The Officer

Story by Iscin on SoFurry

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Degeneration His mouth is dry, lips cracked and fur unkempt. The marsupial looks with tired eyes at his grey and spartan surroundings. What is his name? He can barely remember in his dehydrated and fatigued state. Something beginning with the letter N. Nar-something. Pain. It shoots down the left side of his back. He cries out in delayed shock before hunching over again in the chair. The chair is still cool even though he has been sat in it for hours. His wrists are very sore now, having been tied for hours at least. Who are the ones doing this to him? Why him? And when will they let him go? But the Q&A session is far from two-way here. Narsassus, he remembers his name now, if only he can answer their questions too. There seem to be glowing eyes now, surrounding him in the gloomy room. His experiences are growing more surreal as his body's senses are tortured to bring desired effects. A part of him recognises this delusory sight may just be from the drugs he is dimly aware are being forced into his bloodstream. The entire starts to sway around him. Narse's head bobs this way and that like some sort of toy figurine. The aforementioned questions come from the others in the room, the ones just out of his increasingly suspect sight. He thinks that one of the questions is "How were you contacted?" and another is "How many sources do they have?" However, he also thinks that one of them is "What is your favourite colour?" and that there are marshmallows spreading on the floor like mutant mushrooms. Finally some small respite as the questions dry up, the glowering eyes go away and a loud noise bangs afterwards. The kangaroo's ears droop forward, along with the head and neck they are attached to. He is so very tired right now. Narse's stomach makes a noise not unlike an angered Rottweiler and a fleeting memory of food drifts across his mind's eye before he now plunges into a long, deep, sleep. No more questions, not for awhile now. But they will come back, they always come back. This has been occurring for several days now, whittling his physical and mental vitality down to get at answers they think lies underneath his defences. But they are not there and they will probably keep whittling until there is nothing left of him.

Promise Narsassus wakes up in his cell. His mind is rested now, though still hurting. The drugs in particular, hallucinogenic even with the smallest of doses have been flushed out of his body the old fashioned way. He sits up and instantly regrets the action as his back complains with a spike of pain going all the way from his tail up to the back of his head. Nonetheless he slides his legs off the edge of his flat, cold bunk and breathes in deeply. Oxygen is one of the only things they can not meter out to him; or at least not until they decide to put him in an airtight room. He looks down at his hands and then his feet. The paws he uses for holding and manipulating things look skinnier for some reason, even though he has only been here for a few days. Fur is drier, more brittle feeling, probably due to the stresses more than the time he has involuntarily spent here. The large, almost comically so, paws he uses to walk, skip, run and jump are similarly diminished in their appearance. He is dressed only in what can be best described as rags which do nothing to compensate for the condition of his fur all over the rest of his body. In the moment Narse feels like breaking down and crying into these hands. Emotions that he has tried to keep bottle are threatening to break out like an overburdened dam. He is reaching the point where he will say anything that he thinks they want him to say. But they know that too, which might be a good thing, or a bad one if they choose to discard him. He is unable to see an avenue for escape, no exit strategy spraining to mind. They have him trapped and they will torture him until they are done with him. After that, he knows deep down that they will not allow him to simply go. Yes, he is going to cry now, crying will be nice. "-the cell? Over here?" Narse's ears prick up slightly as he hears a voice from outside. Someone in the corridor is coming. Bolts slide into different positions on the large steel door which has kept the marsupial trapped. Bright light pours into the room, far outdoing the dim bulb in the cell. Narse holds his paws up in front of his eyes as they adjust. An aquiline figure steps into the open portal casting a shadow. The kangaroo sees a familiar face, yet this does not make him feel at ease. Horatio Fletcher, the snappily dressed magpie from what seems like another age ago enters the marsupial's cell. Narse can see a canine guard standing just outside before the door shuts behind the chromatic avian. "I'm here to help you Narse." Horatio says this with outstretched wings. "Do you understand?" He walks as close to Narse as he can whilst judging the kangaroos arm reach if he decides to do a honing untoward. "I-" Narse tries to say something but his throat is parched and his thoughts sluggish. So instead he gradually nods his head and the bird nods back. "It's okay, I'll get you out of here. Be strong for just awhile more." Horatio is already walking back towards the door. He raps his talons across the metal surface and the guard opens it again.

