The Continuing Adventures of Luke Harder

Story by Iscin on SoFurry

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Luke enters the room of strangers wearing nervousness that others in the room notice. Eyes of differing shapes and colours snap to focus on the new arrival. Some of these eyes are slitted, like a cat or a lizard, others are beady, some have large pupils and the variations continue. Everyone here shares one things with Luke, every last one of them was once pure human, now they are all metahuman: incorporating different animalistic features or a combination from multiple species into their DNA to become a new man or a new woman. This place is where many of them congregate, usually as a way to find that next chapter in their lives. Luke is no different for his reason being here. The tall, dark brown furred mustang sits down in one of many specially modified chairs next to a coffee table. This one has been raised beyond what is normal and it suits Luke's new stature of somewhere close to eight feet tall. A curvy looking maid with whiskers, cats eyes and a striped black and red fur coat walks up and asks him what he will be having this evening. His eyes wander up and down, trying to figure out what modifications this woman had made to herself; there are obvious feline features but then there seems to be something else by the way her legs are bowed but still plantigrade. She clears her throat and Luke's eyes snap back up before he orders something alcoholic; it might have been a brandy though his mind is not focused at the moment. She walks off, ass swinging in an exaggerated manner, though that part is probably due to the legs. Luke rests his elbow on the table and his elongated head on his hand. His bicep significantly flexes from this innocent action and he feels self conscious about the clothes he barely managed to find to wear out here in public. For all the ways he prepared, he just did not get clothes that fit him properly. Thankfully the pants are very baggy, though they stop just before his knees. But the shirt, which is actually a thin jumper with its sleeves cut, is stretched tight over his chest leaving little to the imagination. Oh well, he will just have to see the tailor sometime later, first he needs to find a new job. Someone new now enters his field of view and Luke stops leaning on his hand as the stranger pulls up a chair without even asking. He sits down and Luke looks at the face of his pointy eared companion. Staring down his furry muzzle, the wolfish stranger seems to be weighing up the horse. Actually this other guy is not entirely foreign to Luke, he has been expecting him in fact. The black wolf metahuman is the manager of a specialist nightclub, fairly exclusive for multiple reasons. He is here as a potential employer for Luke, though he needs to "like" the equine first. "My name is Gareth." The other metahuman smiles as he extends a black paw to shake. Luke takes it and feels the smaller hand inside his own. Gareth has manicured claws and is wearing a couple of metal rings, cool to the touch. "So I understand that you are interested about working in my establishment. But before I even consider giving you a contract I..." "Need to see me personally... intimately. I already know about that part." Luke interrupts him and Gareth smiles a second time before motioning for the pair of them to leave the table. Luke stands with the wolfen metahuman, for the nth time he notices how he towers over everyone he has met so far since his transformation. Following the smaller man, the equine soon finds himself slipping around the back of the bar into one of the private rooms which Gareth must have reserved in advance. Everything here is in exquisite order, from the lush and brand new appearing carpet to the decorations including a uniquely not terrible painting of a tower in the middle of a pristine landscape. It is here that Gareth spins around and tells Luke to close the door behind them. The horse man does so, taking just a moment to see if anyone has their eyes on this door: some do. As Luke turns back he sees his prospective employer has already managed to undress down to a very provocative pair of underwear. Bright red splashes across the front of what Luke would describe as a "man thong" with black straps hugging against the wolf's waist. Tail wagging behind himself, Gareth begins to approach the horse with a hungry wolfish look. It is obvious that the intimate part is already beginning. Luke feels a little uncomfortable as the other male sinks his claws into the horse's rather large crotch. The horse smiles back down at Gareth as the wolf starts to pull down the stretched out pants. The lupine's yellow eyes bug out as he watches the crotch fur spill out followed by the base of a very broad phallus belonging to the newly reborn me§tahuman. His tail starts to wag ever faster, his excitement and curiosity growing as he continues to pull the horse's clothing off. Luke just stands there, twiddling his thumbs behind his back as he lets the wolf explore what he wants; even thoug his cock has already begun to twitch into life. The fabric pulls down and down, more and more of the