Hourglass of Lizardly Love

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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The story of a human slowly cursed to become a lizard, and what he does to try and stop it. Commissioned by FA: nataraj

Alexander normally didn't care about the mail when it came in. There was seldom anything for him, with the way that he kept to himself, and what little did come in - a paycheck from a boring job, a bill for his cell phone - was always either claimed by his family or was better left alone until it was unavoidable. He would avoid the mail call during the middle of the day, and check through it later when there was no one to bite his head off about what came in, or what didn't come in.

Today, however, he had not only been there for mail call, but had been the one to collect the mail as it came in. Letters and a few small packages were given to his mother and father, and Alexander ran off with their voices chasing him towards his room with the package that came for him in hand.

The door slammed shut behind him as he reached his room, and he turned the lock with a quick flick of his fingers. His grin wouldn't quit as he moved across the room, stripping tape away from the box with eager rips, throwing the trash to the floor.

By the time that he reached his desk on the other side of the room, everything that held the box closed had been pulled away. He sat down, his smile getting bigger and bigger, and finally slowed down long enough to take another look at the to/from information on the front of the cardboard package.

The names on the front of the box were written crudely, as though they were done by a finger rather than a pen, but considering who it was from, Alexander could understand that. His own name was written in crude block letters, and beneath it was the name of the sender. Just seeing the name of his friend had his lips curling upwards almost painfully. Aroc Connid, the name said; he knew that was just the real name of his most frequent Skype friend.

They'd been talking for a while now. Usually it was done during the day while Aroc was still at home, but more recently, it had been all over the clock. Aroc, like some of the other humans that were interested in where the anthros had come from thirty years ago, had decided to start looking into the old civilizations that had declared anthropomorphized animals their gods, and spent most of his time abroad, traveling hither and yon through the world, and among all the different cultures in it.

As Alexander started to tug the cardboard apart, he started to think back to some of their conversations about the anthros. They were both young enough to have not seen a world without them, but apparently their world had formerly been totally human. They'd missed the Arrival by about five years or so, and had grown up considering it the norm; their parents said otherwise.

Despite some of the bigotry with some of the other humans, the two of them had always been fascinated with the different anthros that they had seen. Cardboard stripped away, piece by piece falling apart in the package as Alexander dove deeper, both into his mail and the memories of conversations. About where the anthros could have come from, why they were the way they were...and once they hit high school, a shared attraction to them.

That had been something that they'd kept to themselves, of course. Alexander wasn't so naive as to think that he could tell his parents that he shared a furry love with another friend, nor could he admit that he had fantasies about the anthros that lived in the neighborhood and worked with him or...well, anywhere. His parents would not be happy to hear that; while they were decent people, they were still of the opinions that humans needed to stick to their own kind. They had even rallied against some of the common law stuff that would have given the anthros the ability to mingle more than their limited freedoms currently allowed. So, he'd never be able to tell them anything.

But when he was online with Aroc, the two of them were able to share quite a few different thoughts. Not just the experimental theories, but also about the things that they liked when looking at them. Some of the conversations got very explicit and...well, it was a good thing that his door had a lock. That's all that Alexander could think.

That brought him back to the package. Aroc had promised that he'd be able to send Alexander something from the next dig, a souvenir, and he'd promised that Alex would love it. And now, it had finally arrived.

Finally, the last of the cardboard fell away, and what remained was surrounded by a clear sort of plastic. Ripping through it like a child through Christmas wrapping, he pulled it out of the way, and then stared at the item that was revealed.

The last that he'd heard, Aroc had been digging in the hills outside of some German ruin or something. Standing in front of him, about as tall as the length of his forearm, was a large hourglass, one that was dark stone, sort of like the gothic architecture and stonework one sometimes saw. He could see that it had the same sort of lines running up the sides of it that those types of architecture had, surrounding the 'glass' that held the sand within.

It was glass as much as he was a monkey; it was see through, and it was hard, but there was something different about it. The material was darker than any sort of glass that he had seen before, and it wasn't because it was stained or dirty. It was the material itself, something that made him think that perhaps it wasn't true glass.

Just the fact that it was like it, though, threw him off. From what he remembered, it had taken a long time for glassmaking to actually reach Europe from the middle and far east, and much longer than that for it to become widespread enough to be useful. And this thing didn't look recent enough for it to have been made in Europe during that time.

Alexander slowly dragged his fingers along the surface of the glass of the hourglass, tracing the level of grains inside. It was quite full, he thought, shaking his head a bit.

He was surprised to see that his reflection was quite so visible in the dark glass. A dark haired face looked back, the locks curling slightly above sparkling eyes. Seeing his own smile, he chuckled, shaking his head at a face as slim and fine as the rest of his body. Little memories of being told he was as graceful looking as a ballerina were quickly suppressed, as he looked over the rest of the hourglass.

It was truly remarkable; a part of him wondered how Aroc had been able to afford sending something like this away from the dig site, considering all the detail in it. The top and bottom 'disk' of stone were adorned with carvings of various lizard anthros. They looked to be upside down from this angle, but he could still make out quite a bit of their features.

Unlike the carvings on old Egyptian artifacts, or the paintings of the old gods, the lizards along the hourglass didn't look quite so primitive. Whatever artist that had managed to get the stuff carved into the stone had done their job well; they looked remarkably like the anthros that he had seen around today, from the lean, lithe legs, to the gentle but powerful muscles in the arms and chest, and the lovely loincloths that he frequently imagined on them. They almost looked green, despite the stone's dark color, and they looked like they were in the process of raising their arms in worship to something.

The designs of the lizards seemed to point towards the underside of the two stone disks that made the top and bottom of the hourglass. Despite bending over, Alexander couldn't quite make out the pattern on the top, so, figuring that he might get a look before the sand started falling, he flipped it over so he could get a better look.

He turned the hourglass, and then blinked as the sand didn't start flowing. "Huh...I guess there was a little too much to hope for that it would work flawlessly after this long," he said with a shake of his head.

At least it allowed him to get a look at the bottom of the hourglass. He leaned down, squinting at the carving that the different lizards were pointed towards. It was difficult to make out at first, but as he turned his head a few inches to the left, he got a better light to work with.

Then...it started to glow.

Alexander thought that he was seeing things, but as curved letters - and an engraving of an almost ridiculously realistic looking cock - started to glow with first the brightness of a candle, then a fire, and then a brilliant LCD light, he realized that something was very wrong. He tried to pull back, but it was like something was holding him in place, keeping him from being able to look away.

Almost against his will, he found himself reading the letters aloud. "At your touch, the Hourglass of Worship has awakened; only at your efforts will it be quelled. Bring the touch of joy to a dozen males before sunset, or face life as one of the worshipers of the glass," Alexander read. "What does -"

The sand started falling before he could finish that sentence, and Alexander suddenly groaned as he felt his body burn, tingling from head to toe, but with fire along the bottoms of his feet. He fell to the ground, reaching down to his socks, and ripping them off in desperation to see what was going on.

