The Giants of Eteria: Part 2

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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The second part of a three part story for FA: skarlath that breaks physics into itty bitty pieces.

Chapter 1:

Chapter 3:

Part 2

Three weeks ago, the Prince of Eteria and his three advisors had gone out to face a rogue spell that had crossed the border between their lands and Hell. It had been something they'd seen happen before, and they were confident of dealing with it without too many problems. Despite their positions of authority, it was a fairly regular thing; they had certain resistances and training, and could generally bounce back from anything that hit them before too long, better than the people of the villages strewn throughout the land could, at any rate.

When they'd encountered the spell, however, things had not gone as planned. Limited as the rogue magic had been, it was still powerful enough to overcome all four of them, and had left its mark on three of them. Brock the blacksmith badger, Roan the stallion soldier, and Artemis the aristocratic lion had all been affected by the magic, and had grown massively within hours of being touched by it. The growth had slowed by some degree after the first twenty four hours had passed, but it was still remarkable; they grew by at least a few feet a day, and occasionally exploded upwards even faster. In just twenty one days, they had gone from between 6 and 12 feet in height to over a hundred, towering over most of the buildings outside of the castle in the center of Phryxus, the capital, and they continued to grow with each passing moment.

Skarlath, though affected by the same spell - or near enough - had yet to start growing. However, despite his lack of growth like his advisors, the wolf could feel that there was something else going on with him. The Prince spent a good bit of the day watching his friends grow and grow and grow, mostly from atop the castle since they were keeping outside the city walls for the safety of other people, and each time he looked at them, he found it more and more difficult to avoid reaching down and fondling himself.

Yet, it wasn't his cock he wanted to fondle.

The Prince of Eteria wasn't a stranger to anal fun, but usually he took his time to enjoy both sides of his body. Lately, however, it was like someone had lit a fire in the wolf's ass, and the flames burned hotter whenever he looked out at the huge, growing giants that wandered around, waiting for someone to find a 'cure' for their problem.

He often thought that they looked extremely bored, and when he felt particularly hot, he found himself thinking that he might have some way to relieve their boredom. Temptations grew by the day, and often he would find himself shifting back and forth on his throne, wishing that there was something on it sticking up that he could play with, something he could enjoy...something big...

For three weeks, he'd fought the temptation by keeping his distance from his advisors, making sure that he met with them with other people around, and by keeping them outside the city. Definitely for the safety of the rest of Phryxus - no matter the time mages, they still didn't need people smashing buildings down all the time - but also because he didn't know if he would be able to contain himself if they were around ALL the time.

This was the twenty second day, and for the first time, Skarlath left his escort behind, going to meet the giants of Eteria alone.


The wolf shook his head as he made his way outside of the city, looking up at the looming giants. "This is getting ridiculous," he muttered, even as he fought the instinct to pant a bit at how much the sight of them excited him.

They'd been hot before, but the bigger they got, the worse it was for him. Their muscles continued to grow around their frames, getting bigger, bulgier even as their bodies got taller and more manly. The fact that there were no clothes of their size anywhere in Eteria didn't help matters, as it allowed their cocks and balls to sway and be seen by anyone that happened to look in their directions. Just the sight of them, waggling about in mid-air, almost constantly hard, sent a little shudder through the Prince's ass, a little twitch to his hole.

They were all magnificent, from Artemis with his great mane eclipsing the sun, Brock and his thick arms shadowing the land, and Roan with his mighty horse cock looking more powerful than any battering ram or siege weapon. Muscles with power greater than he wanted to imagine ran from their heads to their feet, and throbbed with energy and strength every time they shifted so much as a little bit. Taking a moment to try and recover, the wolf looked from one advisor to another, gradually taking in the details of how they'd changed since last night.

Roan was the one that, perhaps, had changed the most. The horse had always towered over those around him - how could he not when he stood a full dozen feet tall - but now he was a giant, a titan of enormous proportions. By this point, the stallion could step over the walls around Phryxus without so much as missing a beat; while the others still had to lift their legs up a little higher, Roan was able to step over it in a normal stride, and often did without thinking about it, something that both annoyed and fascinated Skarlath when he was trying to keep the people in the capital safe.

