Candela - Chapter 1 - The NeedleWort Dealer

Story by MrRedRover on SoFurry

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#1 of Candela

A new series I am experimenting with, starting Amber and Chief. A steam punk magic world. Tell me what you think. Nothing to do with digimon for a change!

This is something different. Fan made characters. Yes they are slightly based on digimon, but that's about it.



Chapter 1: The Needlewort Dealer


The avian leaned against the wall outside the rather impressive mansion. It was a two story building with large white pillars with a half dozen steps leading up a set of double doors. The bird was a touch lanky for an eagle, with brown feathers everywhere except for the white ones on his head. He wore faded blue jeans and a black leather vest. He had a tomahawk with a single fang attached to handle hanging from his waist. He looked rather impatient as he tapped his taloned foot on the ground. "Where is she?" He mumbled for the umpteenth time.

Finally the large oak doors to the mansion opened. The butler held them open nice and wide as a teenage seal walked down. She was a unique species of harper seal that kept her white fur well into adulthood. Her blond hair was shaved close to the scalp on the left side of the head. The rest of her hair was around six inches long and folded over to the right side of her head, held in place by a dull green headband. "Thank you there Jeeves." The seal looked to the otter butler. She had a rather unusual gaze. Her eyes were solid white. No pupils or iris. Her exposed white fur also had yellow tribal marks on her cheeks and back of her flippers. They were clearly not natural, somehow dyed into her hide.

"My name is not..." The well-dressed fox started to say. She had a rather unique golden fur color with long orange with a white streak. She was a young one, probably about the same age of the seal.

"Whatever." The seal walked down the stone steps. Her footfalls made metallic clangs as she descended. On close examination her boots were bracers. A jury rigged version of tough leather and brass. She made her way to bottom of the light of stairs and went over to the eagle. "Good news Chief. He's agreed to two thousand gold pieces, five hundred up front." She smiled broadly as she held out a little pouch. She jingled it a few times so the bird could hear the coins inside.

Chief looked back to the young sea mammals. "That's two hundred more than originally offered for the bounty." He raised a brown eyebrow a bit. "How'd you manage that Amber?"

Amber threw the pouch to the eagle who caught it in his wing and placed it in his vest. She then wiped her broad flipper over her lips once. "I am just that good a negotiator." She smiled as she dug out a piece of gum from her khaki shorts and placed in her maw.

Chief gave her a bit of a disgusted look. "Not again." He let out a bit of a sigh. "Do you honestly thing it does out reputation good when you suck off our client for a couple of extra gold?"

The seal chewed on the gum a bit, blowing a small little pink bubble. It made a tiny pop before it disappeared into her maw again. "Of course not. It was a couple of hundred extra gold. Course I promise him he could use me for an hour when we completed the job." The seal placed her flippers in her pockets and started to walk down the stone path.

Chief walked slightly behind her. "That's not the point. We're bounty hunters. Damn good ones too." The avian continued to keep pace. "You ain't got to sell off your body like that."

Amber blew another bubble as she listened to her partner's rant. "Hey, he was bit older but wasn't half bad looking." She grinned. "Besides it is all about power. You know these rich guys don't want to seem weak. Hiring people to do their dirty work is a bit emasculating. So? You let'm think they are the men. Suck'm off, fool around with them, and lo and behold their manhood is restored. He can hire us, and he'll go bang that fat walrus of a wife till she squeals to make up for his little affair. It's win-win all around." The sea turned around and place one of her black finger claws on the bird's chest. "Sides, you're one to talk. How much have you spent at the whore houses this month alone."

Chief let out a bit of a snort through his beak. "You ain't supposed to be up here." The bird tapped his temple with the tip of his wing. "We have..."

"I did no such thing." Amber dragged her claw up his chest and under his beak. "Tracking and observing is half our job." She flicked the claw off his beak with a dull scrape. "When you come back to our room every night, always from the west. Where the whorehouses and brothels are. And that's when you don't spend the night."

"That doesn't mean..."

Amber placed a finger on her nose. "Each time you come back smelling of a different perfume. Good perfume. You also bring at least ten gold every time you leave and come back empty handed each time when we meet up. Which tells me you're paying for the good whores."

The bird crossed his wings in front of him. "I forget you're good at this." He turned his head away from his partner.

