SoFurry House Party: New Slaves, New Dress Code

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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This is my chapter uploaded for the SoFurry House Party, a project either started or worked on by Roxan and should be continuing over the course of the next few weeks or months or whatever it is. This story involves me and my former master, PebbleLion and involves a great deal of humiliation and slutty behavior.

New Slaves, New Dress Code

By Draconicon

The invitations to the 'Party of the Century' had arrived in the lion's mailbox almost a week ago, and the dragon had only heard about it a few days after, when his master had deigned to shared the information with him. Draconicon barely had the chance to gather up some decent clothes and make sure that his schedule was clear before the two of them had been off to the address on the invitation, and the dragon still wasn't quite sure what they were doing. There were implications of fun times at the mansion, but his master wasn't the most sociable lion in the city, and it him to have his master so interested in going to this party. More interesting that he wanted to bring his submissive along.

He blushed a bit at that thought, his foot pressing down a little harder on the gas pedal as he was reminded of his place. Rapidly he pulled his foot back, keeping the speed of the SUV down to the speed limit, but it was too late; his master had noticed.

"Is something wrong, my dragon?"

Draconicon turned to the lion - his lion, his master - in the passenger seat. "Nothing, nothing, sir," he said.

"Now why don't I believe that?"

"Probably because I'm lying through my teeth," the dragon admitted.

"Yes, that would do it." The lion chuckled softly, shaking his head and causing his mane to fly back and forth, the thick, dark fur whipping across his face a few times before settling back around his head and neck. "You aren't a good liar."

"That's because I admit when I lie." Though, indeed, he never really lied to his master; he was a little too honest for that, and besides, it was disrespectful. And if there was one thing that the lion demanded, it was respect, both through his actions, and through the image that he put out to the world.

Pebble was not a small lion, despite the way that his name might have implied he was. The large feline wore a black suit, and his dark gray fur blended with it remarkably well. His clothes were stretched to the limits, despite their exquisite worksmanship, by the sheer level of muscles beneath them. The eight foot tall lion risked breaking suits whenever he walked, and it was only through spending the money that he did that the lion's body remained covered.

At least, that was what he believed; the lion might have had some secret that kept his muscles from ripping through suits the way that he saw it done in commercials so often, but if he did, he wasn't sharing.

With the way that his master leaned back in the seat, one bare foot up on his leg, it was hard for the dragon to keep his eyes on the road. Draconicon suspected that his master did this on purpose; the lion was well aware of the dragon's...fascination, so to speak, and he employed it to great effect. Draconicon growled, shaking his head as he looked away from the lion's bare feet, trying to keep his attention focused on the road, and out of his crotch.

It didn't work, particularly when Pebble reached out and patted him on the thigh. Bright red flared in the dragon's black scaled face, and it only got worse when the lion said, "Don't worry, my dragon; it's not like I'm going there to trade you or anything."

The thought hadn't crossed his mind before, but it sure as hell did now; rather than being embarrassed, it was almost arousing, and Draconicon groaned under his breath as his bulge started to push against the front of his pants.

Feline laughter was all he needed to hear to know that had been the lion's purpose all along, and Pebble leaned back against his seat. "Why did you have to go and do that?" Draconicon asked.

"Because a pet with a good bulge is better than one with a flat crotch," Pebble said with a small, toothy smirk.

He shook his head as they rounded a corner, though he couldn't deny that the lion was right; before he was claimed, he'd had the same thing to say to his submissives. Still did, when the lion didn't have need of him, or when he was actually able to summon up his dominant side anymore. That was getting a little harder to do of late, though; it seemed that his lion continued to reinforce his submissive side, and making it harder for him to have thoughts of being on top.

They rounded another bend in the street, and the dragon had to resist the urge to slam on the break in shock at what their destination was. He turned to look at his master as they slowed down, pointing past the line of cars in front of them. "Master, is that really our final destination?"

"It is, my dragon; it most certainly is," the lion said with a smile.

"Okay..." The dragon shook his head a bit. Things were starting to make a little more sense now. Pebble might not stir himself for an event of rich but boring socialites, as far as he knew, but he would definitely pull himself - and his new dragon - out for a night at a place like this.

The front gate and gatehouse built into a steel and stone wall were standard enough, but the people in the cars heading in were anything but. Though some of the windows were tinted and difficult to see through, he could see other guests that were already naked, and some that were beating the 'festivities' to enjoy each other in the car. There was a very hot blush going across his face as he realized just what kind of party this was likely to be, and he couldn't help but wonder why his master had kept this hidden from him.

One by one, the cars moved forward, and the dragon found himself imagining what would happen in the large, five storied house in the distance. It was fairly far past the gates, which, considering the party this seemed to be, was probably a good idea; it was both wide and tall, and he could only imagine the things that would take place on the sprawling grounds and within the house itself.

But what did his master have in mind here?

He was still trying to puzzle that out when they reached the gatehouse. A wolf dressed in a blue security uniform stepped up to the car, holding a clipboard in hand and looking down the list. "Let's see, let's see..." the canine muttered under his breath.

As the guard kept looking for a name on it, or a species, perhaps, the dragon couldn't help but look him over. The wolf had a decent bit of muscle on him, enough to keep the outfit from looking baggy, and unlike some of the rent-a-cops that he'd seen around malls or shopping centers, this one had no gut, no sign of being out of shape. The hilt of a taser gun - something he was used to seeing on Pebble's waist - also said that the guy meant business.

The only strange thing was the patch on the wolf's crotch. Rather than a zipper, there was a velcro patch...and the dragon could only imagine what sort of things that security was 'allowed' to do at this party.

"I don't see a dragon matching your description on the list, sir," the wolf said, yanking the dragon out of a mental image of a lizard pinned under the wolf.

Shaking his head and dismissing the image of a leaking hole surrounded by yellow and green scales, the dragon looked up at the wolf with a blink. "Huh?"

"You're not on the list for guests," the wolf repeated.

Before Draconicon could respond, his master leaned over. His hand pressed DIRECTLY on the dragon's bulge, and the dragon couldn't stop a slight moan from escaping his lips.

