The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 42 - Showdown

Story by MrRedRover on SoFurry

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#60 of The Twelve Talismans

And the final chapter with the Alternate verse trio. We will go back to the regular cast of Gatomon and Gomamon in the next chapter. Only four worlds left by the way before this series is over!

And the finale comes to a close! The almost-verse trio is in hot water once again! Impossible odds! Startling reveals! Forbidden love!

Remember chapters 40-42 are not the orignal cast , but the trio from the almost-verse previously seen in chapters 24-26. Sorry if that was confusing.


The Twelve Talismans: Dimensional Travels

Chapter 42: Showdown (Father Gabumon/Temptation)


"I hope you enjoyed listening in Gatomon." Agumon smiled as he turned the phone back toward him. Meanwhile, the dimension-hopping Gatomon took a step back toward the bedroom door. Then she realized she was in enemy territory... With a digimon who could digivolve to mega-level in a heartbeat. Running was useless.

"Oh, quite." The Nazi Gatomon spoke through the communicator. "I admit, this is something even I don't see every day. Well, besides mirrors. Certainly an experience."

"True. But I digress. You should back here. The others are on the way for Operation Endgame. I will see you soon, Gatomon." Agumon snapped the phone shut. He flash a wide grin to the scared snow white feline at the doorframe. "I admit... for a moment you had me fooled." Agumon walked towards Gatomon slowly. "I mean... you two are identical. Look, scent... every single detail." The orange reptile smiled. "I mean... You are our Gatomon. Not a shape shifter. Not another Gatomon... Actually I've never even met another one..."

"G... Gato punch!" Gatomon threw a wild punch. Leaning forward, off center. It was still powerful enough to shatter a boulder to gravel if it connected. But it didn't.

"More than a few things were off, though." Agumon made a quick step to the side, grabbed her wrist and pulled hard. "You never call me Herr Agumon. Not unless I tell you to, that is." A twist of Agumon's wrist and she went flying out of the room into the next. She collided with an oak panel desk causing it to overturn and send paper flying everywhere. "You never touch alcohol, but I smelt wine on your breath." He walked leisurely over to the cat as she began to get up. "That was my wine. I left it here with that Gloramon. Although you do not drink, I enjoy a nip now and then. And, last but not least... you've never turned me down for sex. Ever."

The feline shook her head. She wiped some papers off her face. "Sorry. I am taken." She mentally psyched herself up. She was a champion. Agumon was a rookie. She could do this... Her tail whipped out randomly to strike the dinosaur.

Agumon merely grabbed the tail and held fast. "And then there are your fighting skills or rather lack of them. Gatomon, the one I know that is, would tear me apart before I could blink, even if I were in my champion form." He yanked hard, throwing her into the wall. "I had trouble believing Gatomon would let herself get struck."

"Uhhh!" The plaster cracked, sending a picture of Hitler on the ground where it shattered in a spray of glass. Gatomon tried to get up but Agumon slammed a foot down on the back of her head.

"Stay." The orange digimon said with authority. "I do not want to hurt you, Doppelgatomon." Flames flickered in his mouth. "But I will if I have too."


It was nighttime and most of the freed prison camp was asleep, though there were several fake guards patrolling the parameter of the barbed wire fence to give the illusion of a Nazi enforced work camp. Father Gabumon knelt at the bed, eyes closed tightly in prayer. For Gatomon to be safe. For his mission to be successful. For the blessing of the eternal God...

"Are you done?"

"Yes." Father Gabumon got up and opened his eyes slowly. He had heard the feline enter, but she was gracious enough to let him finish. "I believe God is sending us through dimension to spread his word... it is my place. But sometimes his path is difficult. Like today." He sighed as he thought about Gatomon. "I know you cannot understand..."

Temptation smiled as she came and interrupted. "'Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.'" She purred as she came in. "John 4:8 was always a fave of mine."

The preacher mon was surprised to say the least. Even though the grey-furred cat did seem a little violent and flirtatious. "You know The Bible?" He turned to face the feline. He was always genuinely pleased to hear someone familiar with the scriptures: many Japanese were not aware of even the existence of the Bible.

"A fair bit." The feline grinned as she came forward, placing a paw on the purple shawl that adorned Father Gabumon's chest. She had been formed with encyclopedic knowledge of the Bible, presumably because of her demonic shape and background. Or maybe Gatomon had read it once and her devil recalled it? "A few verses I treasure but I would like to learn more... Let's see... 'Lead me in your truth and teach me.'" Temptation ran her paw over Gabumon's chest slowly. "'For you are the God of my salvation.'" She let out a little deep purr. "'For you I wait all the day long.'"

