Candela - Chapter 2 - A Proper Payment

Story by MrRedRover on SoFurry

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#3 of Candela

Part two. Enjoy! And as for how the blind seal can see, well, that will be explained in an upcoming chapter!

This is something different. Fan made characters. Yes they are slightly based on digimon, but that's about it. I am enjoying this world I am coming up with. Influence with steam punk from Girl Genius, a bit of magic like Avatar, a hint of digimon... Enjoy!



Chapter 2: A Proper Payment


Amber waited back in the mansion. She waited in the foyer admiring the pictures of her client. A wolf in his thirtyish year, give or take, with charcoal grey fur. His hair was fairly short with white streaks through it. Amber admired one particular large finely painted portrait of the client and his small family. He was next to his large walrus who must have been his wife. In front of the pair was a young, maybe fourteen your old pretty little wolf girl with ribbons in her hair. The seal place a claw and moved it to the side. Behind the painting was a faded square about half the size of the portrait. Amber made a bit of hmmm sound.

"Would you please not touch the master's painting?" The fox butler asked again. The small breasted vixen looked quite annoyed. She was fairly young... around Amber's age if not a year or two her junior. Seemed almost like a little girl pretending to be a butler. Not that that was unusual. Many youngsters were born poor and would take any job. Many would literally kill to work in a rich man's household.

Amber moved the painting back to its original position. "Well I am bored... Where is your Master, Geeves? I don't have all day."

"My name is not..."

"Again, whatever." The seal walked around the large room and moved to the closet opening it. It was larger than the motel room then she was staying at. Inside were several large pairs of men's shoes lining the wall and quite a few large cloaks.

"I cannot permit you to..."

"Yeah yeah..." Amber closed the closet door. It shut effortlessly without the slightest squeak. Well maintained. "I've been waiting for half an hour." The seal walked up to a pricey vase. Looked like it was from the East and quite old. "I don't know if your boss is playing at something, but if we don't get paid I am going to take the two large out in property damage." The seal placed a black claw on the vase and gave it a slight push. The vixen butler leapt forward on her knees and caught the vase in her paws. "Plus interest."

The butler looked quite annoyed as she got up and placed the vase back on the pedestal. "As you wish." Her lip was curled a bit in a slight snarl. She adjusted the piece of fine porcelain once and went into the next room. She appeared a moment later. "Master Romulus will see you now."

"Finally... think fast!" Amber gave the pedestal a quick little kick with her brass encased foot.

The butler vixen quickly sprinted past Amber to steady the vase. The seal sauntered into the study and closed the large intricate door just as a large crash filled the hall. "That was a rather expensive..." The middle aged wolf sat behind a finely crafted desk. He had long black hair streaked with silver.

"Not as expensive as my services, as a bounty hunter or otherwise Romulus." The seal came over and leaned across the desk. She pulled out the matchlock pistol she took from the rabbit from behind her back and placed it on the desk. "We burned down the Needlewort junk house. Broke up the gang. And made sure the rabbit won't make any more of it."

"You kill him?" Romulus reached over and picked up the pistol, examining it slowly in the light.

"No. Killing is a last resort for me." Amber got up and sat her tight little rump on the desk. "Bodies tend to bring enemies. Vengeful lovers. Angry siblings. I have much more clean ways to eliminate enemies." The seal smiled at her employer. "Keep the gun as my gift. For payment for the vase at least."

Romulus opened one of the drawers and placed the pistol inside the desk and shut it. "An excellent souvenir." The wolf opened yet another drawer and pulled out a leather satchel and passed it across the desk. "Fifteen hundred gold pieces. The rest of the payment we agreed upon for the rabbit dealer. And an hour of your services."

"You only have a half an hour left." The seal swiveled across the desk so she was lying across the desk. "I spent a good thirty minutes waiting for you as you were talking on this odd little toy here." She picked up the golden handle of some odd shaped crystal. "Some sort of communication device I take it. Who comes up with these marvelous little inventions?"

Romulus coughed slightly. Politely but firmly. "I still paid for an hour with you..."

Amber merely opened the pouch of gold. "If that's the way you want to play it, fine. Two hundred was it?" She pulled out several coins. "I'll refund the difference."

