Zodiac - Chapter 7 - Pisces:Growing a Pair

Story by MrRedRover on SoFurry

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#3 of Zodiac

And a little genderbending all! Man I am still messed up with pronouns in these stories. Don't worry the next one will be more male orientated!

Here we go again! This one is hetero to warn you and was commissioned by Matimura, who loves Palmon as much as I do. She has such a sweet ass. Don't worry! Gay sex will certainly be the dominant theme in this series, but I do like throwing a bit of hetero in, if only just to make it so not everyone is gay!


Zodiac Chapter 6: Pisces: Growing a Pair


"Gah!" Gomamon scrubbed his fur under the shower head, as he had been doing for the last half-hour. "Right up the ass!" He complained for the umpteenth time.

"Shhh..." Biyomon patiently waited at the door. "Don't be so loud." She couldn't quite perch normally. Whenever she did, her butthole sent a quick flash of pain through her. Instead she leaned against the wall.

"You. Stuck. Me. In. Your. Ass!" The seal poured yet another generous helping of the shampoo on him. It was dog shampoo, which seemed to work a lot better on him: after all his fur was very different from human hair. "Don't you tell me I don't get to complain!"

Biyomon rubbed her temples a little: she was still slightly hung over from the incident. "One, I did not 'stick you in my ass'. Gazimon did. Second, I was douched, as you very well know. I mean... I wasn't planning to do anal but I least I was prepared." She giggled a bit and reached behind herself, then winced. "Still sore as hell too." She had never done anal before... Gomamon made it look so much easier.

"Serves you right." Gomamon began to rub his claws through his red mohawk. "And don't get me started on how unprepared you were! He was hung, almost with a knot, and you had no lube? Seriously?? You're lucky he didn't split you in two!"

"Tell me about it." Biyomon walked over and helped the seal upturn a bucket of water over himself. "Anyway, I think you're right about something strange going on."

"No shit, Sherlock." The seal replied sarcastically before the water drowned the rest of his probably unflattering sentence.

"So let's, uhm, see... I know you can shrink and grow. And cum like a fire hydrant." The avian wiggled her butt a bit to try and get comfortable. She hoped her body would heal out of this as fast as it did anything else.

"And read minds." Gomamon remembered the first time something weird happened. "Also I'm pretty sure I caused that freak ice storm... and I probably did something to Patamon to turn him into a horn dog."

"So maybe you just... randomly get magical powers?" Biyomon stepped closer and began to scrub the seal's back: unlike others, he couldn't even use a brush to reach there. "Remember that Hsi Wu character? Think he could be somehow connected?" The weird demon character was the strangest thing she knew of that happened recently.

"Maybe?" It was certainly more plausible. The black winged creature was messing with some seriously weird mojo. "I mean, we really should tell..."

"Tell who?" Biyomon asked, her wings going down his back. "I mean, Joe's a doctor in training and Izzy knows more about digimon than anything, but that Hsi Wu character was something else. And tell them what? I mean, we really don't know much about this. We don't know why it happens, how to control it, or even if you can control it at all. For all we know it will never happen again."

Gomamon nodded once in agreement. "Yeah... and I would rather not have to explain how we found out about these. Specially the last one!"

"I know, I know... I'm sorry, alright!" Biyomon chuckled and picked up Gomamon's left flipper. "Listen I promise I'll make it up to you! Come on... what can I do to get started?"

The seal chuckled. He couldn't stay made at her... especially when his stomach was grumbling. "Fine... go and get me some bluegill and cook it up. I could use a nice big supper." He hadn't eaten all day.

"Sure thing!" The bird smiled broadly. She bent down and kissed the seal's flipper right on the purple batlike markings like they often did playfully. "I'll be right back." When she let go of the flipper, a small purple symbol glowed for a split second. The shape of an H. Then it was gone. the bird didn't see: she had already jumped onto the windowsill and launched off the high rise building.

Gomamon, however, spotted a glow out of the corner of his eyes. "Now what?!" He raised his flippers over his head and waited for the inevitable meteorite strike.


