Rigs At Night

Story by Iscin on SoFurry

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Rigs At Night

It has been swelteringly hot all day long. The throngs of people in the city are carrying a stench with them born of their own baking. Those with fur, which are in the majority, are especially uncomfortable, but none more so than a wolf named Ardex. The engineer has spent the entire morning on the train coming down south, where the clouds are sparser. The locomotive's passenger cabin had been experiencing some issues with the AC and the first thing he does once arriving is to find the nearest air conditioned room; which just so happens to be the station's cafe.

The tall, grey furred european wolf looks soggy with sweat as he approaches the counter. He grabs a carton of some sort of drink, he cares not what flavour and pays the petite vixen. Ardex looks for a seat nearest to one of the AC vents and finds one just a couple tables off from the window looking out on the street. He sits down, grimacing at the feel of his trousers clinging to his buttocks and the back of his thighs. Using the claw on the end of his right paw's index finger he pierces the carton and holds it directly to his lips, sucking the flimsy thing completely dry in mere moments. The wolf gasps as he drops the crumpled cardboard onto the table before feeling something in his shirt pocket. Even the vibration of his phone feels odd against his fur right now.

"Hello, who is this?" Ardex asks in an annoyed tone without bothering to check the caller ID and immediately regrets his glibness. The other person on the line is his boss and he proceeds to receive a grilling by proxy.

At the end of the conversation Ardex puts his phone away with a sigh and stands back up. Once more out into the blazing heat he navigates the streets by memory. The experience only seems to become all the worse as the sun beats down on his back, the light blue sleeved shirt he is wearing is accruing quite the large pit stains. But the scent of the salt in the air becomes stronger as he comes out onto the coast. Ardex steps up to the bars and spreads his arms out a little, letting the strong breeze waft under them, and probably only making someone behind feel their gag reflex kick in.

Further down the road the beachside falls away to a harbour with a multiple pier complex serving docking ports. There are relatively medium sized freighters, a couple of ferries and smaller vessels. Ardex starts to make his way to the harbour, though he has to stop and buy a bottle of water as he is feeling a little too dehydrated again. At the checkpoint he shows a happily shade-hugging cat his ID and the little guy lets him through the gate. The tourists and citizens of the costal town have it relatively easy compared to the dock workers, unloading and then loading new cargos onto the different freighters in port. Ardex puts the bottle he bought away after a couple of mouthfuls, as said workers begin to give him envious looks.

At the far end of south-side pier he finds his ship, one of the freighters which will be heeding out to sea in a matter of a couple of hours. The gantry is extended and no one seems to be around, so the wolf just climbs on up it; his dehydrated brain just wanting to get out of the sunlight. He looks around and finds cargo containers of different colours and posters with nothing but barcodes on them. Ardex knows what is on the ship, for the most part, supplies and equipment for the people who work at his destination. Still no one in sight though, a bit unusual that.

"Hello?" Ardex shouts along the deck going aft. He waits about thirty seconds and then asks again, barking louder. "Is anyone aboard?"

He waits a few seconds more, but the sun is starting to get to the back of his neck and he has to find some shade. So he carries on walking down the deck until he finds one of the bulkhead doors open at the aft of the ship. Partly out of curiosity and partly out of an increasing desire to get out of the sunlight he steps through into the room inside. Right away he can feel his fur and the skin underneath returning to a less perspiration-inducing temperature. Now he sees a stairwell before him, heading up and down, presumably the former heading to the bridge tower and the latter to below decks where crew quarters and internal storage lie.

"Why hey there wolf, what are you doing here?" A stern, deep voice startles Ardex and he turns to see a tall, thickset rhino. The stranger is wearing only a worn set of jeans and a shirt that he has taken off his chest and tied around his waistline. The wolf has to control himself from staring at the gloriously protruding bulge in the seat of the rhino's crotch; and as such something stirs in the seat of his own pants.

"I umm, I'm supposed to be here, onboard anyway. My name's Ardex, I'm an engineer." Ardex explains himself with as few pauses as possible and holds out his right paw.

"Relax pal, I'm not a crewman. The name's Chris." The rhino huffs in that deep voice which is beginning to make Ardex daydream and shakes the wolf's paw. It is a firm grip, though it quickly becomes slippery as the rhino virtually squeezing the sweat out like a lemon.

"Sorry about that," Ardex says, blushing whilst Chris wipes his hand on his jeans.

Chris, and strictly Chris as he explains that Christopher is only what his mother calls him, is not actually a member of the crew. Like Ardex, the rhino is here for passage to the freighters destination, and similarly has seemed shelter from the sweltering heat outside on deck. They start to walk together and Chris leads Ardex to the crew's tiny mess, where he meets the first actual crew member that is still aboard. A middle ageing otter invites Ardex to sit down and there is a pitcher of water with what seems to be honest to god ice floating around at the top.