Amber held out her flippers to the sky and shrugged. "Hey, it's your money and if you want to spent to get some girl to wrap her legs around you and scream how big you are? Fine by me." She chuckled a bit. "At least when I get laid I get a little money out of it. Sides... I made two hundred gold for that. Not even the best hooker in the richest city can get that much in a week."

"That's because..."

"Nope. I don't do that to clients." Amber shook her head. A lock of blond hair fell over her left eye. It didn't seem to bother. "My negotiation was with by the words from my mouth... and my throat a bit." She made a circle with her flipper and did a sucking motion as they continued on their way.

"Geeze, show a bit of class Amber." The bird sighed as they moved down the streets. Lights began to flicker up on the brass lampposts. Living flames lit up the entire city as the sun went down. Vermin skittered in the street as the duo walked out of the rich area of town. The fine cobblestone streets and finely crafted house made way to uneven roadways and boarded up apartment building. The crossed the old dilapidated bridge that spanned a sludgy brown river that ran through the city.

"Lovely." Amber continued to walk straight forward. White eyes started straight ahead.

"We should find a cheap hotel around here." Chief turned the corner. "Till we plan our next move." He said as some mangy rat with a rusty knife jumped in front of them. Three other furs came out of the alley. The smelt of cheap booze, teeth rotted to the gums from chewing a nasty street concoction called needlewort. Their breaths reeked of the sickeningly sweet scent of the illicit substance.

"True." Amber continued to walk with her ally as the mugger shouted gutter talk curses and threats. She pulled out a piece of parchment given to her from her employer. "He gave us all he knows about the target. A general area but not an exact location."

"Mmm hmmmm alive or dead?" Chief asked curiously.

"Not a hit. More a message of revenge. Just got to put him out of business." Amber smiled as she folded up the paper. "Something about his daughter getting hooked on that needlewort crap."

"Cheap horrid stuff." The bird replied. "But this seems a simple enough mission."

"True. Easy gold." Amber lifted her metal encased leg high to step the twitching body of the rat. He was foaming from the mouth, eyes rolled straight back. "I always preferred the easy missions myself..."

"Don't know about that." The eagle sighed as he walked past the other three vagrants. They were all in on the ground, jerking sporadically on the ground. "I myself could use a bit of a challenge." The two of them continued to walk


3 days later...

"Money... Coins..."

A dirty blind beggar shuffled her way done the street. She leaned heavily on an old crutch as she shuffled along in imperfect legs. Largely ignored, even by the thugs and miscreants that seemed to breed in these mean streets.

A large gruff bulldog was at the doorway of a brick warehouse. A chain hung from his pants as he watched the beggar slide the stick over the fence. She came to the gate and start walking to the weed ridden path. "Hey, d'is private property!" He spoke in a deep voice the rumbled the ground.

"Can you help a blind cripple out with a few coins. Bronze... perhaps silver?" She asked hopefully as she held out an eager palm in a vague direction of the voice.

The large canine grabbed her by the arm roughly. "Worthless gutta' trash..." He had every intention of throwing the vagabond back in the street... But he stopped. His body, two hundred and seventy pounds of muscles turned to stone.

The seal looked up with dead eyes at the guard. Amber grinned wildly. "MMm... just stay right there..." She reached up and placed a claw between his green eyes. He shuddered a bit, eyes rolling in the back of his skull. Amber took her finger off his forehead. The big fur just hung there for a moment, before collapsing to the ground.

"Well?" Chief came walking up the pathway. The bird had Amber's leggings under his arm. He handed them to her and pulled the tomahawk off his belt.

"This is the place." The young girl sat down on the ground and started to fix the braces back on to her weak legs. "Six guards and around twenty workers were inside preparing the needlewort. Two exits. This one and one in the back. One of them is our target. He is in there currently."

"Finally." Chief waited patiently as his partner prepared herself. "This was like the tenth drug house we hit."

"Twelfth." Amber snapped a buckled on her mechanical legs. "And why do I have to be the helpless beggar every time?" She stood up and flexed her knees a bit, testing them. Everything seemed to be in working orders. Without them she could barely walk.

"Because you play the blind helpless cripple so much better." Chief smiled ever so slightly as he patted his tomahawk in his palm. "Let's finish this."

"Don't worry." Amber moved around to the back of the building. "Brothels are open late."


