The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 41 - The Inner Circle

Story by MrRedRover on SoFurry

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#59 of The Twelve Talismans

Sorry for the wait, I know I say that a lot. So many projects and a new job

And still in the Nazi verse! Gay digimon sex in this one, so warning again! Again don't worry there won't be TOO much drama in this one. And remember this is the group from almost verse. Not the regular cast!


The Twelve Talismans: Dimensional Travels

Chapter 41: The Inner Circle (???/Gazimon)


"We should go right now!" Father Gabumon slammed his fist on the table. He usually tried not to be prone to anger... but he was as worried about Gatomon as Gomamon was.

"I'm with Gabumon on this.... err... Father Gabumon, I mean." Gomamon looked across the table at the pair of lizards sitting next to each others. He wasn't sure when, if ever, he'd get used to this. "Gatomon could be in trouble as we speak." For once I am glad that "my" Gabumon wears those silly vestments. Otherwise I'd never be able to tell them apart. The other Gabumon looked his way and snarled. Oh right, that Gabumon wants to kill me... and eat me, too, apparently...

"As much as I'd love to run off to save your sweet little friend's ass... we don't actually know where she is." Temptation smiled from her seat in the large chair that once belonged to the camp leader. The wooden Nazi symbol that once adorned the top of the chair had long been broken off and burned in the chimney. "Yolei is online hunting for information."

"And we are just supposed to wait?!" Father Gabumon growled.

"Yes." Temptation flatly retorted. "We simply do not know where she is. You can't just start tearing apart buildings in the hope of finding her. You'd have the entire army on you in a heartbeat. She could be in the Digital World for all your know, because only the Elite Four can travel freely between the dimensions. All ports are locked up. Even if we did have allies in the Digital World, we couldn't talk to them." She tapped the end of her triangle-tipped tail on the table. "Your friend is an incredibly powerful female in this world. They will not unduly harm her, and if she is smart, she'll play the part. Once we get wind of where the so-called "Fraulein Gatomon" is, we will head out. Simple as that."

Father Gabumon and Gomamon looked at one another and sighed resignedly. "She's right. We don't know this world at all. And even if we did... that's not exactly a bad plan."

"I see you'll be the smart one." The feline stood up slowly. "Now you two try and rest." She ordered. "Eat, drink, take a leak, sleep, screw someone, whatever. I don't know how long it'll be before we know something, but if you're tired, you aren't going to be any use in a fight."

"Right." Gomamon agreed. He was tired and hungry. He doubted he could bring himself to bed anyone though: he was far too worried for the digimon he treated like a little sister. His baby sister.

"There are some bunks you can sleep in the officer's quarters... Gabumon can show..." Temptation had started, then paused when she saw her pet's expression. "Nevermind, I'll show you two gentlemen" She hooked her arms around Father Gabumon's, and took Gomamon's flipper with her tail. "Let's not tempt fate!"


At the moment Gomamon's "little sister" sat in the back of a black German limo adorned with a half dozen pristine Nazi flags. She was indeed entirely unharmed, though thoroughly confused, worried and nervous... and yet the Gazimon who sat across from her looked like an even worse nervous wreck. She thought if she moved he might wet himself.

He had hit one of the most powerful and high-ranked digimon on the planet. He might as well have jumped off a bridge! It would have been quicker. What worried him most, though, was that the female somehow looked scared and confused too.

Gatomon glanced through the window. The uniform felt uncomfortable: not only was she not used to wearing clothes, but the idea of wearing this particular uniform was even less comfortable. And now she was being driven across the city even further away from wherever her friends were. She was working on far too little information... She thought for a moment. What would Gomamon do? She considered... Urgh. He'd probably start by bedding someone... But after that? She straightened and looked at the other digimon. "Gazimon."

"Yes Fraulein Gatomon?" The lapine snapped to attention, his hat falling askew from the too fast move.

"I am going to ask some questions." Gatomon tried to sound serious. "You will tell no one of this and maybe I will forgive your little tactical feat."

"Y...yes..." The grey-furred rookie nodded.

"All right." Gatomon nodded. "Who am I?"

That... was an unexpected question. He wasn't sure what her game was, but he certainly was going to play. "You are Fraulein Gatomon." He insisted on the 'Fraulein' part. That was followed by a pregnant pause, and in his nervousness he elaborated to fill the silence. "One of the elite four, a general of the digimon forces."

No wonder they were all so terrified! Gatomon nodded. "And the elite four are..."

