Gender Equality

Story by Iscin on SoFurry

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A commission for Cornel. The outline was a futuristic, liberal society of furries with technology and magic at their disposal. Dominated by cetaceans and lizards.

Define: Sibling

The towers are shining in the morning light, dazzling in their own splendour. Their glassy exteriors refract the morning sun rays into a spectral range. However, even this early in the morn, there are the sounds of slaves crying out with both pleasure and pain in the service of their masters. Though it is not because they are enslaved, true though this is, that they serve with their bodies, but because they are built to serve that they do it. This is the empire of the ever lustful. For when the god Eros made this place, she saw fit that its people worship her in the only way that would ever count. Although curiously due to the literal making of love, other than war, this civilisation has had a lot of time to perfect their tools; not least in which in how they use their slaves.

Moulding of flesh, from the protein level up, has given rise to a new generation of slave class. Though even before the advent of high technology capable of bioengineering people, they had high sorcery and other methods of enslaving and altering their servants. The upper classes consists of the great houses of anthropomorphic and highly intelligence cetaceans - dolphins to be specific. But that is not to say that everything is this life is easy for the dominant species. For although they have the advantage of having a subjected slave race, they also have the social problems of a society with little to no inhibitions. This does allow for a lot of fun, but also a lot of foolery.

One such fool, privately and sometimes publicly known for hir infamous actions, is Raquel. Shi is the eldest hermaphrodite in a family consisting of hirself, two younger brothers and a pure female mother along with a hermaphrodite "father". Today is just like any other day, starting with the surprised squeaks and trilling of hir youngest brother Michael. Only a minute ago he was sleeping like a content little calf, no worries in the waking world as he is cradled by the fantasies of his private, and mostly innocent, dreams. But now his sensitive flesh is teased by Raquel, hir larger body pressing down upon him after applying a quick binding spell so that his limbs and fluke are tied down to the satin silk bed. Hir hands are already wrapped around the flesh that throbs between his legs and he begins to slowly rouse from a less than increasingly less innocent dream.

"Hello brother," shi trills softly coupled with a twisting motion of hir grip around his dick. Michael's loins are burning with lust now as his cock surges upwards, beads of pre forming on the tip. Michael is keenly awake and is already gasping and squirming he tries to get up only to discover the binding spell keeping him pinned.

Raquel is not one for dawdling in hir particular ministrations. The young 'phin feels his sister's finger slide up his back door, wriggling around trying to rub up against his prostate. Intimate sensations tickling at his prostrate make the young dolphin's prehensile phallus twitch, pre dribbling from the tip as it radiates with impassioned warmth. He feels a tender kiss press down upon the head of his phallus. Michael looks down at the evil eyed Raquel, hir breasts pressing down against his thighs as shi licks off his excess pre. More wriggling now and the finger is sliding further up inside the young man's rectum. He squeals with eyes scrunching up, body shaking against the invisible confines of the spell. Shi laughs, and hir laugh is as full of life as ever, somehow it always manages to psychologically disarm even those who know hir.

"Raqueeeel!" Michael squeals in a part whine, part moan kind of way; though most of him is still waking up. "Stop thaaat..."

"No," shi replies, though he already knows that.

Two fingers are there now, wedging the dolphin's rectum to widen further than before. Hir lips glides up and down the underside of his shaft. Dolphins are able to produce copious amounts of fluid on land, kind of ironic really, and the lubrication is going to work to great effect for Raquel. Shi can feel hir brother's throbbing pulse against hir lips, and breathes deep, consuming his scent. The older sibling as an itch this morning, a very deep itch, and she intends to solicit hir brother's help in alleviating it; magically binding him to the bed just ensures shi can relax and remain on top.

Smooth, silvery-grey legs pull up either side of the male teenager, as his sister moves on up over him. Raquel's lips are now upon his chest, toying with one of his nipples as his gasps loudly just above hir head. His back arcs upwards, dorsal fin digging into the mattress as he cries out asking hir to stop. But his words are of no importance to Raquel, only the manner in which the boy's body is responding to hir. The fingers slip back from out of his anus, though she quickly finds a new place for them, stuffing the digits inside of his mouth and shutting Michael up. With an embarrassed blush he tastes hirself on hir fingers, licking them off whilst shi alternates from one nipple to the next, toying with his chest some more. But he knows what is coming, as he feels something hot and wet start to rub against one of his thighs; big sis is in the mood. Here it comes, any moment now.

"They're here!" Marcus interrupts Raquel, just as shi was about to make Michael's morning really interesting.