He barely had the first one off before he could see the changes occurring. Individual pieces of skin on his feet were swelling outwards, splitting and ripping like dead skin as scales pushed out from beneath. He could only watch as the scales continued to spread along the tops of his feet, pushing away skin, ripping it away in white strips, to spread along the bottom of his feet as well.

Seized by a fascination that he couldn't explain, the human sat up and turned his feet around, watching as the scales spread around his arch and down to his heel. The colors were green towards the outside of the foot, with a hint of yellow towards the center. The scales themselves were surprisingly smooth and shiny looking, and he found himself twitching just a bit in his pants as he looked at his feet changing.

The scales spread with continuing tingles and heat, the strange relieving feeling of skin being removed coming just before the tingling finished. He stared as it continued, spreading up his feet, narrowing them slightly as they both a little longer in exchange.

As the slowly growing scales reached his toes, the tingle ramped up again, turning almost painful as his toes started to move together. Tugged together by intangible, invisible fingers, they were shoved together, his second and third toes pressed together along with his fourth and fifth. They melted together before his eyes, a somehow pleasurable yet searing heat burning through the toes as the bones melted together, and the scales spread over the thickening digits before his eyes.

They grew, the three toes stretching upwards, almost two inches long each, and each one tipped by a nail like claw; it stretched a bit past his toe, and was a little thicker than the toe nails that he was used to looking at, but it was still more of a nail than a claw.


The same happened on his other foot, still covered by a sock; his new toes pushed through the white material, pushing out and ripping their way to freedom. He stared, his jaw dropped at the powerful change that had come over him.

Slowly, Alexander reached down and pulled his other sock off, looking at his feet. They were...

He turned to the hourglass again, watching as the sand started to fall. The lizards along the edges of the hourglass had the same three toed feet that he had. He...he was becoming one of them.

"Okay...touch of joy...ancient culture, could mean anything...new clues, new clues...PENIS!" He remembered the carving. "PENIS! They mean an orgasm, touch of joy means orgasm. Okay, so...so I need to find twelve guys and get them off before the end of the day."

Alexander froze at that thought. He didn't know many people, and he doubted that he knew more than four gay people in total; maybe there were a few out there that would be interested, but he couldn't depend on the few people he knew to be interested in him blowing them or offering them a friendly jerk-off. They would probably look at him like a freak, and with his feet transformed as well...

Well, with his feet transformed as well, it was clear that this was all too real. This hourglass was already transforming him, and he had no idea how long he had before the next transformation. There was no reason to be timid now; he...

A small grin started to grow. He could...he could try going to the anthros out there.

The anthros were known to be highly sexual, particularly compared to the humans in this neighborhood. That was one of the main reasons that his family didn't like them as well, but that was besides the point; he knew that there were a few of them that went around college and the neighborhood fucking just about anything that moved, and one of them was a skunk that wasn't that far from here. And if the skunk could help him first, then maybe he could get a list of people that were interested from him. Even a couple of people that were interested could lead to more people that could be gotten off.

And better than that, while he was doing that, he could finally have a little fun with the anthros out there...and he had a good reason for it. He wasn't a slut, he told himself; he was just trying to keep his human body. That was all. He wasn't going off the depend.

Shaking his head, he got to his feet - having to bounce a bit from foot to foot at first until he found his new center of balance - and ran out the door.

As he ran out the front door, the hourglass lit up again in the bedroom. Another set of letters started to glow, one that would have been a warning if he had stayed.

"Given as a duty, pleasure is no gift, and thus you will be paid. Every male has a wish, and you will fulfill those that you visit, your body and mind paid in changes to help you along."

Perhaps this would have meant something to Alexander, perhaps not; but in any case, it meant that he had something else besides the lizard transformation to worry about.


Male 1

Name: Dennis

Species: Skunk

It didn't take Alexander very long to run down the street to the skunk's house; it wasn't like the anthro hid where he stayed, and from what he remembered of the skunk - Dennis, that was his name - it wasn't like the skunk would mind what was happening to the human.

He blushed at the few looks he got from windows and walkers who saw what had happened to his feet, and did his best to keep from hearing the questions shouted in his direction. He had no answers for them; all he could do was hope that he could keep ahead of the transformation, and if he was going to do that, he needed Dennis's help.

Stopping at the skunk's door - only ten houses down and on the opposite side of the street from his own house - Alexander pounded on the door. "Dennis? Dennis, are you home?!"

"Yeah...yeah, hang on a second."

Hopping from one foot to another in nervousness, Alex looked back down the street, then at the door, then at the street again. Anybody could come along, and if someone did see him...

Thankfully, no one did before the door opened. Before the skunk could say anything, Alexander leaped forward, pulling the door shut behind him and dragged the surprised skunk along by the arm.

"What are you-"

"I'll explain in a second."

He pulled Dennis into what he figured was the bedroom - it was the only room that he could see with a bed in it at any rate - and shut the door behind him hard. Panting softly, he looked over at the skunk, and then blushed.

Now that he was at the point of actually bringing up what he was here for, Alex wasn't sure what he was supposed to say.

"Do you want me to fuck you, or do you want to fuck me?"

Alex blinked; they couldn't have been his words...but they were said in his voice. What...when had...how...

His questions were obliterated by the slight blush and growing grin on Dennis's face. "Heh, so...you are one of the humans that likes us?" the skunk asked. "Seriously 'likes' us?"

"Um...well, yeah, I...just never had the courage to say it before."

"Heh, I'm glad to hear that...but I don't really want to fuck you."

That statement nearly brought Alex to his knees. Dennis had been his only hope; the skunk was a major slut, and he knew from the grapevine around the neighborhood that the skunk had been with humans before. He thought that it was the only way in...he didn't know any other anthro that would be such a good bet.

A furred hand pressed against his groin, and brought Alex back to the moment. The skunk was right up against him, and smiling. "But I do want to ride your cock until I cum...if that's something you can live with."

The two of them didn't take long to get naked after that.

Dennis gave Alex's feet a strange look, but the human was grateful that the skunk didn't say anything about his transformed feet. Instead, the two of them just looked at each other as they got naked, Alex stroking his cock a few times, getting hard, while Dennis stripped down and fingered his hole a few times, spreading a gooey sort of lube under his tail.

It was incredibly arousing to watch the skunk tease himself. Padded fingers gently pushed into a hole that was as pink as the surrounding fur was black. The tissue twitched lightly at the touch of the skunk's fingers, and it seemed to open eagerly, as though it knew what was coming.

And all the while, Dennis talked. "It's been a while since I've had a human come around here, you know," the skunk said with a smile, scissoring his fingers back and forth, making his hole stretch visibly, showing off the flexibility of his rear. "Usually it's horses or occasionally an elephant, big guys that want a nice, eager hole for them. But the last time I had a human, it was a really nice experience; they have a different kind of cock from us anthros, you know. Very exotic; I can't wait to see how you feel back here."

It was all very flattering, and it made further stroking unnecessary, particularly as any further touches would have set Alex over the edge prematurely. He was lucky that he wasn't blowing already with the sexy show that he had in front of him.

