Zodiac - Chapter 8 - Capricorn:Twice as Nice

Story by MrRedRover on SoFurry

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#2 of Zodiac

Sorry for the LONG wait all. I will post more. Two in one day!

Back to pure gay sex (well in a fashion...), and lots of it! I know it stars two girls.. but with a gender swapping power you know those cunts aren't going to last!



Chapter 8 Capricorn: Twice as Nice



"Gahhhhh!?" Gomamon spread his rear flipper as wide as he could, staring down between his legs. "This can't possibly be real! This is real life, not Ranma 1½!" He stuck a claw where there used to be a simple slit inside which his member would hide when not needed, rather than what was clearly a cunt where the long claw easily fit, making him shudder in discomfort from the lack of lube. "Where'd it go?!?" The panicking Digimon fished around for a moment without noticing someone coming in through the open window, which Biyomon hadn't bothered to close when she'd left.

Patamon, the big-eared Digimon, landed on the windowsill. He had been trying to work up the nerve to talk to Gomamon after he, as far as he could tell, lost his mind--not to mention his heterosexuality--and fucked him like a wild animal. "Gomamon?" He hoped off the sill. "There you are... I, uhm.. wanted to see you and talk to you man to m-... gwah?" The Digimon's mouth hung open wordlessly.

Gomamon looked up without, at first, stopping fiddling inside the vagina. "Errr..." This was far more embarrassing then getting caught jerking off... regardless of the fact he did look just like he was masturbating. "Ever learned to knock?" He finally managed to ask.

Patamon stepped up closer, clearly not listening. "How could you possibly be a girl?! We grew up on the same island for thousands of years, for goodness' sake!" The flying mammal's ear wings pressed on to his side. "Of course we were in-trainings... nah that's not possible... but that's a vagina if I've ever seen one!"

"Errr..." This all made no sense to him. He finally remembered to pull his now glistening claw from his vagina and promptly hid his groin with a flipper while Patamon rambled on.

"No wonder I banged you! Wow... that makes me feel so much better." The orange Digimon wiped his forehead with a wing. "I have no idea how I didn't notice that before... especially for a girl as cute as you!"

"Errrr, thanks?" The frozen Gomamon managed again. Is he hitting on me now? Dear gods, this can't possibly get more awkward. Sure, Patamon was cute, but sex (especially vaginal sex!) was the last thing on Gomamon's mind right now.

Then the flying male switched into his smooth-talking mode, and things got worse. "Sorry about walking in on you, babe, but thank you for the show anyway."

Gomamon squirmed harder when the other male dragged a wing over his forehead and brushed his orange mohawk back. "Weeeeell, as flattered as I am, Patamon... Now is really, really not the best of times."

Patamon took that as a maybe later. "Of course... but hey, maybe if you'd like, we can go back to those hot springs on File Island. Just you and I."

"Errr, I'll give you a ring!" The seal blushed as he remembered what happened the last time he was there. "But I kind of have plans... lady plans..." Gomamon had no idea what that meant; he just hoped that would get Patamon out of here.

Luckily for him, the Digimon romeo took that as the best place to leave it for now. He had planted the seed. Some battles were won gradually. "Of course, cutie. See you later!" With a few ear flaps he was in the air and out the window.

Gomamon watched as his friend left through the window. The second he was gone a claw flew to his flipper and he began to poke it like a madman. "Workworkworkwork..." The seal nervously muttered the mantra over and over as that one spot was hit over and over. The odd symbol eventually reappeared and glowed once once or twice like a heartbeat before vanishing again. The second it was gone Gomamon went for his crotch and whipped out his dick. "Oh thank the digital gods it's back." He leaned back in his little doggie bed and let out a happy sigh.

"Gomamon!" Biyomon dove through the window with Palmon holding to her feet. The plant Digimon landed on the sill. "We've got to talk to you!" The pink female hovered above him.

"Yeah!" Palmon jumped down from the ledge. "I don't know what you two have been up to, but- Why hello nurse!" The plant looked down with a perverted grin at the exposed seal laying back on his bed.

"Gyah!" Gomamon threw his blanket over his groin to keep a pretence of modesty. "Why can't anyone ever knock?!" He shouted while fumbling under the cover to get his package back inside. "And what are you doing here anyway?!" He asked Palmon angrily.