"Who is here Marcus?" Raquel says, glowering at hir other brother stood in the doorway. Michael just wriggles around underneath hir, in a good deal of discomfort from the spell.

Unfortunately Marcus is too busy to reply as he has broken down into a laughing fit from the sight of his sister and brother. Though both of hir brothers are hir juniors, Marcus is only a year younger and Raquel has always struggled to maintain the same level of control, or maybe it is a kind of respectful fear, with him than that shi so easily accomplished with little Mikey. So shi has to get off the bed and start approaching him with the kind of look that does not bode good things before he sobers up a little. One does not simply "play" with Raquel on any level. He wipes the tears of laughter away, quickly stopping for the sake of the look not turning into anything more.

"Father's friends from abroad. They're here and I thought you might be interested."

"Which friends?" Raquel asks, hir eyes narrowing as shi does so.


A Proposition

The siblings' father, Dame Aura in many ways looks like an older version of Raquel. Though unlike any of hir wild calves Aura is a regal figure in their society. Shi happens to be a biomancer of some renown and this has brought much wealth into the household. Biomancers are individuals singularly gifted and knowledgeable in the ways of manipulating bodies, and even psychologies so as to create something new. This capacity is enabled by a fusion of high technology and arcane arts. There are many reasons for people to use the talents of biomancers on themselves and upon their willing slaves. Obvious ones include improvements and desirable physical traits; others sometimes involve personality adjustments, especially upon the indentured servants. It can even be as innocuous as wanting to eliminate a bad experience from your memory.

Right now Aura is standing in one of many specialised floors in the spire. This one is designed to act as an artificially maintained garden that serves as a parlour for guests. It takes three whole levels in the building, with a high rising ceiling and light being redirected to shine upon the plants like an overly complicated greenhouse. Shi is dressed in a slim lavender coloured dress that goes all the way down to hir feet. A curious reminder of the society chi inhabits, the dress makes accommodation to leave hir genitals exposed; easy access for easy fun. Standing next to a vibrant display of flowers the effect almost makes hir look like some kind of goddess standing in an eden-like place. Suddenly a chime sounds from one end of the spacious parlour. This either means that hir guests, or hir children, have arrived; shi sighs at the thought of the latter.

"You may enter," shi says whilst finding one of the benches with a padded cushion at the base.

A metal door slides open and in enter Dame Aura's guests; two hooded figures along with two smaller figures trailing behind them. The two wearing hoods are of reptilian ancestry, probably some subspecies that branched off of salamanders many years ago. They rest of their clothes are of fine linen and similar elegance to Aura's, and also have their genitalia and breasts exposed. With them are their personal slaves, a canid for one and a black feline for the other. Both indentured servants are females, assigned for life to their respective masters; they also happen to be stark naked, as is customary for those in their position. All of the non-slaves are hermaphrodites, indicative of the tendency in recent years for people to choose a mixture of genitalia; if you are unable to choose why not have both?

"Hello again, darling!" One of the lizards greets the dolphin, pulling hir hood down and smiling at the other hermaphrodite. Shi possesses blue scaled skin, with spots that look like encrusted jewels and eyes to match. They both embrace one another and being of roughly equal height their mammaries, which is odd for reptiles, press into each other making them both blush.

"Talu, why did it take you so long to come see me again?" Aura asks the lizard with a smile.

"It has been a hectic six months. Honestly I don't think those clowns at the department can do a damn thing without me." Says with a wry smile. Hir hands fall back down over the dolphin's shoulders, briefly gropes at hir plump breasts, and fall back to hir sides. "This is Ylat, my new partner."

"Wonderful to finally meet you Dame Aura." The other salamander says, stepping forward. Shi possesses the same jewels in hir scales as Talu, though hirs are red instead of blue. They extend hands and hold them in a sign of respect, unlike the affection Aura and Talu displayed together as, being established friends and all.

"Indeed it is a pleasure for me as well." Aura smiles at both and then lets go of Ylat's scaly hands. "Now what matter did you wish my counsel on?" Shi asks whilst motioning for them to take purchase, sitting down on one of the benches.

Dame Aura listens carefully as Talu explains one of hir experiences working on the southern flatlands. Various slaves have been employed in a practical role, building a fleet of submersible airships. This work not only requires numbers but skill. Talu was only involved in ancillary activities, but shi soon noticed not only the skill but cohesion the workforce displayed. To hir it seemed abnormal and so shi inquired about it to one of the many foremans. They explained that in order to achieve the efficiency and technical aptitude that they need for the work, they use a peculiar sort of hivemind arrangement. A select group of biomancers helped to conceive and develop the system, which enables a single foreman to control multiple slaves in realtime via a magical link. Technological augmentations help to organise and control the flow of sensory input fed back to the foreman. Layer after layer of control mechanisms and abstraction programs are used to maintain individual identity whilst operating with group thinking.

