Alien's New Toy

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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A YCH Discount Story for Taiko, involving his world of Novus Ager, his character of Nor, and my character of Vassk. Enjoy the story of a hero trying to stop an alien from robbing someplace, only to find out how out-matched he is.

Alien's New Toy

For Taiko

Novus Ager was one of the bigger cities on the coast; in sheer size, it outdid most of the places that could call it neighbors, and those few that equaled it were not nearly as interesting. A good part of the reason why were the supers that called Novus Ager home, or lair, or base; they were unique, and a massive part of the tourist draw that helped keep the big businesses in the city in the black.

Of course, with so many supers, you had a certain amount of villains and criminals that came around to keep them busy. And when there were so many to deal with, every hero had to pull their weight.

Nor was just one of those heroes, a donkey that not only had the luck to have a few minor super powers, but had lived through an accident that had fused his body with some bio-circuitry, giving him a few other little abilities. Not as hugely famous as some of the heroes in the city, the red and blue donkey still pulled his weight and then some with the different gangs and minor super villains that decided to make his part of the city their hunting ground. Most of them learned quickly enough to either reform their ways, or find their prey elsewhere; crossing a donkey that could wade through small arms fire and then still have the energy to send them flying down the street was something that most people soon learned to avoid. Those that didn't...well, the lucky ones were in jail, and the unlucky ones were better off undescribed.

It had been a busy week for the donkey; just a few days ago, he'd helped some police bring down a small gang of people that were all too interested in the way electronics meshed with the living mind. A bit embarrassing at the end, stuck standing as a flexing statue for almost a day and a half, but productive, and after that, he'd duked it out with a small-time thug that considered himself a super villain just because he'd won the local tournaments.

"Here's hoping the emergency room doesn't bill me for his crap," Nor muttered as he rounded a corner. "Wasn't my fault that he didn't give up early." Then again, the donkey probably could have stopped after breaking the tiger's nose...left arm...right leg...

He grumbled, shaking his head; some of the younger villains never knew when to give up. Always coming on the scene with too much a sense of their own skill, and it generally landed them in the hospital because of it. City might cheer seeing them brought down, but the donkey wished that they'd just learn a little common sense, and didn't make him use so much force to stop them.

It didn't help that the non-superpowered ones were just as cocky and stupid as some of the superpowered ones, and he had to treat them both the same until he found out what their limits were. Against those with super powers, that wasn't so bad; against the normal people just acting tough...well, the tiger was a good example of what happened to them, and Nor hated seeing it happen. It just...he couldn't find another way to get around that yet.

Shaking his head, he looked down at his belt. Most supers carried around a police scanner, if only because it was also the preferred way that the police had to get in touch with them, and Nor was no exception. The donkey flicked a switch on the little block, and listened to see if there was any update on the situation in this part of the city.

Crackling, the scanner said, "Be advised, intruder at Louie's Lasers is...dang...Approach with...tion..."

He sighed, turning off the scanner with a shake of his head. "Gotta remember to pick up a new one," Nor said under his breath. That one was just about on its last legs.

Looking up at the horizon, he could just make out the large neon sign for the company mentioned. Louie's Lasers; the company office occupied the same site as the primary factory for the advanced light and plasma devices, and allowed it to sell directly to people within Novus Ager that could afford their advanced machinery. Of course, with the way that the city rearranged itself so often, that advantage had varying heights, but it was always there.

If someone was messing around with the interior of that company, they had to be either extremely skilled, or had enough durability to withstand some pretty significant stuff. The security force there had enough firepower to put a hole in most supers, and kept the minor villains at bay through sheer reputation...and the guy that they'd sent to the hospital with a still healing, plasma burned hole through his stomach.

He still shuddered when he thought about that.

And it wasn't like he could leave it alone, either; Nor had picked out this part of the city for himself, and that meant that he was the one that was responsible for how safe it was. Other heroes might come as back-up with the big guys, but for something like this, the donkey was on his own.

"Better start running," he muttered under his breath, his hooves clopping and clicking on the pavement as he hurried down the street.

It didn't take long to get down the street to the corporate headquarters, and when he arrived, Nor's eyes went wide at the sight awaiting him.

In the light coming from the streetlamps, he could see a full twelve man squad of the security force from Louie's Lasers standing in front of the building. All of them had their weapons in hand...and all of them were stripped of clothes from the waist down. From the tall giraffe to the short little chinchilla, each one of them had been left pantsless...and more than a little bit aroused, the donkey saw with a slight blush.