"Gomamon, please don't take it badly..." The plant reached up to grab Biyomon by the leg and pull her to the ground, getting a surprised squawk from the other female. Palmon then casually reached between Biyomon's legs and grabbed the pink member that camouflaged amongst the feathers. From the looks of it, this was far from the first time she did something like that. "But I think I've earned some sort of explanation."

"Palmon!" The bird protested loudly as she found herself exposed in front of Gomamon. She tried to cover her crotch with her wings, but unfortunately for her even that slight touch (though Palmon's obviously contributed) caused her to grow hard within seconds. She tried to hide it back between it back within the feathers and failed miserably. Unlike the seal, she wasn't even graced with a built-in pouch or slit or anything. "How do you control this thing?" She whined pitifully.

The plant chuckled a bit at the other two's unsuccessful antics. "Alright, so... What are those so-called magic powers I'm hearing about?" She walked closer to him. "And apparently you're gay? I gotta say I did not see that one coming!"

"Biyo!" Gomamon shouted reproachfully.

"Sorry!" Biyomon looked down contritely... and found herself staring down at her penis. "It, err... kinda slipped out." She knew Gomamon was still sensitive about this and telling people on a need-to-know basis.

"Don't sweat it. If someone should be ashamed, I should be for not figuring that earlier." Palmon sat down right next to Gomamon. The seal was still trying to discreetly tuck his increasingly uncooperative member back in and not doing too well at the "discreet" part. "After the third time you turned me down and I still couldn't figure out who you had the hots for? That should have raised a couple rainbow flags." She snickered as the seal squirmed. "You did a good job fooling us... sneaking in on the hot springs on us? Genius."

"Yeah... Well, I wasn't so sure about the gay thing back them... Didn't even have a gender as Bukamon after all." The seal explained with a blush. "So... um... are we...?"

"Anyone who hasn't sucked cock and taken it up the ass raise their hand, wing, or flipper." The green skinned gal looked back and forth. "Thought as much. Well, didn't think Biyo's done the full dirty deed, but that's not the point." She added to the bird's embarrassment before looking back at Gomamon. "Yeah, don't you worry, Gomamon. No one could think less of the guy who took on Piedmon on his own as a rookie, and then broke MetalEtemon in two just because he plays for the other team."

"Thanks." Palmon always knew how to pump people up. He had to admit so far this whole thing was turning out to be easier than he had expected. Baring all the... weirdness, it was also not entirely unenjoyable.

"Anyway... this magic? Any clue how it works?" She changed the subject.

"Actually, I think I figured out something!" He held out his flippers for them, Biyomon stepping closer. "Watch..." There was a pause while he concentrated, then rows of symbols appearing in glowing violet across the top of his flippers.

Biyomon leaned in and cooed a little as the light lit up her face. "So... these is what's messing things up?" She looked at the marls. "They aren't Japanese or Digicode. Never seen anything like that before."

"Yeah I don't know them either." Gomamon admitted. "But this one, the one that looks like an English H?" He motioned to the one on his right flipper. "I hit that one after you left... and all of a sudden I have to use the women's washroom. I'm gonna guess that's what you did before leaving." He nodded at the angry erection throbbing behind Biyomon's wings.

"Good guess." The bird's wings were still covering her groin area.

"Err..." Damn... Biyomon reminded him of Hawkmon now. That thought guaranteed his dick was not getting back inside its pouch anytime soon. "So yeah, when you tap that one, your gender flips. I was a girl just before you got in, and then it got me my dick back." He extended his flipper for her, but Palmon grabbed it instead. "Hey!"

"You don't say?" The plant smirked. "I just have to try this at least once!" Before Gomamon could protest further she had brought a purple finger to press firmly where the symbol had been, waiting for it to pulse a few times.

"That's not a good i-!" The seal protested halfheartedly. "I mean, that's hardly like changing your hairstyle!"

At first Palmon didn't notice any change, so she moved her leaf hand down to her groin, shuffling back away from the other two so all could have a good look at her brand spanking new external genitalia. It was very clearly a penis ans scrotum, no doubt about it, and just like with Biyomon, there was no slit or sheath in sight, the organs dangling out for all to see--although in the bird's case they were normally hidden within her feathers. The penis was relatively long for an unerect one, with average thickness and several prominent veins. It basically looked like one of her vinelike finger with foreskin wrapping around to hide the tip.