"Yes I have heard of the practise," Aura says after hearing Talu's discovery. "A lot of work goes into setting up each slave as an ID terminal. Very fancy and very time consuming."

"What do you think about using it... for pleasure?" Talu asks and waits for a response.

"Yes I see," Aura sighs. "You want to share sexual experiences with a partner, or in fact multiple partners." Looking over at Ylat shi catches the red lizard looking at their slaves standing off to the side. "Probably with your pets too I take it?"

"Mmm, it would be an experience."

"It's possible. But I would have to do some reading up." Aura sounds hesitant, but better that shi perform this than someone who might not be as trustworthy. Manipulating minds is always tricky and you place a great deal of trust in the biomancer who does it.

"We can wait, we do not have to return for some time. And whatever your fee is we're both happy to pay." Talu has already found someplace suitably luxurious for them to stay in the city.

"I have no doubt. Very well, I shall begin work immediately." Aura stands again and gives a curt bow. "Now if you'll excuse me I have to see if my children are awake."


Lizard Love

Both lizards return home and the instant they are inside they are on top of one another. Their canine and feline slaves watch as the blue and red reptiles grapple each other, falling down onto the plush carpet floor. What clothes they posses are striped away with no care to the damage their claws do to them. The panther and the dog pick these up and fold them away as their masters manage to reach leather furnishing which they can use to prop one another up on. Talu reaches for hir partner's breasts with both claws grasping around the plump chest cushions. Their lips meet as Talu forcefully pushes hirself against Ylat, assuming the dominant role. Both hermaphrodites' genital have now become swollen and engorged. Turgid phalluses and reddening vulva lips rub against their counterparts as the two gyrate with equal lust.

"Do you really just want to let them watch?" Ylat asks whilst panting for air.

"No." Talu looks back at the slaves and points to the panther. "You, come here!"

"Yea m'am." The panther purrs gingerly as she steps up. With a surprised merowl she is pulled in by Talu and squeezed in between both of her voluptuous masters.

"After you, sweetheart." Talu directs the invitation to Ylat with a wide grin.

Both reptiles have their claws around the black cat now, their erections rubbing up against her matte fur leaving glistening areas of pre. Together they hoist her up, Ylat doing the lion's share of the work as shi leans back against hir leather seat. The panther can feel her owners' hot erections underneath her body. She makes more than a little noise as the hermaphrodites lower her body. Talu's erection penetrates the cat's vagina, Ylat's makes it way up past her anus' ring; and she sinks down with a cry and a shiver running up her spine. Their clutches tighten around their pet as both herms press their bodies against the cat, their obviously larger mammary endowments rubbing against her soft fur and tickling both of the lizards.

The panther's eyes roll in her skull as she finds purchase with her claws on Talu. Together her masters are now bobbing the slave up and down with ever increasing rhythm and speed. With each descent more of the hermaphrodite's members reach ever deeper, closer to the thick bases. Insisting upon their slaves possessing exceptional erotic properties at all times, there are several modifications at play here which keep the cat virgin-tight; which is just as noticeable for her as it is for the pair penetrating her. Ylat in particular is moaning louder than hir partner as shi drives the shivering female own. Her tight rear resisting hir entry both actively and passively as if she had never been touched there before. Ylat can not help hirself and sinks hir teeth into the panther's shoulder making her cry out as the sensations rocking her body reach overdrive.

Watching from a moderate distance, their german shepherd slave starts to touch herself. A purely feline sound rumbles and pierces out from the black cat's mouth as her vagina convulses; sphincter tightening too. Even as the cat barrels into her orgasm, Talu winks at hir partner and the reptiles push the panther down with a grunting growl. The panther's eyes bug out as she feels their phalluses jam all the way to the hilt in both orifices. It is too much and just as she is done with her first orgasm the panther crashes into her second, back arching as the Talu grapples and suckles on the cat's furry breasts and the black nipples that cap them off.

Their panther spent, and in a sweaty unkempt mess they discard her. The cat's black body slumps away to the floor as the blue and red lizard stand up proper again, their erections still rock hard. It is now that they move on to the second course of their fun. With a beckoning finger Talu instructs the bitch to step forward. She obeys her owners and before she knows it the canine is thrown on to the ground. Hot scales press down on top of her and suddenly there is one penis poking between her legs whilst another is rubbing up against her face, smearing pre and the panther's juices along her furry cheek. Trapped underneath the pair and duty bound to serve the german shepherd grabs Talu's organ with both hands; whilst simultaneously Ylat has finally found bullseye on the other end.

