Biker Pressure

Story by Iscin on SoFurry

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This was a story commissioned by Lonewolf669. Essentially it is a raunchy gay sex story involving, primarily a blaziken father and son, along with a human slave-boy.


The bar is at the centre of a remote town; the town itself surrounded by a dusty orange desert that goes on for miles in all directions. Despite its isolated nature the town, called Renstacks by its founders, and its people are not the rural kind a traveller might expect. Due to a plethora of social and legal factors, this town is one of the few places left where people can engage in the practise of slave trading. As such the town and its denizens are frowned upon by many, but with money rolling in they have managed to maintain a lifestyle otherwise impossible to keep out here. Large houses with even larger swimming pools and more are almost the sole kind of buildings found in the abnormal town. But the most important place is at the very centre where Renstacks' bar has remained the same old yet sturdy building for years. It is here at the heart of town where they enjoy true "free trade".

Rumbling down the road into town, there now comes a father and his son. Fury, a Blaziken over six feet tall with thickset shoulders and defined muscles to match; and Junior, his son. eighteen years of age and already bulking up to match his father and those who came before him. They are the descendants of a proud line of fighters, though Fury chose a less violent lifestyle roaming the country after his own father passed away. Fury is at the front of their two-man convoy, riding something that looks like a Harley, but showing signs of extreme modification. It appears almost equal parts patchwork repair and deliberate bodywork modification. Judging by the noise the engine is making, something more than superficial work may well have been performed on this machine too. Regardless it is a smooth ride, and with his son on a similarly customised bike behind him the blaziken roams into the town of Forlorn Hope.

They both reach the bar, their final destination, pulling up in cacophony of noise and dust. A bystander is caught in the haze and is almost about to yell in complaint before he notices the size and overall tough appearance of Fury and his son. Speaking of appearance, as the 6'3" tall fire-fighter type climbs off his ride it is a little eyebrow raising to see what he is clothed in. Wrapped tightly around his waist, not so much covering as clinging to his male endowment, is a pair of black leather briefs with a silver metal zipper along the front. Clearly he likes showing off his body and does not care who it effects. What is more the rest of his body bristles with bulging biceps, triceps, heavy pectorals and more; not unlike a heavyweight boxer. Curiously even though he still walks with bare talons, Fury wears a pair of stereotypical leather biker chaps around the bottom of his legs. Junior, his son, dresses in a similar fashion but is not quite as imposing a figure as his father in size. Though having said that Junior does have a series of metal piercings adorning both sides of his forehead crest that paradoxically serve to make him look more childish than his father.

With his son just a step behind him Fury enters the bar and sets a firm expression whilst scanning the patrons. All to himself the blaziken wryly compares them to a pack of mixed nuts. Different species, of differing shapes, sizes and colours, fill the establishment making its walls and ceiling feel cramped. Almost everyone here is a little deranged in one way or another. This is the fringe of cultured society after all, a bastion for degenerates. They are clearly not here just for the expensive alcohol. There are ugly, brutish looking tradesmen with small, effeminate looking charges either tethered to their person or locked up in cold cages. It feels more like a flea market than a place for communal relaxation. Nonetheless Fury heads straight up to the bar and slides his leather bound ass onto a stool before ordering a drink to slack his thirst. Junior gets one too, ID is far from being an issue here. There are stares from the darker corners as this is the first time the two have come here.

"Say, you wouldn't be interested in a little fun now would you stranger?" A wolf with a grey mane and dressed in a casual suit asks the pokemon. Fury finishes his drink, making the wolf wait for about half a minute, before responding.

"Actually I'm here on business." Fury says, refusing to turn and look at the wolf in the eye. Junior watches a little meekly from the other side of his father, sipping something a little fruity.

There is a pause, an uncomfortable one at that, during which the wolf looks back and forth between the blaziken and the human bartender, who shrugs back. He is unsure if this line of conversation is worth pursuing, but just as he is about to turn away he catches the flickers of a grin on the side of Fury's red beak. So he remains seated as Fury orders a second drink, a short glass full of clear white rum. He brings it up to his beak, sniffs at it and then throws it back in one clean gulp before setting the glass down with an audible thud. The wolf suspects this is all an act, part of some game of control that the dual-type likes to play. Taking another look at Fury, the wolf decides it is probably best not to come across as forceful considering the big guy could probably drive his fist in one side of the lupine's head and out of the other.

