The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 46 - Unrequited Feelings

Story by MrRedRover on SoFurry

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#64 of The Twelve Talismans

Next world. Fighting. Spurned feelings. Happy endings.. at least from the massuse. Only one more chapter in this world, and we will be moving along!

All right! Another brand new world. What trouble will our main pair get into? And the sex scene is a bit tame in this one to warn you! A bit of a shorter story for this one... It was going to be a one shot but it got too big so I split it up. This it was originally chapter 28... that tells you how big this ended up being.


The Twelve Talismans: Dimensional Travels

Chapter 46: Unrequited Feelings (Gomamon/masseuse)


"What do you mean you won't let us in?"

The cat and seal from another world looked up at the shirtless muscular guard, wearing shades and a colourful Mohawk. "You creatures deaf?" The tall but merely human guard snorted once. "This is the sign up for the World's Martial Arts tournament."

Gatomon and Gomamon looked at each other. The tracking statue indicated the next power was in here somewhere. So far, this world didn't have any surprises. They were dropped in the middle of nowhere in the desert, soaked to the bone in semen, and left a trail of slime in the sand until they made to civilization and, more importantly, soap and a bath.

The statue had led them half way across the world. Two weeks of travel, and the duo finally reached the location of one of the last powers. It was some sort of massive stadium that was currently holding some martial tournament. They could try sneaking in, but they preferred to work in the law right now if possible. Although Gomamon could swear he knew this place from somewhere. "Maybe we can get tickets?"

"Tickets sold out months ago. And I doubt you could afford them. This is the World's Martial Arts tournament... not some city bush league." The body builder looked down with contempt from behind his shade. "Now leave."

The seal was getting annoyed with this attitude. "Well... I guess we want to sign up for the martial arts tournament." Gomamon shrugged.

This got a contempt filled laugh from the guard. "Oh that's a good one. I am sorry, we don't allow pets."

The two digimon exchanged glances. "You had enough of his attitude?" The seal asked stoically.

Gatomon cracked her knuckles. "Oh yeah."


After a brief discussion with the guard, they came to the mutual agreement that he would let them in to sign up, and Gatomon agreed to stop punching him in the face. There were hundreds of combatants. A great portion humans and the like, but some dragons, dino creatures, and so on. Mostly posers. Gatomon and Gomamon got drawn into one of the four brackets. Gomamon in A, Gatomon in D. There were four rings set up in four buildings that had a simple elimination system. The winner of each one would fight in the grand finale.

Gomamon had little trouble in his bracket. Just normal humans. Some strong, some skilled. But the seal had little trouble. He did have to pull out a few tricks. Speed for one quick karate type Bruce Lee, strength for some huge Sumo that was built like a mountain. After all day of battling he managed to win his bracket, finally given a rest. "Damn I do miss the horse. Hope it is here... Not only for my eye but it really energizes you." He thought to himself as he wandered around to the back complex... the fight was being sent to the main arena outside now. It was a giant raised stone floor with four pillars on each corner. The seats were being filled, cameras being set up... she had at least an hour to relax. The four finalists that remained were hosted in the back area of the arena. There were a dozen and more rooms with random services. Food, drink, medical services... it was set up rather impressively large but apparently this tournament was worldwide so everything was first rate.

Gomamon was looking for the next magic power. Unfortunately, they weren't allowed to bring their possessions in the back room so he didn't have that handy dandy tracking statue. It was in case they brought weapons, something to drug the competitors... whatever. It made sense. Right now, the seal was just looking for anything that might be a horse or a monkey. The last two powers. Hopefully Gatomon was doing well on her tier. The seal expected to run into her any minute now. After a little exploration, Gomamon came across one door with a beaded curtain and the word "Massage" on the frame right outside in gold letters. "Hmmmm could use a rub down..." He talked to himself. He could use a moment of relaxation and treating himself proper.

