The Chalice of Submission

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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This is a commission for Meheggs, involving their character Rex (a carnotaurus sort of anthro, think the movie Dinosaur with the character Aladar, the predators chasing them? That's them) and my character Draconicon. Due to their request, the foot fetish is not followed with Musk for once. I hope you enjoy it, comment if you can on this story of a reptile's magical descent into submission and lust.

Tips accepted via paypal.

The Chalice of Submission

By Draconicon

For Meheggs

Moonlight. His plan had never included moonlight as something that would screw him over, and now, Rex was paying the price for forgetting to account for it.

The reptile ran past buildings where windows were only just lighting up, candles being grabbed and lit at the noise coming from behind him. He could hear the thumping feet and the shouts of guards and townsfolk alike behind him, chasing him along the dirt paths, and he knew that they were not far behind him. A couple dozen feet at most, and almost certainly closer than that.

"All of this over a freaking chalice," Rex muttered, looking down at the object in his hands.

It was a golden chalice, little more than a cup that was fancily decorated. Engravings of dragons on thrones stretched across the rounded sides of it, and the handles of the chalice were each formed in the shape of dragon hands. Unlike the ones that were carved in stones or temples, though, the dragons on the chalice were all two legged, shaped almost like him and the other anthros and humans that lived in the village.

Of course, the dragons looked a little more serene and in control of the situation than he did right now, and what few other creatures decorated the sides of the cup didn't look so pissed as the people behind him.

Just barely managing to duck a thrown chair leg, Rex turned a corner at high speed, his feet digging into the dirt for a moment and leaving a furrow behind him as he took off again. Some of the larger pursuers couldn't quite make the turn and kept going, but most of them were able to keep going.

Grunting under his breath, he pulled another turn down a thinner alley. It squeezed at his sides, and the spikes along his back scraped along the wooden timbers forming the buildings on both sides before he could pull himself straight again, but it meant that only one person could follow him at a time.

Yanking himself over a wooden block between the two houses on each side, Rex managed to pull himself off of the ground. As he ran across the block and hit the ground again, he shot a look over his shoulder.

The mob shouted and screamed at him, some waving their torches, but only five of them had run down the alley after him. Three of them, foxes all, wore the loose leather tunics that the town guard had, carrying spears at their sides, while the other two - a lizard and a hawk - had the bronze medals of the town council. Rex cursed under his breath as he hit the ground again, putting on as much speed as he could muster; the guards might leave him alone eventually, but not the other two.

He set himself towards the waterfront, the edge of the town on the river; if he could get there, then he would be safe, Rex was sure.

Of course, first he had to get there, and it wasn't like he could sneak there. Standing taller than a good bit of the town already made that difficult, and having blue-gray scales didn't hide one as well as one would think. Adding in the fact that he had spikes along his back that would gouge lines against the sides of buildings...yeah, hiding wasn't an option.

His lungs were starting to sting as he ran out onto another main street, hearing the council members calling for the town to stop the thief. Probably meant him; he doubted that they would care about another thief at this point, considering how long they'd been trying to get this chalice. He needed to get out, needed to get away.

But it was getting harder and harder to keep running; his heart was about to leap out of his chest, and his lungs felt like they were on fire. He needed to get his air back.

Ducking around another corner, Rex shoved himself to the ground, rolling onto his back and feeling the spikes settle into the earth below. The shadows covered him, hiding him from the torchlight as the guards and the council members ran past. A few seconds later, and they hadn't come back; he sighed softly, shaking his head a bit before slowly pulling himself up. He could hear the ground breaking beneath him, feel the earth crackling as the dry dirt broke from his spikes, but it was still quiet enough to not be worried.

Settling himself back against the nearest building as carefully as he could, Rex took a moment to catch his breath. The guards and the mob would find him again - this wasn't a good enough hiding place, and he was too big a target to miss - but for a moment he could wait and catch his breath.

He looked down at the chalice again, shaking his head lightly as the light of the moon just barely illuminated it now that he was out of the torchlight. The thing was as tall as his forearm and twice as thick, and it was made of gold besides, yet, that wasn't the real reason that the town council had been trying to seize it ever since his father died.

There was some secret to the chalice; Rex had figured that out years ago. His father always took it with him when he traveled, and always brought it back with him. Never let Rex touch it either, for that matter; he always said that it was something that the reptile didn't need to see, didn't need to play with. Whenever Rex had gotten anywhere near it while his father was home, he'd been chased away from it. With a broomstick, when he was young, and a collection of threats and a fist when he was older. Never actually got hit, of course; it had almost turned into a game, with him teasing his father to see how far it would go before he finally got chased around the house for a while.

That had ended a month ago, when his father died.

Rex had finished processing his father's death a few weeks back, but that had only been the start of his troubles. As soon as his father had died - raving about the dragons in the south all the while - the town council had descended on his house. They'd started declaring all sorts of things about his father, about debt this and promise that, and Rex had just waved his hand; they'd brought up his father's frequent travels, pressing for details, and Rex had shrugged his shoulders, just as in the dark as they were.

But then they had tried to take the chalice. And that was something he wouldn't let them do.

The first time, there'd been three council members, and all of them had been fragile, old, and no trouble to toss out of his house. In retrospect, it wasn't the smartest idea, but he had been angry; when they talked about wanting to steal the last thing that he had of his father, he had lost his temper, and he had heard later that one of them had broken an ankle.

Since then, it had been almost like a siege, with the council members and some of their personal guards constantly eyeing his house. Rex barely had the chance to leave the house to get some food from the market without worrying that they were breaking in, and he often stayed in the house well past the end of his food supplies. It was too foolhardy to bring the chalice out and about, where some lucky pickpocket or thief could get it out of his hands, or where the council members could have ordered it taken away.

Eventually, when there was no paper, no will, no witnesses to present what could prove his side of the situation, that he deserved to keep what his father had earned, the town council had turned against him in full; those that were on it had convinced their fellows that it was within their rights to take the house, the little money left...and the chalice itself.

Rex hugged it to himself as he remembered when they had come this morning. He'd told them to leave...he'd given them every warning. Even the one that had broken a bone had been there, even after everything that the reptile had done to try and keep his stuff, they had come back and tried to take it again.

That had been the beginning of the end for his time in the town. Since then, Rex had been running and fighting, either with the guards or with the regular people that thought that the town council was in the right. Maybe they were, he thought; after all, he had basically stolen it back from some of them after knocking them into the dirt. Was he any better than a common thug, even if this chalice did belong to his father?