"Actually," Fury finally starts to say. "I am here to collect a package from a local distributor."

"Oh? Do you know who?" The wolf asks with sincere curiosity.

"A man named Hector." Fury is not watching, but Junior sees the wolf's expression change to one of amused surprise.

"Well my friend, serendipity smiles upon you today, for I am he."

"Excuse me?" Fury turns in his seat to look at the wolf head on now. Yellow eyes narrowing as the beady pupils feel as though they are per icing through the other man's exterior.

"I'm Hector." The wolf says and clears his throat before continuing. "I engage in local trade and work to distribute outside of Renstacks. You must the courier that I was told was coming this week." Hector offers his paw to shake.

"Hmm, I guess I must be then." Fury takes the paw and squeezes a little too hard, making the mammal flinch.

"Umm, well then do you want to go somewhere a little more private to discuss business?" Hector says whilst nursing his hand.

Fury acquiesce's to the businessman's suggestion and the three of them get up. Hector leads whilst Fury follows whilst looking around and Junior trails behind. They leave the bar room and, after Hector checks in with a bull a head taller than Fury, enter a narrow hallway around back. Doors with numbers meaningless to the pokemon and ominous heavy duty looking locks stretch out all along the hallway. Hector goes straight to door No.3 and procures two keys from one of his suit's inner pockets. Fury wonders why two locks are required, his imagination leading him to think about a two-person security feature. But from that he only goes on to muse on why Hector possesses both such keys. This oddity does not matter though as the wolf opens and the door and both blazikens, father and son, see what is inside.



The "Package"

A young man, he cannot be any older than Fury, sits on a worn looking queen sized bed in the middle of the windowless room. He has fair hair, smooth, spotless skin and sparkling wide eyes with blue irises. His figure is lithe, bordering on the effeminate without being totally devoid of masculine definition. It is almost as if he were specifically bred or trained, or perhaps both, to become the epitome of an interpretation of grecian male beauty. His mostly naked condition only emphasises this, with no blemishes or deformations of any kind. His only article of clothing is a pair of black leather speedos that cling tightly around his waist, forming to his crotch and butt. Fury whistles in appreciation of the boy's beauty as he enters the room. The whistling startles the young man as he seemed to have been either half-asleep or daydreaming about something or somewhere else. He sits up and pulls up a white sheet over the lower half of his body whilst blushing.

"This is the package." Hector says as he walks right on up to the young human and places both paws over his bare shoulders whilst standing behind. "Oh, can you get the door behind you." He asks with a nod to Junior and be complies, closing the door behind him.

There are more words after that, but they all seem to fade into the background like so much static noise. Fury lick the edges of his beak as something stirs from his loins. This boy, this object of sexual gratification is like some kind of visual aphrodisiac for the big guy. He is not entirely sure why his body is reacting in this way, but his feathers start to feel clammy from sweat and his mind races to find a way, an excuse, for him to partake in something utterly hedonistic. In spite of his diminished focus his wits come up with something that might just be plausible, although he reckons some amount of acting will be needed to sell it.

"I'll stop you right there," Fury interrupts the wolf's droning much to his son's relief. "There is something I need to do before I can sign for him."

"What is that?" Hector asks with one ear perking up.

"Test the product for quality." Fury replies with a broad smile that stops before he starts laughing.

"Oh, err, well..." The wolf stammers, not entirely sure what to say back as Junior opens the door for him to leave. "Well he's already paid for, so I guess..." And with that the lupine leaves, Junior giving him a small wave before shutting the door once more; leaving himself, his father and the human all alone.

His eyes are rather large. That is the first thing Fury notice's about the boys face as he approaches the bed. Reaching down he grasps the human's chin and turns his head one way and then the other. The boy flinches but does not resist, Fury thinks he hears a meek little whimper come from him though. Considering the kind of disciplining the eighteen year old slave must have gone under there is no physical scarring of his face or anywhere else on his mostly naked body. Whatever regime they use, these slave masters know how to present a superficially flawless product. Fury has heard rumours, but to the best of his knowledge none of them have ever been confirmed. Eugenics. Synthetic mind control. Marionette magics.

