Testing Phase

Story by MrRedRover on SoFurry

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A quick one for Skye/Supersonic's contest! Check out her work at https://inkbunny.net/supersonic250

This is just a short little story for Skye/Supersonic's contest. It has to have Bunnie and Sally in it, not to mention involve sex and mind control. Nothing too extravagant. Simply far too busy to do anything more. But enjoy it! Sorry no herm/futa like most of her stories. This takes place early on in the Archie comics when half the Mobians are still robots under Robotnik's control. A simple plot, but enjoy it for the mindless fun it is!


Testing Phase

(Sally Acorn/Bunnie Rabbot/Geoffrey St. John)


An older walrus with an odd purple hide was working on his newest invention with his two tailed fox side kick. Both of them were geniuses, experts in electronics and robotics. Not as much as their evil overlord Robotnik, but enough to have their own experimental going-ons. It looked like a giant cylinder gun with a large bulb on the end. It hummed slightly as the walrus soldered another joint. "How are you doing there Rotor?" The twin tailed fox asked curiously as he inserted a freshly designed circuit board into the side of the machine. He hovered in midair, his twin tails spinning like helicopter blades and keeping him aloft.

The chubby walrus lifted the welding mask from his face. "Almost done here. We should be up and running momentarily." He wiped his brow and placed the mask to the side. The laboratory was pretty poor quality. Wooden walls and dirt floors. A rather sorry power supply that cut in and out. And most of the electronics were scavenged from the battle field.

Tails flew over to the table and grabbed a pair of almost black goggles. "It will be amazing if this works!" He handed one pair to the much older male and donned a pair himself.

Rotor snapped a pair of goggles over his eyes. They were designed to filter out most of the UV light spectrum. "I know." The robust walrus moved over to the control panel. "It's still too bulky to be used in battle." He began to shut out most of the lights so that only a small red light ebbed through the laboratory.

"We can worry about making it portable if it works." Tails smiled as he hovered overhead. "But just think! We can restore all the robot Mobians minds back. That would take out half of Robotnik's army. And we would be able to get our friends and family back."

"Yes. It would be easier if we had a test subject." Rotor began to power up the device. "But we can at least do the preliminary subjects. See if this can actually affect a robotic subject's mind." The walrus look at the test robot they had. A facsimile robot mind with visual sensors. It was a cheap knock off of Robotnik's designs. But it would give them a rough idea of how the light would affect a mind. "All right testing phase in 10... 9..."

Meanwhile Bunnie was walking down the hall. Her metallic feet made small clacks on the wooden floor. The orange her rabbit looked over to her friend as she tilted the cowboy hat with her robotic right arm. "That dang Robotnik." She said as she took another step. There was a small spark as her right knee set out a series of sparks. "Ain't we ever going to get a rest?" She complained in her southern accent twang.

"At least we can repair you." The princess, a shapely chipmunk named Sally Acorn sighed as she walked with her friend. "Poor Amy took a good hit during that mission. She'll be in the infirmary for a week."

"True. I swear these arms are a blessing as much as a curse." Bunnie replied as they headed to the lab. Unlike the flesh and blood Mobians, Bunnie needed a mechanic more than a nurse. She took a laser blast to the leg, and while she was well built it was acting up. Both of them were tired and didn't notice the red light on over the lab, which meant an experiment, was in process. She opened the door just a pulse of purplish light faded out. "Gahh my eyes!" The long eared fighter stumbled backwards. She saw spots before her eyes and stumbled back blindly into her chipmunk friend. Sally was blinded as well and fell backwards with the heavier robot ally on top of her.

"Turn of the experiment!" Tails rushed over to his friends as Rotor quickly flipped all the switches in the downwards positions. There was dying hum as the machine powered down. "Are you two okay? Are you hurt?"

"Uhh no Sugah." Bunnie had a bit of a headache and everything was blurry but she had worse. "Sally, you okay?"

"You are heavier than you look!" Sally pushed her cyborg friend off her with a grunt.

"It's the metal limbs. They add like thirty pounds you know!" Bunnie stood straight up. Her head was spinning as well. She reached out with her normal orange hand and helped the rodent up.

"Well that's good. The ray should only affect robots, but we only just started testing." Rotor turned on the overhead lights so that they could see better. "Still we better have you checked out by Doctor Quack just in case."

"All right, once you fix my leg first." Bunnie robot extended her broken leg. "I'm already getting motion sickness from when this thing starts and stops on this dang-blasted thing."