Biyomon was on the counter of the fish market stand. Her appearance no longer drew more than intrigued glances, since Digimon were now, if not more common, at least better known to the public, especially in Tokyo. She was purchasing six nice fillets of bluegill. Freshly prepared fish right from the tank. Gomamon liked them as fresh as possible. It was more expensive but then it all did kinda go too far. She figured she had best prepare a big meal. "So what did you do?"

The bird blinked and turned around on her perch. Behind her Palmon grinned up at her friend. She was a cute green-skinned plant creature with forest colored eyes without irises and a large pink flower jutting from her head. She held a bag filled with fresh fruit and vegetables. "What do you mean?" The bird asked confusedly as she took her own bag from the fishmonger.

"You're buying fish." Palmon smirked. "You eat seeds, some fruit... insects once in a while though you don't want Wormmon or Tentomon to know. But fish? You don't do fish. That tells me you did something to Gomamon you feel guilty about. Elementary my dear Biyomon." The plant paused a little and looked over her friend. She seemed...different, but she couldn't put her viny finger on it.

Biyomon sighed. Palmon was one of her best friends, and a lot more observant than others often gave her credit for, especially since she spent half hr time oversea with her partner Mimi. "Yeah... I, erm, kinda got drunk and... well... did something stupid." She didn't want to elaborate. Gomamon was not done coming out and it really wasn't her place to say anything more just yet.

"Still holding a torch for him?" Palmon looked to her avian friend as she hopped down to ground level Most of the gang was aware of the bird's crush.

"Oh, you do not get to lecture me!" The bird playfully shot back.

With that they were off. Biyomon could have flown and been back in half the time, but that would have been terribly rude.

"No, I don't." Palmon gave her friend a nudge with her hip, which made her notice: Biyomon was walking slightly different. "I said Gomamon was cute and I would bone him. Where does that mean I have a crush?" She giggled.

"But you said that about every guy we know!" The bird laughed as they crossed the street to cut through the park.

"So what if my standards aren't complicated?" Palmon was... more open than Biyomon about sex. Biyomon wouldn't call her a slut--not to her face anyway--, but only because they were such close friends... and she might stop sharing stories. "Though I would like to know firsthand... have you managed to, you know, transfer data with him?" She nudged the bird again. "I know you've been trying." Biyomon blushed a bit.

"Not really."

"Geeze." Palmon looked shocked. "He turns you down... he shot me down more than once too... you sure he doesn't have a girlfriend he's not telling us about?" That got Biyomon snickering a little.

"Very sure." They were just passing one of the cement washrooms that randomly peppered the park. "But nature calls." She joked.

Palmon and Biyomon went in together, as female friends often do. The restroom was in traditional Japanese style, with raised squat toilets in separate stalls. Biyomon took the stall furthest to the right, assumed the position... and something went totally wrong.

Palmon didn't have enough time to do anything before when she heard her friend scream. She busted out of her stall at the same time Biyomon did, looking around in alarm before settling her eyes on her friend's face, then down to what 'she' was holding.

"What the..."


Meanwhile, Gomamon had finished rinsing off, taken a quick dip in the deep, hot Japanese bath, then gotten out and shaken what little water had not rolled right off him. He was currently in his bed... He knew he'd seen something glow and was determined to find out what. "All right... it wasn't the water... not the soap... Let's see..." He tried to reproduce what was going on. "Biyomon was washing my back for me..." He tried to touch his back but couldn't anyway in this or any other form... which was precisely why she was washing it. He sighed and moved on. "Then she grabbed my flipper..." He held it up with his other flipper. "Gave me a kiss right here..." He reached with his lips and pressed them on the same spot the bird did earlier. "And..."

The spot on Gomamon's flipper glowed slightly again. He distinctly saw the H-shaped symbol form this time. It pulsed once before fading away into nothingness. "Okay... that was weird..." He looked around. "Let' see... nothing's happening..." He didn't know what to expect.

