The Giants of Eteria: Part 3 (Final)

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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The conclusion of Giants of Eteria, with perhaps a strange ending that you didn't expect. Enjoy.

Chapter 1:

Chapter 2:

Part 3

Once Skarlath figured out that he could still give audiences to his subjects from atop - or rather, around - Roan's cock, things got a little bit easier for the Prince. Of course, it was a little awkward, but considering that his head was the only thing that could move, with the rest of his body flattened out against the massive horse shaft he was impaled on, there was little that he could do. Hell, he found himself lucky when he could speak without gargling the pre that was flowing out the stallion's cock near constantly.

Despite his situation, however, the Prince had few times to actually feel bad about what had happened. Not due to the lack of time - though with the way that Roan kept jerking off while Skarlath was pulled down his cock like a condom, that was something to be considered - but because he didn't really think it was that bad. Inconvenient, yes, but bad? Not so much.

The only problem lay in the fact that his men were now giants in truth, rather than just in comparison to everyone else. They'd kept growing and growing and growing, foot by foot, and then yard by yard as they soared into the skies. From the thousand feet of height they'd held when he'd first gotten stuck, they'd more than quintupled that, soaring more than five thousand feet into the air, and leaving the ground looking like something in miniscule. He supposed that, by now, they'd surpassed the mile mark in height.

And for Skarlath, that was something of a problem. Several, actually.

The first was that it was getting harder and harder to talk to people, to make his will for Eteria known; even when Roan laid on the ground so that the Prince could be closer to the people, if the horse was the least bit erect, Skarlath found himself facing the area a few hundred feet over the rest of his people. It was frustrating, to say the least, and it was getting to the point where Roan was being forced to lay almost flat to the ground so that the Prince could listen to his people without being more than a few dozen feet above them. Not to mention how much damage that was doing to the grounds; there was only so much that the time mages would be able to repair, and he had a feeling they were fast approaching that limit.

The second, and more important one, was that Skarlath's belly was still swelling up, and it wasn't necessarily swelling with cum, either.

It had seemed impossible, at least at first; after all, not only was Skarlath male, but he'd been crushed against a cock for nearly a week now while the others had grown, with his organs pressed who knew where due to all the pressure on his insides. Even if the spell had modified him THAT extensively, it shouldn't have had room to work; the cock inside of him should have...well, just like it should have killed him, it should have done something to this too.

But instead, his bulge in his belly continued to grow by the day. It weighed him down, always making him conscious of the extreme thickness in his belly, though he doubted that the increased size was something that Roan noticed at any point in time. It was obvious enough to Skarlath, though, and every time he was reminded of it, the Prince found himself blushing.

After all, it's not like he planned to get pregnant.

Nevertheless, pregnant he was. The spell that had lit his ass on fire and gotten him needing cock so bad must have been enough to set his body to fertile in that way as well; the bulge that he'd gotten in his belly after being fucked so hard by his three advisors hadn't been cum, but the developing pups in his gut. Just who was the father? He doubted he'd ever know, but they were constantly moving around, and the bulge was getting bigger and bigger as they grew, and fed.

He didn't want to think about how much they were going to be perverted from living off of the cum from Roan's cock, but Skarlath was sure that they were going to be interesting cubs, regardless.

At least, when he was able to get off of the horse cock.

That was something that neither he, nor his advisors, had been able to figure out just yet. They were too big to be able to get a grip on the wolf's body anymore, no longer able to peel him off, and the gap between the Prince's body and the horse's cock was too slight for them to just fuck him off, either. It was a problem, and one that was going to be difficult to overcome.

Artemis had suggested sending for Lucifer after the second day of being stuck, but Skarlath had shut that idea down; it was a little embarrassing to have to call for the King of Hell for something like this, particularly after he had been warned about the spell being dangerous and rogue. The wolf had said to wait a bit, and see if things improved.

That never happened.

Instead, the group continued to grow and grow and grow, every day getting a little bit taller than they were the day before...if one counted a few hundred to a thousand feet just a little bit taller. Their muscles swelled with their bodies, and even from his height vantage, pointing out past the muscled thighs and abs of his advisors, Skarlath had a hard time seeing anything but the hard, chiseled muscles on his Captain. The other men were mountains, slabs of muscle layered atop rocks of them, but they were in the distance, despite how close that the titanic males stood to each other. He had forbidden them from wandering too far, not daring to allow them to wander through Eteria with how tall they were.