"Myotismon, Wargreymon, and Ladydevimon... and yourself of course." He completed.. "You answer only to the Führer himself."

"Hitler." Gatomon sighed. That one had been kinda predictable. "Now tell me a bit"

"You... you are a powerful warrior. Known for being one of the strictest adherents to Nazi principle and..." The Gazimon tried to be... diplomatic. "Of helping the human race become as pure and strong as it was meant to be."

That was already really bad, but Gatomon could tell that Gazimon was holding back. "Be honest. Completely."

Gazimon gulped a bit. "All are terrified of you more than anyone else, the humans even more than the digimon. They call der Todesengel because of the brutal punishments you dole out on those who displeased you. The strictness of duty, from everything from taking a proper mate to even the food we eat. You rarely kill digimon though. Your most famous saying is that pain ends with death, so the dead never learn."

Oh great... I hare a nicname with Josef Mengele... The feline rubbed her temples. This was... a mess. She--well, her twin--was a psychotic fascist. "All right Gazimon... What do you know about my duties? What I actualy do?" She knew

"A... little, mein Fraulein." The Gazimon nodded.

"Then you will be my assistant. Your... attack actually took a number on me. I might have a bit of a concussion and apparently... some some memory loss." She thought of an excuse that might help her cover. "I want you to guide me around the compound. Get me through the basics until I get my memory back. This is of course top secret."

"Shouldn't you go to a hospital?" The grey furred digimon asked with diligence.

"Oh, right, great plan!" Gatomon conjured the best contemptuous glare she could manage. "First I get myself knocked out by a mere rookie, but then I have to explain to the doctors that it affected my memory."

Gazimon grabbed fistfuls of his fur and twisted. "Ummm... Perhaps it is best we keep this a secret as you say, Fraulein Gatomon."


Wandering around the tower with Gazimon trailing behind her proved easier than Gatomon had expected. Humans and digimon avoided her as much as possible. Sure, they saluted, came to attention and were very polite and respectful, but she could see the fear in their eyes and sense the relief when she walked away, or the quick the surreptitious looks over shoulders. "You were right." She told her assistant. "They do fear me." Gazimon was extremely useful, providing discreet advice on the fly, subtly directing her to the right places. Ultimately it all felt rather... lonely. Gatomon was a social creature: to be alone in a crowd was the worst kind of alone.

"As they should." Gazimon could tell the general was acting oddly, but he hoped no one else would really notice. After all his ass was on the line more than hers. He didn't know much about the headquarters floorplan beyond the first floor, but luckily he did know Gatomon's quarters were on the second topmost floor.

The Nazi-garbed feline tried to look confident and regal as she headed for the elevator with her Gazimon manservant. Apparently she had an office or something in this tower, along with the other members of the Elite four. as far as she could tell she, or more accurately her evil twin, had a base of operations in most major cities. Such decadence and waste (the elevator was the size of a small apartment!) left her quite upset, but she desperately needed to find a phone or a computer or something so she could get a change to communicate with her friends. It wasn't much of a plan but it was all she had. The metal doors slid open to reveal a wide hallway that ended in a wall with four evenly spaced and individually guarded doors. Her name was embossed in gold on one of them, guarded by an Etemon, under a swastika symbol. So was Agumon's who apparently lived next door. Gatomon had to force the expression of disbelief off her face as she approached the orange puppet monkey digimon. Etemon, once a massively powerful warlord in the Digital World, was now her mere bodyguard. How feared and powerful was she?

"Fraulein Gatomon." Etemon saluted. Even in German he had that Elvis voice. If it weren't for the situation she could have found it attractive. "I wasn't expecting you... I am so sorry! Your quarters are not..."

"It's quite alright." Gatomon huffed. "My work brings me here. But I plan to be very busy. I am not to be disturbed." He looked as terrified as she herself had once been upon meeting him. "Gazimon? With me."

The ultimate level didn't break his salute until the pair were inside and Gatomon had shut the oversized room (obviously meant to allow her Angewomon form unimpeded entry). She finally allowed herself to relax ever so slightly, leaning against the door and sighing as she slid to the floor, taking the hat off. "Ugh..." She just had to, even though the bloody symbol of hatred was everywhere, marring an otherwise opulent art deco decor: on the walls, the mirror, the furniture, even the bottle of red wine on the dresser.

"Are you well, Fraulein?" Gazimon asked nervously. If the injury was only revealed now...