Finally, Dennis seemed ready, and the skunk gently pushed him back on the bed. The black and white male straddled his hips, and Alex could only watch as that big, black furred rump swallowed his cock between the surprisingly feminine cheeks.

It was warm, furry at first, but soon his tip touched the skunk's hole. The skin was almost hot, and wet as hell, so wet that he felt his cock tip slide in almost immediately. Alex groaned, rolling his head back as the skunk's hole swallowed up his cock the way that a teenager swallowed a cheeseburger; fast and with as few pauses as possible.

The hole wasn't too tight, probably from all the use that Dennis had described, but it was still hot and wet. The skunk bounced up and down on him rapidly, shoving the cock in deep every time that the skunk slid down on top of his cock. Shudders of pleasure rocked the human, and he curled his toes against the sheets, his fingers dragging the soft material between them, squeezing.

The smell of skunk musk and his own need filled the air, rapidly getting stronger and stronger. When Alex was able to open his eyes, he was able to bring his eyes down, looking at Dennis's crotch. Was he...was he bringing the touch of joy to the skunk?

Yes, yes he was, at least judging by the hard-on that the skunk was sporting. The eight inch long shaft bounced up and down, drooling and spraying pre over the human's chest as Dennis bounced up and down. Alex moaned softly at the sight, shuddering at the need that he could see...the need that he was helping the skunk to meet.

The pleasure from the skunk's ass was almost as good as the pleasure he got from seeing that the skunk was getting so close to climax. Wet thrusts back, soft moans from Dennis's mouth, the throbbing cock that was pointed right at his face; Alex had never felt so horny, and it was all because he loved the pleasure on his partner's face, the look that his partner was getting so close to climax.

Dennis moaned loud, and his hole tightened enough to send Alex over the edge. Human and skunk growled in mutual climax, one getting a hole filled with seed, the other getting a faceful of musky goo. Alex shuddered at the feeling, but felt his cock twitch again; despite the mess, he...kinda liked it.

There was no cuddling; Dennis didn't want it, and Alex didn't need it. He got up, and started to reach for his clothes...and paused.

Slowly turning with a blush on his face, wondering where the idea had come from, he asked, "Dennis...I don't suppose...you might have a pair of panties I could borrow?"

The skunk smiled. "Trying to make your ass a little sexier?"

"Trying anything at all..." And wondering how sexy he might feel in them, but he wasn't going to say THAT out loud.

He watched the skunk get up and grab something from around the bed. Whipping his arm around, a pink blur flew through the air, and Alex caught it by reflex. He blinked, and then blushed at the sight of the pink panties. "Uh...uh yeah, that'll work..."

"Pretty good too, the way that your cock is leaping back up."

Resisting the urge to hide his crotch from the skunk, Alex cleared his throat. "Anyway...do you happen to know...um...eleven more guys that'd be interested in me? That I could...well, serve?"

"Do I want to know why?"

"Probably not."

The skunk shrugged. "I think I can come up with a few. Give me 15 minutes, and I'll write down their addresses and names."

"Thank you." It wasn't much, but it was a start; Alex would take anything at this point.


Male 2

Name: Rufus

Species: Squirrel

The changes weren't still as Alex made his way down from Dennis's house to the next name on the list. His 'first' had told him that Rufus would be pretty eager for someone like him, and that Rufus wouldn't ask any questions about his situation. He'd be too busy getting his fun. Alex wasn't too sure how he liked the sound of that, but he didn't want to think about that.

Besides, the changes were what he was concerned about. He felt the scales crawling up his legs as he had gotten dressed and hurried out the door. It was hard to tell where they were beneath his jeans, but he was pretty sure that they were about halfway up to his knees by this point. Whether they had changed anything else, he didn't know, but he doubted that it was just the skin that was shifting.

He was a little surprised how much he was tenting his pants when he knocked on Rufus's door; the panties were cupping his cock and his balls surprisingly tightly, and despite the strangeness to them, he felt like they were some of the sexiest things that he had ever worn. They cupped his junk well, and the smoothness to the material made him moan when his cock head brushed against the front of it. He blushed whenever he did, but he couldn't stop himself whenever his cock shifted position.

The squirrel that answered the door was surprisingly fluffy; the red fur was a shade that was almost magenta, and the squirrel's eyes were quite shiny behind the glasses that he wore. A big bushy tail twitched behind him as he gestured for Alex to step inside. "I got a call from Dennis; something about needing a favor in the bedroom?" the squirrel asked with a raised eyebrow, the little smirk that was on the squirrel's lips sending another blush across Alex's face.

He tried to shrug nonchalantly, but the squirrel's eyes told him that it wasn't working. "I...okay, here's how it is. I need to get 12 guys to cum before sunset; I already got Dennis, and I was hoping -"

"That I'd help you for the second one?"

Alex nodded, and the squirrel smiled. "I'd be happy to. But first, you need to relax a little bit, otherwise it's going to be hard for you to do anything."

"But I only -"

"Time doesn't matter that much." The squirrel pulled him down to the couch as they walked into the living room. "Now, just sit down. Relax."

Sighing softly, Alex leaned back a bit. His scales rasped together slightly, and he hissed lightly. It was hard to think of anything else but the fate that was waiting for him if he messed up; he had to hurry, not relax.

But it was clear that the squirrel wasn't going to let him get away with pretending to relax. Rufus reached behind his back, pulling something out from behind his back. Alex watched curiously, and blinked when the squirrel presented him with a gold ringed pendulum. "You gotta be kidding me."

"I'm not. Just...look at it for a bit." Rufus smiled. "I promise, you won't be long; just look at it for a bit, and you'll be nice and relaxed, and we can get on to the fun."

Sighing again, Alex nodded. "Fine. I'll see what I can do."

The squirrel smiled and Alex looked directly at the ring. It started to sway slightly, and he found his eyes drawn to the little glints of light that came off of the ring. They were surprisingly bright, and he almost thought that he saw a set of red and yellow colors flashing within the ring. Brief swirls seemed to appear more and more as the ring swayed, and Alex blinked a few times. It didn't do anything to dispel the weird images, though, and he found himself leaning forward a bit, staring.

It got worse and worse as he kept staring at the ring. His mind was slowly calming down, but it was hard to think...hard to push the new fog out of the way so that he could say that he was relaxed. Slowly, his brain stopped moving at all, and he just sat there, staring.

The ring disappeared, but his head didn't clear up. Alex could only stare forward, bobbing slightly back and forth as he fought to keep his balance. He didn't even gasp when the squirrel slid his hand inside of his pants, furry fingers gently clasping around his balls.

"Mmm, you are a full human, aren't you? Even after filling Dennis's ass with a good bit of cum, you got a fair bit left in here." Rufus smiled to himself. "Well, I'll just have to lessen that load a bit, but you're going to help me with my load first. Get down on the floor, would you kindly?"