He held it out in front of him. The golden cup was valuable, he supposed, but valuable enough to get himself kicked out of the village for? Was this last remnant of his father worth it?

Leaning back against the house a little further than he meant to, Rex heard the crunch of wood under his back spikes. The sound caught the attention of a guard further away, and the shadows that he'd been hiding in disappeared as a torch was held in his direction. "He's over here! Everyone, over here!"

"Guess that's a yes," Rex muttered, shoving himself to his feet. He took off running again, heading towards the river as fast as he could, the sounds of the guard behind him slowly getting louder again.


Laying in the bottom of a leaky boat, Rex panted softly as he looked back at the fast disappearing town upriver. The fishing docks were ablaze with light, both from the torches and from the fires that had caught the nets and oil supplies by some of the bigger fishing ships. Most of the town would be busy with putting the fires out, wanting to save what they could of the fishing fleet, but he could see some silhouettes at the edges of the dock watching him sail away.

Ignoring the glare, Rex looked at the chalice again. The fires from the town reflected more than the moonlight, making the dragons on the sides look almost real. It was...hypnotic, in a way that he hadn't seen since seeing it on his father's lap in front of the fireplace.

"Maybe there will be something for me in the south; there's nothing left for me here," Rex muttered under his breath as he shook his head.

The south was a different land, where the laws of the rest of the world didn't seem to touch. Not just the laws of the towns and the cities, but of the world itself. The river that he was on flowed south, but it flowed uphill all the way, and even from here, he could see how it flowed up into the mountain, up steep slopes. Rex knew that he wouldn't take the little boat all the way there, but he knew that it would take him a good way.

Cupping the chalice to his chest, the large reptile curled up tight. The boat rocked slightly in the current, carrying him further and further downstream.

He wouldn't know it, but by taking the river, he was leaving behind more than the town council. He was leaving behind his safety, and running right into the arms of one who wanted the chalice more than anyone else did.

Flowing as fast as it did, the current carried him by several villages in the night, the moonlight showing them nothing but a slight silhouette, and only if someone was looking for it. Most people didn't see him, and those few that did only shook their head.

He was headed to dragon territory.


The first thing he noticed when he woke up was that the boat had stopped. The second thing he noticed was that he couldn't move.

Somehow, Rex felt the second had a little more priority.

His eyes opened wide, flicking around since his head was somehow immobile. Light was in shorter supply than he expected, but the reptile was able to make out walls, a ceiling, a floor; it was all rocky, unpolished and unfinished. Not the work of someone that liked to show off what they lived in then, perhaps not even someone that lived in a home.

That thought was confirmed as he made out the silhouette of a spike coming down from the ceiling, as well as others rising up from the floor. What were they called? He could never remember the differences between the two, but he remembered that they were always in caves, never in houses. Which meant...

"Well...I'm not on the river anymore..." Rex managed to croak out. He coughed a few times, trying and failing to shake his head afterwards. "Hello? Hello? Is anyone out there?" he called out.

The echoes from his voice came back, filling his ears for a few seconds before fading away. He called out again, only to get the same echoes.

He was starting to panic at this point, and he shuddered as fear started to replace confusion in his head. With the way that his head was somehow bound, he couldn't see what had happened with his arms and legs. Oh, he could feel them, could feel that they were stretched out at his sides about as far as they could go, but he couldn't turn to see them. They were too far out of his line of sight for even his best efforts to see them.

The strange thing was, neither his wrists or his ankles hurt. Rex had been tied up a few times before, usually by rope but once by chain. In each case, he'd learned just how much that could wear on a person. Even with scales, it started to sting, started to burn as the friction kept pulling at them; after getting out of it those times, he'd been very grateful that he had scales rather than skin.

However, his bonds now didn't seem to be doing the same thing. It was strange, almost like he wasn't being tugged, just held. But that was impossible, wasn't it? He wasn't touching the ground - he would have felt the stone under his feet if he was anywhere near it - so he had to be hanging from it, not just bound in place. So why didn't he feel that discomfort?

Giving up trying to see what held him down, Rex flicked his eyes over what parts of the cave he could see, trying to get a little more information to see if he could figure out where he was, or at least, what had pulled him in here.

There was surprisingly little along the floor, though he did catch the smell of a faint musk. Not much of one, but enough to make his nose tingle lightly. It had a very salty smell, one that he was embarrassingly well acquainted with, considering all of the...alone time...he claimed for himself back home. It was a little different of course - most species smelled at least a little different - but it had that same sort of quality.

The thought of being a source of sexual release for another male was a mixed one for him. On one side, it wasn't something he opposed, as he did like other men, and had thought about...indulging...with people in town from time to time. On the other hand, he was tied up and he would have been very surprised if there hadn't been something done to him while he was asleep.

And to repeat the thought, he was tied up. A host with...good intentions...wouldn't just tie up a guest like this!

Grumbling under his breath, Rex was about to try to pull on his restraints again when he heard something new. Silencing himself, he instinctively tried to turn to the source of the noise, and found himself stymied once again by whatever was holding him still.

It didn't matter all that much, however, as it was coming to him. A large shadow spilled down the tunnel of the cave, coming from one of the bends at the far end. Rex shuddered, his mind filling with all sorts of images that could be associated with that shadow. Monsters, creatures of darkness and magic; demons that were never banished; never seen abominations that lived in the depths beneath the earth; the shadow was too indistinct for him to be able to tell what it was, and his imagination ran wild.

When black scales and a horned head stepped into the tunnel, Rex almost had a heart attack. It looked so...different, completely alien compared to the anthros in the town he'd left. White eyes without any sign of color, without any immediate compassion, looked at him, and the reptile felt a chill of fear go down his spine; what monster was this?

His eyes were fixed to it as it pulled itself the rest of the way into the tunnel. It was tall, taller than him, and the black scales spread all across its body. There was not a single flaw to them, and they were worn like armor, powerful and thick and almost invincible looking. His mind flew back to sights of armored soldiers passing by the village; not one of them looked so protected and as intimidating as this creature did.

Tightly furled wings cast further shadows from the creature's body, and dimmed what little light that Rex had to see by. His fists clenching in involuntary reaction, he could only watch the silhouette of the creature get closer and closer.

In its hand, the creature carried the chalice, the gold shining impossibly brightly in the slight light of the tunnel. The sparkles off of the shiny metal sparked a memory of Rex's, and he blinked as it went through his mind. His father, sitting at the fireplace...rubbing scaled fingers along the dragon images on the cup...whispering...whispering of...