His legs throbbed with muscles and veins, the horse's legs thicker than half a house, and the veins throbbing just under the skin thick and solid, the tubes thicker than Skarlath's arm. He shuddered at the thought of just how big the horse had gotten, and not just because of the stallion's ever present erection, though that had something to do with it. A powerful musk poured off of the thing, and there were a few new 'lakes' outside of the city from how much Roan had been dripping in his sleep. He'd would have to do something about that, the wolf thought.

Not that the other two were much better. He looked over at Artemis, at the massive lion that loomed midway between the badger and the horse. His advisor was almost as massive as the titan horse, but where he wasn't as tall as the other, he was just as muscular and powerful looking. The lion looked as though he might be able to lift up the walls of Phryxus themselves, and his mane would have covered several houses with the thickness it had. Skarlath had heard from a few of his soldiers that went outside the wall that it was as thick as a forest, hard to see through and easy to become lost in; from the way it had grown with the lion, he could see why.

His Seneschal was huge, having grown so far past the ability to wear clothes that it wasn't even funny; at first, the lion had been the only one of the three to suggest putting together larger outfits of enchanted clothing, but that had been discarded after they left fifty feet of height behind. Even if he hadn't, Skarlath didn't know where they would have found all the different pieces needed to make a cloth covering for the lion's massive balls and huge cock. They dangled down a little more, not quite as hard as Roan's, but erect enough to be drooling a little bit. The balls hung down halfway to the lion's knees, having grown down as much as the rest of his body had grown up, and they swayed with the least little movement, slapping against the feline's legs when he shifted his position with a wet, thunderous smack.

He shouldn't have found it as arousing as he did, and the Prince had to reach down to his groin, adjusting himself as he rode his horse a little closer, just so he wasn't QUITE so obvious.

Brock was either the best or the worst of them. Though he was the shortest, it wasn't by much; he was only five feet behind Artemis, and the lion wasn't much behind the titan horse. The badger's belly had retained its size through the growth, but it looked almost as hard as a rock now, solid with muscle even if it did stick forward. The badger often walked around with his hands on his hips these days, strutting his stuff, showing off his low hanging cock and his muscles to the few subjects in the Kingdom that had spurned him due to the bit of a belly he had. Nothing malicious, but enough to tease them and leave them blushing. The Prince too, for that matter, but he wouldn't let the badger blacksmith know that.

Of all of them, Brock had the largest arms. Every time that he crossed them, or lifted them above his hands, his arms bulged hard, expanding and throbbing to the point where Skarlath was sure that they were as round and thick as the towers that stood around the city. The amount of strength present in those limbs could probably smash through the ground and rip out any amount of ore that the people of Eteria could need for years; he was a little surprised that the buff badger hadn't done that yet, considering just how much Brock liked to make things.

The badger's arms weren't the only thing that had gotten bigger; just like with the rest, it was just one thing that had been grown bigger than the rest of his massive body. Brock's thighs were large enough that they almost looked like a vise for the large balls between them. Just looking at how huge they were and how thick the badger's legs were becoming had Skarlath wincing a bit, even as he licked his lips in appreciation for the sheer size of the badger's muscles and sac. He could see that the muscles were spreading and growing, getting larger and making Brock, and everyone else for that matter, bigger by the second.

They didn't notice him at first, and though Skarlath was a little annoyed at that - he was the Prince, after all - he was also a little bit relieved. There was only so much that he could take when it came to looking at these massive men, and with his hole burning with need the way that it did when he looked at just one of them, looking at all three at once was akin to torture. A teasing, sexual torture, but torture nonetheless.

His invisibility to them, regardless of his much smaller size, only lasted so long. When he reached a spot about twenty feet away - not even the size of one of their feet - away from them, he walked over and waved up. They turned to face him in the space of a second, and their smiles drew one from him to his lips. There was just something about being with old friends that did that.

"Hello, your majesty," Artemis the lion said as he approached. Three large pairs of feet surrounded him, large enough to be walls on all sides of his body. The only way out, back to the horse, was something uncertain at best, as any of the giants could actually stop him in his tracks.

Not that he expected them to; they were his friends after all.

Doing his best to ignore the twitching in his backside, the Prince stepped into the middle ground between the three giants. His eyes wandered from one coc-...face to another, and he hoped that he had managed to keep from licking his lips at the sight.

Brock smiled a bit. "Prince," the badger said with a slight nod of his head. "It's been a little while; has there been any news of how we can get back to normal?"

