Krystal's Torment - Chapter 6 - Live Show

Story by MrRedRover on SoFurry

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#6 of Vixentamer's Krystal Series

Tentacle Rape for all! Poor Krystal is getting abused yet again. Everyone loves to see the vixen in such terrible situations! Thanks for Vixentamer for the picture and NFRB for comissioning.

And the next part of the Krystal's Torment! This is probably my most popular series I admit. Or near the top. Should do more with her I suppose. Anyway, again this is based on a picture by Vixen tamer as per usual! A shorter one. It is hard to write for tentacle porn for so long before it tends to get old. But I haven't done a tentacle porn story for a long time. Well... unless you count the plant digimon Palmon from other series I write.


Krystal's Torment Chapter 6: Live Show

(Krystal/Tentacles and random customers)


Krystal stood on the stage. At least a hundred eyes were on here, probably more in the dark back that she couldn't see. The smell of illicit intoxicating substance wafted even up to this stage, mingling with that of fermented beverages. The bar was quite packed now. It must be the busier part of the day. Travelers from a dozen different worlds played quite well for the shows here. Hebi, the metal armed snake man was well known for exotic one-of-a-kind specimens at his bar, vainly named Hebi's Fire. She was buck naked right now. The normal usually trappings of her loincloth and ornamental jewelry had all been removed. She was told they would be a 'danger' towards her. That alone filled her with a bit of worry. But she looked brave. She didn't try and cover herself or blush or anything.

Drunken furry men shouted out at the stage, eager for the show to begin. More than once of the customers had rented one of the girls who worked her to sit with them. Krystal could see in the dim light her mouse friend Whisper sitting next to the panther she had served earlier. Her blind mouse companion had her slender pink fingers in the pants of the feline's jump suit. Her forearm was moving up and down in a constant motion. It was pretty clear what she was doing. No one seemed to mind. More than one girl was pleasuring their client. Somewhere giving hand jobs, others where kneeling under the job and orally delighting the cocks. The fat pig from earlier had taken some poor tiger girl as was fucking her. The big-titted tiger was sitting on his lap and just riding a rather small cock on one of the booths off to the side. Absolutely no shame whatsoever. Given half a second she could probably cut the fat waste of flesh in quarters and use his body to fertilizer the fields back home... but this damn collar...

"Ladies and Gentlemen! Well, mostly Gentlemen." There was a little bit of a laugh from the mostly distracted crowd. Hebi continued to speak unseen from the background. "Many of you got a chance to see our newest creature. A beautiful vixen from the all too appropriate named Dinosaur planet. A proud warrior brought to you here for you own sick amusement!" The snake laughed a bit at his own joke.

Krystal didn't respond. The buildup was more annoying than anything. To be frank she wasn't too worried. The Lizardmen were vile and destructive. She was amazed she didn't succumb to their claws and teeth during one of their many drunken orgies. Only the fact the General enjoyed her kept her with the tiniest bit of protection. But Hebi? Was all about money apparently. And she was worth money. Enough to risk his own life and profit smuggling her from the Sharpclaw army. He wouldn't damage her to any significant degree. Pain? She could handle that. Possibly humiliation, though if the snake merchant thought that parading her in front of the crowd naked would break her, he was sorely mistaken.

"Anyway, the little minx here needs some breaking in." Hebi continued speaking after a moment. Krystal didn't seem like she would budge or cry or anything. No matter. The show would go on no matter what. "So we broke out an old pet. Yes we haven't seen in it since we swiped it from the planet Hentalia. It was just too rough on my poor girls... but Krystal here is no mere girl. She is a warrior!' There was another loud cheer from the crowd. Many of them seemed to know what Hebi was talking about

Krystal hated the way she was mocked with the word warrior there. She was a true fighter, neutered by the blasted collar around her neck. Suddenly, glass walls erupted out of the ground around her. She took a step back in surprise, more from shock from actual fear. She took a tentative step forward and put her claws on the see through wall. Diamondium Plexiglas. The same stuff they used on space ships though she didn't know that. All she knew is that the material, while transparent was tough. She wrapped her knuckled on the dense material and it didn't even buckle. A perfect little cage. "Well?" Krystal called out loudly, her voice muffled. "Get on with it." She growled a bit. Hebi just didn't not command the fear and respect the general did. At least General Scales was a powerful warrior and strong as the mountains. The mechanical armed snake was a weakling with some odd bits of technology the blue fox did not understand. Take that away and he was but prey.