The wolf shuffled into the chair a bit. He paused for just half a second before giving his reply. "You are a fine negotiator. All right, thirty minutes."

The seal smiled as she replaced the coins back into the satchel and pulled the cord tight. "Part of my job." She placed the money back on the desk and slid on her belly on the desk. "Now let's get started. The clock is ticking." She reached over to his breeches and began to unbutton them.

"It is." Romulus leaned back as the hot little number pulled out his red throbbing shaft. A good eight inches of male hardness. The veiny cock throbbed in the seal's flippers as she began to pump her flippers up and down the length. "Mmm... I see your talents aren't just limited to bounty hunting."

"Not in the slightest." Amber smiled as she bent over the edge of the desk. She lifted her legs up and took the head of the cock in her muzzle and began to suckle. She had a powerful set of lungs, designed for diving into the deepest waters. Her mouth made a tight vacuum as she continued to use her flippers to stroke him off. Amber used just the lightest ability of her power, slightly skimming his mind to find his desires and fetishes. If she dug deeper he may notice... but no one noticed if she read surface thoughts.

"Rrrrr..." Romulus leaned back more on the chair as he began to pump actively in the mouth. He placed his head on her head as he leaned back and that red leather chair of his. "Your muzzle is as good as I remember."

The blonde teenage girl smiled slyly as she continued to orally delight the older wolf. She pulled the throbbing erection from her maw and gave the red tip a lick. "Oh that little bit earlier was just a teaser." Amber stood up straight and took off her green vest first and casually placed it on the top of the desk. Her breasts were quite small and tight on her body. Her species were swimmers. Large chested women tended to not be very streamlined for the ocean currents. Not even the most endowed women of her old tribe needed a bra or any sort of support. "I did promise you could see the whole package this time."

The long haired wolfed nodded as his paw went to his shaft and stroked it as he watched the girl, twenty years his junior, turn around. Her long broad tail was up straight as she undid the button on her brown shorts. She never wore pants or skirts as the fabric had a chance to get tangled up in her over complicated leg bracers. "True... I want to see if it was worth the extra gold." Romulus watched as she slipped her big tail out of the hole in the back.

"I assure you I am worth all that and more." Amber grinned as she lowered the belt loop and showing her tight little ass. "So which hole do you want here?" She turned her head and grinned as she moved back so the dripping cock was pressed against the cleft of her ass. She could sense a bit of an anal fetish in this one. "You're a bit bigger than what I normally have back there... but you lube me up nice and proper I am sure that big old cock of yours will slip right in." She moved her knees up and down. Her bracers made little hissing noises as she activated the complex mechanisms.

"Sounds like a wonderful idea to me." Romulus casually reaches towards the desk as he got a nice little lap dance from the seal bounty hunter and part time prostitute. He pulled out a small jar of whale oil. Expensive lotion indeed. "Bend over farther and lift that tail higher."

"Why certainly sir." Amber placed her flippers on her brass encased knees. She hiked her tail as high as she could to give the older wolf a good look at her furry pucker. "How's that?"

The wolf took the lid of and began to apply a generous helping of the white cream to his dick while his greyish blue eyes remained firmly locked on that wiggling rump. "Very nice." His dick soon had a nice sheen as he prepared himself. He dipped another claw into the mix and pulled out another dollop of cream and brought it to that tight little hole.

Amber felt the finger rub around her asshole and move in a slow clockwise circle. That was very relaxing to her. She closed her solid white eyes and moaned. "Ohh that feels nice..." Her green shorts were stretched around her knees far. It was a pain to take them on and off with her leg braces on. But she needed them to walk so it was well worth the inconvenience. "Mmm yes sir... get a good helping in there too... nice and deep..." The blonde moaned as the dull claw moved in tighter circles until the tip slipped inside the sphincter. "Ohhh... Yes..." Amber wiggled her hips as the claw slid in deeper.

"Let's get you prepared." Romulus moved his entire claw in, followed up the tip of his furry finger in. He moved the finger back a bit before shoving it a little deeper. "Not too much is it?"

The seal felt a little discomfort but didn't show it. "It better not be. Otherwise your massive cock is never going to fit inside of me." Amber giggled a bit playfully. Pretty much every male love to be complimented on their package. "Better shove that entire finger right up to the knuckle. Get me all loose for your shaft."