Standing in front of the squad was a reptile of some sort - he couldn't make out just what species from this distance, plus the guy was standing with his back to the donkey - and looked injured. He was bent over, and fiddling with a few things on the ground.

Figuring that he better check on the wounded guy before dealing with whatever had messed with the minds of the security force, Nor picked up speed, going from a jog to a run as he crossed the street. "Sir!" he shouted, the volume causing the reptile to jerk and turn around. "Sir, are you...what in the hell?"

As the reptile turned to face him, Nor's eyes were drawn to the wound on the male's forehead. It was fairly large, about the size of two fingers laid along the curve of the top left side of his head. It was...well, for normal people, he would say that the wound was bleeding. But then, normal people didn't have green, yellow, and blue goo leaking out of their injuries when they were hurt.

This guy did.

Nor slowly came to a stop at the edge of the sidewalk, a good ten feet of distance between him and the reptile still. Up close, he would have said that the reptile was a komodo dragon anthro or something, but that goo running out of his head ruled that out. Robot? Possible, but that was a new kind of fuel or coolant than he was used to seeing. Different experiment by another super or mad scientist? Also possible, but didn't seem likely. Alien?

Well, now that did have possibilities.

The reptile continued to look him in the eye for a bit before grunting and shaking his head. "Got something to say, say it. I'm busy here," he grumbled.

"Oh, uh." Nor cleared his throat, tapping a hand to his chest. "Uh, I'm Nor, and I heard that there was a disturbance here."

"Disturbance? Heh, yeah." The reptile jerked his head towards the twelve men behind him, and then promptly grabbed the oozing opening on his head. "Ooooow...gotta...remember about that."

Nor started to step forward, but the reptile held up a hand, gesturing for him to stay back. " back. I'm still busy here."

"Ooookay," Nor said, standing in place. He looked over at the security force again. Not a one of them had moved from the position he'd seen them in earlier, and if anything, they were looking even more aroused. Their cocks - and those were VERY visible - stood out straight and proud, and more than half of them were starting to look very wet at the tips.

He cleared his throat, trying not to think about that. Looking back at the reptile, he groaned as he saw that he'd turned back to whatever he was doing before. "Sir, what are you doing? Shouldn't you be getting to a hospital?" the donkey asked.

"Oh, shut up," the reptile growled. "I'll be fine the second I shift back to base state."


"Just...shut up and let me work."

"Work?" Nor blinked, looking at the guards, then at the reptile. Then the guards. Then the reptile.

Click. "You did this?" he asked incredulously.

"Better freaking believe genius you are, eh?" the reptile asked. Nor could almost hear the way that the stranger's eyes rolled in the tone of his voice. "At least one of them was a good shot; giraffe there caught my head before I was close enough to deal with the rest of them."

He half wished that the giraffe had gotten a better shot on this guy. Nor could only shake his head at the thought; most villains didn't just leave people that opposed them standing at attention with their crotches on display, and people like the security forces here were well trained enough that most people couldn't afford to do that. Nor knew that he wouldn't really want to try.

The fact that this reptile had done this...

"Look, I'm going to need to take you in for questioning," Nor said. He took a step forward, only hesitating for a split second when the reptile spun around to glare at him. "Don't look at me like that; you were the one that decided to make this a public spectacle. You should have -"

"Been sneakier? Done it more quietly?" The reptile's eyes narrowed. "Killed them and hid the bodies?"

"Uh..." Nor blinked. This guy was starting to creep him out more and more by the second, but what little sympathy he had for the injury on the reptile's head was disappearing rapidly. "Look, whatever the situation is, I need to take you in to talk about it. Maybe you get charged, maybe you don't, but you did something here, and you need to tell me what's going on."

"Bite me."

"Believe me, you're tempting me." Nor shook his head as he took another step forward. The reptile picked up another thing from the ground, but try as he might, the donkey couldn't see just what the stranger was collecting. "Now, put down whatever it is you're carrying, and I'll take you in."

Grumbling, the reptile turned towards the security force. "You guys, make sure that he stops talking. Use those cocks to gag him if you have to, but do something with him before he drives me nuts."


Plasma weapons clattered to the ground as the twelve man squad suddenly charged forward at the donkey, and Nor was forced to focus on them instead.

