The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 43 - Enthralled

Story by MrRedRover on SoFurry

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#61 of The Twelve Talismans

Sorry, I know I know I need to write more. We are winding this long assed series down finally! Warning, herm warning on this one but other wise safe!

This is a birthday gift for Skye, a talented author. I don't normally do herms... but for her? Of course I would. Not to mention her other major fetish... cum. And more cum. And even more cum. And mind control. She loves that too. Also? I won't use the terms shi/hi, whatever. Never liked those terms.


The Twelve Talismans: Dimensional Travels

Chapter 43



Another portal of blue opened open in the sky... the azure lightening crackling for several seconds before two occupants fell out. One after another... Gomamon hit the ground first in a heap... Gatomon landing on top of him making the seal grunt a bit. He was already pretty sick from opening up the dimensional portal. It hit him harder than his travelling champion. He was pretty much unconscious from the transport and would be out of it for a while. "Sorry." Gatomon said to her friend though he couldn't hear. She picked up and up righted him as she looked around. Her skin prickled ever so slightly... she could tell she was in the digital world... well A digital world. Not hers... the air smelt a little different for one. More... musky? Laden with something... She wasn't sure what. Something was making the hairs on the back of her neck stand on in. She picked up the seal and placed his flipper around her neck as she walked down the town... looking around.

She was in a cityscape of some sorts. It looked like an odd hodge-podge of New York and Athens mixed together. Ancient stone monuments mixed in with modern sky scrapers. Not unusual in the digital world where you can see anything from giant spiraling pillars of ice intertwining with fire rising to the heavens or oceans of living ivy... anything. But... there was no one here right now. That was what was truly weird. A city this size should have some digimon around... something. It was too spooky. "Something is wrong..." Gatomon said to the prone seal as she looked to the tall buildings... and grimaced.

Across the windows in green paint in two story block letters was a phrase... no, a warning. "THE ZOMBIES ARE COMING" Except the Z was backwards, making it looks like it was spelt Sombies.

A look of disbelief hit the feline. "Oh come ON!" Gatomon stomped her foot once. The backpack she carried with food and supplies jostled on her back a bit. "That's just not fair!"

"Mmmphh?" Gomamon shook his head as he heard Gatomon scream in frustration. "What now?"

Gatomon grabbed the seal's chin and faced it to the windows. The seal's face just fell. "Didn't we DO zombies already?" He jumped of his cat's back, still trying to shake the cobwebs out. "That's just not fair!"

"We better hide... find shelter..." The feline was already nervous. The last zombie world was an absolute nightmare... she still had the most horrible dreams... "It's not safe..."

"It's perfectly safe..." A low purr filled the air as someone started came out of one the nearby buildings... a Gatomon. Black as midnight with deep yellow eyes. You couldn't even really see her in the shadows.

"It's a zombie!" Gomamon held out his flipper... ready to unleash a plethora of powers. "I am not falling for this trick again! I am not going to buy the undead shambling corpse a second... hello!"

Blackgatomon came out of the shadows. Her breasts had swollen a bit, and her nipples were clearly visible. Her snatch was just as exposed, the lips swollen and puffy. And a steady stream of love juice dripped down her leg... she even left a little stream as she walked forward that trickled into the pavement. And more surprisingly... where her clitoris should be? Was a long feline shaft. Barbed, a good six inches and dripping pre constantly. "Undead... corpse?" She giggled as she continued to walk forward. "Seriously... That's cute." She reached down and grabbed Gomamon's flipper and placed it on her chest, on her left breast. She moved it up and down, groaning slightly as the palm rubbed her nipple. "Do I feel dead? Can't you feel a heartbeat?"

"Y... yes!" Gomamon looked to Gatomon and yanked his flipper away. He was aroused... good even with a cock she looked good. But... even if he was aroused... he wasn't interested. "Ummm..." Gomamon tried to look above the feline's neck line. Easier said than done. "So, no undead?"

"Mmmm no... just live... warm girls..." Blackgatomon suddenly grabbed the back of Gomamon's head, and shoved in her dripping snatch. "Warm girls!"

"Mmmmmphhhh!" Gomamon struggled for a bit as he was given a face full of pussy. Her cock rubbed into his mohawk as she grinded against him. He tried to push against the girl, but she was strong... and eager! He just couldn't get the leverage to break free!

