The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chpt 45 - The Cave

Story by MrRedRover on SoFurry

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#63 of The Twelve Talismans

And the finale of the cummiest chapter I every wrote. Think of mud wrestling in loads of spunk. Hope you enjoyed it all!

And if you want to know just what Gomamon did in that cave? Well.. I do do commissions!

The finale for Skye, a talented author and GM. Yes Gatomon has a penis now. Again! Skye asked SO nicely. I can't really say no to her. Mostly random stuff here.


The Twelve Talismans: Dimensional Travels

Chapter 45: The Cave (Gatomon solo, Orgy)


"Well that sucks." Gatomon growled as she looked at her cock. She touched it once with a claw and a shiver of pleasure. "Errrrr..." She took her claw off the new barbed dick of hers. "No time for that now."

"You... you've grown a penis... but you are in control?" Patamon looked confused. This was new. "Aren't you... aroused?"

"Yeah I think that it is pretty obvious." She looked down at her throbbing cock. "But I have other things to worry about." The feline tightened the straps on her back. "How long till I go completely mindless?"

"Normally... you'd be half way there by now. I'd guess... a few days? A week. Maybe." The big eared digimon hated giving bad news. It was one of the things he hated as his job as a nurse. He took a step back in fear. A kiss, a cum shot... and he'd be infected too. "You're... handling it well. How?"

"I have digivolved back and forth into a champion, ultimate, and mega digimon more times than I can count. I've had an egg transform me into an armored digimon and had my code literally bio merged with my male avian friend. I've also had magic split me into my ying and yang form, and had my soul or whatever literally removed from body and placed in Gomamon's body!" The feline sighed as she faced the mountain peak. Her body has been through so many traumas. She never realized it until she said it out loud. "So not only am I used to weird things happening to my body, but this isn't even my first time with a dick." She cranked her head up. "So...A week... if we move we can make it in that time... I know you can make it quicker, but you can't carry me that far..."

"Then what?" Patamon asked. "Do you know how to fix this? What to do?"

"I plan on winging it." Gatomon looked back to long eared ally. "Sides, not like I have much choice in the matter." She looked down at her penis. "Not if I don't want to spend the rest of my life in a non-stop orgy."

Patamon wrapped his ears around himself. "I... I am not going with you."


"It's impossible." The big eared digimon looked ashamed. "There's tens of thousands of rookies... more maybe. And you don't know how to fix this... even if you can!" Patamon whimpered softly. "And you could turn on me in a heartbeat... I... I don't want to be infected."

Gatomon stood there for a moment. She closed her eyes and nodded once. "I have no right to ask you of this." She nodded and turned back towards the mountain. "You're right, it is probably impossible. And foolish. Odds are I'll spend the rest of my life as one of the sex crazed Sombies." She gritted her teeth. "But I'll be damned if I go without trying." The feline took a step forward. "Thank you Patamon. I'd give you a goodbye kiss... but you know." She made a weak attempt at humour before she trudged off into the jungle.


"Uh uh uh..." Gatomon sat on a stone. She had a death grip on her barbed cock. Her paw flew like a mad woman. It was way easier to jack off like this with opposable thumbs. Unlike when she was in Gomamon's body. Her other paw was holding her tail and shoving it in her vagina under her barbed red shaft. She pushed in and out as she pleasured both organs at once. "Mmmm yes... That's the way..." She mumbled slowly. Not too loudly just in case someone would overhear in the forest. "Do me Gomamon..." She groaned louder. She shut her eyes tightly as she let visions of Gomamon doing her. Face fucking her in the mouth till she gagged on the cock. The seal mounting her from behind and doing her tight cunt and filling her with cum. "Oh yeah you hot little seal... fuck me... fuck me..." She let out a loud hiss as she let out a happy moan as she came hard. Her barbed feline cock began to spew what seemed to be an impossible amount of spunk. It shot from the tapered tip of her dick in a long arc and into an ever expanding dark puddle in the dirt. "Yesssss..." She growled savagely as she pumped her long tail in side of her a few more times before she pulled it out. The end was absolutely soaked with juice. The normally pristine purple tuft on the end where flattened with her natural moisture.

"Yeah...That was good." The feline's head cleared a bit. She found that getting her rocks off helped to clear her mind a bit, if it only was temporary. It was getting harder to think by the moment. Every second thought was about cocks and cum and sex and tits and fuck and taking it in the ass and mouth and pussy again and over.