"Woah... Awesome! Also I don't have hair... Besides you just said it works both ways, right?" She reached for the cock and slipped a vine under to make it flop a few times, but it remained limp "Huh... Come on... I kinda want to feel what en erection is like!" She tried to play with it, but the thing continued to react like a wet noodle, which was getting quite irritating as she considered herself quite experienced at getting what she wanted out of a dick. "Dammit, do I need to run the warranty on that thing? Biyomon's can't keep it down, why can't I get it up?!" She grumbled at it. Her efforts and the small noises they made when she fiddled with the foreskin clearly did not go unnoticed, unlike the very obvious bulge now visible in Gomamon's bedcovers.

"Palmon! We're right here, remember?" The seal whined a little as, yet again, events moved faster than he'd wished.

"Oh right! That'll make this easier." The horny dickgirl grabbed the blanket and casually threw it off him before he knew what was going on, then rolled her eyes at his horrified expression. "What? I already know you're gay... and you two are constantly diddling yourselves together, right?"

Gomamon glared at the bird who was still trying to calm her own erection down to no avail. "Sorry... That one came out by accident." Palmon was the kind of person it was hard to spill a single secret to. One called for another and before you knew it you had spilled the whole can of beans.

However the seal's annoyed glare was soon interrupted by a surprised shout: "Palmon!"

The green girl was testing out her new cock by rubbing the limp shaft against Gomamon's. "Dang... You'd think having Biyomon dick and sack rubbing on me the whole way back here I'd be hard..." She looked up at the seal with a . "Oh come on Goma... It's a cock, not some poisonous snake! I bet you wouldn't turn down a blowjob, now, uh?" She teased him, pointedly not specifying who would be performing the blowjob.

"Pr... probably not!" He admitted. He always liked Palmon and Biyomon. They were close friends, but he (unlike, say, Agumon, if the orange dinosaur's private comments were any indication) had simply never thought about them sexually. But now that they were guys? They were definitely hitting his buttons--though Palmon rubbing her dick onto his pride and joy probably affected his judgement.

"Dang... come on, I am aroused!" Palmon was getting a bit frustrated to say the least. "Come on do something!" She shouted to her cock. And her cock, to her great surprise, actually responded. Not, to her greater surprise, in the way she expected: the organ suddenly curled around Gomamon's ballsack and held on tight.

"Gyah!" The plant jumped back a bit in shock, which proved another bad idea, what with her apparently prehensile member latched on the seal's junk.

"Don't pull! Don't PULL!" He begged, the screaming not exactly helping the plant to calm down.

"Calm down Palmon!" Biyomon rushed forward and held her friend in place before the other did anything stupid like trying o run away. That brought her own bird cock rubbing over the taut asscheeks of her friend and a tingle of pleasure filled her body. "I know you're the newest to having a cock but I'm sure even you know that guys don't like it when you drag them by the balls!" There was a pause as she considered he friend's... extensive experience. "Well, most guys."

"Yes! Listen to her!" Gomamon pleaded. He was utterly terrified to move right now: the veiny cock pulsing over privates was freakishly strong. Palmon took a few deep breaths and tried to calm down a bit.

"Sorry!" She tried to think of her dick as another one of her vines, soon it began twitching a little. "I've never had one before." Gomamon watched in apprehension as the dick began to uncurl. He breathed a sigh of release when his nutsack was freed from its green prison.

"Well, they generally don't do that... But geeze, shouldn't you of all people have known?"

"No! I've never met a male Palmon before." She snapped back, busy concentrating on controlling the vine. Getting essentially a new limb was not usual for her, but before long, the penis was moving like it had a mind of its own. First with little control, then with more... intent. Within two minutes, she had the thing curl up on itself, then make into a little heart shape, and even a loose knot. "Wow... this is cool!" She giggled. Next thing her green dick was standing up straight and hard as a ruler, foreskin pulling back on itself as she willed it erect to reveal a purplish head matching her fingertips. "Coool... I think I might have to find a male Palmon now!" She snickered and playfully wiggled her rump a bit upon noticing Biyomon was still rubbing her cock into her crack. "Though... a male Biyomon might do."