"Nothing like that yet, Brock," Skarlath said with a shake of his head. He had to glue his eyes to the badger's face; letting them roam inevitably brought it down to his blacksmith's cock, and the last thing he needed was to be distracted. "The mages have been trying to figure out how you were changed, but without the spell itself to work with, they haven't been able to develop any sort of cure or anything."

"What about you, my Prince?" Roan asked.

His cock dripping a drop of pre that was almost man sized, forcing Skarlath to leap out of the way before he could answer. "What about me?"

"You were the one that was hit the hardest by the spell, after all," the horse said. "And you were in the Ley Line; the spell could have done anything to you."

"Well, it doesn't seem to have done anything so far."

"Are you sure, your majesty?" Artemis asked.

Skarlath smiled, though his face went a bit red beneath his fur as he looked back at his advisor. He wasn't able to avoid looking at the lion's cock again, and once more his hole twitched, the fire inside begging for some relief. "I am...completely sure...that nothing has happened to me."

"You hesitated."

The Prince turned to his blacksmith, arching an eyebrow, and Brock shrugged a bit. "You hesitated when you answered. There's something bothering you, isn't there?"

"No, no, there isn't any-"

"Your majesty, please." The lion interrupted him. Artemis almost never interrupted him like that. "Your majesty, if there is something that is happening to you, we need to know; despite our greater size now, we are still responsible for bringing you advice and giving you our aid in serving the realm."

"And ensuring the safety of the Prince of Eteria is my biggest job," Roan said, the serious tone in his voice only slightly ruined by the way that the stallion's cock bounced in front of him as he spoke.

He groaned a little bit; it was hard enough to ignore the cocks of the three of them without having them thrown in his face so often. It didn't help that they were just his type, still, even with all the growth that had happened. Massive muscles, massive cocks, and balls that just surged with the need to cum, if the amount of pre that leaked from the three of them was any judge; it made it so hard to fight the burning in his hole.

And now he was throbbing in his pants as well, his cock twitching and starting to leak within his clothes. Embarrassed, Skarlath shook his head lightly. "There is -"

"There is something wrong, your majesty; all three of us can tell that," the lion said, shaking his head and causing his mane to flare and swish around his head. "Please, there is no way that we can help you unless you tell us what's going on."

He started to turn away from them, but both Brock and Artemis extended one massive foot each to the side. It blocked his retreat, the horse on the other side of their feet.

Skarlath looked up at them, an incredulous look across his muzzle. They'd never been this pushy about getting him to talk about something...not unless they were particularly worried about him, serious about how they wanted to help. It wasn't often that they wouldn't go along with what he said; they were really worried.

Shaking his head slightly, Skarlath rubbed his forehead before starting to explain. "'s what my problem is. Ever since I found myself in the spell there, I've been having weird...cravings."

"What kind of cravings?" Roan asked.

"Nothing too different," the Prince hurried to reassure the worried looking stallion. "Just a few things that...didn't quite fit. For things that wouldn't quite fit, for that matter," he added. His eyes fixed with the different cocks of the giants, and he watched their faces slowly turn as red as his was. "Yeah...I've been looking out the windows and seeing you guys, and it's been making my rump feel as hungry as my stomach during a ten day starvation diet."

Silence fell between the Prince and the giants, each of them looking back and forth between each other, like they weren't sure how to proceed. Skarlath didn't blame them; it was a tricky sort of situation. Not so much because of his attraction to them - that had been there before, and he'd enjoyed all of them, even Roan with his five foot erection, shoved up his hole - but it was different now. They were huge. They were giants, and while they had been big before, they'd never gotten quite this big. And he'd never had quite the hunger in his rear end to have their cocks in him at this size before, either; the impossibility of it was almost too much to think about.

Just as Skarlath was about to turn and try to leave again, a giant hand reached down and grabbed him. The wolf Prince grunted as the fingers wrapped tightly around him, lifting him up into the air rapidly enough for the wind rushing by to drown out all other sounds. It nearly deafened him in the brief seconds before he was held up by Brock the badger's face, and he shuddered at just how fast he'd been pulled off of the ground.

"If you're wanting our cocks so badly, all you had to do was ask," the badger said.

Skarlath blinked. Then blinked. Then blinked again. "What?"

"You must be joking, Brock," the stallion said, agreeing with the Prince. "That's going to be suicide for the Prince; there's no way that he could fit down on any of our cocks, not even yours."