Just a single step was enough to leave craters in the ground, nearly as much as Lucifer's body had done when he had come visiting. When all three of the advisors started moving at once - something that had, thankfully, only happened once - they created something akin to an earthquake, with the rattling thunder of their footsteps sending enough quaking and shaking through the ground to nearly knock down the walls of Phryxus. Repaired, but still a warning.

Since the growth had never stopped - and if anything, had seemed to speed up - Skarlath had tried to think of something that would allow him to avoid the humiliation of having his superior come down and fix it. He'd wracked his mind for days, even as he - and his forming pups - fed on the cum and pre from the horse he rode on. Every idea that he came up with was flawed, and they were all the same flaw; there was no clue just what kind of spell had caused this on them. Without that base knowledge, it was nearly impossible for his mages to reverse anything. And he didn't trust any of them enough to get up near Roan's cock and peel him off, either.

By the end of the week, with his advisors past a mile in height, there was nothing that he could do. Lucifer was called.

And now, they waited, about four miles away from the capital city. It wasn't much of a walk for the three advisors, given their height, but considering that Skarlath was still his original height - held up, stretched out, but still the same height - he had a front row seat in seeing just how fast they moved when they were this big.

The wind brushed against his face, much the way that the back of a paddle 'brushed' against the rump of a disobedient child; if he hadn't already been shoved down to his limits on the stallion's shaft, Skarlath was more than sure that he would have been blown off of the horse cock. The wind blasted him with more force than he expected, and he felt like he was rocketing forward at the speed the giants moved at.

Yet, to them, they were only walking. They were moving at the same speed and rate that they had done when they were normal sized; they weren't bothered, but when he was the one that was having to be pulled along, there was no doubt that they were moving faster. When they only had to take eight steps to make it to the spot they agreed to meet Lucifer, eight steps to cover four miles of distance, then they were moving pretty darn quick.

He was gagging and gasping when Roan stopped and the world stopped shaking down below, shaking his head a few times, his hands and feet wiggling futilely at the sides of Roan's ever erect shaft.

That was another thing that Skarlath had noticed; while he was on top of Roan's cock, it seemed like it couldn't go soft. It was like his tightly stretched body acted like a cock ring or something, something that allowed the stallion to be stimulated all the time. Maybe it was the way that his blood flowed through his body, the feeling of something living and breathing always around his cock, or maybe it was something else; either way, it meant that the horse seldom stopped twitching and throbbing inside of the wolf's body, leaking more and more pre in him.

Artemis and Brock looked down at him with a little bit of lust as Roan stepped a little closer to them, but that was no surprise; the two of them had been reduced to jerking off or playing with each other since he'd been stuck on the horse's cock, and he was pretty sure that the two of them were missing fucking their Prince. Small or not, they had always been welcome in his ass...and considering how things were going, were likely to be again, if they could get this spell reversed.

Silence reigned between them as they waited; there was a certain amount of awkwardness that never went away, even with living with a situation like this for a week. Muscled and powerful, mighty and gigantic as they were, Skarlath knew by their blushes that they were still just a little embarrassed about what they had been doing, and what had happened to them.

Not that there was any need for embarrassment or shame, in their case; the three giants were perhaps the sexiest creatures that Skarlath had ever seen, and the wolf would have said that before the spell that set fire to his innards and made him crave their super sized cocks.

The lion, his Seneschal and closest advisor, was still the middle one when it came to height and size. The lion's pale gold mane, just slightly different yellow than the rest of the pale gold color of his fur, blotted out the sun with his height. All he had to do was lean his head over to one side, and the sun would be covered for an entire city. His body remained leaner than the other two, but not nearly as much as when they were all still normal sized. He looked like someone that had been exercising since he had first stepped out of the cradle, and with steroids thrown in, for that matter.

His body was like steel plates of muscle, and Skarlath could only imagine how hard it would be to actually hurt the lion through those. Each little twitch of this or that limb sent tremors, shudders of power through the muscles all over his body, only serving to enhance the lion's sheer size.