But the prey was in charge now. The merchant snake had the shock collars on all the girls, guards, and they were on a space station with no escape. "And now, from the depth of Hentalia. I give you the tentacle beast Hentatendrilites!" Hebi called out loudly with much fanfare.

The floor opened up across from the tattooed vixen. A snake slowly slithered out of the giant black hole. No, not a snake. It was more of a tentacle. A deep purple on one side with a layer of hairy little feelers on the underside that wiggled rapidly. Another one of these tentacles came out of the hole... and another. And another. A massive mound of wiggling flesh crawled and flopped out of the abyss. Somehow, and Krystal wasn't sure how, the mass moved towards here. She could see no eyes, no ears, and no mouth. Just a large ball of these long appendages. How could it sense here? She moved to the left, pressing her body against the glass tightly. The audience got a perfect view of her blue rump as she tried to move stealthily away from the approaching alien.

"No one knows if the Hentatendrilites, as the natives call it, is one hive mind of tentacles or a colony of creatures. The being is just too bizarre for science to understand. All we know it is driven to impregnate the local wild life with its seeds." Hebi snickered as Krystal narrowly dodged one of the

tentacles. The beast left a long smear of thick slime across the glass cage. "Don't worry. The biology of our vixen is far different from the wilds where our beast resides. But that doesn't mean the Hentatendrilites won't stop trying!"

There were more shouts outside the cage as Krystal began to move faster. Somehow this creature could track her. Maybe sound? Vibrations? Whatever it was the tentacle mass continued to follow her in the tight confines of her enclosure. She could hear the crowd. Some of them wanted the beast to grab her and start the show. Others seemed to have bets on how long she could dodge the creature. She tuned them out as she tried to jump over the slimy alien being. She almost made it too. But her large furry tail was encircled with a strong grip and she was pulled out of the sky into the belly of the beast. There was a loud splat as she landed on her back in the mound of squirming mess. It was surprisingly soft, rubbery yet an odd sort of wet. Not like water... an odd mucus like slime that was mostly white but with the slightest green tinge to it that sparkled in the right light. She quickly tried to get on her hands and knees to escape her predator. She didn't get too far. Two of the tentacles wrapped around her calves in a tight grip. Not enough to break bones or even bruise but it was a firm hold. She twisted left and right in the mass but couldn't shake the grip. "Let go!" She snarled although she knew in her mind the beast couldn't understand. She reached down with her left arm and grabbed the tentacle on her left leg and tried to pull it off. To no avail. She couldn't get a decent hold on the slimy appendage. She tried clawing at it next in anger. Her blunt yet strong claws raked over the tentacle. But her fingers bounced off. Whatever this beast was made of was strong. Tougher than the hide of the strongest beast on her native world.

The crowd was certainly enjoying the spectacle. Not only did they see the live show, but there were several cameras around the stage. The live feed videotaped from a dozen angles so that they could see every incoming violation of the fox. Giant monitors around the stage and stationed in various places around the bar broadcasted the tentacles beginning their molestation of the poor victim. Even in the bathroom the monitors continued showed the display. It was not uncommon for someone to go to take a piss and just end up watching the show and jacking off. Or even taking one of the girl's in with them. As long as the client spent his money, then anything goes.

The merchant snake hissed softly. He was enjoying the display as well as he sat in the control booth. He had a little skybox with one way glass so he could see the entire scope of the bar. More screens in his control room showed every inch of Hebi's fire. The slave pens, the kitchens, even the bathrooms. There were no secrets here. Though right now his eyes were firmly locked on his newest servant in the glass tank. His tiny tail thumped softly on the ground. His tail flicked in and out randomly. It was truly arousing. It had been some time since he threw one of his girls to the Hentatendrilites. The ultimate punishment he had. He didn't like hurting the slave permanently. Beatings, starving, and so on took a toll on sex slaves. He needed his girls nice and healthy. The clients wanted their girls to look like they were in their prime. Not to mention injuries took time to heal. And a slave that was unable to work wasn't making him money. Worse, he still had to feed and shelter his prostitutes. Spending money unnecessarily went against every fiber of his being. It was far better to find a way to punish the trouble makers and make money.