Get down on the floor...get on the floor...yeah, that sounded like a good idea, Alex thought. His legs moved slowly, and his body wobbled this way and that, but he managed to get on the ground. Sitting on his ankles, kneeling, he looked up at the squirrel. For some reason, he felt like it was up to the squirrel to tell him what to do...like he knew everything, and he needed to hear Rufus's words to know how to do anything.

The human watched as the squirrel pulled open his own pants, and the word "Strip" was heard on the edge of his consciousness. Strip. Strip. The human knew how to do that...his fingers found his way down to his pants, and he slowly started to pull them down. The panties slowed him down, but his cock popped past the waistband of them a seconds later, leaking and hard as hell.

But he barely paid attention to that. The sight of the cock that sprang out of the squirrel's pants was bigger...huge...surprisingly eager looking. Alex panted softly at the sight, his nose picking up the scent of the squirrel's musk, the odor of his arousal sharp and powerful. His mouth fell open, and he panted softly, hardly knowing he was doing it.

"Mmm, not gonna need much to make you work, am I?" Rufus said, and Alex found himself shaking his head. "Good. Now lean in...start sucking me off...make me cum in your mou-oooooooh!"

His second of the day didn't even need to finish the command before Alex's mouth was wrapped around his cock. It wasn't too thick, but it was long, and he found it pressing against the back of his mouth, into his throat in seconds. His body seemed to know what to do, and he didn't know what to think; so, instead, he just did what the squirrel told him to do.

He sucked. He bobbed his head up and down, his mouth filling and emptying and filling again with the wet, musky cock. Alex moaned around it, his eyes half closed, his tongue eagerly flicking around. It wasn't long before he tasted pre...or would have, if he knew what he was doing.

The human's mind was completely blank, empty; all he could think of was blowing the squirrel. Nothing else mattered; all he needed to do was get the squirrel off.

Warm fur pressed against him down below, something he hardly noticed; all he could do was keep pressing his face up and down the cock in front of him, sucking in the juicy shaft, feeding on the liquid coming out of it, hearing the soft moans almost at the edge of his hearing. He needed to serve, to service this cock; that's what he was here for, that's what Rufus wanted.

A different spike of pleasure went through him, and he moaned a little louder around the cock. The fur felt wet around his groin; what did that mean, he thought, before the thought was pushed away.

Cock. Cock was what mattered, and up and down, in and out of his mouth it went, leaking faster and faster. The moans from above got louder and louder, and he felt a hand on the back of his head, driving his mouth further down the shaft.



Alex blinked his eyes a few times, shaking his head. "Ooooh boy...what just...what happened?" he asked, looking around. He was still on the couch, but...

Touching his chin as he felt something wet, he looked over at the squirrel. "What happened?"

"I helped you relax, and had my fun." Rufus chuckled, using a leg to push the human off of the couch. Alex got up, finding himself dressed, but very wet in the crotch. A guilty streak of white was all over the squirrel's tail as well. "Next house you go to is Mr. Destiny's house; it's a block down and two houses on the left from here."

"Thanks..." Alex slowly nodded his head, looking down at the squirrel again. For some reason, there was...his eyes had a hard time looking away from the squirrel's feet. They were large, and the toes looked almost...suckable.

Blushing, he hurried out of the house, not wanting to think about his new fascination, or what it might mean.


Male 3

Name: Studley Destiny

Species: Dragon

Changes; the changes just kept happening. Alex was panting by the time that he reached the next house, and not just because of the way that his cock pressed against the inside of his panties. His scales had continued up his legs, and now he could feel them surrounding his knees. Oh, it made running easier, but the way that his legs were getting slimmer, the muscles more condensed, he knew that it looked more effeminate, too; he was worried about whether he'd still be a guy by the end of this.

Shaking his head as he hurriedly knocked on the door, Alex hoped that the changes would soon slow down; he didn't want to be looking like a lizard all the way through this.

Of course...if he looked like the guy that answered the door, he might not complain so much.

Alex stared at the dragon that greeted him; his neck and probably his belly scales were a shade of dark gray, while the rest of his body was ebony black. Bright, blue glowing eyes looked down at him, and a pair of wings were half spread around the dragon's back. He wore a bathrobe rather than clothes, and he seemed almost amused at the sight of the human.

"So, you're having a bit of trouble with your body, I hear?" the dragon said.

Alex blinked. "How -"

"I'm a dragon; we see things." He nodded towards the hall, and Alex stepped inside as the dragon moved to let him in. "Old magic, I'm guessing. Anyway, you're here to serve, right?"

"Yeah, how do -"

"Just a blowjob will work."

He thought that the dragon would want to go to the bedroom or at least to a couch for that, but instead, the dragon just opened his robes right in the hallway. The dragon's eyes almost seemed to twinkle, and his cock throbbed. "Go on; I'm pretty sure you know how to do it by now."

Admittedly, Alex wasn't so worried about doing this wrong; he was more worried about the size of the thing in front of him. The dragon's cock was large, the shaft itself about as long as half his forearm - probably about 10 inches, minimum - and extremely thick. If the dragon had wanted anal, Alex would have honestly been tempted to try and find someone else, but thankfully, it was just oral...if he could fit his mouth around the thing.

Getting down to his knees in front of the dragon, Alex pressed his hands to the dragon's thighs. He took a deep breath, his nose filling with the aroused scent of the dragon, and pressed his head in close. Starting at the base of the dragon's cock, he stuck out his tongue and slowly dragged it up along the underside of the shaft. He tasted the bits of sweat and pre from an earlier bit of fun on the dragon's meat, and shuddered as the taste sent a tingle of pleasure through him.

He heard a little chuckle from the dragon, and he looked up past the cock as he made his way further up. This 'Mr. Destiny' was grinning at him with a bit of a smirk to his lips, and nodding encouragingly. "That's it...just keep on going. I want you to get as much of my cock in your mouth as you can after you give it some proper worship."

Worshiping cock...heh, he'd never thought he'd really hear that. But now that he did, Alex couldn't deny that he loved the thought of it. Another little tingle of pleasure went through him as he licked under the dragon's cock tip, tasting a bit of the pre directly. It was salty and slick, yet clung to his tongue as though it were trying to keep the taste stuck there permanently. It was salty, but just a bit sweet too, and he blushed as he found himself hoping to get a lot more of that.

Wrapping his hand around the base of the dragon's cock - or at least as much of it as he could - Alex started jerking off the lower half while licking around the dragon's tip. The flow of pre got a bit stronger, and he grinned at the taste that constantly filled his mouth. It was all he could do to not wrap his lips around the cock head and just suck on it like it was a straw.

But that wasn't all he was supposed to be doing. He wanted to make this dragon feel good; he wanted him to moan, and pant, and cum hard, and that wasn't going to happen from a simple sucking.

The human dragged his tongue along the top of the dragon's cock before darting back down. Circling around the head and wiggling his tongue side to side to get some of the particularly sensitive spots, Alex soon started diving his head up and down. His tongue dragged down the sides of the dragon's shaft, going all the way from the tip to the base, sometimes licking over his fingers before going back up to the top.

