Open Sea Redux

Story by Iscin on SoFurry

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A speed commission I did for Cornel in time for Christmas. This involves characters all owned by him, alone on a boat, in a futuristic post-flood world. Enjoy.

All characters © Cornel Peacemaker

The two hundred metre long trimaran, the Occam's Razor, clips the evening light's waves with haste. Aboard her are a small group of very unusual people, all of them on the run from a team of very angry soldiers. It is not that they wanted to anger any group of especially well armed warriors, but it was inevitable to pay for the price of their freedom. The small clique consists of a menagerie of half-humans in no particular order: Cornel the dragon, Arista the dolphin, Sarah the shark and Myla the manta-ray. Together they have become fast friends during their time in the bionics laboratory situated off of what used to be the coastline of South Australia. But only now can they experience their lives in the manner they choose to.

There is even less habitable land in the world than before now, over ninety percent of the Earth's surface has become submerged after the ice caps finally melted. Initial panic had turned into a grim resolve by the world authorities and respective leaders to prepare humanity for a new environment. Emergent technologies on the fringe of human understanding had enabled biotech and differing transhumanist disciplines to create a multitude of possibilities in self-directed evolution. This resulted in facilities just like the kind that Cornel and hir comrades are presently fleeing from. But when the regulatory boards fell to the wayside and eventually the governments themselves died, the methods and practices of the researchers turned to malevolent extremes. The end times will do that to a civilisation.

Sea water sprays into Cornel's scaly black features. Hir red serpentine eyes narrow as shi holds up the metallic skin of hir bionic right arm. It is strange, but even though shi is wearing nothing upon hir body, the centauren does not feel the cool elements as keenly as shi remembers them as a human. Looking down shi watches the pinkish teats on the ends of two black mammaries perk up, but there is no shivering and no discomfort, if hir senses are to be believed that is. The many alterations to hir body, both external and internal, must have included augmentations that harden hir entire body to simple changes in whatever external environment shi finds himself in. Just as well shi fled before they began running trials involving their limits.

"What's on your mind?" That question can come from only one person. Cornel turns to see Arista, white, silver and black, standing just behind the large dragoness with a smile wrapped around her black accented mouth.

"Just musing on the changes of the me in the past and the me of the now. Err, who is at the helm?" Cornel is a little annoyed now, the dolphin is exactly who shi wanted at the helm but the cetacean is too interested in what others are doing to take the duty seriously enough.

"Oh I let Sarah have a go, shi seems to like the responsibility more than me." Arista trills with her usual cheerfulness. Even whilst on the run the dolphin does not let her mood come down. "Of course there are many other things I can lay my flippers on aboard this vessel."

Cornel watches with an initially annoyed expression as Arista walks down stroking her left hand along the centaur-like dragon's back. Reaching hir front, the dolphin turns around to face Cornel, hands now rubbing up along the reptile's dark blue-grey belly. The look on Cornel's face changes as the female's hands cup around the hermaphrodite's copious breasts, squeezing them firmly between the manipulative digits. Cornel can feel hir body coming to life, the teasing of hir nipples feeding back into the rest of hir body all the way to the back where hir loins being to burn. Arista catches a mumbled moan on the dragon's lips and leans up, assisted by her fluke, to press her mouth against Cornel's and the two lovers kiss.

"This is really not the time," Cornel chastises but does not resist. Hir body is already responding to the dolphin, and the added excitement of being on the run is only making the situation hotter.

"The time is perfect, you need to unwind." Arista smiles and rubs her thumbs against each of the herm's teats.

The boat bobs up and down as the dolphin starts making her way aft of the dragon, slipping underneath the dragon and in no time Cornel feels Arista sliding down to the area between hir hind legs. Cornel's gun metal grey bionic right arm reaches for and grabs the starboard railing. Hir leg muscles tense as shi feels the twenty six year old chromatic cetacean's hands run along the powerful hind leg muscles there. Shi blushes as hir member pokes out of its hiding place, the tip already dribbling a musky and viscous fluid as it grows long and thick.

"Hello again my naughty friend." Arista teases the herm as her fingers and thumbs lock around the groin, thumbs tickling the drooping ball sack a bit.

Suddenly Cornel can feel the hot breath coming from Arista's open mouth, a clear difference in the cool sea air. Shi makes a snap decision and thrusts forward, whilst being careful not to thrust too fast or far for risk of poking something. Bullseye as the engorged, veiny phallus spears into the dolphin's slutty little month. Arista eyes bug out as her jaws are forced open wider around the thickening mid section and then base of her scaly lover's organ. She breathes through her blowhole whilst moaning over the taur's hermhood, very loudly.