"Damn it." Gatomon shook her head. She had been moving as fast as she could for five days. But she had to avoid random sex infected Sombies. Half her time was spent hiding in bushes or moving silently under the canopy from fliers. Another good portion was spending whacking off to try and get some of the urges out. Seeing the horny dripping males with throbbing cocks walking by just caused her loins to ache. She saw a Mikemon stroking a wonderfully barbed cock as he roamed through the forest yesterday. ... A five inch of red barbed throbbing meat that he was continuously jerking to and fro... spewing fluids with just about every step... It was so hot... it was all she could do not to leap out of there, tackle the orange striped cat and suck every drop of cum from his balls. To sit on top his face and grind her dripping snatch over and over...

"Gah!" It was getting worse by the moment. She wouldn't last the rest of the day. Not that she needed too... she was here. The cave entrance beckoned towards her. She remembered this from years ago. Well, from her dimension anyway. This was the cave where Hawkmon and Armadillomon were sealed under the digi-egg of love and digi-egg of friendship respectively. She watched for a while... once in a while another digimon, or a group went enter. Masturbating or fucking or whatever. She saw a female black skinned Agumon walking on all fours as yellow skinned Gizamon was on his back. The male frog digimon was fucking her up the cunt the whole time as they made for the entrance. The Sombies couldn't even travel without screwing it seemed. They disappeared inside with the others... but didn't come out.

"Great." Who knows how many digimon were in there? And even if she could reach the egg, what could she do? She had a hope... She and Hawkmon bio-merged had before. They shared their very code... hopefully she could command the egg. Fix it? A one in a billion shot based on pure wild speculation. For her? It was enough to try.

Gomamon tightened her bag once more. "Into the breach." She mumbled to herself.


The tunnels went deep. The light from the sun barely reached halfway down. But an odd form of bioluminescent moss lined the wall. An odd blue glow filled the cavern as Gatomon moved deeper. The feline crawled slowly down the side keeping an eye out for any newcomers or anyone coming up the tunnel. But it was clear. Though as she got closer she heard the sounds of love making. It was like a dull roar that increased as she got nearer. Her eyes narrowed to adjust to slits as she took a step forward. It made a small splash. She looked down at her right paw. There was an inch of a white fluid surrounding it. She bent down to the edge of the giant puddle that was oozing out of the entrance and sniffed it once. Cum. Frothy semen was oozing out of the cavern from the massive sex party that was going on deeper... god... the amount of digimon that would be required to produce such an amount. The non-stop sex... the wanton lust...

Gatomon lifted her face from the lake of semen. Her face was just... dripping now with the jizz from thousands of digimon. She realized her belly was filled... she had been lapping up the sperm for... how long? Long enough so when she reached down and felt her belly. It was swelling slightly, like she was slightly pregnant. She had gouged herself shamelessly. She let out a little burp and ran her paw over her face. She had a sticky face mask plastered on her face, a good chunk of it being wiped off on her yellow glove. Gods... come on. Control yourself... She caught herself with her tongue lolled out, hovering over the jizzum stuck to her glove. "Gah!" She pulled her head back and shook the semen off. It splattered against the cavern wall. "Gotta... keep going." She bit her lower lip hard. A small trickle of blood leaked down her lip as she focused on the pain.

The feline continued moving into the main cavern. She hopped from stalagmite to stalagmite like a mountain goat. The cum on the ground had gotten several inches deep now. She wanted to keep out of the mess. Not because she didn't want to get splattered by another digimon's lust... but she was afraid if she dove in she'd never come out. The sounds were intense now as she jumped to the ceiling next. Her claws duck into the crevice as she skittered along the ceiling like a spider. She could finally see what she had been expecting. Beams of light peered through tiny crevices. Just enough to show the display below her.

None of the wild orgy noticed a tiny white spec moving slowly on the ceiling. There were very few inhibitions it seemed. Orientation, species, size, gender. None of that seemed to matter. Thousands upon thousands of digimon were going through every sort of debauchery. Every position known to man was being performed, and several that were only possible to the unique body structure of oddly shaped digimon were going on. They were fucking one another in a pool of liquid white. Gazimon were humping in waist deep jizzum. The cum made thick bubbles that formed around their legs as they frantically pumped hardened cocks into any hole they could find.