A muffled bark comes from the dog as she her vagina is plundered at the same time she takes in the blue lizard herm's dick. She does her best to slurp and suckle, paws stroking down until she finds Talu's scaly sack and the folded lips of hir vagina. Only under these kind of circumstances is the dog allowed to delve her fingers into her master's female sex organ; so she does this all the whilst moaning over the member being thrusted down the dog's throat with little care if she chokes or not. The dog feels inside Talu's snatch, past hir vulva lips and begins to spread her fingers out and wiggles them about. This is clearly accomplishing something as the organ throbs more inside her mouth, but the dog's mind is becoming defocused, mainly due to Ylat's thrusting. The red lizard is taking broad motions with hir hips, each time going deeper than the last much in the same way shi did with the panther. It is not long until hir balls are knocking on the door like an excited visitor. On top of this the dog's sensitive nose is picking up the raw scent of sex in the air; the room is saturated with it.

All too soon the canine's orgasm sweeps over her. As she howls around the phallus buried past her lips her fingers involuntarily clench into a semi-fist. This causes Talu to lose hirself in the moment and come, hard. Hir body experiences both the female and the male orgasm. The girl underneath can feel one against her hand and the other shooting down her throat just as she needs a breath of fresh air. Thankfully Talu pulls out, splashing creamy semen along the bitch's face and chest, wetting her fur with copious amounts of jizz. Hir face is flushed red, in stark contrast to the blue of the rest of hir body. Hand gripping hir own cock shi squeezes it as hir over productive body expels itself; again one of the signs of genetic augmentation. The other hand grasping and playing with the nipple of hir left breast; shi even cranes hir neck to lick at it.

"Well, someone came early." Ylat says as shi pulls out of the exhausted dog; hir cock dripping with the bitch's juices on it.

"Yeah, well, she caught me off guard."

"You know what this means," Ylat says with a wicked grin spreading across hir face.

"Mmm." Talu sighs, but inside hir excitement is growing again.

Whilst their personal slaves are allowed to recover, both herms retire to their bed. Now Talu climbs up first, enjoying the silk sheets rub up against her scaly rump and back. Facing up against the ceiling shi now spreads hirself, legs wide apart and everything exposed. This is the part where they finish up, this is where they always finish. In this way the two have kept their sexual relations as stimulating as their social ones. Challenges and trials, and one of the constants is that whoever comes first when playing with their pets has to give themselves to the other. Ylat is salivating just as much from the game as the actual physical prospect of plunging into hir lover's depths and breeding hir as shi should.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Come and get me, big girl!" Talu teases, arms stretching out against the pillows behind hir.

"Nothing at all." Ylat says in reply and slinks on top of hir presenting partner.

Talu can feel the hot meat from the other reptile press between hir legs. It drools and spits against hir, as Ylat kisses and caresses the blue lizard's body, going from hir belly to hir bosom. With hir serpentine tongue shi draws as circle around Talu's right breast, followed by hir lips pressing down to kiss softly. Talu gasps and arches hir back; hir whole body is coming alight with a fire from within. The red herm slide further along reaching hir mate's face as their breasts slide and interlock. They both stare into one another's eyes, a deep inferno raging behind their affectionate expressions.

They kiss, Ylat thrusts, and they both moan. Talu feels the other reptile's cock delve deep, stretching hir vagina out and making hir groan into hir lover's mouth. The embrace breaks, but the penetration continues, Ylat wrapping hir arms around to find purchase. Their bodies slide against one another and Talu feels more of hir lover enter hir, filling hir out whilst the blue reptile's own cock springs back into life, pushing up against both of their breasts. The bed rocks underneath them and Ylat starts to pant as shi pulls back and thrusts back inside, repeating the motion again and building up a steady rhythm. Each time shi thrusts, Talu can feel hir partner's phallus reach farther along inside hir moist cunt. Talu reaches back and finds the headboard, hooking hir claws around it as shi too thrusts wedging hir dick up between both of their breasts.

This slow penetration quickly escalates into a raw, animalistic event. Fuelled by primal lust, Ylat slams into hir partner's quivering pussy as it struggles, squeezing around the invading organ whilst pouring like a fountain. Like a movement in a musical piece, the intensity and vibrant sensations of their copulation reaches new heights as they approach the crescendo. Desperate to come with hir lover, Talu grabs hir dick with both hands and rubs it frantically betwixt hir breasts. Ylat's panting becomes heavier beside hir lover's head and with hir last few thrusts shi buries hirself inside and howls with lustful release.