After a few minute, Hebi continued to narrate the show. "Now a little lesson on xeno biology of this truly magical creature." The snake hissed into the microphone, extending his s long and far. "The slimy residue that coats the tentacles is full of spores. In the native fauna, these spores would infect the host, and after weeks of eating the prey from the inside out for nutrients, the being would die, and a new Hentatendrilites would burst forth." The mechanical armed snake chuckled some more as Krystal sat up in the mass. Another tentacle wrapped her right arm and pulled her down on her back once more with a wet splotch. "As I said before... Krystal's biology is far too different for it to work. But the creature will attempt to implant the spores deep into the vixen."

"You accursed...mmmmphhh!" Another tentacle moved with surprising speed into her open mouth. The taste was foul. Incredibly salty with a musky, almost burnt taste. She tried to spit out the tentacle at first but of course it didn't work. She could feel the tiny little tendrils rub against her tongue like a thousand tiny little feet. Biting was as ineffective as clawing was. Her sharp fangs only made little dents in the purple hide but couldn't even leave a permanent mark. All it succeeded in doing was make her jaw sore as she gnawed on in vain. The tentacle continued to inch its way down her throat. The slimy appendage moved down the back of her throat. She began to gag a bit. Her eyes watered as she attempted to lift her head. Another tentacle wrapped around her neck and pulled her down again to restrict her movement even more. She began to feel light headed before she remembered to breathe her nose. She felt like she was going to throw up as the tentacle crawled down inside of her deeper. But she forced the bile back down. She refused to allow the last bit of dignity being taken away from her.

The tentacle pumped in and out of her maw a bit. The slime excreted from almost invisible pores on the hide of the beast. She could feel the ooze leak down her throat and into her belly. It was a sickening feeling as she was force fed ooze. More tentacles began to poke around her head. She felt the ends poke around her head trying to find another orifice to slide into. One tentacle poked in her rather large triangular ear. It made her wince as more of the slime leaked into her ear canal. She tried to turn her head away even as the other tentacle continued to move repeatedly in her maw.

The crowd was reaching a frenzy as the tentacle rape was really starting to go on now. Many of the clients were enjoying the show with the company of others. Whisper, the blind roommate of Krystal was serving a panther pilot. The mouse was sitting next to the black furred pilot Panther Caroso. The same partner that Krystal first served when she arrived in Hebi's bar days ago. Her sensitive pink fingertips slid over the decent sized barbed shaft in strong broad strokes. She couldn't see her work but with her experience she didn't need to. She could tell from the sounds from her partner, the dripping of precum down her hand and on to the floor she was making her client happy. She too let out a little groan as she felt a finger inside of her tight little snatch. The panther had a thick black finger up inside of her. Not very subtly. The panther was doing it more for his own amusement than her pleasure. She groaned loudly as she arched her head back. She didn't really feel any pleasure. She was fucked so much and so constantly that she got little pleasure from males anymore. It was a job for her. Not even a job... a way of life for a sightless sex slave. But she knew her clients like a good show so Whisper moaned and squirmed, pretending like the digit boring deep inside her loins was giving her untold pleasure.

Whisper knew her new friend was being subjected to that terrible beast. She had experienced it three times before. A horrible experience, especially to one who was blind. The massive mound of slimy tentacles sliding all over her, probing her, violating her. And it took a good week before she got that smell out of her soft fur. Even longer till she managed to remove every trace of alien gunk that was pumped inside of her orifices. It was hard on the slaves so Hebi didn't break it out too often, despite how much the clients paid for the premium show. It was a horrible feeling... but she was thankful when one of the girls choked to death. The death was tragic... but Hebi decided that the risk was too great. A dead sex slave couldn't earn gold. So he placed the beast away... until now. Krystal was a tough warrior. She should be fine. But the grey mouse still said a silent prayer to her god that the vixen would be all right.