"What did you do to them?!" he shouted over their shoulders as he blocked the first few punches and jabs in his direction. A kick got through his defense, but it did almost nothing, barely strong enough for him to feel the pressure from the impact. "What the hell did you- MMMPH!"

The chinchilla had climbed up the back of a rhino, and then leaped from the solid guard's shoulders onto the donkey's face. A hard but small cock was shoved into his mouth before he could register just what the hell had happened, and he groaned softly. The little taste of pre on his tongue was the first bit of evidence that told him what had just happened.

Okay, that does it, he thought to himself.

With a loud grunt, he yanked the chinchilla off of his face. The feeling of a cock sliding out from between his lips was not what he was expecting tonight, and though it wasn't...entirely...unwelcome, he did not have time for this right now.

The chinchilla made an excellent fuzzy missile as he threw him at the nearby giraffe. Already turned on, the chinchilla managed to roll in the air enough to land crotch first on the giraffe's face.

Turning away from the sight of the small guy humping the tall one, Nor went to town on the guards that still surrounded him. A punch to the gut sent the rhino to his knees, and a quick - but precise - clap of the hands over ears knocked him down for the count. Twisting around, he caught a pair of wolves by the shoulders, and slammed their heads together; a hollow thunk told him that they'd be out for the night, but probably without any real ill effects.

Dropping to the ground, Nor kicked out at the knees of several guards. He kept the kicks moderated, not wanting to break the legs, just lock them up. Three kicks, and a sweep, and three more were down to the ground.

He got to his feet just in time for a gorilla to grab him from behind. Thick arms wrapped around his neck, and the donkey gasped as his breath was actually cut off a bit. "Oooh...someone...picked...a good you," Nor managed to gasp out past the black-furred arms. Doing his best to ignore the cock grinding against his ass, he bucked and flailed, trying to shake the gorilla loose.

It didn't help that the remaining three guards - an orca and two dolphins - were dancing around him, each one grabbing and groping at him. They seemed to be taking the command to use their cocks a little more seriously than Nor had expected, and he couldn't help but feel his cock starting to swell in his costume. Even with the way that the costume was designed, he could see a slight bulge starting to grow inside.

Grunting as one of the dolphins squeezed him directly, forcing him more than halfway to erection, Nor caught sight of the lizard. He was starting to walk away, carrying whatever loot that he had grabbed from the group. Growling, the donkey strained against the gorilla's arms again; he was going to -

"Oooh!" Nor moaned, the feeling of a warm, wet mouth around his cock tip catching his attention. He blushed brightly as he forced himself to look down.

The orca's beefy hands held shreds of his costume in between the fingers, and one of the dolphins had grabbed hold of his cock. Though he was still hardening, Nor could see that the dolphin was sucking eagerly on him, trying to encourage him to full erection. And he had a talented tongue, too, one that was soooo tempting to stay and enjoy.

He shook his head. No; he was a super hero, and he was going to act like one.

But time.

With a huff that emptied his lungs, Nor bucked backwards, and then up and forward. The sudden move caught the gorilla by surprise, and the big ape went flying over his shoulders. Crushing the dolphin beneath his weight, the gorilla also pulled the cocksucker off of Nor's cock. He winced a bit at the slight grating feeling of teeth dragging along the tip of his cock, but got right back in the fight.

The other dolphin and the orca were no threat after that, though they seemed fascinated with his cock. Both got in a good grope and squeeze before they went down, and even after they went down, they somehow managed to land on their faces with their asses up in the air.

Panting, Nor shook his head at the sight. Twelve full grown men with hard-ons that wouldn't quit, each one with their ass up in the air or their mouth open in invitation, even in unconsciousness. "What in the hell did that guy do to them?" he muttered to himself.

That guy...He whipped his head up. The reptile was still in view, hadn't gotten far. "HEY!" he shouted, pointing in the thief's direction. "HEY! I got a bone to pick with...I mean, you have some explaining to do!"

The donkey ran at the reptile, starting to grumble as the stranger didn't even turn around. His hooves clicked, clacked, clicked on the pavement and concrete, but the reptile didn't so much as turn around.

It was only when Nor had his hand on the reptile's shoulder that the stranger deigned to show even the least bit of interest, and that was only to glare at the donkey. Nor didn't let it phase him though - despite the fact that the wound from earlier was gone, somehow - and shoved the reptile up against the nearby building. "You and I...are going to have a very long chat."