Between his legs was a cock that was as long as the palace was tall, if not bigger. Skarlath had been on it when it was a good bit smaller, when his Seneschal had been less than a tenth his current size, and it had been massive then; he could only imagine what it would feel like now, and he drooled at the idea.

Forcing himself to look away, his eyes fell on his blacksmith, Brock the badger. And if Artemis had retained some leanness to his form, the badger most definitely hadn't. Brock's arms were thicker than they had ever been, larger and thicker than the biggest structure in the kingdom. Just one poke could likely set half a town to rubble, and if the badger wanted to hurt something...well, unless it was at least 2/3rds his size, Skarlath would put long odds against the badger losing.

And if it were possible, he'd say that the badger had grown more than the lion. Brock had started out smaller than Artemis, about three feet shorter compared to Artemis's 9 feet of height. But that gap, at least proportionally, had closed. At least measurement, Artemis had been 5,500 feet tall; Brock had been only 5,400. Instead of being one and a half times the badger's height, the lion was barely a hundred feet taller. Massive in terms of Skarlath's height, miniscule differences compared to them.

Of course, Brock still had a bit of a gut, though at this height, it was difficult to tell the difference between it and a large hill. It was round and solid, and moved no more than a piece of the landscape, just bulging out and hard with muscle.

His cock...Brock's cock was just as mouthwatering as the lion's, and perhaps a little more so, as it looked a little harder than Artemis's. It throbbed before his eyes, little droplets of pre - that were not so little at more than six feet across, and that was the smallest of them - pouring out of the tip and dropping to the ground so far below. He could just barely make out dust clouds from where they landed, and shook his head.

That only left Roan, a stallion whose body he'd become remarkably well acquainted to over the course of the last week. A huge cock, slabs of muscle that were harder than anything that the people of Eteria had ever made, and a body that loomed over the other two giants by over a thousand feet; all belonged to the Captain, and Skarlath wondered if it would be better to leave Roan like this, as a massive champion. It was tempting; as someone of this size, as long as he didn't keep growing - his libido protested, his common sense begged - Roan would be able to deal with any threat that came to the realm almost single handedly.

Of course, there were problems with hosting a huge thing such as this stallion. Just by laying down, Roan would resemble a large, furred mountain range, and a chance flick of his tail would be more than enough to level most of the villages that were around the place. Hell, just laying on all fours, the massive horse managed to cover a great deal of farmland, and the perpetual leaking from his shaft would result in a river of pre, or at least a lake of it, within a day. His muscles, as hard and strong and massive as they were, and the large sexy body, were unfortunately not worth that kind of cost. Much as Skarlath wished they were.

He looked down again, hardly believing just how far below him the ground was. His stomach hung low beneath the horse's cock, but that was just a few feet of large belly bulge. The ground itself was thousands of feet below. Not just hundreds, not a simple thousand, but thousands. What buildings were in sight were miniscule, tiny, and a part of him wondered just how long it would take him to hit the ground from this height.

Shaking his head to dismiss the scary thought, Skarlath turned his head to another direction, to the south. He could hear the powerful footsteps of a visitor, and as far as he knew, there was only one other person that was big enough to make thunder when he walked in Eteria.

It was strange seeing the large black lion approaching them; usually, when the King of Hell paid a visit to the realm, he was a massive thing, striding forward with power that was unimaginable at the best of times, and truly magnificent. Now, with the other advisors just as large as the great lion - and Roan just a few hundred feet taller - it was like seeing a meeting of equals.

Or, it would have been, if Lucifer didn't have that glint in his eyes and that twist to his lips that showed he knew that he was in charge.

The great lion looked down at Skarlath. The wolf Prince blushed a bit at the way that the King of Hell looked at him, and looked down to the ground.

"Do you have any way to explain this, Prince Skarlath?" Lucifer asked, his voice remarkably calm and neutral.

With a shake of his head, Skarlath responded, "I...was careless. I let us all get hit by the spell that you warned me about."