Father Gabumon shuddered a bit, squirming. He had never heard a digimon quote scriptures for... was she flirting with him? And such an attractive one. "You're... a Christian?" He squirmed slightly as some impure thoughts hit his mind.

"In a sense." Well, she was a Christian symbol after all, if twisted; the embodiment of temptation and envy. That was close enough for her. "I just thought you may want to talk a bit." The feline continued to rub Gabumon's left pec a bit. "I have a feeling you and Gomamon do not... agree on much of anything."

"He is a brave warrior... but I do not approve of his heathen ways." The pudgy preacher squirmed a bit more. He knew he ought to say something, but the primal side of him was starting to claw its way from the back of his mind.

Temptation continued to purr. "I wagered." The feline could sense Father Gabumon's deep needs... wants he kept so buried. And a darker secret buried even farther beneath. It was... tantalizing to her own deep needs: corrupting and bringing hidden desires to light. "I sense you need to speak to someone... perhaps give confession?" She purred. "I know I am not ordained, but hey, did the worlds you visit even have confessionals? The churches here are corrupt and vile perversion of the Nazi regime; you wouldn't want anything with them. I feel you need to talk to someone who understands you."

The horned digimon thought for a moment... He did need to confess to someone. Paying just didn't give him the answers he needed. "Yes. I do need to talk." His circumstances were dire... and this digimon did seem to know the way of the Lord.

"Then tell me..." She sat Gabumon down on the simple cot. The magical infused digimon got behind the preacher and began to rub his shoulders slowly. "You need to talk... a sympathetic ear." The natural gift of seduction in her voice wormed its way into the preacher's mind.

"Yes..." Gabumon closed his eyes. Temptation had such a soothing voice. "The worlds we've seen. Entire universes that have never heard of Jesus and the Lord." He went on as the paws caressed his body. "I couldn't believe it... God was not known to so many."

"But you've been spreading the Word haven't you? The noble preacher of God." Gabumon didn't notice where the paws were going, moving down his chest. "How many worlds know the Lord and Savior thanks to you?"

"I have..." Gabumon nodded as he leaned back into the warm furry chest. Her heartbeat was so relaxing. "I believe God doesn't want us to return to our home world. At least not yet... not until I finish my mission." The digimon had hardly ever had physical contact beyond a hug since his conversion. It never lasted more than a moment.

"Mmm hmmm..."Her entire body vibrated with a deep throaty purr. "Such good work you've done. I am sure your reward will be... just." The dark grey furred feline continued to speak. Saying just the right words.

Gabumon leaned back into his feline partner. She was so comforting and calming. He didn't even realize that the feline's paws had travelled south between his legs. She had skillfully plucked his yellow shaft from its hiding place. The pudgy digimon didn't even notice at first. Not until a few calm strokes managed to get him aroused. A blast of pleasure coursed through his very code. He let out a gasp and looked down. "Temptation?" He groaned in shock and awe, yet didn't move her paw away or try to stop her.

"Shhh, my noble little digimon." Temptation moved her paw up and down the throbbing and now dripping cock. "You've been tense. Angry. Questioning your mission. Even one as pious as you needs a respite." She kept whispering sweet nothings in his ear. Tempting a holy man... not the hardest thing in the world for one with her powers of corruption and seduction when a significant part of the entire religion was based on guilt, but it was a fun little side-project for her.

Gabumon didn't need much encouragement. He leaned back and let the cat continue pumping him. A thick gob of precum soon leaked down his cock. It made his yellow skin nice and slick. "Yes..." He moaned softly. He had used his own paw to pleasure himself in private. It was a sin, but even he needed relief once in a while. It helped deal with temptation. "Keep it up..."

"Oh I intend too." The devil slid down a bit and reached her head under Gabumon's left arm. She held on to the cock still with one of her strong paws and continued to masturbate him at the base. She then took the thick yellow tip of the lizard's prick inside of her mouth and began to suckle. He had such a strong taste, stronger than her Gabumon. She could virtually taste the need. A thousand years and more of total virginity... Such a delightful little morsel of sin!. Well not truly sin, but to the preacher Gabumon it was. And that was all that Temptation wanted.

Father Gabumon continued to moan loudly as he was suckled. His head arched back and he closed his eyes. He couldn't hold back very long. Gabumon masturbated once in a blue moon and never had sex before, let alone with someone as experienced as the demon. A mere minute of pleasure from the talented cocksucker and he blew his load inside the feline's mouth. "Holy..." He almost said something very un-priestly but caught himself just enough.