"Eeep sorry!" Biyomon realized she was practically dry humping her friend. No wonder guys thought with their dicks. She'd thought she was all cummed out from earlier. She stepped away only to have Palmon reach behind her with a few vines, grab her ass, and pull her back.

"Mmm, did I ask you to stop?" The plant snickered madly and wiggled her rump some more. "Come on, don't be shy. You already plowed me once... let's try out this new body of mine." She looked down at Gomamon in front of her. "And it looks like someone else likes my new boybits too."

The redhead seal watched the newly males fool around, the ball-tugging episode completely forgotten. His white dick was fully erect and dripping, red cock head pulsing a bit as the two girls (Boys? Man, this was messing with his head...) groaned in pleasure. "Yeah... they're pretty nice." He had to admit.

"And your poor balls. I am so sorry!" The plant gal stressed as she got down on all fours. "Here. Let me kiss them all better." She puckered up her lips and planted a big kiss on the fuzzy sack while still pressing her bum into Biyomon's dick. Soon the bird grabbed it and began to rub her dick into the valley of her ass, red tip sliding over the taint over and over. The foreskin pulled back after a few more thrusts to leave the red bird cockhead fully exposed and leaving a trail of precum on the flawless Digimon ass.

Gomamon let out a groan as Palmon began to kiss his furry nuts over and over. It didn't take her long to switch for suckling on his entire sack. She had a very broad mouth and was easily able to gargle his balls. She suckled the sore testes just enough to apply pressure, but not enough to hurt. "Ohh Palmon... man you know cock..." His black claws reached down and ran through the flower that bloomed atop her head.

Palmon took the balls out of her mouth, the orbs flopping out wetly on top of his tailbase. "Well, duh. I mean... I'm not Biyomon. I might not be gay, but I've dealt with plenty of cock before..." She pointed out, her irritation not even lasting to the end of the sentence as she moved up a little. "Of course me having a cock now'll probably make it easier on you... At least you don't mind when I do this." She opened her mouth, and took Gomamon to the base of his dick like it was the most natural thing.

"Ohh yeah... suck it!" The horny seal moaned as Palmon went down on him. She was right:she had amazing skills, taking his dick straight down her throat without the slightest bit of gagging.

The plant let the furry dick slide out of her mouth for a minute. "Well, I am a slut... well, a manwhore now I guess. I live for this." She snickered and shifted her bum again. "And don't just dry hump there, Biyomon... I'm sure Gomamon has some lube. Let's see if anal feels different for a guy!" And with that she took the cock behind her green lips once more.

"Yeah... under the bed... with my toys." The seal admitted as he leaned back and enjoyed Palmon's work.

Biyomon nodded and went over to Gomamon's bed to briefly rummage under it. She knew exactly what the seal kept there. She forgot about Palmon's presence as she upturned a shoebox, sending a pile of items cascading noisily on the floor: multiple dildos shaped like animal dicks ordered very discretely from a special website, a silvery bullet vibrator, and most relevant to their situation, a bottle of jelly lubricant. "Here we go!" She smiled before squirting a generous amount over her birdie cock.

"Ohhhh... I got the dragon cock too." Palmon grinned broadly, eyes trailing over a massive reptilian blue dildo. She shifted forward until she was chest to chest with the aquatic Digimon, grinning madly when their crotch grinded together. "Can you take it?" She asked with a horny, breathy tone.

"N... not even close." The seal panted while the plant ran her fingers through her hair.

"Mmh... you just need to practice more, my horny seal." Palmon retorted. "I can take it with a smile... both ways." She teased.

"But it's friggin huge! She gave it to me as a jo..." His playful protests were interrupted by a gasp: something had grabbed his cock and was jerking him off at full speed, but Palmon's hands where wrapped around his neck. "What's...?" He looked down and found himself staring at Palmon's prehensile dick, which had wrapped firmly around his own white fuzzy dick and was moving up and down. "Okay... that is way cool... and fuck, that feels good, too!' It was certainly a new sensation, though one anyone who had sex with the tentacle girls probably was familar with: quite unlike ass, mouth, or hand. More like a snake had completely surrounded his dick and was trying to mate with it.

