A Kittywolf's Fury

Story by Iscin on SoFurry

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This is a short commission Solarian got. He wanted something in an "educational setting" with his new fursona Luna Sykes the mutant hermaphrodite hybrid. With that being said, this is what I came up with over the course of a couple of days.

Luna is a statuesque looking tiger and wolf hermaphrodite hybrid, and right now shi is pissed off. The ten foot tall sex god is storming down a crowded corridor with people rushing to get out of hir way. Occasionally someone either does not notice or move in time and shi shoves them out of the way without even needing to extend a single paw. This uncaring attitude might be rude but shi is beyond caring what others think of hir. For the last few months shi has already had to put up with some of the worst behaviour of most others on the campus. Lewd jokes aside, which shi enjoys, it is the way they just assume things about hir. Even speculation on where shi came from, with some rumours being that shi was a lab experiment. But none of these reasons are why shi is angry right now. Luna can forgive most of hir peers for being small minded.

Shi now reaches hir destination and almost breaks the door off of its hinges before ducking inside. Luna closes it behind hirself with a modicum of care before staring down at Professor Hadwell, head of the Anthropology Department. The middle-ageing mustang is dressed in one piece grey suit whilst reclining behind his office desk. He raises both eyebrows as the big busted and, well, big everything Luna looms over his desk like some wronged goddess having come here to seek out hir revenge. Having received his attention shi produces a small collection of papers shi had tucked underneath hir open purple jacket and slams them on the desk with hir paw, almost breaking the surface.

"What the hell?!" Shi really is furious, that much the equine picks up on in an instant of no-shit-sherlock realisation.

"Ignoring the violence with which you have entered my office," the professor begins, "I assume you mean your semester exam."

"You failed me," Luna's black bottom lip is trembling and hir eyes are narrowed to the point where daggers could metaphorically spring out from them.

"Calm down Miss Sykes-" Hadwell chose his words poorly as the hybrid lifts one end of his desk over the other.

"FUCK YOU!" Luna has not felt this angry in quite some time. That last time resulted in more property damage than should be possible in a ten minute span. "I'M DONE WITH YOU AND THIS PLACE!"

The horse is standing up now, his eyes only coming up to the hermaphrodite's beach-ball sized chest cushions. Shi had always been vocal during the lectures but this is on a whole new level. Little does he truly realise in how much danger he truly is as malicious gears start to turn behind Luna's purple eyes. Shi steps forward and he steps backwards feeling the wall push against him now. The professor raises both hands and repeats his suggestion to calm down in a less direct language. There are people just outside who can hear what is happening, but none of them dare enter. Those few too curious continue to watch from a sufficiently safe distance as what happens next shocks and quite possibly arouses some.

It had always been impossibly ridiculous to try and cover the malehood that the hermaphrodite sports. Now however it is actually tearing through hir leather pants all by itself. A three foot long black phallus is sticking out from hir crotch like a loaded cannon; and it is still growing. Hir anthropology professor is wide eyed, slack jawed and quite possibly just started pissing himself as he looks to be attempting to scale the wall. Right now he is probably in several different layer sod disbelief. How could anyone like his be admitted to any public place? What is going to happen now? And is that thing still growing? Where does all the blood come from? These questions and more are soon going to be completely irrelevant.

"H-Help!" Hardwell shouts all too late, only now coming to realise just what level of trouble he is in. "SOMEONE GET HELP!"

He opens his mouth to cry for help again and that moment shi pounces. Though pounce might be too meek a word for the way the titanic hybrid slams into him. Hir arms wrap around the mustang whilst simultaneously breaking through the wall dividing this office with the next. Someone screams, Luna does not care who as hir entire mind and body is focused upon the teacher who has so righteously pissed hir off. He is writhing underneath the hermaphrodrite's body whilst hir five feet long cock throbs against the front of his body. Claws sink into his back, possessively anchoring themselves as shi licks, slurping over the head of hir drooling member and smearing pre up along his neck and onto his face. Shi shakes hir head with bits of plaster and dusty debris flying off of hir luscious purple mane.

"Please scream all you like. It makes it more fun for me." Shi laughs with a wolffish grin and true enough the man begins to scream.

He screams as shi tears his jacket, shirt and pants off using razor sharp claws. He screams some more as shi holds him up over the towering black erection, dangling him in an almost teasing fashion. Hadwell is beginning to run out of breath as shi gently lowers him down so that he can feel the fat, drooling head of hir pointed phallus bumping against his feet. The professor closes his eyes expecting the worst kind of physical violation he can imagine: anal rape. However the hybrid has other plans for him, ones that will end in a way no one but hir could have ever expected. He opens is eyes again as he feels something grab onto his feet. A slimy but warm sensation travels over both of his cloven feet as the mustang looks down to see what is happening. At first he is not exactly sure what he is seeing. Maybe his eyes are playing tricks on him. But the answer is all too simple and strange.