They climax together on the bed. Their slaves listening from the other side of the door as semen splashes everywhere. The hermaphrodites' augmented bodies release everything as they reach the end of their journey together. Moans and growls subside as their flooding slowly stems. Both blue and red bodies are coated in a sticky white substance as they roll and slide against each other on the bed. Various oohs are made as their sensitive flesh breaks from one another. Now they cuddle, dicks limp between their legs, Talu's pussy thoroughly stretched and their arms wrapped lovingly around one another.

"I've been waiting to do that since we arrived here." Ylat purrs to hir mate.

"Yes," Talu replies whilst nuzzling into the red lizard's breasts. "But I can't wait to try something new."


Guinea Pigs

Raquel writhes around in a tangled forest of tubes and wires. They are bothersome, but shi is her voluntarily. Opposite to hir and in a similar alcove with wires and tubes snaking around his body is Michael. Though the truth of it is hidden from their father, Michael is here due to bribery rather than his own volition. Dame Aura and the middle child, Marcus, are watching them both from some distance away. The patriarch is adjusting the instrumentation and arcane runes facing off of the machine's control panel. In order to achieve the proper effect hir clients require, Aura will will need to conduct a few tests into the perceptive and emotional tolerances of free willed people; the slaves just will not do.

"How are you two doing?" Aura asks over an intercom.

"Fine, although it is beginning to feel a little cold." Raquel replies. Though hir naked body cocooned in the machinery does start to warm up a little as shi stares at hir sibling and something primal stirs.

"G-Good." Michael says, gulping hard as he watches his sister stare as if he were a piece of meat.

"Beginning the first test." Aura signs off not the intercom and begins hir work.

The machination hums to life with a physical vibration that both Raquel and Michael can feel. Hir heartbeat quickens and the oldest twitches hir fluke in excitement. Something not quite a liquid can be seen travelling down some of the tubes. It surges with energies beyond those of mere nature as they snake around into the cetaceans' bodies. Raquel gasps and arches hir back as shi feels something peculiar coarse through hir body. It tingles across hir skin, ricochets up hir spine and causes the tip of hir fin to ache a little. Michael experiences something similar; though curiously it is also causing an erection to pop out from his pelvis, something that Raquel notices straight away with a wry smile.

"Now this is the fun part coming up. Don't fret, it is all perfectly safe." Though she attempts to comfort hir children, Dame Aura's words are not really doing much for either of them.

Metal halos with coloured lenses fixed along them, making them look like a pair of regal crowns, are lowered by a robotic servo arm onto both dolphins' heads. They close in circumference to fit snugly around both subjects; some kind of soft padding making them comfortable, yet still noticeably tight. For the refined procedure equipment like this will be unnecessary, but for experimentation purposes they are. With ominous sounds the halos start to vibrate as brain patterns are isolated. On another level apart from the machine there are the ethereal ribbons that constitute the personality; a person's living "soul" generated by their mind. It is this last element that Dame Aura now struggles with, adjusting runic symbols along the archaic part of her controls.

Staring at each other from across the lab floor, Raquel and Michael experience a blurring of their respective visions. Electric sensations shoot across their skin and their faces begin to contort from a sharp pain. More shocking charges now jump through their bodies, but more worryingly is each of the dolphins experience a further degradation of their sight. Raquel is beginning to panic as shi experiences the room growing dark around hir. Shi tries to call out, pleading for hir father to stop; but for some reason shi is unable to summon hir own voice. Michael is experiencing similar problems, but things are growing even more alarming for him. The younger cetacean thinks his fingers and fin are growing numb.

Without any more warning Aura activates the final sequence of the machine. For a moment the two cetaceans seem to loose consciousness with their heads and shoulders falling forwards. Indeed Raquel experiences a total blackout, not just of hir vision but sounds and feeling escaping hir perception. Shi wants to scream but there is nothing but an encroaching void where nothing be seen, heard or touched. However in the next moment both Raquel and hir brother awaken with all their senses returning in a flood of feeling that makes them yell out in surprise. The pain is gone now, the darkness having receded and once more they stare at one another across the lab space.

However something is very, very wrong. As hir senses return the hermaphrodite notices some things are, for lack of a better explanation, missing. But with hir sight returning to disturbing clarity shi soon realises what has changed. For a second Raquel thinks that there is a mirror in front of hirself, but of course there is no mirror, yet across from hir is what definitely appears to be hir body. As it dawns upon hir, and the other sibling, they both yell out in shock, roughly in unison which makes it just a little bit more bizarre an experience. What their parent has done is nothing less than transfer their consciousness between their bodies; effectively body swapping the eldest with the youngest. Dame Aura laughs just a little until Raquel and Michael both calm down to a point where they can form cohesive sentences. Unsurprisingly hir eldest, speaking with Michael's voice but with hir own inflections, is the first to protest and demand a reversal.