"What a coincidence...I was thinking the same thing."

Nor felt something press against his stomach. At first, he wondered if this was another villain that had a hyper sized cock, and that this was some sort of last-ditch innuendo, and he rolled his eyes as he looked down.

The sight of a chrome-colored gun pressed right against his stomach got rid of that thought.

It didn't look like any sort of earth gun. Rather than a rectangular barrel, it had three glowing rings around a central needle-like barrel. It was too small for anything resembling bullets, or anything but liquid for that matter, but the end of it was too large to look like an injector. And even if it was, what could the rings around the outside be for?

Putting on as brave a face as he could, Nor looked the reptile in the eyes. "You think that's going to hurt me?" he asked.

The reptile smirked. "Let's find out."

Trigger pulled before Nor could do anything to stop it, the donkey barely had the chance to take a step back before a red light shot out from the gun. It hit him right in the gut, and he froze in place. His eyes were wide, his body in mid-step...and he couldn't move.

But that wasn't the worst part. As he stared at the reptile, he felt the energy spreading through his body. The parts of his body that were replaced by bio-tech from the accident years ago registered it as non-terrestrial energy, directed and effecting him in a way that nothing planet-bound had done. He struggled to fight it, but it burned through his defenses in seconds, moving up through his stomach and towards his head and his chest.

In seconds, the energy had reached his core, his mind and his memory. And as it did...





As the pain in the ass donkey finally succumbed to the hypno-gun, Vassk let out a small sigh of relief. "Finally," he muttered under his breath as he holstered the pistol at his side again. "Freaking heroes...That just used up another power cell."

He looked back at the building, debating whether he could go back into the factory and find a few more. A few seconds of internal debate shut off that line of thought; while he had enough power cells left to deal with any new shifts of guards, Vassk doubted that there would be enough high-level power cells for his blaster to make it worth the incursion. Just dealing with the dozen security guards on the ground and then this idiot had been enough to reduce the profits for this venture, and he didn't want to lose more.

As he thought about it, he heard a little crackle in the air. Blinking, he looked back and forth before he realized that it was coming from the donkey's belt. Leaning forward, he felt around until he found a small device, pulling it up and looking at it.

It was letting out some sort of communication, but it was weak. Shaking his head, Vassk fumbled through his pockets before pulling out a little finger-length rod from one of them. Pointing it at the device, he pressed a button, a red light illuminating it for a few seconds before he put the rod away.

Immediately it was coming through much clearer. "Novus Ager police forces, converge on the headquarters of Louie's Lasers. Nor has gone dark, and is non-responsive; consider anything in view to be hostile and extremely dangerous. Reinforcements are on the way and will arrive in five minutes."

"Well...someone's not happy," Vassk muttered. He threw the thing back up the street, and looked at the donkey again. "So...Nor, huh? What's that about...and why aren't you going to a standing position like all the others?"

He leaned forward, poking the large donkey. It was almost comical; the hero - and he was a hero, Vassk had been stuck here long enough to know the look - was on one hoof, and he was still hard and erect, the donkey's cock frozen in place just like the rest of him. Like some sort of erotic statue.

It wasn't until Vassk looked the donkey in the eyes - and very closely in the eyes - that he stopped chuckling. "Ooooooh, so that's it," he muttered under his breath. "Oh, you're a better find than a warehouse of power cells. You're coming with me."

That was easier said than done; the donkey was heavy, and considering that he didn't move - or rather, couldn't - Vassk had to drag him along. The one hoof on the ground made a screeching sound as it was dragged along, setting his teeth on edge as he was forced to listen to it. "Ugh...this had...better!" he muttered, dragging the donkey along towards a nearby alley.

The sounds of sirens were getting closer as he started fumbling through the trash, throwing bags of it here and there. "Damn...invisibility field," he growled. "Never where I remem - FUCK!" He stumbled back from the trash pile, glaring at the rat that wriggled out from between some of the debris. It had bitten him, and he flexed his hand a few times, resisting the urge to do something stupid. Crushing it beneath something huge would be fun, but not if it got him caught.

It scurried off as he went back to trying to find his stuff. Invisibility fields; helpful in disguising things, but hell on finding it later.