The warehouse was filled with green veins with an odd orange purple spotted fruits. Every once in a while one of the fruits was picked, grinded to pulp and placed in an strange sort of glass and brass distilling apparatus. The fruit was heated, processed and distilled in a rather complex process involving half a dozen steps and even more chemicals and additives. Too much, too little, added to late could ruin a batch. Make it toxic, or worse? Merely not addictive. At the end of the series of glass tubing a drop of clear liquid would leak out. It was then added to the bark tar from the same plant, making a chewing gum of sort. Except this gum was a hallucinogenic. Needlewort. The needlewort plant in its natural form was a mild pain killer... but someone in the last five years got the idea to purify the analgesic fruit to its purest form. Making it extremely... and profitable.

The workers wrapped up the gum in wrappers to be sold by pushers on the street. They sold for around fifty silver a piece. A week's wages for the average dock or factory worker. Needless to say there was a fortune in contraband here. Six burly guards stood around watching the workers. Everyone was searched before leaving. Sampling the wears was very frowned upon. Very frowned upon.

"All right there ladies and gentlemen." All eyes turned to the front entrance. An unknown eagle was there. He held a tomahawk in his hand and looked over the crowed with a bit of distain. He held out his ancient weapon and pointed it to a rather flea-bitten rabbit with dusty grey who seemed to be supervising. He was in the midst of adding a base into "I am just after Jack there. The rest of you can leave."

"Like hell." One of the larger guards moved forward. The snow white tiger snarled, showing a broken fang under his left lip. He held a large black truncheon in his impressive grip. He only made it two steps before he screamed in pain. Yellow lightning streaked around his fur, leaping in angry arcs. He went down like a heavy sack of rocks.

Chief looked up. His eyes were a bright solid yellow now. Tiny sparks dance across the edges of his eyes. "If hell is your choice then..."

"He's a Candela!" One of the fat gum packers shouted. The toothless beaver, along with the other cheap slave labor made a mad dash for the exit as pandemonium broke loose. Two of the guards rushed the intruder. They managed to get three steps toward chief aimed his tomahawk towards him. The feather on the handle began to whip around violently as the weapon sent out a bolt of forked lightning. The angry light struck both of them, sending them flying back. One smashed into a box of already finished product, sending little bags of addictive position flying. The other crashed into the table and shattered half a dozen piece of glassware. A petal and mortar fell to the ground and set some herbs spilling to the floor.

A little mink with a fedora and armed with a worn crossbow took aim at the avian. "Candela ain't able to take an arrow in the eye!" The bolt flew across the room.

The bird's wing flew like magic. Which it was. Charged up, the bird's reflexes were second to none. He snatched the wooden shaft from the air and held it with a look of contempt. He snapped it in two in his wing and dropped the pieces. "Maybe if I let you." The lanky crossbowman didn't get a chance to answer before he went down in a spasming heap.

Everyone else had ran to the back entrance, the worker and the muscle alike. They were wise enough to realize they could not go toe to toe with an experienced magic slinger. Chief walked down the few steps, past the prone guards who tried to mount a defense. "Jack. Get out here. You aren't going anywhere."

The target appeared a moment later out the back door. He dragged the white furred girl out with him, a surprisingly strong arm around her neck. "This yours?" Jack held a matchlock pistol to Amber's head. "You sent a blind gal as look out?" The seal looked absolutely terrified and on the verge of tears. The magically infused gun had enough latent power for a single powerful shot. A rather pricey bit of technology. The drug business must be doing well. "I think you betta' back off now you piece of trash."

Chief looked casually at the shivering seal. "Or?"

"Or? OR?!" The mangy rabbit snarled angrily. "Or I blow her fuckin' brains out all over the ground!"

"That doesn't seem to affect me." The bird took another step forward towards his quarry. In fact, you kill her, that'll just double my bounty."

"Chief?" The blond haired seal's voice warbled a bit. "B.. but I am your partner! Mercy!"

"A rather useless one it seems to let some flea bit chewer get a hold of you." The eagle moved a little closer.

"I ain't jokin'!" Jack screamed again. He pressed the barrel harder against the young girl's temple. "I'll fuckin' do it!"

"Then do it. I don't have all day." Another confident step forward.