The smell of aromatherapy candles filled the air. The smell of flowers permeated the air. A massage table was in the center of the rather chill place. It was a pretty sweet set up. "Damn, this is pretty nice for like, four fighters."

"Well the fighters deserve the best." The beaded curtain opened from the back room. A tall Asian looking girl with light blue hair came walking through. She wore a red Chinese-style silk shirt embroidered in gold. "This is a world competition. Even if we are set up for but a few hours, we make sure every need is catered too." The masseuse smiled.

"Hey who am I to argue?" The seal placed his flippers on the massage table and yanked himself up with a grunt. Not very graceful as usual. Probably should have used his flight power. "Anyway! Could use the full works. You would not believe the stress I've been under!"

The blue haired beauty moved over and threw a tower over Gomamon's back side. This fighter was so small that one normal sized towel covered everything from the neck down. Of course, she knew that size wasn't everything in a fighter. Some of the best fighters that came here were as small as children. She placed her fingers on the purple dots that lined the seal's shoulder and started to rubs her strong thumbs down the seal's back. "I can tell... you're a mess of knots." She said as she began to work the kinks out.

"Tell me about it. One disaster after another..." The seal closed his eyes and relaxed a bit. The gal certainly knew her way around his body... even more surprising since Gomamon, as far as he knew, was the only seal digimon in this verse. He could feel his body losing a month's worth of tightness as her fingers danced around his shoulders. "Damn babe, you sure you know your way around seals."

"Well the tournament brings all sorts of creatures. Bear men to Cyclops to dragons... even a few aliens if you can believe it. You'd be surprised at how intuitive you get at finding pressure points when you never know who is going to walk through the door." The girl placed her thumbs in the small of Gomamon's back and pressed hard. He seemed small for a fighter, but of course, she had seen all sorts of fighters in all shapes and sizes. "And the name is Crystal. Not babe." She smirked and pressed down hard. A little crack filled the air as she readjusted his spine.

"Whoa!" The seal felt what he thought was pain run down his spine... but it was more of a sudden release of pressure. "Sorry Crystal. Sometimes I forget my manners!" He closed his eyes again. That felt good indeed.

"Oh I am just teasing you dear." Crystal moved to the cabinet and grabbed some scented oil. She squeezed a bit in her hands and rubbed them together vigorously. She then placed her hands back on the small of his back and started to rub again. "I know you fighters have a lot on your minds."

"Oh yeah." The tournament wasn't even on his mind really. Winning or losing didn't matter. Not like they could spend any prize money. They didn't plan on being here this long. Gomamon loved the oily fingers down his back... he was almost sleeping he was so relaxed. He was, till the soft yet strong hands reached his small furry ass. He began to squirm a bit... "Uhhh you go all over don't you?"

"Well these are the biggest muscles right here... well maybe not in your frame." The beautiful girl smiled as she began to move her thumbs into Gomamon's ass cheeks. She kneed the flesh in circles, moving them around slightly to get every square inch of that rump. "You did ask for the full work out."

"Yeah. I did." The sea mammal squirmed some more. Those fingers were getting closed to his furry sphincter. He began to get of a woody as his butt was rubbed in small circles with those talented thumbs. The soft oil ran across his furry hide, making him squirm. "Ohhhh... yeah. Feels... so relaxing... ohh!" He felt a single soft fingertip run all over his asshole again. "Ohhh really good..." He raised his tail reflexively.

"Enjoy a little rubbing there?" Crystal spoke in a deep soft monotint voice. She began to press her finger inside him, ever so slowly. There wasn't too much resistance from what the seal's back door. She could tell he certainly was no virgin back there.

"Ohhh quite a bit..." The seal was realizing quickly that the full service involved more than just a simple massage. "I really shouldn't..." It seemed half the time when anything sexual happened to him it came to bite him in the butt. Sometimes literally. But when the finger moved inside of him? He forgot about resisting. He squirmed hard as the finger slipped into the second knuckle inside of him. He hadn't had sex in a couple weeks at least. Quite frankly after the last world he wasn't interested in pursuing women for a bit. But now he was getting aroused fast. His penis had worked its entire way out of his sheath now. "Well... maybe just a quick hand job."