"As you wish." Romulus pushed his long finger as deep as he could. He felt little resistance as the furry digit slipped in deep.

Amber let out another happy groan as she could feel the first knuckle and then the second slip inside of her tight rectum. She placed her flippers off her knees and onto the desk in front of her. "UHhhhh yeah..." Her black claws on her flippers dragged over the desk, leaving tiny scratches that would need to be buffed out later. "That's good... play with my ass sir."

Romulus continued to pump the digit repeatedly in the asshole. Amber didn't seem to be in any pain. "You've had way more than a finger up here before?" The wolf was dripping hard already as the girl squirmed on him.

"Oh way more sir. I am sad to say you won't be the first to stick it up the back door." Amber turned her head to Rom and stared at him with unworking eyes. "But you will be the biggest."

The wolf pulled the finger out of the dirty hole and gave Amber a little smack to the bottom... Just enough to make that tight ass jiggle for the briefest of seconds. He finally got up out of his chair so he was loading over the much smaller girl. "Oh I don't mind if you aren't a virgin." Romulus positioned his throbbing cock head to the freshly lubed hole. "I rather enjoy a girl who has a little experience and knows her way around a dick."

Amber grimaced a bit as the much larger intruder began to spread her wide. She grimaced a bit but didn't try and pull away. "Oh it's not too hard... you just bend... over and let the man take you like a bitch sir." The seal panted as the thick head forced its way inside of her. "Now stick it in deep... Fuck me like a dime whore."

Romulus let a low deep howl as he grabbed both of the white furry ass cheeks and started to pump. "You have a dirty mouth for such a young lady." The wolf smiles as he shoved another half inch of shaft in.

"Uhhhh... I am a dirty girl who does anything for money. Hunt down drug deals and come back to let you take me in the ass..." The seal continued her nasty language as she felt the dick get in farther. "Yeah... nice and deep sir. Push it in... make me squeal..."

"Yes..." Romulus's claws dug deep into the thick hide of the girl. "That feels good." Amber seemed to know just what to say to get his juices flowing. "Uhhh... yes... that's good." His knot began to swell at the base of his shaft. A thick veiny red ball about the size of a small fist. Each thrust got himself a little deeper in the hole. After a few minutes of frantic fucking he was soon cock deep inside of her. The knot smacked against the asshole with a wet splotch each time he move forward with his hips. His long gray tail made lazy wags as he rewarded the girl with more precum up the ass.

"Ohhh that feels good..." Amber closed her eyes tightly. The shorts started to tear ever so slightly around her knees as she pushed the fabric to the maximum. "Come on their stud... fill me up with that hot wolf spunk of yours!" She could sense the wolf was going to blow any minute now. He just needed a bit more dirty talk to help push him over the edge.

"Yes... yes..." he may have been a scholar and learned gentleman but the wolf had a decent amount of stamina it seemed. But he quickly rounded the point of no return. His hands dug into the butts and squeezes as he slammed his knot one more time against the hole. There was no way he'd get his entire cock in without tearing the girl up. And that would be bad. So he just held himself there and shuddered a bit. His tail wagged a bit faster as he let himself go. "Ohhh yes. Right there girl... that feels good..." he moaned as his balls empty. A good helping of cum filled up the moaning seal before he pulled out and started to squirt on the seal's back.

The white goo splattered over the yellow spots that landed Amber's back. "Ohhh yes... that feels nice... paint me..." Amber moaned as she felt a little more jizz leak out of her asshole and down her legs. She reached back and wiped it up with a single claw before it could get on her leggings. Cum was a bitch to get out of her gears. "Mmmm gods... that was nice..." She brought the claw to her lips and lapped the jizz from it with a low deep purr like sound.

"Mmmm that was truly wonderful." The wolf sat back in his elaborate chair.

"And you still have another five minutes by my count." Amber got on her knees, a little awkwardly, and brought the cock to her lips. She began to lap the shaft, uncaring that it had come fresh from her own asshole. "Not enough for another round but enough time for me to clean you up good and proper... and for you to discuss any new work you may have for me." The seal lapped her soft tongue back down to the still enlarged knot. "I find negotiations tend to go better for me when I am giving oral to my customers." She grinned as she deep throated the cock once more. The tip sunk back to her throat. The taste was different now. The cock was soaked in the wolf's potent sperm mixed with the slight musky taste of her ass.

