Summer School

Story by Iscin on SoFurry

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This one is a little bit raw, and yes that was a terrible pun. My good friend Abraxas enjoys our two main characters being together so he commissioned me for a story, and then a second one. This is the second one, after establishing a pseudo-school setting the pair have developed a familiar if clandestine sexual relationship between themselves; for obvious reason.

Who doesn't love dragon sex?

The classroom is surprisingly tidy, almost shockingly so really. All the surfaces are clean and the seats are in their proper positions, tucked underneath their counterpart desks. Bright and rosy summer light shines in through the open blinds across the windows on the east side of the school building. The corridors are empty, well mostly empty, only the occasional shuffle of a faculty member or a begirding student. And this is where one such student steps into the classroom from.

A worn rucksack slung over one shoulder, the purple scaled drake looks about the lonely room with a frown. He closes the door behind him, although he would rather have exited back through it. His lavender irises pass over the whiteboard. A message has been left especially for him. It reads the following: Abraxas, begin reading chapters 7 through 9 of your modern history textbook. The message is signed his instructor, Iscin.

With a practised sigh he sits himself down in one of the chairs at the front. He procures said textbook from his rucksack before setting the bag down where his long tail can curl around it protectively. Abraxas begins on chapter 7 as instructed. The heading states that the following information is concerned with the consolation and reunification of the feline clans on the eastern continent. Of course any fool knows that any pretext of a unified culture and society is little more than paper thin. The big cats' only reason for cooperating is to strengthen their economies, now as a single economy, and compete with their rivals in the west. His eyes begin to unconsciously glaze over.

"So you managed to drag yourself here after all." The declarative statement rouses Abraxas back into the present. He looks up to see the history teacher has entered the classroom.

Iscin, or Mr Valois as he is known to the students, is dressed in a collar and tie with simple black pants. He is wearing no shoes as is common for digitigrade species and has a black jacket draped over the suitcase he is holding in his right hand. The older, and far larger, dragon sets the suitcase down on teacher's desk at the front. Abraxas watches as his teacher sits down in the chair that is probably a size too small. The summer light scatters over Iscin's silver scales and he props his legs up over the desk beside the suitcase.

"Looks like you'll be the only one in to study today Abraxas." A smile curls up on the side of Mr Valois' mouth as he says this. "It is indeed gratifying to learn you are committed to catching up in my class now."

"Yeah." The purple drake catches himself smiling back and stops before quickly looking back down at the book. Thoughts spill into the forefront of his mind, memories of what happened only a week before the summer break; the crotch of his jeans are bulging out a little now.

After finding his place again the teenager continues reading about uninteresting and distant politics. All the while he can feel the other reptile's eyes upon him. Sat at that desk like some sort of dais, Iscin loosens his tie whilst glancing up at the clock hanging on the wall. There is time for what he wants to do, but first he will drop a hint. After a minute or two Abraxas looks up to see that Mr Valois has unbuttoned the top of his shirt. Their eyes lock in this moment and that bump in his pants continues to grow.

"Are you working hard there?" Iscin asks with an inflection that puts more than a little emphasis on the fourth word there.


"Let me see where you are up to." The silver dragon beckons with one hand for the teenager to get up and show him the book.

Abraxas gets up and automatically moves the book over his crotch. He knows what is happening, or at least he certainly thinks he knows what is happening, and he wants it. The student approaches the teacher's desk a little stifling, the thing between his legs now having snaked its way down one pant leg. He stops just at the front of the desk and lays the book down on the page he think he was reading from now.

Suddenly and without warning Iscin grabs Abraxas by the shirt collar around his neck. In one smooth motion he kicks back and the wheeled chair rolls backwards with a creeking sound. Simultaneously he pulls the smaller dragon over the desk bringing him closer. Abraxas is dimly aware of the book and the suitcase falling onto the ground, that is until the rest of the world drops into the background in favour of what is immediately in front of his face. It would seem that Mr Valois had already undone his belt buckle and more behind the desk. The purple drake falls headfirst into the older and larger dragon's lap. His snout buries into the pair of large silver scaled testicles perched and drooping over the teacher's seat. Rubbing against the side of his face is something long, thick and warm throbbing against his lavender skin.