"Yes, yes, just stressed." The feline explained with a glance around. "Do me a favour... find me a phone, a computer, or something." She walked over to the dresser and grabbed the alcohol bottle. "Please."

"Yes, mein Fraulein!" The grey digimon went looking and disappeared into the next room.

Gatomon put a claw to the glass neck and snapped the entire thing off. "Geeze..." She raised it to her lips and took a swing. Utterly unfrauleinlike but right now she couldn't care less. She did enjoy wine once in a while--though she preferred white--but right now it was the alcohol she craved. The dimension-travelling digimon sighed and put the back bottle down, then began to rub the bridge of her nose. She needed to calm herself. This whole thing was incredibly stressful: she was deep behind enemy lines and impersonating a major authority figure. A very draining situation, but she needed to accept that right now she was not in immediate danger. "All right. Pretend I am Gomamon... Keep cool. Keep with the plan. Find a computer. See if there is some bisexual seal or preachy Gabumon in the news." She muttered to herself and began to look around too: no need to let Gazimon do all the searching by himself. Another huge, bright red door opening in the wall across her seemed like as good a place as any to start. She pushed the golden handle and the door slowly swung open.

In the middle of the luxurious room a fancy four-post bed loomed down in a pit of the floor... with a Floramon spread-eagled across it.


All four of her limbs were shackled to one of the post. A red ball gag was stuffed between her light green lips, a bit of drool coming out the sides. In between her rootlike legs rather large sex toys had been shoved inside her cunt and ass, several to each hole. The room was filled with the sound of their vibration and the floral perfume of her sexual juices.

"Oh dear!" Gatomon leaped over to the bed and promptly began to untie the other digimon, her champion-level strength making quick work of the restrains. "Are you all right?" She reached behind the Floramon and pulled the ball gag off.

Floramon coughed a bit and licked her lips. "Am... am I done Mistress?" She still shuddered from the multiple vibrators still going at it inside of her.

"Mist... Yes!" Gatomon covered for herself. Just what was her duplicate was up to? "You... you served me well! You can go! Please!"

"Th... thank you mistress!" Floramon reached down and pulled out the vibrators from her soaked orifices, then rolled off the bed, her legs failing her at first. She needed two tries to get up before she could waddle rather awkwardly to a bedside table, where she grabbed a skimpy version of the standard Nazi uniform and donned it quickly while walking out of the room right past a slack-jawed Gazimon.

Gatomon watched the plant girl run past her manservant. Her cheeks were blushing as badly as the other female's. "I... um..." Calm down. Keep it together! "I trust you will keep your tongue."

It took several seconds for Gazimon to find his voice. "Y... yes, of course Fraulein Gatomon!" He crossed his legs slightly: between the wet toys on the bed, the trail of feminine fluids left behind by the plant and her sexual scent permeating the room, he was fast growing a boner.

"Good." The feline jumped off the bed and made a bit of a show of straightening his collar. "A smart servant knows when to be discrete."

"Well said." A small orange dinosaur came around the corner. He was wearing the same Nazi garb, except for pants, unlike most of the digimon she'd seen so far. Although digimon bodies could make standard uniform more difficult to wear, clearly only the higher ranks were allowed to omit them entirely. Agumon's hands were hidden behind his back as he looked over the pair.

Gazimon snapped to attention, his body rigid as a plank. "Herr Agumon!" His heart was pounding in his chest as he saluted, budding, exposed erection completely forgotten.

Gatomon rapidly put two and two together: Wargreymon, the Elite general, and Agumon were one and the same. "Herr Agumon." She nodded lightly. She didn't need to salute: she was his equal.

The male stopped stood silent for a moment. His uniform was meticulously clean and trim. "Fraulein Gatomon?" The orange digimon walked over to her and sniffed the air, obviously catching a whiff of the red wine on her breath. "I thought you left to northern Canada to lead the final push?"

"It was going well." The white digimon replied quickly. "If our subordinates there cannot handle such riffraff then they do not belong in charge." She had no idea what he was talking about, but she hoped she could bluff her way through. She had to.

"True. The Americans are struggling." Agumon nodded approvingly, then looked over to the nervous Gazimon standing beside her. "And you are?"

"Gazimon, mein Herr." The grey-furred rookie replied, still standing at attention.

"Of course you are. It was rhetorical." Agumon looked the new arrival from head to toe. "You aren't part of the staff here nor part of our lady's normal entourage." The dinosaur cocked his head to the side. "Why are you here?"