"I can see why..." Romulus let out another deep groan. He was still hard of course. Canine types like himself had knots that locked in with their mates to keep the semen in. Wolves seldom had ‘quickies' with their lovers. "But you are right. I do have some more work..." He leaned back and began to discuss the particulars with a pair of furry lips pleasing him in every which way.


Chief did not like waiting outside. Especially since he knew Amber was probably getting laid inside. But it was necessary. If the client decided not to pay, it would be foolish for both of them to be in close quarters. Chief was the back up. Most clients wouldn't want a Candela running around loose vowing revenge or storming their place of residence. An hour and a little went by before Amber came tromping down the stairs, walking a bit bow legged. Another strong twinge of jealousy went through the bird as his partner came up to him. "How'd it go?"

"Great. But we're leaving town." Amber calmly said as she threw the large satchel of money to the bird. She grabbed her shorts as they fell down a bit. She had over stretched the belt loop a bit too much and they wouldn't stay up easily.

The avian caught the gold and placed it under his vest quickly. "What? I thought he had more work."

"He's lying." The seal remarked as she kept her pace calm and collected. It would look more suspicious if they ran. "About pretty much everything."

"Did you read his mind?" Instantly Chief was concerned. Amber had a sixth sense for trouble and he has learnt to trust her instincts.

"Didn't want to risk it. It's pretty hard for me scan without them noticing. I have to go slow, scan their surface thoughts. If he felt something was up, it could be worse." The mind bending girl explained herself. "But he wants to keep as around, though not sure why. So I figured it be best to simply be gone then risk alerting the wolf."

"Then how did you even know something was wrong?"

"For one? The painting in the front part of his house is recent. The wall behind was faded because a much smaller picture was there before." Amber went on. "And his closet? All men's shoes and robes. Nothing for a wife or daughter."

"You think the whole thing was staged? Why?" It didn't make any sense to the ax wielding bird.

"I don't know... maybe he just wanted the job to sound noble. You know, we save his daughter and we're heroes. When In reality? Maybe he runs another section of the drug empire... whatever the reason, it is best to just drop it."

Chief trusted Amber's instincts. "All right. Let's head back to the hotel room, grab our gear and get out." A short pause. "But what took you so long?"

"I did promise him an hour of my body for an extra two hundred. I didn't want him to think anything was amiss. But he was trying to stall me I think too. Make me wait while he was in a meeting. Pay me for more time to suck him off." She flashed her partner a smile as they walked along the river. "Hopefully he'll think we'll be there tomorrow, and by the time he realizes otherwise we'll be drinking cheap drinks on the southern islands."


Amber and Chief packed up quickly and marched down the stairs. They were nomads pretty much, never settling down. Each of them carried their lives on their backs in large duffle bags. They'd be on the docks and on a ship and they'd disappeared into yet another city life.

Though this time there was a wrinkle in the plan. "Good day there." The solid black raven pulled out two wooden bokken swords from behind his back was standing on the garbage strewn street. "Going somewhere?" He was dressed in a tan leather tunic and shorts. Light armor that didn't impede movement.

Chief instantly tensed. <i>Obviously we didn't move fast enough.</i> He dropped his possessions on the ground with a dull thump. His wing went to his weapon. "Who are you?" The hawk didn't look like the normal run of the mill mugger by any stretch of the means.

"Kaz Windrider at your service." Kaz did a bit of a bow, placing his swords in a wooden x in front of him. "I've been sent to escort you two to meet my employer." He stood up straight, a good head taller than either of the two candelas.

"Only one bounty hunter?" Amber looked a bit insulted. "I don't know what's going on... But sending one after us?" She held out her flipper. "I always wondered if it was possible for someone to literally go fuck themsel..." The seal didn't have a chance to finish her threat. An explosion of pure heat caused her to lose her train of thought. She fell to one knee. Her leg brace made a deep clang on the broken stone sidewalk.

"Amber!" Chief rushed to her side and held out his stone tomahawk with wing, the other pulling Amber away from the flames that roared in the street. A spider web of electricity danced through the air towards the second assailant.