Temptation continued to drain the priest's balls. She made dainty little gulping noises as the semen slid down her throat. She didn't remove the shaft from her lips when she was done, though. She just kept working it with talented lips and cheeks. He was soft for hardly half a second before his second erection began to bulge between her lips. He was certainly pent up, and Temptation wasn't going to be satisfied with a mere blow job. She only took the saliva-slickened cock from her mouth to talk: "Mmm my little preacher..." She grinned softly. Her body never stopped purring as she slid around to Gabumon's front. Her fur caressed the yellow skin and patterned belly of her well hung lover as she ended chest to chest with the still horny yet confused pelt-clad evangelist. "Now... my turn." She was half hunched up with the hard cock standing straight up. She was wet between her legs as well. True, she was doing this because her entire body was hardcoded for the corruption of others... but that didn't mean getting a nice yellow dick up her snatch wasn't pleasurable.

"I've... never..." The preached managed to choke out as he felt his thick dick head press against the fuzzy labia. He probably would have gone over the edge right there if he hadn't cum once already just moments ago.

"You will." Temptation flatly replied as she sat down. She felt herself get spread nice and wide. The yellow cock was thick with an almost stubby look as it jetted at a slight angle under the big Buddha belly. "Ohhh, hallelujah!" She couldn't help but groan out as she effortlessly took the entire length inside of her body.

"Oh sweet Jesus." Pure instinct took over. Gabumon reached around and grabbed the taut little ass of the grey furred devil Gatomon. Her tail whipped around back and forth slowly as she began to pump like a piston on the brightly-coloured dick. He pulled her closer toward him so he could bury his face into her neck. She smelt so good... he had never been so close, so intimate with a female. All the teachings about sin and saving oneself for marriage was all out the stained glass window.

"Rrrr... sweet baby Jesus indeed!" The cat said a little lower as the simple cot began to creak with the pressure of two small yet overly strong digimon mating on top of it. Temptation wrapped her legs around Gabumon and squeezed. The well hung male let out a gasp and groaned, rewarding the girl with a shot of pre deep inside of her. He probably couldn't stop now if he wanted too. His strong hands gripped the furry ass cheeks so tightly he left little bruises under the fur. Not that Temptation minded having it a little... rough. She was getting her jollies fully right now. "Ohhh yes... yes..." Temptation wrapped her arms around Gabumon's thick neck and held his face in her neck. "Come on... come on..." She egged him forward. She felt that wonderful orgasm begin to go through her. "Ohhh Gabumon... ... c'mon!" She said the words more hurriedly now as she squeezed the bible thumper tighter.

"God!" Gabumon blew his load for a second time that night, and for the first time inside of an actually female. The pleasure was overwhelming. So intense he almost passed out from sheer exhaustion.

"Fill me... yes fill me." Temptation rode him out through the entire orgasm to extend her own. Gods it felt so good. For both of them. They pulled each other close. Their moans of pleasure slowly died down. The smell of sweat and sex filled the air. It was so strong in Father Gabumon's sensitive snout. And it smelt so sweet...

"Gabumon!" Gomamon burst into the room without knocking. "Get out here now!" He took in the scene but didn't otherwise react or say anything about it.

"Gomamon!" The pudgy digimon's large cock pulled out of the feline's tight cunt. He tried to cover himself but his member till dribbled like a leaky faucet. Digimon spunk gushed from Temptation as she was unceremoniously pushed off Father Gabumon's lap. "Why didn't you... I mean..." He babbled.

"Couldn't care less!" The seal interrupted. He really couldn't. "Both of you, get outside now!" He turned around and ran back out of the room. "Someone's coming! And it's not the pizza guy!"


The entire camp was up in arms. Humans were hiding, many fleeing to the hillside. The few digimon protectors--a scattering of rookies--formed a semi-circle with Weregarurumon in the center. Even Hawkmon was there hovering overhead... Ready to fight even as a mere rookie. Which almost looked comical... Seeing as they were surrounding Agumon. But they all knew he was the most powerful digimon anywhere. A mega digimon in a tiny package.

The dinosaur stood there, relaxed as he looked at the werewolf. "Der Wulf." He smiled as he casually looked over the grey-eyed ultimate. "A pleasure to meet such a fine specimen of a digimon." He looked behind him as Temptation flew out. "And Der Kobold too!." He stood there in his immaculate uniform, still not moving. "Such a unique creature." Agumon watched as another Weregarurumon came running out of the building with a Gomamon on his back.

The seal leapt off his ally flying in mid-air to make his entrance. "And I thought you Nazis frowned on anything out of the norm." Gomamon disappeared in a ray of green light and landed on the ground in the form of a humanoid whose body was made of molten rock. His head was nothing but a blaze as the very ground melted around him. "Heat Blast!" He shouted as he threw out his arms, an inferno blasting around. "And before we begin this throwdown... I just want to point out I am an atheist, alien DNA-infused, pre-marital sex-loving bisexual." The fire alien held out a finger. "So remember that when you get your ass kicked by a queer."

