Krogan in Bondage

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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A little commission for ZsisronDarkwater with a krogan and a new prisoner control device. art by FA: jijix

Krogan in Bondage

For Zsisron

The Krogan suppressed a small grunt as several members of C-Sec threw him against the wall, his back plates rattling slightly as he was pushed back. His feet were pressed against a pair of restraints, both of which clicked shut around the thinner middle of them. Arms bound behind his back, his head was thrust forward a bit more than usual, the hump along his back forming the highest point as he was made to lean forward.

Human officers looked down at him, one pointing at his face. "Don't even bother fighting these restraints, Ulroc; we had these specially made for Krogans. Even someone from your clan couldn't get out of that without the keys."

"Don't bother threatening him," the other human said with a shake of his head. "He's not going to listen to us. Just let him struggle if he wants; he's just going to tire himself out for the trip later."

Raik Ulroc shook his head at the humans. "You think that you're gonna have me go quietly?"

"Yeah. Whether you want to or not, Raik, you're going to go without a fight."

The officer started to lean in close, but was pulled back by his partner before he was in range of a headbutt. Pity, Ulroc thought; would have been nice to get a little steam off.

The more experienced C-Sec officer shook his head. "Just leave him alone. He'll come around." He leaned in, turning the other human around, and whispered something quietly enough that even the Krogan's ears couldn't quite catch. They looked at each other for a minute, and the grin that they shared was big enough that the Krogan couldn't help but feel a little worry.

They walked out of the holding cell, leaving him alone. A forcefield sprung up between him and the world outside the cell, just opaque enough to change the color of everything he saw, but not enough to keep him from seeing what happened out there.

Almost, he wished that they had left him his armor; his body was remarkably exposed, and everyone was able to see not just his muscles, but the four balls that Krogan were famous for. Not like they could see much else, though; Ulroc was a warrior, not some sort of human or asari whore that put their genitals on display. The Krogan chuckled to himself; if they thought that simply being made to wait in the nude would actually bother him, they had another thing coming.

As he leaned back against the wall of his holding cell, he heard a slight click. Eyes twitching in the direction of it, Ulroc caught sight of a light, a blue one, blinking three times. It went out after that, but it had the feeling of something being activated.

Was there some sort of new C-Sec procedure or something? He couldn't think of what it could be; they hadn't started anything else when they took his weapons or his armor. Some sort of decontamination or something?

Shaking his head, Ulroc leaned back against the wall again. For now, there wasn't anything he could do; there were no other C-Sec people around, and he couldn't see any sort of energy that might have been a new field or type of energy that they used on their prisoners. All he could do was wait.

A few minutes passed, and he slowly became aware of a low buzzing sound that filled his cell. At first, it seemed like it was just part of the machinery, but as it got steadily louder and louder, Ulroc realized that it was something else entirely. He shook his head a few times, trying to dismiss it, ignore it, since he couldn't plug his ears, but that didn't work at all. If anything, the sound only seemed to get louder, burrowing into his ears the longer that it went on.

It wasn't even a noise that he recognized either, just a buzzing white noise. A noise that made it very hard to think, hard to keep his thoughts in order.

That was it, Ulroc thought; this had to be some sort of new softening up technique that C-Sec had. Probably to make people eager to talk to get it to turn off. HA! Well, if they thought that would work on a Krogan, they had something else coming. There was nothing that a Krogan couldn't tolerate, far longer than any human could wait through. All he had to do was ignore it.

It took a few more minutes, but Ulroc soon got used to the sound. It was still there - it was too persistent for him to really just shut out - but it was muted, dulled, at the edge of his attention. It wasn't perfect, but it was better than it was. After all, with white noise like that, all he had to do was ignore it. Whatever the people here wanted to accomplish with it, it didn't matter; he was Krogan, and they would not break him.

Still...he had to admit that it wasn't too bad a situation here. Even if he was tied up, they obviously feared him too much to ever actually do anything to him. Why else would they put him in bonds if they didn't think they could take him? Pathetic humans, really; they thought that these were good enough? These bonds were weaker than a Salarian's spine; if he wanted to break free, he could have done it already.

He just didn't want to.

Ulroc blinked, shaking his head a bit. "Didn't...I don't need to," he muttered under his breath. That was what he meant; he didn't need to break out. There was no need for anything of that sort; he was a Krogan, he could take a night or two in whatever place they thought they could dump him in. They'd let him out in a couple of days. Not like he hadn't gone through it before.

And it wasn't like the restraints were all that uncomfortable, he thought. The pair of metal rings around his feet didn't pinch, nor did they sting all that much, and the metal tube holding his arms around his back almost felt like it was padded. Not that that seemed all that likely, considering how the humans in C-Sec tended to get annoyed at Krogan as much as they did, but he supposed it was possible. They were far more comfortable than usual, after all.

Leaning against the wall and sliding along his bench a little more, he looked out at the humans that were wandering by the force field in front of him. They were looking in as they passed, and he could tell just where they were looking. Four balls was twice the amount that the humans had, and Ulroc smirked at some of the blushes that they got. His position almost forced him to show off his body, giving him little choice in the matter. He didn't get embarrassed by it; Krogan had their bodies on display any time that they were out of their armor, and in a large army, they seldom had a chance to be alone while out of it.

He was used to having his body out there for others to see...but this was the first time that he was getting turned on by it.