There was no blush on the badger's face from the slight crack at his size, though there was a slight hesitation before he continued. "There is a chance that the spell changed on the Ley Line. It gave our Prince a hunger in the backside; what is to say that it didn't do something else as well?"

Once more, quiet fell among the group of them. Skarlath couldn't believe his ears, that they were thinking that this was even possible; he thought that the silence meant that the others agreed with him. Certainly, how could anyone think that he could stretch around a cock like those, particularly when the lengths were twice his height in length, and far wider than his body. Just the thought was enough to make him shudder, though only half in fear; a good bit of him wanted it anyway.

He thought that the rest of his advisors thought that Brock was crazy. He thought that the silence meant that they were just letting it go.

Then he heard the sound of soft, wet stroking, and he realized that was about as far from the truth as he could imagine.

In the space of a second, he went from being surrounded by his loyal advisors to being surrounded by a group of horny, eager males. The smell of their cocks, so hard and wet with pre, overwhelmed the wolf's sensitive nose as he was lowered down to the badger's groin. The tang of their musk, the way that they were all turned on, was a clearer message than any that they were going to try out the badger's suggestion.

The only thing that made that idea even slightly tolerable was the heat in Skarlath's hole; it burned hotter than ever now that he was this close to their huge cocks, their muscled bodies, and the wolf found himself panting and grunting without even knowing it. His cock throbbed hard against the hand that surrounded him, and he felt himself getting harder and harder as he approached the cock; his pants felt so wet with the pre he was leaking, and the wolf felt like his crotch was covered in slime.

His pants were ripped away by a single careful claw, leaving him naked as he was held over the badger's cock. Brock's fingers were so large that he needed to hold him with just two of them to keep from hiding the six foot tall wolf inside of his hand, but even that was more than enough to keep Skarlath from being able to squirm free from the blacksmith's grip.

Protests, excuses, reasons to get out of this insanity; they entered Skarlath's mind, only to be burned away by the burning hunger coming from his hole. The same need that he'd been feeling for weeks was roaring through him like an inferno, begging to be quenched by something, anything; whether that was the seed of the three giants around him to put it out, or to cover it with the sheer size of their cocks, he didn't know, but he needed something, and he needed it now.

His thoughts reduced to little more than panting and sex, the wolf was lifted over the badger's erection. Skarlath stared down as he was slowly lowered down on top of it, the tip of it larger than his ass cheeks, and the pre flow almost enough to make him slide off. It was only the badger's grip that kept him from sliding away from the everflowing fountain that was the badger's cock tip, and even then he felt the liquid bubbling up under his butt cheeks, soaking his fur and his tail with the musky fluids as his blacksmith slid him around, trying to find the right point to push forward.

Neither of his other advisors had any protests to make, not so much as a small muttered warning to be careful. They stroked their cocks to the show before them, just as eager to see their Prince get filled as Skarlath was to be filled.

Another time, he might have been annoyed, even angry; today, all he could think of was how it would feel to have that massive cock in him, as impossible as the thought had seemed.

It pushed up from underneath even as the fingers wrapped around his stomach and chest kept him from sliding away. The massive cock head somehow managed to lever the very tip between his ass cheeks, but there couldn't be any real chance of getting the thing to slide into his hole. Skarlath whimpered in lust anyway, grinding his hips as much as he could against the shaft.

Suddenly, the impossible seemed to happen. The tip of Brock's cock started to slide past the wolf's hole, pushing it open. Skarlath gasped in pleasure as he felt himself starting to stretch around the blacksmith's shaft, and his tongue hung out of his mouth as he was almost instantly stretched out beyond anything he'd felt before.

Yet, despite that, there was no pain. He could feel the huge width of the cock tip - and it was no more than an inch or two of the tip, if that - pulling his ass apart, but there was no pain, no tearing, none of the burning, cutting pain that could come with a giant cock forcing its way up his ass. What was going on?

Leaning forward past his own massive erection - and thankfully allowed to do so by the badger - Skarlath looked down at his crotch, at his hips, and his eyes went wide at the sight awaiting him.

His hips had been pushed out wider than he could imagine possible, and as the badger's shaft continued to push into him, they stretched out further and further to accommodate the extreme thickness. His hips were already spread out to the sides a good six inches - another little push from the cock behind made it twelve inches a moment later - and they were still going outwards. His hole had to be bigger than his head, now, stretched out wide by the shaft.