"Hey!" Gatomon got between the two and gave the black twin of hers a hard push. She didn't seem to have a ring on her tail... making her a rookie level of strength. "Back off kitten! Personal space and all!"

"Gah!" Gomamon shook his head, tongue lolling out. He ran his tongue over his lips once before he even realized it. He shuddered a bit... damn... she tasted good. "Geeze lady, forward much!" He shouted as he ran his flippers over his face a bit.

"You should talk Gomamon!" Gatomon got between Blackgatomon and her pal. "And you... show some class!"

"Right... I should share..." Blackgatomon panted as she got up.. Her cock spurted some precum onto the ground as she stood on all fours. "You want cock? You'll love it... love it!" The feline suddenly leapt towards the white kitten, tackling her with both paws on the shoulders taking her down. The penis dripped on to the white belly. "Pussy!"

"Get off of me!" Gatomon grabbed the twin ears of the black cat and turned, twisting her off and flinging her off her before she could shove her cock in one of her orifices.

The black cat was up in heartbeat. Her eyes were going wild. "Cum... pussy... fuck..." She began to stutter. Her tail whipped around like a frenzied cobra as she eyed the two. She was no longer talking in sentences.

The feline digimon didn't feel like wrestling a rather well-endowed girl. "Gomamon, can't you pin her or something... You got like ten powers! I don't want to have to go hand to hand with the horny cat!" The feline leapt out of the way as the horny hermaphrodite jumped at her.

"Have... other problems!"

Gatomon turned her head... Gomamon was holding out his broad flippers... Using his telekinesis power to hold back... "Oh god..."

A hundred digimon were scratching at invisible barriers. Digimon all of all sorts... all wild eyed... and dripping hard with lust. Every one of them had a cock, female and males... Dripping a constant supply of precum and cum on the ground. Already the pavement under their feet was forming an expanding puddle. "Fuck... cum... suck... hump..." They chanted randomly... The ones who could fly flew into the wall again... a yellow insect Flymon smashed hard into the shield, his insect barbed cock spewing pre into the invisible barrier... the force field shuddered a bit under the horde. If he felt pain from smashing that insectoid cock against a wall he didn't seem to me notice.

"Time to run!" Gatomon grabbed Blackgatomon's tail as the ebony feline leapt again... at least she seemed to be so focus on fucking it was interfering with her mind a bit... the dark cat went flying backwards into another advancing horde from the opposite direction... more digimon advancing from the sewers, the buildings, the sky...

"Come on... sex... sperm..." The feline disappeared in the crowd as they walked forward chanting mindlessly. Penis waggled, erect nipples perked in their direction. The soft pitter patter of sex juices hit the ground as they advanced.

"I am not going to die in an orgy!" Gatomon stepped back, so she was tail to tail with Gomamon. "Seriously... Gomamon fly us out of here!"

"Huh?" Gomamon shook his head... his own cock was snaking out of his pouch a bit. He could feel the tapered red seal prick rub on the pavement... "Oh... right..." Why hadn't he thought of that? He must have been still woozy from the portal. He slapped the rooster power and rabbit on his flipper together. Speed and flight. He grabbed Gatomon under the arm pits and took off to the skies, moving faster than any of the horny digimon who had wings.

The two flew out of the city at top speed... Gatomon panting. "All right, I know this happens in every world it seems... but what the hell was that!" She panted as she was carried over the sky... blinking twice. "And Gomamon... what the hell is rubbing on my back?"

The seal was fully erect now. He hadn't noticed it. His mind was just a fog. Gatomon's question snapped him out of is trance. "Uhhh... I have some lifesavers in my pocket!" The seal felt a little hot... he couldn't help but rub himself just a touch on her furry back under the backpack.. Her soft furry...


"Gah!" The seal lost it, forgetting he was flying near Mach one. He dropped Gatomon in surprise... his penis shooting a bit of precum wildly into the air... And the white feline began to hurdle towards the earth. Gomamon instinctively went into a dive... catching her in his flippers as the wind rushed around him... but he was going too fast... He tried to pull up... but tree branches enveloped the two of them. They snapped, cracked as they dove through the forest canopy... Before the ground rushed up to meet them both.


Gatomon opened her left eye slowly. I'm alive... good. That was her first thought... her second thought, which she thought should have been skin the seal was instead Gods is Gomamon alright?