"Lets see you try to suck even harder than your grades!" The older dragon bellows as his massive cock is already drooling over itself. Its silver length has grown full mask and taken on a reddish hue with barbs and ridges adorning it all the way down to where a thick knot awaits at the base. Musky pre is already being spread across the right side of Abraxas' face, whilst the smell fills his nostrils with practically mind-bending results amplified by his own imbalanced hormones.

"Okay..." Abraxas almost whispers the word as he meekly stares at the challenge before him. He smacks his lips together, wetting them gingerly, and moves in to begin.

His tongue is the first thing to connect with the hot and wet surface of the broad phallus' head. A powerful and more than a little overwhelming taste that previews what is burning inside the bigger dragon's loins spread forks over the young man's tastebuds. It is rich and deep, with only the smallest hint of the exotic wrapped up in folds of testosterone-spiking musky textures. Iscin does not even have to encourage the smaller drake any further as Abraxas gladly goes in to wrap his lips around the broad head too. His tongue snakes along the underside, slipping over bumpy barbs as he feels the vibrant energy pulse from the core of the other dragon's malehood.

"Much more eager than last time. Go on, keep going down." The older dragon rumbles and the student obeys.

From his vantage point looking down the long, pulsing length, Abraxas thinks it looks bigger than last time. But then the very thought of that last, and first, time makes him while as his pants' crotch becomes even tighter around him. He reaches down to unzip his jeans whilst pushing further down and along the domineering dragon's cock. Inch after juicy inch squeezes past his wet lips and he has to strain his jaw; the head begins tickling the back of his throat as pre dribbles from the slit which he involuntarily swallows it down. Abraxas manage to release his own member and it swings out of its fabric prison, already at full length the not insubstantial youth's dragon dong begins to drip onto the classroom's floor.

"Put some work into it, I'll show you." Iscin says and suddenly grabs one of the teenager's white horns.

Now he is being forced down beyond the relatively casual pace he was taking. Abraxas can feel the fat head of the other reptile's member begin to he forced down his throat. He can feel his gag reflex start to twitch, but he closes his eyes and focuses as hard as possible. There is a sound he recognises as laughter, it could be that the other male thinks the look on his face is priceless. No matter, Abraxas automatically reaches between the larger man's thighs, finding the great big dangling fruit just leaning over the edge of his seat. Less laughter, instead more rumbling of the pleasant kind now. The purple dragon can feel the size of each of those orbs in his hands, they are at least double the volume of his own. He squeezes each one gently and feels their contents shifting around on the inside like a tide going this way and that.

"You can go further than that!" Iscin roars and with both hands pulls Abraxas all the way down.

He is barely aware of the barbs and ridges pricking at his youthful lips, instead the focus being on the python trying to stuffs its way down his throat. Abraxas is constantly swallowing around the male organ now, holding his breath whilst doing his best not to gag and doing a surprisingly good job of it. The teacher says something about him being graded on his performance after the oral exam, a poor joke at best, but Abraxas is too focused on having his face stuffed full of cock to comment. Eventually he is pushed away and the head pops back into his mouth, allowing Abraxas to take long breaths through his nostrils whilst still juggling with Iscin's low hanging fruit. Of course the break is only temporary before Abraxas is pulled back down with a forceful motion. The other dragon growls as the seat creaks in complaint underneath.

It takes time for Abraxas to adjust as the light from outside showers both reptiles in a golden glow, but he begins to buy into the rhythm being forced pop him. He gets to suck the big guy a couple of times before being shoved all the way back down again. Nuzzling into Iscin's crotch he sniffs in more of a sweaty than musky texture there before being pulled away again. This goes on for some time before the student starts to notice a more shallow kind of breathing coming from the teacher above. There is a twitch, then a tug from the testicles he is still cupping in one hand each. The signs are obvious and its some relief Abraxas is allowed to pull back to suckle and caress the broad head of the silver dragon's phallus just inside his mouth.

"Final question..." Iscin grunts as he lets go of the teenagers horns and runs one hand along his own pounding rod.