Ulroc felt his cock slowly sliding out of its protective sheath slit in his body. It pressed it open, feeling a little like pushing through a mold of slime, before the tip pointed into the open air. The humans really started to stare at that; he felt like maybe he should say something, but for some reason, he decided to keep quiet instead. It wasn't like it mattered that the humans were watching; let them get something of a show.

He barely noticed the white noise as his cock kept growing outwards, inch after inch pouring out of his body to loom over his balls. It pulsed lightly with a strange arousal, though the Krogan barely smiled at the feeling. He liked having them look at him like this; he'd never cared about the looks of humans before, but the way that they kept staring...there was something that he liked about it. He leaned back a bit more, spreading his legs a bit further - at least as much as the restraints allowed him - and let them get a better look.

The forcefield canceled out sound, but he could see the humans pointing, muttering to each other. Doubtlessly talking about the superiority of a Krogan's body, how much it surpassed their own tiny bodies. He was tempted to chuckle, but it just didn't seem important. All that he needed to do was stay there, letting his body be on display.

Again, he was surprised at just how comfortable the restraints were. Even while he was adjusting himself, tugging on the bonds as he tested how much he could move, they didn't sting as they usually did. They felt...comfortable. Right. They felt right.

A small part of his mind paused at that, but whatever thought he had about that was drowned out by that white noise again. Ulroc groaned softly, shaking his head; that noise wasn't too bad, but every now and then it spiked a little painfully.

What was he thinking again? Oh...right...the restraints. They felt right on him.

They were almost like decorations, he thought. The ones on his feet were keeping him from pulling his legs too far apart, keeping them pinned to the floor, while the ones on his arms glimmered, sending light shards against his arms and showing off the muscles there. He flexed against it, and surprised himself with a moan as his shaft bounced a little harder above his balls.

He moaned...he had moaned from the restraints? He had; the Krogan could hardly believe that he'd done anything of the sort. It was so against everything, everything that Krogan were. Warriors were the restraints that were put on them. They were supposed to be angered by it, or tolerate them at the very best, not start moaning like weak humans or blue skinned whores!


Ulroc tested the bonds again, pulling at his arms, tugging at the restraints on his legs. Another little shudder went through him, his member bouncing above his balls as he reached his full hardness.

The white noise got louder again as he tried to understand. What...what was happening? He was Krogan...he was a warrior...

He was trapped...

He was held in prison...

He was completely exposed...

Exposure was good...the bonds were just there to help him show off his felt so good to remind the humans who their betters were. His body was a shining example of Krogan superiority, and all they had to do was look at him to realize that.

Ulroc grinned as he slid forward just a bit more, a slight smirk twitching at one side of his mouth. He knew that they were staring. He was big, massive, powerful; they wanted to be him. They wanted to have the power of a Krogan for themselves. And he felt so hard, so aroused seeing them staring at him, pointing at him, and knowing that he was the best that the galaxy had to offer.

The noise continued in the back of his mind, and he thought of how he had been annoyed at first. It wasn't that bad; it was just a machine on the fritz, probably. It wasn't important. Nothing was important except sitting here quietly, letting people get a good look at how good he was. How powerful he was. How perfect he was.

Ulroc was an excellent specimen of Krogan power. He knew it; those who knew him knew it. The men of C-Sec and any other prisoner had to know it by now. And they would keep knowing it as long as he sat here, showing off his body to him like he didn't care. He was Krogan, but he wasn't a prisoner. He was...


The noise spiked again. He was here in a cell, but he wasn't a prisoner. He was showing off, but he wasn't a slut. He was just an example of what a Krogan should be. Powerful. Strong. Massive. A warr-


Still, yes, a still, quiet that knew how to take orders and give them, and -

Obey, yes....obey orders....obey orders like a good soldier...

He was a good Krogan...a good Krogan showing himself off....a good...Krogan...obeying quietly...


"So, you're sure that the device is working?" Eric asked. "I don't want to try and take Ulroc out of there if he's still feeling belligerent."

"Take a look for yourself," Sardok said. The officer stepped out of the way for his fellow human, showing the camera feeds. Both of them stared at it; Eric was open mouthed with surprise, and even Sardok, who had seen the device in action before, was more than a little shocked at what he was seeing.

The Krogan was completely open legged, showing off his balls and his cock. He didn't do more than smile, and even though his eyes still had the slightly manic look that most male Krogans had, it was...calmed. Like he was resigned to something.

Something that they had put in his head.

The camera feed transmitted sound as well, and there were a few choice remarks from the officers pointing at the Krogan that made Sardok chuckle. They weren't so complimentary as the Krogan probably imagined; rather than admiring him, they were chuckling and laughing at his lack of shame. More than one of them groped themselves, bragging about being bigger than him, or saying that the Krogan looked like a pussy just sitting there like that, nothing more than a helpless prisoner.

"I guess that's good enough for me," Eric said, shaking his head. There was a smile on his face, though, and he chuckled. "Why don't we do that to everyone?"

"Because it can malfunction now and then; right now, we're trying to keep it so that it only works on them for a temporary basis. How would you like it if you had dozens of people like that just sitting in the middle of the citadel, showing off their bodies like that?"

Eric lifted an eyebrow, and Sardok rolled his eyes. "Okay, maybe YOU wouldn't be bothered, but you get where I'm coming from."

"Yeah, yeah, I understand. Still..." Eric looked at the screen again, shaking his head. "A good little trick."

"Yeah." Sardok chuckled. "Can't wait til the next time Wrex screws up and gets tossed in there..."

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