"I thought we were going to share our thoughts! Not... NOT THIS!" Raquel struggles against the restraints keeping Michael's body firmly situated in the machine's alcove.

"This must be traumatic for you my dear, but believe me I can and will reverse it. Isolating patterns of thought for the desired effect is tricky; doing a clear swap will make it easier for my technique to be refined." Aura explains through the intercom and follows by asking "How are you doing Michael?"

Michael does not know what to say. Raquel lost some genitalia which was weird enough an experience, but Michael has gained some new ones he has never known before. He looks down at his, or rather hir, new body and shakes a little watching those round plump breasts jiggle from side to side. The male member present on the hermaphrodite's body begins to grow, swelling with excitement as the real Raquel watches from the other side. This is almost torture for the eldest, having always enjoyed hir clear physical superiority to hir brothers; and especially little Michael. Dame Aura is also aware of this little dynamic Raquel enjoys exploiting. That is why shi now releases the restraints on Michael, now in Raquel's body, whilst leaving the other still strapped in with the safeties.

The younger sibling steps out of the alcove and begins to stretch "hir" new body. Fluke wiggling from side to side a little, Michael runs hir hands down over hir front, enjoying the sensitive feeling of hir breasts then going down over hir smooth thighs. Raquel's body, like hir parent's, is more feminine than masculine with hourglass hips and effeminate details in the jawline and more. In truth Michael always enjoyed looking at his sister's body, though he hated the way shi had always treated him. Now though he can appreciate it firsthand, all the while Raquel watches with a pained expression on "his" face. However that is enough time spent stroking and admiring this hand-me-down of all hand-me-downs.

"This isn't what I wanted!" Raquel shouts with the boy's voice, looking up to Dame Aura's vantage point. But he is quickly distracted by a rapidly approaching Michael; hands reaching out.

"Hey little... brother." Michael teases with arms resting either side of Raquel's new head. Shi grins as hir ex-sister can not seem to decide whether to look infuriated or hurt on the verge of crying. So being the supportive sibling that shi is, Michael goes in for an embrace; their lips locking at shi explores what moments ago was hir own mouth.

Hands roam, as they so often do, and before long Michael is reaching down between hir legs and finds someone excited. Something else shi used to admire was the size of his sister's erection; though Michael knew that his would develop with age. The hermaphrodite's phallus throbs in response, eagerly drooling a slimy clear liquid onto Michael's right hand. Shi breaks the kiss Raquel was feebly fighting, all in order to make room for something new. With hir free hand Michael hits the emergency release and the safety harnesses are removed from Raquel's smaller body. He is about to dart away before his big sister gets ahold of him. This is the part where payback comes. Aura and Marcus, hir middle child, are watching very closely now.

"So is this really what you needed to do father?" Marcus asks as he watches Raquel be forced down onto his knees.

"Like I said child, I genuinely got useful data for calibrations. But this will also serve as an equaliser." Aura answers hir son whilst Michael quickly brings his throbbing erection to bear on Raquel's petite lips.

"I hope that when the time comes, you can just tell me when I misbehave." Marcus says in turn to which Aura only offers a small chuckle whilst reclining in hir seat. In the test chamber the show continues as if they have forgotten about all else.

Raquel could fight by stubbornly biting down on the penis jammed into his face. But that is his, no, HIR penis really, so it would be something like self-abuse to do such a thing. This hesitation is something that Michael, in all of hir experience with hir sibling, takes advantage of with vigorous movements of hir hips. Whilst holding the small male down in front of hir, Michael thrusts with broad strokes of his hips, making Raquel gag around what was previously his own genitalia. The member is forced down Raquel's throat with little to no care and he is forced to reactively fight his gagging reflex. This results in Raquel's eyes tearing up as, with a firm grip on the kneeling dolphin's dorsal, Michael forces him all the way down on the prehensile phallus. Raquel deep throats as best he can, mumbling over the organ as he tries to think on the kind of things he will do Michael later once they switch back, not having thought about the possibility of them both remaining this way.