The hybrid's body is capable of a great many feats, unnatural abilities in every sense of the word. Right now the hermaphrodite's engorged monster penis is subsuming Professor Hadwell's body. He begins to try kicking his legs out as shi lowers him into hir organ, but the efforts are futile and only serve to elicit a provocative moan from Luna. A childishly happy expression masks hir face now whilst the wailing decibels of the equine's screams return to the room. He thinks that he has a fighting chance as the tigerwolf now releases hir paws from him. However even when using both of his hands to help him try to push out, he fails to be rewarded and he is soon up to his waist. Luna is stroking hir titanic member now, groaning whilst swinging hir head back. The horse feels wonderful moving down inside of hir mutant meat. To Luna's delight the professor kicks and fights all the way down, the expression on his head one of terrified but defiant anger before that too disappears past the pointed head of hir drooling leviathan.

With one hand reaching down shi strokes over one, and then the other bulging furry nut. Hir other hand works the shaft pulling it close between hir mammoth breasts as the tip drools against the hybrid's face. Luna drinks of hir own sweet nectar and howls up at the roof. The equine's biological mass is now being consumed inside of hir testes. But this brutal act of dominance and voracious consumption is not all that is in store for today's activities. As the kittywolf opens hir eyes they are glowing red now, something powerful running along underneath hir fur and skin. Anyone who has been curious enough to stay and watch swear they can now see Luna growing. It is all as if out of some incredibly fucked up children's fable, as everything about the hybrid's body grows every outwards in a completely proportional manner.

The tiling of the floor cracks underneath hir monstrously oversized claws. Hir head comes up to meet the ceiling and the ceiling gives way. Everything is crashing down around hir as shi continues to selfishly stroke and tease hirself. Enraptured by the sense of power filling hir body, Luna opens wide and tries to force the head of hir phallus down hir throat. The hand that was running over the bloated wrecking balls now changes to find the moistened snatch that runs along hir taint. A flurry of sensations crash over Luna's perceptions and shi wants to howl again; although now there is a good deal of cock lodged into hir maw. Remaining in proportion with the rest of hir body shi can not wrap hir paw fully around the throbbing crotch-cannon pushed up between hir breasts; but still shi tries. The first and second floors both give way for hir accelerating growth and people run in confused terror. All the while the hermaphrodite's scent is rich upon the air. Flooding all of the campus now it has an aphrodisiac like effect upon the other students and faculty alike.

A lone female border collie on the edge of the campus stops as she sees something out of a monster movie. Bursting forth from one of the largest buildings near the centre of campus is something black that glistens in the sunlight. As debris and dust is kicked up and then begins to settle it takes her a moment to realise what she is witnessing. Having become so focused upon hir own erection, Luna has now devoted both hands to the overpowering organ. It towers over everything as the hybrid lays upon hir back. Rooms and people now lay buried underneath hir, some probably trapped underneath that gigantic rear end. Pre ejaculate comes crashing down in steady waves from the drooling head of the megalithic member. It mixes with the female juices before rolling off soaking everything in the immediate vicinity. Of course this kind of scent marking is but the prelude to what is about to come... and then some.

This voyeur can smell the incredible and exotic smell Luna's body is producing from hir masturbatory activity. Her paw tightens around the messenger bag she carries whilst the other drifts closer to her own pelvis. Without even thinking about what she is doing, or if anyone else is watching, she slips her paw down the front of her jeans and underwear. Pressing one finger against her clitoris the others go down into the folds of her vulva as she plays with herself. Thankfully no one else is watching, since all eyes are on the macro-sized hermaphrodite at the centre of things. So with half-closed eyes the canine continues touching herself, biting her lip as she keeps a mostly steady vision on the incredible display.

Suddenly there is a howl, a titanic and ungodly sound, booming from the giant who started all of this. Shi leans up out of hir laying down position and watches hir dick grow a dozen or so metres more. A torrent of semen, more than the horse could have possibly been converted into, is pumped up along the hybrid's phallus under immense pressure. Shi has no control now as all the energy in hir body seems to be sapped even, almost as if the penis is taking more than just semen from out of hir body. Nonetheless the release is euphoric, hir head slumping back onto a pile of rubble as the head of hir skyscraper cock erupts in a plume of white. It is hypnotic to watch that first load spread out overhead, the windless day ensuring it expands evenly before a shower of spunk comes down on everyone within a kilometre radius. Each "droplet" is as much as an average man's single, quivering shot of ejaculate.

A second and then a third follow, as everyone is now soaking wet with sticky semen covering them. There is so much that by the time it slows down to a babbling drool, people can not walk without making the most disgusting of noises in the puddles that surround them. However, even as the giant's erection dies down, a pleased rumble coming from hir prone body, this is not the end. The border collie and others feel an unusual pricking sensation all over their bodies. Soon this sensation feels as if it is penetrating them, a deep warmth aching from their muscles and then their bones like after a long workout. It is with a mixture of chaotic panic and thrilling curiosity that those survivors now feel a growth spurt of their own come about.

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