Touching Tents

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A commission done for IB: FriskeCrisps on inkbunny, with the art done by IB: SammyStowes .

Touching Tents

Crisp shuffled along with a bright red blush on his face, the wolf pressed almost chest to chest with his friend, a cat named Sammy. "I can't believe that we actually got away," the wolf muttered under his breath.

"We didn't get away yet...come on, can't you keep it down for a bit longer?" Sammay said back.

"I don't think's just...let's stop a second."

Sammy looked at him with a bright red face of his own, but the kitten stopped; there was no way that one of them could keep moving without the other following along, after all.

The two of them were halfway down a thin alley near the rear of the elementary school they attended, a brick wall on each side of them. In one direction, behind them, was the school; in the other was a side street that they were running for.

Why were they running? To get away from the bullies that had gotten them into this situation in the first place. Why had they stopped? Because of what the bullies did.

As the two of them caught their breath, Crisp looked down at their shoes. The laces of his red shoes and Sammy's blue ones had been tied together by the bullies, forcing them to keep very close together, and with their arms tied behind their back, they couldn't just reach down and untie them easily. It took teamwork to get anywhere at all, and in this narrow alley, it made things a little...complicated. They couldn't walk one behind the other, nor could they really move side by side. They had to be facing each other, and since the alley was really, really narrow, that meant that they had to be close together.

And since they were close together...

Their faces were bright red as they rested, mostly because their position had them pressed crotch to crotch with each other. The wolf could feel his boner throbbing inside of his shorts, and Sammy's was almost as hard, pressed against him and leaking just a bit in his sweatpants. The slightest movement, even just breathing, caused them to grind against each other.

Stifling a moan by biting his lip, Crisp looked away, whistling innocently as though nothing at all was happening. Of course, it was almost impossible to ignore the feelings that he was getting in his crotch, the weird tingles that came when they moved and ground their boners together. It almost made his balls feel like they were rising up, and he trembled at the little happy tingles that went through his boner.

Sammy wasn't doing much better. The kitten was about as red faced as he'd ever seen him, and that was saying something, considering how often Sammy jizzed his pants during the day. It had been one of the reason the bullies had been teasing the both of them, for that matter; probably this was their idea of a bad joke.

But there wasn't much that they could do about it, not when they were both tied up together and were forced to rub against each other...rubbing...

"Hey, stop...stop moving!" Sammy said in a high pitched, almost whimpering tone. He was so embarrassed; not that the wolf could blame him. And here the wolf was, grinding against him.

Stopping himself with his blush only getting worse, Crisp looked down the alley that they were going down. It wasn't that much further until they would be off of school grounds; if they could find a grown-up to undo the knots, or maybe find a spot where one of them could sit down or something...It was a long shot, though, and as soon as they got out there, they'd be in full view of anyone that was passing by. They'd be seen by everyone, boner to boner, and they'd just get laughed at.

For some reason, that made his boner all the harder, and he felt a little bit of his own gooey stuff leaking into the front of his shorts.

Sammy looked him with a shake of his head. "Why are you so hard?"

"I can't help it; my boner's got a mind of its own!" Crisp protested.

"Well...try to... I don't know...make it go down."

"I'll do that as soon as you do."

That had the kitten blushing worse, and Sammy stopped talking. Not that Crisp could really blame him for wanting the boners to go down; they were getting really embarrassing, and they made it really hard to think. He had to exert a lot of self control to keep from rubbing back against his classmate, even considering how little room they had, and how little time they had until the bullies found out where they'd gone.

They waited there for about a minute before Sammy worked up the courage to say something again. "I think that...I think we can keep going now," the cat said.

"You sure? You still feel really hard." That was an understatement; the kitty's boner was pushing against Crisp's hard, and he could feel the wet spot pressing against his pants. Or was that his wet spot? He wasn't sure; it was a little too slick on the inside of his underwear right now to be able to tell.

"We gotta go sometime...and we're not getting any smaller right now." The kitten sighed softly, his Sonic shirt rising and falling. "On three...and don't stop until we get to the end."

"Don't stop?!"

"The bullies are gonna come back sometime; if we don't hurry, we're gonna be stuck here with our boners rubbing each other, and what do you think they're gonna do then?"

The wolf had to admit, Sammy had a point; the bullies were bad enough just about the two of them sometimes spooging their pants. He didn't want to think about what they'd do when they saw them like this. Still, it was going to be hard to get all the way to the end of the alley without making a mess. The way that his boner was twitching in his pants, he was almost sure that he was gonna spurt before he reached the end, and if he felt that way, he could only imagine what Sammy felt like, with the way that he could jizz on a hair trigger.

Despite that, they really didn't have a lot of choice in the matter. Nodding his head in agreement, the red faced wolf curled his hands into fists, and then started walking down the alley again, inching along, squirming towards the side street.