She saw in-training digimon, little more than talking heads being fucked in random orifices by digimon. A Koromon was sandwiched between two Floramon. The hermaphroditic plants were pushing their cocks into the little pink talking head. One was fucking him in his wide pink mouth; the other was doing the young digimon up his ass. You could hardly see the in-training Koromon being spit-roasted between the flower digimon. His own little dick, merely an inch long, hung down. Every now and then it would shoot a teaspoon of cum on to the ocean of semen.

The Mikemon from earlier... at least she thought it was the same striped version of Gatomon, had joined a circle. A half dozen digimon were jerking off furiously into Palmon's mouth. Her maw was overfilling with semen that ran down her cheeks like a warm summer rain. Palmon looked to be in bliss...Palmon seems to be loving it. Wait... was it. Her Palmon? No... . Not her Palmon. She was in a different dimension. Focus.

Gatomon continued inching across the ceiling. She forced herself to focus... Trying to go back to her training with Myotismon. The vampire digimon abused her, forced her to stay for hours, days under a freezing cold waterfall till she lost all feeling, scarred her for life... emotionally and physically. But... for the first time... she was glad. It gave her something to focus on. Those days of cruelty... she learnt how to disassociate herself. Leave her body almost... Which is what she was doing now. Angry, bitter memories... She resumed... But every passing second made it more difficult.

The intruder continued to move slowly. She finally saw her target. At the far end of the cavern stood Unimon. He stood by the cracked digi-egg of love. Perhaps as a guard? Or for reverence of the object? I can just leap down there... grab the egg. Hopefully can fix it... or absorb it. Something... it needs to work... She inched her way closer. Her claws dug into the crack in the ceiling. A rock fell, dislodge because of her claws. It fell in slow motion it seemed, when her tail whipped out. It encircled the stone in a quick motion. The cat let out a soft sigh. Foolish... Keep it together... Rookie mistake. She flung the rock with her tail far into the tunnel behind her. It made a soft crack as it landed... A few digimon near the entrance turned to look for a moment, but went back to their debauchery. Okay... I am almost...

Gatomon stopped dead in her tracks. Gomamon burst out of the cum ocean like an avenging angel. Spooge flew all around him like a fountain. The seal was in full blown lust, lost in to the Sombie plague. He jumped on the closest victim. A Gostumon. A female grey humanoid digimon made of grey stone. It bent itself over for the seal... Spreading her legs in a wide V. Even from here Gatomon could see its slit. A rocky gash between her legs that looked like it was etched with gravel. It looked like a painful hole to enter... but Gomamon wrapped his flippers around her waist and slammed his dick into the base in one motion. The Gotsumon let out a loud groan as she got down all fours. Her large mouth was just above the cum line. Some of the semen splashed into her mouth as she was fucked hard. Her groans of pleasure were lost in the mix of love making.

The red headed seal was going like a maelstrom. His fuzzy white ass went faster than the feline could see. It was a blur of motion. Waves of semen emanated from the pair as the frantic humping continued for only a few minutes, until the seal stopped. His body stiffened and he released himself into the rocky crevice.

The cat watched Gomamon enjoying himself... She could hear his orgasmic moan of delight, even over the loving making of thousands. Maybe it was just in her own mind. But directly below her she could swear he was screaming her name... Gatomon... begging her to join him... wherever she was... to use her, fuck her... join the never ending orgy.

The feline didn't realize she came till it was too late. A jet of sperm went flying straight down in a white streak, and managed to hit Gomamon right in face even from fifty feet up. He blinked twice as cum dripped down his cheek. He had no idea where it came from. He looked up at the direction the semen shot came from and his eyes locked with the blue eyes of the feline's as she hung onto the ceiling. The seal looked at her... then did his Gotsumon partner. And the digimon around the pair. Then almost every digimon in the cave, like some hind mind was activated.

"Well... Fuck me." Gatomon didn't normally swear but here? It seemed really appropriate.

All eyes turned down on her as she landed on the floor in knee deep jizzum. Her feet made a splattering sound as cum droplets flew all over from her landing. His smell of sex was over whelming, but fortunately she had just climaxed. It took enough of an edge off so she didn't suck the nearest cock that approaches her. But being the only digimon not fully infected? Made her a target for every cum dripping female turned hermaphrodite and male here. It was how the Sombie virus spread. "Come on! Gonna make you work for it at least!" She screamed at the approached horde.