She bolted up... fighting a wave of vertigo. "Great... a concussion..." She reached on her back... And her satchel was gone too. "And great again." She looked around... realizing she wasn't in a forest. She was sitting on the floor in a room. White wall on the back... With a toilet and a cot on the back. She turned her head to the left... clear Plexiglas made up the other three walls it seemed

THUMP! A female Gazimon flung her body against the plastic wall. Her furry tits, coloured a neon pink, pressed hard against it. Her massive canine cock ran over the barrier, leaving a trail of precum over it.

"Yelp!" Gatomon was taken by surprised and fell back on her rump as the female... were mostly female, furry digimon grinded against the wall. The bunny/wolf character began to run her tongue over the wall slowly... even as she was being fucked from behind by the amphibious Betamon. The Green reptile was latched on her back like some sort of parasite, pounding away. His large red dorsal fin flapped a bit as he rode the female hard.

The pink furred Gazimon moaned... at least it looked like she was moaning. The room was sound proof. Thank god for that. She mouthed to Gatomon... Join... mate... As she arched her head back, shooting some cum against the wall. It made a little white waterfall that trickled down the surface, on to the cement floor... to join a half in inch of semen and love juice that congealed around the lover's feet.

"Geeze." Gatomon got up slowly, looking away from the two. She could still hear the Plexiglas flex a bit as Gazimon continued to anal fuck the furry female... But at least she didn't have to watch it. "Fricken messed up."

"That is putting it mildly."

Gatomon turned to the front of the cage. A flying orange digimon was there, using large bat like ears to keep himself aloft was there. "Patamon?" She came forward to the microphone that was built into the wall.

"Have we met?" The rookie looked oddly at the cat.

Gatomon sighed. I need a score card to keep track of the alternate twins. "Yeah... long story... First off... Why am I locked up?" She tapped on the glass with a claw. Pretty thick... without her tail ring she wouldn't be able to get through. Even at a full strength she would be hard pressed.

"You... were around the Sombies." Patamon replied as he hovered on the other side. "We had to be sure you aren't infected." He looked down at the white feline.

"Zombies?" Gatomon turned to the other cell. The yellow amphibian Betamon had switched to the female Gazimon's face. He was pounding her muzzle hard and fast now. Already cum was leaking down the pink muzzle down her heavily stained chest. The pinky Gazimon was stroking her penis rapidly with one paw. "You call them Zombies?"

"Well... yeah. Sombies actually." Patamon made a long drawn out s sound to distinguish the difference. "With an S and not a Z." Where have you been?" The flying mammal looked strangely at the cat. How could she possibly not now.

"Again long story..." The feline rubbed her temples again. It can never be easy.

"Well... the reason is they are pretty much mindless... Thinking of only one thing." Patamon looked back to the cage with the couple. He wasn't the least bit turned on. "We started calling them Sex Zombies... and kinda ran it into one word. Sombies."

"All right. Next question." Gatomon placed a paw on the glass. "Where's Gomamon?"

"Your friend?" The rookie digimon answered. "He's in another cell and he is safe. We have to lock you up separately. In case only one of the two of you was infected... we couldn't risk you contaminating the other. He's... fine don't worry. We take good care of our friends... whether they are infected or not." He looked to the other cage and let out a sigh.

"Oh... good." The white feline calmed down a bit. "Um... were they your friends?" She looked back to her cell mates just as Gazimon shot another mural on the wall with her hermaphroditic dick. More cum dripped down the wall onto the floor.

"Yeah." Patamon sighed and looked back to the new arrival. "We have a few of our friends infected here in Haven...We can't risk letting them go and letting them lead a horde back to us. So we keep them locked together in pairs. It keeps them more... docile if they have a partner to work out their lust on."

"And this Haven is your home?"

"Yes. It is hidden in the mountain side. We sealed off the valley entrance and have a canopy to keep us from being seen from the sky. So we are safe and secluded. We have a few hundred uninfected here... a few dozen infected in the cells." Patamon explained his hiding place in the mountains. "I kind of run the medical ward here. Taking care of them as best as I can."

"Pretty noble of you." Gatomon admitted.

"Well... they are my friends..."


"Another drink!"

The pink Gazimon giggled as she leaned back in the table. She held a mostly empty bottle of Cyrus... an alcoholic digimon drink brewed from an odd pink melon up in the mountains. The drink was bitter and sweet at the same time.