All the while, his own cock throbbed in his panties, oozing pre. He could feel the sliminess of his own arousal building up, making the underwear cling to his body, and he slowly started grinding against his panties, one hand pressing against his groin while the other pressed against the dragon's cock. He moaned as he kept licking, feeling the moisture of all his pre against his hand, and he knew that he was turning into a slut...a slut for people to use, and one that ever so wanted to be used.

And it wasn't lost on the dragon, either; he could feel the stud shoving his cock against his face, and as Alex pulled himself up to meet the thrusting grindings, he felt the tip slide into his mouth. And that touch...ooooh god, the feeling of that cock in his mouth was amazing.

It was hot, and the pre leaking out of the tip was hotter. He felt the shaft skin bend slightly, give under the pressure of his lips and his licking tongue; the tip was softer, almost spongy in a way, but it was still warm and eager, responding to the suction and his licks happily.

He was so into it that he missed the warning signs of the dragon's climax, and he was hit with the full blast of the dragon's orgasm. Hot, thick, creamy seed splashed against his tongue, going down his throat before he could pull back. The dragon's hand held his head down, keeping him from being able to let it out, and he was forced to swallow each and every mouthful.

Held down for a half minute, the human only pulled back when the cum flow turned to an ooze, gasping and panting for breath. "That was...amazing."

"You're about to see something more amazing." The dragon smiled, then chuckled at Alex's look of confusion. "Look at your pants."

Still blinking away the pleasure from giving the dragon an orgasm, Alex looked down...just as the tingling from before came back.

His pants groaned as his cock suddenly started to push forward, shoving against the front of his pants as it somehow started to grow. It shuddered, throbbed, and the front of his pants rapidly started to darken from the increased pressure of pre flowing out of his shaft.

"What...what's happening?" Alex gasped out, pressing down against the growing shaft. "What's going on?"

"The same magic that's changing you into a lizard is causing other changes. So long as you're giving pleasure to someone else with the thought of saving yourself, it's going to change a part of you to fulfill the wishes of the person you served. In this case, I wanted you to be bigger." The dragon chuckled. "A lovely look for you, you know."

It wasn't a bad one...but it was very uncomfortable. Alex stared as his bulge grew bigger and bigger, the front of his jeans getting pushed away from his crotch. He could see the new cock growing in, his humanoid shaft gone. In its place was a cock as black as the dragon's scales, and throbbing hard above balls that were as large as Alex's fists. The tip of his cock had turned triangular, and though it wasn't as thick as the dragon's cock in front of him, it was still bigger than he'd been.

The tip was wet with pre, too, and he knew that it wasn't going to fit in his panties anymore. Hell, it wasn't even fitting in his pants. By the time that it stopped growing, it stuck three inches past his waistline, rubbing against his belly and soaking it with pre.

The dragon smiled, nodding to the door. "Better hurry along; you have a human waiting for you next."

Alex blinked. "A...a human?"

"Yeah. He won't give you his name; just go there, and do what he says, and he'll leave you with a load in your ass."

Slowly nodding, the human covered his cock with his shirt, running out with a blush on his face, and a slowly growing grin, even as the lizard changes continued.


Male 4

Name: Silvaz

Species: Human

"How much further are these changes going to go?" Alex muttered to himself as he stepped up to his fourth appointment's house. It was harder to walk around now; with his cock throbbing so hard against his stomach, he had to be careful how he moved. Already, he had a fairly large pre-stain on his stomach, and it felt like it was spreading with every passing second.

And that was not including the way that the scales had continued up his body. He swore that they were just below his crotch by this point, the scales rubbing against his balls when he moved too much, but he didn't know for sure.

And for now, he wasn't about to check. He needed to hurry this up.

Knocking on the door, he barely managed two knocks before the door opened. Rather than waiting or talking, the human that lived on the other side just pulled him in. Alex was tugged off of his feet by the strength behind that tug, almost thrown to the ground before he caught his balance and staggered along. Pulled along, he was only just able to keep up before they reached the human's living room.

He was shoved to all fours, and Alex turned to demand an explanation.

Rather than an explanation, though, a click filled his ears. As the other human pulled back, Alex reached up to his neck. Leather met his fingers, and the second click, combined with the line of pink that connected his neck to the human's hand, told him all that he needed to know about what had just happened. He was leashed, and now...now it looked like he was going to be a pup until the human was done walking him around.

Holding still, he let the stranger slowly pull a pair of mitts onto his hands, and with a little maneuvering, had his pants - but not panties - removed so that a plug could be inserted into his rear. He blushed a bit at that, particularly as the toy slid in ridiculously easily with the lube that the stranger used, and shuddered at the little vibration that he felt against his prostate as it turned on.

With a tail wagging behind him, buzzing against his prostate, Alex obediently walked along on all fours when the human started tugging him around. It was strange, not being able to feel the ground below him through the gloves, or be able to grip things; heck, it was strange to be on all fours like this. His panties were pulled down slightly, but the front kept his cock pinned against his belly, making him look like a horny dog. Or horse, maybe more appropriately, considering how big he'd gotten.

They walked around the living room, the leash tugging at the side of his neck when he was supposed to turn, and he obeyed whenever he felt it. He felt a strange satisfaction as he was tugged around like that, and he blushed as he felt his cock squirt a little more pre against his belly in response. Was this something that he secretly liked? Nah, it was just...just doing something for this human. It would be another part on the way to getting himself back to normal, another...another customer, in a way.

Yeah, just think of it like that, he told himself.

The walk continued through the house, with the human taking him from one room to another. He was never allowed to get off of all fours, even when there was a step in front of him that made getting up a little bit harder. If he tried, his leash holder reached out and slapped his hand across Alex's ass, almost making him jump to continue. The first few times, his face had gone bright red, almost as red as his rump from the sting. After, though, it actually made his cock bounce, and he found himself almost looking forward to the spanks.

They made their way into the backyard, almost before Alex had a chance to know where they were going. He blinked at the feeling of grass under his knees, and went redder than ever; though there was a fence around the yard, he felt far more exposed outside, where people might see if they pulled themselves up to the fence and jumped up.

A tug on the leash pulled him to a halt, and a little pat on the head made him more pleased with himself than he really expected. He held still as the human's hand rubbed down his back, gently stroking him as though he was a real dog, a good dog.

It stopped just over his rear, and grabbed hold of the tail plug that was held inside of him. Just as easily as it had slid in, it slid back out, leaving a slimy sort of feeling inside of Alex's hole. He blushed a bit, tempted to reach back and touch it, and he would have if he didn't have his hands in gloves. It was so strange to feel his hole open like that, and wet as it was besides. It...it almost felt like he wanted to have something inside of it.

Warm hands on his hips told him that was a distinct possibility. The leash tugged on the collar again, and he leaned his head back as the leash tugged. He couldn't look back, but he heard the unzipping of a pair of pants, and the warm throbbing of a cock pressed against his ass. Alex blushed as red as he could ever remember doing, but he didn't say anything; there was nothing to say.