tremendously proportioned equine's endowment being revealed until finally the broad head slips free from the waistband. Gareth growls in lust before yelping as he is unexpectedly slapped in the face by a stallion's semi-turgid rod. Clear and musky pre smears over the black fur covering Gareth's muzzle. He blinks once, stares at the drooping mass of flesh which is already sticking out a clear foot from Luke's furry crotch and opens wide. There are words shared, the expected compliment, stating the obvious and Luke abashed thanking Gareth for his kind words and this opportunity. But these exchanges are not what is important now. Dark black paws grip around the equine's endowment, and hungry lips meet the broad head. Sucking and slurping noises start to come from Gareth he begins trying to work his way down the midsection. Even as Luke's erection continues to grow, at full mast in but a moment, the wolf works on snaking it down. Caressing tongue movements work back and forth along the underside of the large organ. Tingling sensations grow like the tendrils of a lightning strike before forking across and sending a thrilling jolt of pleasure aching from Luke's loins. He cannot help but neigh like the animal he always desire to be like. His large hands come around, arm muscles flexing, as he reaches down to grab the lupine's head by the ears and mane. Gareth whimpers and allows the equine to pull him down, struggling to kick back his gag reflex as the ridiculously oversized phallus tunnels down his maw and throbs against the roof of his mouth. It seems odd, but Luke has never actually been with another man like this before, certainly not as a human. However this is a new life and as he starts thrusting those last few fat inches of his cock down the slutty wolf's throat, it all comes so naturally to him. Maybe it is the feeling of power, the knowledge that he is more man than this "wolf" and then some; but he is loving every moment of it. The cold touch of the wolf's nose against Luke's smelly crotch is punctuated by the sudden removal of Gareth's mouth with a long slurp. Gareth struggles for a gasp of fresh air and coughs hard, his lips covered with sticky pre as Luke holds the base of his wet, throbbing monster - concerned yet still eager to resume face fucking Gareth. But the lupine quickly recovers and hops back up from the floor. "You're impressive! I heard that they had finished working out the inefficiencies with this phallic design, but I had no idea." Gareth is feeling a little overwhelmed as he cups one of the massive twins dangling between Luke's legs in the palm of one paw. "Why don't you just sit down and we'll see how sweet you really are." Blushing a little now Luke sits down on the edge of the bed. His dick bounces around a bit, slapping against his belly, so he wraps one hand around his cock and watches as Gareth shrugs out of his burdensome clothes. Clearly when the wolf received his alterations he made sure to include the popular set of enhancements. Despite the thick set of dark fur across his entire body the wolf's definition to musculature can be seen, though not as massively build up as the mustang in the room. He runs his claws down over his chest and abs, before playing with his furry nuts a bit whilst watching Luke's reaction. Gareth sticks his tongue out at Luke before spinning around and lifting his tail, legs spread apart. Luke is told to hold steady whilst the lupine backs up, his tail wagging this way and that. The equine adjusts his dick's elevation, making sure that as Gareth backs up he will be able to find his mark and slip it in without much problem other than the obvious proportion difference. He giggles a little effeminately as the black tail starts to brush against his chest, but the laughter stops as he feels Gareth's warm ass press against his throbbing malehood. The toned, furry muscle butt stops for a moment and the wolf bends his legs letting the head drool its pre up and down his crack. Now satisfied with that holistic preparation he braces himself and pushes back. "FFFFFUCK!" Gareth shouts the word after a protracted growl, followed by more growling. Luke has to agree with the statement as he feels the lupine's virgin-level tight sphincter muscles begrudgingly open up around the broad head of his horsecock. Gareth starts to pant hard and his tongue is hanging out the side of his mouth. Though with tail wagging he forces himself down, inch after meaty inch slides into place past his orifice. Inside the wolf his body is trying to resist with every ounce of vigour, but by applying his weight the organ carves its way inside in defiance of this resistance. Of course the entire process of taking the horse for the first time is quite painful for Gareth, for although experienced he has never had a penis quite like this one in the back room before. Luke in mirror is definitely enjoying himself, the experience of feeling not only such a warm but an organically tight space pressing around his cock is beyond what he had imagined it would be like. Ever so steadily more of the wolf wraps around the engorged monster, with tight squeezing of his glans caused by involuntary muscle