"Geeze Gazi!" A green frog digimon was on the leaning on the table. Blue stripes ran down his back as his single black clawed arms were holding a beer mug like chopsticks. Light pulsed around the night club. More digimon were drinking either at other tables or at the bar. More rookies were dancing in the center of the room. Some poorly, some well, all enjoying themselves. "I don't want to be carrying your hide again! Sides, you I don't want to let some random male take advantage of you." A smile crossed Betamon's broad face.

"Awww not when I have two big strong digimon to protect me!" She placed her arms around both of her drinking buddies.

Patamon let out a little grunt as he was pulled in under the pink furry armpit. "Well I never was much of a drinker..."

"Geeze Patamon loosen up!" Gazimon smiled as she let go of the long eared flyer. "I know you had like a grand destiny or something... But what you told us, it all worked out!"

Betamon smiled as a new bottle of booze was placed on the table by the waitress. A Gabumon, but with a rather pronounced chest. He grabbed the bottle in his frog hand and took a swing. She wondered back into the crowd... which was getting wilder by the moment. Couples were starting to randomly make out. The big breasted Gabumon was used to seeing some rather raunchy stuff. But this night seemed worth... she saw a black skinned Agumon going down under the table on his green feathered Biyomon. Two Floramons were fingering one another as they danced in the table... gods, where were the bouncers? They should be... suddenly some came flying across the room hitting her on the lips... she licked her lips once. Gabumon has been around the block enough to recognize the taste of semen. "Uhhh... that's disgusting!" She said out loud as she turned towards the direction. A red dinosaur digimon was there. Guilmon, the larger of the rookies, was stroking his cock rapidly in full view. Gabumon watched hypnotized... She should be angry... but her loins ached. She started to get aroused without even noticing... a small trickle of arousal dripping down her left leg and on to the ground making a small puddle. There were several puddles of lust on the ground now... the dancing becoming something else.

The drunken digimon in the table didn't seem to notice the change in party. Betamon took a long swing from his the bottle. "Yeah, I mean. Legends of digimon more powerful than rookies? So called Dark Masters?" He chuckled. "Seems like science fiction."

"I guess." Patamon reached over and casually took the bottle and took a very small swing. "But I thought I'd do more than being a nurse ya know?"

"Hey you are still helping people." Gazimon smiled and took the bottle from her slightly depressed friend. "And besides. I bet when push comes to shove, you'd throw yourself in front of a fireball to save your friend. Or a stranger."

"I guess." The digimon nodded. "Sorry I am a bit of a downer guys."

"Ahh don't worry about Pata." Gazimon leaned over and placed a quick kiss on his cheek. "I mean, you're with a hot furry girl. What more could you want?"

Before he answered the feminine Gabumon waitress came over. She looked glassy eyed... but then again half the digimon looked stoned. It was a bar. People drinking and even doing worse. "Free drinks!" She placed a tray full of shots on the table. "Blackagumon cum shots!" She laughed loudly.

"Ohhh that's a new one!" Betamon snatched one off the tray in his gray webbed flipper. "Never heard of it before."

The pink big eared female snickered as she took a shot of the tray. "Wow it even looks like cum." She handed one to Patamon. "Bottom's up!"

Patamon took the glass in his short little front paws. "I shouldn't. I am flying you know." He gave his orange ear wings a bit of a flap.

"Oh geeze, we certainly need to loosen you up." Gazimon clinked the white creamy filled glass with her friend. "Come on Patamon... It tastes like..." She took a swing from the glass at the same time as Betamon... and spat out the fluid on the table. "Gah! What IS that?"

Betamon spat as well... but he already swallowed most of it. He had small fangs used for tearing into fish, but he normally just swallowed food in drinks large gulps... he had already downed it by the time he tasted it. "Why just what I said!" Gabumon motioned with a fat yellow finger to the bar... the small black dinosaur was on the bar holding his ebony cock. He was jacking off rapidly into a series of shot glass. Impossibly he managed to fill them with relative ease. The dinosaur groaned with a deep look of lust on his face as patrons seemed to be clambering around madly wanting more of these specialty drinks.

"What the heck?!" Patamon dropped his glass on the ground. The rim cracked and sperm went flying everywhere.