The head pressed between his cheeks, and he stifled a moan as it pushed closer and closer to his hole. Slick lube rubbed against the warm head, and he felt the size of the thing. A wrinkled bit at the tip, a foreskin that was probably pulled back a little bit, he guessed; it was so different feeling than he imagined to have something like that rubbing against his hole...he wanted it in him. He wanted it in him badly.

Almost like the human had read his mind, the shaft pushed forward. A moment of hot, stretching discomfort, and then the feeling of fullness returned, an overwhelmingly satisfying feeling. Alex shuddered, moaning past clenched lips, as the shaft pressed further and further into his hole. He tried to push his hips back, but the grip that they were in prevented him from moving unless his human, his temporary master, wanted him to. A little more heat burned in his cheeks as he realized just how much of a toy he was in the human's hands, and how much he enjoyed it. He couldn't remember his cock throbbing this hard for a long time.

The first thrust was slow, but the ones that came after were fast; his temporary master was obviously in the mood for a quick fuck. Maybe the others had told the human that Alex was in a hurry, or maybe he was just that pent up. In either case, it was good; the feeling of that shaft pounding into his ass was too good to ignore, and Alex was soon moaning loudly.

It was hard to care about the fence around him, or the fact that they were doing this outside. All that mattered was the cock in his ass. A little growl, a little whimper of lust went past his lips again, and the leash tugged back. He arched his back in response, and he felt the cock press against him harder, faster, as the human slammed it in again and again.

Soon, he felt his own orgasm rushing forward. Alex could hardly believe he was getting this horny from being fucked, but he was...he was...cumming!

He couldn't lean forward the way that he want, and his cock exploded against his stomach and shirt. Alex could hardly take the pleasure that rushed through his body, leaving him shuddering, even as his master came deep inside of his hole.

It was different, strange, compared to the feeling of having it going in his mouth. There was no taste, but he could feel the warmth more, the sticky feeling of the other human's cum in his hole. It made his hole throb, and when the human pulled out, he could feel the cum starting to slide out as well. It felt warm and wet, and it made him twitch, almost like...like he wanted more in there.

Helped to his feet by his 'master', Alex watched as the nameless guy helped him get the gloves off. He unclicked the leash, but chuckled as Alex started to take off the collar. "Keep it," the silverhaired human said. "As a gift."

Alex wanted to say no, but there was something about the collar. Something about the leathery feeling of it against his neck, of the jingle of the little tag on the front. It made him feel...safe. And horny. But mostly safe. With a blushing nod, he thanked the 'master', and started for the door.

It wasn't until he was outside that he realized that his shirt was soaked with his own cum, and that his cock bulge was even more visible than before, but he couldn't do anything about that now. He looked down at the page with the information of where he needed to go. "Okay...next one's a two-for-one...a Teryx and an Olag...got it."


Male 5 and 6

Names: Teryx/Olag

Species: Dragon/Polar Bear

Thankfully, the changes on the way to the next house weren't quite so severe; the scales only reached up to his hips, rather than going any further, and he hadn't grown a tail. However, his hips had grown rather wide, almost feminine, and he blushed as he realized just how hard his pants were going to be to get on after this next house. He might...he might need to borrow some new clothes...or go naked.

It was with that thought filling his mind that he was tugged into the next house before he could even knock on the door. A large white paw grabbed hold of his arm and pulled him along, and a darker blue one grabbed hold of his other arm as he was tugged into the house.

Alex looked back and forth between the two, checking out who they were.

One was a big, burly male, with a ton of white fur that covered his whole body. His arms were thicker than Alex's head, and swelled with muscle as the bear squeezed down on his arm. Alex grunted a bit at the pressure, but he wasn't going to protest with the big guy; he could probably snap him in half like a twig if he got annoyed.

On his other side was a sort of spiny dragon with an almost feathery looking mane. He was slim and lithe, and Alex had the distinct impression that he was something of a dancer. At least, that's kind of what he looked like; the slender body seemed to lend itself to more graceful pursuits, and he couldn't help himself but wonder how they would look dancing next to each other.

They tugged him along to a bedroom before throwing him together onto the bed. Alex rolled around on it, turning to look back at them...and realized that they were naked.

Two cocks pointed at him from the doorway, and Alex suddenly realized that both of his holes were going to get quite a working over. Just a few hours ago, that thought would have scared him as much as it enticed him; after all, they were big, and he had only had one cock in his ass before...more he might have wanted, but they would have been rather intimidating.


That was hours ago. Now, he saw them, and he found himself looking forward to how they'd feel in his body. A small grin growing on his face, Alex rolled onto his hands and knees, putting his ass out and opening his mouth, licking his lips.

It seemed that was all they needed to get over to him. The bear walked around in front of him, something that surprised him, but it wasn't something that bothered him. He grinned up at the big man, and opened his mouth wide for the bear's cock. Even with his eyes a little crossed around his nose, he could see that the cock was huge; it was 10 inches long, and it was dripping with pre. From where he was, Alex could even make out the musky scent that was coming off of it, the smell enough to make him a little lightheaded.

The dragon behind him snapped him out of that, and he yelped as he felt scaly hands grab hold of his ass. They pushed his pants down - ripping them in the process due to his wider hips - and his panties joined the ruined clothes. A scaled finger shoved its way into his ass, roughly pressing in deep, rubbing his prostate in seconds and setting him to moaning.

Of course, that only lasted as long as it took the bear to shove his cock into his mouth, and Alex gagged a bit at the sudden insertion. Musky, pre-cum covered flesh ground against his tongue, forcing him back against the dragon's fingers, and he grunted as his throat was violated by the large cock. It pressed in without mercy, forcing its way into his throat, and making him swallow around it just for the air that he needed to breathe. He shuddered, breathing the musky scent of the bear's crotch between swallows, and finding himself slowly growing light headed again.

He barely felt the fingers behind him slide out, but he sure as hell felt the cock that replaced them. His eyes bugged out as his hole was stretched open again, and this time by something a good bit bigger than a toy or a human cock. The rim of his hole felt like it was being shoved out wide by a ball rather than a cock, and he was suddenly glad for the cock in his mouth; it muffled the groan of discomfort that came from that size back there, and it kept him from looking back to see what it felt like.

That said, he still found it enjoyable; his hole had felt empty ever since leaving the human's house, and he needed something new, something large in there. It felt like his hole was being stretched to its limits, but with the cum and leftover lube still in his ass, it was going in fairly quickly, if not painlessly.

Forcing himself to focus on the cock in his mouth rather than the one in his ass, Alex sucked and slobbered over it. His tongue moved artlessly, but it was more a brute force move to get the cock as much pleasure as possible, as fast as possible, rather than anything specific. He was rewarded with a few blasts of pre into his mouth, the taste as strong and musky as the smell of the bear's groin.

