The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 44 - Broken Quarantine

Story by MrRedRover on SoFurry

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#62 of The Twelve Talismans

The next chapter of the sex zombies. More gay sex, herms, cum and more cum. Enjoy!

The continuation for Skye, a talented author and GM. I don't normally do herms... but for her? Of course. Not to mention her other major fetish... cum. And more cum. And even more cum. A bunch of random digimon in this one again. And more gay sex. And herm sex.

The Twelve Talismans:

Dimensional Travels

Chapter 44

Broken Quarantine

"Gatomon." Gomamon looked down at his ally as he floated at the far end of the cage. "Have I ever told you how incredibly sexy you are?" He growled happily as his penis made a soft dripping sound on the ground. Another section of the wall fell down on the ground with a thump behind the digimon from the giant hole.

The feline scurried on her butt backwards on the cell floor. "Patamon... get me out of here..." Gatomon pressed her back against the glass.

"I... I don't have the key on me!" Patamon shouted through the microphone. He didn't know what was happening... how did the Gomamon manage to do all that?

"Then go get it!" Gatomon hissed as the seal began to hover closer.

"I really mean it..." Gomamon floated in the center. His penis bounced up and down. It smacked his white belly over and over. More drops of clear precum began to go flying around the cage. "I mean... yeah... I fucked a lot of girls..." The seal snickered a bit. "But you..." He reached out with a flipper to touch Gatomon. "I don't know what it is about you..."

Gatomon scurried into the furthest corner away from the flipper. "Gomamon... listen to me. You've got a disease... It makes you horny as hell... makes you want to hump everything."

"It's called having a penis." The seal laughed a bit at his own joke. He followed Gatomon as she moved away from him. He continued to drip, aroused and unable to help himself.

The cat yanked her feet towards her to keep the precum from splattering on her feet. "Gomamon snap out of it!" She shouted. "You don't want this!" Gomamon was out of her league right now. Even if she had her gold ring she'd be hard-pressed to hold him off

"Oh I do... and you will to Gatomon!" The seal licked his lips. "I mean, it's a bit scary at first... but you will love it...." He reached forward again with his right flipper.

Gatomon had nowhere to go... her back was pressed hard against the glass. She could try fighting... but with Gomamon's souped-up powers. "Gomamon! Please!" Her voice pleading....

The tone of her voice hit a nerve. Gomamon stopped for a moment... his flipper hovering inches from her voice. "It... it is like always being on the verge of an orgasm.... But never being able to cum... But you so want to." He shook his head for a moment... then moved forward again. "But still it feels so good... so very good..."

The feline seemed like she was trying to meld with the glass... the warm claws of Gomamon's touched her cheeks....

And suddenly she tumbled backwards. The entire glass wall slid upwards into the wall and she rolled on her back in the hallway. "Gah!" She scrambled backwards on her rump away from her sex frenzied friend.

"Boom bubble!" A blast of compressed air came from the mouth Patamon. He opened the door JUST in time to save the cat... but now they had one of the sex crazed zombies on the loose and he needed to be taken down before he could cause havoc.

Gomamon's eyes burned red, and the bubble of compressed air instantly dispersed with a blast of energy. "Mmmm..." The seal snickered as he hovered into the hallway. "Bet you with a set of lungs you give amazing head!"

THWACK! Gatomon delivered a kick to the seal's side.... Knocking him back a bit but that was all. The feline wished she had her strength back.... She might be able to take him down . "You're STRAIGHT!" The feline shouted as she grabbed a baseball size rock from the ground and flung it at his head. "Cock turns you off!"

The seal disappeared suddenly.... Invisibility power now activated. The rock collided with another glass wall making a loud THUMP. The Floramon couple inside that particular cell never stopped sixty-nining one another. "Yeah... You'd be surprised how little that matters now." The seals spoke, sight unseen.

"How... how many powers does he have?" Patamon hovered over to Gatomon, looking very nervous.

"Too many." The feline hissed as she bared her claws. "Gomamon, come on. Listen to me... we can fix this...." Of course she had no idea how. She looked around into the empty hallway down the rows of Plexiglas cells. "Let's stop this before there is any trouble!"