Abraxas can feel the rush of semen travel down the long shaft. It practically rumbles all on its own just a second before he hears the loud roar reverberate from Iscin's mouth. He scrunched his eyes shut an instant for the torrent explodes from the broad head inside his maw. Thick and white seed splashes over his tongue, the roof of his mouth, against his teeth, just everywhere inside his mouth really. He begins to swallow, and then swallows again and again. Abraxas is unable to keep up, the sticky produce now dribbling down his chin as he begins to choke on it. Eventually he simply most pull back, getting a facial in the process and more of it jetting across his shirt and down to where his jeans are still clinging around his waist.

"Fuck..." Iscin gasps whilst squeezing the last few drops out from his now slightly drooping erection. Even though he is in a terrible state, Abraxas leans in to catch some of those drops on his sticky tongue.

Looking down at the cum showered youth, the older dragon already knows what he wants to do with him next. Only just done done with one orgasm his phallus grows hard once more, directly in front of disbelieving and slightly worried eyes. Iscin stands up, causing Abraxas to skitter backwards and banging the back of his head against the desk. As the pain begins to subside the student feels a strong hand grab his left arm. He looks up to his teacher as he is pulled to his feet only just coming up to the older man's bare chest. Abraxas smiles and runs his hands over the larger dragon's pectorals, feeling that leviathan poke against his belly. His sphincter is already tensing up, knowing what to expect next from the other dragon.

"Now turn around and let me see your other fuckhole..." Iscin says this whilst looking Abraxas dead in the eyes, the boy whimpers a little.

Abraxas does as he is told, his claws tracking the mess on the floor below and he can feel it get between his claws. He swings his tail a little before drawing it up. The older drake grabs the snaking purple whip and pins it up against Abraxas' back and the tip dangles over his right shoulder. His jeans are dangling down just underneath his buttocks line, leaving his ass nice and exposed in the classroom's warm air. The teacher smacks his lips together and rumbles above and behind Abraxas. Then he feels a set of claws run over his right cheek. They grasp, digging into the taut flesh. A second set of claws join them on the left cheek and begin to spread them apart. He flexes himself, but the claws are anchored in solid forcing his butthole to peek out, almost winking back at the teacher.

"Hello there." Mr Valois rumbles as he pokes with his right thumb.

"Please don't tease." Abraxas' speaks, his voice getting squeaky now and his scales flash hotly.

Abraxas' dick is bobbing about in front of him, rubbing up against the edge of the desk. It throbs harder as he feels something hot and wet rub against his tailhole. Straining to look back over his shoulder the adolescent sees the larger man is kneeling down to bring his tongue to his little purple butt. The fat red tongue presses up, squeezing against his hole and Abraxas can not ignore his erection any longer. Squeezing his right hand around it, the sexually overcharged boy starts tugging his member this way and that with exhaustive speed. Meanwhile around his back Iscin is widening the orifice, all the while slobbering more spit over the hole. After a couple of minutes Abraxas feels the tongue come away, followed by the heavy breathing changing places to the back of his neck.

"Rrrrgh." The silver dragon growls into one of Abraxas' ears and then shoves him forward.

"Oww!" Abraxas whines as his dick presses into the desk, thankfully protected by his hand still wrapped around it. His torso slams onto the furniture and he does not need to look back to know what the teacher is preparing to do.

Iscin takes a moment to enjoy the sight of the boy prostrated upon the desk. With both hands he squeezes those buns tightly and edges forward, letting his dick rest down all on its own. His pre spills out, adding to the lubricating wetness already present. It dribbles all the way down Abraxas' crack as he feels the throbbing heat coming off of the organ rubbing up against him. He shivers and wiggles his ass a little, trying to squeeze his cheeks together around that beast. The teacher draws it back all the way, his ridges raking across the most sensitive light purple scales there. Finally Abraxas can feel the broad head lodged just so, aligned to plunge deep into his anus.