"He's with me," his master said, holding out the invitation. The lion's mane pressed against the dragon's face as he talked, and the dragon felt grateful that his blush was hidden behind the fur. It didn't help that his master kept teasing his bulge with little strokes of his fingers, as though he was encouraging him to stay hard as he spoke. "I'm the one that was invited; he's my plus one. You should see the name Pebble on the list."

"Pebble...Pebble Pebble Pebble," the wolf muttered, going down the list again.

This was as humiliating as it could get, the dragon thought to himself; pinned beneath his master in a car, being fondled and stroked by said master, and having to wait until a wolf that was all too slow found the name on the invitation. This was embarrassing, humiliating, and just plain silly.

And it had him hard as hell inside of the black pants he wore.

It took a full minute for the wolf to get the name, and pass the invitation back. Pebble pulled back as though he hadn't been doing a thing, and the dragon had to work to get his breathing and his excitement under control. The wolf pointed towards the mansion, saying something about parking near the big building, and the dragon nodded blindly, trying to think of whatever he could that would make his cock go down.

As soon as the gate was open, the dragon hit the gas. Not too hard, no matter how much he was tempted, but enough to get them going and out of sight of prying eyes.

When they were out of earshot, he turned his head to his master. "You, my master, are an evil, evil lion."

"What kind of master would I be if I didn't make sure that my pets were having a good time?"

"But in front of the guard?"

"I'll be doing a lot more to you, little egglayer, and in front of many more people," the lion said. His eyes turned steely for a moment, and he showed just enough teeth for the dragon to remember who held the metaphorical leash.

It only lasted a second, however, and then the lion was smiling normally. "Besides, I believe you had a few journal entries about wanting to be used in public."

"...I keep forgetting you read that thing," Draconicon said, the blush he'd barely managed to banish returning in force.

"I read it every night. It makes for wonderful reading material when I'm not buried balls deep under your tail."

"Now you're just trying to make me blush."

"And succeeding."

"...Yes. Yes you are," the dragon muttered. If he wasn't driving, he swore his face would be buried in his hands. He turned the SUV onto a secondary road, following the line of tire tracks heading to a secondary parking area. Probably because the person that owned the house didn't want anyone parking too close in case of intoxication or something. Probably a good idea, too.

As he turned into the parking lot, he saw some of the other guests getting out and walking across the grounds towards the house. If he didn't miss his guess, he'd imagine that there were a few climaxes shared among them already, particularly considering that he barely had the window rolled down and there was a potent scent coming off of the gathered people. Were they that eager to...start...


Draconicon didn't even have to turn his head to know what had just happened, and he groaned as he slowed the vehicle down. His member throbbed in his pants as the scent of aroused, hot, eager lion cock filled the car, filling his nose almost as fast. "M-master, you know that affects me..." the dragon muttered.

"I know just how it affects you, my dragon," the lion said, and Draconicon whimpered as he saw his master start to reach down to his crotch out of the corner of his eyes. The smell got stronger, just noticeably, as his lion stroked at his barbed cock. "I want you eager tonight; no hesitation, no holding back."

"You're going to get that alright," he muttered under his breath. Shaking his head and puffing air out his nose in a vain attempt to dismiss the scent, Draconicon drove the SUV into a gap between two smaller cars, pulling it in tight. There was just enough room to open their doors, but no way that anyone else would be coming in close. Not even if the smaller cars left.

He reached for his door, but a large hand on his shoulder stopped him. The dragon was helpless as he was turned around, made to face his master again. Half slitted eyes and a toothy grin met him, and he was pulled in close, his lips forced against his masters.

Moaning into the kiss as the lion's tongue pressed against his lips, Draconicon couldn't help but be drawn closer and closer to his master. The lion's hand shifted, rubbing down from his shoulder to his back, each inch down his back drawing him closer and closer. The only obstacle, the stick between the two of them, was pushed out of the way by the vehicle being in park, and it wasn't long until he found himself pressed flush against his master.

The lion's rough tongue flicked along the dragon's teeth, and his face burnt with the knowledge of how well the lion had claimed and tamed him. He had no resistance to the strong, wet muscle, flicking along his teeth and against the insides of his cheeks. His breath came hot and fast, and the lion's hands roamed over his back, moving down, down, until Pebble's fingers shoved past his underwear.

Claws rasped against his rump, dragging against his scales, and the dragon hissed in surprise and pleasure. His breath came faster, faster, and he ground his crotch into the lion's bulge.

And then, just as fast as it had started, it stopped.

Pebble pulled his hands free, and leaned his head back after a full two minute kiss, only to lean in again. Teeth nipped at the side of the dragon's neck, sending a little shiver down his spine, and the lion said, "That's a taste for later. Be a good little egglayer for me, my dragon, and you'll get much more."

"You...tease..." the dragon panted softly.

"Very much." The lion's hand slapped against the dragon's ass through his pants, and gently pushed him back. Zipping up his pants - though the bulge was stubborn about going back in the lion's pants in the process - he turned to his door. "Now, let's get going; there's an auction in there, and I want to see what they have before they go on the block."

Shaking his head, the dragon made his way back to his side of the car. His cock throbbed inside of his pants, and he swore that if the lion had pushed him much further, he might have cum on the spot. Wouldn't that have been humiliating, he tried to tell himself; walking all the way to the party and then spending the night with a cum spot in his pants? He'd have been laughed at all night.

So why did a part of him want that?

He opened the door and stepped out, but before he could close the door, the lion spoke up again. "Ah, you know the rules, my pet."

"What...but...oh come on, you have to be kidding me."

The lion's eyes narrowed, and the dragon sighed. "Okay, you're not kidding me." He looked down at his shoes, then back at the lion. "No way out?"

"You know the rules; none of my submissives get to wear shoes out in public," Pebble said as he stepped out of the SUV. Walking around the car, he smiled at the dragon as other vehicles continued to drive in. "I let you wear them in the car, just because I know how the vibrations from the engine would drive you a little TOO crazy, considering your -"

"You don't have to explain!" Draconicon hurriedly said, holding up his hands. "I get it, I get it."

"Good. Then you can take your shoes off now."

Well, Draconicon thought, at least it was just grass. Rocks would have been extremely uncomfortable.