Finally, as the sirens were starting to get nervously close, his hand bumped against something his eyes couldn't see. A grin slid over his face, and he slid his hand along the shape until it found some buttons. Fingers drumming in a code that they remembered on instinct, Vassk looked back at the donkey. "Hope you're not afraid of heights. Say something if you are."

The hero was quiet, still.

"Heh, good, good."


He had never gone from ecstatic to angry to relieved to worried to happy to pissed off in such short order, so this night was going down in the record books. Vassk sputtered as he pulled his head out of the sand on the beach, glaring back at the still paralyzed donkey. "Dead weight. That's all you fucking are, so much fucking dead weight," he muttered under his breath.

The flight out of Novus Ager to the coast had not gone as he'd anticipated. Not only had he waited too long to take off to get away without notice from the police, but their reinforcements had gotten there shortly after he'd hit the sky. So, not only did he have to guide his jetpack around with the extremely heavy muscle donkey trailing behind him, but he had to dodge lasers and bullets and fucking lightning bolts while the heroes chased him through the sky.

One of them had even managed to hit the jetpack, too, sending a hole the size of a fist through it, and it had been hell trying to get the damn thing to work long enough to get to the coast line. Never mind trying to lose the heroes; that had been a task that he'd almost considered impossible.

It was only because some super villain had started torching up downtown that they were called away, and he was still calling blessings down on that unknown villain for the save.

And then, to top it all off, the jetpack had finally failed while they were still over fifty feet in the air, and it was only a quirk of luck that they managed to land in the sand with their bodies still intact.

Swearing under his breath in every language he knew - and considering his travels that was a lot - Vassk dragged the paralyzed donkey along through the sand. He kept one hand in front of him, not caring that he was pulling the donkey's erection through abrasive sand, just trying to find where he was going.

Eventually, his hand touched something metal. Again, something invisible. "Finally," he muttered, panting heavily as he walked around it. He kept his hand on it, following it around for nearly a minute, keeping himself close to the invisible structure, and finally found the button pad. Exactly one foot to the right of where he'd first started walking around the invisible thing at.

It took all the willpower he had left to suppress his frustrated shriek at that.

The code he put in did two things. First, it dropped the shields around his ship, allowing him to see what the fuck he was doing. He had been flying, walking, and fumbling about blindly, and he was utterly sick of trying to find where his stuff was by touch.

Second, it dropped the ramp into the ship into the sand...or more accurately, onto the donkey's balls.

Vassk winced slightly in sympathy before shrugging. "Hero, he'll get over it," he muttered, tugging the donkey out from under the ramp before carrying him up it. As soon as they were inside, he raised the ramp up behind them, and engaged the external cloaking shields. It would be enough, as nobody knew that he was here to actually scan for the interior of the ship.

He didn't dare take a break; he didn't know how long that the hypno-gun would interfere with the circuitry in this weird robot. This needed to be done fast. So, he dragged his plaything through his ship, past the kitchen and the storage bins, down to the science lab.

The donkey was still heavy, but lighter than he really expected a robot to be; all the circuitry inside as well as the hard parts must have been made of some sort of new material, something that imitated living parts better than they used to. Definitely something he'd have to examine after he got a good look at the primary programming.

Throwing the hero onto an examination table, Vassk rapidly stripped off the remains of the donkey's uniform. It was rather interesting to see that the red and blue colors weren't just a part of the uniform, but actually a part of the thing's fur and skin. Definitely different, Vassk thought to himself; he hadn't seen that for a while on this planet. Then again, considering that his ship could only make short hops ever since he crashed here, he doubted that he'd seen everything that Earth had to offer just yet.

"Now, to find that data-port," Vassk muttered. The alien started fumbling around, patting and poking at the different parts of the donkey. It was surprisingly realistic, from the way that 'muscles' and 'fat' moved along under the skin, and even at the somewhat spongy feeling at the tip of its cock. He would have to try it out later, he thought; maybe someone had made it with the alternative purpose of having a sex-bot when it wasn't working as a hero.

But the lack of a data-port confused him. The only real opening was...

"Well, since it's a robot, nobody would have to worry about it being dirty," he said with a shrug. He walked over to one wall, pulling a wireless connector off of its wall attachment, and slowly slid it into the robot's 'anus'. It locked in place, held in the hole, and he put the mate of the probe into the computer on the other side of the room.

It took a few seconds for the connection to establish, and a minute for the scan. The results were....surprising, to say the least.