Gazimon started to sweat. "I... accidentally hit Fraulein Gatomon in the back with a lightning attack in the heat of battle." He tried to explain himself.

"You attacked a member of the elite?" The rookie's green eyes lit up, causing the mammal to step back fearfully. "Funny. You don't look like the suicidal type." The other two could see flame dancing at the back of his throat when he spoke.

Gatomon stepped in front of the Gazimon. "He attacked me. I shall determine punishment." She stared down the orange digimon. Luckily for her, she was a feline, so she could still stare him down into next week even while her paws were drenched with sweat inside her gloves. "Understand?"

Agumon smiled broadly. "Of course... " He brought a hand from behind his back to rub his chin. "I was coming to check on Floramon, as you asked me to, Fraulein, but apparently you let her go?" There was ironic emphasis on her title. "But then I guess you couldn't deal with her at the same time as this little boy." He suddenly reached down to grab Gazimon's crotch, whose eyes went wide as one of the most powerful digimon in the world blatantly fondled his junk.

"Uhh? Herr Agumon?"

"Did I ask you a question?" The dinosaur snarled, expression turning back into a smirk within a second. He had pulled the canine shaft out of Gazimon's sheath with disconcerting ease and was now toying with it. He had a good strong grip... and clearly knew his way around a penis, stroking the rabbit's with a well-practiced motion.

"What are you doing?!" Gatomon finally spoke up after her initial shock wore off.

"So, is this the latest addition to your little harem?" Agumon asked most casually as he continued to rub the rookie's member. "I must say Floramon was fun. I was going to have another go at her but then you had to let her go." He sighed playfully, clearly enjoying the flabbergasted Gazimon's nervousness more than anything. "But I thought it was my turn to pick a new toy."

"Erm..." Gatomon was trying to figure what this was about. Homosexuality? Group sex? Extramarital sex? Wait, was she even romantically involved with anyone? With him? She wasn't quite au fait about everyday Nazi customs, but this seemed to violate a lot of the philosophical principles!

The orange reptile let go of the Gazimon dick and stepped back to admired his handiwork. "Well, he looks... all right." The pole was about four inches long, if anything a bit shorter than the average Gazimon he'd seen. "But then, he did manage to get a hit on you." He addressed the Gazimon again. "You must be tougher than you look. No wonder she is wet for you." That left Gatomon a little flustered: in retrospect the digimon's vulnerability might have tickled her motherly instincts.

"Thank you, mein Herr." Gazimon replied. He wasn't too sure how to respond or react, and so resorted to standing at attention while his member hung out of his crotch like a flagpole sticking out of a wall.

Agumon looked back to the other digimon's face. The rabbit was a bit taller than him and he needed to look up. "On your knees." Gazimon, as if commanded by a remote control, dropped to his knees with a thump: one did not discuss or wonder about orders. The dinosaur casually pulled his own orange cock out in plain view of the pair and proceeded to stroke it until was firm enough to stand erect. It was a thick, veiny thing around five inches with some change. Within moments the tip was at Gazimon's lips. "Suck. Now."

Gazimon only hesitated for the briefest of moment. This went against his training, beliefs and his very nature as a heterosexual male. But his life was on the line here: that digimon could rip through him in a second. He didn't need any more to take the cock in his mouth and start to suck hard.

"Mmmh yeah... that's the way..." Agumon let the digimon suckle a bit. Very inexperienced, of course, but forcing a straight male to suck him was the entire point of the exercise. He thrust a little deeper into the virgin mouth before looking to the dumbstruck Gatomon. "Why don't you come here and join in, Fraulein Gatomon? You can show him how to properly deepthroat."

Gatomon struggled to find her voice. "Oh, you two seem to be doing fine, thank you." She was trying to find a way out of the situation and having a hard time thinking of the proper reaction at all. "I shall just..."

"No need to go." The dinosaur reached behind the Gazimon's head and began to shove more eagerly while holding the other in place. "We need to have a little meeting right when I am done here...Besides it's nothing you haven't watched me do a hundred times before... or that I've watched you do to me a thousand times before." He laughed right as the tip of his orange dick touched the back of Gazimon's throat.

"True." The feline tried to force herself to watch. Obviously her twin was a lot more... open than her. Unable to appear interested, she aimed for a blasé look, but even that was difficult to maintain. Sure she was not into porn, but gay stuff, and rape just to make matters worse!