"A dragon?" Rex breathed softly, his eyes going wide. "You...are you a dragon?"

The creature stopped a few feet away from him, looking at him in total silence. As it stared at him, Rex was forced to stare at it, his eyes going up and down the creature's form. He saw the two horns on the head, and the wings; he could see the faint white of the sharp teeth in its mouth, as well as the...the...

A blush that felt like it was going to set his face on fire settled into Rex's cheeks as his eyes fell on the dragon's cock. It hung out, half hard, and was slowly rising up as the dragon looked at him. That cock was huge, already at eight inches and lengthening as it got harder. He could smell the arousal coming off of the dragon, and he shuddered at the thought of what it might do to him. Was it wild? Was it feral? Or did it have some intelligence he could beg with, reason -

"Heh, thank you for bringing my chalice back to me."


The dragon chuckled for a few seconds, holding up the chalice. "This. Thank you for bringing it back to me. Your father was supposed to send it back to me before he died, but I guess mortals always forget just how limited their time is in comparison to my kind."


"Of course, where do you think that your father got this thing from?" the dragon said, holding up the chalice. He looked over it himself, and Rex could see a smile sliding over the dragon's face. "Been a while since I've actually held this. I thought your father would only hold onto it for a few years, not a few decades, but it was the bargain I made with him. Long as he sent it back before he died, he could hold onto it as long as he wanted.

"Then again, he never sent it back before he died." The dragon turned his head from the chalice to him again, and Rex could not suppress a gulp as the dragon's eyes fixed on his. "And you weren't coming down the river to return this to me, were you?"

"I...I mean..."

"I didn't think so. So, let's discuss just what that means for you." Looking at the chalice, the dragon sighed. "This is getting awkward to carry around. One second."

Rex watched as the dragon pressed his hand against the side of the cavern, a little light sliding from his fingers and into the rock. Astonishingly, the stone pushed out from the wall, forming a rough shelf where it had been semi-smooth before. The light continued to cling to the dragon's fingers as he dragged it along the rock, shaping it with his fingers into a smoother shelf. He even made a little ridge along the sides and front of it so that things couldn't just slide off. His jaw dropped at the display of power.

As the dragon put the chalice on the shelf, he continued. "Now, to business. I am Draconicon, but in this cavern, while you are a guest, you will call me Master." The dragon - Draconicon, Rex reminded himself - turned to look at him. "And you'll probably be calling me that even longer. After all, you were trying to get away with the Chalice of Submission, and you didn't even pay the price for it the way that your father did. That, that right there? That's something that I will not allow."

"The..." Rex twitched his head, trying to wrap his mind around this. "Wait...Draconicon-"





"It's Master, or it's the loss of your vocal cords. Your choice."

"Um...Master." He didn't want to think about whether the dragon could actually make good on that threat; considering how little Rex could move right now, he probably could. "May I...may I ask a few questions to get my head around this?"

"Go ahead, but keep in mind there will be a price later."

There always was, he supposed. Better keep the question list short. ", my father did something for you to earn the right to have that chalice?"

"Yes," Draconicon said with a nod of his head. "Couple of them, actually; he seemed to really like it after a while. Once, he even came back for a return visit, just to ask to lick my feet and spend time with my cock up his ass."

That...was not the answer that Rex was expecting, and he had to swallow a few times as the image of his father doing that sort of stuff filled his head. "Not...not what I needed to imagine," Rex muttered under his breath.

The dragon shrugged. "Not something that your father ever complained about. Hell, when he was paying the price, he was almost more eager than I was, and I had about two decades of blue balls to work off. He was one horny -"

"Please, please...just stop," Rex said. Man on man stuff he could deal with pretty easily, but that was a little more than he could take. It didn't help that his father had been...well, less attractive, and adding in the other stuff wasn't helping. Suppressing the thoughts at last, he said, " father actually wanted the Chalice. What does it do?"

"Oh, you didn't know? It lets you shove a submissive fetish into anyone that you use it on," Draconicon said.

"A...what are you talking about?"

"You really are building up a debt with all the questions, aren't you?"

Rex had forgotten about that; that was three questions now, and each one would require a price to be paid later. He had to remember to be careful with his questions.

While he was thinking of how to combine them in the future, the dragon explained. "The Chalice of Submission is a very powerful artifact that dragons made some time ago. If handled properly, the wielder of it can instill needs and desires in others. Some dragons built entire harems with it, with each member of it filled with a different desire, and a great need to service one niche of their master's libido.

"Of course, when your father bargained it away, he probably just used it to make sure that whatever partner he was with was in the mood for what he wanted, but I guess you can't expect mortals to have the same foresight as my own species does, hmm?"

Rex didn't answer that, and the dragon continued. "Of course, the submission thing comes in as the person under the power of the Chalice gradually gets more and more dependent on the one using it. They take orders more easily, and thoughts of rebellion or of doing something that would not bring pleasure to their masters fade. The only thing that they become more assertive with is bringing their need to service their master to the master's attention; they stop just waiting, and make their desire to serve known."

He laughed at that, and Rex couldn't help raising an eyebrow. "Of course, that's something that can get out of control. Too much use turns the person under the Chalice's power into a public slut; there was a village out there once that would take any traveler with the slightest bit of dominance into a back room, and then 'serve' him to fulfill their own needs until he was unconscious or dead. Depended on his luck."

With each word from the dragon's mouth, Rex's eyes got wider and wider. The Chalice had that much power? Was that what his father had been doing every time he'd left the house? Not trading, but...

Grunting as he once more tried and failed to shake his head in an attempt to get the images out, Rex said, "So, what...what are you going to do with me?" he managed to ask. "You said I screwed up by not getting the chalice to you, but you have it now anyway; do you really need to punish me?"

"To put it bluntly? Yes. Yes, I do." Draconicon chuckled. "More for the fun of it, but also just out of principle; you had the Chalice for a while, and even though you didn't use it, you still had it without payment. You need to pay for the time you had it, and for the penalty of not paying before you got hold of it."

"But I didn't DO anything!" Rex shouted. He saw the dragon's eyebrows go up, knew that his captor probably didn't like what he was hearing, but Rex couldn't stop himself. "I didn't do anything to you! I didn't know about what the chalice was. Hell, I just saved the thing from being taken by people who would never leave the town; I might have just saved the lives of everyone in that damn town, and they don't even know about it. And you want to punish me for that?! What gives you that right?"

