spot. "Mmmm don't you dare..." She reached up with her foot and rubbed Omni-Gomamon's twitching dick. "I am sure there is more than enough of our dimensional playmate to spread around..."


"And just when I thought I was done for the night..." Omni-Gomamon continued on his story as he worked on the machine. "Falco comes to my room. And man, he was the gruff blue avian that just rammed you till you couldn't feel anything... He came and..." Omni-Gomamon stopped regaling his story as he looked to Gatomon. "Ummm... Maybe you should go and... Visit your room?"

Gatomon didn't realize what the twin Gomamon was talking about till she looked down... a thin trail of arousal leaked down her left leg. "Errrr..." Her cheeks blushed red so hard it hurt as she covered her groin and backed out with a small squeak. You know... Maybe I should start wearing pants full time...


It was late night in the room where the dimensional portal machine was being kept. The control panel flipped open. A paw began to randomly type a few digits into the machine into the stream of data. It would be all but impossible for anyone to notice the change...

"I figured as much."

"What?" The figure whipped around. "Who is there?!"

"Gomamon is a great guy." A disembodied voice spoke. "Completely trust worthy and trusting. I don't think he has a dishonest bone is his body. Which is why he'd never see this coming... Gabumon."

Father Gabumon continued to look about the empty room. "Who is this?!" The preacher shouted loudly to nothingness.

"It made perfect sense to me." The voice continued to speak. "Only you three guys could have altered the machine. No way would Gatomon do anything to keep her away from Wizardmon. And no way would Gomamon ever do anything to hurt her. He thinks of her as his baby sister. Leaves only you. I just have one question... why?"

"Why?" Gabumon snarled. "Entire worlds exist without knowing the word of God! Dimensions dammed to hell simply because they don't the word of the lord!" He continued to look around. "That is worth a little sacrifice on the parts of my travelling companions."

"That was never your call to make." Suddenly there was a shimmering. Gomamon, the original version, appeared in view. "And personally, I have trouble believing in any god that would make your friends suffer." He had used his snake power to stake out the machine.

"That is because you are as much of a heathen as my..."

"You know what? I'm not getting into this." The seal held up his flipper in a stop gesture, before putting it down. "I'll let you try and explain to your friends what you did and why... but if you don't tell them, I will."

It looked like the preacher was going to say something... but he clamped his mouth shut. "You... you are right. I am sorry." His right hand clutched around the wooden cross dangling from his neck. "I am sorry for my sin."

The seal smiled. "It's okay... We all make mistakes... we just need to..." Suddenly Gabumon moved quickly. He ripped the wooden crucifix of his chest in one solid motion, smashing it against the back of the seal's head. Gomamon stumbled a bit, just a blast of blue fire smashed into his side. He went sailing into the wall, making a sickening crunch as he lay prone on his side.

"You should not have interfered in my work." The preacher grabbed Gomamon by the scruff off the neck, dragging him to the door. He'd have to tie him up and stash him somewhere till they left. He still had his work to carry out... and nothing could stop his mission. Though his thoughts were interrupted by yet another intruder. "Gatomon?"

The feline was indeed standing at the door way, the look of shock quickly passing to one of anger. Gatomon's blue eyes narrowed to mere slits, showing just a hint of blue. "You better pray he's all right."

"Oh, the copy." The lizard digimon merely let go of Gomamon's prone form. He was worried his secret may have been out. "Don't worry. I won't hurt you if I don't have too." Gabumon snorted in righteous arrogant. "You will come with me... I'll simply tie you two away somewhere and we will be gone in the morning."

"Not going to happen." The feline clenched her fists so tightly her knuckles popped.

The pudgy digimon seemed surprised. "Our Gatomon could hardly handle any of us as a champion, with her power ring." Gabumon snarled. His body began to glow... growing. A giant white and blue striped wolf appeared in Gabumon's place. Garurumon. His champion form. One hundred times the size of the diminutive feline. "What do you possibly think a weakling such as yourself could possibly..."


Gomamon groaned awake. His flipper to touch the deep bruise on his left temple, a wave of vertigo hitting him. It took him a moment to realize he was back in the fighter's hospital. "Twice in a hospital bed in the same dimension... That's hardy fair." The seal whined.

"How are you doing?" Gatomon was sitting on the same chair she was earlier.

"Gabumon!" Gomamon sat up suddenly. "Where is that cross wearing slime coated piece of...?"

"Oh... I walked in on him and he threatened to hurt me if I didn't do as he said." Gatomon smiled a little cockily.

"Oh... How bad is he hurt?" The seal smirked.

"Not too bad." Gatomon shrugged her shoulders. "Though I was angry. I guess beating him unconscious with his bible was a little uncalled for."

"I am going to go with no." The second Gatomon hissed. She was at the foot of her bed with her Gomamon. And she looked very angry.

"Dude... I am so sorry." Omni-Gomamon sighed. "I had no idea our Gabumon was capable..."

"Hey not your fault." The seal smiled back. "Least this time I managed to keep my other eye!"

"Still, we owe you both thanks." The watch wearing seal admitted. "Not only for helping us finally get back home... but for seeing Garurumon running screaming through the building with Gatomon on his neck screaming "'Thou shall not piss Gatomon off!'" Omni-Gomamon snickered a bit. "Just about made a believer out of me!"


The group was saying their good byes... shaking flippers and paws. They had only known each other for over a week, but they felt like lifelong buddies. Though one member of the entourage didn't look too happy... Gabumon was there, tied head to toe with duct tape. Only his nose was out allowing him to breathe. "You know?" Gomamon, the original one, smirked at the struggling package. He grabbed the yellow horn, moving the Gabumon's head around in a circle. "It is going to hurt like hell when you take it off." There were some muffled groans of displeasure from the preacher-mon. "Cruel even for you Gatomon."

"Wasn't me who did it." Gatomon pointed to her twin. "It was Gatomon."

"Really?" Both the seals answered in unison.

"Even I can get pissed off." She hissed with her paws crossed.

Gomamon chuckled a bit. "Maybe there is a bit of my Gatomon in you."

"Maybe a bit." Omni-Gomamon gave a salute as they got on the platform. He dragged Father Gabumon by his grey coated tail up on the gateway. He was mumbling something... but no one was listening. "I hope you guys get home... I'd ask if you want to join us. But if you are anything like me you want to get back to your own world."

Gomamon returned the salute with a wave of his flipper. "We'll make it." He nodded to Gatomon with a small smile. "One way or another."


Another power down... One more to go! And one plot thread tied up! Good call to anyone who figured out it was the dragon ball verse. Oh... it didn't dawn on Gabumon and Gatomon that these two were the one from the 'near' verse. That might have made things... complicated. Especially with Gatomon having banged Wizardmon! Also, it looks like not too many people fell for the twins from the last chapters! Oh well. (Copyeditor's note: I did! Like an idiot.)

Msn is [email protected] Aim is mrredrover Yahoo is [email protected]

The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 46 - Unrequited Feelings

All right! Another brand new world. What trouble will our main pair get into? And the sex scene is a bit tame in this one to warn you! A bit of a shorter story for this one... It was going to be a one shot but it got too big so I split it up. This it...

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The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chpt 45 - The Cave

The finale for Skye, a talented author and GM. []( Yes Gatomon has a penis now. Again! Skye asked SO nicely. I can't really say no to her. Mostly random stuff here. ...

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The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 44 - Broken Quarantine

The continuation for Skye, a talented author and GM. []( I don't normally do herms... but for her? Of course. Not to mention her other major fetish... cum. And more cum. And even...

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