The dinosaur now proceeded to facefuck Gazimon harder. "And as for you, try to use your tongue a little, you little cumstain." Agumon moaned, looking over at Gatomon as he moved a little faster. His member was now actively dripping and throbbing inside Gazimon's maw. "Are you quite sure you don't want to join in?"

"Other girls may not be able to say no to you." Gatomon crossed her arms. "But I have the luxury of turning you down." Snooty. Arrogant. Just how Gatomon figured her Nazi version would sound like.

"True again!" Agumon increased his tempo with a snicker. "Don't worry I won't hold back. We can get our little talk going soon." He thrust his hips forward as if to emphasize the point. Gazimon was gagging a bit now. He was completely unused to this, eyes watering a bit as the dinosaur held on to the back of his head. He started sucking a bit more, canine tongue pressing hard to the orange shaft's veiny underside. His sense of taste was just as good as his sense of smell, making the taste of precum awfully intense. He was not enjoying this in anyway shape or form but he was trying his best to make sure Agumon did. If anything the quicker he got the general to go off the quicker he'd be done with it!

Agumon was rapidly closing in on his orgasm. Clearly having his fellow general watching the show was in no way a deterrent for him. In fact it only seemed to spur him on more. "Come on. Keep it up..." The dinosaur slammed into the muzzle of the cock sucking digimon a few more times, hairless crotch bumping hard into the rookie's sensitive truffle. Canine noses were quite sensitive, and there was no doubt to be had he was doing it on purpose. "Mmmm yeah..." Agumon's fist tightened around the handful of fur he'd been using as a hold. He let out a hiss that soon turned into a moan when he blew his load into the lowly soldier's mouth. "Yeah... And you better drink it!" Agumon ordered the cocksucking digimon.

Gazimon choked down the dinosaur semen. It was hot, with an odd, almost spicy flavour. Not a pleasant experience for the straight male, but then, he didn't exactly have much experience to compare this to. Agumon pulled out a moment later, and the rabbit coughed before running his paw over his mouth to wipe off the saliva and sperm "Ugh!". "That's... Is that good, mein Herr?" He still wasn't sure what the hell just happened.

Agumon flopped his dick up and down as he looked at the sperm-guzzling digimon. In a final act of humiliation he smacked the Gazimon on each cheek with his dick, leaving a nice wad of semen on the left one. "Yes, yes. You can go. And clean yourself up, soldier. You're an undeserving mess."

The long eared digimon shivered in utter mortification, but at last it was all over. "Thank you, Herr Agumon." He wasn't going to stick around the dinosaur any longer than he had to, and scampered out as fast as, if not faster than the Floramon had.

Agumon chuckled a bit as he let his dick fall out of his broad hand. "Boy he moves fast." The dinosaur looked back to Gatomon and gave a small hip thrust that made his dick bounce around a little. It was nice and shiny from the canine's maw glistening slightly from the coat of saliva. "Probably good for another round or two."

"I said I was good." The feline tried to look uninterested. "Now, what did you want to talk about, Herr Agumon?"

"Hmmmm..." Agumon ran a white claw over his chin. "Perhaps it can wait. You look tired."

"Indeed. If that is all, we shall talk later." She made a vaguely dismissive move on the wrist and laid back on the bed, grateful for the way out. She seriously doubted her chances of making it through an actual meeting.

"Tomorrow then." The orange dinosaur padded his way out of the bedroom, but paused at the door. "Oh right... Before I go, Fraulein." He walked back to the bed and leaned over it, some leftover fluids seeping out of his still unsheathed and semi-erect member and onto the covers. "A quick question."

"Make it quick, Herr Agumon... I am quite tired." Gatomon made a big show of yawning, tongue curling out of her maw before retreating back inside.

Agumon reached into his shirt's front pocket and pulled out a small communicator. "Actually, I'm not the one with the question." What he pulled out looked like an iPhone with a Nazi symbol on it. When he turned it around to show her the screen, she stared back at another white feline in officer's garb. It looked a lot more natural (and no doubt tailored) on her. "She is." Agumon finished with a smirk.

Her Nazi counterpart just flashed her fangs from across the ocean. "So, just when did I acquire the power of ubiquity?"


Uh oh! The cat's out of the bag. Whatever shall Gatomon do? Feel free to contact me for previews of upcoming stories, or simply to chat with me about stories. I do find a lot if inspiration from my fans. I've been known to add chapters, characters, and so on based on fan input.

Msn is [email protected] Aim is mrredrover Yahoo is [email protected]

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