A good minute passed. No blizzards. No sudden shape changing. Nothing. "Huh." Gomamon scratched his head. "I really thought I had something there..." He shifted a bit. Something felt... odd though. He couldn't quite place it. Even the way he was laying on his belly felt strange. Like his package was out of place maybe? He reached for his groin to rearrange himself...

The scream of terror could be heard a blocks away.


Biyomon was holding a brand new penis. Except for his bright pinkish color, it wasn't all that much different from Gomamon's. It even had a foreskin too. "Mmm..."

Palmon looked back up at her. "All right...How long have you been hiding that?"

"I have not... I mean... This is definitely new!" Biyomon gave it a tug to see if it would come off... nope. Though it did get a reaction... She reached down under the now semi-erect shaft and checked for a vagina. Where there used to be a slit she found two orbs in a tight, downy scrotum. She tried giving those a tug too. That was a bad idea, as the painful screech that ensued demonstrated. "That hurts!" She whimpered, instinctively clutching at the pair. "A lot!"

"Well... Duh!" Palmon's eyes were still drawn to the foreskinned length. "Why do you think you can drop any guy with a blow there?"

"Yeah but... owww!" Biyomon whimpered some more. "I didn't even pull them that hard..." She protested meekly, wings massaging the orbs. "No wonder the guys protect them so much..." She ran her wing over the still exposed shaft, which throbbed, having finished getting hard. "Eep!"

Palmon snickered madly. "Okay, this has got to be a trick." She came closer. "Is that you, Hawkmon? You dyed your feather to mess with me?" She teased Biyomon as she came close.

"No I swear it's me!" The pink bird looked in dismay at her stiffening five inch penis. The thing seemed to have a mind of its own.

"Mhmm, alright... that's got to be the most realistic dildo I've ever seen." Palmon reached down and grabbed the pointed cock, its red tip peaking from the folds of foreskin, and squeezed once. "Wow. It even feels warm!"

"Palmmoooooooo..." Biyomon moaned from the strong fingers of her plant friend wrapped around her cock. Pleasure was shooting through her body; a strange, familiar yet new pleasure. She held on Palmon's shoulders for support and shuddered with a loud coo. Her dick pulsed as she humped her dumbfounded friend's broad hand a few times. Her body clearly knew what it wanted. There were five more thrusts before Palmon had a chance to react. "Palmon!" Biyomon let out a loud cooing groan as she came faster than ever in her life.

The flower-headed digimon pulled her hand back in surprise, causing Biyomon's cum to splatter all over her stomach and legs. That was definitely not what she'd expected. "Is this really?" She scooped up a line of jizz and brought it up to her nose to sniff, then casually slipped the finger in her maw to suckle on the tip. No doubt possible now. "It is! This is cum! With sperm and all!" She smacked her lips, then looked down with a frown at the mess on herself. "You can cum... And did you just cum on me?"

"Uh? Uh uh..." It took Biyomon several seconds to speak. That orgasm was different from those she knew. It was far more draining, especially in those first initial seconds. Her legs felt weak and she had to hold more onto Palmon for support. Unlike most guys, she didn't have years of experience dealing with that sensation. "S... sorry!" She managed to get out.

Palmon still looked confused. It was odd that Biyomon's presence caused her to become more exposed, the seed dripping down over her slit. The feeling of semen on her skin and a cute naked guy against her was arousing. Biyomon was, she had to admit, hot. She always knew her friend was good-looking, but neither was much into other girls. Well, besides that time when a Commandramon--a blue Agumon-like digimon in military gear and camo skin--had talked her and a Floramon into a threesome. But now Biyomon was most definitely a horny guy. And he was hot Palmon dragged her finger back down and over her pussy a few times to get the juices flowing. "Mmm Biyomon... horny guy, aren't you?" The plant looked down at the shaft. It was still half-erect and shivering, a dollop of cum hanging from the tip of that foreskin.

"It... must be Gomamon." The bepenised avian realized, still shaking a bit in the aftermath of the sudden orgasm. "He did something to me... he was right... PALMMmhhhmMMm!" She shrieked again when the plant shoved her against the wall and kissed her. The bird's eyes widened as Palmon passionately made out with her.