Vassk's eyes went wide as he stared at the screen. "Bio-circuitry...modifiable, malleable...reshaping and healing...shit, someone really broke the bank to make this thing," the alien muttered under his breath, shaking his head in shock. He flicked through some more of the information, reading through each read-out in turn. "Dependent on memories...currently offline with wiping from external energy source - thank you, hypno-gun - and awaiting orders...from memory?

"Oh, oh...oh that's brilliant," he muttered. Storing transformation designs in memory...that would be perfect. The man with the password would be able to upload any particular transformations he liked into the central memory, and if he wanted a guest to do it...or if someone got his hands on the robot and was smart about it...

Vassk's fingers flicked through some of the other options, and grinned as he found the list of features. "Oh, double memory sections. Someone's a fan of the classics. Let's see..."

It took a little probing, a little pressing, but Vassk was able to find a way into the temporary memory files. The core was too tightly protected, probably locked off from the robot itself, but so long as the temporary one remained open, he was good. It looked like the hypno-gun had more or less locked down access to the core for the robot's immediate recall, so it would have to rely on temporary memory for a while.

And he had the keys to the temporary memory.

"Let's test a few things out," Vassk said, his fingers brushing over the keyboard while his eyes flicked towards the donkey. What first, what first...

Well, he had always liked those few equines that had feet instead of hooves.

Alien script rushed over the screen in several lines as he sent the command into the probe in the robot's data port, and he watched to see if it would take effect.

For a few seconds, nothing happened, and silence was all that filled the ship. Then, a buzzing started to build. At first, Vassk thought that it was just another system in the ship needing attention, and he sighed, leaning forward and rubbing his head lightly. "What else could go wrong?" the alien grumbled.

But when he pulled his head back up, a bit of light caught his attention. He blinked, and then stared as he watched the golden light flowing out of the donkey's legs, spreading from the ankles down and over the hooves, covering them in a sheath of golden light. Little patterns were just discernible in the glow, but they moved too fast for the alien to be able to see them.

Before his eyes, the hooves were pushed upwards, flattened. The hoof withdrew, slowly but insistently pulled back into Nor's leg until the dark, hard substance had disappeared. Vassk watched with eyes growing steadily wider as the bio-circuitry slowly tugged the flesh and fur into a new shape, the red-blue colors following along as the flesh was manipulated much like a child played with claw.

Toes sprouted from the flesh, and it was slowly prodded, squeezed, molded into the shape of a foot. The alien licked his lips as the last signs of hooves disappeared, and feet took their place.

When it was done, he went back to the computer, reversing the transformation. It was nice, but with the legs the way that they were, it would make it too hard for the donkey to walk. Besides, there were other transformations that he still had in mind for his new toy.

The alien thought about it for a little bit, thinking of what he needed most right now. There were so many shapes that this world had, so many different species he could copy; the thoughts of those that lived out past this planet were also possibilities, but they'd strain the biology too much for a first try. He needed something simple.

The idea that hit him caused a grin that almost cut his face in two. "Oh, that's perfect," he muttered, his fingers flying over the holographic keyboard.

This time, the golden light flooded over the entire donkey, covering him from head to hooves. Vassk turned to watch the show, stripping out of his rags of clothes, eager to watch this show and enjoy the robot at the end of it.

The light started at the head, pressing at the donkey's muzzle and his head. The broad muzzle started to narrow, coming to a point at the nose; the lips pulled back, sliding further up the muzzle rather than staying so close to the tip, and as the lips spread, he could see some teeth growing in as well. They were sharp, and poked past the lips for a second before they hung down far enough to cover the white points.

The ears came up to sharper points, and the fur started to change color. A solid black started to spread down from the donkey's head, covering his new muzzle, his new face. It was more pointed, slightly aggressive looking but also a little bit on the sweet side; that was part of the program, Vassk knew, as the breed of dog he'd picked was not usually picked for its sweet disposition.

Continuing to spread down his body, the donkey shifted, the mass of muscles becoming more streamlined and less bulgy. The chest shrunk, tightening to go with the leaner form that the robot was taking on. A bit of red remained at the chest, breaking up the otherwise sleek black along the rest of the hero's torso.

Vassk's eyes shifted to the arms, watching them slim down as the fur spread down them, the wave of black and red covering up the former blue that the robot had for his coloration. Odd choice, the alien thought, but it didn't matter now. This looked better in his eyes.