movements. Luke feels a trickle of excitement become a spike which runs down the length of his rod and glows in his big, black loins. "Here, let me help you." Luke simply can not control himself any longer. Using both hands around Gareth's midsection he pulls the smaller man back and downwards, biceps pressing into the wolf's sides. "Careful, careful! W-WAIIAAAAAARRRGH!" His warnings to be gradual come too late. Gareth thrashes out just a bit, black furred arms and legs flailing, and his eyes are bugging out again. The experience of having a two foot long horsecock shoved up into his previously nice and tight butt is much like hammering a doorstop into a crevice so hard the wood splinters. For a moment Gareth feels as though he is going to split and his legs give out. However in the next moment the feeling subsides and the elongated face of Luke Harder is looking at the lupine metahuman with concern again. He realizes that he was making so much noise that the horse has stopped, and even though the penetration was incredibly painful, the larger male did not force it now that nothing more can fit. Gareth smiles nervously, he probably panicked quite a lot there, and reassures Luke before looking down past his own junk. Much of the equine metahuman's gargantuan organ has forced its way inside of the wolf, but a good five or six inches remains on the outside where it throbs excitedly. Gareth reaches down and squeezes these last few inches now, grinning despite the pain as he hears Luke whinny behind him. But as tight as this fit already is, the potential employer wants to feel more, he wants to experience more from this stud. He tells Luke to take him, as hard and as rough as the horse can muster. Luke's initial response is to ask if Gareth is sure, but his dick is already throbbing even harder inside the lupine as he is given the go ahead. The two males roll until Luke has the smaller Gareth on his knees and paws in the ironically appropriate doggy position underneath himself. He can feel the wolf's tail beat against his chiseled abdomen as the club owner ruffs happily with his butt sticking out. For a moment he is distracted by the weird animalistic nature of both himself and Gareth, the abstract fantastic nature of this scene. At least that is before he is reminded of his more down to earth animal instinct, throbbing needfully between his strong legs. Luke draws himself back until the head pops back out of the stretched sphincter. Heavy set hands clasp around the submissive male's furry shoulders and with a loud yip the lupine gets another full thrust of horsemeat. Sounds of protest come from the inadequate bed underneath them. However this noise pollution is nothing compared to howls of utter delight that are coming from Gareth's not vacant mouth. His fur stands on end as he is penetrated by the, as he is beginning to realize now, over-endowed horse metahuman. As many as fifteen inches are managed to be crammed down into the lupine's durable muscle butt, before the last five or six struggle, throbbing on the outside. Balls come down with a magnificent slapping sound and combined with the way his prostate is getting the workout of a lifetime, it is no wonder that Gareth soon loses control of himself. Claws rip into cloth and tear through wood as he growls and howls, his body clenching up tight around Luke's massive prick. Jet after jet of musky, thick and very creamy wolf cum splashes out onto the bed's surface with some of it flying back onto his muscular chest and belly. "Just... about... done!" Luke whinnies down the smaller man's sensitive ear as he power fucks through the wolfman's anus a couple more times. Each thrust punctuating a wave of electric sensations that run along underneath his fur like wildfire. Gareth orgasms a second time, his seed soaking into the bed sheets just in time as Luke slams into the wolf one final time. His big, black balls slam into the nightclub manager's buttocks and the back of his thighs, as their contents start to unload down the long, thick member buried past those furry cheeks. For the first five seconds there is nothing, then for the next five seconds a flooding of the warm and wet, felt deep inside his body. Past ten seconds Gareth remembers nothing, as his brain finally passes out from a cut off of blood and the entire experience physically exhausting his entire body. It is not until two minutes have passed that the mustang realizes that the smaller male underneath him has not moved yet. 

Gareth opens his eyes and the first thing he sees is the horse. He is laying down on the same bed, but the sheets have been changed. His ass feels like a warzone, but is already beginning to heal. There is something being pushed against his lips, but it is only the brim of a cup with something warm inside it. He takes a sip, then another and stops as his body continues to come to life, strength returning to tired limbs. Luke immediately rolls into a cavalcade of apologies, but the black wolf stops him as he sits  up in the bed. One paw running down a thick, powerful thigh belonging to the mustang. "When would you like to start work?"

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