This made Agumon laugh. He brought a claw to his eye and wiped away a mock tear. "And such powerful allies." He snickered some more and held up his hands. "Fortunately for you all, I happen not to be here to fight."

"And we are supposed to believe that?" Father Garurumon snarled a bit... still a bit shaken from getting caught in such a compromising position. At least he had a distraction for now.

"If I had wanted to fight, I would have come in as a Mega digimon, with my allies, and an army. Or maybe just carpet-bombed this entire camp from the sky. I also happen not to believe in fairness, much less unneeded bravado, you see."

Gomamon just stood there, ground melting around his feet. "How'd you find us?" Temptation spoke up as she flapped her bat wings slowly.

"Find you?" Agumon laughed again. "You seriously think you can just take over a prisoner camp, release dozens of political prisoners and remain secret? I knew about this within a week."

The dark imp continued to hover. "Then why allow us to slaughter your troops?" Temptation asked as she flapped the bat wings behind her.

"You can't expect me to explain every detail now? This is a conversation best made in private... with more... formal an atmosphere." The powerful dinosaur digimon smiled. "Which is why I invite you to meet Hitler, and the Elite Four, in person, at the Tower."

"Seriously?" Gomamon cocked his head. Flames licked the sky as he crossed his arms. "And we are supposed to trust you not to kill us the moment we come in?"

"At this point, make no mistake, I can have you all killed any time whether or not you come. More importantly..." Agumon casually dug into his front pocket... everyone tensed up... as he pulled out a familiar golden ring. "One of your number is already in attendance." He flung the golden trinket to the ground where it rolled to a stop at Gomamon's feet.

Gomamon shrank down to his normal seal self and jumped out of the circle of vitrified earth with an undignified yelp before picking up the piece of jewelry with a claw. "If you hurt her..."

"She's a bit bruised, but she did attack first." Agumon shrugged. "Other than that, she is fine, though hardly the best specimen of a digimon, unlike our Gatomon. But we do not harm digimon if possible." The orange rookie turned on his heel. "The Tower. Twenty hundred. Military time. Do be punctual." And with that he walked off down the road.


Several hours later night had fallen over the eerily dead city. Gomamon walked down the street, taking the lead. His allies, Temptation and the two Gabumon, were with him. "Shouldn't we sneak in?" Father Gabumon asked as they headed to the tower.

"They know. And there's something... more to this." Temptation purred softly. "He's hiding something... I can sense it."

"How?" Gomamon asked as they moved down the eerily empty street. The Nazis implemented a city wide curfew. And everyone obeyed without a word. But the law didn't apply to the four at the moment.

"Call it... women's intuition." The winged feline's tail slowly wrapped around her. "I have a thing about... secrets."

"Well... just remember the plan, Temptation." The seal looked up to the cat. "I really doubt this is going to end well... I doubt I could last five minutes against the likes of the Elite Four."

The cat ran a claw over Gomamon's cheek once. "Oh I've seen you in action, cutie. I reckon you'd last longer with any one of them." She purred. Gabumon merely growled as he looked down at the sea mammal.

They continued on their way... Father Gabumon coming up to Gomamon. "About... before..."

"I don't care." The seal replied without looking back.

"It was a moment of weakness."

"Seriously... I. Do. Not. Care. And even less so right now." Gomamon repeated himself.

"But..." Father Gabumon started to explain his actions again.

"Listen!" Gomamon snapped and turned around and pressed a claw to Gabumon's chest. "I am not going to preach to you. I am not going to tell Gatomon, or lecture you on the hypocrisy of it all. What you and another consenting fur do in the bedroom is your own fucking business and no one else's! I just hope to your god that you would apply that standard to everyone!" He turned back and headed to the large ornate doors of the Tower... two digimon in Nazi garb, a Flamedramon and a Shurimon, opened them and saluted.

Gomamon resisted the urge to flip them off. The foursome continued toward the elevators, where bad music was inflicted upon them as it ascended. "Wow... and gospel music no less. Truly this place is evil." Gomamon grumbled half jokingly, trying to ignore Gabumon humming into the tune. The elevator opened onto the top floor, which had no walls, or rather, only windows, giving them a 360 view of the entire city. Nazi flags hung from the ceiling all over. A red carpet made its way to an impressive oak chair the center of the room, expertly carved, with a giant golden swastika perched on top. Around were the Elite Four: Myotismon the albino vampire, Ladydevimon the porcelain-skinned demoness, Angewomon the six winged blonde and WarGreymon the robotic dinosaur. All were at attention in full Nazi garb... and sitting in the chair, was a withered old German man. His hair was white and he had a tiny moustache under his nose as he sat there. "Heil Hitler!" The four digimon did a Nazi salute towards the hundred-year old plus man.