Reprieve The food has improved over the last few days since Horatio's unexpected visit. Torturing activities have ceased and Narse has been gradually regaining his strength. His fur looks healthier now, his legs strong enough to carry him with normal gait and no more aching pains left. However this does little to comfort the fact that he is still imprisoned. What is more, he no longer sees any guards, since his meals are provided via a slot in the door that he had not even noticed before. This isolation has led to new purely psychological ticks and a growing apprehension of what the future may hold. Right now he is pacing the tiny block in circles, with more energy than he knows what to do with. This energy has led some exercises, including push ups and stomach crunches, which have assisted in his recovery. But he does not feel like beefing himself up any longer. He has shouted at the blank door before but he knows that will not help. His mind is racing and a worried look stuck on his face. He stops, stares at he metal door and lunges at it. Slamming his right first down he makes a banging sound and then does so again. But although abusing the door feels better than shouting it is just as impotent a motion. So he sits back down, tailing arcing up against his back and closes his eyes, waiting. He does not wait for long. Bolts are unfastened again. The door swings open. And the kangaroo is freed from his confinement.

There are two brutish guards standing either side of him. Shackles are around his hands but the kangaroo barely even minds as he interior of the facility. One hallway after the next is a pristine white like some sort of private hospital. Individual cell doors look shiny on this side, in stark contrast to their tarnished appearance on the inside. Obviously this place is no ordinary prison, yet they build the cells to create a desired effect. For the longest time Narse had believed he had been in some Gulag-like place, probably situated in the middle of a war zone. Yet he is now being led into a room which looks like it is would belong in a dentist's practise. The kangaroo is directed to the right of the room where barred windows and a locked door lead into an adjacent, much larger, room. "Name?" A small ferret behind the barred windows asks. Peering past him Narse can see row after row of shelves followed by storage lockers at the far back. "Narsassus." He wants to say more but he thinks it best not to push anything, not until the cuffs are literally off anyway. The ferret is in charge of processing any discharges, along with basic inventory of possessions found on the prisoner's person when they are locked away. Of course Narse does not remember being processed, instead just waking up in that damned cell one day. The clothes he was wearing the day of his kidnapping along with his wallet are returned to him via a chute underneath the barred window. He is told that the plain prison clothes on his back need to be returned. So the cuffs are now removed and Narse is told to change. He shrugs and does so, stripping down to his underwear and putting on his pants and shirt. The jacket is the last thing he puts on before he throws the prison clothes into the chute. "We hope you enjoy your freedom and that you never return." The ferret says and nods again at the guards. "Thanks," Narse says the word with as much attitude as he can, the ferret does not respond to this. Both guards are remaining with Narse's journey out of the facility. Simultaneously guiding and carefully escorting him, all the more alert now his hands are free. The anger which had been boiling underneath his exterior now changes into an elation as he realises that he is undergoing an official release. Indeed he now exits into a room where the illumination is not coming from overhead electric lights, but from windows set high up. The smallest of smiles flickers across Narse's face as he can see glimpses of the blue and green outside; hinting that they are somewhere rural. A nudge into his back from one of the guards makes him resume walking forward. As he turns the corner he sees his prize, an open door that leads to the outside. "Now don't be too eager boy, there is someone who wants to see you first." One of the guards says and he feels a hand from either, one on each shoulder. They continue to escort Narse out of the door and his tail beings to sway. Simply the feel of the sun on his face after so long is enough to carry on lifting his spirits. There are indeed trees all around too. The prison seems to be sequestered somewhere in the middle of a forrest. He needs to hold onto these high spirits now though as he sees a car is waiting for him. A long black vehicle with darkened windows. It is something like a limousine, but wider as it is intended to go along a road with no traffic. These vehicles are rare and only used by the kind of people with the authority to clear traffic. "I don't suppose you could just let me go?" Narse asks the two guys as friendly as possible. "You are free after you see a man." Clearly if he tries to make a break for it they will only confine him again. "Oh well, how bad could it possibly be?" Narse asks rhetorically and ducks his head, climbing into the black vehicle. The side door is shut and locks behind him. "At least the seats are nice."