Was this what the spell had done to him, Skarlath wondered? Given him the ability to stretch around the cocks that he now craved so much?

If that was the case, then he was going to enjoy himself a lot.

The Prince didn't even care that the badger had grabbed hold of him like a pocket pussy and was dragging him down his cock like a toy; the feeling of having his ass filled finally was too much of a relief for him to care. Skarlath turned his head back as he moaned to the skies, shuddering as he was filled and stretched, filled and stretched further and further by the cock sliding inside of him. It had to be more than a few feet thick, but he was still sliding down it without the slightest worry.

He looked down at his stomach, seeing it bubble lightly from the sheer amount of pre that the badger was squirting into him as he slid down. Grinning, Skarlath reached down, rubbing his expanding belly as more and more of the badger's musky pre filled him up. The goo inside sloshed around under his hands, making him groan softly, his cock throbbing hard as he was pulled further and further down the badger's shaft.

His legs pointed all the way out to the side, half forming little handles for the badger to have more leverage to pull him down with. Skarlath shuddered, knowing he couldn't pull his legs down from all the cock shoved up his ass, his legs forced out to the side as long as he was on Brock's cock.

A few sprays of pre from the lion and the horse hit him, and the horny wolf rubbed the pre into his fur, panting and closing his eyes at the feeling, the smell, the taste of being so utterly lusted after by his advisors; they hadn't had an orgy like this for far too long.

Further and further down Brock's cock the wolf went, and the further he went, the more that he was stretched. His head stayed up, but he could feel and see his body going down the badger's cock. It was like he was almost a condom for Brock, slowly being tugged down the massive shaft to catch all the cum that was going to come flying up when the badger was done.

Of course, a condom didn't get rolled up and down the cock the way that his body was. His head was still in the same place, but it went from being flattened against the constantly leaking tip of the wolf's cock to being a cartoonish bucket shape on top of flat shoulders with no neck. He groaned softly, tasting the badger's pre in his mouth, but not quite leaking it yet; there wasn't quite that much, and a good bit of it was still leaking down out of his stretched hole onto Brock's cock.

His body slid up and down the big cock, going from his natural height to over twenty feet tall, depending on how far the badger dragged him down. Each time he was pulled down that far, he felt the large shaft filling him out, stretching the inside of his body to match the outside, shoving things like his organs and his bones out of the way to fill him up to the maximum, and he welcomed every foot of cock that his advisor wanted to give him.

Skarlath's own cock throbbed and bounced along his body, forming a single protrusion that hung down towards the ground as he was pulled up and down, up and down. His normally massive erection looked absolutely upny compared to the giants around him, and he could hardly believe that he was actually getting fucked like this and not only enjoying it, but surviving it.

He growled and moaned, his hands unable to reach down to his cock, but he was getting such an ass pounding that it didn't really matter. All that the wolf wanted was the badger's cock, and cum. He wanted to be filled, wanted to be fucked, fucked, fucked!

And Brock obliged. In and out that leaking cock went, one even pulling out of the wolf completely. What few whimpers that the wolf prince had to let out were silenced immediately as Brock drove his cock back inside, pulling the wolf's butt and feet all the way back down to the base of his cock, cum leaking out of Skarlath's mouth as a result of being pulled so very close to the cock tip. If he was any looser, the prince felt sure that the tip would have pushed right through his mouth and out into the open again, spurting cum all over the ground like he was some sort of broken wolfy condom on top of the badger's cock.

He wasn't sure if he was happy or sad when that wasn't what happened. Brock slid his ass up and down his cock a few more times before finally cumming, the badger growling in lust as his balls pulled up and his cock throbbed. Skarlath could feel the bulges of cumshots rubbing against his stretched insides, and could even see the cumshots traveling up along the urethra, seeing it bulge along the bottom of his blacksmith's cock through his stretched skin.

Pulling him up the big cock, Brock pushed Skarlath's body up to the tip of his cock again, so that he was just covering the cock head when the orgasm hit fully. The stretchiness wasn't so much, though his hips were spread out, and his legs were pushed out to the side, but his stomach wasn't stretched out and pressed against the badger's cock flesh. So, it was free to balloon outwards.