"Heil Hitler." Gomamon did his own salute with a middle claw.

"I should have you executed for that seal." Hitler wheezed a bit. He had an IV in his arm and was hooked up to some weird sort of contraption to his chest. Still looking good for a guy who should be decades in the grave. "But my minions have said you may be worth keeping around."

"Yeah, I am sure an atheist, bisexual seal would fit right in here." The seal impatiently tapped the marble floor with his claw. "Gatomon. Now."

"Impertinent..." Hitler looked like he was going to rise from his chair... but WarGreymon place a hand on his frail shoulder.

"Patience my lord." The mega digimon spoke. "Gatomon?"

Another elevator, its door almost invisible, opened behind them... Gatomon was pushed out by some unseen hands. She stumbled a bit, looking a bit ragged but otherwise fine. "Goma! Gabu!" She rushed forward and gave them both hugs around the heads.

"We were worried about you little sis!" Gomamon smiled and hugged her back.

"Of course!" Gabumon took the gold ring he was keeping on his finger, and handed it back to Gatomon. "Did they hurt you?"

"No... I mean Agumon roughed me up... but only when I was trying to fight him." The feline admitted as she slipped the ring back on her tail.

"That is shameful. You really have to teach her how to fight." Angewomon tapped a leather boot on the ground with a dull thump. "I could take on five champions easily while Gatomon."

The seal let go of his family friend. "Yeah. I'll put that on my to-do list. Now to the heart of the matter. Why are we here?'

Hitler coughed a bit into a liverspotted hand. "The war goes well. The North American armies have for all intents and purposes been defeated. There are but a few spots of resistance left. My advisors here recommended recruiting you animals into our fold." Another ragged cough. The four digimon merely stood at attention. "I'd be willing to look past your... idiosyncrasies if you are powerful as they say." He eyed the bisexual seal, and then the Gabumon. "Though I would expect you not to wear such holy items in public, beast."

Gabumon's lip curled up to show his fangs. The seal glanced back. "That whole 'Thou shall not kill' thing is getting pretty hard to keep now that we're back in the superhero business, isn't it?"

"This offer is only on the table for the next five minutes." Hitler wiped a bit of drool from his wrinkled face. "If you refuse, the Elite will kill you."

"Yeah, I don't think I even need five seconds." Gomamon growled. "I don't care if you four are the most powerful beings in this existence." He pointed a claw in a slow arc at the leaders of the world. "I'll fight you till my last breath."

"Like he said." Father Gabumon clutched his cross tightly for support.

"D... ditto." Gatomon brought up her claws and bared them towards the nigh-invincible squad.

Temptation was behind the trio of dimensional travelers with her own grey eyed digimon partner. She put a paw on her own Gabumon's chest before he could answer. "Shhh there honey." She whispered softly. "Don't make any commitments. I have a feeling this is going to get interesting."

Hitler looked annoyed. "You are far too stupid to be useful despite your power." He raised one hand and pointed an ancient finger to them. "Kill them."

WarGreymon took a step forward. "So that is your final answer? You are looking forward to your death?

"No. I am downright ecstatic." Gomamon smiled from across the room. "How many people ever had a chance to bitchslap Hitler?" He cracked his neck as his hand went to his Omnitrix. "But first... an ass-whupping is in order."

Hitler looked down, almost foaming at the mouth. "You foolish little beast..." As the rant got going Myotismon calmly walked behind the dictator. His gloved hand moved to grab the Nazi leader's head and,,, Scrunch! The old man didn't even get a chance to look surprised as his lifeless body slumped off the chair to the ground.

A moment of silence passed. "Dude, you killed Hitler!" Gomamon shouted.

Ladydevimon's Nazi outfit faded away and into the traditional sewed leather outfit of her species. "Well, Myotismon did win the coin toss." She grinned at Gomamon. "Are you really upset?"

"Well... Yeah! I wanted to whack him in the aryanness a couple times!" The seal pouted. It was a human life, but it was really hard to feel any sympathy to that psychopathic madman.

"He was a fool." Myotismon pulled a red handkerchief from his breast pocket to wipe his glove as if the contact with the Nazi was contagious. "He believed humans were superior to digimon too."

"But he was a useful fool. He relied far too much on digimon to do key work. Filling in the power void will be a walk in the park." Angewomon smiled as she reached down and ripped her off her own costume and discarded the scraps on the ground.

"So now you see our grand plan." WarGreymon spoke as orange energy enveloped him. His clothes burnt away to ash to reveal body armor underneath. "I'm not sure it even qualifies as conquering this world..."

"So you are going to kill us now?" Temptation asked casually.