Rex panted as he hung in his restraints, shaking as he came to the end of his rant. The dragon looked at him silently, and he could just make out that one of the dragon's eyebrows had been raised while he had been spouting off. Probably he'd just signed himself up for a greater punishment, but there was nothing he could do about that now; he had completely lost control, and now he was going to pay the price.

Draconicon grabbed the chalice off of the wall, shaking his head as he did so. He walked closer to the reptile, and Rex grunted as the dragon grabbed him by the crotch. He hadn't even noticed that he was naked, but the evidence was clear by the way that the dragon stroked at his cock. "You know, I was going to make this easier for you, but it looks like you have an attitude problem. But don't worry; I can fix that. I can fix that so that NOBODY has to worry about that again."

The scaly hand on his shaft drew Rex to an unnatural hardness. Despite the unfamiliar fingers on him, despite the way that he didn't want this, his body responded to the expert strokes of the dragon's hand. He could feel himself rising, could feel his shaft going from floppy to rigid. Even as he bit his cheek, trying to stop himself from enjoying it, the reptile could feel himself submitting to the dragon's hand.

It was a mixed blessing that he couldn't look down and see it happening. In a way, he didn't have to see himself being molested, didn't have to see himself being stroked to an erection that he didn't want. On the other hand, he couldn't see himself, and that concentrated the feeling of the hand on his cock even further, making it feel even better than it already did. Little shivers went through his body as he felt his blood rushing down south, adding more and more hardness to a cock that was already stiff enough to play with.

Warm metal touched the bottom of his cock, and Rex's eyes went wide. "Is that -"

"Yes, that's the Chalice," Draconicon said with a nod. "I'm channeling some of my magic into it right now to keep it warm, and to start the chalice's spell. Each time that you cum into it, you'll be losing a little more of that resistance. I think it'll be interesting to see just how long your resistance holds out when each orgasm makes you a little hornier instead of a little more satisfied."

Despite Rex's growled threats at the dragon, Draconicon didn't say anything. His hand just continued the slow, steady handjob along the spiked reptile's cock. And he was GOOD at it, Rex was forced to admit; the fingers exerted just the right amount of pressure, and the hand was big enough to work all of his cock without making him feel small. Little shivers went up and down his spine, and he couldn't stop ALL of the moans from getting past his teeth. He grunted, holding his jaws together when the first one slipped out, but he knew that he wouldn't be able to hold back forever.

At least he wasn't bucking forward against the dragon's hand. That humiliation would have been too much for him, and he honestly didn't know if he would have been able to stop himself. It burned in him, but at least he had the restraints to keep him from showing just how much he was enjoying this. The inability to move, formerly so frustrating, was the last thing saving his dignity. If he had the freedom to move, he'd be thrusting his cock against the dragon's hand right now.

And through it all, Draconicon was completely silent. At some point - probably when Rex had closed his eyes to avoid thinking about what was happening - the dragon had ducked down out of sight. Even when he looked down as far as he could, he couldn't see the dragon, but oh god, could he feel him. Those fingers danced up and down his cock, alternating between a firm, tugging pressure to an extremely light, feathery touch that almost tickled his cock. He could feel little drops of pre running down the top of his cock, reaching the dragon's hand before getting rubbed into his shaft. The slicker feeling only made it better for him, making him have to fight to keep from grunting in lust.

Despite the humiliating situation, though, the dragon didn't say anything. No teasing, no warnings, no asking if Rex had second thoughts - which he did - or any offers of mercy. It was a simple, implacable handjob, each stroke forcibly dragging him further and further towards his orgasm.

What would happen then, Rex wondered. Would he lose a part of his mind? Would he just be under the dragon's control, thinking how he normally did, or would he start wanting the depravities that the dragon would put him through? There was too much he didn't know about the chalice, too many things that the dragon hadn't told him.

And it didn't help that even thinking about it was making his cock twitch in desire. Something about this forced change was driving him crazy, and he had to grit his teeth to not beg the dragon to stroke him faster. His balls almost hurt with how much cum was wanting to shoot out, but the dragon just kept up the slow pace, stroking him, teasing him, forcing him to take his time.

He'd only done this himself once, and he remembered how much of a mess that had been. This one was going on much longer, and it was more merciless. If the dragon wanted to make him fill the chalice, this was going to go a good way towards getting it filled.

Suddenly, the dragon's fingers started moving faster over his cock, and Rex couldn't keep his mouth shut anymore. His eyes went wide as he gasped in pleasure, moaning as he was forced to face forward without looking down. He could feel his cock throbbing, feel it twitching in the dragon's hand. His balls were pulling up, his entire body seizing up. He wanted this; he didn't want it; he wanted to stay sane; he wanted to give himself up.

He wanted to cum.

When the dragon dragged his hand over the tip of Rex's cock, the wet palm of his hand rubbing over the head, he got his wish. His entire body shook in its restraints as he came, the reptile moaning loud enough to set the cave to echoing with his pleasure, his cock twitching and dancing as it spurted into the chalice. He could almost hear the cumshots hitting the metal, there was so much of it, and shooting out of his cock so hard. The dragon's hand still held him by the base, probably aiming him right into the chalice.

With every cum shot, Rex could feel...something...settling over him. At first, he thought that it was the pleasure that came after an orgasm, the afterglow, but as he felt a little tingle following after it, almost like an itch, he realized that it was something different.

The thought of the Chalice reminded him of what the dragon had said. More submission, a forced fetish; was that what he was feeling? It had to be, there was nothing else it could be.

Bracing himself against...whatever it was, Rex did his best to try and resist it. He could almost feel his mind filling with things that didn't belong; the thought of feet, the thought of the underside of a foot, how...'sexy' was. He growled, gritting his teeth, trying to ignore the way that his cock bounced at the thought of pressing his face against the bottom of a foot. His brain told him it was supposed to be sexy, and so did his body, but the reptile told himself that he had to ignore it. Those thoughts were wrong; it was just magic, just something that was trying to change him. But he could stay himself, if he...if he just tried...hard enough...

Whatever was holding him up suddenly let him go, and Rex gasped as he fell to the ground. His scales protected him from being hurt very much, but he couldn't stop himself from falling to his knees. He panted softly, his cock still dripping down on the ground and a bit on his legs, but he ignored it, just trying to fight the images going through his head. Feet, feet, feet; big feet, little feet, paws and humanoid feet and even the ones that were more like toes than feet, they filled his head and kept his cock hard.