Ticket The ride has been smooth, so smooth I fact that some of the turnings were imperceptible to him. Although he is locked in the back, with dark glass between him and the driver, Narse is enjoying himself. A private collection of spirits and other luxuries, are tucked away in different compartments all along the back. He pilfers something strong and bitter, takes a swig of it and puts the bottle away. Switching seats he looks through another one of the stashes and finds something more solid to stuff in his mouth. A rolled sandwich with fresh chicken, lettuce, tomato, spiced sauce and pickles. Narse licks his lips and takes a large bite before his mind can wander over the possibility of it being drugged. It does not take long for the vehicle to reach its destination. Long enough for the kangaroo to get a satisfying bulge in his abdomen as he slumps in the back seat. The smooth motion of the luxury transport stops. Someone knocks on the door as it simultaneously unlocks. Narse sits upright and shields his eyes as the door is opened, letting in new light. A third guard is waiting for him outside, beckoning with an open paw. He climb out as motioned and looks around his new surroundings. Still rural, secluded, with a single path leading off with trees either side, presumably to a main road. In front of him, apart from the canine escort, is a large art deco building surrounded by evergreens. From a single look Narse suspects it serves as someone's mansion, possibly whoever got him out of his prison, or put him in there to begin with. Once more Narse is escorted by a man twice his own body weight. Together they head up the steps to the building's simple yet impressively polished front door entrance. Just as he reaches it a slot slides open and slitted eyes watch him from the other side of the door. There is an uncomfortable pause as they just watch. Narse opens his mouth, about to say something, but before he makes even the smallest of noises the slot closes shut again and the door opens. This reveals a stately room inside, with an ornate staircase at the back and multiple doors either side. Someone is watching him again and the kangaroo realises that a lizard valet is standing just inside with one hand on the door. He waves the kangaroo inside with a gloved hand, and after the guard, closes the door once more. "Good afternoon sir." The lizard says with a monotone voice. "The Major will see you in the smoking room." "Well that's nice and all but I've been in a cell," Narse replies. "If this Major is responsible for that then he can go fuck himself!" "I wouldn't presume to know what the Major can or can not do to himself," the lizard says as Narse feels one of the guard's paws on his right shoulder. "However I can tell you that he specifically requested your presence. Refusing to see him would only serve to your own detriment, sir." As the hand grips, claws digging in uncomfortably, Narse changes his mind about displaying his anger. Acquiescing to the valet's invitation now Narse follows, with the guard on his heels, through one of the many doors and down a hallway. There are more ornate furnishings down here and even the carpet is plush underneath his digitigrade feet. The kangaroo assumes this is some sort of gentleman's retreat, which  just so happens to be a short distance from a clandestine prison facility. They come to another door and the valet opens it for the kangaroo, though he does not go through himself. Narse looks at the valet, and then the guard and back at the open door and the room inside. He can see some plush chairs and a table, although there is more of the room he is unable to see from here. Shrugging he steps right on inside and hears the door close behind him. "So you didn't try to run." A masculine voice says from around the corner. Narse follows it and finds a section of the smoking room exists almost like a little alcove for privacy from the entrance. Someone is sitting in a chair with a tall back, all he can see from here is a smooth black head. "You must be the Major the green guy was talking about." Narse is a little surprised in his own directness, something about his confinement must have altered the timidness he used to display. "Yes, I must be." The other man says and now stands up out of the chair. That hairless scalp should have been a giveaway but Narse can see clearly now that the Major is in fact a killer whale, an orca of black and white. He towers over everything else in the room, which most definitely includes the marsupial. If he had to guess the kangaroo would say this imposing mammal is a little over eight feet tall; and thickset to match. The man is in formal dresswear, it definitely looks military but not of any force that Narse recognises. "Err..." There is that timidness. Narse starts to fiddle with his hands behind his back, tail bracing him as he leans back on it. "A little birdie told me about you." The orca starts to explain. "Apparently you