It was an awkward kiss to say the least. Palmon had a wide mouth while Biyomon's was a short pointed beak. It was more Palmon trying to suck the bird's beak and get her tongue in there... but Biyomon was too surprised to contribute. Palmon broke the kiss and snickered madly. "Mmm, you came on me... Anyone will tell you: you got to let the girl cum at least once." She began to grind her wet cunt over the trapped bird's erect shaft.

Biyomon's body was awash with delight. The unexpected, unknown pleasure was definitely affecting her judgement. "Uhhh... we... we should go see Gomamon... to figure... oh Gods... figure this out." The incoming sensations of a second building orgasm were rapidly erasing the pain in her rump as sexual adrenaline coursed through her system.

The slight smell of mint began to fill the air from the plant's increasingly aroused wetness. "Mhmm that can wait... let's say five minutes." The flower headed digimon continued to rub herself against her not-entirely-willing friend. "I don't think can last much longer anyway. You won't have to hold back, and neither will I!" She moaned as the wrapped shaft ran over her swelling labia, soon reaching down and guided her friend to her entrance. Warm flesh finally filled her body.

"Pal... mon..." Biyomon moaned her friend's name once again. That one had more of a needing, wanting tone to it. She stopped resisting and allowed her body to push forward and hilt itself up to her brand new feathery balls. As good as Palmon's hand had been, pussy was most definitely better. "Yes... oh yes..." Her wings reached around and gripped those green ass cheeks. Palmon's tail stuck out between them as the bird went on to actively hump.

"Ohhh yes, yes... that's it, Biyomon." It felt weird to moan that name. "Come on... fuck me hard... fuck me, man!" She begged as she felt Biyomon slide deep insider her cunt. Her pussy had an unusual texture... Soft and rubbery, like the leaves of an aloe vera plant. And her minty pussy juice was stickier than typical female fluids. It stuck lightly on the bird's shaft like jelling syrup.

Biyomon couldn't believe it. Five minutes ago she was so tired she didn't think she could stay awake. Now she was just raring to go. "Oh yes... Fuck, that feels so good... I can't... I can't describe it!" She screeched as she suddenly lifted Palmon right off the floor. Holding the plant by her ass, she turned around and slammed her against the tiled wall with a loud thump. The green gal's entire body shuddered while the wall shook with the force of the blow. Her body moved across the tile slightly as Biyomon took control.

"Oh wow... yeah... you are a needy one aren't you?" She lifted her legs and wrapped them around the bird's back. The feathers tickled her bare legs slightly. "Just... taking what you want..."

"Yes, yes..." The bird agreed but wouldn't and couldn't say more than that, too lost in a world of new sensation. Her wing tips gripped the green ass cheek so hard she was starting to bruise the tough flesh. The first time seemed... so easy. But this around, she genuinely needed to work for what she wanted. So much effort... but the need and the reward were so great they just spurred her forward.

Palmon could tell her friend wasn't going to last too long. She was riding back hard. Soon her vine fingers extended to run down the bird's body and pulled the two of the closer, her chest pressing into Biyomon's feathery hide. The cum from the first orgasm smeared and made strings like cobwebs between them. "Ohhh almost there... Plow my field hard... come on..." Palmon loved to talk dirty. It was a huge turn on of hers. "Come on... yes..." Her vines suddenly gave an especially tight squeeze, so tight neither of them could breathe for a second. It forced the air from their lungs in loud, twin gasps. It was almost as it squeezed the orgasms out of them.

Biyomon let out a scream of wonderful delight and arched her head until she could almost see behind herself. Her brand new balls finished emptying into the bird fully. Hot bird semen shot out in gobs before leaking out of the plant's dripping cunt and onto the tiled floor. "Oh gods... oh gods!" She didn't have enough air to make it any more than a strangled whisper, like energy itself was being drafted out of her lungs. She kept mouthing those words over and over even after no words came out anymore.