From the control room Aura is now sporting the kind of hard on that would make a horse-form blush. With nothing to conceal hir genitalia, the organ is drooling in the artificial light, glistening beads of pre running down its thick shaft. Marcus can smell, even taste the scent as he watches his parent shift back even further in hir seat. Hir eyes catch his and the older dolphin beckons him over. It just so happens that the middle child is sporting an erection too. Perhaps staying here was not the best option, but in truth he is excited to get a little action for himself. So he walks right on up, between Aura and the control panel. Now he gets on his knees and shuffles up getting between hir thighs. Licking his lips, he reaches out with both hands to grab hir dick before Aura holds up a finger. It waggles a little and then points down. He has to go lower.

Positioned between the base of hir prehensile phallus and hir external testes is the hermaphrodite's generous female aperture. Hir vulva's labia is already glistening wet as the smaller bottlenose gets in for a closer inspection. Marcus runs his hands along his parent's thighs and opens his mouth, his breath beating down on Aura's clitoris making hir shiver and moan loud enough for him to hear. Without any warning shi grabs the male's head by his dorsal, much in the same way as Michael is doing with Raquel, and forces him against hirself. He extends his tongue out just in time to meet the hermaphrodite's wet pussy, the beak of his face being shoved against it. Marcus can taste hir with his tongue and smell the scents riding off from his blowhole. Knowing that Aura will not let him go before shi gets a little release, he starts to using his face as a substitute for a penis, pushing in and out with his tongue lapping up the juices inside and around hir vagina. It is messy, and not exactly the best way to do it, but it is sufficiently humiliating for Aura to get a kick out of it. Whilst using him in this fashion, shi uses hir free hand to stroke hir large erection; the scents from that too dripping down onto Marcus' head.

Meanwhile down in the test chamber, the act of fucking hir new "brother" in his smug face is too much of a turn on for Michael. With hardly lasting even five minutes shi is reaching hir climax with aching loins and breathless lungs. Using a firm grip of both hands shi pulls Raquel down as shi cries out, hir balls over boiling with their creamy contents jetting down the long shaft. Shi spills those contents down and into Raquel's stomach making him gag hard and try to pull off. But the herm keeps the smaller dolphin down there swallowing until he hits his thigh especially hard and finally lets go. Raquel ends up falling backwards with Michael's cock swinging out, still ejaculating with strings of sticky semen splashing over Raquel and the surrounding ceramic floor. He keels over, coughing and spluttering with white semen smeared over his lips and his chest. Michael squeezes the past few wads of spunk from hir dick before it dies down; a slight shiver running up along hir spine.

"Fuck... Michael..." is all that Raquel manages to say before coughing some more.

"Oh? You want to fuck now?" Michael replies, a malicious smile appearing on hir face.

Shi barely catches a panicked look on the smaller cetacean's face before Michael is carrying Raquel to a convenient examination bench. Raquel flails and tries to beat hir away, fluke tail swinging broadly in the process to slapping hir at least twice. But shi nonetheless manages to get some of the straps on the bench and tie him down securely. Michael pauses for a moment now, reflecting on how the tables have turned. Shi does not remember feeling quite this aggressive before, even in all those fantasies shi had held for revenge of this nature. Maybe the body swap is not as straight forward as it seems at first impression. But as Raquel wiggles with his butt facing up towards the ceiling, shi shrugs and climbs up into the doggy-style position. There it is, Raquel can feel his sibling's cock knocking against his backdoor. Its slimy surface once again throbbing hard, having always been proud of that stamina when it was his body.

The bondage and violation of Raquel in Michael's body is something that Aura and Marcus are ignorant to right now. Having found one of several erogenous zones, a modification shi had made a long time ago, Marcus is too busy assaulting his parent's senses with rapid, swirling movements from the tip of his tongue. Hir cries echo in the small, sterile room. With a heavy hand on hir son's head shi encourages him to try to delve deeper, whilst with hir free hand shi procures something spherical and glowing. Although he is unable to see what exactly his father is doing from his present position, Marcus does feel what Aura does to him. After a soft him he can feel his tongue growing, it becomes fatter and longer than before to the point where he is unable to retract it all the way back into his mouth; also rendering him unable to speak properly, not that he could do that anyway right now. It is disturbing but he quickly understands as he is now able to reach further and deeper than before.

"Mmm, fuck, just like that sweetie!" Aura moans as shi feels hir son's super-sized tongue reach into hit depths, not unlike a cetacean's prehensile penis.

The warmth, taste and scent is overpowering for Marcus. He begins to stroke himself with one hand, the other preoccupied manipulating his parent's clitoris, whilst his tongue does the backbone of the work. It is a complicated series of tasks, but shi is now flowing like a fountain. Sweet female nectar pours onto Marcus' tongue which he swallows liberally. Another curiosity of Aura's own enhancements is that hir juices have an innate aphrodisiac-like effect. Parent and child, both dolphins are panting heavily in the small room their collective body heat rising the mean temperature around them. But all of this is merely a prelude as what Aura now says makes Marcus a little shy.