"Easily done. I can get a male masseuse for you." The blue haired girl continued to finger the tight asshole. It was a natural assumption.

"No! Trust me I am straight. I just enjoy a little... anal stimulation." Gomamon admitted freely. "Once in a while." He turned over on the massage table and freely exposed himself now. She was that kind of masseuse after all. Her finger never left his asshole the entire time.

"Well we best take care of that." Crystal grabbed the exposed red shaft with her strong free hand. "Especially for you. An erection, I can imagine, would be difficult to fight for most fighters." She began to pump the seal for white gold. "For you? It would be almost impossible."

"Tell me about it." Gomamon just rested and let the girl do all the work for now. He spurted some precum out on her hand now as she stroked him all throughout the conversation. "You wouldn't believe what a pain in the ass it is!" He made the pun rather unintentionally as the finger inside of him was pushed right to the final knuckle.

"I can't even imagine what a handicap that would be in a fight." The blue haired girl moved her soft hand repeatedly over the shaft in a skilled motion. "Best to take care of this as soon as possible."

"Yeah... sounds good to me..." Gomamon agreed with a happy nod. He was fast approaching his orgasm. Precum started to leak out to mix with the scented oils that already soaked into his body. "Stroke it... Almost there..."

"Come on. Let me see that fountain." Crystal had some of the strongest hands he had ever felt. Her forearms were as strong as metal from years of rubbing down well-built fighters. The slickened cock throbbed in her hand. She could also feel his sphincter clamp down on her finger over and over again like a little piston.

"Uh..." The seal thrusted up once. His dick spurted up like a geyser. He always got decent distance with his cum shots. A beautiful arch of semen shot up in an arc on to Crystal's gold embroidered dress. A second spurt coated his balls as he started to come down from his orgasm, the third just a weak dribble that leaked down his penis to mix with the warm oils. He closed his eyes and just inhaled the scented aromatherapy candles. That was a nice pleasant quick one. "Oh yeah... that's nice... that's good..."

"Gomamon!" Gatomon let out a little squeal as she placed her paws over her lips.

"Oh geeze..." The seal opened his eyes and looked to the door. Gatomon was there, upside down right now since he was leaning his head straight back over the massage table as he lay on his back. "Ummmm hey Gatomon!" The seal blushed a little... his cummy dick still being held by the beautiful masseuse. The red seal prick flopped back and forth a few times in her slender hand. "Umm... that'll be all." He squeaked out. Sadly? This wasn't even closest to most embarrassing predicament that Gatomon had caught him in.

Crystal merely wiped her hands clean on a towel that she conveniently had nearby. The cum stuck to the fabric in wet sticky blotches. "As you wish." She smiled sweetly at the feline who stood wide eye at the door. The masseuse smiled with her thin lips. She turned around and headed to the back room. Whether this cat was a girlfriend or whatever, she figured she'd better leave before the drama unfolded.

"It's... I should have knocked!" Gatomon's tail wrapped her tail around her tightly. The gold ring pressed hard into her stomach as she took a step backwards and tripped, falling on her rump with an 'ouff'.

"No, I'm sorry... I honestly just wanted a massage..." The seal flipped off his back and on to the ground. The towel wrapped around him a bit as he landed on the ground. "I swear I was just looking for a bit of a rub down... not a rub one out.' He snickered a bit nervously.

The feline scurried up on her back paws. "Sorry... I shouldn't have snuck in! I... I will go now!" Gatomon quickly scuttle away and back down the hall. She was blushing so hard even the fur on her back was turning a slight shade of pink as she disappeared down the hallway.