The advisors spoke up, all of them protesting, from Artemis's carefully worded response about them all going, to Brock's blunt statement that he was never forced, and Roan's declaration of duty; all of them claimed equal responsibility.

Before Skarlath could tell them that they were wrong, Lucifer raised his hand and silenced them. "So, you were caught. The other three were changed, but you were left like this. Do you have any idea why the spell affected you differently compared to the others?"

"I..." He blinked a bit. Why would Lucifer want him to explain that. "I lured it onto a Ley Line. It must have been corrupted."

"Corrupted....or simply stripped of the top layers of the spell."

Skarlath blinked a bit at that, and Lucifer chuckled. "Don't you think it's just a little coincidental that the spell effects matched so well together? That one made your advisors constantly hard and horny, and the other made you fertile and needy?"

"But...that's what Ley Lines do. They make it so spells don't work the way that they're supposed to," Skarlath said.

"Ah, but think about it, Prince." Lucifer smiled to himself, shaking his head. "The Ley Lines make it so that spells are warped, that they don't work the way that they're supposed to. Doesn't it seem a little too lucky that the random effect is so compatible to what happened to your advisors?"

The wolf had to admit, the King of Hell had a pretty good point with that, one that he hadn't really considered. The Ley Lines distorted spells, made them go a little crazy. Either they didn't work, or they did something completely against what they were supposed to do. It was almost too much to believe that they had actually pulled together this way...almost like...

Skarlath blinked, a smile slowly spreading across his face. "Ooooh, you sneaky lion..." he said.

Lucifer grinned back, nodding his head. "Now you're starting to get it; go on, try and explain it."

"Well, I don't know the why of it -"

"Didn't think you would, but we'll get to that in a minute."

"But you sent that spell across the border between our kingdoms, and then told me so that me and my advisors would go deal with it. You knew that we wouldn't be able to resist dealing with it ourselves; we're too good at getting into that sort of trouble."

"Too bad at delegating, I'd say, but go on."

"I'm...okay, maybe I am that bad, but that's beside the point," Skarlath said with a bit of a blush. His advisors were slowly starting to get the same look of comprehension he had a moment ago, but they didn't look like they'd gotten it in full just yet.

Then again, they were thousands of feet up; it was hard to tell what they were thinking from that distance.

"Anyway." The Prince cleared his throat, swallowing down another bit of salty pre. "You sent that thing across the border, knowing we'd go after it. And knowing how we keep our soldiers out of the way, you knew we'd be the ones hit by it. I'm not entirely sure WHY you did it, but you made that spell so that it would have a chance of surviving the Ley Line and hitting me with the fertility spell at the core, while the other guys would grow and grow and grow, until they were too big for me to resist anymore."

Lucifer smiled, his large hands raised and clapping gently. Of course, even gentle claps at this size were as loud as thunder, and Skarlath's ears lowered at the powerful booming sounds.

"Very good," Lucifer said with a slight nod. "You figured most of it out. Just leaves my reasons; do you have any guesses as to them?"

They were a bit of a mystery...but not fully. The bulge at his belly was his biggest clue. "You wanted me to have an heir for the throne?" he said, not quite sure if he was right.

"That's part of the reason. The other half, simply enough, was because I wanted a good show."

Everyone, even Skarlath, stared at the King of Hell with their mouths wide open. They couldn't even summon up the words or the will to say something to that.

And it made the lion laugh. "Heh, what? I can't be as much of a pervert as the rest of you and enjoy seeing some friends fuck around?" Lucifer said, continuing to laugh. "And believe me, it's been a hell of a show; you've been showing yourselves off for some of the top people in Hell, and you've made my kingdom smell like sex almost everywhere from the naughty stuff that you've been up to.

"But, now, it's time for that to stop; you four need to get back to ruling and running Eteria properly, and if I'm not mistaken, your Prince is getting fairly near to his due day." Lucifer reached down, the slightest touch of a claw pressing against Skarlath's stomach. "Yes, indeed. Two, maybe three days out at the most, and he'll be birthing his new pups."

"Then we need to get him off of Roan's cock as quickly as possible, your majesty," Artemis said. The golden lion's voice boomed, yet still had a sort of quiet dignity to it despite the subject matter. "Will you help us? We can't get him off ourselves, our hands have become too large to grip him properly."