"Ohhh yes..." Palmon slowly released her grip so she and her horny friend could breathe again. The plant also had a slight breathplay: she enjoyed being held down, squeezed tightly and used... even if she had to do it herself. "That's a good bird... cum in me..." She panted as her legs slowly unhooked from the bird. She climbed down on the floor, the operation marked by the rhythmic pitter patters of their love juice leaking out of her and on to the cold floor. "Not bad for your first time." She joked. Biyomon was a virgin... sort of. She had never used her penis before. She never had a penis before! The green gal giggled to herself as she pondered the solution to this question.

She was definitely handling it better than the pink girl, too. Biyomon was still panting and leaning against the wall for support. She tried to stand, but felt woozy and slipped down onto her feathery rump. "Azulongmon's balls... How can Gomamon be gay?!" She muttered to herself.

"Wait, wait, wait... Gomamon's gay?" Palmon had caught that and snapped her fingers. "So that's why she turned me down..."

Biyomon blushed, then blushed harder when her attempt to stand failed miserably again, making a dull thump and painful squeak as her tailhole reminded her of its disapproval. "Wait... I mean..." But it was too late.

"Damn... he hid it well, that teasing mink." Palmon giggled. "Sneaking in the hot springs to peek at us. And then in the showers... But then, I should have figured it out when he refused a blowjob. No straight single guy turns down oral!"

"Please don't tell him I told you..." The bird pleaded, having finally got up on her third attempt, but still leaning against the wall

Palmon reached down and wiped her messy cunt with a swipe of the palm. Her hand came back covered in sticky semen and vaginal excretions.

"You must be kidding. Just look at you: I have a feeling Gomamon being a closet fudgepacker is the least you guys are hiding!" She hauled herself on the counter to wash her hand when a plaintive call came from the floor.



"Well..." Biyomon shuffled a little in embarrassment. "I still need to, err, go, but I don't know how... err... well... uhm... y'know..." She didn't manage to actually finish her sentence.


Meanwhile... in another dimension...

The air crackled with magical energy over the grassland. A being began to form. A demon with solid red eyes and dark grey skin. The lanky demon floated in midair. His wide mouth flashed twin rows of white teeth. "Ahh..." Hsi Wu, the sky demon laughed to himself. "Jackie Chan's home dimension." He held the stone talisman in his hand with an arrow through it. "Ahh Sagittarius." He smiles as placed the stone back on his belt along with the other eleven powers. "You brought this on yourself. Defeating me, my brothers." The demon laughed a bit. "Not that I mind the fact you banished my kin. It leaves this world ripe for me." His black fingers run over the stone talisman carved from the zodiac constellations. "But I shall give you the honour of being the first to sample the rest of my crafted magic." He laughed again. "I promise to try my best to keep you alive long enough to sample each and every one of these powers!" And with a flap of his bat like wings, Hsi Wu took flight.


I continued to refer to Biyomon as 'her' and 'she', mostly because, as you can guess, her gender will probably change more than once from now on. And as we found out from writing Twelve Talismans, it gets confusing as hell! [Editor's note: No kidding! I still had to remove a bunch of male pronouns!] Anyway! If you do want previews of upcoming chapters, contact me on AIM or yahoo at mrredrover or on MSN at [email protected]

Aries - Mind reading Cancer - Ice/Winter control Libra - Pheromones Taurus - Stamina Capricorn - Size changing Pisces - Gender swap Hsi Wu has kept Sagittarius - Dimensional travel

Zodiac - Chapter 8 - Capricorn:Twice as Nice

Back to pure gay sex (well in a fashion...), and lots of it! I know it stars two girls.. but with a gender swapping power you know those cunts aren't going to last! ...

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The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 42 - Showdown

And the finale comes to a close! The almost-verse trio is in hot water once again! Impossible odds! Startling reveals! Forbidden love! Remember **_chapters 40-42 are not the orignal cast_** , but the trio from the almost-verse previously seen in...

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Testing Phase

This is just a short little story for Skye/Supersonic's contest. It has to have Bunnie and Sally in it, not to mention involve sex and mind control. Nothing too extravagant. Simply far too busy to do anything more. But enjoy it! Sorry no herm/futa like...

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