Cornel begins to give hir smaller friend long, deliberate thrusts. Hir cock reaches down the back of Arista's throat, the taste, smell and touch of the organza filling her senses to the brim. Down between her legs, the young woman has plenty of experience down her. Moving her head back and forth, she allows the herm to thrust forward and pull on back at hir own pace. The rede organ throbs with life against the dolphin's tongue as she runs it underneath, lips pursed and flippers busy. Cornel can feel Arista's dorsal fin rubs against the underside of hir own body, every touch becoming amplified now. The slurping and sliding sound of oral sex from underneath the dragon start to be drowned out by hir own growing moans as the waves crash into the trimaran's centre hull.

Even as the dragon and the dolphin begin to copulate on the foreword deck of the Occam's Razor, a third person is watching them. Myla is another bionic hermaphrodite, although unlike Cornel shi is bipedal. Also unlike Cornel shi shares an aquatic nature with Arista, for Myla has the striking appearance of a human like manta ray. Hir arms, legs, head and back are a deep blue, almost obsidian black. Hir cheat and abdomen is a lavender purple, whilst hir lips and gills on the sides of hir neck are a neon teal colour. Myla is the most alien looking of the group by far, and that is without describing hir "wings" which are almost butterfly like with more purple coloration and contain the bionic augmentations of an underwater propulsion system.

Myla licks hir vivid lips as shi slinks down the railing from the aft of the trimaran. One hand glides over the safety railing and hir pair of face tentacles, one on each side of hir mouth, wiggle a little as shi watches on hir approach. Even with the crashing of the sea, the grunting, panting and moaning made between Cornel and Arista can be easily heard from this distance. And that is without factoring in the smell, rich and potent it fills the manta ray's mind with thoughts which need no description. Myla starts to jog along the deck, the naked soles of hir feet slapping against the wet surface.

Arista is the first one to notice the approach manta ray, buried as she is between Cornel's hind legs. With one free slate grey coloured hand she waves at Myla and the herm smiles back. It is not until the slick hands of the manta ray are gliding across the dragon's rump that Cornel notices the introduction of a third player. Snapping hir head back shi stares wide eyed at the purple marine friend. Similar to the motions of the dolphin only a moment before, Myla walks on over to the front of the dragon's body whilst running one hand along hir back, the black wings shivering in response. Just like Arista, Myla throws hirself into Cornel's human-like torso, palms flat out to grasp at the dragon's firm tits.

"Oh fuck you two are excited!" Cornel exclaims, even as shi carefully thrusts into a particularly slutty dolphin's mouth. But Myla soon shuts hir up by bringing their lips together, the manta-ray's strange face feels rubbery as they nuzzle into one another.

"Mmmf," Arista pulls away from sucking down dragon dick for a moment. "You seem plenty excited yourself to me."

"Oh ignore hir honey, you need a proper touch." Myla's voice is silkier than Arista's and Cornel agrees as shi strokes hir hands down the other herm's back to grasp both ass cheeks.

For a moment Cornel wonders if shi should suggest to the two other ladies that they find a compartment in the Occam's Razor, away from the elements. But as hir balls are grasped wantonly by the cetacean down below the thought escapes hir mind for now. Now hir organic hand is being guided by Myla, down and between the manta-ray's legs where hir unusual genitalia awaits. Curiously the bipedal herm has a teal blue tinted vagina, but either side of it are a twinned pair of phalluses, similarly tinted teal at the very tips. Cornel can feel Myla's cocks begin to rise up, but hir fingers skip these as shi dives into the smaller herm's moistening pussy. Myla's tight teal lips part as shi gasps, body arching in response to the other herm's touch.

"Now how do we find a... mmmh... suitable position?" Cornel asks of Myla as shi thrusts slowly back and forth into Arista's mouth, her dorsal fin tickling the dragon's underbelly as she goes.

"Maybe if I slip back there a moment." The manta-ray slips out of the dragon's grasp, shivering as shi feels those large digits fall out of hir dripping vagina.

Myla starts to walk back down the side of her dragon friend. She stops for a moment and dips underneath to bring one hand down across Arista's white little butt underneath her fluke tail. The dolphin mumbles loudly, exhaling more air than normal through her blowhole but still very busy with a mouthful of cock. Myla giggles as shi ducks back out from underneath the clueless Cornel and skips back to the dragon's rear quarters. With a tap of hir hand shi indicates to the reptile to lift hir tail and raise hir wings out of the way; Cornel does so with a gentle swaying of hir hips.

Both of the manta-ray's penises are rock hard now, tips wet with pre glistening to the low light as the sun is setting in the horizon to the west. However first of all Myla wants to play with the larger herm's body a bit. So using one hand at first, shi delves in between Cornel's hind legs where hir fleshy pink folds lay. A roar erupts from the other end as Cornel feels the sudden and rushed action of hir friend's dark blue hand jam into hir vulva. But the shock soon turns into agitated pleasure, as Myla begins working hir thumb against the large centauren-like dragon's clitoris. Fingers fan out deep inside of Cornel's female genitalia, and shi now struggles to decide which direction to thrust: forward into the dolphin's mouth or backwards into the manta-ray's playful hands.