"Trouble?" Laughter filled the air from the half crazed seal. That creeped the hell right out of Gatomon. "Let's make some real trouble!" The seal shuddered back into view. He flung his flippers out with dragon power. The Plexiglas's began to explode down the line... freeing the occupants with the sex crazed condition. They didn't stop the lustful love making for several seconds... till they realized they were free... and there were two fresh digimon in the hallway.

"Sex... cum... cock..." The digimon crawled, walked, and flew out of the shattered glass walls. The chanted their mantra. Dripping cum from cocks on both guys and girls.

"We've... got to contain them!" Patamon shouted as he flew backwards to the door. It was carved into the walls of the mountain and six inches of the strongest iron. The fail safe if any digimon should escape captivity.

Gomamon flew to the head of the pack. "That's a good one...." He landed on the ground and slammed both flippers on the ground. Super human strength caused the entire ground to shake. Cracks formed on the walls behind Patamon and the door fell off one of its hinges at an awkward angle. "You better be sporting some bigger guns there Patamon if you want to stop me!"

Patamon just looked absolutely flabbergasted. "H... how?"

"Just RUN!" Gatomon shouted as she took out towards the door. The sex zombies started to run after them... eager to infect them into their growing horde. Patamon flew behind following Gatomon without a word. She turned around and delivered a powerful punch to the half hanging door... It slammed into the frame and stuck. "It won't hold for long!" She shouted as she turned down the hall. She saw her knap sack on the side. She grabbed it and flung it on her back as she tore out of the room. There was a sound of metal breaking as Gomamon tore through the door like it was tissue. Gatomon was on all fours now as she tore down the tunnel.

"We've got to sound the alarm!" Patamon shouted as the horde poured through the door behind them.

"Good idea." Gatomon tore across the corner. "How many champions or ultimate digimon do you have around? A mega would be great!" She came up to one of the large clearing in the cave with lots of tents set up around the edge.

"What are ultimates? Megas?" Patamon asked as he ran over to one of the bells that lined the walls every fifty feet for just such an occasion.

The bell started to clang loudly, everyone springing to life in the tent. And all were rookies.... Not even a champion in the mix. The digimon began to grab what little supplies they had in a well-rehearsed motion. The evacuation drills had paid off. "Your entire world is rookie digimon isn't it?" This was getting worse by the moment if that was possible.

Patamon didn't answer. "This is not a drill! The zombies are here!" He shouted loudly to everyone who was with in ear shot. His voice was loud and powerful thanks to his lungs. He could project his warning down the cave for all to here. More alarms began to fill the base. Every digimon leapt to her feet or took to her wings, grabbing whatever supplies were close at hands. They began to rush of the mountain in droves.

"What... aren't they going to fight?" Gatomon thought they would try and stand their ground, or do some sort of containment.

"How? One touch, a bit of saliva or cum and you become one of them!" Patamon shouted as the Sombies began to pour out of the torn about jail cell. Vines whipped around some of the uninfected digimon by a couple plant Palmon and dragged them into the sex zombies. It was an odd rolling sensation. The infected digimon didn't stopping having sex as they moved forward... jerking off to stroking others, if not outright mounting random partners.

Gatomon watched a couple of Mushroomons being dragged into the pile. She moved to help. It was instinctive. But she only took two steps when she ended up airborne. "We have to help!" Gatomon shouted as she looked up to Palmon who had her by the tail.

"They already infected!" The big ear wings flapped as he headed to the one of the openings in the sky.

The feline growled as some bee-like Flymon came buzzing towards them. Retreat was the best option now. He was right. It's hard to fight an enemy that could convert you to its ranks. As they passed through a stony tunnel Gatomon swung out with both paws. A flurry of rocks began to come down the side in an avalanche. "Let's book it!" She shouted as the tunnel filled with dust.

Patamon turned on the reserves. His wings became a blur as the opening began to collapse. With a burst of speed he flew out of the mountain.... He stole a glance to the once hidden base. A sad number of his fellow refugees were egressing from other escape routes. And even more were being jumped by Sombies who noticed the commotion and were rapidly advancing.... "We made it..." was all he said as he flew off into the distance before they too were noticed.


Patamon and Gatomon stood around some smoldering coals burning under some dull gray rocks in the middle of the wilderness. No smoke. Smoke would draw out the sex zombies. The two of them ate elongated purple fruit plucked fresh from a tree. A bit of juice leaked down her face as she chewed on a bit of the sweet meal. "I'm sorry. My friend is normally..." The feline tried to defend the travesty that had just occurred.