He almost didn't need the bear's encouragement to slide along the cock in front of him; it was only help that he needed, the bear's hand on top of his head pushing him down so that he could get past the thicker parts, using the bear's muscle to get it into his throat when he couldn't push himself down it. Moaning softly around the shaft, Alex reached forward with one hand, gently jiggling the balls in front of him, feeling how full they were. He moaned again, wondering just how much of that bear seed was going to be shooting down his throat.

As the bear started fucking his face, he felt the cock in his rear slowly sliding in and out, in and out. The dragon was a bit slower, and thankfully thinner than the bear, but he was just as long. In and out, in and out, each little thrust taking a little more of the reptile's cock further into his hole. Alex's breath came faster and faster as the cock went further into him, opening up what the human had loosened up barely ten minutes ago.

The two of them got into a rhythm above him, and soon Alex was pushed back and forth between the two males. He grunted, his nose shoved down into the sweaty pubic hairs of the bear, and then had his ass pulled back onto the dragon's long member. His pleasure soon drowned out what little pain there was, and he rocked back and forth between them eagerly, moaning to the sky as he did.

They grunted above him, each one showing just how turned on they were. He could feel their pre leaking into each of his holes, filling him up. The dragon's cock behind him, it was pulling on his hole, tugging it, making it throb and burn as it loosened up, and he could feel the pre and the cum and the lube leaking out from his hole. It dripped down along his backside, slowly rolling down before it dripped off of his balls, landing on the blanket below.

It was one of the sexiest feelings he had ever had.

His mouth and his ass burned as he was yanked between the two cocks, forced to take each one up to the hilt before being pushed down on the other. He swore that his body was going to be wrecked from this, that he was going to be loose as hell...and he couldn't say that was a bad thing.

He moaned again as he was pushed forward, all the way down on the bear's cock, and when he was pulled back, the bear came. Cum splattered all over his face as the bear growled in climax, the musky scent marking him as a little cum slut. The thought should have had his cheeks burning like the sun, but this time, they barely tingled; he...he almost liked to think of himself like that.

The dragon wasn't far behind, and his cum added to the already considerable amount of goo in the human's hole. He groaned, his cock throbbing, but thankfully not cumming again just yet. He panted, his tongue hanging out.

As the dragon pulled out of his hole, there was a moment when the cum started to drizzle out, but it was stopped by a butt plug that was shoved in. He blushed at that; funny how that would get him embarrassed, but not the rest.

Starting to thank the two of them, Alex suddenly gasped and grabbed at his crotch. Even as he touched it, he could feel his huge cock starting to tingle, another transformation hitting him. He looked down, watching in shock as it started to...peel...in half. The two pieces pulled apart from each other, each still extremely thick, the heads reforming into triangles...but huge.

There were two cocks there now...two large cocks, each of which were dribbling with pre, soaking him, his balls growing in the process.

The bear chuckled at him, pulling him out of bed by the collar. "Better hurry, boy; looks like the changes are still going," he said.

Not bothering to collect his pants, Alex just ran, and hoped for the best.


Male 7

Name: Sanmer

Species: Fox

Alex wasn't sure just how many people were looking at him as he ran from the dragon and bear to his next appointment, but he imagined that it had to be a lot. After all, he was a scaly lizard from the waist down, he had a tail growing in, and he was wearing a pair of panties with a growing cumstain in the back. The front was held open by the pair of cocks that he had - twice as many as he'd had this morning - and they were dribbling almost as much pre as there was cum leaking out of the butt plug in his ass.

He felt like he should have been blushing like the sun, or running for home, or doing something other than running eagerly towards the next house; up until now, he'd been the shyest of the shy, only losing it when he was dancing on stage, and then only partially.

Yet, here he was, hurrying on, his hand already knocking on the next door, his tail twitching in nervous excitement behind him. There was a large part of him that wanted this, and that part...that part refused to be denied.

Once more, the door opened, this time with a fox on the other side. The vulpine stared at him with slightly wide eyes, but this time, Alex didn't even blush. He just walked in, tugging the fox along with him. White fur pressed against his hand as he tugged the arctic fox back in the house, smiling back at him, slowly tugging him towards the back rooms of the house.

It didn't take long before the fox was grinning back, one of his hands reaching down to the back of Alex's panties. Soft, then firm strokes along his rear made him grin, and as those fox fingers found their way past the waistband, under his tail, Alex had to bite his lips to keep in the moans that the fox tempted him to make. It was so good to feel something, someone teasing him. He wanted more, and he sped up, pulling the fox back towards where he guessed the bedroom was.

It was a good thing that he was right, otherwise he would have just called for the fox to fuck him then and there, regardless of what room they were in. Alex smiled as he pulled free of the fox, moving over to the bed and laying himself down on it.

"I'm here to rock your world," Alex said with a grin, looking the fox right in the eye. "My ass is lubed; my mouth is hot; my cocks are hard; my feet are just waiting for a cock to slide between them. What do you want?"

His frankness seemed to shock the fox for a second, but only for a second. The fox grinned at him, slowly pulling at the button of his pants and releasing the restraints. "Turn around. If I'm going to have you, I want to have your ass," he said.

"That's fine with me," Alex said with a small smile. He grabbed hold of the waistband of his panties, pulling the silken material down. The soft fabric rubbed against the front of his cocks, and he barely suppressed the need to keep touching himself. The wet feeling of the pre soaked underwear rubbing against his balls was almost as good, and this time, he couldn't hold in his moan.

"Heh, a slut too, huh?" the fox asked.

"Lately, yeah," Alex admitted. The panties slid over his legs, and his tail moved a little more freely behind him. He reached back, fingers rubbing along the black base of the plug in his ass. "Heh, shall I, or do you want to do the honors?"

"You go ahead. I want to watch it come out." The fox chuckled. "I'm Sanmer, by the by."

"Alex." The...he wasn't a human anymore, he knew, but what was he? Not quite a lizard either. He shrugged. He'd figure it out later, he supposed, as he grabbed hold of the butt plug base. It was slick, and it was a bit slimy around the part nearest his hole, but that just made it better for him. A smile spread across his face as he tugged on it, slowly pulling it back, further, and further. His hole stretched, widened...and then opened wide with a 'POP' as the plug was pulled free.

He tilted himself back to keep the cum inside of him, setting the plug carefully down on the nearby nightstand. Turning his ass to face the fox - now naked - a bit more directly, Alex said, "See anything you like?"

"Ooooh, plenty of it." Sanmer grinned, getting up on the bed with him. "Now, brace yourself; I'm going to take your ass nice and hard."

The fox wasn't lying; he went hard right from the start, ramming his cock in deep. It helped that Alex was loose and wet, but he still felt the thick shaft that Sanmer had sliding deep inside of him. The piercing at the tip of it was cool against his hot insides, making it hard to ignore, and all the better to feel inside of him. The first, second, every thrust was followed by a wet slurping sound as his wet and slick hole tried and failed to keep a grip on the fox's cock.