"Ready so soon?" Myla says whilst applying hir other hand to further tease out the dragon. "Won't be long until I'll just have to give you the real thing."


Meanwhile, further aft of the Occam's Razor inside an enclosed cabin, a bionically enhanced hermaphroditic shark is getting increasingly bored as acting helmsman. Naked like the others, hire body is a white-grey in the front and black for the rest of it apart from crimson red tints at the edges of hire fins, across hire remaining organic eye and hire hands. Hir right has been replaced by a bionic facsimile, framed by a metal plate. Both hir eyes are presently wandering over the controls of the trimaran. When Arista showed hir the basics, Sarah had initially been excited about getting a chance at some real control over this swish ship. But alas, now shi grows weary, since there is only direction to go in, and she grows ever more paranoid of what might be behind them just beyond the black.

Swiping one of hir red index fingers across the multitouch surface of the control screen, Sarah starts to browse the cavalcade of features the ship's operating system provides. Curiously what shi presumes was supposed to be a military vessel, it contains an awful lot of luxury entertainment apps and services. It is just a shame that none of those streaming options are going to work now that it is the end of the civilised world as they knew it. However as shi continues to swipe through one screen after the next, Sarah stumbles across something extremely interesting to hir particular mischievous nature: Security micro optics secreted into almost every other rivet in the boat.

"This is more like a military vessel." Sarah mumbles as shi voyeuristically begins activating the system.

It does not take long before the view flickering across the screen change to show what is happening elsewhere on deck. Sarah's finger stops to hover over the controls as shi stares at the scene. Out in the twilight of the sea night there is Cornel, Myla and Arista, two hermaphrodites and a female with the smaller pair buried in the large dragoness. The shark feels a twinge of excitement run down into hir loins as shi begins to watch. An emboldened and randy Myla thrusts hirself into the tender pink loins from Cornel's aft quarters. Although the camera does not include audio, Sarah can still hear the roar which comes from Cornel all the way here as it pierces through the ocean wind.

One of hir hands goes to hir left breast and without even thinking the shark begins to play with hir nipple there. With hir other hand Sarah tries to find a closer view into what is happening underneath Cornel. An especially flushed looking Arista is sucking down several inches of prime dragon pole there, her eyes watering a bit though still able to breath quite safely thanks to her cetacean nature. One hand strokes part of the herm dragon's shaft whilst her other hand grasps for and squeezes those heavy set of testicles which dangle from the four legged Cornel's back. But try as she might, the efforts of the lovely Arista can only do so much, as more of an effect comes from twin-dicked Myla.

Cornel is holding onto the railing by the side of the boat with both hands now. Hir head raised high shi roars yet again as Myla starts hammer into the larger herm's pussy. Hir vulva lips are spasming out as shi feels both of the manta-ray's penises thrust all the way into Cornel's slippery wet orifice. Myla is finding whatever purchase shi can with both hands digging into the scaly back of Cornel's body. The expression on hir smooth face is remarkably emotive as hir eyes roll with pleasure. Shi loves mounting the dragoness this way, but very rarely got to do it back in the laboratory conditions they were subjected to; but now that they are all the way out here.

With one more energetic thrust than the last Myla manages to make the dragon jump forward a little. Down below, Arista gets a little more cock than she asked for and has to pull back as a flood of spunk starts to pour forth from Cornel's loins. The first load drools down from her mouth, drops sliding her perky white mammalian breasts with little pink teats. Then a second blast and a third follow, showering Arista in musky, sticky mess that she licks up with a vibrant trill in her throat. Cornel's entire body shivers in the afterglow, though is distracted the the discourteous pounding Myla continues to deliver into the dragon's convulsing vaginal lips. The manta-ray's own gasps for release build up quickly, before shi too finds hir loins burning.

"NNNGH!" There really is not much for Myla to say as shi holds hir crotch firmly against Cornel's body. Both phalluses throb with pulses of semen travelling down to burst somewhere deep inside of Cornel's moistened pussy. The dragoness clenches around the other herm, as a separate female orgasm sweeps over hir body, wings fluttering madly.

"Oooh, more." Arista coos, sliding around on the deck floor underneath. A backflow of creamy manta-ray seed drips down between Myla's legs. The dolphin tries to catch what she can, comparing the different texture and taste; Cornel's is a little more balanced, though Myla's is sweeter.