Krystal was trying to keep calm even as she was throat fucked hard. Her jaw ached. It felt like it would dislocate at any moment. She couldn't even hear very well anymore. The tentacles couldn't seem to figure out her ears weren't another orifice. More tentacles poked around body. She tried to close her legs but the tentacles around her legs kept herself nicely exposed for both the tentacle beast and the crowd. They moved like snakes over her furry hide. Her blue fur began to get matted down with the strange slime till what she dreaded finally happened. One of the tentacles sliding down her inner thighs found her open snatch. The tentacle began to slide inside of her with relative ease. The appendage wiggled around, moving in inch by inch in her sensitive place. The slimy ooze leaked inside and out. It looked like she wet herself as the beast continued its rape.

The blue fox tried again to escape, arching her back as far as she could to throw of her attacker. Which turned out to be a big mistake. All she did was expose her asshole for a moment. When she went back down another appendage slid inside her bowels. The blue fox let out a muffled whimper as she started to get penetrated from both holes now. And deep. The tentacles moved like worms burrowing through the ground. Farther than a penis ever could. She felt sick as she was violated deeply. The little feels on the bottom of the tentacles squirmed as the moved far inside of the unwilling girl. Warm goo continued to ebb from the pores to fill every space inside of her that wasn't already crammed full of the alien beast. Still more of the ooze was drained into her gut. Her belly even began to expand a little as she was force fed the alien baby maker. Her struggles began to subside. The tentacles were deceivingly strong. And all her fighting managed to do was put on a good show for the amusement of the space traveling crowd.

The audience was spending money like it was going out of style. A dozen different currencies from a hundred worlds were given to the waitress for drinks, food, drugs, and of course women. Hebi knew his bar attracted space fearing beings from all corners of this quadrant of the galaxy. It was complicated, but the snake made sure any sort of currency would be taken here. Money, whether it was gold, credits, or in one case, an odd silvery insect that was used for food as well as money... well it was all good here. Hebi smiled as Krystal's first experience with a truly exotic life form continued. He continued to gaze upon the poor fox as every major orifice was stuffed to the breaking point with tentacles. He would stop it of course the moment he thought the blue fur's life was in any sort of true danger. But as for now, he would enjoy this show. He let out another deep his as he began to spurt cum from both of his spikey reptilian cocks. He had two felines currently suckling the reptile spunk

greedily as they had been trained to do. Identical twins with mirror image patterns of spotted black and white fur. They were called Yin and Yang. Sexy little numbers he bought from a dead beat dad who traded them pretty much for drugs and sex with hookers. He certainly made his money back from these girls over there years. Customers would pay a premium price for twins. "Mmm yes..." Hebi's tail wrapped one of the collared girl's waists and squeezed a bit. They didn't stop suckling, either of them. They were broken long ago. Their only life was serving their master with their bodies.

Whisper was in the same boat as the twins upstairs. She was fake-moaning as the finger slid in and out of her tight mousey snatch. She convulsed a bit, acting like she was in the thralls of orgasmic pleasure. She had learnt long time ago to oil herself up down there so she at least appeared wet and wanting. Hebi did keep the girls were supplied with a generous supply of lube. Bought in bulk quanties. Her partner Panther Caroso was cumming for real. It was harder for a male to fake it. Not that the feline had any reason to fake it. Hot cat sperm leaked down his shaft and on the slender pink fingers of the mouse and down his furry balls. He let out a deep purr as he leaned back to fully appreciate the skilled hand job. "Well down mousie." The pilot spoke in a deep voice.

"Thank you sir." The blind mouse smiled as she continued to stroke the barbed shaft. The gooey texture of the semen slid down the red dick. It was still pretty hard, and like a good forced prostitute she continued to pleasure the male as the show went on. She could hear Krystal muffled moans from the monitors and from the actual live show on the stage below. She wondered just how long Krystal would be subjected to the humiliating torture. Hebi only ever made more the slave stay with the beast for an hour at best. It must be getting close to an hour already...

But it didn't stop. A second hour passed. The third hour began to start. The beast was unending. It didn't seem to get tired. Krystal was hitting the dredges of her own energy. Even though she wasn't doing any of the work, being fucked by a relentless beast was exhausting. She stopped struggling long ago. The vixen just lay back and in the mass now. She was angry but beaten both physically and mentally. And the tentacle beast just didn't seem to stop or even slow down. The purple tentacles slithered inside her. The tendrils on the bottom tickled her insides ever so slightly as the feelers pistoned some more. Her jaw ached something fierce. Her lower region had gone from painful to numb half an hour go. She could sort of feel the motions of tentacles inside of her but she had no feeling. Her entire region was pins and needles. Perhaps the odd alien cum had a sort of slight anesthetic effect to it. But even the Lizardmen army had never fucked her so constantly before. There was at least a pause once and a while one of the lizard soldiers got off and another in between her legs. Right now she was starting to pass out. Her eyelids began to droop... her breathing slowed... Soon she was just an unconscious pile of slimy fur being bounced about like a rubber ball.