Jack moved back a little more with his arm tightly Amber's throat. "I'll do it! I'll... FINE!" He shouted as he pulled the trigger... and nothing happened. His trigger finger refused to work.

The seal scared facade disappeared and she began to snicker madly. "All right... Now let go of my neck." Amber calmly said.

The rabbit's gangly arm came of his neck. "What... you're a Candela!"

"Very observant." Amber laughed a bit more as she walked away from the drug peddling rabbit. She turned around and stood next to her partner. "Now... open your mouth nice and wide."

"Gahhh..." Jack tried to speak but found himself unable to with his jaw stretched so.

"Put the barrel in your mouth."

A look of pure terror crossed the bunny's face. Sweat poured down his face. His body began to shake as he tried to will his body back into control. All it did was slow his paw just a touch. But the copper coated barrel end in his maw. He tried to scream, do anything...

Amber moved close to the rabbit. She lifted the crooked ears of his and placed her lips in her ears. "And now..." She dropped her voice to a mere whisper. "BANG!"

The smoke coloured rabbit let out a scream of anguish... but his head was still there. Amber merely shouted out the word bang as loudly as she could. Jack whimpered slightly as his breathing when down from hyperventilation to merely labored. Amber merely reached over and plucked the finely crafted weapon out of his hand. She handed it to Chief casually before sniffing the air. She looked down the rabbit's chest slowly and down to his groin. There was a rapidly expanding wet sport on his torn slacks. She let out a little chuckle. "Shouldn't be wearing big boy pants."

The rabbit still couldn't move. Every muscle in his body locked." Chief looked over the gun a bit and admired the work. A fine piece. "I am your partner, mercy?" He said as he placed the gun on his belt for now.

"And you said I couldn't act." Amber smiled and came forward to the stone still target. "But enough amusement. Kneel."

Jack fell to his knees hard, his mouth still wide open. The seal came forward. "You think you can take on two Candelas with a bunch of second rate thugs and a single matchlock gun? You're just lucky I have a soft spot for idiots... So you get to live." She placed a black claw on each of his temples. "But, unluckily for you? I still have to fulfill the contract."

The rabbit could only manage the littlest of whimpers as sparkles of light flashed over Amber's snow eyes. "First off, you are going to completely forget how to make needlewort." She spoke, her voice taking a deep timbre. Neurons deep inside the rabbit's mind winked out and rewired themselves. The rabbit tried to resist but felt the knowledge leak out of him. "Now that fulfills our contract... but then you had to go and do something really stupid... and pull a gun on me." Her voice got even lower.

Chief watched as Amber worked her magic. He took note of the other guards crawling or hobbling to the exit, not stupid enough to try for a second strike. He only used enough power to knock them down. It was generally better not to kill. Less friends and relatives out for revenge and less trouble with the authorities, even if the law really didn't care what happened in this run down piss soaked downtown slum.

"Whenever you hear someone speak the words shampoo, crosswalk, or aluminum you will have forty-eight hours of uncontrolled vomiting and diarrhea." Amber finished writing her little curse into the drug manufacture's mind. Finally she took her claws off the rabbit's forehead. "Now..." She snapped her black fingers once. "Run."

Jack shudder a bit on his knees, still digesting what happened to him. Only for a moment though. He quickly turned tail, scampering out like the beast of hell were after him. Chief gave a little glare to the blind seal. "Seemed mean."

Amber merely walked to a large jar on the wall labeled ethanol. She reached up and took out the cork and sniffed it once. She made a bit of a whoof sound, before dumping the contents all over the table. The smell of alcohol filled the room quickly. The seal then dropped the dark brown container on to the floor. "Furs got to learn their manners. One of the big ones is don't hold a gun to a beautiful girl's head." She walked over to her feathery ally and placed her flipper around his wing. "Now, job well done!" She began to head out the front door.

"Not quite." Chief didn't even turn around as he aimed his tomahawk behind him. A bolt of power shot out from his ancient weapon. It easily ignited the vapors, a giant fireball erupting and engulfing the inside of the warehouse. Even before the bare made it to the gate the building was a raging inferno. "Now it's done." The two walked way even as the orange blade cast long shadows in the night life.