The nearest digimon rushed as one. "Cum... sex... fuck!" They chanted randomly as the crowd approached. Gatomon batted away the nearest Floramon ease, and threw a Gazimon over her shoulder against the wall but she was in a fighting retreat. Soon she was pressed against the stone wall. Hands grabbed at her, wanting to welcome her in the fold.

"No!" The entire crowd was swept aside by an invisible hand. Gomamon had activated his power of telekinesis along with the strength power. His mind was quite completely gone it seemed. He grinned madly as his belly soaked in the spunk from a thousand orgasms. "My girl. Want her!" He advanced towards Gatomon. His head bobbed over the semen lake. He was closer to the ground so he was almost completely under the white mess. "Fuck her... Use her..." He crawled out of the semen sea. It was shallower here, only an inch deep.

Gatomon couldn't fight him... even if her mind wasn't half gone and desiring nothing more than to throw Gomamon down and ride that seal cock till her insides were raw and he filled her with... "Fine!" Gatomon leaned back on the stone ground. She grabbed her legs and spread them wide exposing her dripping cock and the wet snatch beneath it. "If all you want is my body, than take it! I can't fight you anyway! So just take me... if that is all you care about." The warm semen washed over her back as she presented herself.

The seal stopped for a moment. His entire fur was dripping with spunk as a flipper reached and grabbed her left leg, pulling her close to him... and flung her across the cavern with ease. "Gahhhh!" Gatomon screamed as she skidded across the floor and made a parting in the sperm lake for a moment, before the two sides of the great divide came back together with a crash. She came to a stop at the altar with a thump. It took her a second to get her bearings. "Wh..."

Gomamon was fighting off a thousand rookies. He moved like a blue, doing his best to make an opening. Speed turned strength turned to blasts of energy. His form stopped for a moment to look at the cat. "M... move!"

"Thanks..." Gatomon stuttered as she got up. She spat the sperm in her mouth on the ground, having to force herself to spit instead of swallow.

"Less... talk. More fix!" The strain on Gomamon was fantastic. His mind was mud. Gatomon seemed so far... but... he just concentrated on one and only one thought: protecting her.

"Cum... pussy... dick..." The crowd moved on the pair yet gain. "Fuck..."

Gomamon raised both of his middle claws to the crowd. "Fuck...this..." The seal panted as he slammed on his flippers once more, his body split in two as his twin selves leapt into the fray. A blaze of powers filled the canyon.

The seal was right, Gatomon realized. She could hardly function too; it was amazing Gomamon could hold them off for her. So... manly. So... Admire him later! She leapt up to the digi-egg of love. Her paw slammed down on the grey top. Nothing happened. "Heal!" She shouted. Nothing still. "Fix! Repair! Become one!" She screamed. Nothing happened. "Come ON WORK!" She hollered again in utter frustration. She didn't get to try again before something large and black smacked her on the face with the force of a sledge hammer and the consistency of a wet sack.

The feline bounced on the ground once before she managed to flip to her feet, albeit it not with her usual grace. She was losing it... she was taken totally off guard. Unimon had managed to sneak up beside her and... "Did you hit me with your cock?" She rubbed her bruised cheek. A large spat of his precum was stuck to it now.

Unimon was on his hind legs. His massive black cock was waving back and forth in tandem with his balls. "New fuck girl..." The horse digimon panted. "Fuck her..." He came back down hard on his front hooves and sent up another tide of semen. His sixteen inch black dick bounced up and down a few times and slapped himself in the chest.

"Yeah I think I am not in your weight class." Gatomon ached just thinking about the poor digimon who took that inside of them. That massive shaft... stretching her beyond her limits. The full power of those massive legs of solid muscle thrusting inside of her. She took a step forward, her cock throbbing and pussy dripping.

"Boom BUBBLE!"

A blast of compressed air smashed into Unimon's face. The gust of wind from the attack broke Gatomon from her trance. She was just about to throw herself to the giant cock. "Who?"

Unimon looked confused. No one had ever attacked him before. It was all sex and fucking down here. A large cut had opened on his cheek. A few drops of blood leaked from the wound on to the altar. The horse's head snapped up and looked in the direction of the attack. "New fuck boy..."

"Yeah!" Patamon shouted loudly as he hovered overhead. "You know wanna fuck me! I give great head!" He shouted as he flapped his massive ear-wings, keeping out of reach of the Sombies as they dealt with the super charged Gomamon.