"Oh come on there." The chubby waitress reached down and shoved a fat finger up into her wet snatch. "You like female better?" She pulled the wet finger out and moved it to Patamon's face. "Taste... you'll love it!"

Patamon flapped his ears and took flight. Gabumon fell forward and landed on her tits on the chair the flying digimon once was. Taking flight gave him a good view of the place now...

The place was an orgy. There was no better word. Music still was being pumped into the place but the long eared Terriermon who was DJing was bent over his records and taking it up the ass from the Guilmon from before. The bunny digimon had a look of lust on his face as he was reamed hard by the huge dinosaur. It seemed impossible for such a massive cock to get in that smallest of rookies... but the dinosaur Guilmon did so. The floor's dancers had turned into a writhing pile of fur, feathers, and flesh. Some of the digimon were still sort of dancing and having sex at the same time. A Lopmon, the brown eared version of Terriermon, was dancing to the beat even as she was being eaten out by a green feathered Biyomon. She grinded into the bird's face with time the bass note cause the place to vibrate. The floor was expanding with a growing puddle of sweat, saliva, pussy juice... and cum. Oh so much cum...

"Guys! We're getting out of here!" Patamon held out his front paws. "Grab them!" He shouted as he flapped his ear wings hard. Both Gazimon and Betamon grabbed on to the flyer and held on strong as Patamon flew over the orgy. A few digimon looked up, beckoning with spread cunts and waving dicks. But Patamon ignored them, heading to one of the upper open windows and flying out. His wings strained with the force of carrying two digimon at once... he poured himself into the escape. But carrying twice you weight by only your ears would eventually tire you out. He managed to just get out the window when exhaustion over took him. He promptly fell into a dive. Instinct took over. Patamon spread his wings like glider, slowing his decent and angling himself into the dumpster. There was a loud CLANG as the metal container slammed against the wall from the three divers.

"Ugh!" Gazimon slowly lifted her head from a burst garbage bag. "Could you have picked a better place to land?" She scrapped off some soiled napkins from her fur. "It takes me half a day to get my fur the way I want it!"

"Sorry." Patamon panted as he gulped in deep breaths. "You guys okay?"

"Yeah." Betamon shook his head, which was pretty much his body. "What was that? I mean... what happened there?"

"I don't know." Gazimon looked over the rim of the bin. "But it's not just happening there." Her voice dropped to a whisper.

The two males peered out over the bin. They could see clearly into the street. Even at this time of night there was traffic. Digimon walking, running, hitting the late night bars. But now? It looked like scene from some badly written porn film. A Snowagumon who ran a soba noodle cart was lying on top of it. She was being team fucked by two Gazimon males. One in her mouth and one in her backside. She moaned like a whore as she was fucked in full view of the street. Not that anyone was watching. Another Gazimon, this one with black fur was stroking off random against a street lamp. He was watching a furry Blackgatomon with her legs spread. She was licking her snatch in long slurps of her feline tongue. She purposely turned towards the Gazimon to give him a better look. The sounds of sex seemed to come from every window, rooftop, alley way...

"What is happening? Some sort of virus?" Betamon looked to Patamon. He was the only one with any medical training.

"Hey, I am as clueless as you guys." Patamon whispered. "All I know is we should get out of here." The digimon thought for a moment. "There some caves I found when flying around for my morning exercise, in the mountains to the north. I suggest we get some food and supplies, and head there till we figure out what's going on. Sound good?"

"Oh?" Gazimon shook her head. She hadn't realized she was talking... and she hadn't realized her red painted claw was rubbing herself. She was watching the show and was just so... aroused. "Sorry... yeah... I was just..."

Patamon blushed and turned his head, pretending not to notice. "Ummm... yeah no worries. Let's just get a move on guys... before something worse happens..."


"Patamon?" Gatomon tapped on the glass.

"Oh sorry." The long eared digimon shook his head. He had flashed back to the first outbreak... his friends slowly turning to sex crazed maniacs before his eyes. Luckily he managed to secure them here along with others...Patamon bringing uninfected to this little haven to build a sanctuary in the rocks. "I zoned out. Taking care of them is tiring."

"I imagine. It's not a job I would want." One bloody thing after another. "So how long do I have to wait?" Gatomon sat down on the cot. "Till you know I am not infected?"