Back in the high end of town was a rather impressive three story Victorian style household up on a hill. The grounds were meticulous taken care off with high hedges surrounding the entire yard. White paneling and large bay windows, all curtained. No one could see inside. The interior of the house was just as fancy. Solid oak furniture with satin seat coverings. Checkered marble floors and a large roaring stone fireplace. It looked like it would be a fancy domicile for some large rich family. But there was a little more sinister reason for this house.

Chief walked in the front wooden door and was instantly greeted by a rather voluptuous brown bear in a tight form fitting blue dress. She had several layers and frill though the corset underneath did produce a rather impressive cleavage. The bear stood in front of a large thick red curtain that didn't allow anyone to see past the front entrance. "Good day monsieur." She said in a rather faux pas fake accent. "I am sorry we have not met, but this is a rather exclusive club."

The bird pulled out the satchel of gold he got from Amber for the down payment on the mission. "How exclusive?" He jingled the bag a bit. The telltale sound of gold coins clanging on one another echoed.

"Twenty of those for the night with a girl of your choice." The middle aged madam opened her large palm wide. "Five extra if you want to do her with no protection."

"Ten for the night and I decide if I want to wear a condom or not. And that is after I see if you have anything I want." Chief knew that any brothel would try and milk him for all he was worth. In more ways than one.

The madam bear realized he was street smart this one. Not the usual rich fat merchant or politician with more money that brains. But she had to try. "Very well." She opened the curtains with a wave of hand. Mulling around and chatting were young ladies dressed in little. Silkily little negligees that hid little. "Ladies, we have a guest. Please line up!"

The girls knew the drill. They quickly lined up for the client. Some of them looked quite pleased that he wasn't the fat drunken louts that stumbled in this place. It was a rather handsome looking eagle specimen. The giggled and winked, not speaking but posing and trying to entice him. The lucky one who landed him would get a good portion of the gold.

Chief looked down the line. Hot girls of varying ages and species. Some rather exotic ones. From a brown skinned Armadillomon from the south to an African antelope who couldn't have been more than fifteen. What he was looking for wasn't here though... but he chose the next best thing. "You."

It was a small Norwegian Forest Cat. With snow white fur and sparkling green eyes. She was dress in a simple blue negligee. And her hair was a light shade of strawberry blond. She had a nice body with slightly smaller than average breast for a prostitute. She bowed slightly to her owner for the time being. "Thank you for choosing me sir."

"It's Chief." The eagle replied a bit sternly. "Not sir." He looked her up again. Closest he has seen in a while for what he desired. Maybe it'll do it for him this time.

"Then I hope you enjoy your stay then." The big mama brothel came forward and held out her beefy paw. "Ten gold if you would please."

The avian pulled out the blue coin purse give to him early. "I'll pay fifty for something special."

The bear raised a bushy eyebrow at that. "It depends on the request and if my girl will agree to it." She made a curving gesture with her big finger.

Chief watched as several gold coins flew out of his bag one after another. They flew if by magic into the madam's paw. Fifty in all. She was a Candela like him. Who could control gold, probably all metals. It made sense. She ran the place and was also the protection. The little show also served another purpose. It was a threat. If you hurt one of my girls, I'll use my powers to hurt you more. "It's nothing big. Just a cosmetic thing."


Chief waited patiently in one of the upstairs room. A fancy four post bed with probably the finest mattress and sheets he had ever seen. A vanity mirror was on wall along with some painted furniture. For the amount a night cost clients expected the best. The bird was waiting patiently for the girl he rented while she was prepared. He sat on the foot of the bed and casually made sparks jump from one wing tip to another.

Nearly an hour had gone by before the cat prostitute returned. She was wearing a brown pair of shorts and a green vest. Her hair was dyed blond cut short on the left side as well and combed over her right eye slightly and held in place with a forest green headband. "Is this satisfactory Chief?" Cutting her hair was a rather drastic change... But for fifty gold? It was worth it. She remember to call him Chief and not master or sir.

"Not bad." Chief admitted after a moment of reflection. "And your name is Amber for the time being." The clothes were a bit off. The shorts were a touch too baggy and the vest was the wrong shade of green. She was touch too tall and her breast slightly too big. But she was close enough.

"Of course Chief." A name change was nothing in her line of work. "Now than... shall we get started sexy?" The feline moved over to the bed and placed her paws on the bird's chest and began to undo the buttons. She purred softly as she peeled off his vest for him.