The Elite Four blinked. "Why?" Myotismon replaced the handkerchief in his front pocket. "You are fellow digimon. It was a serious offer."

"I see." Temptation ran her paw over her chin. "And the whole Nazi thing?"

"A quixotic idea their own ranks can barely be bothered to care about." Angewomon dismissed it with a wave of her white gloved hand. "I have broken their rules about interbreeding twice this morning alone."

"Don't get me started on it." LadyDevimon snickered softly. "Basing the quality of a warrior on skin colour or heritage? It was hard to keep a straight face during his inane rambling."

"Seriously... what could we do to humans that is worse than what they gleefully do to each others?" WarGreymon held out a metal gauntlet at the dead Nazi dictator. A blast of pure force vaporized the corpse and a good chunk of the marble floor. There wasn't even a trace of the fascist leader left. "Digimon shall be the rightful rulers of this world, where there will always be a place for warriors such as you. Especially you Gomamon." The humanoid dinosaur turned and smiled under his metal mask. "What do you say?"

"Yeah...Excuse us, one moment." Gomamon motioned for his friends to come forward. "All right here is the plan. Gabumon... err Father Gabumon? You and Gatomon take Angewomon. I'll take WarGreymon. I can keep him busy while Temptation and Weregarurumon..."

"Yeah... no." Temptation stood up straight.

"No?" Gatomon whispered in shock. "But..."

"I am Temptation, remember?" The demon cat purred. "These guys? Manipulation is their way of life. They say one thing and do another and live by their desires." She turned around, speaking so the elite could be over heard. "They do what they want. I can get behind that."

"Temptation, they let millions be massacred just so they could conquer the world!" Gatomon shouted loudly.

"Gabumon, we're so done here." The black feline motioned him close. "I've got no real stake in this either way. "Good luck sealboy!" She blew a kiss before heading to the doorway with Gabumon in tow.

"Let them go." WarGreymon remarked at his allies. "Why make enemies we don't need?"

"And you?" Myotismon asked Gomamon. "What's your answer?"

Gomamon looked to his friends. "The smart thing would be to agree. There's no way I can fight all of you." He turned around, looking to the friends that travelled with him from world to world. "Gabumon? Take Gatomon and run." He grabbed the bracer on his wrist and gave the dial a hard turn to the left. A winged horse appeared on the dial, right before the seal slammed his flipper down on it hard. "Arion!" The winged horse appeared out of a blast of green light. "Never been that fucking smart." He shouted as he raced forward in a blaze of speed.


KE-RASH! The white horse went clear through a cement wall, skidding across the floor. A moment later his body began to shrink and he turned back into a seal. Gomamon coughed a few times. That made his ribs grate. "Oh... that's going to leave a mark." He had been fighting defensively, using his brains and speed... but he was so outgunned it was comical.

"Impressive." Myotismon floated through the hole in the building. "You managed to hold out against the Elite Four for five minutes." Wargreymon, Angewomon, and Ladydevimon all came into the new opening in the wall. "You are as powerful as any of us." The albino digimon strutted over, flashing his fangs. "Even more so."

"Thanks..." Gomamon got to his flippers slowly, trying to shake out the cobwebs.

"Are you sure you will not join us?" Angewomon smiled, a breast pouring out over the tight white leather uniform. "The humans are not worth defending and you cannot hope to defeat us or our armies. You are but one..."

"Yeah I realize that." The seal spat blood, grabbing his flipper and turning. "But power ain't everything." There was a soft glowing as he began to grow again. He turned into a white bellied alien with green circuits covering his black back. "Upgrade!" He shouted as he turned into another alien.

"Another form?" Ladydevimon grinned, red eyes burning brightly. "We shouldn't delete him so hastily. Such a wide variety of powers is bound to be useful."

Wargreymon smiled under his metal mask. He held out his metal gauntlet and bared his claws. "At the very least, we should remove his left flipper. That bracelet of his seems to be the source of these transformation."

"That's an idea." Myotismon smiled as he walked forward. Upgrade--or Gomamon--backed up against the desk. A computer shuddered a bit, falling over to the side. "But I don't think it will come to that." The vampire smiled. "You may act the fool, but I see through your façade."

Gomamon put a hand on the computer. "Yeah. No way I can defeat you. But then... that was never the plan." He smiled, or at least thought he did: he had no idea what it looked for them. Upgrade's head was mainly a mess of green lines that pulsed slightly. "Five minutes you said? That sounds like enough..."


Temptation whistled softly as Gatomon frantically worked on the computer. A blaze of fire poured out from her pitchfork, incinerating another digimon to atoms. "How's it going honey?" She asked as Weregarurumon threw another two soldiers out the window screaming to the ground below.