"There's little need for hands when you can command magic the way that I do, good Seneschal," the black lion said with a smile. "Just trust me. I've done this sort of thing more than a few times."

Skarlath would just bet he had; the fact that they had been something of a show in Hell was evidence enough that Lucifer had probably done this more than a few times. The black lion probably had a few other shows lined up; he'd have to keep an eye on Hell for a while, see what developed from this. The last thing he needed was for his reputation as Prince to be too damaged.

He watched as Lucifer reached down for him. The various claw tips on the lion's hand glittered with magical light, and as it pressed to Skarlath's body, he felt it spread through him.

It wasn't something that immediately tightened him up, for which he was grateful. He doubted he could have withstood that. Instead, it was like it had given one end of his body a magnetic charge, and his rear and legs were slowly being pulled up towards his head as a response. The horse cock inside of him tugged at his insides as it was gradually slid off of, and Skarlath shuddered at the way that the consistent pressure to his prostate rapidly brought him to erection again.

"There we go...just a little while of this, and we can peel you off of Roan's cock tip without any problems," Lucifer said with a small smile.

Skarlath just hoped there really wouldn't be any problems; the flare that spread most of his neck around itself had to be huge. It had grown just as much as the rest of the horse's body, after all, and he wouldn't have been surprised if the flattened head was as big as a city block back in Phryxus by this point. Hell, it might have been even bigger; without something to compare it to, or even the ability to look at it, there was no way for him to know.

His body slid further and further up the horse shaft, and despite the fact that his body was leaving Roan's cock, Skarlath could feel the horse shuddering with arousal inside of him, twitching and leaking. The taste of pre grew much stronger in his mouth, and most of it dribbled out of his mouth before he could swallow, only to be replaced with another mouthful shortly after.

Between his ass cheeks - or rather, just where his hole was, considering his ass didn't really exist after being stretched this far - his hole was stretched to what should have been the breaking point for anyone. It was red and inflamed from constant use, though not hurting. It stung slightly as he was slid along the slimy shaft, slowly pulled along the thing. He could feel every vein along the surface of Roan's shaft on the way, and he grunted when he felt them pushing his hole wider for a second before sliding along to another part of his rim.

The others were watching with eager eyes, their cocks bouncing without even being touched. They obviously remembered how he'd felt around their cocks before, and probably wished that they would get another turn after being unable to use him for a while.

Well, tough; Skarlath liked having his body stretched out like this, but he wasn't going to get himself stuck again for a while.

After the first few minutes of sliding along the monstrously long shaft, Skarlath felt the tugging speed up, dragging him up the shaft a little further, a little faster. He groaned as the burning feeling around his hole got a little bit worse, a little stronger. "Mmmph...come on, careful here," the wolf muttered.

"Do you want fast, or do you want careful?" Lucifer asked.



Despite that, the Prince felt his hole cool after a second. A little look at the claw points around him revealed the source of it; a little blue had joined the white glitters on them, probably something soothing or healing. Not much of it, he realized, considering that his hole still felt stretched as hell, but it was better than it had been.

The flare was the stopping point for the tugging feeling, leaving him wrapped around the tip almost like a water balloon up on earth. Despite his length being reduced, he was still too far stretched out for his arms or legs to be visible. "Okay...what now?" he asked.

"Now, I am going to have to peel you off." Lucifer looked at the horse, and chuckled. "Try not to cum while I'm peeling your Prince condom off, good Captain; I don't need more of a mess over my hands."

"I'll do my best, sir," the stallion answered.

Nodding, the black lion's fingers wrapped around the tip of the stallion's cock. Even Lucifer's hand was a little too small to be able to get around the flared head, which was a little bit scary of a thought to Skarlath. He shuddered, stomping down on the part of his brain that wanted to tell him how big that must have meant the cock head was, and instead focused on relaxing as much as possible, trying to keep himself loose for the pulling off.

It was difficult to do that when he felt claws digging into his hole and pulling him around the flared tip. The wolf's hips groaned, creaked as it fought to stay together, and the rubbery feeling that his body had maintained for the last week was pushed right to the very edge of what Skarlath could tolerate. His mouth opened in silent gasps for breath, trying to keep himself conscious as his mind was almost overwhelmed with the feeling of such a massive stretch.