He was entirely conscious of the differences between himself and his master as he leaned against the car, fighting against his tight shoes. While he normally loomed over everyone as a dragon, the lion topped his 7 feet of height by a full foot. He wasn't muscled like his master, with more of an average frame, not too muscled, but not too lean either. The dragon's wings were furled in pretty tightly, pressed against the back of his suit jacket. Unlike the full tie that his master had, the dragon had a bow tie. When his master asked him about it, he'd simply said, "Bow ties are cool."

Pebble didn't agree, but he hadn't protested either.

With a sharp grunt, the dragon managed to pull off one of his shoes. There hadn't been a need for socks, considering that his nails generally poked holes in those, so he just tossed the shoe back into the car. Putting his foot down in the grass with a blush, he hurriedly pulled the other off and threw it in as well.

Once more, his master refused to let him get away from this without some sort of humiliation. Grabbing him by the shoulder again, Pebble pointed to the little step that led up to the SUV's door. "Put them up for inspection, my dragon; I want to make sure that you have been tending to them."

Stifling a groan at the way that his master continued to find ways to make him blush, Draconicon slowly lifted his left foot, placing it on the step.

His foot was a relatively normal foot for a black dragon. It had five toes, it had nail-like claws on each of those toes, and the scales covered the tops more than the bottom, where it was a little more smooth and skinlike.

However, since meeting and being claimed by his master, there were a few little additions, and Pebble always seemed to love making the dragon show them off. Tonight was looking to be no exception to this.

Rather than the natural dark color that his nails had been beforehand, the dragon's toes now had a smattering of purple over the tips. It wasn't the most feminine color it might have been, he supposed, but it was still more girly than the dragon was used to seeing when he looked down. Every time that he saw himself barefoot, he was reminded of his place as the lion's pet, his submissive, his...bitch, he supposed.

And the toe rings around his big toes reinforced that. They were the other change, the mark that the lion had chosen to make on him rather than giving him a collar. More than that, the glowing rings - one silver, one gold - had little 'effects' on him. One made his feet more sensitive - which would make the walk to the mansion hell in one of two ways - and the other...well, the lion would never have to worry about the dragon getting off when they fucked, long as the lion was able to cum.

Standing on one foot while his lion lifted and adjusted the other one, Draconicon was made to stand in place, red-faced as cars came in, walking past them and heading down to different parking spots. He knew that people inside were looking; hell, there were some that slowed down to watch the lion peering intently at the undersides of the dragon's foot, even going so far as to press his nose against the dragon's foot just under the toes.

Despite the humiliation, things were only getting hotter under the collar for the dragon. Having his feet 'examined' like this in public was just...god. He was so hard he was amazed that his waistband still rested against his waist, and he wanted little more than to hear a command from his master to assume some position or another.

Instead, all he heard was the command to switch feet.

The dragon barely had the chance to put his left foot down and raise his right before the lion grabbed hold of his ankle. The dragon flailed, barely managing to grab hold of the SUV to keep his balance, as the lion held him standing on one foot, keeping the other pointed directly at him.

This time, he made comments as he dragged a finger along the underside. "It looks like you've been keeping up with the lotion I suggested. A recent appointment for a pedicure too, if I'm not mistaken," Pebble said, looking up from the dragon's foot for a moment, getting a nod from the dragon at his statement. "I thought so. A nice soft feeling to the sole. Feels like we're making progress on getting rid of some of the worse calluses on your feet, at least; they'll be much better suited for what I want in a few weeks."

"Doesn't mean you'll stop using them in the meantime, though, I bet," Draconicon said with a smile.

His master returned it, chuckling as he let go of the foot. "Indeed not, my dragon. Indeed not." He nodded his head, inclining it towards the mansion. "Let's go. The slave auction should be open for viewing, if not bidding, before long."

"Yes, master," Draconicon said. He fell into step beside the lion, and immediately found himself biting his lips as he walked through the grass. It was going to be hell, alright; lush, soft, tickling grass on super sensitive feet. Hell. Hell. Hell.

Hell with a stupidly big bulge in its pants.


They arrived at the mansion not too long after, and Draconicon was never so happy to see pavement rather than grass ahead. His toes and his soles were ablaze from the soft strokes of the slightly damp grass under his feet, and it was only because he had his jaws clenched together that he wasn't panting from the supernaturally good feeling that they gave his feet.

As soon as they stepped onto the paved area of the mansion's natural driveway, he whipped his head around to face his master. Using all his willpower to keep from panting - and failing - Draconicon said, "You just...had to make me all the way here."

The lion's smile was small, but as slightly mocking and in charge as ever. "My dear dragon, I did tell you that you must remain barefoot. You have to get used to this." The lion's eyes twitched downwards. "Besides, it's good to have a guide pointing the way, hmm?"

That was just what he was trying to forget about. The enchanted toe rings that he wore enhanced the sensitivity of his feet to extreme levels, and the grass had been like having them teased and touched and licked for the whole walk from the car to the front door. Combine that with his own natural foot fetish, and it had been ridiculously pleasurable.

The lion knew it would be; his master knew that he'd be hard. And considering how his master looked at him now, Draconicon gave long odds to the chance of actually going soft again anytime soon.

Still, at least now he had a distraction.

Up close, the mansion was amazing, even more than it had seemed from a distance. The building itself went up five stories tall, and each of the levels of the mansion had windows. He could just barely make out some shapes that were moving around in the different rooms, and Draconicon guessed that there were a few people that had showed up particularly early. Considering the gathering sort, he wasn't surprised.

They passed by a small group being greeted by some of the house staff - at least, he assumed they were house staff, by the way that they were dressed more formally - and Pebble led the way up the steps to the front door. Here and there, small groups of guests had gathered, most of them dressed fairly regularly. He thought that he might have caught sight of a few others there - a bear with pink toes he might have known, but the face was obscured, and a fox with eight tails - but they were moving too quickly for him to get a good look. Maybe he'd see them later in the party and find out if he was right about recognizing them.

In scant minutes, the lion led them through several rooms; the entry room, where some were taking off their coats so that they wouldn't overheat; the large open room past it, where some were socializing, talking, gathering indoors out of the warm sun and in the relative cool of the mansion; room after room, so many that the dragon lost track, focusing more on following behind his master and not falling behind.