After a clean bill of health later, Bunnie and Sally were in the equivalent of a bar. No alcohol was served here, though a few of the older Mobians had brewed their own in make shift distillers. Sally frowned on it of course, but she turned a blind eye to it. You can't blame the older ones to drink their

troubles away in the midst of a war. Sally herself was drinking homemade root beer, as was her friend Sally. "Days like this I wonder if I should start drinking something stronger." Bunnie took another deep swing from her drink. She let out a little unladylike burp.

"You're only seventeen." Sally reminded her teenage friend as she held the wooden carved mug in her hand.

"I don't think a little under aged drinking is gonna make much of a splash." Bunnie reminded. "Sides, that's your kingdom's rules. We got refuges from all over. On Walrus Island alone you can drink booze at any age."

"Which isn't really that bad, in moderation." A rather buff skunk wearing a green scarf around his neck and a light purple bandolier came over holding three mugs filled with what could laughingly be called ale. "Your majesty. Bunnie." The skunk smiled as he placed the three mugs on the bar in front of him.

"Geoffrey." Sally gave a slight smile to one of the soldiers in her Father's army. He was a good ten years older than either of the girls. "Off duty I take it?"

"Of course Princess. I would not touch alcohol otherwise." Geoffrey took one of the mugs and took a swing from it. "And it's really not that bad. You ladies should try it."

Both girls blink in unison. Something in their minds took that as the literal word of God. An unquestionable order. Neither of them knew it, but the purple ray had an unusual effect in their minds. They couldn't refuse any requests. It didn't even dawn on them to now. Both of them took the cedar cubs filled with home brew and began to down them like water to a drowning man. "Impressive both of you!" Geoffrey exclaimed as the two furry fighters drank every last drop. "I didn't know you two drank at all?"

"We don't." Sally wiped the froth from her mouth. She wasn't quite sure what came over her. Already she was feeling a bit tipsy. She never touched more than a sip of champagne before. And this brew was three times more potent than that.

Bunnie was feeling it even more strongly. Her body was half electronic. She couldn't process alcohol nearly as well. She only had half the body mass in flesh and bone. She let out another burp, this one louder than last time. "Yes... wow... strong schtuff." She already started to slur her words a bit.

"Man you ladies are tough? Another?" The handsome skunk asked casually. And of course, this was answered with twin agreements.


"I didn't think you two ladies could keep up with me." The solider skunk had two girls leaning on him. He was slanted slightly to the left as Bunnie's robotic parts made her a fair bit heavier. They were walking down the narrow paths between the mud huts and log cabins. No one had anything really fancy here. Their very homes were built out of the dirt they lived on.

"Not really sure why I was trying.' Sally felt the world spin ever so slightly. It was an odd night... Geoffrey, Bunnie and her had drank all night. She had never finished a beer before. Maybe it was the stress of the last mission.

"I was doing all right I think." Bunnie let out a hiccup followed by a giggle. Her words were even more slurred than the others.

"Well we are here at your place Sally." Geoffrey smiled a bit. He too was a bit tipsy but not quite as bad as the others. Sally had a decent log cabin, probably the largest out of the homes. She was still royalty even if she was currently displaced. "I'll just drop you off. Unless you are going to invite us in." He let out a casual joke that he probably wouldn't have made if he hadn't had a couple. Especially to the royal princess.

"Of course you can come in." Sally said, almost robotic like. She took her arm from around the skunk's broad shoulders and walked to the wooden door and opened it wide. "Please come in."

The skunk blinked twice in surprise. "Uhhh okay?" Geoffrey continued to walk in with Bunnie on his arm. He actually got his hopes up foolishly for a moment there. That would be foolish. She just wanted her to drop Bunnie of at her place. "Let's get you inside Bunnie and into bed."

Bunnie took this as an order as well. She took her arm off Geoffrey and walked through the doorway. She went into Sally's house and headed straight to bed. She lied down on her side to Geoffrey. "Like this sir?" She wasn't sure why she added sir on the ended. It just seemed... appropriate.

The young skunk looked at the cyborg bunny as she lay on her side on the simple wooden bed, on top of a handmade quilt. "I swear you two are messing with me now. Give a Mobian his ultimate fantasy of two beautiful girls." He joked again.

They both took this as yet another demand. Bunnie and Sally really couldn't distinguish between jokes and outright orders. "Yes sir." Both of them cried out at once. Bunnie began to take of her tight purple top exposing her furry breasts. Unlike Sally, her nipples stuck out enough through her orange chest fur that she wore something to cover them.

Sally went over to the dumb struck skunk even as he watched the girl disrobe. She was pretty much naked... wearing only a simple vest and blue boots. Her fur was quite thick, not to mention hot. Clothes were unnecessary. She moved behind Geoffrey as Bunnie completely stripped. She was metal from the waist done though, so her decent sized rack was her most attractive natural attributes. She placed her face right under his large striped tail and licked the entire length of his ass crack. "Princess!" Geoffrey's had to restrain himself. Surprising a skunk from behind was never the best idea. Luckily

Geoffrey was used to surprises in his training. "What are you doing?!" He looked behind him, though his tail blocked most of the view.