Even Gomamon was a bit surprised how shocked Gatomon was and how quickly she ran off. "Geeze... We've each seen each other in about a half dozen worse compromising positions. You think she'd be used to my cock by now." The seal sighed. She was probably just stressing out about everything. "Oh well... I'll talk to her later." He decided to himself and took the towel off him and threw it off on the ground. "Let's see if I can find something else to do to kill a little time."


Gatomon herself fought round after round... half decent fighters. But the feline had hundreds of years of fighting experience against every sort of digimon imaginable. She knew how to counter every attack, expect every unexpected move. Even without her power ring, she was a force to be reckoned with. It still was difficult. Her strength was down to that of a normal human... well a strong human at least. The last match left her sore and bruising... but she won her bracket and made it to the final four. "Ugh." She cracked her shoulder as she walked down the hall... I'm still sore... I guess that arrow injury's from Hyrule not completely healed. Throwing that manhole cover didn't help. Never had to push it this much before. She had it checked out by the doctor here who gave her a shot of muscle relaxant which seemed to help a bit. "Gomamon?" She figured he had to be somewhere around here. "Gomamon, you here?" She went into one of the rooms... a luxurious Japanese hot spring the size of an Olympic swimming pool was there. Steam wafted from the warm water making the whole room foggy. It seemed like Gomamon's type of place... he loved swimming. "Gomamon?" She called out as she walked into the misty room.

Suddenly the surface of the water broke. "Well looks who's here!" Gomamon popped his head above the water. "Nice and relaxing after a hard day of fighting!" The seal snickered as his head bobbed above the yellowish water. It was almost opaque due to the sulphur content and bubbles. "Gatomon... seriously though how'd you sneak in?"

"Sneak... in?" Gatomon placed her paws on her hips. "Listen, I may not have a bunch of super powers ebbing in my flippers but I can certainly handle some mediocre fighters."

"You? Fought?" The seal guffawed a bit. "Sorry... I shouldn't laugh... but I can't see you handling the cheerleading squad here let alone the fighters."

This... annoyed Gatomon. Gomamon questioning her fighting skills? "If you didn't have those powers you know I could take you, in water, land, you name it!"

Now Gomamon was laughing loudly. "Oh I am SO calling your bluff there!" He swam to the far edge of the onsen and climbed out. There were some nice white towels on the far end. Gatomon couldn't see what he was doing through the haze. "Tell you what..." He came walking around the edge of the pool. Both of his flippers had a towel wrapped around them, making them looking like boxing gloves with his claws sticking out of the end. "There you go! Can't use my superpowers now! So...If you think you can take me... do it." He held out both flippers and made a 'come get me' gesture. "Show me kitty has claws."

"Seriously?" The feline was getting hot under the collar. "Did one of the martial artists hit you on your head? I might not be at a champion level, but still!"

"Come on..." Gomamon beckoned her some more. "It probably is time I teach you how to fight properly... gods know you are way overdu..."

The seal didn't get a chance to finish the thought. Gatomon had crossed the span in a heartbeat and grabbed his furry mohawk with both paws. With a grunt, she flung him sideways... he skipped twice over the water before sinking like a stone. "Oh... you arrogant..."

Gomamon launched himself out of the water like a rocket... both flippers extended... He moved like a laser to his target. But Gatomon, instead of running, met him head on. She dove into the attack and grabbed both flippers, rolling on her back. Her left foot came out and hit him in the stomach and threw him over head again. This time he landed right in the laundry hamper, knocking it over and sending towels flying everywhere. The soiled linens covered the seal... it took several seconds for him to pull his head out. "What... how?" He looked surprised. More so, absolutely dumb founded. It wasn't strength... sheer skill brought him down!

"You've must have taken a few good blows to the head." The feline walked forward to the edge of the sulfur infused water. "I may be a rookie level in strength, but you honestly think you can take me in combat?"

"Your ring though!" Gomamon pointed to the ring on her tail.