At some point, he felt that they had passed by some sort of warning sign, but Draconicon barely caught sight of the words on it. The most that he managed to see were the symbols "18+" on a sign, plus some red barrier ropes that were strung around the door. There was a slight moment of hesitation where a suited wolf stepped towards them, but a quick look at the two of them backed the wolf off for now. No ID checking, no pausing to inform them, just a simple nod of the head and a little smile. "Enjoy the adult rooms, sirs," the wolf said as the dragon passed by, giving a little wave and smirk.

Draconicon hoped that the wave and smirk was more due to the silliness of him being hurried along by the lion than anything that the wolf might have seen regarding his nail polish or something; he preferred to believe the former.

They walked down a hallway that surrounded the center of the first floor, keeping outside of the 'clean' area, at least that was what he supposed. He might have been wrong. Though, considering that a few of the rooms that they passed by echoed with soft moans, the dragon could only assume that they were pretty close to some of the sexy areas.

That was confirmed as he passed by several of the rooms. No blushes this time for him, but he did find his shaft stirring a little more in his pants at some of the things he saw.

Not every room was adult, of course; considering the rules that he was piecing together, that would have been a problem. However, every now and then he found something that was quite interesting. In one room, a naked lady lay within the coils of a hissing snake; in another, a group of scalies walked around barefoot, with some of them laying on the ground like a living carpet. There were others, of course, but those were the ones that seemed most interesting to him.

Besides, he never got a chance to get more than a passing glance, and most of the doors were closed anyway.

Eventually, they made their way down to the far end of the mansion, where an attached theater for entertainment was supposed to be located. His lion stopped in place without warning, and Draconicon almost went running past him before he pulled himself to a halt as well. Panting to catch his breath, he turned his head to look up at his lion, asking for an explanation with a look.

Pebble smiled. A hand gestured towards the door to the theater, and the lion said, "This is the slave auctions."

"I...kind of guessed...that's why we stopped," he said, shaking his head as he tried to get his pulse back down. "I'm're getting...a new slave?"

"I'm looking, anyway," Pebble said. "But I'd like your help with that."

"And how...can"

"My dragon, if you can't keep up with me in a short run like that, we're going to need to see about getting you in better shape," the lion said, shaking his head.


"Yes, it does." Pebble nodded his head towards the door. "I've been to a few slave auctions before, but not very many. Nor have I actually purchased a slave before. Do you have any experience with this sort of thing?"

"Any...A little, I suppose," the dragon admitted, his eyeridges lifting much like a human's or furred creature's eyebrows. "Enough to know some warning signs."

"That's what I need you to do. I'm looking for something interesting to have around the place when you're not around, or when my rat is busy dealing with some guests. However, I don't quite have did you refer to it when we were looking into that academy?"

"A radar?"

"Yes, a radar for problem submissives." Nodding his head a few times, the lion smiled. "I want you to use yours to help me find someone that will work out."

" want me to keep an eye out for any submissives that would be too much work, or too much trouble, or already broken, and filter those out for you to have a decent submissive substitute?"

"For me, and maybe you, my little egglayer." The lion's clawed finger pressed underneath the dragon's chin, lifting him up. He was pulled out of his semi-crouch, forced to stand up straight and look the lion in the eye. "You do remember, my little scalebutt, you might submit to me, but you are allowed your own submissives still. And if you behave well, I may share the one that I buy here with you."

He had to admit, that was a pretty good reason to do well; it helped that his master and him shared a decent number of kinks and preferences, too. What would serve him well would serve his master almost as well, better, with a little training. And it was true that Pebble didn't have that radar, either; while his master had many submissives, they were picked up in a bar, or out at a cruising joint, not someone that one generally kept beyond a one night stand.

He, on the other hand, had held onto various different pets and submissives for years at a time. They eventually faded, but Draconicon had learned what made for a good pet, and what didn't. They weren't so much qualities or individual behaviors that were themselves wrong. In fact, it wasn't that any of the submissives were wrong, or bad. Rather, it was the fact that they were warning signs of someone that would require a great deal of work before they were worth anything. And Pebble, good as he was, didn't always have that kind of patience for someone to pull their act together.

It was rare that he was asked to do something that the lion couldn't, but it was always something he did without question. There were reasons that the lion kept him around besides his ass and his feet, Draconicon knew; his skills were not so common, after all, and it never hurt to show them off for his master every now and then.

And besides, it was always good to feel useful. Nodding his head, the dragon gestured toward the theater entrance. "Shall we, my lion?"

"We shall, my egglayer." Pebble grabbed him by the arm, and they walked inside, linked at the elbow.

The theater had been converted quickly in how little time the party's hosts must have had. The stage at the far end of the room had been coated with some sort of black material, almost looking a little like latex, while the lights above were turned to different colors, spinning around the stage like a rainbow. Like a latex gay pride parade, the dragon thought for a moment, and he had to stifle a chuckle against his free hand.

Off to the side of the stage, he could see a few other rolled up materials, looking like some sort of carpet store, if carpet stores sold stuff like latex, studded tarps, and heat panels as flooring. He could see a few others that he couldn't quite identify, but it looked like they were able to switch out the different flooring options to make different themes for different batches of slaves.

"Very nice," he muttered as he thought about how some of those might work.

The current one had a bunch of little studs laid through the latex layer, and considering how they shone almost like a liquid, and how they rose out of the ground slightly with a whirring sound, he imagined that they were points where toys would be placed for the slaves to kneel on, show off their 'assets' for the audience. Judging by how many there were, it looked like four to six slaves could be on the stage at one time. Fast bidding, in that case; people would go quickly.

Finally, on the other side of the stage from where he saw the different rolls of stage covering, he saw the cage that held the different slaves that were going to be put on sale.

They weren't too badly held, he had to admit. Their arms were placed behind their backs, and they were held by various sorts of chains to the sides of the tunnel cage. The end of it further away from the stage was attached to a wall, and Draconicon guessed that it was where more slaves could be funneled into the cage so that the line didn't get too short for the auction.

Both male and female slaves were put together in this lot, probably in an effort to keep the bidders interested from the start. Each one was bound to the cage in a way that kept them from touching themselves, as well as kept them from touching others; there wasn't enough slack in the chains to be able to move towards any of the other slaves.