Suddenly, his hole was around the flare, and Lucifer let go. It was like a rubber band had been released when the lion's fingers pulled back, the terribly stretched hole pulling itself back together. The wolf yelped as he was dropped, only to land on top of the stallion's cock tip. He hung from the urethra as his body rippled itself back together, forcing itself back to his smaller size.

He was suddenly all too conscious of the way that his body was hanging thousands of feet in the air. Though he trusted his grip to Roan's cock tip, fingers digging into the urethra, he realized the gravity of the situation, of how tall they were. With a danger of falling, that distance felt a great deal more real.

Thankfully, that didn't last for long. The same rushing power that had made up the spell storm before rushed out through the different advisors, and they started shrinking down. Fast.

The air rushed up from beneath the wolf fast enough for him to be lifted up slightly, pushing him up in a way that wasn't too dissimilar from skydiving. Of course, skydiving had a little more of a guarantee of not dying when one hit the ground, but the Prince tried not to think about that. He just wanted to think of being safe, and things getting somewhat back to normal.

Closing his eyes, he rode through the shrinking fall. He felt the skin tightening under his fingers, felt the gigantic cock slowly shrinking down. It was taking a while, though, so he doubted that the actual shaft would be gone before it was somewhat safe. But still, it made him grip a little tighter, not wanting to risk losing his one and only handhold.

Somewhere during the fall, the rush of air stopped, and things momentarily reversed. Skarlath shuddered at that, tempted to open his eyes, but kept them closed out of fear. He couldn't stop what was happening, and he wasn't going to terrify himself on the way down if things had gone wrong.

He didn't know how long the shrinking took, but eventually he felt the cock he held get too small to hold onto. The Prince opened his eyes as he lost his grip, flailing as he started to fall -

-only to be caught by a black furred hand. He grunted at the slight impact, looking up to see Lucifer many feet above. He blushed a bit at the fact that he needed to be caught, and looked up at his advisors.

They were rapidly shrinking as well, growing smaller and smaller around him. They were barely a few hundred feet high now, and while they were still amazing to look at, they were changing enough to be less arousing. The heat in his hole was fading as well; whether that was due to being pregnant or because of Lucifer's magic, he didn't know, but he was glad to have it going away. It made it easier to think. So much easier.

They were all standing on the King of Hell's hands, held over the ground, and he was lowering them down to the ground even as the giants shrunk down to their original height. They touched the ground shortly after they reached their heights of six, nine, and twelve feet tall, looking normal again.

Skarlath, on the other hand...

The wolf Prince no longer looked quite so stretched out as he had been, but the bulge of his belly remained. It was the one part of him besides his head that hadn't been squished flat against the horse's cock, and it remained several feet wide, sticking out from him and looking a little ridiculous for how huge it was. Dragging his hands along the bulge the way that he'd been wanting to for all too long, he felt the movement of his pups inside. They were fine, and they were definitely growing, forming a nice litter for him.

Smiling at that thought, he looked up at Lucifer. The black lion's head was lost in the clouds above, but he knew that the King of Hell would be able to hear him anyway. "Thank you for helping us, Lucifer; it was appreciated, even if it was a little awkward."

"Heh, there are so many things that are awkward; why not have the conception of your heir be one of them?" Lucifer chuckled a bit to himself, waving his hand and making some of Eteria's clouds disappear with the motion. "I'll see you later; make sure that you tell me how the birthing goes. I think you might have a little bit of fun with this, you know."

The black lion turned, walking off at a leisurely pace. His long legs covered the distance rapidly, taking him out of reach in seconds, and out of sight in minutes as he covered the miles in just a few steps. It was amazing; one wouldn't think something so big could disappear so fast, but then again, one always forgot how far the big things could move when they took a step.

Skarlath turned towards Phryxus. The walls of his capitol were four miles away, and they looked much bigger now that he wasn't viewing them from so far in the air. And a lot farther away.

Before he could take a step, both Roan and Artemis gently took him by the arms. He looked at them, saw their smiles, and smiled back.