As the arms thinned down, becoming lean, the alien looked down, past the slimming belly of the robot. His eyes lit up as the changes creeped towards the petrified erection that the robot had; this was going to be the fun part.

Despite the pet animal appearance that the rest of the robot was taking on, Vassk had programmed the genitals to become somewhat humanoid. Not so much in proportion, but in general shape. He liked the size of the animal cocks that so many anthros had, but he preferred a different overall shape to them.

And that was just what he was getting. The head became less flat, and more rounded, and he grinned as it swelled. The width at the base spread upwards, and it pulsed under the golden light, fattening up almost as much as the rest of the body had grown thinner. It was amazing looking, a huge, fat cock that throbbed with each pulse of the transforming light, and as he watched, it got bigger, and bigger.

It pressed out from a groin that now lacked a sheath, having erased that with the robot's memory. Huge balls hung from there, growing twice as large as they had been, and considering the donkey had possessed some huge ones, that was saying something. They were compressed slightly between the donkey's paralyzed thighs, growing bigger, and bigger, until their own size thrust them forward.

They lay over one of the robot's legs as the lower limbs started to change, growing less animal, and more human. They were almost curvy, in a way, as they lost some of the muscle and fat on them, shifting proportions so that the robot would sway more, which would make both his big bubble butt jiggle and make his cock sway from side to side with every step. Vassk always loved pets that would present themselves like that, showing off everything that they got, and this transformation would make sure that the robot did just that, all the time.

The black and red fur continued down the thighs, and then the calves, before spreading over the hooves. The same transformation as before happened again, shifting the hooves to something more human. Oh, they had slightly animalistic features, with the toenails being hard, being dark, looking like the color and texture of hooves, but they wiggled like human feet, and made the alien grin.

Soon, the shift finished, the program having turned the robot from a donkey shape to a doberman shape. A good bit of the doberman looked femme, with the large hips and big butt, as well as the legs that encouraged a swaying walk. However, there was no mistaking that he was male, not with the massive cock sticking out in front of him, not to mention the balls that would force the robot to be very careful about walking, lest he knee himself in them.

Vassk typed in one more command, sending the memory the instruction to wake up, as he started to shift himself. The reptile disappeared, fading into a small ball of light, and the alien wondered just what shape he should take in order to play with his new little pet...


Nor-Pet woke up with a grunt, going from flat on his back to sitting upright in the space of a second. He panted softly, his tongue sticking out from his mouth as he caught his breath. Sitting up, the action almost caught his cock, almost causing him to lick himself. He should remember that by now, he thought to himself, but didn't pull back.

He looked around, panting softly. Where was Master? Nor-Pet needed to find master, and give him the service that he needed. That was Nor-Pet's purpose.

A footstep made Nor-Pet whip his head around, and he came face to balls. The smell...his sensitive nose filled with the smell of master's musk.

Nor-Pet the doberman looked up, his eyes crossing momentarily at the master's cock, and a grin spread across his face as the master looked down at him. Kind, eager golden eyes looked into his, and his smile got even bigger as the Master smiled back at him.

With a mane of golden hair around his face, the kinkajou had all the muscles of a bear and all the grace of a monkey. And had the cock of a god, Nor-Pet thought. He pulled back a bit, kissing the tip before looking up at the master. "May Nor-Pet please master?" he asked.

"You may."

With a moan, Nor-Pet leaned forward, shoving that cock deep into his throat. He shuddered softly, his memory telling him that he'd done this so many times...that this was his purpose...Facts, numbers, memories...Made sense...didn't make sense...

But buried under Master's cock...

The End

Writing Stream 6: Wheel of Fetish 2

**Digimon: Digital Masters** **For Fang** Fang didn't quite know how he got into this situation; one minute he was wandering through the strange, bright Digi-World that he'd been shoved into, and the next, he had found himself in this dark,...

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Duties of a Micro Servant 2

**Duties of a Micro Servant 2** **By Draconicon, For Xalex** Musk, sweat, and darkness were the three things that made up the majority of Alex's world of late. Ever since Olag had pushed him to admit his own fetish, his servitude to the bear...

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The Monk's Changeling

**The Monk's Changeling** **For Lordrevan/Burmecianblue** This world was the last one that the raven had expected to visit. He was used to the world of temples and shrines, of the rolling hills and the shifting borders that formed his homeland....

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