"Bartholomew here is the shipping officer," Chris tells the wolf as he pours himself a tall glass of H2O. "He told me that I could stay aboard before the crew returns in, err. How long is it now?"

"Give them an hour more," Bartholomew says and leans further into his seat, holding up a newspaper on the crosswords section.

"So what do you do Chris?" Ardex steers the conversation back to the rhino, having got a hold of his water and shade, he wants to know more about the big guy.

"I'm a replacement for one of the labourers, nothing special. I just try to get as much value out of these as I can." Chris flexes one and the both of his arms as he says this. The wolf just stares at those earthmoving biceps, his legs, and by association crotch, now conveniently underneath the table.

"Any hobbies?"


The offshore oil platform, or oil rig as it is often called by laymen, is situated a good eighty miles from the nearest coast. Four concrete pillars plunge down beneath the surface of the waves. In stark contrast to the weather Ardex had been baking under just twelve hours ago, the conditions here are a lot more wet both below and above. Nebulous clouds overhead have let loose with a downpour that is keeping every surface on the platform and the freighter glistening wet as Ardex gets out on deck.

"You okay there?" Chris asks over the sums of the torrential rain. The rhinoceros is now wearing a thick, furred coat with leathery sheen that seems to be letting the rain water flow off effortless; probably treated to be hydrophobic.

"I'm fine." Ardex replies as he clings onto the thin, bright yellow raincoat he was given that does nothing for the temperature.

The gantry extending from the freighter to the platform is being extended now. Servos and gears whining above the sound of the rain and apparently ever intensifying winds. Passengers and small goods can be unloaded now, but they are going to wait before activating the crane for the larger containers. Ardex feels the large rhino's hand pat his back and proceeds to walk on ahead as the gantry locks into position. The wolf follows, his eyes stare a little too long on the big guy's rear just feet away from the lupine. He shivers halfway across the gantry, the cold rainwater is washing away the smell of sweat from his face; this distracts him from his voyeurism as he wonders why the weather is so night and day.

On the rig proper Chris is stopped, followed by Ardex, as the manager of the oil platform. Said manager is a large reptile, who looks either like a crocodile or an alligator to Ardex, though he probably could not tell the difference even if they were in pleasant shelter. He is dressed in a coat similarly as thick and warm looking as the one that Chris is wearing and a hard hat of a specific colour that signifies his seniority. Though it might just be the fact that he is a reptile, but judging by the features of his face Ardex guesses the man must be in his late thirties or early forties.

"Welcome to the Polaris lads. Now which one of you is the engineer and who is the replacement for Nelson?" The green reptile has a deep, gruff voice that Ardex swears is blowing the rain away when he speaks.

"Well I'm the replacement." Chris explains and then points to the wet wolf next to him. "And he's your engineer. Now can we go inside?"

"Sure, sure, this way." He waves and the two arrivals follow as the crew behind them start unloading the smaller items.

The platform is massive, with enough space for two derricks and on-site hydrocarbon refinery. This ample room also means that the living and working spaces are actually halfway to decent. There is enough space for individual rooms for the most skilled workers, whilst those on the lowest rung only need to bunk up in pairs. The manager, who now tells them his name is a dull Frank, leads Ardex and Chris through a small hallway and to the mess, which is in turn adjacent to a recreational area. The heating in here is almost enough to counter the cold Ardex feels is coming. Following the reptile's lead, the rhino and the wolf take off their respective coats and use the hooks on one of the hallway's walls.

"So what is with this weather?" Ardex asks as he takes one of the seats in the mess. Water is dripping from his fur onto the floor, so it is best if he refrains from wandering around the place.

"We're in an odd part of the sea. Getting lots of cloud coverage is an all year round occurrence for us. But you were especially unfortunate to come in during this storm." Frank takes something out of the fridge and puts it in one of two microwaves. "The ship will have to wait awhile before they can unload the cargo containers."

"So what about us then?" Chris asks the manager as he sits down opposite of Ardex, flashing the wolf an eager smile.

"I'd rather you wait until tomorrow before orientation, Chris isn't it?" The rhino nods. "I read the document on you of course, but it was only skills and background, no personal details except your name." Frank now takes the item back out of the microwave, it looks like hot porridge. He sets it down in front of Ardex with a plastic spoon. "Here, don't need you sneezing over everything."