No, he tried to tell himself; no, he didn't like feet. He'd never been hard from seeing a bare pair of feet. This was all the dragon's fault, all him, none of Rex's.

"I think that's a good start." The dragon's voice snapped Rex out of his thoughts, and even distracted him from his cock for a second. He growled, lifting his head to give the dragon a piece of his mind.

He went silent as he came face to toes with the dragon's left foot, his eyes going wide. His nose flared instinctively, but caught nothing more than it had already smelled in the cave. The toes wiggled in front of his face, and against his will, Rex watched each of them dancing in front of his face.

Draconicon chuckled at him, swaying the foot from side to side, and Rex was hardpressed not to move his head to follow it. Even as it was, his eyes looked at it, followed it from side to side as the dragon talked. "You can feel it, can't you? You can feel just what the chalice has done to you. You can feel the magic driving you to love MAKE love to feet."

Barely suppressing the desire to nod, to say that he felt just that, Rex wrenched his eyes away from the swaying foot. " what if I am? Not saying I am, what if I was?"

"Well, you'd probably like the fact that your next 'payment' for having the Chalice is going to be licking my feet, and tending to them while you milk yourself into the Chalice."

That really, REALLY shouldn't have sent such a shock to his cock as it did, and Rex's face burned with how much his shaft hardened with that thought. "W-why should I do something like that?" the reptile asked, his tail swaying lightly behind him; it took a ridiculous amount of effort to not show happiness with it right at that point. "You probably have some kind of super smelly feet that I'd never want to touch in a million years...not that I want to touch all."

"Well, if you don't want to eventually learn how to reverse things with the Chalice...and you just want to stay here an unwilling slave forever...." The dragon chuckled, one toe pushing against Rex's nose hard enough to make him grunt, though the little squirt of pre from his cock revealed the truth of the smaller reptile's preferences. "I suppose you could just refuse. If that's what you want. But somehow...I think you'll see things my way."

If glares could kill, Rex thought that the one he sent the dragon's way would have killed him, and another three dragons besides. The thing was, though, Draconicon was right; there was no way that Rex would be happy staying here if he was an unwilling slave. That thing eliminated, he really had two options; he could keep serving until he orgasmed out his resistance, or he served until the dragon finally gave him the way out of this. Either way...well, it'd be a better life than being stuck here hating it the whole time.

Slowly, he got on his knees in front of the dragon. His eyes were drawn back down to Draconicon's feet, tried to stare at them, but Rex forced them to look up at the dragon's face. At his...'master's'...face. The grin there was just insufferable, but there was nothing he could do about it.

A loud crack filled the cavern as Draconicon gestured at the ground, and Rex looked down in shock as the cavern floor opened below. Red stone rose out of the crack, melting, flowing, shifting its form. It went from a jagged piece of rock to something all too similar to a throne in the space of just a few seconds, rising up to meet the dragon as he sat down. Another, smaller crack came after, and a similar piece of stone lifted up in front of the dragon's feet, lifting them up until they were held right in front of the reptile's face.

For living in a cave, Draconicon's feet looked surprisingly clean. The heel was narrower than the rest of the foot, but the dragon's feet remained at least slightly narrower than he was used to seeing all the way up to the toes. He couldn't quite miss the way that the scales along the underside seemed smoother, even better fitted together than the scales on the rest of the dragon's body, with no way for anything to get stuck between the scales and cause irritation. There was no dirt, no fragments or debris stuck to the scales, which was something of a relief for the spiked reptile as he looked further up the foot.

Soon, he had moved from the shiny scales along the dragon's soles up to the wiggling toes. They were thicker than what he was used to seeing on other people that went barefoot, and there were claws on the tips of the toes that were just barely blunted enough to keep from scaring him away from serving them.

He almost bit his lip at that thought, suppressing a growl at the direction his brain was going. He didn't WANT to serve the dragon, or his feet; it was just something he was doing until Draconicon told him how to get out of this situation.

At least, that was what he told himself as he pressed his face against the underside of one foot. His throbbing cock apparently had other ideas, dripping lightly as he moved in closer to those smooth black feet.

The touch of the metal Chalice under his shaft almost made him jump, but he managed to control himself. Draconicon looked down with a chuckle, and nodded towards the Chalice. "I said that you would need to keep milking yourself into it. Get started; you only need one hand for your cock anyway, and you can use the other hand to help you tend to my feet."

"If you say so...Master," Rex said, trying to keep his tone respectful as he dragged his nose and lips along the bottom of the dragon's foot. It was so smooth, almost frictionless, and he felt his cock throbbing unwillingly through the entire experience. His tongue slid out before he was aware of it, and the taste of the foot started to fill his mouth.

At first, it was something he didn't really like; Draconicon's foot tasted like...well, not like flesh, not like sweat. Very different, slightly warm, but otherwise almost flavorless. The sheer difference of it almost made his erection disappear, a thought that was almost a relief as he dragged his tongue along the foot from heel towards the toes.

However, as he kept going, he couldn't help but start getting into it. There was none of the bad flavors that he had thought he'd find when licking someone's bare foot, and the fact that he was submitting to someone else like this was oddly exciting. Rex licked a little faster, starting to show a little eagerness, and not all of it was feigned. He could feel his cock starting to throb harder, feel it sticking out from his crotch a little more rigidly than it had been.

"I don't hear you stroking yourself," Draconicon said. "Come on, you gotta be milking yourself; that was part of the deal; you milk yourself while licking my feet, and I might tell you how to reverse this."

Not bothering to say anything, Rex reached down to his shaft, wrapping his fingers around it slowly while his other hand moved up to steady the foot he held. He held it still as he kissed his way from heel to toe, and then toe to heel, feeling the scales give ever so slightly under his lips. It was barely noticeable, but still something that he had never thought he'd feel.

The slightest stroke along his shaft made him shudder, the shivers going from his cock all the way up to his lips and down to his toes. He moaned against the dragon's foot, and blushed as he did; he didn't want to be turned on, didn't want to like this. This was the Chalice forcing him. He had to remember that; this was not him, this was the Chalice trying to change him.

And he had to hurry before he lost himself to the power of the artifact.

Dragging his tongue up and down the dragon's foot, 'cleaning' the already immaculate foot, Rex stroked himself off. He tried to center his thoughts on other things, thoughts of some of the males back home that had been good looking, ones that he thought he might have tried playing with if he had ever gotten up the courage. Think of...think of ass, he thought to himself; think of being on top of another male, thrusting away and getting off in a tight hole.