"Mmmm yeah... for me too." The plant was liking this new little toy hanging between her legs. It took some effort to control but was so worth it. "Yeah... feels really good for me!" She watched hungrily at Biyomon's bobbing dick as the bird, now fully lubed up, walked behind her. "But it could... should feel better... c'mon Biyomon. Stick that cock up my ass already." Wow there was a phrase she thought she'd never utter. Not the part about cock up her ass (that one she was familiar with), but the one about Biyomon doing it.

Luckily, the bird was plenty eager to comply with that order. Just as requested, she pressed the red head up against Palmon's green asshole and gave a hard shove, cooing loudly as she tended to do when wracked with sexual pleasure. "Oh, that's definitely better than your pussy... When you had one." Even she couldn't help but joke about the whole thing at this point.

Palmon's dark green eyes went wide at the sudden penetration, mouth thrown open and briefly speechless. "Mmmm, yes... wow!" She finally managed. She had taken it up the ass before. Many, many more times than she could count. But as a guy... when Biyomon stuck it all the way in? It just lit up her world. "Oh, FUCK! That is awesome!" The plant girl jerked of Gomamon harder. "No wonder you take it up the ass, Gomamon!" She panted from how fast her orgasm was approaching.

Biyomon, for her part, was just getting started. She had come twice in that restroom and felt utterly drained, but the not-so-little thing jutting from her crotch was still up and raring to go. "Ohhh, gods, I love having a cock!" She squealed as she just did her friend hard.

"Me too!" Gomamon squirmed in his doggie bed. His flippers moved off Palmon's head and gripped the cover spread before he accidentally dug his claws into her just in time for his orgasm. His red cock head spewed cum all over his chest with the first blast. The second dribbled more than squirted out of his dick and down the length, thoroughly slathering into his fur from Palmon's skillful work as she milked him until he squirmed in discomfort.

"Yess... Oh I can feel your cum on my dick... Nice and squishy and warm!" Palmon panted while she was railroaded almost violently up the ass. "And your cock in my ass. Biyomon..." She gave the cummy penis a good hard squeeze as she came herself. "Yes! Yes! YES!" She repeated over and over, and louder too. Sperm slowly oozed out of her throbbing purple head like syrup out of a bottle, the slick, honeylike substance sliding down her shaft like a slip'n'slide. "Ohhh yeah, keep it up!" The plant girl begged as she continued to cum, thoroughly messing up their crotch while wet schlorping noises now mixed into Gomamon's moans of pleasure and discomfort. It was her first male orgasm, and it was like the female version, and even though it lasted several seconds longer than Gomamon's, it felt lik in packed a nuclear bomb of pleasure in that too short time. "Yessss..."

The mix of semens dribbled down to pool onto Gomamon's waterproof belly where it sloshed a little, some occasionally dribbling down the seal's sides to soak into his bedcovers. Palmon moved back a bit, panting heavily, but Biyomon never broke stride: she was trying to get a third orgasm going and trying her damned best to squeeze it out. "Uhhhh... man... it feels so good up the ass." Palmon groaned, her dick uncoiling from the quadruped's. The orgasm was draining, but did nothing to reduce her arousal, especially with Biyomon busy pumping into her rear. "It keeps me horny..." She shifted herself until her tip slipped under the white ballsack. "Very horny." She didn't need to guide it in, only to mentally demand that it slide in the white fur-lined sphincter.

"You sure you can control... whoa!" Gomamon felt the dick worm into his asshole with the help of the mixed fluids.

"Mmmm, what do you think?" The plant grinned and went on to fuck the seal ass as. She didn't even need to actually thrust: she just commanded her cock to pump in and out. The mental order was enough to make the green shaft retreat a bit and shove back.

"Ohhh, wow!" The seal squirmed a bit on his back as he was taken up the butt. It didn't take him long to start enjoying himself: after Armadillomon, Palmon's member was a breeze. "You're a... a fast learner..." he panted.

"Yeah... thank you..." Palmon was sandwiched between the two Digimon. Even though she had taken too many dicks back there to count, she was still fairly tight. Even though Biyomon had nothing to compare it with, she certainly seemed to be enjoying it and was giving it a real pounding. The green girl moaned when the feathered girl slammed into her hard enough to make their brand-spanking new sacks slap against each others. She was feeling that buildup of pleasure in her loins one more. "But I'm not done... learning... Let's try... this!" She concentrated and her cock suddenly curled up into a coil inside the bowels of the Digimon and then straightened again.