"What is your name?" Fury asks in his deep tones. The boy does not respond right away so he repeats the question. "Tell me your name, slave-boy?"

"Sir? No name, sir." The boy eventually replies. His voice is soft and quiet almost like a choirboy's; it only adds to the attraction no doubt.

"No name?" Fury asks quizzically.

"Only designations, sir. Temporary, sir. My last one was Nate, sir."

"You better cut out calling me sir after every sentence Nate. It's repetitive and annoying." Fury says with some genuine annoyance. "Junior, come over here will you."

His son does as Fury asks, the younger blaziken having been watching with his back to the door. Junior stands just a couple feet in front of his father with his hands clasped behind his back. He watches as Fury holds up his right hand and proceeds to point down with a single finger. His son nods and kneels down, his head coming down to an almost perfect level with the taller blaziken's leather bound crotch. All while this is happening the human boy watches from the bed. Fury looks over to the human and watches his reaction as he tells Junior to take out his dick and start working on it.

Junior undoes the silver zipper in front of his father's leather briefs whilst licking the edges of his beak. They were tight enough that as the front is opened the blaziken's generous genitalia flops almost the moment the zipper reaches the edge of his taint. Even when soft Fury's fleshy pink member is some seven inches long whilst having a proportional girth that is bigger than most humans. Junior nuzzles into it, sniffing the male scent that had been trapped whilst reaching inside the briefs to pull out the older male's fluffy red balls, which tickles him a little in the process. Whilst his son does this Fury watches the human as he shifts around uncomfortably. He notices that the boy is holding both of his hands over his crotch, no doubt to conceal some excitement triggered by watching the father and son.

"Come on Junior, show the human how to service pokemon like us." Fury says to Junior, looking down at the kneeling blaziken whilst running his talons over his long hair.

Fury's son looks back up at his father with a burning lust in his eyes but remains mute, preferring actions to words. He grabs the older male's flaccid phallus and begins to adorn it with gentle kisses and sloppy licks. He does so with loving care, one hand stroking down near the base of the swelling organ whilst his other plays with his dad's plump testes. This soon results in a swelling erection that spires over Junior's head as the head drools with a clear yet tasteful fluid. Fury makes a rumbling noise as his son grabs the blaziken's turgid python with both hands now, pulling it down to direct it at his open mouth. The blaziken's rod is now at a staggering fourteen inches. Junior pulls back the foreskin, sliding it over the cap of his father's dick before pressing his lips against it. Immediately the taste and smell of his father's pre washes over his pallet and olfactory senses. An uncomfortable swelling is now going on in Junior's own leather briefs, but he has no time to deal with that.

"That's it, take a mouthful." Fury encourages his son, but no such coaxing is required.

Junior closes his eyes and takes in a deep breath before enveloping his beak around the huge penis. It bucks and throbs against the roof his mouth whilst simultaneously drooling a pool of lubricating pre over his tongue. He swallows this excess down whilst squeezing his fingers around the leviathan and pushing down, more and more entering his mouth. Junior is now pushing the head of his father's phallus down the back of his throat where the muscles there swallow, squeezing tightly around the sensitive glans and other surface area. Even before reaching the halfway mark of the over a foot long organ Fury grabs the back of his son's hair. Knowing what is coming next Junior lets his hands fall away from his father's member and instead unzips his own briefs. He has barely started to rub his own cock, which itself swells to around nine and a half inches long, before Fury starts to thrust into his face.

The human watches with those wide eyes of his as the older blaziken flat out, no bars hold, fucks the face of the younger one. Using his grip on the back of Junior's face, Fury forces him forwards and backwards as he so pleases. The son takes this by using more self-discipline than would normally be required for such oral stimulation. As his father gets more excited he thrusts faster and further into his son's mouth, forcing him to deep throat the raging erection as it bucks and spits inside. Junior's eyes are watering as he now feels the older blaziken's fuzzy balls slap against his chin. He reaches with one hand to cup and squeeze them, feeling their heavy contents slosh around. For a moment the watchful human thinks the big one is going to climax whilst face fucking the smaller one; but this is just a little warm up exercise for Fury.

"You can stop now, Junior." The father says and pulls Junior back with his tongue still wriggling and pre staining the front of his chest.