"Damn..." Gatomon looked up at the big eared digimon as he distracted Unimon. "Knew he had it in him!"

"Fuck!" Unimon took flight with a sweep of his massive gray wings. There was a gust of wind as he took flight. "Fuck you hard!" The cave had a pretty high ceiling, but there really weren't too many places for Patamon to fly to. The blood on his cheek dripped a bit from the exertion... then stopped.

"Wait..." Gatomon's eyes narrow as Patamon flew for his life, or at least to preserve his ass cherry. The cut on Unimon's cheek was glowing and knitting itself shut. Gatomon could even see it from her vantage point. Of course! The healing power! She had forgotten about in her sex haze. Her mind raced rapidly. "Patamon! Keep his attention!" She had a plan.

The big eared digimon narrowly dodged the winged horse. "Yeah... can do that!" The panicked Patamon flapped as fast as he could even as some of the other cum soaked digimon started to fly up, sensing a new fresh set of sex holes to use. He was mentally saying crap over and over to himself as the air filled with cum dripping insects and birds.

Gatomon leapt up against the wall and to the ceiling in a skillful pounce. The horny Pegasus digimon flew under her, hot on the heels of the rattled Patamon. The orange digimon was flying frantically. Probably got one shot at this... The feline ricocheted of the celling and landed hard on Unimon's head with all her might. "Bull's-eye!"

"Gah!" Unimon went sailing from the sky and slammed hard on the middle of the stone altar. It cracked under the weight of his massive equine form. The wind left his lungs. But already the horse power was healing his cracked ribs and cuts. His body began to glow slightly as the magic inside of him instinctively knit his bones.

The feline leapt off the back of Unimon's neck. Her legs straddled his neck and hugged tightly. Her feline barbed shaft rubbed against the digimon's blond mane. She spurted a bit more cum without even realizing it. "Perfect!" Gatomon grabbed the horse firmly by his mane slammed it down hard on the digi-egg of love. His metallic red horn came down hard on the cracked egg. "Now fix!" She screamed loudly as beams of light began to shoot out randomly. It filled the cave with intense beams of power. Everyone in the entire cavern stopped dead as the crack in the egg began to heal itself with a high pitch squeal that seemed to vibrate the entire mountainside. Not just the egg was being healed. Gatomon watched as the digimon began to shudder themselves as they became enveloped in the bright light. The healing magic was curing them as well. She could see a Floramon's shaft begin to recede into her crotch. All the hermaphroditic digimon's penises were rapidly withdrew and turned them back into normal females. Erections that have lasted for years began to slowly lose their hardness. All of a sudden, Unimon's mouth opened at the same time in a loud bray. Magical lightening shot out from his maw. It formed angry streaks in the sky, making a wide magical circle. The portal! "Gomamon!" She screamed loudly. She knew this gateway wouldn't last forever.

"Gah?" Gomamon pulled his head off the cummy floor. He had been holding off the army of Sombies when the white magic struck them all. It felt like his head was stuffed with cotton and then pulled out through his nose. "What..." He started to ask a question but Gatomon merely leapt down and grabbed him by the mohawk. "Hey!"

"No time to explain!" The strong feline merely threw the dripping and screaming seal into the blue portal. She jumped up on to the altar, about to jump in herself. She turned around and looked behind her. Patamon was there, hovering a few feet over her head. He looked both terrified and relieved at the same time. She gave him a thumbs-up quickly. "We'll make a hero out of you yet." She winked at him once and followed her pal to another dimension. The portal flickered for another few long seconds before it disappeared from this world forever.

The excitement in this world was quite done yet. The digi-egg of love continued to pulse. The healing magic that had fixed the egg also seemed to be having an odd secondary effect. A beam of light formed above the orb and filled the cavern. An avian digimon silhouette formed in the beam of energy, landing on the broken altar. "I am here!" Hawkmon shouted as he was free from his prison. "Here to save the digital..." The bird stopped midsentence looking at the mass of semen soaked digimon just staring at him. "Umm... On second thought... I may just go back under my egg for another millennia or two..."


Done! No, he didn't absorb the healing power. This universe was a gift to Skye. Hope she enjoyed it! Only a few universes left!

To Contact me? Msn is [email protected] Aim is mrredrover Yahoo is [email protected]

The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 44 - Broken Quarantine

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