And boy, did it. Skarlath held his hands against his stomach as the badger's cum started flooding into his body, splattering around inside of his intestines and into his stomach. Little growls escaped the wolf's lips as his belly expanded further and further from the massive cumshots that filled him up, pushing further and further outwards as Brock kept on cumming and cumming. Skarlath whimpered, both in excitement and lust, as his stomach pushed further and further away, getting bigger and bigger, more and more swollen from the seed.

He swore that it was three times its normal size when the badger finally stopped cumming, and the Prince would have been hard pressed to walk with that large a belly. At best, he would have been able to use it to knock things down while walking around, and at worst, he'd be falling forward and rolling on it after losing his balance. Hell, it was almost enough to start dragging him back down on Brock's cock.

Thankfully, the badger's hand kept him from doing that, supporting the wolf on his cock tip. Brock panted softly, but smiled down at him. "I hope you enjoyed that, Prince," the blacksmith said with a small smile. "I know that I did."

Barely nodding at his friend, the wolf's eyes looked over to the larger cocks pointed at him. Both Artemis and Roan looked like they were horny, fit to burst, and the Prince's mouth watered at the thought of having both their cocks in his ass, one after another, stretching himself further and further, and feeling his belly inflate from the cocks fucking him hard.

"What are you waiting for?" Skarlath said, looking up to his lion. "Take me off of this cock and have your turn with my ass."

"Are you sure, your -"

"Stop asking me if I'm sure, and just fuck me!" Skarlath said, for a chance actually shifting to his voice of command. "I am not going to ask you again."

Neither of his advisors seemed to have expected that, but when they broke out in the widest grins that Skarlath had seen in a long time, he half wondered if he should have kept his mouth shut. Certainly it had made them more eager, but without knowing the limits of the spell on his body, perhaps he should have played it a little safer.

Those worries lasted as long as it took for him to slide off of Brock's cock and onto Artemis's; the lion's thick shaft with the little bumps around the top brought him right back into that needy mind-state that he felt when he was being rubbed against Brock's shaft, perhaps even more. The musk coming off of it was just as good, and the feeling of a throbbing cock between his legs brought him to mind of just how much he needed to be filled. The fire inside had been reawakened, and it needed cock to put it out again.

Artemis was a little more businesslike than Brock, though no less rough and eager than the badger. His pale gold paw wrapped tightly around the swollen wolf once he was pushed back onto his tip, and dragged him down his cock. The first pull was slow, gentle, testing the waters as he dragged the wolf's body over more and more cock. It was...smoother, less veiny than the badger's, Skarlath thought to himself. It was a different experience, and seemed to rely more on the girth of the shaft and the bumps along the tip to keep the guy on it interested rather than the veininess of the badger's cock.

That wasn't to say that it didn't feel damn good though; Skarlath found his tongue lolling out again, almost drooling in pleasure as that cock stuffed its way up his backside. His Seneschal had always been a well endowed lion, but this was taking it to a whole new level. It was even thicker than Brock's, he realized, and his legs were once more held out to the side like tiny little handles for the giants to use to get a little leverage on his body. The grip of the fingers around his body, the metallic, musky, salty pre flooding into his mouth, and the feeling of being nothing more than a cum catching sleeve for his advisors; they combined to take him over the edge for his own orgasm.

As he reached the base of the lion's cock, his crotch exploded, cum blasting down to the ground more than fifty feet below. Panting and moaning, even howling in a burbling way through the pre cum in his mouth, Skarlath came, and he came hard. Shudders wracked his frame, though they were almost unnoticeable, stretched out as he was.

Almost. He heard the lion moan above him, and he could only imagine that the shudders had been somewhat pleasurable to the lion, like some sort of vibration through his body. Vibrations or something, probably. In any case, the lion started bucking into Skarlath's rubbery, stretchy body that much harder. The little barbs, being around the head, didn't really have much of a chance to affect him, but Skarlath remembered how they could rub and rake along his prostate when he was normally fucked by his Seneschal; the thought made him grin, and brought his erection back to life post orgasm, getting it hard again.

It wasn't so easy to keep that thought in his head as his advisor dragged him up and down his cock, though, and he panted as the pleasure of having his body stretched over a massive cock, having his hole stretched, overtook his memories of past fucking. Every little breath he managed to snatch was filled with the stench of sex, and his body burned with the way that he was so rapidly filled and emptied, a cock many times his size sliding in and out of his body without pain, only pleasure.