"Get back up from there and put your little friend there somewhere more suitable than a tired flipper." Aura is giggling as if shi is intoxicated.

"Y-Yes ma'am." Marcus does not know what is causing the older dolphin to be so generous with hirself, but his aching dick does not offer any complaints.

It is almost as if two weirdly perverse destinies are intertwined. Both Aura and hir son, Marcus; along with Michael and Raquel being to copulate at roughly the same time. With the body-swapped Raquel strapped down, Michael liberally introduces hir own sibling's cock to her through his new male anus. The virgin-tight orifice offers resistance that shi quickly breaks through, the organ having been sufficiently lubricated from the previous exchange of bodily fluids. At the same time Marcus slides his eager young member into Aura's unnaturally perfect pussy. He can feel hir tugging and squeezing him in all the right places around his glans whilst pulling him in further. Marcus squeals with delight as he plows on in, though he ignores his father's cock whilst reaching for hir breasts, squeezing them whilst sucking and nipping at the tender flesh. Shi moans louder than he has ever heard hir moan before, bringing hir legs up and fluke around to pull him in further.

Two separate songs, only a few metres away from one another, rise and fall in volume with the rhythm of their animalistic rutting. A forceful thrust from Michael as hir breasts bounce in place, leaning over they press into Raquel's back. He yells out and his buttocks clench around the invader. The bound sibling wants to retort, wants to protest, but as his prostate is massaged by the throbbing erection buried within him, more than anything else he wants to be fucked. A hesitant entry by Marcus as he slowly delves into the older dolphin is accelerated as shi grabs him closer. His face now buried inside hir massive bosom, he squeals more and humps with inexperienced fury. Balls slapping against his parent's body, though shi does not care about his immaturity. Hir body is on fire, all synapses firing as hir burning passions rage from one end of hir body to the other.

Unsurprisingly the first one to reach their peak is Marcus. The middle child ends with a flurry of frenetic humping. His smaller body shaking against his parent's as his loins lift up and unload themselves with copious generosity inside Aura. Another sexually advantageous augmentation to hir physiology means that on demand hir body climaxes with him. Hir vagina locks around him whilst at the same time the tip of hir erection erupts like snow white volcano. Hermaphroditic semen flies everywhere over the pair, especially over Aura's greyscale breasts which shi now rubs in with a length moan. Their clothes are soaked with the sticky mess and as he finishes his release, hir son pulls his softening dick out with a dirty sounding wet plop. Marcus looks bashful, almost more red on his face then should realistically be there; especially considering the amount of ejaculate now sticking to him. This is the first time he has ever done something with a member of his own family, even Raquel never had an interest in him. But even if he does not know what to say or do, his father welcomes him to cuddle close with both arms. Shi coos to the maturing cetacean, with one hand reaching down to squeeze his buttocks.

Speaking of rear ends, Michael is having a field day ramming it home inside of Raquel. It might technically be hir own body, but Michael is enjoying this for more reasons than revenge now. The lust that is raging inside of hir is overwhelming, almost as if shi is being possessed by something other. Shi growls like you would not think a dolphin could and holds tightly against Raquel's immobile hips as shi fucks the male, had and raw. He can do nothing more than take it Overwhelmed by the sensations coming from his stretched, raw and aching tailhole, he cries against the edge of the examination table. This is justice, maybe even of the poetic variety, but that does not stop him from getting carried away in the moment. Trapped against the hard surface of the table his own phallus rages gleefully. Feeling Michael's breasts press against his back, Raquel wriggles and squeezes his ass cheeks inwards, ever tighter around hir. The final movement of this symphony quickly comes.

Remembering what hir two other children are engaging in, Aura looks back into the chamber just in time to see hir sweaty youngest, trapped in hir eldest's body, bury hirself to the hilt. Raquel only has the breath left to whimper as he feels his body begin to fill with a liquid warmth. Michael's fingers dig in tightly around Raquel's waist as shi shoots again and again, unloading everything that is in hir balls. This is the first time shi has known such mature stamina and the feeling is as euphoric as it is draining. And so hir perverse revenge concludes with another whimper from a used Raquel. A part of hir now wonders if it was really worth it, considering they will be return to their rightful bodies. But then again, maybe Aura will allow them to remain this way for some days yet. Already shi has some other ideas from before resurface; revenge comes in many forms after all.

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