"Err, thanks." Ardex nods back at the reptile before he too sits down. Sniffing the plastic container the wolf confirms that it is porridge, since you can never be completely sure from appearances. He takes the spoon in one paw and scoops some up, it tastes sweet enough so he continues to eat more.

After finishing the hot food, and about half an hour of more generalised conversation the crocodile, as that is what Ardex has finally learned the man is, says they should probably get acquainted with a room for the night. As they go out of the mess, the two newcomers see more faces as the crocodile explains shifts are changing. Tired and fatigued looking men give them less than enthusiastic looks as Ardex and Chris try passing hellos. Frank himself looks like he would rather be somewhere else now, looking at the watch on his wrist repeatedly. As soon as he picks out a room in the accommodation ward for them he says that he looks forward to working with them tomorrow and just walks off, presumably to make sure nothing is about to explode.


Perverse thoughts are returning to Ardex's fluffy grey head now. The living quarters is certainly nicely furnished, but even during his time at university there was more room. There is a desk opposite a durable bunk bed with very thick mattresses and a wardrobe at the far end opposite the door. This packed space makes it impossible for more than one person to move around at a time. The rhino has been out for some briefcases containing extra clothes that were on the freighter, he returns now just as Ardex was setting several blankets he found in the wardrobe on the top bunk which the wolf has claimed. This means that right now the tall, handsome and very thick built rhinoceros is squeezing in behind the grey wolf and Ardex swears he can feel the other man's package pressing against his arse.

"Umm, I'm going to go back to the mess and get something to drink." Ardex says, already heading for the door and hoping that Chris did not catch the look on his face.

"Okay, take your time." The rhino seems as chipper as ever, happily unpacking one of three briefcases.

Ardex bites his bottom lip as he closes the door behind himself. Something long and slippery is snaking its way further down his right trouser leg. He curses to himself, tries his best to ignore it and walks down the corridor, very careful not to rub against said trouser leg anymore than he must. Reaching the mess without any escalation he goes straight to the hot drinks machine they have. A couple of the other platform workers are milling around in the recreational area, playing a game of Pool together. They briefly recognise the wolfs presence both are otherwise focused on their game and a bet. Ardex waits for the machine to percolate a fresh cup of black coffee. Thankfully it accepts one of the ceramic cups arranged by the side so no crappy paper cup for him.

The wolf returns to the room, careful not to spill the steaming hot drink on the way. However, as the door swings open the scene he is presented with causes the wolf to momentarily freeze up, stare, and then stare some more. In the time it has taken Ardex to go get the coffee and come back to the cramped room him and the rhino are to share, Chris has been changing his clothes. Now the rhino is standing with nothing on but a pair of generous, yet still nice and tight, y-fronts clinging around his muscular buttocks and heavy front package. An uncomfortable silence, bar for the rain beating down on the roof, permeates the room as Ardex stares all over the rhino's ripped body and Chris stares back with a pair of jeans still in his right hand.

"Okay I'm just gonna say it. Will you please let me suck that fat and juicy piece of meat I can clearly see the outline of." Ardex might blush now that he has said it, but the rhino blushes first.

"I thought you'd never ask." The rhino replies and drops the jeans, opening his large arms wide and sticking his crotch out.

Ardex can hardly believe his luck as he haphazardly puts the coffee down on the nearest level surface and approaches the stud. More words are coming from Chris' mouth, something about obviously having noticed the wolf eye him up earlier and but not wanting to make the first move; Ardex does not seem to care for words right now. Still fully clothed himself, the grey wolf kneels down to get a closer look at the ungulate's package. Its bulbous shapes and tantalising curves would be enough as Ardex feels his erection growing once more, but it is the scent that is getting to him. A potent, rich aroma is rising up from the Rhino, textured with masculine musk it fills the lupine's sensitive nostrils with a burning effect. His paws gravitate towards Chris' underwear, ignoring the bulge in his own crotch that is curving its way down his trouser leg.

The rhino rumbles with a mixture of pride and bashfulness as Ardex grabs the bulge with both hands. He squeezes gently electing the most subtle of moans from the big man. The engineer looks up and the other guy winks back telling him to continue; he wants the wolf to finish the work of undressing him. Ardex's claws are already hooking into the waistband, a stereotypically wolfish grin on his face as he pulls the fabric down without a moment's hesitation. Out tumbles the other guy's impressive, pink hued malehood. Accompanied by testicles the size of large oranges, and similarly grey skinned to the rest of his body, the phallus is anthropomorphic in shape but by no means human in size. Ardex licks the lips and audibly growls. The deep sound he makes is low and filled with lust.

"Go on then, say hello." Chris' bashful expression has changed to a more confident smile as he leans back against the bunk bed in the tiny room.