At least, that was what he thought; he was standing with his lion over a hundred feet away from the cages, and there were chairs and gathering anthros in the way that obscured his view somewhat.

"Would you like to find a seat while I go examine them, my lion?" Draconicon asked.

"Sounds like a good idea," Pebble said with a nod. The lion smiled, leaning in and planting a soft kiss on the dragon's neck. Leaving the reptile blushing, the lion patted him on the rump before walking off towards one of the rows of seats closer to the stage.

Fighting the red on his face, Draconicon hurried down the center aisle. A few of the other dominants were walking that way too, and he dodged around a bull and a stallion that were heading there. He avoided saying anything, even when they called out to him, and made it to the side of the cage without incident.

He approached the staff that were there, and had to fight a further blush as one of them looked down at his feet. The toe rings and the nail polish got another raised eyebrow, and Draconicon sighed. "I know, it's...kinda silly. Please. My master wants me to examine the slaves for him."

"Why would your master want his slave to check out his purchases for him?"

"Because I've been a dominant myself, and I know how to check for quality," the dragon responded.

They looked at him blankly, and he sighed softly. "Look," he muttered, reaching into his pants, and pulling out his wallet. A little flick of his fingers brought out his identification. "I might be a pet now -" He couldn't help but emphasize the word 'pet', even if his master had never used anything beyond the word 'submissive'. "-but I have had pets before myself. You might recognize my name?"

One looked down at his identification, and blinked. "Ah...yes, I do know that name." The canine nodded. "You can take a look. But your master has to be the one to make the bid."

"I understand," Draconicon said. "He's the one with the money anyway."

Stepping past the staff while they started questioning the other dominants coming down, the dragon approached the cage.

The slaves with a haggard look to them were dismissed immediately, as were the ones that looked like they were a little less...voluntary. A slight mark to the fur here and there, signs of either a burn or an injection, immediately dismissed them. They might have been 'legal' by the party standards, but he wasn't going to let his master buy a slave that was not here voluntarily, or at the very least, wasn't held in the cage and could be used in a kidnapping case later. He might be wrong about those marks, but he'd seen others burned before, and Pebble would probably...well, not kill him, but it wouldn't go well if he got his master in trouble like that.

Eliminating about half of the slaves with that critique, the dragon looked a little closer at those that remained.

They were dressed to match the theme, it seemed; the males wore latex panties around their groin, with the back skintight and thin enough to slip between the ass cheeks of most of them, while the females wore latex thongs. Their breasts were uncovered, and with the particular way that the females were bound, their chests were thrust forward, made to emphasize the size they had.

Tempting as some of the females were - including a remarkably striking tabby cat with large breasts and a nimble looking pair of feet - Draconicon turned to face the males. Pebble always enjoyed a tight hole, one that he could break in, and he preferred to make his submissive cum their brains out during a session. That was harder to do with females, as a general rule; they tended to get MORE energy as sex went on, rather than less.

But which to pick?

There were four slaves left that were still fitting the criteria that his lion needed, or at least, that he had figured out. They needed to be male; they needed to be here either willingly or at least legally; they needed to be fairly tight; and they needed a good pair of feet.

The last one was there for him as well as for his master. The pair of them shared a foot fetish, and while they could enjoy other things, a properly tended to pair of bare feet could get their interest rather quickly. Any slave purchased needed a good pair.

The four that were left weren't bad; none of them had the shifting, worried look of a submissive that had been beaten or treated badly, nor did they have the too-eager, half desperate look of a slave that just wanted a master to care for it and do whatever the master wanted, without initiative of its own. Without those warning signs, the dragon was willing to take a closer look at them.

The first, a stallion, he discounted immediately as he read the statistics. A gelding was good for a good ass fuck, but without the chemicals that came from testicles, they weren't quite so eager and randy as a full on stallion. Besides, he turned to the dragon with a more nervous look than Draconicon liked, almost as though he had a fear of dragons, but not masters. Not something that would work.

Draconicon paused on the second one, an interesting looking hybrid creature. It had a strange mix of dragon and tiger features, with the whipping tail of a feline and the horns of a dragon. Non functional wings stuck out of its back, and the latex panties showed a rather considerable bulge in the front. "Unique, if nothing else," Draconicon muttered under his breath, looking down the creature's body. It was more fur than scales, though at the feet, there were scaly toes, and the soles seemed a mix of pads and scales.

However, it was just a little TOO unique. He had worked with hybrids before, and while they came with different features that could be fun, they also had some flaws that made it...difficult.

Still, he might have been willing to overlook that, were it not for the things that it said on the statistics for the slave. The hybrid had been put here after being through one hell of a wringer...a wringer he caused. The hybrid tended to go out and put himself into situations that were dangerous, and had been the source of a few lawsuits that his former master had needed to pay off.

"Too much of a troublemaker," he muttered. Curable, but not in the time that his master would need.

The third...the third had a little more hope to him.

Lifting his statistic sheet, Draconicon couldn't help but read it aloud. "Recently dismissed from the service of family...due to death of previous master...highly recommended oral and foot service..." he muttered under his breath. Nodding his head in approval, he continued. "High libido, but accustomed to chastity...feminized, but willing to top if commanded. Non-virgin." He grunted. "Obviously."

He looked up from the sheet, looking over the rabbit in question. The white fur was a remarkable contrast to the latex that covered his crotch, and he could see the little bulge of the rabbit's sheath. He doubted that the male had much to offer there, but considering how many bunnies had horse cocks these days, the dragon decided not to judge, just in case he made a fool of himself.

The rabbit was almost good enough for a recommendation, he had to admit; if there was nothing better with the fourth one, he'd have to point this one out to his master.

Marking the rabbit's product number in his memory, he moved on to the fourth one.

He was a little surprised to find an otter in the slave auction, all things considered. While otters were kind of considered to be sluts - at least in his experience - they were equal opportunity ones, as liable to top someone as to bottom for them. He knew several, and only one of them was all that comfortable with letting a cock under their tail.