That worked for a few seconds, but inevitably, his mind gradually zoomed out enough for him to see the feet of whoever he imagined himself with. It made him whimper in helplessness, particularly as each shot of a foot sent another shock of pleasure through his body.

It wasn't fair, he thought to himself; it just wasn't fair! He should have more...more control...of himself.

And yet, here he was, bucking his cock against his hand as he licked over the dragon's foot. He didn't dare look past the black scales in front of him, not when his own stroking wasn't the only sound in the cave; he didn't want to think of what the dragon was doing while his feet were being licked. He just wanted get this done...

But that was getting harder and harder to focus on. As he kept stroking his cock, it was getting harder and harder to think of doing much other than serving the feet in front of him. It was almost instinct to keep licking at them, moaning against the smooth scales before shoving his face in, nose nestled under the toes as he breathed in the slight scent from them. It was mostly the scent of his own tongue, but there was a slightly raspy, but pleasant smell that came off of the scales. Not a musk, not a sweat, but a natural smell that seemed to cling to many scaly creatures. It...felt good...made him...him want to...

His orgasm hit him without warning. Rex panted softly as he bucked once more against his hand before going still, his cum splattering into the Chalice below. Even as he realized what he'd done, he could already feel the power of the Chalice settling over him again, adding to whatever it had already done.

Just looking at Master Draconicon's feet - Master...that...that didn't...did...didn't... - had him springing another erection, and he grinned as he thought of what he might be able to do for those feet now. Why was he holding back before? It was something that he could enjoy; it's not like the dragon was having him suck his dick or something. That would have been going too far, but just licking feet? Rex enjoyed that already, so it wasn't like Master Draconicon was asking him to do anything that he wasn't going to do anyway.

"Good boy, Rex," Draconicon said as the reptile leaned in, pressing his lips against the dragon's big toes, shoving the feet together to make them easier to worship. "That's it. Make sure that you keep tending to them. And keep milking yourself, too."

There was a slight hesitation before he reached back for his cock again, but Rex did it without really worrying. A part of his mind thought that it was a bad idea, to just give in to the milking so easily, but that voice was almost totally consumed by the growing foot fetish in his head. There was no reason not to milk himself; it was making the task easier, and more enjoyable. Besides, it's not like he couldn't stop when he wanted. He was just...putting the dragon off his guard. That was it, putting the dragon off his guard by doing something that they both liked.

The big toes almost begged him to suck on them, and Rex was not going to disappoint them, or the dragon they were attached to. Holding the feet pressed together, side to side, he pressed his lips to the two largest toes. They flexed lightly under the kiss, and Rex, being careful to avoid the claws on the toes, slowly pressed his head down to take them into his mouth.

They were thick, thicker than he'd anticipated, though they were still easy enough to get into his mouth. The scaly texture felt so strangely good against his tongue, particularly as they flexed, curling lightly to press down on his tongue and keep it in place. Even while he was giving Master Draconicon the foot worship that he asked for - that he deserved, a part of his mind said - the dragon would not let him forget just who was in charge.

That made him stroke his cock a little faster, milking it once again for the Chalice below. It throbbed softly in need, and Rex wasn't sure if he was harder from the toes in his mouth or his hand on his cock; he supposed that it was a little bit of both. He had never thought it would be this fun to submit to another male, not in this way, and when he got away, he'd probably find a few people that he could trust and try it out with them.

It would probably take a while to find someone as good at this as the dragon, but he'd just have to try. As fun as Master Draconicon was making this, he didn't want to stay here as a slave for the dragon; inevitably the dragon would want more, and he didn't want to give up too much just yet.

He bobbed up and down on the toes in his mouth, slowly licking along the undersides when the dragon's toes gave his tongue the freedom to do so, and panting through his nose since his mouth was taken up. His tongue felt a little warmer than usual from the scales on the toes rubbing against it, but that wasn't a bad thing; it just meant that he was doing his job properly.

Panting and moaning, Rex stroked his free hand along the bottom of the dragon's foot, rubbing it and massaging it as his tongue dealt with the toes. He could hear the dragon's moans, could tell that he was enjoying it, and his lips twitched in an attempt to smile. The toes in his mouth prevented that, but he couldn't help trying.

Despite his earlier problems with it, Rex couldn't help but feel a little curious as to what the dragon looked like...down there. He'd seen Master Draconicon's cock when it was soft, and that had been impressive enough; what would it look like when it was hard? Not that...not that he wanted to service it, but it was something that he couldn't help but wonder.

Still stroking himself, building up his arousal yet again, the reptile slowly looked up, looking up the dragon's legs towards his groin.

What he saw there shocked him; the dragon was packing a fairly massive cock, and it throbbed hard in his hand as he stroked it. Master Draconicon's fingers slid up and down a shaft that was at least a foot long, the tip of it wet and shiny with the leaking pre. It looked like the dragon was getting close to his own orgasm, but then again, Rex had never seen a dragon before; maybe they leaked pre earlier, faster than other species, and this was just how they looked when they started getting horny rather than when they were close.

Looking at the master's cock was enough to send another little shock of pleasure through his cock, and Rex looked away quickly, not wanting to think too much about that, and definitely not wanting the master to see him looking...there.

It was for naught; as soon as Rex looked away, he could hear the dragon's chuckles above him. "Oh, you like what you see here? You like the sight of Master's cock?" Draconicon asked.

He couldn't answer while sucking on the dragon's toes, but he knew that Master Draconicon wanted one. There was just something in his tone of voice that told him not to avoid the question. Almost regretfully pulling back from his master's feet - but not daring to stop the milking strokes of his cock - Rex said, "I...I like what it looks like...but I don''s not like...I wouldn't want to suck it or something."

"Heh, you will. But fair enough." The dragon's foot rubbed Rex's cheek, and he panted softly at the touch. "Go on, get back to work; you'll be thinking my way before too much longer."

Not if he was quick enough. Rex kept that thought from showing on his face, though, and went back to the feet, unable to hide the eagerness he felt to serve them.

He pressed one of them against his face, rubbing his cheek against it, while the other one he kept licking. His tongue bathed the scales just beneath the scales, making the already shiny surface shine in the low light of the cave. They almost were enough to show his reflection, and through his own rapidly building arousal, Rex wondered if he could make them shiny enough, reflective enough to see himself in them.