"It's not his fault. It's never their fault." Patamon looked at his half-finished meal but he wasn't hungry anymore.

"Yeah." Gatomon took another bite. She knew a meal and rest was important. Even if she didn't feel like it, she knew to keep her strength up. "But we should plan... come up with..." Before something slapped her over her lips.

"Shhhhh!" Patamon hissed. A wing was around Gatomon's mouth, silencing her. He had far better hearing than Gatomon. Of course his ear-wings were half the size of his body.

Gatomon kept her mouth shut as they scuttled to the bushes. A moment later the feline saw why. The sex zombies shuffled down the path. They walked... in an odd lurching fashion. Even though the moved with a purpose in mind they didn't stop fucking. A female Snowagumon had her legs wrapped around a normal orange skinned Agumon's waist. He was fucking her up the cunt as they walked down the row. She spurted precum randomly on his hairless orange chest as Agumon carried her down the path. A Tentomon, the bug insect was fucking a Salamon, Gatomon's rookie form, up the ass doggy style. Salamon continued to walk on all fours with a look of mindless bliss on her face.

"What was that?" Gatomon hissed once they had passed. She took another sniff at Patamon's ear. Damn... he smelt good. Sorta like oranges... She twisted a bit. Other things to worry about!

"A migration." Patamon pulled his ears. "It happens pretty much when an entire city is infected. Everyone just starts heading to the mountains there." Patamon pointed with his front paw to a giant mountain in range. "We can't figure out why... some digimon tried scouting but they never come back."

Gatomon thought for a moment. That mountain looked familiar. Very familiar "I know that place..." She looked to Patamon. "You said there were dozens of theories and stories. Were any of them involving an odd digiegg?" She put her claw in the dirt and drew an egg with two horns on the side and what looked like an upside down heart.

The digimon's eyes went wide. "Yeah.... I remember a Bearmon told me about that! Even drew me a picture kinda like that. Blamed the whole thing on himself." Patamon looked up. "We dismissed him as a nutcase. There's always some crackpot who thinks..."

"Tell me about it."


In this dimension years ago...

A brown furred bear digimon wearing a purple baseball cat facing backwards marched into the cavern holding a torch. "I don't think this is a good idea." Bearmon replied as he marched through the eerily silent tunnel. "I mean, there's a reason no one goes in these caves."

"Yeah. Superstition." Psychemon replied. He was the boss of the little gang. A carbon copy of Gabumon except his skin was violet and the stripes on his pelt were a dark purple. Even he felt uneasy, like he should not be hear but he pretended not to show it. "If you wanna run off with your tails between your legs, do so." He turned around and pointed a green claw to the rest of his gang. Mostly rank and file Gazimon. A half dozen of them, four males and two females. Grungy, dirty rookies covered with scars, piercings, and bar fight wounds. A pretty pathetic start but hopefully he could find something in these caves worth enough coin to help finance him.

The Gazimons didn't say anything. They were a motley crew of half brain0dead but still decently strong minions collected around town. Thugs. Criminals. And only ones dumb enough to be up here where most of the locals wouldn't go.

The crew held torches up high as they followed the winding caverns. Something in their very code told them to avoid this place. But Psychemon spurred them on with promise of treasure and threats of failure. "Come on you cowards. I hear you whimpering like baby digimon!" The colourful pudgy digimon felt nervous himself, but kept a stern face.

The crew came to a large cavernous room. The place had an... unnatural feeling. Like no digimon should be here. "WE should leave..." Bearmon took a step back to the entrance of the cave. A cold wind seemed to blow through the cavern that seemed to touch his soul.

"No wait!" Psychemon was about to agree when he saw something on a stone altar. A digi-egg. Usually nothing special. Any digimon couple could have one if they were lucky enough. "Look... something is special about that egg." The egg looked more of a silver crown with wings with a fancy upside down on heart in it. "Never seen an egg like that before." The light red skinned digimon moved forward even as his Gazimon allies stood rooted in place.

"Pscyhemon!" The grey furred bear called out at the entrance. "This is wrong... we should..." Bearmon tried to stop him, but the leader of the band had placed his hand on the egg.

At that very moment the heavens cracked open. A blast of energy, not seen in this world, came from another dimension. It struck Psychemon on his horn the moment he touched the egg. The egg suddenly broke. A long crack grew down the middle and spilt the engraved heard down the center.