As the hand falls away from his ball-sack, Fury turns around to face the human on the bed. His cock swings around, rock hard and glistening wet, it points at the slave-boy and he whimpers in response. Fury wastes no time in getting up on the bed, though the tired mattress does make this annoying creaking. The blaziken pulls the sheet away and lays both hands on the boy's lithe body, tracing down along his sides to his waist. His quarry wriggles but does not put up any meaningful fight; maybe it is an intentional act intended to make the owner more aroused, if so it is definitely working on the pokemon. Fury's eyes go down to that slightly bulge in the front of the human's leather speedos and with a lewd smile he pulls them down in one swift movement. To his surprise though the slave-boy never had any significant arousal down there. Instead what he sees is an endowment that should not, realistically speaking, even be possible on such an effeminate figure. Much to the young man's confusion, Fury makes a curious trilling noise whilst running his tongue over the edges of his beak.

"Well, well, well." Fury says as if it is the epitome of understatement. "I guess we'll have to find time to play with this." His fingers wrap around the human's flaccid cock as it twitches and begins to swell in perfect response to another's touch. "But maybe Junior should best see to it, hmm?"

Fury is unable to resist wrapping his hand around Nate's emergent erection. He strokes it with the just the right pressure in his grip, and his thumb pushing against the increasingly wet head. It soon reaches a size that rival's the mature blaziken's own astounding endowment, something that impresses him to no end since this makes the human larger than his own son. Beads of pre travel along the shaft from its fat head as Fury lets go and tells Junior to climb up onto the bed. Junior quickly gets rid of his own leather clothing and crawls along to nuzzle into the human's generous proportions. It is as if Fury has two well trained pets now, his own son and the disciplined human. Fury takes a moment to voyeuristically enjoy the scene set before him. Unfortunately he is unable to see much of what Junior is doing from his vantage point, only really noticing the head of Nate's shaft spearing overhead as the younger blaziken works nearer the rod's base. Junior seems to be paying a lavish amount of attention to Nate's twinned kiwi sized balls. Small recompense then that he gets to see his son's youthful, firm and now gloriously exposed rear end. This is the first time he has seen Junior's roomy tailhole for a whole twenty four hours now. That is too long to wait. Unwilling to even try resisting it, Fury reaches out with his left hand, the right still gripping his dick, and squeezes one of those cheeks whilst pushing his thumb into the crack. Junior moans almost as loudly as the now irrevocably aroused Nate, and responds with a curt wagging of his ass from side to side.

From Junior's perspective he could not be more happy as he feels the human's glorious length respond to his touch with viral energy. Now he angles his mouth, being very careful whilst pushing forward and down. The fat cap of the human's phallus meets Junior's throat and he swallows as an involuntary reflex. A girlish moan comes from Nate as Junior's eyes begin tearing up. He soldiers working in inch after fat, relentlessly throbbing inch down his throat; but Junior has to fight for his reward every step of the way. Despite the reversing of roles here, the slave-boy remains passive, content to let his age-peer go at his own pace. His father on the other hand thinks Junior is enjoying this a little too much. So with one last squeeze of his son's tender rump he starts to climb up behind him. Junior hardly notices his own father beginning to mount him, not until he can feel the heat of the older blaziken's rod and the grip of his strong hands around the youth's hips. Fury intends to fuck his son like the bitch he is showing himself to be, but that fails to bother Junior as he focuses on giving Nate what might be the first proper blowjob he has ever received.

With a forceful thrust of his hips, Fury now buries his bone deep past the red cheeks of Junior's beautiful little butt. The smaller blaziken groans whilst his mouth is still full of Nate's cock, this reaction serving to tease the human more. To his credit though Junior fails to miss a beat, drawing back and going down again, sucking one pole whilst being impaled on another. Of course his ass is getting a workout just as challenging as his jaw, though it is becoming even more frenetic. Fury rails in with his arms tight around his son's body, chest heavy on the other blaziken's back. His balls swing down with a satisfying smacking sound against the back of Junior's thighs. Pushing back with his legs he slams down again, with another satisfying smack and builds up a rhythmic motion, striking deep over and over again. Experiencing his father's considerable girth suddenly drill out his tailhole is making it harder and harder for Junior to keep an even job serving the human. But Nate notices this struggle and, though he is trying avoid being assertive as much as possible, places both of his hands on Junior's head; in doing so he helps guide the pokemon to come down whilst he thrusts up.