Ardex smacks his lips together loudly and leans in. The scent is stronger now, tasting it even before his tongue makes contact with the fat head of the rhino's python. It has a greasy texture at first, but is full of flavour as Ardex rolls his tongue over it. One of Chris' large hands gently rests over the wolf's head, pushing the lupine's otherwise perky ears back. The wolf makes a sound not far off from a purr as he carries on licking the organ. He can feel it responding now, beneath his fingers the flesh is growing warmer and becoming more and more plump. His lips are upon the rhino's cock now, pursed over it they meet just in time as the increasingly turgid phallus produces its first drop of pre in the increasingly arousing encounter. Ardex gladly laps it up, sweet and smooth it mixes with his saliva as he swallows. Cris moans in response to the wolf's increasingly tight grip around his dick, rubbing back now he pulls the foreskin back as the growing shaft starts to disappear into the wolf's maw.

He knew that the rhino is big, but his estimates of just how big the guy would get might have been a little under. Ardex is struggling as he starts to go down, inches disappearing past his slutty lips. The goal here is to show off by deep-throating the rhino I sync with his erection reaching full mast. However, as the rhino's thick, throbbing meat is slowly pushed down the back of Ardex's, he begins to think there is no end to the leviathan. At last is paws reach the rhino's crotch, as they have been leading ahead. He lets go with one hand, instead reaching for the big man's low hanging fruits and then followed by the other. The wolf's eyes are tearing up as his cold nose finally reaches the rhinos crotch underneath his washboard abs, causing Chris to giggle a little from the odd sensation.

"Wow, you took all, mmm, all of it on the first try." Chris comments, impressed by the shorter males performance. He runs his fingers over Ardex's ears, pinching them together and pushes the back of his head making Ardex nuzzle into the rhino's crotch.

The kneeling wolf might have responded, but for now he just wags his tail, whilst trying not to gag. Nevertheless he soon starts to feel a little lightheaded. Ardex taps Chris' thigh and the rhino finally lets him go. He pulls all of the way off, taking deep breaths of air. The rhino's dick swings free, covered in a reflective layer of saliva and pre-ejaculate. After a moment's pause Ardex is staring yet again, this time at the rhino's gloriously full erect phallic instrument. Chris is now idly stroking his own dick, squeezing out fat globs of pre that trickle down and run over his sack like beads of sweat. The wolf licks his lips again with a hungry look and barks up at the other man with a happy smile.

"I know you want this err, juicy bone." Chris slides into the pseudo-roleplay he finds himself in with some awkwardness. "But I think you need to show me just how much you want it first."

Ardex barks again, knowing what the rhino wants. He stands up making the obvious bone in his own pants to protrude almost painfully against his clothes. His paws to go his shirt, unbuttoning and sliding the sleeves down over his muscular arms with speed. The wolf is not as large as the rhino, but he has gone to great lengths to build up his musculature and overall body definition. His torso is full of curves and valleys, over pecs and abdominal muscles. Ardex stretches his arms out, letting the biceps impressively contract as he shows himself off. There is a smile plastered across the white fur mask of his muzzle all the way through this display; whilst his eyes keep wandering over Chris' gargantuan cock which is the prize.

Belt off next, claws under his waistline and Ardex is getting even more excited. They come down over his short grey crotch fur and a long black piece of meat starts to show. Chris watches as the wolf shimmies down his trousers, until his fully erect wolfhood pops out with a broad swing, pre ejaculate dripping from the pointed tip. That last article of clothing down to his ankles now the wolf stands with arms akimbo, chest out and dick throbbing away as it points at the rhino. With a growl he asks what the rhino thinks.

"Turn around first." Chris says back, knowing full well what he wants.

Ardex does as he is told, though with a pout. The lupines firm muscle butt is topped by his now frenetic tail. Chris makes a little ironic wolf whistle as Ardex swings his hips, waggling his rump as if it is a gift to all gay men. He is about to turn around when he now feels the rhinos large, hot body press against his back. Big and rough hands come around, one to grasp at the wolf's chest whilst the other goes down, runs over his abs and starts to play with his thick black cock. Ardex grinds back and feels the rhino's massive member ride up between his furry cheeks. Pre spits and drools from the head, gradually dampening the short fur that covers the lupine's butt cheeks. He growls some more and wriggles his ass this way and that.

"Things might get a little rough in this tiny room." Chris tells him, leaning in to kiss Ardex's cheek.

"Is that a promise?" Ardex replies sardonically but is taken surprise as the rhino grabs him.