Almost better was the sloshing load of badger cum still in his belly. No matter how much he was stretched out, his body maintained that bulge along his stomach. Sometimes it was larger, sometimes it was smaller, but it was always there; it was like his body had grabbed onto the cum and refused to let it slide back out of his stomach, no matter how hard he was fucked, or how loose he got.

For his part, Skarlath liked that. The sloshy, squishy feeling of his belly was a good one, and he moaned as he felt it bouncing up and down. It was even better as it continued to fill through the fucking that he was getting now, filling with the lion's pre. It didn't make it grow quite as much as the badger's orgasm did, but Skarlath could see his belly getting bigger and bigger as time went on, filling up with the extra salty goo from the lion when he was slid up to the top. He panted, moaning, wanting to rub his belly almost as much as he wanted to stroke his cock as it came back up to hardness, but he was stretched around the cock too much to be able to reach himself.

Roan's cock was throbbing right next to him, too, which only served to turn him on further. As much as he was enjoying Artemis's cock, he could see the throbbing horse cock next to him, see that flared head just waiting to stuff itself up his ass, and his body burned for it. He drooled more than just pre, thinking of pushing that thing into him. Or having it pushed into him. Either way, he wanted it, wanted it bad.

It didn't take too much longer for his Seneschal to hit his peak, and Skarlath was once more pulled up to the cock tip. He didn't ask Artemis to do that, and it was a little surprising, considering that Artemis had wanted to keep his cock as buried as possible in the past; but as the lion's cum started splattering into his gut, filling him up, swelling him, making him rounder and rounder with each and every cum shot, Skarlath lost the need to complain. He just sat on top of the cock head, his legs spread, and his hands finally rubbing over his belly now that they were given the freedom to do so.

Of course, it was a little harder now than it had been the last time. The vast loads of cum and pre in his belly had swollen him out even further, and his flesh burbled with the goo inside. His stomach swelled out past his ability to wrap his hands around it, almost turning him into a ball with muscled arms and legs; it was a silly look, but for some reason - perhaps due to the spell in his ass - he liked it. It even turned him on a little more.

Slowly, the wolf Prince looked from his lion to his horse, a grin from his Captain telling him that they were one in the thought of what he needed next. A large hand wrapped around him, tugging him off of Artemis's shaft. The looseness of his hole suddenly seemed to disappear as he was pulled off, not letting a drop of the cum inside of him escape; it was surprisingly convenient, he thought.

Of course, that stretchiness was put to the test as he was laid against the tip of Roan's cock. With a flared head, rather than the pointed or barbed ones that Skarlath had already been on, it was at its thickest right at the tip, forcing him to be ready to stretch massively right at the start.

Rather than trying to force his way in, Roan did something else. Holding Skarlath up with one hand, he brought his other one around under the wolf's tail. The horse's fingers found the wolf's stretchy ass, and two fingers forced their way in, going in deep enough to be rubbing against the Prince's belly from the outside. Skarlath immediately started panting again, his hard cock pointed up and throbbing from the return of the filling feeling.

Once he had a good grip, though, Roan surprised him. Keeping the wolf supported on his finger, the horse dropped his other hand, sliding another pair of fingers into the wolf's hole. It was a massive stretch, and it only got bigger as the horse pulled his hands apart.

Skarlath howled, his face screwed up at the first bit of slight pain, but it was a good kind of pain, the one that someone got when being filled particularly full. He shuddered as his hole stretched wider, and wider, feeling the air outside brushing against his hole on the inside. It was a very unique feeling, sending a shudder through his stomach and a twitch through his cock.

He realized what was going on as he kept getting stretched; the horse was getting him pulled out and open, like a water balloon that was going onto the faucet. Skarlath blushed a bit at that comparison; considering what kind of cock he was going on, this was going to be one hell of a flood when Roan actually came.

Even with the stretching from the horse's fingers, Skarlath groaned as he was pulled around the flare of the horse's cock. It was massive, holding his ass stretched out further than he could have ever imagined. There was a difference of feet in width between the flared head and the bit of cock beneath it, and the Prince panted, gasping for breath as his body was stretched out wider than it had ever been. His entire lower body looked like a giant stretched out disk, like he was a pancake below the waist.

It didn't stop him, and it didn't stop Roan, from enjoying it, however. The horse continued to tug him down, using the bit of flesh that stuck out of the edge of the disk for leverage. Neither of them bothered to stop, to get used to it; both Prince and Captain needed to have some satisfaction.