Psychemon's mouth was open in a wordless scream. His body began to warp, expanding. His skin began to turn a bright white. His hands turned to black cloven hooves. His entire self grew, losing his Buddha belly and becoming muscular. His tail turned to a blond equine tail, the back of his head sprouting an identical mane. His horn grew to a long sharp red point as he became Unimon, one of the only Champion digimon ever to grace this world. That alone might have been enough to shock and awe the group. But what was more impressive that under the horse digimon was a black flared cock over two feet long and as hard as a rock.

One of the Gazimons looked down at the giant cock. "What is going...."

The Gazimon never got a chance to answer. "Gahhhhh!" Unimon let out a triumphant orgasmic roar. His fire hose of a dick shot an impossible amount of cum out. A barrel of semen splattered the half dozen Gazimon who were closest to them.

Only Bearmon was fortunate enough to be far enough away from the semen attack. He still had to jump a foot back as a huge dose of white goo hit the ground where he was just a moment ago. "What the hell?!" He scooted back from the puddle of expanding jizz on his big furry butt and into a corner behind one of the stalagmites.

The Gazimon group were wiping the spunk from their eyes and coughing out the horse first. Then a transformation took place... instead of spitting out the jizz, the digimon began to lap the fluid off their bodies. One Gazimon got down on his hands and knees and started to lap the cum off the stone floor like a dog. His tail was hiked up high, exposing his butt to everyone. And his canine shaft was hard as a rock. He didn't even note when he got aroused, nor did he care anymore.

One of the females was licking the semen off her black claws like bacon grease. It was the tastiest thing she had ever had in her life. Like ambrosia. She saw the lanky Gazimon male bent over to slurp up the stray cum. "Mmmmm...." She cleaned her last claw and walked over to her partner. Her dick was throbbing hard. Her dick? Had she always had a cock? She looked down and for a moment, wondered when and where she got this? A red throbbing penis with a small knot was on the base, where her clit once was. "When..." She started to ask... but saw that wonderful puckered asshole. Her dick spurted a little pre on to the ground, and she knew what she had to do.

The male Gazimon was lapping up the cum like a thirsty dog. But he was rapidly running it out. Suddenly he let out a yelp as something was unceremoniously shoved up his once virgin asshole. Five minutes ago he would have torn someone's throat out for that and pissed on the body. But that was five minutes ago. "Errr yeah... fuck me... cum in me..." He stood on all fours as his asshole was pounded by a horny hermaphrodite. All he wanted now, more than anything, is to be fucked. The large cock pushed into his prostate hard and wonderfully. It didn't take long for him to let out a howl and start to spurt his load all over the ground. Normally he didn't have such a hair trigger, but he had never been so aroused and so needy before. "Ohhh yeah... cum... cum..." He repeated mindlessly as he released three times his normal discharge on to the rocky floor. His orgasm lasted a good minute... but even after it passed it left him wanting more. "More... fuck me more...." He begged shamelessly.

The female Gazimon was more than happy to comply. She just rammed that slick dick of hers into the male over and over. "Yeah... tight. Tight ass. Nice tight ass..." She moaned as she slammed in as hard as she could. The sphincter stretched lewdly over her cock as he took her to the base. "Fuck, hard, ass...." She moaned random words that sprung to her mind. It was an odd fog right now in her mind. Like her higher thoughts were muddled, disappearing. The more primal act of mating just was her soul focus right now as she had her first male orgasm

The other female had grown a penis herself. A decent sized crimson shaft that replaced her clit. She was currently shoving in another Gazimon's mouth repeatedly. The male wasn't that good of a cock sucker, but the female was so sensitive. The brand new organ didn't need too much stimulation before she was force feeding the Gazimon thug a good cup full of sperm. He drank it all down like a fine wine. He kept sucking for a long time after word as if he was dying for thirst. The female pulled her dick from between his black lips. The male kept his mouth open wide, like a dog begging for treats. "Cum... more... cum..." He begged shamelessly.

"No..." The female pulled the Gazimon up roughly by his bunny ear. "I want... feed me..." She got down on her knees in front of the grungy male. He too was sporting a massive erection. She opened her mouth and eagerly took the penis in her mouth. He was already dripping a storm of precum and the flow just increased something fierce. She was a far better cock sucker than he was. Of course she had way more practice.