"It varies from digimon to digimon." Patamon explained. "It can be anywhere from almost immediately to a week before there are symptoms. Though if you are exposed constantly, through sex, it progresses much faster."

"A sexual transmitted disease that makes you want to have sex..." Gatomon put it together. It would be the ultimate virus.

"And there are stages more or less." Patamon came down and landed on the ground in front of the cage. It was weird this digimon knew nothing about something that gripped the digital world for years, and had infected just about every digimon in the world. He figured he had better explain the basics. "First stage is just random arousal... Unexplained erections for guys, perk nipples for girls." He had no problem talking about sex with a stranger...everyone was desensitized to sex. "You may not even realize you are infected. Which caused a lot of problems at first. Next... You just can't stop being aroused. Constantly dripping. You start to lose yourself at this stage... You're make decisions you wouldn't normally do... unable to control your body. You may have some control... not much though."

"Lovely." The feline grimaced.

"Stage three, for some reason, the girl's clitoris enlarges and becomes a fully functioning penis ... As you can see." He cocks his head to the pink Gazimon in the cage who was stilling being fucked hard by her amphibian cell mate. "The zombies will fuck each other... but they seem to go for uninfected digimon more. My guess is to help spread the disease more.

"I noticed." Gatomon didn't bother to turn her head. She had seen enough of this.

"And finally stage four... you're pretty much mindless. Babbling a few words randomly. You don't care about anything. You screw nonstop. They will sleep... eat... but even while they are doing that they still go at it." Patamon continued.

"And this disease, is transmitted solely by sex?" Gatomon wanted to get as much information as possible.

"Any body fluid. Saliva, cum, vaginal excretions... Cum seems to make it progress the fastest. But it doesn't matter. Once infected... you become a sombie." The four legged digimon sighed. "And no. There is no cure for the sombies." He answered the question before Gatomon could ask it.

"Still hate that name." Gatomon leaned back on the bunk. Zombies, or the sexual equivalent brought back bad memories. "Well... can you at least let me talk to Gomamon? I want to let him know I am okay."

Patamon looked a bit nervous.... He took a breath. He had been dreading this. "He's...." Another breath. "I am sorry. He's infected."

Gatomon jumped off the cot. She ran to the glass and slammed her palms on it. "You said he was fine!"

"I said he was safe!" Patamon retorted. Then he lowered his voice. "Sorry, it's been stressful. He's sick... he was full in stage one and almost to stage two. He was erect when we found you both unconscious..."

"Where are you keeping him?!" Gatomon pounded on the window.

"Don't get angry... he's safe in a cage like this. We aren't monsters. We know they are sick..." Patamon began to explain.

"You don't get it!" The feline shouted louder. "Gomamon is incredibly..."

A large explosion blew out the wall behind Gatomon. Her face smashed into the window, rattling her head a bit. Patamon even lost his footing as the entire floor shuddered. He looked behind Gatomon, his eyes wide in horror.

Gomamon was there... floating in midair. His eyes burned with untold fire and his flippers pulsed with a golden energy. Rubble floated around him slowly as he entered Gatomon's cage in a slow spinning spiral. And probably most scary of all, his penis was hard as a rock and throbbing. It dripped a constant stream of precum on to the ground. "Incredibly powerful..." The feline's ears dropped down to her cheeks as the leering eyes of the seal cast upon her.


Anyway yes, I know. I added another world. But Skye so wanted this one! And I promise, pretty much mindless sex and indulging all of Skye/Supersonic's fetishes of mind control, herms, and cum. No undead or Nazis!

To Contact me? Msn is [email protected] Aim is mrredrover Yahoo is [email protected]

The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 44 - Broken Quarantine

The continuation for Skye, a talented author and GM. []( I don't normally do herms... but for her? Of course. Not to mention her other major fetish... cum. And more cum. And even...

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Krystal's Torment - Chapter 6 - Live Show

And the next part of the Krystal's Torment! This is probably my most popular series I admit. Or near the top. Should do more with her I suppose. Anyway, again this is based on a picture by Vixen tamer as per usual! A shorter one. It is hard to write...

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Candela - Chapter 2 - A Proper Payment

This is something different. Fan made characters. Yes they are slightly based on digimon, but that's about it. I am enjoying this world I am coming up with. Influence with steam punk from Girl Genius, a bit of magic like Avatar, a hint of digimon......

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