"Licking your asshole sir." The chipmunk simply replied as she buried her head back in and pressed her tongue harder against the sphincter. She continued to lap in daintily little flicks of her tongue to give the skunk just what he asked for. A threesome with two beautiful girls.

Bunnie meanwhile as she crawled over on her hands and knees to the skunk. His pecker was snaking out from his white crotch fur. It was jet black, and quite big. Around seven inches from the looks of it though it wasn't quite fully erect yet. That changed as the rabbit opened her dainty lips and took the cock in her mouth. She suckled once, hard as she could.

"Uhh!" Geoffrey didn't even see Bunnie come down in front of him. That first suckling though got such a raging erection from him he almost blew his load there. "Bunnie... Princess..." he started to hump into the rabbit's maw eagerly now. He wasn't sure what brought this on, but he was far past the point of caring. "Keep it up!"

Yet another order for the two furry girls. Bunnie choked on the black shaft as she forced it down her throat nice and deep. She gagged a bit but wanted to make the male happy right now and fulfill every fantasy he wanted. Her nose was pressed into the crotch fur as she took the entire length in her maw. She could taste the salty pre as it leaked down her throat in thick globs. Her hands lightly caressed his knees and inner thighs. One tough was cold metal, the other warm flesh.

The royal princess had both of her hands on the tight ass cheeks of the skunk. They were solid muscle, almost like rock. Geoffrey worked out religiously as he was a royal elite solider. She spread the ass cheeks wide so she can lick that pucker more freely and deeply now. She didn't seem to mind at all being subservient to one of her subjects, performing what some would call a degrading act.

"Almost there." Geoffrey had both hands on Bunnie's head. He held on tightly to each of her ears as he face fucked her. "Almost there..." He said a little louder now. He squeezed Bunnie's ears almost painfully tight as he filled her cute cheeks with a good helping of his semen. He pulled his black shaft out half way and began to blow the remainder of his load over the girl's pretty face.

The rabbit arched her neck back and stuck out her face. She closed her eyes and felt the gentle rain of sperm splatter across her fur. She held her mouth open too, showing a decent sized helping of white goo swimming on the bottom of her jaw. She wasn't sure what her next order was really. "Oo I sallow ir?" She gargled out. It was hard to understand her with the mouthful of jizz but the skunk got the gist of it.

"Mmmmm..." Geoffrey held on to his black cock as it shot one last spurt of cum on to Bunnie chin. "If you girls are going to go all out for me... how about you share a kiss?"

That was all the two of them needed. Sally crawled out from behind the shapely furry ass and got side by side with probably her best girlfriend. She cupped Bunnie by her cheeks and brought her lips to the rabbit's. Bunnie didn't resist in the slightest as the two of them began a very sloppy open mouth

kiss. They made sure to put on a good show for their current master. They made small little moaning sounds, even going so far to run their hands over one another's bodies. They cupped one another's breasts and ran their fingers through each other's fur. Neither of them was into girls, but then this wasn't for their benefit.

And Geoffrey certainly enjoyed the show. He rubbed himself as he enjoyed the lesbian display between two of the hottest Freedom Fighters they had. "Wow... didn't know you girls were into each other."

The two broke the kiss slowly. A long strand of cum strung from each of their lips before it finally snapped. Each of them closed their lips and swallowed, first Sally and then Bunnie. They opened their mouths after nice and wide to show the cum was all gone. "Just fulfilling your fantasy sir." Bunnie pulled her chipmunk friend into her metallic lap. She spread Sally's legs wide and brought her metal hand to the chipmunk's snatch. She spread her furry labia apart and exposed the soft pink insides to the skunk. "Would you care for another round sir?" The cum faced Bunnie offered up her friend's snatch. Her lower regions were all metal. Sally would be far better at satisfying the skunk's lust.

Sally didn't mind as the metal fingers prodded around her more sensitive region. She was already fair most down there, just waiting for the inevitable shaft. "If you want sir." She leaned back a bit and exposed herself without a touch of shame.

Bunnie pulled the chipmunk back so she was lying prone now. Geoffrey just admired the two hotties there. His black erection was throbbing in his hand. "I think I got another one in me." He crawled between the princess legs. If he was smarter he might have gotten some protection, or even remember he was going to bang the king's daughter. But like most males, he was thinking with his cock now. He pressed his dick into the soft pink royal flesh. "Ohhh your highness..." he moaned as he thrust in slowly.