"Uhhhh..." Gomamon arched in the bed until his chest pressed into Palmon's. This was way different from any cock or toy he'd ever tried. "Gods, Palmon, do it again!" His dick spurted out some fluids against their skins.

"Ohh, so you like getting... screwed?" The plant girl couldn't help herself, getting groans out of the others. "Yeah take it up the ass like the slut I am. Right Biyomon?" She panted at the feeling of her orgasm coming closer and closer.

"Ohhh, yes..." The avian chirped as she plowed her own cock deep in the green pastures. She was almost there herself but reaching that third orgasm was a hell of a lot of work. She was drenched in sweat as she egged her body on.

"Come on... cum in me, Biyomon..." The flower-headed fe-male begged. She pressed her chest harder into Gomamon's, and could feel his erection rubbing against it. She had no breasts right now (not that they were that visible normally), just a lean, slightly muscular chest. "And you better blow a load already, Gomamon... come on, now!" Palmon talked dirty and down to them, and constantly coiled and uncoiled the cock rapidly. She was a fast leaner: she could now do it practically without thinking.

"Ohhh, Palmon... yeah... come on... just do it... do it!" Gomamon begged eagerly. He didn't stopping begging even as Palmon filled his ass with minty cum which was enough to set off the seal. Hot jizz stuck to their chests even as Palmon pulled her dick out of him with a mental gesture, then stood up, her cock straightening to aim directly for his face.

"Mmmm yes!" Palmon used the second wind of her orgasm to coat the seal's face, who himself was busy squirting onto his stomach and chest. "Wear my spunk you little cock sucker!" She moaned. It was a bit hard to aim as Biyomon was still going at her ass like there was no tomorrow. "Open it! Get a good taste!" She felt a hard exhausting drain run through her body. It was amazingly fast... like she had just run a marathon. No wonders most guys couldn't keep going once they came!

Gomamon did so. He opened his furry lips as wide as he could. A good three spurts hit him in the back of the throat. His tongue hung out over his lower lip as he waited till every drop of Palmon's surprisingly tasty semen was spent on him. He then closed his lips and swallowed with a loud gulp. Then, like the porn movies he was so found of, he opened his mouth afterwards to show the girl he swallowed it.

"Ohh fuck yeah!" Biyomon SO loved watching the seal get fucked. She pulled out of Palmon's ass and stood beside the plant. She jerked off rapidly as she tried to finish herself off.

"Ohh he is still hungry the little cum dumpster?" Palmon reached down and grabbed her avian friend's shaft. "Here you don't even know how to jerk off a cock properly there Biyomon... let me show you how it was done." Her long fingers curled around the shaft in a practiced motion. She certainly looked like she did this a lot!

"Ohh wow... that's good. That's really good..." Biyomon admitted as her friend stroked her hard. She had trouble giving a proper hand job, or wing job in her case. Her feathers tended to tickle and she didn't have the grip strength Palmon did. "Keep that mouth open Gomamon!"

"Uh huh!" Gomamon nodded his head. He kept his mouth open wide, his tongue splayed out.

"Yeah... You got to squeeze it hard Biyomon." Palmon continued her work. "Cocks need a good hard rub... right? Stroke them nice and hard... So you can cum buckets... right?"

"Uhhhh!" The bird let out a loud groan as the palm leaf hand brought her over the edge. "Yes! That's it!" Her third cum in less than an hour was milked from her dick. She began to shoot his dick in long white strands. The first one landed on Gomamon's chest. Palmon adjusted the bird's aim. The second one was dead on target. It hit the seal square on the back of the throat.

"Yeah that's the way Biyomon!" Palmon kept raising the bird's dick as the streams got a little weaker with each spurt. "Feed the seal!" Finally after the sixth spurt it didn't have the strength to more than dribble out and fall on Palmon's green toe like vines.

Gomamon had a good mouthful of jizz now. When the last bit was pooling in his mouth he closed his mouth, and swallowed like he was ordered. He opened his maw once more to show the two yet again he had devoured every drop. "Tasty." He admitted with just a hint of blushed.

"You certainly watch a lot of porn there Gomamon!" Palmon let go of Biyomon. Biyomon was utterly exhausted now. She fell on her feathery behind once more with a bit of a grunt. "And so do you from the looks of it Biyomon. Pulling out for the money shot."