Already Alex could feel the knot at the base battering against his hole, and he shuddered at the way that it didn't just shove in. The dragon's cock had been very big, stretching him out, and the human before him hadn't been much smaller. Plus all the lube inside of him, it should have made anything reasonably close be able to slide in all too easily; the fox's cock had slid in quickly enough. But even as the fox continued to pound away at his ass, keeping Alex's legs up in the air, that knot didn't quite slide in. Came close, but didn't QUITE make it in.

But that didn't stop him from trying. Alex grunted with every thrust, feeling that thick, metal tipped shaft slamming into his ass again and again. It drove in deep, rubbing against his inner walls with so much force that he felt the air being driven from his lungs every time. His hole throbbed as the knot kept trying to slide in, only to be rejected. His anal defenses were crumbling, however, and he knew that it wouldn't be much longer before it was forced in.

And...he wanted it.

Alex groaned and moaned, doing his best to buck his hips back against Sanmer's thrusts even though he was on his back. It was hard to move, but he managed to buck back an inch or two, thrusting his ass against the fox's cock. He felt the knot slide in a little more, maybe, but not much. He wanted it. Wanted it. "Give me the knot, Sanmer...fuck it in..." he heard himself whisper.

Whether the fox heard him or not, he didn't know. The thrusts did get harder, though, and he felt the cum in his ass getting stirred around by the violent thrusts. He fell back against the bed more, his arms above his head, his body rocking back and forth along the covers. Each impact drove his cocks a little harder, pushed him closer to orgasm. His hole burned as the knot pushed in again, trying to push past that barrier.

Finally, the fox rammed forward again, grinding his cock against Alex's rim. The pressure behind the knot mounted as the fox's balls pressed against the lizard's rear, and Alex panted, moaning, begging for it. He reached down, holding his ass cheeks further apart, giving more room, giving more space, wanting, begging, pleading -


Went the knot into his ass, and Alex's eyes went wide. He moaned to the ceiling, shuddering in pleasure as the fox's knot was gripped in his ass. Sanmer thrust forward a few more times, rubbing against his insides, before cumming, a hot deluge of fox cum splattering over his insides.

Sanmer lowered himself down, and Alex smiled, leaning up to kiss him...only to feel the tingle again, quicker than usual.

He felt it in his tail and in his mouth, and he groaned as his tongue suddenly seemed to gain a few thousand nerve endings. It tickled and made him moan, but somehow he tasted pre in his mouth. He reached towards his lips, thinking that maybe he'd somehow cum in his mouth or something, but as soon as he touched his tongue and lips, he moaned again, feeling a familiar fluid leaking out. Familiar...but coming from the wrong area.

The same feeling came from the tip of his tail, and that he could look at. Turning his head, Alex watched with wide eyes as the tip of his tail turned into a cock tip, the arrowed point folding back to turn smooth and rounded, with a slit rising out of the middle. In seconds, it started leaking just as much as the two cocks at his groin, dripping on the bed.

He looked up at Sanmer, and pointed to his mouth. "Do I have a cock in here too?" he asked, his words coming out slightly muffled, but mostly the same.

"Yeah, didn't you always?"


"Yeah, I wanted to suck on it when you came in." Sanmer shrugged. "Same as your tail; I don't see cock tails often; why didn't you come here earlier if you had one of those?"

"But..." Alex shook his head a few times. This was getting really weird. And he didn't have time to ask about it. "Do you think you could pull out?"

"Might hurt."

"Don't care; no time."

Shrugging, the fox slowly started to pull back. It pulled out...and it hurt. More than a little bit. But Alex shoved the plug back in, groaning as he pulled himself to his feet.

"You know, I never thought that I'd see a lizardman in panties coming down the street; but I'm glad you did. Good luck with everyone else."

Alex didn't know what he was talking about, but for the moment, he needed to hurry. Rushing out the door in nothing more than his panties and leaking cocks, he made his way through the neighborhood to the next house.


The rest of the day passed in a blur for the transforming Alex. Somewhere between the ninth and tenth males he found - an orc and a VERY hot elephant - he stopped calling himself that. He simply decided to call himself something different. The name Nataraj came to mind, and he stuck with that.

The mystery of the fox's observation of 'always' having a cock tongue and cock tail cleared up relatively quickly. Everyone else assumed he'd always been the way he'd been. Even those that had seen him transforming before them said that he'd always been that way. They simply believed that he had always had scaly skin, even the next door lion, who had him use his feet to get him off. That had been number eleven, and rather fun.

As he walked back into his house after the twelfth guy - a rat that had taken him against the chain link fence in his back yard - Nataraj found himself naked, cum soaked, musky as hell....and happier than he'd ever been in his life. His family barely spared him a nod, not even looking at the panty-clad, double cocked, cum dripping, big assed, green scaled lizard with super sized feet that were almost longer than the stairs were. They didn't say a thing; it was like he came home like this every day.

The lizard made his way up to the top floor as the light of the setting sun came through the window, panting as he sat down by the hourglass. The sand was still falling, and he had the cum of twelve different men to his credit. He had made it.

As he sat down, the hourglass lit up again, more words coming out. "You have brought joy to twelve men, and now you must choose; will you take back your old life, will you stay as you are, or will you become a true lizard, a priest of the touch of joy? Which will you choose? Speak it now."

It was an interesting choice; earlier in the day, he might have thought about taking the human option and going with it with no regrets...but now...

He looked at himself. He wasn't just a lizard now; he was a lizard with two cocks, a cock tail and a cock tongue, a pussy, a pair of breasts, feet that were almost as long as yard sticks, constantly dripping with balls that held his legs apart, and a hole that was almost perpetually loose, needing a large butt plug to keep it satisfied between cocks.

Those were just the physical changes; he could tell that there were more than that. There were changes in his mind as well, from his new, stronger fascination with feet to the way that he wanted a leash on his new collar. He even wanted to develop a collection of panties, since his underwear as a guy just didn't feel sexy enough. Hell, he even wanted to lay down and let people just jerk off until he was covered in cum from head to foot, and then get multiple layers of it. He had been changed...and despite the depravity that went with it, he thought for the better.

The lizard shape was tempting, but without all this, he'd lose so much fun...and he didn't want to lose that.

"I will stay as I am."

"As you wish," the words showed, and faded.

Nothing else seemed to happen; nothing else changed. But, Nataraj thought with a chuckle, everything had already changed, hadn't it?

The End

The Giants of Eteria: Part 3 (Final)

**Part 3** Once Skarlath figured out that he could still give audiences to his subjects from atop - or rather, around - Roan's cock, things got a little bit easier for the Prince. Of course, it was a little awkward, but considering that his...

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SoFurry House Party: New Slaves, New Dress Code

**New Slaves, New Dress Code** **By Draconicon** The invitations to the 'Party of the Century' had arrived in the lion's mailbox almost a week ago, and the dragon had only heard about it a few days after, when his master had deigned to shared the...

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The Giants of Eteria: Part 2

Part 2 Three weeks ago, the Prince of Eteria and his three advisors had gone out to face a rogue spell that had crossed the border between their lands and Hell. It had been something they'd seen happen before, and they were confident of dealing...

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