"Let us help you, your majesty," Artemis said.

"After so long, you'll need help," Roan added.


The next few days were simple enough for the four of them. There was the explanation to the people to be made, and the announcement of Skarlath's pregnancy, of course, but other than that, their lives returned to normal surprisingly quickly. Brock returned to his forge, Roan to his unit of men, and Artemis to his place beside the throne. A bigger throne, admittedly, as they had to accommodate Skarlath's larger stomach, but still the throne. Skarlath himself sat on the throne, and delivered his judgment from the varied floors of his palace, just the same as he had always done before the massive change.

Lucifer had been silence since leaving again, which Skarlath took as a sign that things were more or less done. He was surprised to find that there was little to no shift in the respect that he got from his subjects, despite the indignant position that he'd been in for a week. They still treated him as their prince, and as far as he could tell, there were no jokes told behind his back, no whispers that he needed to worry about.

The only thing that kept Skarlath's life from being completely normal again was the fact that he was pregnant. And it wasn't just the fact that he was bigger that threw him off, either, though that was a big enough thing.

Cravings filled the Prince's mind during the few days after he was returned to normal; cravings for all sorts of food - keeping the kitchens busy like never before - and cravings for things that were less normal. Brock was grateful for the fact that he maintained the forge and had a real responsibility, because both Artemis and Roan were kept busy in the throne room, filling their Prince and giving him all that he could ever ask for. Doubtless they both enjoyed it, but considering how haggard they looked when they were in public, it was clear that the Prince was running them ragged.

In fact, he was running most people in the palace into the ground. Not in a bad way, as they were fairly happy to have him back, but everyone would agree, at the end of the Prince's pregnancy, that they were going to be very happy if he never did that again.

Finally, the day of the birthing came. Artemis, Brock, and Roan were all present, as were the other higher ups of the Kingdom. They were all present to see the birthing of the heirs.


It was quite the event. Banners were hung, a den cradle was prepared, and everyone had turned out in their finest to see the heirs of the throne birthed. A great gathering with food that had emptied the kitchens, and even the presence of Lucifer had been requested. He hadn't shown up in person, but he had sent a sort of avatar - a floating spirit presence - to see it happen.

It was magnificent; Skarlath just wished that his attention wasn't on his stretching body and the mixed discomfort and pleasure of his birthing.

Held in a kneeling position by Artemis and Roan, he had his cock pointed towards a small birthing pool that was set up in front of him. Ostensibly, it was there to make sure that the pups were allowed out of his cock without any problems, without hurting them. The Prince couldn't help but think that it was also there to keep the mess from being too bad. Either way, it looked like a giant collecting bowl for an orgasm.

Then again, considering how the pups were going to be coming out, that wasn't too far off.

Panting softly, he looked over at his friends. They looked back at him with a small smile, patting his throbbing erection. They were going to have to be a big part of this, helping him keep it hard enough for the pups to come out, and to help keep him lubed so that it didn't hurt when they came out. Brock was behind him, ready to use his fingers or anything else needed to keep the Prince stimulated from the rear, to keep the prostate juices flowing. It would be pleasurable, but still kind of hard to get through without help.

Giving them a nod, Skarlath immediately moaned as the lion and horse started to stroke his cock, rubbing it and teasing it. As soon as they started, he felt the pups starting to slide down from his stomach, rushing through who knew where in his altered body, heading down towards his groin.

From behind, he felt the badger's finger slide into his ass. It was only barely felt spreading his hole, but it was still enough to keep him moaning. The pressure of that thick finger rubbing along his prostate was enough to get him bucking forward, and he felt that the pups were enjoying it too. They were pressing into his hips, sliding into some sort of tube inside of him, it felt like, and he could feel them sliding forward on the river of pre that the prostate massage was creating.

The first one hit the base of his cock in seconds, and Skarlath threw his head back in a howl at the sudden feeling of pressure inside of his cock. It was beyond anything that he had ever experienced, even counting the times that his knot had been inflated from the inside rather than through the blood and arousal swelling it like normal. The pup pressed against the inside of his urethra, blocking the flow of the pre from his prostate and the other fluids produced by his body.