For a moment it seems as if Junior is keeping pace with both of the other males. His body sways back and forth on top of bed, greeting either phallus in proper turn. But he feels a sharp flinch come from the human slave, and his eyes grow wide from the torrent that surges up along the hot length. Much to his credit Junior still tries to swallow down the bountiful amounts of semen offered up to him by Nate's engorged dick, but he begins to choke and cough. Junior pulls up and off the human as wads of sticky white fluid splash onto his beak and beige of his chest. He can hear his father laughing from behind,to say nothing of that throbbing spire lodged firmly up his rear end. Junior shudders as more strings of sticky semen shoot over his face and chest. He milks the human with both hands as he bathes in the bukkake shower until the very last drop is squeezed out from the fat sausage and its broad head simple drizzles a little over itself.

"That looked like fun Junior. But I noticed you still haven't blown your load yet." Fury's words bely something that Junior knows is coming. The younger blaziken is about to ask for a repriever when he is forced back down on the bed.

Nate watches. his dick limp and a little sore between his legs as his peer is forced to accept his father's prodigious endowment again and again. Fury grits his teeth as he fights the urge to climax. He practically jackhammers into the youth's poor ass, but he is used to being fucked this way. This animalistic rutting is like nothing the human has ever seen before, his eyes wide with both concern and curiosity. Feeble cries come from Junior as his face is pushed into the human-semen stained sheets. The penetration is brutal and unrelenting, but that only makes it all the more arousing as his cock twitches underneath. This goes on for a couple of minutes, the room's sounds and scents becoming all the richer with all male sex. Until finally Fury slows down, his self-control and stamina only lasting so far. But he can tell by the way that Junior is gripping around his fat cock that he is teetering over the edge. So now, whilst maintaining a few slow thrusts, he reaches underneath and grips the smaller blaziken's shaft. A couple of rubs is all it takes and he can hear Junior hollering with his face still pressed against the creaking mattress.

"That's it boy, let it all out." Fury coos as he feels the edge of a generous pool of warm semen touch his knees. He now pulls out, still being careful as Junior keeps clinging around the organ even as it too is throbbing close to the older man's stimulation tolerance.

Fury lets the two boys have a small reprieve. Somewhat cutely Nate holds Junior's head as he nuzzles into the slave's crotch. His floppy dick droops over the young blaziken's head, a single drop of spunk spreading over his forehead's crest. Fury looks down at his own malehood and runs his right hand over it idly. The poor thing has become engorged to its fullest and is a deep red colour whilst twitching endlessly. He groans to himself as he pushes his thumb against the head, playing with the slit there a little. Fury knows how he wants this to end and as he stares at Nate from across the bed the slave soon comes to an understanding of this too. It is time he finally tests the goods.


The Goods

Junior has been dismissed now. Not only is the younger blaziken tired from his sexual ordeal, but Fury is concerned about the bikes and does not want anyone else getting funny ideas. However there is another reason for the dismissal, what he is about to do with the human is something he definitely does not want his son to see. Not that it is something he is ashamed of, but if Junior saw what is going to do now he would want his father to do the same to himself. That is something Fury really would rather not do and wants to avoid having to even discuss. Just him and the slave-boy are now in the small room together, those wide eyes looking up at him like a doe at oncoming traffic. A selfish smile is on Fury's face as he commands the human to assume the doggy position. He is going to see just how much the human can take.

"Normally I would tell the other person to choose a safeword." Fury explains as his body slides over Nate's back. Goosebumps rise up along the human's back as he feels the smooth feathers brush over him. "But the things is you're not a person, you're property, aren't you?"

"Y-Yes, sir." Nate, the slave, says and pushes his bubble butt out feeling something hot press against him.

"Now I thought I told you to cut out saying sir. Maybe I ought to make you say something else now..." Fury says and laughs in a deep tone as his impressive endowment rides up against the human's smooth crack. "Spread out a little will you Nate? This ride is going to get rough."