Though the monitor in the little command cabin at the aft of the ship continues to display the scene, no one is watching it from there anymore. First Arista and now Sarah abandon that dutiful post, though luckily the boat does possess its own guidance system which will keep its course true through the wind and waves. So now the shark dashes down the across the deck, all the light from the evening sun now gun as it sets upon the receding horizon behind them. Artificial lights across the deck start to come on as Cornel and Myla begin to settle down.

"Well, looks like you two had fun." Arista comments whilst leaning against the railing, scooping handfuls of creamy spunk plastered to her breasts.

"I don't want to miss out the finale!" Sarah shouts at, startling the dolphin as shi hurls hirself forward. Without warning the bottlenose is snatched off from the rails and is thrown back onto the deck. A randy, grinning shark atop of her.

"Eep! Steady Sarah!" Arista is squeaking loudly, but said squeaks soon turn to gasps as the shark's hands squeeze around both of those sticky mammaries. Shi leans in and nibbles gently upon the cetacean's neck, murmuring dirty things to the female.

Sarah does not mind getting the dragon semen already covering the dolphin onto hirself. But it is the turgid shark phallus which throbs at the ready between hir legs that shi really wants to get wet now. A toothy grin remains on hir face all the way through as shi runs one hand down the dolphin's back, stroking her dorsal fin before going all the way down to squeeze one of her buttock cheeks. Arista responds automatically by arching her midsection up a bit that the shark times with thrusting forward, finding hir mark the first time. The bottlenose squeals as she is penetrated in one go, the folds of her flesh parting for the herm shark's throbbing grey and black erection. Thanks to the combination of pre and Arista already having got very excited form before, there is enough lubrication for Sarah to go all the way in on the first try.

"Mmm, tight little mammal." Sarah almost growls as Arista yells out from the sudden change in size of her orifice's opening. But then Arista grabs the back of Sarah's red tipped dorsal fin and pulls hir closer.

"Fff. Nnngh. Mmmh." Noises come out of Arista's mouth, but no message. She bites her bottom lip as she pushes back against the deck floor underneath. Her socked breasts rub up against the herm's, locking and sliding against each other as she cries out louder and louder.

"Oooh, you really want it." Sarah comments, though her breath is becoming uneven now from the exertion of thrusting hir body rhythmically into the bottlenose with a steady slapping sound.

Cornel and Myla watch with interest, their own bodies starting to rise back up out of the afterglow from their own activities. The manta-ray slides up against the large taur sitting down the deck. Shi hooks one arm around the larger herm's shoulder, whilst with hir other hand shi strokes down across Cornel's neck to tickle hir a little. The wandering fingers continues to go down, tracing the curving valley between Cornel's large black breasts. But though they stroke and caress one another's bodies, their eyes remain fixed upon Sarah and Arista, as the shark becomes ever more frenetic in hir fucking the dolphin atop the trimaran.

In fact, the shark's almost violent ploughing of the cetacean's now flowing wet pussy is so dramatic that shi is beginning to push the girl across the deck. The other two watch with some amusement as with each power drive into the dolphin, Sarah manages to push her along, further down the bow of the Occam's Razor. For poor little Arista, she tries to grip her legs around the shark, but everything is becoming a blurred mixture of senses. The taste of the sea air, the feel of the pounding hot flesh being driven inside of her body, and the strange smooth feel of the herm's breasts rubbing up against her own. It all comes to a head as her body begins to tighten up, an electric sensation running across her flesh as she squeezes around around Sarah's engorged phallus upon one of its multiple explorations of her deepest regions.

"FUCKIN' TIGHT!" Sarah snarls as shi can feel hir being gripped from every possible angle. Shi could still pull out, but the sensations the dolphin's tender vagina is giving hir is too good to pass up; it's a full penis massage and half.

Unfortunately for Sarah shi is unable to hold on, as hir loins burn with an undeniable pressure. Lifting hir head back, shi growls in an unusual manner for what ought to be a marine animal, hir tail thrashing behind hir against a part of the deck that is wet with the juices they have been trailing behind their steady advance. Hir balls bunch up tightly around hir crotch and a torrent of needy shark semen pours down into the dolphin's welcoming pussy. One load surges through Sarah's body and shi tenses up, neck muscles strain. A second and shi begins to waver, hir legs shaking even as Arista's finally let go around the shark's waist. The third and fourth leave the shark herm sliding down, snout nestling into the dolphin's neck as hir body relaxes. Fifth is the last, a warmth growing deep inside of Arista's abdomen as she chirps happily.

The ship sails on, its crew exhausted and its destination indeterminate. They will carry on this course for as long as they can, probably experiencing more than a dozen different orgies before they decide on where they actually want to go next. Far behind them the soldiers have already surrendered their pursuit, disorganisation already eating up cohesion of the facility's faculty which they have left behind. This horizon they are heading to marks the beginning of something new, though what exactly they will still need to figure out. Hopefully between some playful experimentation.

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