were under some very serious suspicions. But, as you can see, I don't let such allegations cloud my vision; especially when the sight is so lovely." He says this last part with a smile that does nothing to settle Narse's nerves. "S-So what now?" Narse asks and there is silence whilst the large man looks him over from feet to ears. "You can call me Chrysanthos, and I propose a trade. A direct exchange for what we both want and then we go our separate ways. You want your freedom, and I don't blame you, they really have taken quite a liberty. That is something I can help you with, but if you can do something never do it for free." "What the hell? I don't have any-" "Ah ah ah! I wasn't finished." He waggles his finger and waits for the kangaroo to quieten. "I'm not looking at your money." Chrysanthos steps closer, the wood underneath the carpet creaking a little underneath his heavy steps. That wide fluke tail comes around and rides up the back of Narse's thighs, pushing up against his ass and he now knows. The kangaroo blushes and looks down, coincidentally resting his eyes upon the orca's crotch as the major rests both of his hands on the marsupial's shoulders. He says something about how exotic he looks and strokes one finger along the kangaroo's floppy left ear. It seems as though Chrysanthos has a fascination with certain species, a perversion even as the way something is snaking down on of his pant legs now. "I think I understand now." Narse replies meekly and his paws go for the belt around the other man's waist. He unbuckles it and snakes it off letting it fall to the floor unceremoniously. Chrysanthos is running his hands through the kangaroo's, long blond hair now, the situation feels very creepy. He tugs down on the loosened trousers and they come down very quickly crumpling at his feet. Chrysanthos watches Narse's reaction as he sees the huge mammal's equally large malehood swing between his legs in a half-erect state. It's mostly black surface is broken only by a white stripe along the underside that he can see as it now rises up. The orca must be roughly eighteen inches long and still growing. Narse licks his lips and audible gulps. Reaching out he runs one hand along the top and he gets some of the mammal's pre on his finger tips. His hand wanders to the base and then dips underneath feeling Chrysanthos' large, cream white coloured testicles, he struggles holding even one. Looking back up there is a broad smile on the orca's face, his hand now brushing one of Narse's cheeks. Nothing else for it, Narse asks the orca to take a seat again and he does so. As Narse follows around the chair he gets a hefty smack on his rump making him jump a little. Chrysanthos now asks that the kangaroo be stark naked before returning to the throbbing organ and the marsupial complies. Narse dresses down to his fur, some faint scaring from the tortures still permit but otherwise he is his toned, lithe self again. Once done he sees that Chrysanthos has also removed his jacket and shirt, exposing the pecs, abdominals and beefy arms that stir something inside himself. Chrysanthos notices this as the kangaroo's phallus pokes out of its sheath and motions for him to resume his fine work on the mammal's erection. Narse kneels down before the seated orca and runs his furry hands along the man's smooth, thick legs. He can feel the raw heat and smell the strong scent wafting from the drooling black python as he nears it; whiskers twitching. But first Narse nestles down between the orca's legs, hearing a gasp as he nuzzles along them and licks at the large man's balls that hang just off the seat's edge. The kangaroo worships them with his tongue, lathering and suckling as if they are fine succulent fruits for him to enjoy. This turns the major on even more, as pre flows down as if from a fountain head. Narse continues licking until he feels a tap on his shoulder looks up. "Come on, the main course is further up." Chrysanthos pouts and Narse pulls himself away from those plump spheres. Although he likes the physique of the guy, Narse still does not like being used this way, so as he brings his lips to the tip of the man's dick he wants to get it over with quickly. He lets it push past them and goes down a couple inches before pulling back up. His tongue circles around the head a bit before wrapping around lower down. Now he goes down again, four inches this time and his tongue runs along underneath. This action elicits a comfortable moan from the orca, so he repeats this and then again. But although it is working it seems as though Chrysanthos is even more impatient than Narse is. He grabs the back of the kangaroo's head, by both ears now less and tells him that he should put a little more effort into it. Narse is not allowed to talk back as the orca forces him down a whole ten inches. The gag reflex kicks him and the kangaroo has to fight it as his eyes tear up. With one hand he is tapping one of the orca's thigh