A silly thought, but a fun challenge. He set to licking at the foot repeatedly, dragging his tongue firmly from the dragon's 'arch' area towards the sole. Each lick made the dragon moan at least a little, and he could see that the feet were taking on such a sleek shine. A feeling of being needed filled him with a strange pride, and Rex moaned softly as he continued.

It was getting harder and harder to hold off his third orgasm. His cock throbbed and twitched in his hand, and it was only through a slow stroking that he was keeping himself from going over the edge. He wasn't sure why he was holding back; he'd already determined that milking himself was the best idea, that it would be the way to put the dragon off of his guard. Why was he stopping himself now?

For a split second, he felt like there was a way out of this, that he could surprise the dragon now with a bit of resistance. If he could just stop...


He didn't want to stop. He liked what he was doing, and so did his body. There was something special about submitting to another, to servicing their feet like this, and he wanted to know just what it was that was so enticing about it.

So he kept sucking and licking the dragon's toes, panting as he went. His hand slowly sped up along his cock, dragging him along towards yet another orgasm, and soon, Rex went over the edge again.

The sound of his cum splattering inside of the Chalice was the only sign that he had of cumming; he felt too much pleasure from licking the dragon's feet, from submitting, from serving, to notice the slight bump in pleasure he got from orgasm. The power of the Chalice settled over him again, and this time, he almost welcomed it, smiling, wondering just what it would do to him this time.

Oddly, the dragon pulled his feet away while the new changes settled over Rex. He was sad to see the feet moved out of the way, but...

But then he saw Draconicon's cock again.

The size was immense, and the way that it leaked so much pre, like it was just waiting for a good little submissive to come over there and start licking it up...He drooled slightly himself at the thought.

He could feel a greater submission rushing over him, the lingering thoughts of resistance fading before the flood of arousal that came with it. Rex's desire for the feet kept his cock hard, but the thought of giving his master further service, of giving his master the orgasm that he craved so badly, made him want to leap forward; he wanted to grab that cock and shove it into his mouth, to have that pre leaking over his tongue and down his throat. Hell, he wanted to make his master cum again and again, to show him the depths of his submission.

Master barely had to crook a finger before Rex rushed forward, kneeling on the footrest as he leaned forward. His hands rested on the dragon's thighs, and he pressed his lips to the dragon's cock tip.

Immediately his mouth was flooded with the taste of pre, of the somewhat musky manhood that the dragon had for him. A near-silent memory suggested that it wasn't something he liked, but he ignored it; this taste was heaven, paradise. There was no way that he could have not wanted it. In fact...he wanted more.

He shoved his face down along the dragon's cock, pulling more of it into his mouth. He felt inch after inch of the shaft disappear past his lips, feeling a bit of a bumpiness to the cock that hadn't been there with the dragon's feet; apparently they were built differently here than other species, too. It rubbed against his lips, and he shuddered at the building heat and friction there. He needed more...more pre on the master's cock, make it slicker, make it better.

He pulled back to the head, licking around the thick tip. It leaked copiously, and he encouraged it with rapid strokes, rubbing it up from the dragon's balls and then stroking it into the dragon's shaft. It didn't take long with how much his master was leaking, and Rex dived back down the cock as soon as it felt slick enough.

Just barely conscious of the dragon moving his legs, Rex was shocked when he felt the smooth, slick feet press against his cock. He gasped around the dragon's cock, almost inhaling the thick flow of pre as his cock was stroked, teased by the feet he'd just cleaned. Soft, then loud moans were muffled against the dragon's cock as he was given one hell of a footjob.

"Consider this a reward for a good job so far," Draconicon said with a smirk. "Of course, this is still milking don't hold back on me. I want to make sure that you give the Chalice another good load or two before you finally finish paying off your time with it."

Considering how good those smooth feet felt dancing up and down his cock, Rex had no doubt that this was going to be the biggest, most powerful orgasm yet. He couldn't believe that his master was giving him such a reward, particularly after he was so obstinate to start. Such a kind master, such a good master; he deserved the best blowjob that the reptile could give him, for doing this for him.

Rex's head bobbed up and down the dragon's cock, taking more and more of it into his mouth with each slide down. Not much at a time, not even as much as half an inch, but he could feel it sliding further and further into his throat. After the first little gag, he learned how to take it in, combining a swallow with a firm push; it was...different, to be swallowing around a cock, rather than using his tongue on it, but the master seemed to like the feeling of his throat, so he was happy to do it.

His lips were stretched out in a wide circle by the width of the master's cock, and his jaws ached lightly. It was a good ache, a feeling of doing proper service for master that deserved it...and the encouragement of those black feet on his cock didn't deter him one bit.

Why, oh why, hadn't he gotten a footjob before today? It felt so good, slick, shiny feet rubbing along his cock, while the toes danced around the foot sliding around, toes rubbing, drumming on, pressing against his balls, while the other foot moved up and down his shaft, milking it, teasing pre out of it...toes sliding up to squeeze at his cock head, grinding on it while the other foot ground its heel against the base of his cock...It had him panting, his nostrils flaring and spreading with each breath, so many moans stifled against the massive cock in his throat.

Unconsciously, he started bucking against the feet on his cock, thrusting against them as though they were some hole presented to him. His throat squeezed on the cock inside him, cutting off his air for a second, but only for a second as he swallowed down another large pool of the master's pre. There was so much, so very much of it filling his mouth and his throat, even when he was just swallowing it. The cock was so huge it felt like it was going to send the pre back up rather than down, sometimes, like it was taking up too much room to allow the pre to stay in his stomach.

Rex barely cared about that; he just wanted to feel the dragon cum in him. He wanted the dragon to cum, and he wanted to cum for his master again. The Chalice called for him, and the master's feet were leading him to fill it.

They pressed against him, sandwiching his cock between them again. His pre rubbed against those scales, and he felt them get slicker as a result. They pushed against him, stroked him, encouraged him, and he couldn't help but moan against the cock in his mouth again. His hips bucked on their own, his balls burning with the need to let loose another load. He wanted it; he needed it.

But the dragon reached orgasm first. He was so focused on the master's cock that he didn't see the signs on Master Draconicon's face, missed all the warnings for it. The throbbing of the cock was just another throb of excitement; the way the balls drew up was missed, simply because the cock blocked the sight of them.