Nate has to use both of his hands to spread his cheeks out for the pokemon's eager erection. The human's chest is now resting against one of the pillows whilst his hands are busy, leaving him at a steeer inclination with his rear hanging in the air. The tip of Fury's drooling rod is now pressing up against the human's tight pucker. He presses forward. A gasp and moan follows from Nate's lips in response. The pokemon ever so gradually enters via the slaves anus. Unlike his son who is used to his violent and sustained fucking, Fury needs to coax the human into experiencing his oversized proportions. With the tip of the spear now firmly inside the smaller make, the blaziken now begins to feed more and more, inch by inch he pushes deeper, going in past Nate's virgin tight ring. The moaning becomes loud like a cat in heat as he reaches places where Nate has not known any touch before, certainly not anything from a real man since so few match up to his size.

The human lets go of his cheeks and they come back together, squeezing around the thick intruder as they do so. Fury growls like an animal and pushes harder to break through the resistance. A steady production of clear pre-ejaculate assists in lubricating the blaziken's entry, but it is not nearly enough as Nate starts to make a series of painful faces. Eventually the ever-increasing expansion of the human's tail end ceases and between heavy pants Nate asks if that is all of it. Fury is unable to resist as he whispers with a menacing inflection that what the human can currently feel throbbing away against his prostate is not even half of Fury's endowment. The human groans and tenses up, but as he does so the pokemon can feel that supple ass bunch up even more around him, milking the part of his dick now buried inside of it. For all of his discipline and training he must have endured, the human seems to lack some experience in the matters of getting fucked like a trussed up hooker in prison.

However this initial penetration and grinding has been nothing but foreplay for the blaziken. Fury grows impatient and with that impatience he decides to finally go all out. He starts by drawing himself up, his crotch hovering over the human's rear with half of the engorged pole still sunken in and driving the human's sensations wild. Nate begins to worry as the blaziken gets a firmer hold around his torso and he can feel the large male prepare for something. The slave-boy barely gets a chance to tense up, his fingernails hooking into the bed sheets before Fury applies all of his strength and body weight into an almighty dick-slam. This ball-slapping action spreads from that just butt cheeks apart as Nate can feel his insides being rearranged in ways that are surely unhealthy. Nerves he never knew he had come alite and a fire tears through his innocent mind making him froth at the mouth whilst trying to process all of it.

Fury pulls back before power driving in again. His arms hold tight around the human whilst he growls and bites into his left shoulder. Blood is drawn, but the slave-boy hardly notices the way Fury has to hold himself just a little to stop from breaking the human in two. The sound reverberates with cries of pain and pleasure, the strained sound the bed rocking back and forth and their bodies slamming into one another with frenetic rhythm. Nate's eyes roll back in their sockets, his arms unable to hold himself up his entire body lays flat against the bed, his cock rubbing against the sheets. He lays there like an inanimate object for the musclebound pokemon to use as he wills. From outside of the enclosed space Junior has returned from checking on things and can hear the activity going on without needing to press his ear against the door. He becomes aroused once more and takes to stroking himself whilst listening to his father rail into the bleating and weak kneed slave.

Unable to take the punishment being dealt to it, the bed's legs give way and the mattress comes down low to the floor. Nate is too numb to notice this, and continues to just lay limply as Fury damn near fucks him against the wall at the head of the bed. He can feel the cool surface against his face, but all he notices is the pounding his ass is being subjected to and the stretching of his body in ungodly ways. Finally the human cries out, tears running down his face as he blows his own load. It spills out across the already stained sheets of the mattress all the while his back door is being pounded with a single-minded intensity. At long last Nate can feel himself grow numb and the world growing dim as he drifts into the embrace of unconscious being.

Five more minutes pass before Fury notices that his plaything is already broken, or at least worn out beyond any real use. The tight confines wrapped around his cock like a velvet glove is more due to the inherent tightness and involuntary spasms of a sphincter puckering up. So at long last he ends it with a last series of thrusts and pulls out as with a deafening growl he climaxes. Streaks of white smack wetly against the fair skinned human's back, drench his petite ass and even reach the wall where semen slides down, some of it cooling on the slave-boy's own face. Fury stops and pants as his dick grows limp in his hand, its head bubbling over with excess spunk that will need to squeeze out from underneath his foreskin. The slave he was sent to collect now looks remarkably peaceful bordering on serene, whilst laying butt naked with sex juices drying on his back. Maybe, just maybe, he will find a way to keep him for himself. His son could use a playmate after all.

"Junior! Stop playing around out there and come in. I have an idea..."

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