Sally winced a bit as she was taken for the first time. She and Sonic had fooled around a lot... a grope here, a finger up in her sweet spot till she came. But never all the way. But for some reason this was different. It was more than a simple need. She had to do this. "Oh Geoffrey." She groaned as she was spread wide. By the Source, he was so much bigger than a finger or any toy she ever used before. "Fill me... up." She panted in a touch of pain.

"Mmm yes... do the princess Sugah." Bunnie moved her hands off the wet snatch and moved them up to grab Sally's smaller rack. Bunnie had a good cup size on her friend. She began to play with the little nipples, making them start to stand out amongst her lighter chest fur.

"Ughhhh..." The soldier placed both his hands on Sally's shoulders and began to rock nice and hard. He pounded back and forth with all the stamina would expect from the high ranked operative. "You're tight as can be princess!" Geoffrey groaned as he moved repeatedly. Bunnie's metallic rum made an odd grinding sound on the ground as she was rocked on the floor.

"Yes sir!" Sally herself wrapped her arms around the larger male and pulled him close. She buried her face into his shoulder. He was big, bigger than she expected and felt even larger down there! It almost felt like she was being split in two. But something in the back of her mind drove her forward. She knew she must please this man no matter what. Her very soul demanded so. Even with the discomfort of such a large cock she was dripping wet. The cock made lewd sounds of wet meat being slapped over and over as Geoffrey didn't hold back. Royalty or not he was going to off load in the princess, consequence be damned

"Oh I wish I still had a cunt for you sir." Bunnie's own breast rubbed over sally's back. The soft tunic went over her pert titties. It was the most stimulation she could get now with the cold robotic half. But she was so aroused right now; she could feel an orgasm building up through sheer breast stimulation. "Geoffrey... I'm gonna cum too... a little more." She pressed herself harder against Sally's back. She groaned loudly and bit the triangular ears of the chipmunk lightly. She closed her eyes and shuddered, having her first orgasm ever since she became the cyborg fighter.

"Ahhhh..." Sally couldn't help but moan as well. She felt the buck teeth of the rabbit bit into the sensitive flesh of her ear. A small jolt of pain registered but she didn't turn away. Far from it, her body took it as a cute to cum as well. She stiffened up and shook. Her eyes literally rolled back as she had what was the most powerful orgasm of her life. There was just so much going on, so much sex, her body was utterly overwhelmed. She didn't even noticed when the older skunk blew his old load in her at first. Though the tightening of his grip on her shoulders and the sudden gooey wetness down below alerted her to the skunk's powerful climax.

"Princess!" Even in the troughs of an orgasm he stilled called Sally by her proper title. Geoffrey let small bruises on his shoulders as he came hard. The utter euphoric rush of pleasure followed by the complete post orgasmic crash. He stopped moving, soaking in the princess for several long seconds before he pulled his sloppy shaft out. "That was... utterly incredible." Not to mention unexpected, the skunk couldn't help but think.

Sally nodded weakly. She didn't think she'd be able to walk properly tomorrow. But all she knew was that Geoffrey was satisfied. She hardly felt Bunnie crawl out from under her and lightly lap at her dripping snatch. A low warmth filled her nether regions as she was cleaned by her friend.

Geoffrey watched the display, though he had reached his limits for the time being. He sat back, sitting on the couch. Even though he was drained for now he couldn't help but enjoy the show. Bunnie made sure to take her time, spreading the snatch wide and licking every drop of lust from the Sally's snatch. The inside was red, even sore just to look at. "I certainly didn't expect the night to end like this. I should have asked this a long time ago."

"Ohhh yes sir." Sally say on her rump on the ground as the rabbit's tongue darted across her clit once. Just enough to send another tingle and the smallest of orgasms through her. "Will... will you be staying the night sir?"

Geoffrey nodded, perhaps a little to eagerly. "I think I can manage that... you um, won't tell your father or anyone else about this?" He had as an afterthought. No way he wanted this to get back to the king. That he banged his much younger daughter.

"Of course not sir." Sally replied almost instantly. She took that as another order. "Anything you do to us will be a secret." And it would. As of now both of the furry girls would take it to their grave.

"Well then... why don't ladies come and join me in bed?" Geoffrey kicked off his boots and threw the covers open. "I am sure all three of us can get nice and comfy." And with that the two girls climbed into bed, turning into one large, tightly knit pile of fur, to sleep the night away.


Definitely a one shot story. I simply don't have enough time to start yet another project! Anyway I hope you enjoyed it.

To Contact me? Msn is [email protected] Aim is mrredrover Yahoo is [email protected]

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