This was the way that they had to come out, though; they blocked up his cock, and then the pressure had to build up behind them to keep forcing them forward. That's what the doctors and what Lucifer had told him, and he trusted them.

But that didn't mean that it didn't feel weird as hell!

Shuddering in the grip of his friends, Skarlath whimpered and moaned as his cock was rubbed, skilled lion and stallion hands rubbing up and down his shaft. The base was swollen out far past normal, and he could feel the pre and other goo building up behind the pup. He grunted, bucking back and forth, thrusting in a vain attempt to get the pup moving. It didn't work.

The advisors stroked him harder, and he growled in pleasure as he was forced to feel good despite the bulge inside of his cock. It was getting thicker and thicker at the base as more and more of the pup's head was forced into the base of his cock, his balls churning and aching at the feeling of all the pleasure he was getting, but without the ability to start letting any of his juices out.

Finally, he felt the pup start moving. The pressure must have gotten high enough to start forcing it forward. He gasped softly when he felt it move forward an inch...then another two inches. The Prince shuddered again, feeling the hands of his advisors gently press down on the head of the pup as it slid down his cock. Their hands seemed to be soothing to it, calming it down. At any rate, it was completely still as it continued to head down his cock, getting closer and closer to his cock head with every stroke.

Somewhere around the middle of his cock, the pup moved slightly, and some of the built up pre jetted past it. It sprayed along the birthing pool, splashing it with the pressure of a water-jet spell, and if it hadn't been held by some of the servants, it would have gone sliding across the floor. Despite that, the side was soaked, and the pre oozed down to form a small puddle on the far side of the pool.

More jets of pre followed the first, and the first turned out to be the weakest as the wolf pup slid further and further down his shaft. Psssst, ssssst, sssst went the jets of pre, slamming into different parts of the birthing pool. It formed puddles rapidly, musky, salty, slimy puddles, but ones that would nevertheless help cushion the pup as it slid out of him.

Further and further it slid down his cock, opening his urethra further and further as it went along. Soon, he felt it under the head of his cock, and both Artemis and Roan were pointing his cock downwards, preventing it from pointing up. One of them used a free hand to stroke around the Prince's knot, and he whimpered at the extreme pleasure that gave him.

Finally, the nose of the pup pushed past the tip of his cock. Skarlath's eyes went wide at the feeling, and he curled his hands into fists at the extremely powerful stretch that gave him. It was...not quite painful, but strange, to feel the pup slowly forcing his cock head open further and further. The urethra was stretched, the tiny hole growing wider and wider as the wolf pup pushed out further and further, and he couldn't stop the growls of discomfort that came with that. That was a hole that was NEVER supposed to get stretched out, yet here it was.

The pressure behind the pup pushed it out just as much as the lion and stallion did, and eventually, with a wet splotch and a massive gout of musky sex juices, the pup went flying free, sliding across the bottom of the birthing pool to hit the cushioned end.

The process repeated itself for the other two wolf pups, though they slid out a little easier than the first; the first had managed to open up Skarlath's cock a fair bit, and it was roomier for them as they made their way down, not having to stretch it out quite as much as their sibling had.

Eventually, the litter was gathered together, washed clean by light licks from the servants, and then pushed into Skarlath's arms. The wolf Prince smiled at them, leaning down and kissing each one on the forehead. They were anthro, just like him, and though they primarily resembled him, each one had a little bit of the different fathers in them. One had a slight gold patch around his neck, resembling the golden mane of Artemis; another had a building stomach, a weak, jiggly imitation of Brock's muscle gut; and the final one - incidentally, the first one that came out of his cock - was the biggest of the three, easily bigger than his siblings. He even had a sort of mane of fur down the back of his neck, looking a bit like a horse's mane.

Cuddling them to his chest, Skarlath looked around at his friends, his court, everyone that had gathered to see this. He smiled at all of them, and bowed his head in thanks.

Carried off after that to his bedchambers, the Prince laid his pups in their little cradle, and then laid down beside them, keeping an eye on them. It was going to be interesting to see what kind of things the pups were going to get up to, but for now, he needed sleep. Closing his eyes, he laid his head down, and slowly drifted off into dreamland...

The End.

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