Distantly, Skarlath realized that he was lifted higher and higher, that he was further from the ground than he had been only a few minutes ago. His eyes flicked over the other two, looking at them, and seeing that they were bigger too...bigger than their growth over the last few weeks could account for.

Were they growing faster because of sex? Were they just getting bigger faster, after using him?

It was possible...weird, but possible. He estimated, rather than 50 feet off of the ground, like he had been before, that he was now over 250 feet up...which meant that Roan was probably standing at least 500 feet tall.

The thought that his advisors had grown that much in so short a time...the fact that he was now on a cock that was that much bigger than a house and he wasn't getting split in half by sent Skarlath over the edge again, though his orgasm looked even more pitiful in comparison to the cock he was on than it had when he had cum from Artemis's cock.

He must have been vibrating like he did with Artemis's cock, because the horse was moaning the whole time that he was tugging the Prince's body down his cock. Skarlath barely heard it, as the filling feeling of the massive horse cock was keeping him cumming the entire time he was being pulled down. He could scarcely think, only desiring more and more of the cock that was filling him, wanting it to cum in him, wanting it to fill his belly and make him just a little bit rounder, a little bit bigger.

Finally, after who knew how many feet of cock filling him out, the wolf was stretched down to the base of the horse's shaft. His body was so stretched out that his legs weren't even handles anymore; they were pulled up against his body from being stretched out as far as he was, and his feet were slight little nubs on the outside. It was just pure luck that his head hadn't slid into the horse's cock tip; it felt like it was trying to suck him in from how much pre it was letting out, and he was gasping for breath past the pleasurable flow of pre that was coming into his mouth from his throat.

Roan didn't go slow; he was fast right from the start, jerking the layer of wolf on his cock up and down as fast as he could. The horse's strokes were rough, sometimes tugging the wolf harder than he expected, but never in a painful way. He shuddered, panting as he was tugged along the cock, his body feeling like it was getting slick from the pre inside, allowing it to slide along a little easier, almost like a pre-lubed condom.

And that was nothing compared to the feeling of his bigger belly bobbing up and down along the bottom of the horse's cock. That feeling, the cum filled bulge, sliding up and down as his body was moved up and down was exquisite; Skarlath panted harder at that than almost anything else. He moaned, gasped, swallowed around the pre in his mouth, even as Roan moaned louder than the others, a few whinnies filling the air as the horse panted in pleasure.

Having waited the longest in comparison to the others, Roan took the least time to cum. Soon, he panted and neighed loudly, his cock throbbing inside of the wolf, and Skarlath felt himself filled with cum one more time, though this time some of it went flying out of his mouth from just how stuffed he was with cock.

The horse panted, not going soft in the least, and Skarlath wasn't much better. He looked at his other advisors, saw them looking back. They all shared the same look; lusty, horny, needy, and their cocks all bobbed up and down with need.

Skarlath couldn't wait to keep going.


Despite being outside of the city, it was impossible to miss what was going on when three of the four participants were over five hundred feet tall, bigger than anything else in Phryxus. They shadowed everything, and people got a show whether they wanted one or not.

One by one, the advisors passed the Prince between them, sliding him along until he was filled with cum, and then passing him to the next one. They thought nothing of it, having fun with their ruler and helping him with his own cravings. They were having a great time together, something that they hadn't done for a while, as they'd been too busy for it lately.

And then...

Eventually, around the one thousand feet mark of height, they got a bit too big. Skarlath, about to be removed from Roan's shaft and passed to Brock again...was stuck. He was too stretched and small in comparison to the horse to be pulled off, and while he wasn't being hurt, he couldn't get free.

He was trapped.

The Giants of Eteria: Part 3 (Final)

**Part 3** Once Skarlath figured out that he could still give audiences to his subjects from atop - or rather, around - Roan's cock, things got a little bit easier for the Prince. Of course, it was a little awkward, but considering that his...

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**Hypno-Sissy** The alleyway behind the theater was as dark as it always was this time of night; there was something about the lack of a street light and nobody living nearby that kept the place from ever getting much illumination. In a richer...

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The New Slave

**The New Slave** The road up to the dragon's mountain was, in truth, little more than a compacted dirt path. Few travelers took the path up to the mountain, save for those that were invited, and there were quite few of those indeed. The dragon who...

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