The feline disliked the brutal tactics of her allies but she knew that they couldn't afford to pussyfoot around. Especially with the entire city watching the firefight outside. "Come on... come on..." She wasn't up to Izzy's level of skill... but everyone was counting on her. The building shook a bit from another blast and dust settled onto her fur. "Almost... there! Got it!" Gatomon shouted as she slammed her paw down on the keyboard. "Digiports are now functional!"

"Great." The grey feline sauntered over and she held out her pitchfork. "If you could move to the side, dear..." She warned as she aimed her weapon at the computer. The three prongs lit up briefly before turning the computer to molten slag.

Gatomon had leapt to the side just in time. "Careful!" She shuddered at the heat. It was part of the plan. She stood up slowly as the room heated up, the feline wiping her brow. "You know... you almost had me believing you'd let us all.. you know, get killed."

Temptation turned off her flames. "Hey cutie?" She wrapped her tail around Gatomon's waist with a purr. "I may be a vile corrupter bent on bending men's souls for my mere amusement. But even I have standards." She snorted in disgust. "I mean... Nazis?"

The white feline brushed the tail off her. "Gabumons!" She called to the two wolfs outside in the hallway. "Everyone inside and get away from the computers!" Gatomon grabbed onto the desk. "And just in case, hold on tight!"


Gomamon smiled as he held on to the computer. There was a small beep, and the screen pulsed blue. His hand began to morph over the black box. "There we go..." The hard drive became active. In his Upgrade form he could feel the computer as part of him. "Gatomon, you are a beautiful girl!"

The screen began to flow with an eerie blue light. "A digiport?" Wargreymon shielded his eyes. "But they are locked down!"

"Yeah... So that only the elite four could open them... like Gatomon." A vortex began to form in the monitor. "She might not be a good fighter, but she's smart as you, my girl!"

The portal began to draw the four into the other dimension. Mega digimon or not, they were still digimon. "This won't work!" Myotismon grabbed on to the wall. But he and the others were already caught in. "We have armies..."

"Yeah..." Gomamon's hand pulsed a bit. "Nice thing about the Internet? It's worldwide!" The city began to pulse blue. Digiport after digiport opened. The entire city... every city in the world was starting to glow with dimensional energy. All over the world, digimon of all shapes and sizes were being sucked in, being thrown back to the Digital World by force. "I hope all you enjoy your trip!"

"You bastard!" Angewomon howled as she fired a bolt of golden energy at the upgrade alien which was promptly sucked back into the port. Followed by her, then Ladydevimon, Myotismon...

Wargreymon was being dragged slowly. His clawed feet made deep groves. "We could have made you a leader! A general! A god!" He shouted at the shape shifting seal as he was slowly pulled in.

"Was already worshipped as a god once." The cybernetic alien continued to control the portals: in this alternative form, he was no longer a digimon and immunized against the dimensional energies. Wargreymon let out a scream of frustration when he was totally absorbed. A moment later the computer exploded... as did ever other single bit of hardware all over the planet. Every computer from the largest mainframe to the smallest calculator. Anything connected to the net fried and died. The alien's form began to shrink, Gomamon appearing once more in his natural seal form on the desk. His flipper was still on the smoldering computer. "Was highly... overrated..." His eyes glazed over. Opening a digital portal to every single computer in the world was surprisingly draining. "And I think... it's time for a nap." His head slumped down and he lost consciousness.


"So this will work?"

"Sure... Um... I think." Gomamon placed the tail ring into what looked like a deformed microwave attached to the portal generator. It had been pretty hard to build with every computer fried. "When I am not in the little grey alien form I don't understand diddly about this thing." The gold ring began to glow slightly. "As far as I can make out, it will scan all infinity of dimensions looking for the owner of the ring. Your Gatomon."

"Oh yes." Temptation smiled, dragging her triangle tail over the glass as the gold ring rotated. "I do so miss her. We have a... spiritual bond. It is hard to explain."

"I sadly don't know how long it will take. It is... well infinity we're talking about." The seal sighed. Grey matter, his alien form, understood this so much better. "It could be a day... it could be a year... Or longer."

"Oh, you of all people should know we can wait that long just fine." Temptation purred as she walked over to a different piece of electronic machinery. That one was for Gomamon and his two friends. "I know you are all anxious to be on your way. There is no reason at all for you three to stay."

Gomamon sighed. "I would feel bad leaving you here without knowing if it worked."

Temptation smiled as she came back to the watch-wearing Gomamon. "Oh, such an honorable digimon." She put a claw to the seal's cheek, tracing one of the purple marks. "I know you're planning to leave tomorrow... so why don't you and me..."

"Yeah I am going to pass there." The seal brushed the claw of his forehead.