to indicate his need to get up but he just pushes him further along. Over a solid foot of throbbing black orca dick pushes down the back of Narse's throat, bucking and drooling as it goes and he is struggling to fight against the other man's powerful grip holding him down. Eventually he lets go and Narse pulls back with saliva and pre staining his lips as he gasps for air. He slumps back on the ground, coughing and spluttering for a moment before yelling at the orca. Chrysanthos shrugs and says the birdie told him that there was experience behind that pretty face. Narse blushes, his ears splayed, but he is still more angry than embarrassed and says there is no way he is deep-throating all of that. Indeed the mammal's member has arisen to become an intimidating twenty two inches, with a girth that matches. The optimist in this situation, the orca suggests an alternative path of entry and already Narse can feel his sphincter tighten just at the mere mention of it. So with little option if he wants aid in his freedom the kangaroo gets up and looks for a suitable place to prostrate himself. The billiards table will do just fine and Chrysanthos agrees as Narse climbs up on top of it. There he watches the larger man approach, eyes staring at that pole swinging around from his crotch like a lightning rod. Chrysanthos leans over the kangaroo, his dick sliding up along the underside of Narse's dark brown tail. His beak presses against the smaller guy's lips and Narse is surprised to find the cetacean's tongue sliding in to hug around his own. Together the two kiss, though it all feels a little strange to Narse. Then all of a sudden he is sliding across the matte green surface of the table, ceramic billiard balls scattering. Without any warning the is pulling the roo back and before he can respond Narse feels the fat head of the cetacean's cock pierce his tailhole, said tail having served as the runway. "Mmmh, that look on your face is great," Chrysanthos teases with a grunt as Narse reaches a high pitch. In this fashion the kangaroo is fucked across over the table. The strong hands of the orca never leave Narse's thighs as he is pulled this way and that. At first the big guy is content getting something like ten inches into the roo's fuzzy butt, but now he moves on to forcing more and more in. Narse feels as though he is going to pass out as Chrysanthos manages to get over a foot of his chromatic cock buried deep inside of him. Looking down at himself, apart from his own dick bobbing around excitedly, he can see the faint outline of the major's entry. The sight only serves to arouse Narse even more than before, his cries and grunts become wails and howls of excitement. The orca is equally excited about this, his smooth black body glistening with sweat as he fucks the other male until his vision blurs; and that is not an embellishment as sights, sounds and touch mingle for Narse. Every particle in the room is enriched in the masculine smells of raw, unadulterated anal sex, the kind it takes days to recover from. "I'm gonna - I'm gonna..." Narse has no time to complete his sentence as his loins boil over. String thick blasts of kangaroo spunk collide over his furry chest and splatter his own face. Only now does the kangaroo realise how long it has been since he has actually orgasmed, even by his own paw. "Too quick for me." Chrysanthos huffs, but his breathes are becoming shallow, his muscles tensing up. His heavy cream white sack is burning up. Dragging his little too-toy back over the table, the orca crams as much of himself as will fit inside of the kangaroo's abused rump. Narse realises what is happening but he is brain is too frazzled to care. His dick is hard again and as the orca breeds his hole with hot seed, the kangaroo orgasms again over himself, adding to the already present mess. Chrysanthos keeps going and going until he has to pull out and holds his shaft so that the last few loads jettison over the kangaroo's crotch and belly. The loads already dumped into his ass are now dribbling down over his tail, making the kangaroo shiver as his senses are all still very heightened. With that their deal is complete, the orca panting as his dick goes limp between his legs, still dripping onto the floor below. He turns around and approaches his seat, taking something out of his jacket pocket. "What... what now?" Narse asks, sitting up with the help of is arms, but almost feeling as weak as he was when they were starving him. "You take this, show it to the guard." Chrysanthos flicks a small card at Narse and it lands on his chest. He picks it up and wipes a smearing of semen on it. It looks like a business card with fine print on it. "You're a free man now. Free to choose whoever you lie with next." Now Narse turns and sees that it is a business card, with Chrysanthos' full name and contact details on. "I hope I'll see you sometime in the future."

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