"My ring?" She pulled the piece of jewelry off her tail. The dead one from the Zombie verse. Gomamon knew it didn't work for her... it was inert. Dead like her twin from that world. Maybe he thought she somehow got it to work? Whatever. No reason to give him an excuse. She placed it on the park bench next to the river. "Hey, if you need proof it's not helping me..." She smiled and gestured with both paws. "It is about time I teach you how to fight properly."

Gomamon seemed taken aback. "Fine... I won't hold back then!"

That made Gatomon snicker. "Please, maybe if we were sparring in the ocean you might have a shot. But we are on land..." This time it was Gatomon's turn to be surprised... Gomamon dug his claws into the land and propelled himself faster than she had ever seen him naturally go. She barely had enough time to raise her own claws... sparks flew as they collided... she was actually knocked back by the force of the blow. It caught her off guard... especially when he grabbed her wrist and twisted downwards. She felt herself brought to her knee from the skilled move. "Uhh!" The arm lock was expertly done, she couldn't break it.

"Little Jiu-jitsu I picked up... Hard as hell to do with flippers..." The seal smirked as he twiddled the claws on his towel encased flippers. "You've been training... you actually held your own against me for almost a minute!" He smiled and held her there. "A gold star!"

"Who says we are done?" Her tail whipped around her head and grabbed the seal by the neck. She yanked him forward as she brought her own head towards him. There was a loud cracking as she head-butted him in the forehead.

Both of them yelped in pain. Gomamon stumbled back, releasing his grip. He didn't even think Gatomon would hurt herself to break his hold! And unlike him, she was prepared for it. It gave her the time to recover and tackle him head on into the dirt like a sledgehammer.

The two of them rolled around on the ground in the sand... neither of them getting the upper hand... White fur became grey with dust as they twisted and turned. Gatomon managed to roll on top of the seal... holding him down... hearts pounding. Sweat poured from her brow. Her muscular body pressed against the seals... Gatomon couldn't control herself. Her body seemed to have a mind of her own... she released her grip and wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a passionate kiss.

Only for a second. The seal's eyes went wide and he pushed back hard with both flippers. "Gatomon! What's got into you?!" He looked up in shock.

"I thought... I mean..." She stuttered a bit. She expected... she didn't know what she expected but not... abject horror. Gomamon was literally scurrying out from under her as if she was on fire something. "I just thought..." The feline fell to her furry rump. Her ears flattened to the sides of her head

The seal had a look like a deer in headlights. It took him several seconds to calm down. "Gatomon listen..." Gomamon sighed as he now stood a good deal away. "I... think of you as a good friend. But seriously... that's it. I've... never had any romantic intentions... "

Gatomon just sat down on the dirt on her rump... tired, dirty and sweaty. "But... not even..."

The seal shook his head. "I um... better go... sorry... This is just not right Gatomon. I'm sorry if anything I did sent the wrong signals... and I love you like you were my sister... but that's it. Nothing more." He turned and headed to the entrance casually taking off the towels around his flippers. "The fight's going to start soon... I better get ready."

The feline didn't even turn around. She just sat on the ground trying her hardest not to cry.


Poor Gatomon. Feel bad for her I admit. Nothing is worse than putting your heart on to someone and not having the feelings returning. The next one will be a longer story, and a rather intense sex scene for Psodude. Who won a contest a long while ago! This was supposed to be chapter 28... and the story just, blossomed.

Msn is [email protected] Aim is mrredrover Yahoo is [email protected]

The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chpt 45 - The Cave

The finale for Skye, a talented author and GM. []( Yes Gatomon has a penis now. Again! Skye asked SO nicely. I can't really say no to her. Mostly random stuff here. ...

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The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 44 - Broken Quarantine

The continuation for Skye, a talented author and GM. []( I don't normally do herms... but for her? Of course. Not to mention her other major fetish... cum. And more cum. And even...

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The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 43 - Enthralled

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