But the tentacles continued to pound continuously ... Even the crowd was beginning to grow bored at this point. The men were all drained. Whisper swallowed a final load from the black panther, adding the cum to the pool of spunk growing in her belly. Hebi in the upper box has both of the feline twin females bent over in front of them. Each of the felines was dripping snake sperm from the lower vaginas. The double dicked snake did both of the cats at the same time, one rough scaly dick in each of the girls. A difficult position to say the least but still enjoyable for the slave master. Hebi could see

from his vantage point as his dicks dripped a few more tiny droplets of almost clear spunk on the ground at the feline's dainty paws. "Hmmm perhaps that is enough... Even the fox has limits... what do you think girls."

Yin and Yang looked back for a moment. "Whatever you think is best sir." The identical twins had little concern for anyone else anymore except for each other. A few years of service to countless males made them emotionless to others. The hot little females merely stayed in position, nice and exposed, while the snake considered his position.

Hebi hissed a bit more and admired the lovely rumps in front of him before tapping a button. An odd green mist filled the entire glass receptacle. It was pollen from the Hentalia world where the creature was. And one the beast did everything to avoid. The tentacle beast began to wiggle rapidly in a rage. It retracted it's appendages from the overly used vixen. The tentacles flopped in the direction of the black hole it originally came from. It left a stream of the green tinged ooze on the stage floor as it rapidly retreated with a flurry of feelers.

Krystal lay on her back. Her fur was an utter mess. It stuck together in gooey clumps all over her body. More of the oddly coloured alien spunk leaked from all three of her holes. Her asshole and cunt were almost comically spread from the tentacles. The holes looked angry and raw. Her mouth was slightly agape. More of the ooze leaked out of her lips and down her barely fangs on to the floor making a saliva/ooze mix. Her eyelids fluttered slightly and her naked chest heaved up and down. She was alive. Completely out of it, but alive.

Hebi chuckled a bit as he brought the microphone to his scaled lips once more. "And let's all give a round of applause to our brave little soldier. She set a new record for the bar. Three hours and fourteen minutes!" There was some light cheers and clapping from down below. Not much. A good portion of the bar had passed out or was close to that point or taken a whore or two to one of the many backrooms for more private time. The snake would make excellent money from the night. Watching a poor vixen being utterly used and humiliate sent so many men in a tizzy. His whores would certainly be ravaged over and over. "Now we are going to take our vixen back for a little rest and relaxation. But I am certain some of you are more than eager to spend an hour or more with our tough little blue warrior. She's proven she can take it with the best of them!" More light hissing chuckles from the bar manager and scaly pimp. "So any of you who would like to... reserve our trooper, please talk to one of our many service workers. Not today though... Even our hard working girl needs her rest." One more laugh from the snake as he watched the tribal tattooed fox being dragged off by a pair of the guards.

"A satisfying day." Hebi had switched off the microphone. "Hopefully she'll learn her place after this... though I just may run her with the beast again. The profit margin is worth the risk I believe... but work can wait for a bit." The metallic armed snake gazed down to the girls once more. They still hadn't moved. "But perhaps one more round in you two." He reared himself up fully. His twin cocks were still fully erect. "Making money always puts me in the mood..." He hissed as he moved forward to violate the girls once more.


Another Krystal story done. I really need to step up my game. It is months between these stories even though the series is quite popular. Anyway, hope everyone enjoyed it. Please feel free to contact me and thank NRFB for commissioning it! Please feel free to contact me for chatting, advice, and so on. I enjoy chatting.

Also? Trying to decide what to do for my next story. A flashback to the Lizardman army raping her once more? Miyu, the female lynx from star fox two? Something else? Please feel free to vote or ask!

Aim is mrredrover Yahoo is [email protected]

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