With almost next to no effort Ardex finds himself hoisted up by the rhino. The larger man's hands are holding the wolf by his sides. Pulling up in this manner Ardex suddenly becomes aware of the ceiling brushing against his ears; thankfully the rhino knows when to stop lifting. Now Ardex is lowered down, ever so slowly, onto the rhino's turgid malehood. He gasps as the organ snakes its way between his cheeks and feels it push against his tight sphincter. His tail goes straight as the rhino uses the wolf's own muscular bodyweight to force the smaller male down upon his spear. Ardex groans as the rhino penetrates him, the fat head of the phallus stretching his sphincter out remarkably wide and already making it feel a little sore.

"D-Dry?" Ardex says between his own snarling groans.

"Mmm, tighter this way. Don't worry, you'll soon lube up." Chris lets his back rest against the creaking bunk as he continues to lower the wolf.

Indeed there is a good deal of pre, serving as lubricant, coming out of the already lubed up penis. However it is not nearly enough to smooth the ride on first entry and before long the wolf is howling as he feels the rhino go deeper and further still. His stomach tightens as his sphincter resists the intruder, but all the while an itch is being scratched that makes the wolf's cock jump with vigour. After what seems like an age he reaches the base of Chris' long, thick meat, and he feels his furry balls rest on top of the even larger ones hanging from the rhino's crotch. Too late now, Ardex says to himself, this must mean he is one gay puppy.

"Now you're all the way down, what do you think?" Chris asks the wolf as his hands move from Ardex's sides to his front, stroking his chest a little as he props him up on his chest.

"I'm, nnngh, not sure I, mmmh, felt you go in." Ardex laughs a little as does the rhino, but he is also focused on not losing his load too soon. Indeed with every heartbeat he can feel the leviathan throb so deep inside of his body that it makes his loins tingle all over.

"I could just fuck you like this. But lets try it on the bunk, like civilised men." Chris says as he now begins the clumsy journey to the lower bunk bed.

With every turn Ardex can feel the rhino's dick twist and tease his insides out. His eyes scrunched up he has to catch himself from falling face first onto one of the metal legs on the bunk as he starts to fall forward. It is annoying, but now the pair have managed to fit inside the cramped space on the lower bunk bed. Like some kind of sweating, muscly, ball of grey fur they can now begin the real fun. Chris of course starts by pulling himself out, leaving just the tip still inside. Ardex whines and wriggles during this part. The scents travelling in the air right now do not help the lusty lupine as he feels a sore, but aching need emanating from his tail hole.

"FUCK!" Ardex howls as the rhino suddenly slams his erection all the way back inside his partner. Strong arms hook underneath the wolf's own and only now does he start to realise what he has let himself in for.

A horny, and very large, rhinoceros is a force of nature on the days he is receiving tail daily; this one has not had a partner for almost a month. As such, he now lays into the wolf's tight ass like a machine jackhammering away. Balls rhythmically slap into Ardex's rear end as the rhino's massive, throbbing erection is plugging away like a piston. The various growls, moans and howling falls on deaf ears as looking just over his shoulder the wolf can see a look of immense concentration on Chris' face. All he can do is hold on, with his claws scraping against a wallpapered plaster wall as he gets fucked like a slut at a stag night. At the very least the copious amounts of pre have now lubed his hole up enough to make the fucking less abrasive and more smooth.

The sounds are echoing down the hall, people know what the pair are doing, but neither one of them care. He can taste the pre on his tongue again, the scent is that strong now. Ardex is unable to hold back any longer, as finally he howls his way through an orgasm that ravages his body. His cheeks squeeze like vice grip around the rhino's dick, but Chris just ploughs on through that, the immense strength in his thighs and hips being more than enough. White string shots of semen spill out from the wolf's pulsating black cock and the bed sheets of the creaking bunk become wet and sticky. His eyes roll around in their sockets and he slumps a little, claws still digging into the wallpaper as he drools against the pillow.

Soon after the wolf has spent himself, his body still shivering and responding to the rhino fucking it raw, Chris nears his own orgasm. The big man pants hard, his tongue hanging out of his mouth as he gets down low, his bodyweight pressing down on top of Ardex. Smaller thrusts now, his bone buried deep into the smaller man as his loins pull up and begin to churn their contents. Ardex gasps, his claws curling up as the rhino bellows beside his ear and he can feel the flow of white hot spunk filling his hole. It washes over where that itch was and he is making that pseudo-purr again as the strong arms of the rhino come around in a cuddle around his canid companion. The frenetic activity has died down now and Ardex notices something has changed.

"Hey, I think it's stopped raining." Ardex says as the rhino lays atop him, his member starting to soften inside the wolf.

"Sound like you're right. I wonder when that happened." He says and kisses the back of Ardex's neck.

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