As he stepped over to the statistic page, the otter in question turned as best his chains would allow. He couldn't speak, not with the gag in his mouth - just like the rest of the slaves - but he gave a little smile at the dragon. Not one that looked placating or condescending, or even flirty, either; it simply looked like a look that said, "Hello, master. I am yours."

The look was a bit of a surprise, and immediately raised the otter's chances in his mind by several notches. "Well, look at that," Draconicon muttered. He couldn't help smiling back at the otter, giving a little smile in return before looking at the page of information.

It. Was. A. Goldmine.

The dragon's eyes went wide at the different recommendations that were laid out over the page. This otter was the ultimate in terms of versatility, and the only thing that he had going against him was that he wasn't quite a virgin. Well, putting it mildly, anyway; it was more like the otter's ass was destroyed by huge cocks, and his value was low due to that.

His eyes zoomed past the different statistics to the 'Buy Immediately' price. There was NO way that he was going to let this one get snapped up.

Though, seeing the tag of $3,000 attached to the immediate buy price, he wasn't sure that his master was going to be too happy, either. Still, it was a good investment, particularly if Pebble kept him for more than a few days.

Grabbing a pen, he signed his name, and his master's, beneath the sell price. "Overseer!" he called, catching the attention of the staff. A lupine walked over to him, and Draconicon pointed to the page. "This one. Make sure that he's presented for my master; he's going with us."

"You are -"

"I'm sure." He turned to the otter, grinning. "This one's a gem."

"Very well." The overseer gestured at a few other staff members, and they got to work, pulling the otter out of the cage and sending him down another direction. Probably getting him out of sight since he had been bought up, just to avoid a bidding conflict.

The dragon didn't care; now that he was purchased, he had to do the harder part. Selling the idea of buying the otter to his master.

He hurried along through the crowd of dominants and the few other submissives. Ducking around a wyvern's wings, the dragon made his way to the row his master had claimed. There was an empty seat claimed by the lion's hand, and his master waved to him as he approached.

Sitting down on the chair with a bit of a sigh, he leaned over. "I have some news."

"A recommendation, I hope."

"A...purchase price, actually."

The lion's eyes widened slightly. "You felt that strongly about one of them? I give my permission of -"

"More like I...actually bought him already."

The eyes opened a little bit wider, and there was a slight hint of teeth to the lion's mouth. "You...bought him already?" Pebble asked.

There was no clue in his tone whether he approved or not. Draconicon couldn't afford to assume that it was praise, but if his master was genuinely displeased, he would have been in more trouble than he wanted to think about.

So, he took a middle ground. Bowing his head to his master, the dragon said, "I found someone that has the qualities that you want in your submissives. The drive to serve, but also the assertiveness to be himself. Moldable, but still with a core of his own personality. And most importantly, he wants this." The dragon leaned forward. "He. WANTS. to be a slave, to service others. Not to be taken, not to be dominated, but to serve and pleasure. You could take that money and buy another 6 slaves, if you wanted; but they will eventually need to be replaced. This one, if you start right, will fight tooth and nail to stay with you, and provide you the service you require."

The lion looked at him, his eyelids lowering, the wideness leaving. He looked almost contemplative. "Species?" Pebble asked.

"An otter." The dragon could see the light of excitement in the lion's eyes, and he could tell that had struck his master as something good. Otters were good. Very good.

The lion fell silent again, and the dragon was silent beside him. They watched as the others at the party started cycling in, the slaves gradually coming out onto the stage. The horse he'd seen had the back of his panties pulled down, and was one of four that were sat on large butt plugs on the stage. A zebra, a tigress, a wolfess; all four together sat down on the plugs.

It was when the males were getting hard and the females getting loud that Pebble touched his hand. "Fine. We'll see how he works out. But next time, you tell me before you buy someone. Understand?"

"Yes master," the dragon said.

He got a smile, and then the lion tugged on his hand, pulling him out of the seat and down the aisle. The bidding started in earnest around them as the auctioneer began to exhort the crowd, getting them interested in the people on the stage, but the dragon ignored that, just focused on his lion. The slave would be transferred to them later, he knew; probably at the end of the night, when they were going home. It was a fair expenditure, $3,000, but it was something that was worth it.

And better still, they still had the rest of the day and night for the fun that they could find.

"My dragon," Pebble said as they were partway out. "After we get around the house again, I want you to go back to the car and pick something up for me. A red bag that's in the backseat."

Or there would be a delay. The dragon's face went red as he thought of walking barefoot over the grass again, doubtless in front of even more guests that were arriving. "M-master, are you -"

"Consider it your punishment for acting without thinking to inform me. Even if it was a good idea."

"...Yes master."


By the time that the dragon had made it across the lawn and back again, he was literally panting, red faced, and having to hold his hands together to avoid reaching down and pushing himself the rest of the way to orgasm. "Stupid...toerings," the dragon muttered under his breath, almost running the last few steps to the concrete. It wasn't as much of a relief as it was the first time - he was a little more worked up this time, after all - but it was something.

He wanted to do nothing more than wait to let himself calm down, but seeing that his master was on the second floor - peering through a window, and looking all too amused for the dragon's liking - Draconicon hurried onwards. A few little chuckles were heard as he made his way back into the manor, and he rubbed his reddened cheeks to try and rub the blush away. Didn't work of course, but it was something that he tried out of habit. At least there weren't outright bellows of laughter or anything like that.

The stairs weren't that hard to find, though there was a small posted warning of adult activities happening upstairs. He ignored it, and the passing staff member ignored him as he walked up. The stairs were soft underfoot, the bit of carpet atop the stone or wood or whatever it was that the stairs were made of rubbed against his foot, and the dragon blushed once more at the way that his cock not only throbbed inside his pants, but started to leak.

By the time that he found his lion on the second floor, he had a sizeable wet spot in the front of his pants, and there was no hiding it from his master. The lion looked at him just once, just for a second, and the grin on his face was at once mocking and approving. Looking away with his face as hot and red as he could remember it ever being, the dragon handed the bag over to his master. "Here."

"Thank you, my little egglayer," the lion said with a chuckle. The red plastic crinkled lightly in the lion's large hand, and before Draconicon could say anything, the lion grabbed hold of him by the neck. "Come."