A dragon with angry red scales, fading to pink over her front side and an ash grey mane was dodging the attack with a flap of the long leathery wings. The busty well-built flyer skated on the sky as she dodged the electric spikes. Her white tunic flapped in the wind as embers danced out of her mouth. "Well it is a good thing there's two of us."

"Ryuko!" Kaz shouted loudly to this dragon partner. "Be careful! Especially with the seal! We're supposed to bring them back unharmed! Though the eagle we can be a little rougher with." He held his wooden weapons in an attack posture. "He strikes me as a fighter." There was a wall of fire between him and the targets.

"Amber, come on get it together!" Chief helped the seal to her metal incased feet, though he had to drop her when the raven soared through the flames seemingly untouched. The fire just seemed to move out of his way. The eagle just managed to her his tomahawk in time to block a rather powerful double strike with both bokken. It sent shivers down his spine as he was driven back.

"She's a harp seal, from the northern most region of this continent." Kaz swung out with a dull yellow foot and caught Chief in the midsection. "They aren't known for doing well in extreme heat." He lunged forward with a vertical strike with his left bokken. "We were briefed a little on your abilities. And you know nothing about ours."

An electrically enhanced wing caught the wooden sword. When he was shunting his power through his body he could amplify his reflexes tenfold. "You don't know me bird." Sparks flew from his body as he charged himself up.

"I know enough... like using metal swords when fighting a lightning wielding candela is foolish." Kaz let go of his one weapons and struck with the other with a downwards slash. "Hence the wooden bokken."

Chief dodged with ease and held out his tomahawk. "That won't stop me from hitting you." Another vicious bolt of power came out towards his target with the speed of light... and missed. Kaz had dodged with inhuman speed. "Huh?" He didn't even see his opponent move.

The winds whipped around him the hawk like a hurricane. "Thought I might be able to take you without my own Candela powers." Kaz snickered as the air responded to his commands. It caught under his wings and surged him forward like a bullet. He struck Chief hard in the gullet with the tip of his weapon. All the wind left the eagle's lungs as he doubled over and dropped both weapons. "They only give last names in my tribe to those who command candela powers... hence the name Windrider." The hawk replied as he picked up his second bokken off the ground, and raised it over his head high. "I ride the winds."

The battle was going poorly for Amber as well. "Come on, pass out already." Ryuko, meanwhile, was raising the temperature of the street a good twenty degrees. "I don't want to cover you with third degree burns." She teased the seal as she called on her hands and knees into the alley way. "Listen, just give up there pretty girl." The red dragon landed on the ground with a clack of her foot claws. She shuddered a bit as she felt something go through her mind. She stumbled against the all with a pounding headache. Her claws made slight scratches in the aging brick. "Stop doing that... It's giving me a migraine." The dragon folded her wings behind her back. "I guess our info on you was wrong. We heard you could only affect mammals." She looked around the grimy alley to see Amber stumbling down the far end. "Guess you are better than we heard. Of course, you're not so hot at a distance either." Another blast of fire over Amber's head. The seal hit the ground in a dirty puddle on the verge of passing out. Her entire body was meant to insulate heat, to handle subzero temperatures. She continued to crawl as her dragon assailant came up. "Long as I stay far and use distance... you really don't... hey NO!" Ryuko burst into a dead run as she saw Amber's destination. Too late.

A large splash shot up droplets of water from the grimy garbage filled river below. The thick murky surface was utterly opaque. "Seriously Ryuko." Kaz came up with an unconscious Chief slung over his shoulder. "First you attack them when we're supposed to talk to them. Then you toy with her..."

"She's got to come up for air..."

"In an hour tops. She's a seal for Arion's sake." Kaz let out a deep breath. "And can swim almost as fast as you can fly, metal leggings or not." The hawk looked at the water in the canal below. "We'd never find her. Best to head back and bring back this one for now." He turned on his bird claws. "You explain to our boss this little debacle." He warned as he led a rather dejected dragon lady away.


Chapter two. More characters from friends of mine! Amber escapes, but what of poor Chief? What shall happen to him? Remember! I enjoy comments, giving previews, or just chatting so please give me a shout!

Aim is mrredrover Yahoo is [email protected]

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