He closes his eyes, curls his fingers around the other end of the desk and waits. It finally comes, but nothing he could do physically of mentally could have prepared for this. The thing that surprises him the most is just how much of it there is. Long past the point he thinks his tailhole must surely stop stretching out or that the larger drake has nothing more to give, it just keeps going. More and more forces its way up inside of him like an extravagant meal filling him up more and more with each succeeding course. It finally stops as he feels that fat knot at the base press down, wedged between his purple cheeks like a ripe fruit. Abraxas slides his eyes half-open again and wiggles a little, moaning softly to himself. With every heartbeat, both his and the other dragon's, the ridges are teasing his tract; erogenous zones on fire with electric effect, the room seems to be humming.

"What a good boy, all the way to the knot." Iscin says condescendingly whilst patting the smaller dragon's back. However, the hot tight confines of the smaller reptile's anus is making him struggle, as his loins burn hotly for another release.

The teacher slowly pulls back, careful not to trigger himself as his balls pendulously swing just inches from Abraxas' stretched ass. Wood is being carved up underneath the purple teen's claws as he moans and growls, feeling the ridges slide back over his velvet flesh deep inside of him. His cock throbs between his belly and the desk, the entire surface becoming increasingly sticky against his bare torso. Now he can feel it, the head with an array or barbs just underneath it is almost free from his hole, but then it stops. Mr Valois squeezes harder, digging his claws in further than before as he slams back into Abraxas, good and hard like the fucktoy he is.

"AAAAAAH!" Abraxas cries out as he feels the larger man's balls slap down against his ass cheeks like ripe oranges.

Only grunts and domineering growls come from the teacher now as he works his student's rump with practised ease. The leviathan goes in and out as it pleases, Abraxas barely having time to react as his sphincter is constantly squeezing around the irresistible force. The wet feel of pre starts to dribble down his crack and run over his legs that quiver, craning inwards underneath the table. Abraxas is starting to feel raw as the silver dragon shows no signs of slowing down. Somehow Iscin is able to hold onto his orgasm, but for the bottom bitch there is no hope and he feels more than experiences his discharge making the desk stickier than before underneath him.

The woodwork is creaking underneath the brutal fucking going on top of it. In a strange, disconnected observation Abraxas wonders if the desk will give out underneath the pressure. It does and the purple teen roars just before he almost body slams the floor. But the dominant male follows him, still railing into his ass as if his life depends on it. Abraxas' vision hazes over but he is aware of the floor sliding around underneath him. Thanks to the lubrication provided by the mess already present all across his torso he is now being fucked from one end of the room to the other. Student desks and chairs topple over as the teacher is jackhammering into Abraxas' plump bubble butt with single minded determination; when you get a tight hole this good, you best make the most of it.

Only a few feet away from his snout touching the wall he was inexorably being screwed towards the respite finally comes. Although it should be noted this does not come in any hastened manner. He hears a roar above him and looks up to see the head, neck and shoulders of the larger dragon craning above him. Next Abraxas is aware of nothing short of a detonation deep inside of him as massive amounts of dragon semen jet down the long, thick barrel of Iscin's shaft. It just keeps coming and coming, filling Abraxas with a warmth that almost makes him feel relaxed if not of the uncomfortable way his tailhole is pried open. The world drifts out of focus and the purple drake is content to set his head down on his arms.


He wakes up, drowsy and sore all over. Abraxas looks around the room and eventually finds the teacher once more fully clothed. The purple dragon gets up by his hands and knees. There is an indifferent look on the teacher's face as he glances over and tells the student to put his clothes back on. Abraxas has to look around a little before finding them, crumpled and shoved against a wall on one side of the room. Picking them up he notices they have accrued some dirt from the floor, but he shrugs and puts them back on regardless. He pats some of the loose dust off and smiles at the other dragon who rolls his eyes a little in response.

"I will be seeing you for your studies again tomorrow. You will be in attendance, correct?" The question makes Abraxas want to laugh, but the teacher does not break his mask of correctness.

"Yeah, yes sir, of course sir." Abraxas shakes his head to himself as he retrieves his bag and heads towards the exit. Though as he walks past the desk he hears a swooshing sound and before he can react, Iscin's tail whips around striking his hind. The youth jumps forward and peers back with a hurt look, he thinks he catches a smile fading away from the teacher's face.

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