"Urk!" he grunted as he was pulled along by his master's finger hooked through the shirt. He stumbled along for the first few seconds before catching his feet, and he had to walk a little faster than the taller lion to be able to keep up with him.

They walked along a red carpet, which made the way soft, comfortable, and far too arousing for the dragon's taste. He had to bite his lips to keep the moans out as his feet were rubbed lightly by the soft material, the cursed enchantment on the toe rings making every step a pleasurable hell. "Do we...have to go...this way?" he managed to ask.

"It's the fastest way to the room that I'm interested in," Pebble said with a chuckle. "Besides, you were the one that had the fantasy of being shown off in front of people."

Draconicon groaned again. "That...stupid...journal."

"You were the one with the idea, too."

"Don't remind - mmmmph - me," the dragon moaned softly, just barely suppressing the orgasm that had threatened to overwhelm him. "Slow're gonna make me -"

"Don't worry about it. We're here anyway."

The dragon leaned against the wall as his master released him, gasping and panting for breath as he pressed one hand to his crotch. His fingers pinched hard at his cock through his pants, squeezing the base as his balls threatened to pull up, his orgasm literally right at the edge of tolerance. He took deep breaths, sucking it in, holding it, and then slowly expelling it.

It barely worked, and he felt his cock slowly falling back down, losing that extreme rigidity, and slowly going soft in his pants again. As he got himself back under control, he saw that his master was still looking at him with a smirk. "Don't...just...just don't..." the dragon said with a shake of his head.

"Don't what, my dragon? Say that you're still too sensitive to climax? That you need more self control so you can handle a real man? Look at you; barely a walk down the hall and you're panting and gasping for breath, needing to cum. Most men can at least take a half hour before they need to cum that bad."

"I blame...the toe rings..."

"Blame them all you want. You are still going on a training regimen when we are done here." The lion chuckled, nodding at the door. "In you go."

Not seeing any way to ask for a chance to get his breath back, Draconicon walked around his master, pressing his hand to the door and opening it. As soon as he looked inside, his erection came roaring back.

The room was filled with different pairs, usually one naked and the other fully clothed. They were as varied as any of the other guests in the room; an elephant held the collar of a monkey, a dragon held the leash of a horse, and a mouse held the leash of a tiger. Each of them were tied together by a leash and collar, and the dragon had a premonition of just what was going to happen.


His hand reached up and touched the leather collar that his master had snapped around his neck. "Don't worry, the collar's only for this room," Pebble said with a little chuckle. "I don't need any more mark than those toe rings to show who you belong to."

"Thank you...thank you master," the dragon managed to say, as his eyes still feasted on those that were gathered in the room.

There were at least a dozen different pairs in the room, if not more. It was easy to tell who was what in the relationship with each; the one holding the least was clothed, and the other was naked. Or, if not naked, then dressed in something particularly humiliating. He could see an orca wearing a pair of panties as well as a pair of high heels as he was paraded around, and the orca's face was as red as it was also black and white from the way that he was hard in them. The dragon held back a laugh at that; it was cute, but also rather sexy.

That thought lasted about as long as it took for his master to give the leash a yank, pulling him out of his thoughts. "Strip," Pebble said, his voice almost purring, but still with that note of command in it.

He turned, about to question it, but there was a look in the lion's eyes that said he really shouldn't. Groaning a bit in slight embarrassment...and more than a little excitement...the dragon slowly pulled off his clothes. He felt the eyes of the other masters looking at him, watching as he took off one piece of clothing after another.

His pants went down first, followed by his underwear; if he was going to get naked, he wanted to get the worst over with first. The dragon expected a few little chuckles, but nothing like the guffaws from the elephant in the corner. "Look at those purple nails! The lion's got him whipped."

"Calls himself a dragon, huh? Not likely."

Draconicon blushed at that, shaking his head but continuing to strip down. He pulled his jacket off, followed by the buttoned up shirt beneath. The bow tie went down on top of the other clothes, leaving him with nothing but his scales and the toe rings.

The eyes remained on him as his lion circled him. A slight tug of the leash told him that he needed to turn in a circle as the lion walked around, and so he did. Every pair of eyes was on him, looking over him, seeing his painted nails, the toe rings, his throbbing erection, his ass; everything that he had to be exposed, they saw, and he knew that they were thinking of what they might do with him.

Those thoughts sent shudders down his spine, but not bad ones. He was being used, just like he wanted; showed off, just like he wanted. It was what he wanted, and part of the reason they'd come here.

He kept telling himself that, so much and so hard that his lion surprised him again with something thrown at his face.

Blinking, the dragon reached up to the pink thing on his snout. He wrapped his fingers around it, his eyes getting wider at the soft, smooth feeling against his fingers. A thought occurred of what it might be, but he shook his head. That couldn't be what it was; it was just a mistake, it had to be something else. wasn't.

As he held his hand up in front of him, Draconicon realized that he held a pair of pink panties, bright and feminine, with little frills along the edges of it. It was sized a fair bit larger than most females...just large enough for him, in fact.

"Put them on."

Draconicon turned his head to his master again, his mouth dropping open. The lion just gestured to the panties again. "Put them on, little egglayer; show these people how obedient you are for your lion."

There was no thought of resistance, or very little, anyway. He couldn't stop the hottest blush across his face yet, but he slowly pulled the panties down, laying them in front of him before stepping forward. One foot, then the other, stepping into the holes for his legs.

Everyone was chuckling, he thought, and he saw more than a few of the masters that looked a bit harder as a result of what was happening to him. The dragon couldn't deny that his cock was rock hard at the thought of what he was doing, in front of so many people, for that matter; he felt it throbbing, twitching, getting harder and harder as he pulled the panties up his legs.

Oh, they were soft...the pink cloth was satin or silk, he wasn't sure which, but they rubbed against his thighs and legs so softly, so gently. He knew how silly this looked, how embarrassing it was to wear panties when he was a dragon, a male dragon, one with a pretty good sized cock as well. He'd dominated others before, had been the one holding the leash.

Which made it all the more embarrassing, and sexy, to have his control taken away and handed over to his master. His lion.