"Yeah." The pink bird nodded once as she sat on the ground. She was fully spent. "Gomamon and I often look at porn and jerk off together."

"Are there any secrets left you want to tell her?" Gomamon sighed as the bird let out yet another little tidbit. "Maybe my foot fetish perhaps?"

Palmon laughed a bit. "Don't worry Gomamon. I won't tell anyone." She suddenly took her cum soaked toe and pressed it to the seal's lips. The dirty green sole was pressed against the bottom of her chin. "Besides, I am pretty open to helping you explore your fetishes... heck I grew a cock just to fuck you Gomamon. You don't think I would indulge you little foot fetish and let you suck a toe once in a while?" She laughed a bit as Gomamon began to suckle a toe a bit. His cheeks turned red again as he sucked cum from another man's foot.

"Mmmph..." Gomamon nodded. This did really turn him on... forceful males. Armadillomon back then just had his way with him. It was so hot... Palmon was like a female version of Armadillomon... now a male version.

"Of course... after you are done cleaning my foot... we should probably go check out these powers." Palmon admitted as she looked from her toe sucking seal pal to the almost passed out avian now sitting against the bed. "Figure out just what we you can do... of course." Palmon held out her limp green dick with one finger. "And that's after you give me back my clit. Cocks are fun... but I miss the multiple orgasm and not feeling so exhausted. I promise not to make fun of any my conquests for falling asleep after sex ever again!"


In Jackie Chan's dimension...


The black winged demon Hsi Wu stood outside the old antique store. He hovered two stories overhead. He knew he wasn't the most imposing of demons, so he wanted his opponent to look up at him.

"Chan! Face me! Hsi Wu is back to rule the world and destroy you!" The demon flashed a wide grin. "And not in that order."

The front door of the shop opened up. The little bell on it jingled slightly as a middle aged Chinese man walked out. He looked in shape, but unimpressive. Average height for an Asian with jet black hair. A simple blue sweater and tan pants. No one would ever thing this archeologist had saved the world from demons and dragons and more. "Ahh sorry we're closed!" Jackie Chan flashed a smile to the demon. "It is Sunday. Please come back on Monday!"

"Always the jester." Hsi Wu grinned. "Even when faced with certain death."

"Certain death?" A young girl shouted girl from the roof top. She was Jackie's niece and clearly looked it. She had an orange hoodie on despite the warmth of a Californian fall. "Dude... you're not even the coolest of the demons!"

"Jade!" Jackie shouted up to the roof top. "I told you not to leave the building!"

"I haven't! The roof is part of the building!" Jade shouted over the ledge, before looking back up at the dark demon. "And it's just Hsi Wu. I mean, at least his brothers could control gravity and shoot fire and stuff. He can just fly."

Hsi Wu flapped his wings again. "True, I don't have the raw force of my brothers and sisters." He placed a dark talon on one of his talismans that lined his belt. "But then, I had other attributes. Speed. Skill. And of course, my mind. And you both will taste first hand, the power I command!"


Yeah I know I called Biyomon and Palmon she and her throughout the story but it was way easier. Especially since the genders kept bouncing back and forth and probably will later on in the story! And if you do want previews of upcoming chapters, contact me on AIM at mrredrover or on MSN at [email protected] Powers by the way!

Aries - Mind reading

Cancer - Ice/Winter control

Libra - Pheromones

Taurus - Stamina

Capricorn - Size changing

Pisces - Gender swap

And Hsi Wu has Sagittarius - Dimensional Travel

Zodiac - Chapter 9 - Aquarius:Let the Sparks Fly

Testing time! I mean, if you ever find yourself with a wide range of magical powers it is a good idea to test them thoroughly. Ideally in a place to keep civilian causalities to a minimum ...

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The Twleve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 47 - Clash of the Titans

Finishing up the fighting world! And a good long one. And Psodude story. Sorry for the LONG wait. But? I made up for it with a nearly 10 000 word story! Hope that makes up for it! ...

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The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 46 - Unrequited Feelings

All right! Another brand new world. What trouble will our main pair get into? And the sex scene is a bit tame in this one to warn you! A bit of a shorter story for this one... It was going to be a one shot but it got too big so I split it up. This it...

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