Immediately he felt their boners grinding against each other again, and the both of them were biting their lips not to make a sound from it. It was slimy and wet inside of his undies, and he could only imagine what Sammy's stiffy felt like, rubbing around the insides of his sweat pants. It had to be hard to control himself.

For Crisp, it was torture as he kept squirming along. The slightest movement ground him sideways, up, down, or some other direction against the bulge in front of his boner, and it was all the better for his stiffy to get that feeling. He didn't WANT that feeling, but he was getting it anyway. It felt like his boner was dancing in his pants the more that it was rubbed, and he blushed at just how wet the front of his shorts must be at this point.

He didn't dare look down at them, but he could guess how they looked. Wet, soaked in the front, darker at the tips of their boners but with the spot slowly spreading as the feelings got stronger and stronger down there. Every step had to be making it worse for both of them, more obvious just how excited they were; he swore that there was some wet spots under his balls too, as they walked along, and the wolf's face burned at the thought of having a groin that was that dark and wet.

The worst part was just how much his hips wanted to buck forward against Sammy's boner, and make it better for both of them. He was getting so horny, and he wanted to do something to make it feel better, but it was not the time. His brain kept telling him that it was not the time, that it would be stupid, that it would get them both in trouble, make them spurt, but his boner didn't care. His boner just wanted to spurt and feel good, and make his friend feel good at the same time.

And slowly, he couldn't help but find himself listening to it.

It started small, a few little wriggles forward instead of sideways, grinding his boner against Sammy's by 'accident'. It always surprised the kitten, making him moan, but he was quiet compared to what Crisp was doing. He kept whistling innocently, but the whistles were interrupted by half stifled moans, growing sounds of pleasure. A quick little bump, and he felt his boner throb, another little string of the goo inside making the front of his shorts wetter; a little grind, and he felt Sammy shudder in front of him, a little bit more of the cat's gooey stuff leaking through the cloth of his sweats.

They were getting closer and closer to the end of the alley, and for a moment, Crisp's brain actually had a chance to come out again. They were about to step out into the open; they had to stop before they covered each other in spooge, or they were going to be in trouble.

Or, his boner thought, they had to spurt inside the alley before they got outside.

The wolf liked the second idea better. He stopped again, panting, and dragging Sammy to a stop too. The kitten almost fell over, and moaned loudly as he ground his boner against the wolf's again in the process. He managed to catch his balance before he could fall over, and as he pulled himself upwards, Sammy trembled and shivered again, another jet of goo bubbling out through the dark patch in his sweats.

Crisp didn't have to say anything. That last little bit had Sammy just as horny as he was; their boners were both at their breaking point, both of them wanting to go over the edge, no matter how embarrassing - or perhaps because of how embarrassing - it would be.

They slid forward, grinding against each other in the lightest of ways, and their boners decided that enough was enough.

The wolf gasped as his throbbing stiffy exploded, squirting all over the insides of his shorts. He watched with red cheeks as his tent got wetter and wetter, some bits of his spooge forcing its way out. It finally looked like the wet white spot that had been on the edge of Sammy's bulge all the way through the alley, and he whimpered in embarrassment - and surprising horniness - as his bulge got wetter and wetter, the last string of his jizz actually managing to push enough through his shorts to start dripping down to the alley floor.

Sammy's reaction was much more explosive. The kitten went wide-eyed as he came, his back arching and his hips shoving forward, grinding his boner against Crisp's pants. The wolf stared as his classmate spooged his pants so much, the wet spot spreading along. He could actually see through them, almost, seeing Sammy's stiffy in amazing detail. It throbbed through the pants, and he could actually see a full string of jizz making its way out through the sweatpants, squirting against the front of Crisp's shorts.

The two of them stood there, panting and shaking a bit in the pleasure that still lingered after their orgasms. The alley stank of spooge, and their blushes didn't fade in the least. If anything, they got worse, because they both knew that they still had to go outside of the alley, and as soon as they did, what they'd done would be obvious to anyone that looked.

And there were a LOT of people passing by the alley now.

"I almost want to go back to the bullies," Crisp said.


"They wouldn't laugh as much, but they'd just do something else." The wolf looked down at his crotch again, shaking his head as his blush burned brighter. Not only was he soaked, but there was a full on string of spooge along the front of his shorts. "Oh god..."

"What are we going to do?" Sammy said.

"Well..." Crisp nodded towards the alley exit. "We're almost there...might as well get out."

They moved quickly, hoping to get out of the alley before their boners came back. It was difficult, because moving fast meant that they touched each other a lot more than when they were moving slow, and their blushes just refused to go away, considering what they'd done...but they made it.

They slipped out of the alley, grunting as they managed to get away from each other, standing side by side rather than chest to chest, crotch to crotch.

And as a result, their wet tents were completely on display.

Grown ups and cubs alike stopped to stare at the two of them, eyes slowly growing wider. It was like the world turned to slow motion, the wide eyes followed by slowly lifting smiles and gradually opening mouths, and the two of them braced for the oncoming laughter.

The end

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