It was a flood going down his throat, and Rex welcomed it, even as he sputtered trying to swallow it. The shaft seemed to widen further, pulling out as it did. It cut off his air for a second just before it pulled out of his mouth, but only for a second, not even enough to make him cough as the dragon held him in place, right in front of the master's cock as it painted him with cum.

It was almost like he was being marked with the master's cum, to show just what a slut he had become. That, plus the cum in his belly, plus the master's feet on his cock, was enough to shove him over the edge a fourth time.

He almost collapsed from the sheer power behind the orgasm, feeling his entire body tense up as he came between the dragon's feet. Both of them continued rubbing, stroking his cock through his climax, forcing more and more seed out of him. It fell into the Chalice like water from a waterfall, and Rex could just make out the Chalice itself.

For the first time, he could see it filling while he was cumming. It filled rapidly, but as soon he stopped shooting so much, the flow started to sink into the gold, like it was being absorbed. It glowed, the white turning a heavenly sort of gold before it disappeared. The Chalice itself illuminated the cavern for a brief moment, better than any torch would have, and it was then that he felt the Chalice's effects.

His mind was assaulted with the power of his new fetish, his desire to service the dragon's feet. He wanted to do whatever the dragon wanted, to give them whatever care that the master decided that they needed. The desire to service feet, to lick, nuzzle, suck, play with them, was matched only by the need to submit to the dragon before him, to give him whatever he wanted, as a proper slave should.

The dragon gathered him into his lap, powerful arms moving the reptile from where he sat. Master spoke, and Rex did his best to listen, looking at him with dazed eyes.

"Heh, you did pretty good. Now, I'll give you the secret for getting this little 'curse' off of you." Draconicon picked up the Chalice, holding it out to him. Rex took it in confusion as the dragon explained. "You paid for the Chalice; you get to keep it for the rest of your life. But if you want to get that foot fetish off of you - and it will be powerful, making you seek out other people in the world to play with - then you better listen to me now.

"The Chalice can reverse fetishes as well as give them; same with your submissiveness. When you are with someone else, you need to milk them for their cum. Milk your dominant's seed into the Chalice, and you will reverse one of your own milkings into it. It won't effect them until you have reversed all of them. But if one of them milks you, you fall under the power of the Chalice that much more."

Rex slowly nodded his head, starting to understand, vaguely. But what he really wanted to do...really, really wanted to do...was keep serving his master. He reached down with a free hand, grabbing hold of the dragon's cock, and slowly started stroking it. Very little hardness had been lost, and it didn't take long for the dragon to start hardening again, chuckling as he did.

"Heh, I guess you can get one more. But I doubt you're going to make it to the end before you are out cold." The dragon lifted him up, and Rex barely noticed it as the massive cock started sliding under his tail. It was...harsh, he supposed, but all he wanted was to serve. Serve and pleasure the master. Serve and pleasure master, and master's feet.

He took it to the hilt with a moan, and immediately leaned forward, pulling the dragon's feet up onto the footrest again. Slowly sliding up and down the dragon's cock, Rex somehow managed to bend forward enough to be able to lick at those scaly feet. He nuzzled their sides, his tongue flicking out along the sides. Exhaustion was slowly creeping in, but he was determined to do something...something else for his master...before he collapsed.

"You are persistent...I like that," the dragon said as Rex's vision slowly grew dark...and blacked out.


Something pressed against his side when he rolled over. Rex groaned softly, shaking his head as he reached down to move it.

His fingers closed over a familiar handle, and his eyes zoomed open. "Wha..."

In his hand was the Chalice of Submission, and pressed against the inside was a piece of parchment. A little curious, Rex pulled it out, and read it.

To my most eager foot licker,

Congratulations on making full payment for the Chalice of Submission. Just like with your father, it's yours until you die, or decide to send it back. Please remember to send it back on time; I don't want to have to hunt down the next owner of it and go through all the work of making them pay their debt the way I did you.

I have dropped you off in a village bordering the southern lands; some sort of farming community rather than a fishing one. You should have good luck finding some dominants to milk to get the fetishes out of you.

That is, if you still want to.

I'll be watching; give me a good show.

Your master,


Rex glared at the note for a moment, but still couldn't help the twinge of arousal that it sent through his cock. The Chalice's effects were still active, he realized; the question was, how strong were they?

But that was something he'd find out shortly. He needed to get moving. And that meant he needed to stand up.

He groaned as he pulled himself to his feet, blushing as he felt something leaking out of his rear. No need to check; he remembered well enough the last thing he did for the dragon before he'd fallen unconscious. Apparently his master had used him well while he was knocked out, before sending him here.

As he got his balance, Rex was about to turn around when a hand fell on his shoulder. Almost jumping out of his skin, he whipped around, half hoping his tail would knock the person behind him down.

It didn't; the rabbit that had touched him leaped over his tail, barely missing the spikes above it, before landing again. "Hey man, calm down; you okay? We don't get many naked new arrivals, so, kinda gotta ask."

"Sorry...sorry," Rex said, shaking his head. "I'm kinda jumpy, after yesterday."

"That's alright," the rabbit said. He turned around, pointing towards a small collection of buildings in the distance. "That's Erellon Farm down the way; why don't you come with me? See if we can get you some clothes and you can tell me what's going on."


Rex started to say, that would be great. But as he nodded his head, his eyes went far enough down to see the rabbit's footwear.

Or rather, would have if the rabbit had been wearing any. Large, long feet with wiggling toes. Feet that were probably very tired. Feet that needed to be served.

"Um...let's do...let's do something else first," Rex said, his cock rising as he went to his knees. The rabbit would probably be confused at first, but he doubted it would bother him.

A good foot slave was a rare commodity, after all, and he was the best. The Chalice had made him so; maybe eventually it would change him back, but for now, he was a slutty foot slave, and he would make the best of it.

Alien's New Toy

**Alien's New Toy** **For Taiko** Novus Ager was one of the bigger cities on the coast; in sheer size, it outdid most of the places that could call it neighbors, and those few that equaled it were not nearly as interesting. A good part of the...

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Writing Stream 6: Wheel of Fetish 2

**Digimon: Digital Masters** **For Fang** Fang didn't quite know how he got into this situation; one minute he was wandering through the strange, bright Digi-World that he'd been shoved into, and the next, he had found himself in this dark,...

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Duties of a Micro Servant 2

**Duties of a Micro Servant 2** **By Draconicon, For Xalex** Musk, sweat, and darkness were the three things that made up the majority of Alex's world of late. Ever since Olag had pushed him to admit his own fetish, his servitude to the bear...

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