"Uhh yes... drink... drink cum..." The grey digimon grabbed a hold of the female's long ears like bicycle handles and rammed himself deep into her throat. His gray furry crotch smacked against her nose rather forcefully. Her nose ached a bit, but it was lovely pain. She gagged just a bit on the decent length and rough entry, but soon relaxed. It was long till he returned he returned her favour and emptied his furry nutsack worth of semen into her wanting maw.

The final two males were servicing the lord and master now. They were both under the white unicorn's belly. His black cock was massive; no way could it fit into a mere rookie. But there were other ways of serving a well hung stallion. One Gazimon had the dick in his mouth sideways and way moving his maw back and forth as if he was going through the motion of eating a cob of corn. He left a saliva ridden trail over the jet black shaft. He slurped all the way down to the flared head, sticking his tongue right in the throbbing pisshole before moving his black lips down to the base again.

The other Gazimon was amusing himself with the black balls that hung like two giant pieces of fruit. He licked and rubbed his furry face all over the sweaty testicles. His claws danced around the small bumps that peppered the nut sack. This got a deep and satisfying whinny from the Unimon. He certainly enjoyed having his dangling orbs played with. "Err please me... please the shaft...." He grunted in his new, deeper voice. Everything about him had changed right now, his entire body rewritten down to the very digital code. His penis was almost as big as he used to be. So many new sensations and feelings in the enormous cock of his. And the odd... glowing sensation that was burning in him. He couldn't stop cumming even if he wanted to.

The Gazimon who was pleasing the Unimon's shaft got hit face first with the initial shot. How gooey cum poured down his face like runny syrup and down on to the cave for. It was the greatest feeling in the world right now to the cock sucking rookie. He opened his mouth as wide as he could and stuck his tongue out in order to catch some more of the impressive load. Semen splattered on the back of his mouth. He gulped it down eagerly and opened his maw once more to collect more. Still most of it was splattered to his chest and own throbbing cock. His front half was painted white and stuck to him like a second skin.

Bearmon just stood in the back in mute wonder at the massive orgy that happened in front of him. It just... happened out of nowhere. He got up slowly, taking a step towards the mouth of the cave. His brown foot paw happened to knock over a decent sized stone, setting off a bit of a rattle. Barely noticeable. But noticeable enough.

The Gazimon squad, still erect, the males and females, all turned towards the furry bear digimon. In their lust filled hazed, they had forgotten about him. "Fresh.... Fuck holes...." And all of them leapt toward their sexual prey.


"He made it out obviously of the cave, if the story was true. He said the six Gazimon chased him for kilometers... until they ran into some campers." Patamon continued to relay the story... as much as he could remember. He had heard so many of them over the years. Though the Bearmon's, before he was turned, was the most detailed. And the most vivid. "He kept saying it was that blasted egg over and over..." He turned to look at his feline traveling partner and stopped talking.

"The digi-egg of love." Gatomon walked around in a circle, thinking. "And the champion Unimon as you put it? I think has the magic power we are looking for. The feline dug into her backpack. "Short version is we are looking for Gomamon's magic powers. One of the missing ones can heal any injury and give you unlimited stamina. But a side effect? It can make a guy instantly horny again. Insta-viagra."

"Gatomon?" Patamon said in a squeaky voice.

"Oh yeah, you probably don't have Viagra in this world." She pulled out the dragon statute. One of the four heads began to glow red. Gomamon and the power must be in the same direction... the mountain. "Damn... Gomamon must be heading to the mountain as well. Going to be hard enough with who knows how many rookie digimon. But a super powered seal?" Gatomon replaced the statue in her bag. "But if we are stealthy enough... maybe we can find the egg...."

"Gatomon?" Patamon's ears dropped as he spoke a little louder. "Look at your legs...."

The feline looked down.... A stream of clear juiced leaked out of her cunt and down her left leg. And her penis was semi-hard. A barbed red thing of around four inches. It looked rather cute. Her penis. "Ah... hells..."

Patamon took a step back. "You're... infected." He placed his jaw on the ground. "You're one of them."

Gatomon with a cock. Quite a bit of porn of her as a him. Course in the original series? They though Gatomon was a him because she had a masculine voice. One more chapter!

To Contact me? Msn is [email protected] Aim is mrredrover Yahoo is [email protected]

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