"No purring... and try and be more... demanding. A little arrogant." Chief tried to explain. "Basically, you are doing this as a favor for me."

Obviously this bird had someone in mind. It was not surprising. Men often came in here with fantasies of banging their boss, neighbor, sister, whatever. But she wasn't a high class girl just because she was fetching and fairly exotic. Her demeanor changed. She stopped purring. Her tough a bit rougher. "Fine. Let's see if you really are packing anything decent." She started to undo his belt for his jeans and he started to pull them down to his skinny knees.

"Mmm better." Chief smiled slightly. She was a good actress this one. He leaned over a bit and touched the crystal on the night stand once. The magical infused piece of stone began to dull, the light fading in the room till the just the moonlight came in through the curtain. "Raise you voice a touch."

The prostituted did just as she was asked. "Hmmm not bad." She remarked as she reached a paw around his semi erect shaft. She began to stroke it a bit. A bright red member began to harden in her talented paw. It was around five inches with a tapered end. A decent size. "Had smaller... had bigger to though."

"That's the way." The eagle let out a little moan as his cock was stroked to a throbbing erection. In the dark light she was doing a half decent job of impersonating Amber. When she bowed her head to start suckling on his cock for a moment it looked like her. The blond hair shimmered in the moon light as she moved her head in a skilled sucking motion. "Yeah... suck it Amber... suck it good..." The texture of her mouth was off... her tongue was far rougher than the seal's, her teeth more pointed. She couldn't even suck as well... Amber had such powerful lungs she could suck a grape through a straw.

Not that the feline didn't know her way around cocks. She took the five inch red cock to the back of her throat without the slightest hint of discomfort. She moaned softly on the dick as she felt the precum start to trip down her throat. The client felt liked he was pretty pent up. He had placed a wing on the back of her head and was actively throat fucking her now. She just kept up at it. It didn't matter if he wanted to hold back or not. He paid for the night, and he would do whatever he wanted.

"Mmm yeah, suck it Amber... choke on it." The feathery bounty hunter continued to slam in to the prostitute. Her nose pressed into his brown groin over and over. "Come on... choke ion it!" He repeated himself. "Mmmm Amber!" Chief held on the back of her head and pumped his load into the high class hooker's mouth. He held her face in place as he forced her to take her load.

The cat felled her cheeks swill up with spunk. She struggled a bit but it was more for show than anything. "Gah." 'Amber' took her mouth off the cock and spat the semen to the side. "Warn me next time hair-trigger." The hooker wiped her maw feigning a slight look of disgust. She placed a paw on the saliva ridden dick and played with it a bit. "Don't tell me you're done already before I had a go."

Chief found himself getting annoyed. Damn she was good. "I've got enough for to give it to you good." He got up quickly. His dick slapped the whore under the chin as he stand up. It left a little bit of wet pre on her that made a small dangling drop.

"We'll see." The girl got up as well and turned around. She turned around and undid her shorts and dropped them to her foot paws. She wasn't wearing any panties underneath. She bent over the mirrored vanity and spread her legs a bit. Her shorts stretched around her ankles wide. "Come on... give it to me good." She said with a bit of contempt in her voice.

"Gods don't you ever shut up Amber?" The bird got behind her. The long feline tail of hers was a bit off putting to the whole impersonation. He grabbed her by the left hip and took his dick in his other wing. He flapped it a few times on her toned ass to get it going once more before shoving it up her cunt. He slid in easily in the wet whore snatch. No condom... he wanted to feel it.

"Uhhh see if you can make me..." The cat groaned a bit as she grabbed the dresser. The bare cock slid effortlessly into her. The risk was worth the gold. Besides, he was a bird and she was a feline. The chance of pregnancy was nil and the chance of anything nasty was pretty low too.

"Errr there we go..." Chief moaned as he leaned over. He placed his wings on her flippers and pinned her down as he started to go hard on her. "Yeah..." The strong bounty hunter started to rock hard in the snatch. He buried himself with to himself all the way in her. He had no external ball sack. His testicles were buried deep inside him and churning with cum.