With a final pull, the panties came up and covered his cock. It had been measured enough to cover his shaft, and still hold him covered, but it was immediately soaked on the tip of his bulge. Draconicon moaned loudly, unable to keep from grinding a bit against the smooth fabric, his body tingling with pleasure. His tail lifted itself up high on instinct, and he only JUST managed to keep his hand away from his crotch in response to the need burning in his cock.

He looked to his master, and he smiled as his lion started to pull the leash. This time, he moved forward before his master needed to tug, earning a small smile from the lion. "Come, my little egglayer. Let's go on a little walk."

Pebble walked him around the room, all the while making the dragon's face burn worse and worse. Every master gave him a leering look, and Draconicon moaned softly at the thought of so many different cocks under his tail, so many things that could have, would have happened to him if it weren't for his massive lion at his side. His master was huge, matching even the elephant in height, and the muscles on his body were big enough that Draconicon didn't think many people would bother messing with him.

Whether Pebble would 'rent' him out or something...that was another story. Unlikely, considering how jealous his lion could be, but possible.

They walked around the room twice, each time making the dragon's bulge that much more present. The show went on longer and longer, each part of the room seeming to take twice as long to walk across as the one before it. Draconicon could feel the front of his panties getting soaked with his slimy pre, making his cock wet, slick, and so much harder. His breathing came in nothing more than pants, and he shuddered in need of orgasm. He looked at his master wordlessly, begging in that glance for something, anything, but something that would give him permission to actually cum.

His master looked back...smiled...

And then turned Draconicon around and shoved him against a wall.

The dragon gasped as he was shoved against the wall, his hands pressed against the wall. There was a group yelp from the crowd as they walked, staring as the lion pulled down the back of the dragon's panties, and rammed two dry fingers into the dragon's ass. "Feel that, my dragon?" the lion whispered in his ear. "You want it? You're going to get it. Now take it like the little bitch you are."

The fingers rammed into his ass, each one causing him to moan and growl for more before they were pulled out. He barely had a chance to get used to the empty feeling before he felt something bigger, thicker, and far hotter pressed against his hole. Rough barbs rubbed against his hole as the lion hot dogged him, sliding along between his ass cheeks, the tip of his cock kissing the underside, the base of his tail, before sliding back down to his hole.

He curled his fingers against the wall as the broad, thick, black, barbed cock started sliding in. It was wet with pre at the tip, but not much, and it burned as it forced its way into his hole. The lion had fucked him more than once this way, and just like always, he felt that huge cock forcing his hole open. It stretched him, cutting into him like a blade...a blade of heat, lust, and oooooh so many promises of pleasure.

His mouth hung open as moans fell from his lips, moans, yelps, and grunts of need, lust, pleasure. Every little wiggle the lion made, every teasing buck forward, dragged a little more of that big lion cock into his ass. The barbs forced him open just that little bit more, then raked against him as the lion pulled back. Draconicon gasped, shuddered, moaning as his hole burned with the raking grind of the barbs.

He felt it getting hotter, inflamed with the pressure and friction. Tighter, clasping tighter on the lion's cock. "Please...fuck me, master, fuck me hard..." Draconicon gasped.

"Oh, I will...I am, egglayer." The lion growled, biting the dragon's tail tip as he forced a little more in, driving more moans from the dragon's lips. "I'm going to make you cum in your panties, my dragon....again, and again, and again...and then you'll wear them, and only them, for the rest of the night. A mark of just who you belong to...and just how much of a slut you are."

Finally, more than the head of the lion's cock popped in, and the fun really got started.

The lion's claws dug into into the dragon's hips as that massive cock forced his hole open, the only lube he had his master's pre. It wasn't nearly enough, and he growled and grunted in pain as much as pleasure as that massive thing was forced deeper and deeper inside. The pulling, grinding, rasping of the barbs in his hole was almost worse, setting his sensitive inner walls to burning.

Each thrust ground against his prostate, each thrust pushing his body that much harder. His cock throbbed, spitting pre against the inside of his panties, so much that he felt some of it pouring through the front. Oozing down the front of the pink panties, running along the bulge of his cock before either getting soaked up or falling to the floor, a tiny little collection of clear puddles on the floor beginning to form.

Draconicon thrust back as best he could, but his lion's muscles stopped him from doing more than the most basic moves. He couldn't get more cock into his ass, not until the lion allowed him; he couldn't keep it out, or slow it down. All he could do was wait for his lion to grace him with what he wanted.

The leash tugged his head back, forcing him to look into the mirror a little further up the wall. He blushed, seeing how much was enjoying getting fucked, and how many people were jerking off to the show that they were getting. Oh god, oh god...they were him taking that big, black, barbed cock...all the way up...

He roared as he came, his cock spasming inside of the pink panties. Shudders, trembles enveloped his body, and he had to be held against the wall as the lion kept pounding his ass, driving more and more strings of cum out of his cock. The gooey white streams overwhelmed the thin panties, squirting out, weakly splatting against the wall and the ground below before they slowly started to slow to an ooze.

For a change, the dragon felt the lion stop after that first orgasm. He didn't pull out, but he didn't continue yet. He turned his head, and saw why.

The lion growled at several of the other masters and pets that were walking over, keeping them back. "He's mine," Pebble...Master Pebble said. "My dragon. Watch, but don't touch."

As they backed off, his master turned back to him. Leaning forward with a grin, the lion bit down on the back of the dragon's neck. "Ready for round two, my little egglayer?"

"I thought...this was still round one."

"Heh, that's my dragon."

The lion's rapid pistoning thrusts started again, and the dragon rolled his head back with a loud growl of lust. Oh, this was going to be a GREAT party.

The Giants of Eteria: Part 2

Part 2 Three weeks ago, the Prince of Eteria and his three advisors had gone out to face a rogue spell that had crossed the border between their lands and Hell. It had been something they'd seen happen before, and they were confident of dealing...

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**Hypno-Sissy** The alleyway behind the theater was as dark as it always was this time of night; there was something about the lack of a street light and nobody living nearby that kept the place from ever getting much illumination. In a richer...

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The New Slave

**The New Slave** The road up to the dragon's mountain was, in truth, little more than a compacted dirt path. Few travelers took the path up to the mountain, save for those that were invited, and there were quite few of those indeed. The dragon who...

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