"Rrrrrr... if it is about Gabumon, your Gabumon, it was just a little fling." The dark grey furred imp.

"Hey I got nothing against casual sex!" The seal protested jokingly. "You just aren't my type."

"Oh?" Temptation raised an eyebrow. "What is it about me that... isn't your type?"

"I know better than to answer that question." The seal nodded. An awkward moment went by. "Ummm... I think I am going to turn in. Got a big day tomorrow. I just hope it works." Something about the female simply felt off and Gomamon had two big rules for sex. One: don't mess with couples. Two--the one that applied here--: don't stick your dick in crazy.

"Oh we all do." Temptation watched Gomamon leave the room. She just paced around slowly. She could sleep, but didn't need it. "I wonder if I can't seduce Gomamons or something?" She rubbed her chin. "I failed with the original, failed with this one... strange." She purred softly as she walked over to the device with the original Gatomon's ring in it. The one Gabumon stole a universe ago. "Maybe she had such a deep attraction for him that when I was created he was made a blind spot to my powers?" She thought out loud. "Hmmmmm... at least it works well on others... especially Gabumons." She turned around and saw Father Gabumon just entering the room. "Speaking of... Father!" She purred as she saw the crucifix-bearing reptile. "What a surprise to see you up and about."

Father Gabumon jumped a little, clearly not having expected anyone in the room. "Temptation... I did not expect to see you here so late." He looked a bit nervous to be around the cat. Not exactly surprising given what happened the last time they were alone together.

"Oh... I suppose I felt like I owe Gomamon something for helping us. You know, like keeping an eye on the machines so he can rest." Temptation purred softly. "He has been quite concerned that something would go wrong... yet again." She ran her claws over the portal machine for Gomamon's little group.

"That isn't necessary you know." Father Gabumon came in. "There are no enemies left. No one even knows we are. The world is saved."

The feline let out another throaty purr. "True, true... you're right I suppose." She smiled and walked to the door and ran her tail from Gabumon's crotch up to his chin. "I'm going back to my room... when you are done here, feel free to drop in. Perhaps before you leave we can repent once more together." She said alluringly before leaving the rather aroused preacher alone.


"We have to thank you again!" Yolei was holding on to Gomamon's flipper and shaking it hard.

"Hey no worries." Gomamon took the watch adorned appendage back. "I am just glad you and your beau were smart enough to stay away from computers like we planned."

Hawkmon was between the Japanese girl's legs. Before the raid, Gomamon had every computer destroyed and told the digimon in the prison camp to lock themselves in the jails. It was enough so that the few digimon here were spared being sucked back to the Digital World. "Again. We can't thank you all enough." He smiled to the trio as they stood in front of the portal machine. The rest of the camp had said their goodbyes after a farewell celebration.

"We are leaving you an absolute mess." Gatomon smiled to the bird. "You, and the few digimon left are going to have to help rebuild the world. And there are still the human Nazis and the Nazi digimon who didn't get sucked in. We don't know which digimon will stay with the Nazis now, or join you, or what. And most humans will hate you, and any digimon who didn't get sucked in..." The feline started to babble.

"Gatomon chill." The seal placed a flipper on her side. "It's far from perfect. No computers. A war torn world. But at least now the good guys have a chance. But yeah we feel kind of guilty leaving you guys like that." Gomamon admitted.

"Please don't." Yolei hugged Hawkmon a little tighter. "This is our world. And you've done more than anyone could have asked for. It'll be hard... but it won't be impossible now."

"True. With God's will--." Father Gabumon began, but didn't get any more out.

"Annnnyyway that's enough speaking." Gomamon cut him off with an eyeroll. He climbed onto the platform. "Temptation, Gabumon." He looked to the pair. "I hope my machine works."

"I would never doubt you." Temptation purred softly as she stood next to her Gabumon's side. "Do not worry about us. You guys going to where you need to go."

With that Gomamon activated the machine. There was a flash of light, crackling and sparking angrily. When the lightshow was over the three were gone. Gabumon snorted a bit. "Good riddance." He was just happy to see the Gomamon go.

"Oh, you temperamental thing, you." Temptation walked up to her own machine. "He was very helpful." She tapped the glass where Gatomon's ring was stored. A thousand dimension were being scanned a second as the scanner tried to locate the owner of its content across the multiverse. "We will find our Gomamon and our Gatomon... After all, time is on our side."


And we say good bye once more. to the trio from almost-verse Back to the main cast for the next chapter. Feel free to contact me for previews of upcoming stories, or simply to chat with me about stories. I do find a lot if inspiration from my fans. I've been known to add chapters, characters, and so on based on fan input.

Msn is [email protected] Aim is mrredrover Yahoo is [email protected]

The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 43 - Enthralled

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