"Mmmm not bad." The white furred whore felt the eagle go all out. At least this client had a bit of stamina. The dresser began to rock and creak. The mirror banged against the wall loudly as the bird's fucking intensified. "Uhhhh better..." She groaned as she began to feel her cunt moisten a little more. She normally had to fake her orgasm for her clients. It took a lot for her after a few years of whoring herself out to feel anything half decent down there. "Yeah much better." She let out a little groan as her loins tingle

"Told you I could give it to you good." Chief groaned as he leaned over the girl. He slowed down his tempo, switching to long, powerful thrust. He pulled himself so he was almost out of her snatch and slammed himself back in hard. "Yeah... take it Amber..." His second orgasm was building up fast inside his magically charged body. "Almost there... going to cum in you."

"Oh yeah... Cum on... I need a good one there Chief." The cat groaned. Her claws extended a bit into the wooden dresser. Her tail whipped around the bird and held him tight. "Oh yeah, almost there..." She had to try her best not to purr as he per her client's instructions. "Yeah... yeah!" She let out an odd combination of a moan and a purr as she came rather hard. Her body vibrated hard as she was still fucked hard by her partner.

Chief continued to go at the impersonator. His dick slid in with a wet slurping sound as the hooker actually game. He banged her so hard the vanity began to shuffle along the floor. A few more thrusts and he came powerfully into the well-used pussy. "Yeah take it Amber. Take my load." He grunted as he emptied his balls a second time. A few more thrust and he pulled out, sending a fine streak of her left ass cheek.

"Uhhhh..." The hooker leaned on the dresser for a moment as she let herself enjoy a bit of an orgasm. She got up after and felt the Chief's aftereffects leak down her leg and on to the floor. "Not bad there Chief." She reached down and rubbed her pussy a bit and moved the semen around a bit as it leaked out.

Chief looked at the naked girl. "Yeah." He sighed a bit. It was all right... she was closest to what he wanted. But... It was still off. The long tail, the purring orgasm... "Fine... let's take a bit of a break..." He sat back on the bed. "You can suck me clean anyway."

'Amber' took this as a direct order. She got down on her knees between his thin yellow legs and took the limp cock in her mouth and start sucking the mess of cum and her own juices from the red shaft. She bobbed her head softly putting her all into it. He was a high paying client. It would be worth it to have become a regular or even have him come from another visit.

The bird leaned back and just watched her nurse on his cock. "Yeah... That's good Amber." He sighed a bit and just let her work. She was good... but still, not what the Chief truly desired. But for now, he would get his money's worth before meeting up with his partner tomorrow.


"I am pretty sure it's her." A fairly tall and a bit lanky wolf talked into a marvelous little invention. A candela crystal, charged with a bit of electricity, with a copper wire running through it. It was able to transmit sounds through the tiny cable for great distance. An expensive little piece of magical technology but second to none for communication. "No she didn't use her mental powers on me, but she fits the description. She's the right age and species. Yellow tribal marks. She looks like she's blind but seems to have no trouble seeing. Plus she has some sort of Candela leg braces. Complicated looking things. How many harper seals have that?" There was a pause as someone continued to talk on the other end of the crystal. "She's with an eagle about her age to. A candela. Not sure of his powers either. I think it is just the two of them." Another pause. "All right I will do my best to keep them around with another mission." He tapped the crystal with his claw once to end the communication. He then leaned back in his chair behind the oak panel desk. "Or maybe find some other way to keep her around."


Candela in the SI unit for luminous intensity. Seemed like a good slang for a magic user. Want to hear more? Ask, request, beg ?. Just felt like something where I had more creative freedom for a change! And you may see guest star furries!

Msn is [email protected] Aim is mrredrover Yahoo is [email protected]

Candela - Chapter 2 - A Proper Payment

This is something different. Fan made characters. Yes they are slightly based on digimon, but that's about it. I am enjoying this world I am coming up with. Influence with steam punk from Girl Genius, a bit of magic like Avatar, a hint of digimon......

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Enslavement - Chapter 3 - Rat on the Run

And we continue with the Star Fox/Pokemon cross over. Anyway this one is going to be rough. There will be rape, blood, cum drinking and watersports for this rather extreme series! Blame crescent for all the fetishes. And poor Rattata takes it even...

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The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 40 - Internment

Man this series just keeps getting longer and longer. Originally this was going to be World of Warcraft, but I changed my mind. I saw a picture of Babs Bunny in a Nazi uniform pantless... and an idea came to mind. Yes I do have a perverted mind. And...

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